iatp itn 21

Post on 18-Feb-2016






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E: iatp@live.co.uk E: christine@iatp.org.uk W: www.iatp.org.uk 0800 211 8498FIND US


Demonstrating Auditing and Regulatory Requirements for

Independent Asbestos Training ProvidersIndependent


Training Providers

Independent Training News (ITN)

We Have Moved! Unit 5A, Chelston Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ

ITN Issue 21is sponsored by

Carney Consultancy Limited

Successive Governments have seen the issue of asbestos in schools “to big to handle.”

A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health has exposed the level of danger from asbestos in Britain’s schools. The report “Asbestos in Schools - The Need for Action” highlights the case for urgent action. It not only outlines the problem but makes six clear and simple recommendations about how we can prevent future exposure in our schools.

In launching the report, Jim Sheridan MP, Chair of the All-Party Group said “This is a national scandal. Urgent action is needed to prevent more pupils, teachers and other sta� being exposed to this deadly killer dust. We need both far greater awareness of the risks that this material poses and a programme for its phased removal.”

The report concludes that “It is clear that, at present, there are serious de�ciencies in the way that asbestos is managed in schools. In part this is because a number of di�erent government departments are responsible for the issue, not all of which come under the remit of occupational safety in respect of workers. There is also a view that successive governments have seen the issue as ’too big to handle‘. The longer the issue remains unaddressed the more people will be exposed. The long term cost to the state will continue to grow and the bill will have to be picked up by future generations, just as we are now seeing the cost of what happened in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. There is a need for both greater coordination of work in this area, but more importantly a long-term strategy that is aimed at eradicating the problem once and for all.”

The All-Party Group recommends that:• “The Government should set a programme for the phased removal of asbestos from all schools, with priority being given to those schools where the asbestos is considered to be most dangerous or damaged.• Standards in asbestos training should be set and the training should be mandatory. The training should be properly funded.• It is recommended that the DfE and HSE jointly develop asbestos guidance speci�cally for schools and that current standards be reviewed.• A policy of openness should be adopted. Parents, teachers and support sta� should be annually updated on the presence of asbestos in their schools and the measures that are being taken to manage it. • Pro-active inspections to determine the standards of asbestos management should be reinstated, with a view to reducing future costs. • Data should be collected centrally on the extent, type and condition of asbestos in schools and this becomes an integral part of the data collection of the condition of the nation’s schools.”On 7th February, a few days after the release of the report, a debate was held in the House of Commons on asbestos in schools. Ian Lavery MP led the debate and he emphasised that all political parties should work together to solve this very serious issue and asked the Government to adopt the six key points. MPs from all parties spoke in support of the proposals and called for openness. Jim Shannon MP informed MPs of the policy in Northern Ireland and said “In 2004, the Northern Ireland Assembly took a decision to undertake asbestos tests in all schools and to

have it removed, and such decisions have been taken in other regions of the UK. Does that not reinforce his point that it is now up to England to follow suit?”The Minister of State for Schools, Nick Gibb MP, responded on behalf of the Government and reiterated their policy “The Health and Safety Executive advice is clear. If asbestos is in good condition and not disturbed or damaged, it is safer to leave and manage it in place than to remove it. In the view of the HSE, removing it would involve a far greater risk to school children, sta� and contractors than managing it until the eventual demolition of the building.”

An editorial in the teachers’ journal SecEd summed up the Government’s justi�cation for leaving asbestos in schools by saying “For “safer”, you should read “cheaper”. It is as simple and cold-hearted as that.”A Ministerial brie�ng before a meeting with the General Secretary of the NUT, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, shows that the publicly stated policy is somewhat at odds with the actuality. The brie�ng states: “HSE consider it safe to reoccupy buildings after asbestos has been properly removed (although monitoring is needed). I suggest therefore, we do not raise this issue tomorrow.”Editorial Contributed by Michael Lees(AiS)22nd February 2012

Parliamentary debate:http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201212/cmhansrd/cm120207/debtext/120207-0004.htm

All Party Parliamentary Group Booklet:http://www.asbestosexposureschools.co.uk/pdfnewslinks/APPG%20report%202012.pdf

Sec Ed editorial:http://www.sec-ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/go.pl/article/article.html?uid=89536;category_uid=115;section=Opinion

Further information:www.asbestosexposureschools.co.uk

E: iatp@live.co.uk E: christine@iatp.org.uk W: www.iatp.org.uk 0800 211 8498FIND US


Demonstrating Auditing and Regulatory Requirements for

Independent Asbestos Training ProvidersIndependent


Training Providers

Independent Training News (ITN)

We Have Moved! Unit 5A, Chelston Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ

ITN Issue 21is sponsored by

Carney Consultancy Limited

Turin: The Largest Asbestos Trial Ever

Monday 13th, February 2012. The Eternit trial and verdict: the essence.

A verdict of historic importanceStephan Schmidheiny (65) used to be the owner of the Swiss-Belgian industrial group Eternit (ETEX), which was in turn a major shareholder of the Italian subsidiary of Eternit between 1976 and 1986. The Belgian Baron Jean-Louis de Cartier de Marchienne (90) was a director and minority shareholder of Eternit Italy. Today, they were both sentenced to 16 years prison by an Italian court in Turin. The verdicts are not e�ective until �nal, meaning the defendants have the right to go to a Court of Appeal and to the Supreme Court before they must undergo their verdicts. This could take many years and is, I suspect, the most likely outcome to happen, considering Eternit’s usual game of denial and delay.The public prosecutor, Mr. Guariniello, had demanded twenty years in jail for both men, for ‘causing a continuing disaster in health and environment’ and for willfully neglecting safety regulations in the workplace. He is to be admired for being the �rst public prosecutor in Europe, perhaps even in the world, to undertake such an important prosecution – and of such breath-taking scale. Even today, this massive scale was re�ected in the attendance of over two thousand asbestos victims and representatives of reputedly more than sixty asbestos victims associations – all packed together like sardines in four court rooms of the enormous Palace of Justice.

Responsible for the death of 3,000 Italians and counting..After an initial investigation that began in 1999, the Public Prosecutor’s O�ce concluded that Schmidheiny and De Cartier were responsible for the management of Eternit Italy. The trial began o�cially by December 2009; during the countless court sessions, the two accused have never appeared in person even once. They have always been represented by their lawyers – at my last count in Turin, no less than 24 for them both. While the public prosecutors’ aim was to prove personal responsibility, criminal negligence and early knowledge of the health dangers of asbestos, the defendants main defence was to deny being in a responsible position. One of their lawyers even made a last stand today, likening the criminal proceedings to Nazi Germany and considering that the criminal legislation applied was conceived or comparable to ‘destroy the enemy and which justi�es Guantanamo.’The baron and the billionaire are held responsible for the death of approx. 3,000 people in Italy, including employees, their family members and persons in the vicinity of the four locations of Eternit Italy. They will have to pay millions of euros in damages to the claimants – over 6,000 – who joined the criminal trial as civil parties. The claimants include victims and their heirs, local governments, trade unions and insurers amongst many.It must not be forgotten that the toll of 3,000 victims is nowhere near �nished, but will continue for many decades to come, owing to the wide distribution of asbestos by the defendants.

DamagesThe Criminal Division of the Court awarded 25 million Euros to the municipality of Casale Monferatto, where asbestos was mined in the local mountains and transported by open rail lorries through the town to the local asbestos factory. The municipality of Cavagnolo, another Eternit site, was awarded 4 million Euros, while the region of Piemonte was awarded 20 million Euros for the clean-up of the roads and countryside. Inail, an insurance �rm specialising in

occupational liability, was awarded 15 million Euros.The defendants are also sentenced to paying 70,000 to 100,000 Euros to each of eight associations, including several trade unions and the WWF. The victims and their families are entitled to compensations ranging between 30,000 and 35,000 Euros – for European standards, that is not particularly much, but cumulatively still amounting to a massive 95 million Euros just for them.

International ImportanceMuch of the trial’s success must be attributed to the persistent e�orts of Mr. Guariniello, who invested over a decade of his life into this trial. Still, an important factor has also been the unprecedented way in which asbestos specialists – notably Barry Castleman – and asbestos lawyers from all over the world shared crucial evidence with the prosecutor, thereby enabling him to bring Eternit inescapably to justice. Working together in this fashion has done much to make the international asbestos community closer and stronger. Sharing evidence has had another bene�cial e�ect: it will allow asbestos victims worldwide to gain access to evidence that was previously unknown or unavailable to them, strengthening their civil cases against Eternit in the dozens of countries where it is located.Also, public prosecutors in other countries may study the Turin trial as a precedent for bringing their own criminal trials against directors of national Eternit subsidiaries. In Belgium, for instance, Eric Jonckheere recently won a civil case against the Eternit factory in Kapelle-op-den-Bos, which is widely contaminated with asbestos waste from the Eternit factory. In his court case, much evidence came to light which, in combination with the Turin evidence, should spur Belgian public prosecutors into action: to make the Belgian directors responsible for their criminal neglect of public and environmental health and to make Eternit Belgium pay for the enormous costs of cleaning the countryside of its waste material. Health insurers and local municipalities should also not have to look far for incentive to join such trials as civil parties.In The Netherlands, much the same could apply to the directors of the Eternit factory in (formerly named) Goor, where the roads, ditches, farm yards and nature are also contaminated with asbestos waste from the Eternit factory. It is well documented how the Eternit factory actively encouraged locals to collect asbestos waste material for private purposes, knowing all the while of its health dangers but neglecting to inform them of this. The necessary environmental clean-up will take decades at huge costs borne by the taxpayer – this state of a�airs can hardly be justi�ed if criminal negligence can be proven. For if anything, Eternit (ETEX) is hardly short of funds.Nearly every country in the world has its Casale Monferrato, its Kapelle-op-den-Bos and its Goor – and the occupational, home exposure and environmental victims that go with it. Now it’s time for more Guariniello’s to stand up – and be assisted by the global asbestos victims’ community.

Source: Yvonne Waterman, Sc.D. LL.M., GBAN Charter Member, The Netherlands.14/02/2012 http://www.gban.net/2012/02/14/turin-the-largest-asbestos-trial-ever/

E: iatp@live.co.uk E: christine@iatp.org.uk W: www.iatp.org.uk 0800 211 8498FIND US


Demonstrating Auditing and Regulatory Requirements for

Independent Asbestos Training ProvidersIndependent


Training Providers

Independent Training News (ITN)

We Have Moved! Unit 5A, Chelston Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ

ITN Issue 21is sponsored by

Carney Consultancy Limited

IATP’s Chosen Charity for 2012DAST: Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team

IATP is a Not for Pro�t Organisation. IATP is proud to contribute 10% of the surplus 2011 monies to DAST and promote and support the Organisation 2012 as our chosen Charity.

DAST invites you to their “Re�ection and Celebration of Lite and Awareness Event”, an event to remember and re�ects on the lives of all those in Derby and the East Midlands who have lost their lives to Mesothelioma, at the same time raising awareness of the danger of exposure to asbestos.

Wednesday 29th February 2012 at 7pm: DAST will illuminate Derby Cathedral with the names of 100 people who have tragically lost their lives to the dreadful asbestos related cancer-Mesothelioma. At the same time DAST wish to send out the message that all asbestos is dangerous.

The projection will be switched on at 7pm, after which the Cathedral will host short speeches and remembrance prayers followed by tea, co�ee and a bu�et.

The Cathedral will be illuminated with the message and names for 7 days.

IATP Members are able to nominate their chosen charity for 2013 and Charities are able to nominate themselves, the criteria will be available to download from the website from April 2012.

For further information regarding DAST and media coverage or attendance information please contact:

Joanna GordonT: 01246 380415E: mail@asbestossupport.co.uk W: http://www.asbestossupport.co.uk/


The Mission: of the Independent Asbestos Training Providers (IATP) is to provide a voice and platform for its members built on mutual respect and support. The Purpose: providing a bridge between members, industry and governing bodies and to be seen as a “fair trader” in the asbestos training sector.The Business: member driven community of asbestos training providers who share a common goal of delivering a�ordable training coupled with a collective conscience and moral business ethic.The Values: IATP seeks to promote con�dence and respect for all members within the asbestos training industry by o�ering a transparent and non-intrusive service, coupled with an ethical and honest forum for discussion and debate. The Group actively operates within a core ethos of raising awareness and promoting the prevention of asbestos related disease through its support of global charities and organisations.

IATP our belief in the impact of Knowledge

To join the growing community at IATP mail christine@iapt.org.uk



Training Providers

E: iatp@live.co.uk E: christine@iatp.org.uk W: www.iatp.org.uk 0800 211 8498FIND US


Demonstrating Auditing and Regulatory Requirements for

Independent Asbestos Training ProvidersIndependent


Training Providers

Independent Training News (ITN)

We Have Moved! Unit 5A, Chelston Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ

ITN Issue 21is sponsored by

Carney Consultancy Limited

ADAO 8th Global Asbestos Awareness Week

Across the Globe Organisations, Individuals and Counties are uniting and campaigning for change and an end of asbestos mining, export and use of in products. There is a need for education for the workers, the homeowners and people in general. In Partnership with ADAO, IATP is proud to be contributing to the 8th Global Asbestos Awareness Conference as a Key Speaker. Asbestos is not just a UK problem it is a Global problem. It isn’t just a state / government responsibility it is our responsibility to educate and equip our future generations and workers and public with the knowledge and skills they require to protect themselves and their families from the “Hidden Killer” Asbestos.

Across the UK the media is reporting higher than expected death rate statistics from asbestos related diseases and Mesothelioma. Across the world the death rate continues to grow. There is no SAFE level of asbestos exposure, the only solution is to avoid exposure, end the mining and export of asbestos for use in products and educate our future generations.“Together Change is Possible”http://www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org/adao-conferencehttp://www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org/

Manage Buildings? Then you must manage the asbestos. Duty to Manage. HSE Step by Step Guide http://www.hse.gov.uk/asbestos/managing/index.htm

HSE Hidden Killer Campaign http://www.hse.gov.uk/asbestos/hiddenkiller/index.htm

Are you ready for the changes to the asbestos regulations CD237 http://www.hse.gov.uk/consult/condocs/cd237.htm

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) Change – 6 April 2012

From 6 April 2012, subject to Parliamentary approval, RIDDOR’s over three day injury reporting requirement will change. From then the trigger point will increase from over three days’ to over seven days’ incapacitation (not counting the day on which the accident happened).Incapacitation means that the worker is absent or is unable to do work that they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work. Employers and others with responsibilities under RIDDOR must still keep a record of all over three day injuries – if the employer has to keep an accident book, then this record will be enough.The deadline by which the over seven day injury must be reported will increase to 15 days from the day of the accident.New guidance that explains the change is available to download from the HSE website: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg453.pdfSource HSE http://news.hse.gov.uk/lau/2012/01/20/reporting-of-injuries-diseases-and-dangerous-occurrences-regulations-1995-riddor-change-%E2%80%93-6-april-2012/

HSE: An interactive lesson for apprentices about asbestos and its dangers

This 45 minute interactive lesson with supporting activities and materials is aimed primarily at trade’s apprentices in the 16 - 19 age groups, for delivery by college lecturers and other vocational education providers. It is also relevant to, and capable of being delivered by, industry professionals, eg as part of workplace trainingResearch shows that although trades people know that asbestos is harmful to health, they believe that it is a historical problem, and so do not take action to protect themselves. This package is designed to raise awareness of apprentices about the risks they face when working with asbestos, providing them with basic guidance about what they need to do.Younger people, if routinely exposed to asbestos �bres over time, are at greater risk of developing disease than older workers. This is due to the latency of the a�ects of asbestos on the body. Providing apprentices with key information at an early stage means they are better equipped to challenge poor work practices and protect themselves.http://www.hse.gov.uk/asbestos/learning-package/index.htm

E: christine@iatp.org.uk W: www.iatp.org.uk T: 0800 211 8498

E: iatp@live.co.uk E: christine@iatp.org.uk W: www.iatp.org.uk 0800 211 8498FIND US


Demonstrating Auditing and Regulatory Requirements for

Independent Asbestos Training ProvidersIndependent


Training Providers

Independent Training News (ITN)

We Have Moved! Unit 5A, Chelston Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ

ITN Issue 21is sponsored by

Carney Consultancy Limited

BECOME A MEMBERTo join the growing community of training providers at IATP simply download the application form http://www.iatp.org.uk/application_form.html Complete and return with your 2012 independant audit and payment. IATP is a refreshingly di�erent and democratic organisation, decisions are made by the training providers listed by voting, 75% takes the decition forward.

IATP weekly updates and relevant informationIATP e-newsletterIATP @ bt trade space http://iatp.bttradespace.comIATP utilizes many types’ web media to further promote IATP and listed Training ProvidersIATP supporting HSE Campaigns and Partnership Meetings http://www.hse.gov.uk/asbestos/hiddenkiller/index.htmIATP Promotion.. The Big Green Book - http://www.biggreenbook.com/index.php?page=171


DISCLAIMERThe Independent Training News is published by IATP. Reproduction of any item may only be undertaken with prior agreement from IATP. Contributions included within the newsletter are at the sole discretion of IATP. Published editorials are the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of IATP

ADVERTISING WITH IATP INDEPENDENT TRAINING NEWSIATP are proud to announce our Sponsorship initiative where our Members Sponsor the newsletter, this issues Sponsor is Carney Consultancy Limited. IATP has also opened a window of opportunity for advertising slots within the newsletter for industry sectors. For further information and a booking form please e-mail

christine@iatp.org.ukTerms and Conditions apply.


15% o� �p3 masks for IATP members

Virtual Assistant 10% discount for IATP members

Discount products for IATP members

I.A.T.P MembersThis months featured Training Provider: Carney Consultancy Limited

Current Members - listed alphabetically

80Twenty Projects LimitedT: 0800 043 8020E: enquiries@8020projects.co.ukW: www.8020projects.co.uk

Award Health and Safety LimitedT: 0845 2573158E: info@awardhealthandsafety.co.ukW: www.awardhealthandsafety.co.uk

aaa training company limitedT: 01787 313137E: aaatrainingcoltd@aol.comW: www.aaa-training.com

AASH Training LimitedT: 0141 771 0402E: aashtraining@btconnect.comW: www.aashtrainingltd.co.uk

ABP Associates LimitedT: 02380 866888E: info@abp.uk.comW: www.abp.uk.com

Amity Insulation Services Limited T: 01865 733733E: tony@amitygroup.co.ukW: www.amitygroup.co.uk

ARL Training Service Limited T: 01233 660066E: mark.button@arlgroup.co.ukW: www.arlgroup.co.uk

ASBESTOS COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICEST: 0800 5677958 E: geo�@asb5.co.ukW: www.asb5.co.uk

Assure TrainingT: 07709 496903E: nick.garland@assurerm.co.ukW: www.assurerm.co.uk

1st Fire Coral LtdT: 01179 140498E: admin@�recoral.co.ukW: www.�recoral.co.uk

ALS Global LtdT: 08003 101 014E: alan@alsgroup.co.ukW:

Asbestos Training SolutionsT: 07527 202 502E: asbestostrainingsolutions@googlemail.com

Adamsons Labratory ServicesT: 01375 673 279E: pbridger@alsltdW: www.alsltd

The Asbestos GroupT: 01527 873 477E: accounts@theasbestosgroup.co.ukW: www.theasbestosgroup.co.uk

AV Asbestos LimitedT: 0845 833 2660E: survey@avasbestos.co.uk W: www.avasbestos.co.uk

ASTRA LimitedT: 0845 689 1407E: info@astraltd.netW: www.astraltd.net

AMS: Asbestos Managment ServicesT: 01670737355E: enquiries@asksma.co.ukW: www.ams-ne.co.uk

All Set Safety Training LimitedT: 07875 427330E: jamie@settleforsafety.co.uk

Carney Consultancy Limited is an independent health and safety consultancy / training provider which was established in 2002. It is a business based in the North East working across Northern England and Scotland. We carry out the role of health and safety advisors to more than 50 companies, many since the company was formed 10 years ago.We are a business that is dedicated to the construction industry with our consultants each having over 20 years’ experience in the sector. We pride ourselves on delivering an a�ordable & professional service which has led to rapid growth in recent years, much of the additional business being via recommenda-tionsLast year we were proud to join IATP and this has helped us to demonstrate our competence in delivering Asbestos Awareness training through the audit process. We deliver courses on a regular basis to construction operatives, supervisors and managers. Other courses delivered by Carney Consultancy Limited include:-• CITB Site Supervisors’ Safety Training Scheme (2 Day SSSTS)• CITB Site Management Safety Training Scheme (5 Day SMSTS)• Manual Handling• Safe Working at Height• Abrasive Wheels• Environmental Awareness• Risk AssessmentWe currently provide Asbestos Awareness training and are looking to partner with another North East �rm to enable us to o�er our Customers additional levels of Asbestos Training. Contact us:Tel: 0191 2802660Email: info@carneyconsultancy.co.ukWebsite: www.carneyconsultancy.co.uk

Bainbridge Asbestos ServicesT: 01604 588547E: info@bainbridgeasbestos.co.ukW:

BRE GroupT: 01923 664829E: AllderS@bre.co.ukW: www.bre.co.uk

Chorus Group LimitedT: 020 8275 0000E: Maurice.burton@chorusgroup.co.ukW: www.chorusgroup.co.uk

cnm training solutions limitedT: 01325 401876E: train@cnmtraining.co.ukW: www.cnmtraining.co.uk

DMW Environmental Safety LimitedT: 01902 791565E: info@dmwsafety.co.ukW: www.dmwsafety.co.uk

Environmental EssentialsT: 0845 4569953E: jriley@environmentalessentials.co.ukW: www.environmentalessentials.co.uk

G & L Consultancy LimitdT: 01823 443898E: mark.skinner@gnl.org.ukW: www.gnl.org.uk

Global Environmental Consultancy LimitedT: 01268 753680E: Jason@gecsafety.com

GMPSSC T:E: brian@gmpssc.co.ukW:

Howard Hughes Solutions LimitedT: 0845 8647322E: chughes@hhsltd.co.ukW: www.hhsltd.co.uk

JB Asbestos Management LimitedT: 01606 841805E: je�@jb-asman.co.ukW: www.jb-asman-training.co.uk

Luton Borough Council (LBC) T: 01582 547069E: jaymes.grendon@luton.gov.uk W: www.luton.gov.uk

NATAST: 08707 511880E: info@natas.co.ukW: www.natas.co.uk

Natas eLearning LtdT: 0870 751 1888E: elearning@natas.co.ukW: www.natas-eLearning.com

Enviro Training Limited T: 07875 302480E: alan.davies@envirotraining.co.ukW: www.envirotraining.co.uk

K S Safety LimitedT: 01501 749 500E: info@ks-safety.comW:www.ks-safety.com

Euro Environmental LtdT: 08707 019 170E: l.hall@euroenvironmental.co.ukW: www.euroenvironmental.co.uk

IASS Independent Asbestos Survey Services T: 07778 505496E: iasssurveys@googlemail.comW: www.iass-asbestos.co.uk

Britannia Safety & TrainingT: 01953 606 100E: prioritysupport@britanniaits.com W: http://www.britanniaits.com/

MacBrac Business Safety T: 01952 446 494E: info@macbrac.comW www.macbrac.com

NIS Training LimitedT: 01912 689 396E: peter.wallace@nistraining.co.ukW: www.nistraining.co.uk

Brian Gill & CoT: 01379 674 273E: briangillco@aol.com

Encompassed LtdT: 01934 853803E: chris@encompassed.co.ukW: www.encompassed.co.uk

One Call TrainingT: 07814 422362E: info@onecalltraininguk.com W: www.onecalltraininguk.com

E-Brit Services LimitedT: 01268 685886E: stewart.powell@ebritservices.co.ukW: www.ebritservices.co.uk

The Health and Safety PeopleT: 08456 122 144E: training@thsp.co.ukW: www.thsp.co.uk

Gully Howard Technical Limited T: 023 9272 8040E: tbishop@gullyhoward.comW: www.gullyhowardtechnical.com

Carney Consultancy LimitedT: 0191 2802660E: info@carneyconsultancy.co.ukW: www.carneyconsultancy.co.uk

DJM TrainingT: 01902 336641E: info@djmtraining.co.ukW: www.djmtraining.co.uk

CWE Asbestos Consultants LimitedT: 07894 739813E: chris@cweasbestosconsultants.co.uk W: http://www.cwegroup.co.uk/

Neil Curry Health, Safety & Environmental T: 07508 038 155E: nlcurry0@googlemail.comW: http://www.hse-consultants.co.uk/

Beaumont (BIACS) Limited T: 0844 372 2826E: info@biacs.co.uk W: http://www.biacs.co.uk

UK Asbestos Specialists LimitedT: 0800 6122035E: info@ukasl.co.ukW: www.ukasl.co.uk

Pattinson Scienti�c Services LimitedT: 0191 2261300E: enquires@pattinsonscienti�c.comW:

Three Spires Safety Limited T: 02476 712244E: rob@threespires-safety.co.ukW: www.threespires-safety.co.uk

P Brothers LimitedT: 01604 637 288E: normanjb2010@hotmail.co.ukW:

Tony Crowe Health & Safety Consultancy LtdT: 01522 804 747E: tony.crowe@healthandsafetylincs.co.uk

One Stop Asbestos Consultants & Services LimitedT: 0845 833 8156E: admin@onestopasbestos.com W: www.onestopasbestos.com

Pelham Safety Services Ltd (logo attached)T: 01474 537 496E: damon.rowley@pelham-safety.co.uk

SAFE Training T: 0845 519 5250E: info@safe-training.org W: www.safe-training.org

Quality Safety Training LimitedT: 01626 366 076E: info@qualitysafetytraining.co.ukW: www.qualitysafetytraining.co.uk

QHS Solutions LimitedT: 01282 839 103E: s.odonNell@qhs-solutions.comW: www.qhsolutions.com

PETROC CollegeT: 01271 338 108E: ndenton@petroc.ac.ukW: www.petroc.ac.uk

Training and Testing Services T: 01423 550 751E: info@trainingandtestingservices.co.ukW: www.trainingandtestingservices.co.uk

Virtual CollegeT: 01943 605 976E: sophie.mason@virtual-college.co.ukW: www.virtual-college.co.uk

Turner Safety Solutions LimitedT: 07768 730363E: paul@turnersafety.netW: www.turnersafety.net

Theseus Safety Training LimitedTel: 01782 770999E: info@theseussafetytrainingltd.co.ukW: www.theseussafetytrainingltd.co.uk

TASC2Tel: 0800 781 2381E: ray@tasc2.comW: www.tasc2.com

STV Building Services LimitedT: 01708 457842E: Paul.Bridger@stv-ltd.co.ukW: www.std-ltd.co.uk

Priority RiskT: 0208 651 0291E: help@priorityrisk.co.ukW: www.priorityrisk.co.uk

Safety Management Services (IoM) LtdTel: 01624 825481E: neil.curphy@sms.co.im

South Wales Safety Consultancy LtdT: 02920 628 763E: mail@swsconsultancy.comW: www.swsconsultancy.com

PK Consulting LimitedT: 0191 3712 024E: je�@pandkconsultants.co.uk

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