i’m grateful that you are here. · • your brand message is clear and recognizable • your...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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I’m grateful that you are here. I prayed for you.

Tweet this: I’m with @darnyellejervey and she’s #Incredible #GYBTour2017

My Intention for #GYBP2017• Build a long-term relationship with you

• Have fun, laugh and experience GROWTH together

• To create even more amazing success stories than I have already created

• To partner with small business owners and entrepreneurs who are committed to building thriving businesses (w/o compromising or settling on what’s most important

• To show you how to make the most money God wants you to make with the least amount of effort

Understanding the Spiritual Laws of Success

• Success is not the result of hard work or driving ambition

• Once we understand our purpose and learn to live in harmony with spiritual law, abundance will spring forth easily & effortlesslyDeepak Chopra

Your Business SHOULD Serve YOU

Your Business Journey Should be

When you think about Growing Your Business, what do you think?

Regardless of the meaning, the only way to GROW is through


and Confidence

Business Growth


Consistent Brand



Positioningand Profit




Most Businesses Are Not Positioned for GROWTH

• If you’re messaging is missing the mark and it’s messing with your money

• If your revenues have been the same or declining in the last 2-3 years

• If you are doing a lot of marketing everywhere and it’s not translating into ideal paying clients who can’t get enough of your good stuff

• If you don’t have systems in place that make your success predictable

• If you’re struggling with FEARs and doubts that keep you from making the P & P shift*

Growing your business {and life} is CLOSER than you think

If you want to build a business that serves you, you need a SHIFT

Key Foundational Principles

Universal Law of Business

“Get found by a group of people [Audience of One®] who have THE

EXACT problem that you solve that are ready RIGHT NOW to pay for a

solution to that problem.”

Your Business SHOULD Serve YOU

You’re here because you feel like you’re

about to drop off into the darkness.

Before you drop, let’s help you to find

something solid to stand on….

Shall We Grow Your Business?



Your business doesn’t serve you

With all the noise in the marketplace, it’s been hard

to get crystal clear about how you’ll rise above the noise

It’s because you can’t pinpoint what you are willing to let go

of to get what you REALLY want

Every time you take a step forward, FEAR drags you two steps


As a result, you’re not earning the kind of money

you deserve…It’s locked in your business

You’re not working smarter, you’re working harder

Fear is keeping you from the business you CRAVE

You’ve been sharing your Incredible Factor for


Your business strategy is like a box of chocolates.

You’re creating great products and services but…

no one or not enough people are buying

You’re throwing strategies against the wall hoping they


And…they’re not sticking

So….you’re not making enough of an impact

While you’re here

You’ll learn what it takes to grow your business

“When you’re interested, you do what is convenient; when you’re committed you do

whatever it takes.”~John Assaraf

Imagine your business like this….• You are in alignment

• Your business serves you

• Your brand message is clear and recognizable

• Your marketing sequences are reaching your ideal clients in various ways and they are taking action to meet you

• 5 new ideal prospects contact you each week

• They’re ready to hire you right now

• You don’t have to convince them of your value

• You have more money than month because you are charging what you deserve for the value you add

• You confidently trust and believe that your business will continue to change lives

Why it’s just your Imagination….

1. You lack clarity– You’re vacillating on your ideal client

– Your marketing message is unclear

– You appear to be like every other ___________

– You won’t decide to do what makes you uncomfortable today but will ensure your success tomorrow

Why it’s just your Imagination….

2. Fear is running your business– Instead of confidently positioning yourself, you let fear

convince you that you’re better off playing small

– Fear has a corner office and is the first name in the company directory

– You’re not “playing big” because you are afraid of what might not happen

Is the 7 year old version of yourself running your business?

Why it’s just your Imagination….

3. You’re not profitable– You’re not convinced you’re worth it

– You don’t charge more than it costs

– You don’t know your numbers and what they mean

Why it’s just your Imagination….

4. You lack systems– You’re very inconsistent

– You spend your time generating awareness not revenue

– You’re busy but not moving the needle in your business

– You have no systematic approach to getting found by your ideal clients

– You don’t have the 7 systems operating in your business which means you aren’t making success predictable

Why it’s just your Imagination….

5. Your expectation is low– You haven’t fired fear and hired God

– You don’t believe that your best business is ahead of you

– You struggle to hold fast to the belief that you are the best who ever did it

– You expect to be turned down, passed over and under paid for the service you render

But that is ALL about to change….

Now, let’s get started….

Mindsets of Advancing Entrepreneurs

Your Advancing Mindset

The Secret to Growing Your Business

The 95/5 Mindset Rule

Your Mindset = Your Reality

Thoughts=Feelings/Beliefs=Actions & Affect Results


BeliefActions Results

How Do You Feel?From Ask and It Is Given by Esther

& Jerry Hicks

1. Joy, Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Faith and Trust

2. Passion

3. Enthusiasm, eagerness, Happiness

4. Positive Expectation/Belief, Certainty

5. Optimism

6. Hopefulness

7. Contentment

8. Boredom

9. Pessimism

10. Frustration, Irritation, Impatience

11. Overwhelm

12. Disappointment

13. Doubt

14. Worry

15. Blame

16. Discouragement

17. Anger

18. Revenge

19. Hatred/Rage

20. Jealousy

21. Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness

22. Resentment/Judgment

23. Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, Powerlessness


Passion 1

Passion 3

Passion 2

Your big WHY

Top 5 Mindsets to Grow Your Business

• I am worth it

• I am the best who ever did it

• Building a purpose based business is not an option, it is mandatory so that others can experience transformation through me

• Fear is not the CEO of my business!

• I hold the Power of the Story

An Advancing Mindset is

• The difference between strive and thrive

• The difference between feast and famine

• The difference between mission and obligation

You Can’t Grow Your Business until you Generate Clarity

Generate Clarity About…

• Your Brand Message – How you will get known and for what?

• Your Marketing– how you will get your message to the masses?

• Your Sales– How you will close clients and achieve your financial reward?

• Your Operations– how will you create systems to work smarter and not


• Your Talent– Who will help you to expand your brand?

Clarity Exercise

When you are clear, optimization comes within reach

Leveraging the Five Pillars of Business Optimization TM

Pillar One

If you’re not serving the clients you want to serve, it’s something you’re saying or not saying in your marketing message

A SPICETM Problem is…Specific & SubstantivePervasive & PersistentImmediate & InsurmountableClear & Conscious Expensive & Expansive







Share With Your Neighbor

• What’s your S.P.I.C.E. Problem?

• Which motivator will you highlight with your messaging?

Pillar Two

There’s a lot of noise out there…

• 294 billion emails are sent

• 2 million blog posts are written

• 864,000 hours of video are uploaded… to YouTube alone

• 48 million Google searches are conducted

• 2.4 million tweets are posted

• 16.4 million pieces of content are shared on Facebook

*Digital Buzz Blog

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Marketing Streams• Word of Mouth & Referrals

• Speaking

• Media and Public Relations

• Direct Mail

• Focused Networking

• Drive by Marketing

• Live Events

• Chambers/Associations

• Brand Ambassadors (paid or unpaid)

• Flyers and Promotional Materials

• Sponsoring

• Exhibiting

• Writing a Book

• Phone calls – Warm or call

• RFP Process

• Online Directories

• SEO and Website

• Automated Marketing

• Internet Marketing

• Social Media

• Education Based (webinars/teleseminars)

• Video

• Top of Mind Marketing

• Articles and Blogging

• Podcasts/ Blog Talk Radio

• Referral Marketing

• Advertising

• Affiliate/Joint Venture Marketing

• Free Offers/Samples

• Client Success Stories & Case Studies

• Surveys and PollsGreen = offline, black= online, red= both,

Do you want to generate awareness or revenue?


Pillar Three

Offerings, Pricing and Sales Process

What fear is holding you captive and preventing you from giving yourself

permission to thrive?

Shift Your Money Consciousness

The Imposter Syndrome

Never forget If you don’t believe you deserve it, you’ll never earn it

Your Relationship with Money

• Describe what your relationship with money has been like

• Describe your relationship with the person you love and who loves you the most

• What would happen if your relationship with money was like that?

Make the SHIFT

• Strengthen Your Relationship with Money (Make Money Your Honey)

• Clarify Your Financial Goals

• Know Your Numbers

• Charge What You Deserve (what you must based on the numbers)

Profits are accelerated by gratitude, joy, abundance, faith, appreciation and trust –

the highest emotions and feelings.


BeliefsActions Results

What would happen if you consistently expressed gratitude, appreciation, faith,

joy and trust for the money in your life and business?

“The person who doesn’t desire to

live more abundantly is uncommon; and the individual who doesn’t

desire to have money enough to buy all he wants may not be living to his

full potential.”

-Wallace Wattles

When it comes to setting your rates, there is a lot to consider.

The Pricing Formula that DOES NOT Position Your Business for Profit:

Direct Costs + G & A Costs + Overhead = Price

The Pricing Formula that Positions Your Business for Profit (Active Offerings):

Direct Costs + G & A Costs + Overhead + Base Earning Target (* # of hours active

time) + Profit % = Price

Pillar Four

Systems Make Success Predictable& Businesses Profitable

The 7 Systems That Will Optimize Your Business for

Maximum Profitability

1. Operational

Your Operational Manual is the OVERALL Management Tool for the day to day of

your business

2. Financial

How you manage the monies in your business

3. Legal

Management of the legal functions in your business

4. Sales

How you keep and manage your sales pipeline and cycles

5. Marketing

How you get FOUND by your ideal clients early and often

6. Client

How you manage your clients from beginning to end

7. Talent

How you build your team to expand your brand

Pillar Five

Team Management (Org Chart)



Sales Team Talent Team Operations Team

Director of Operations


Your Teams Breakdown


Sales Manager

Inside Sales Rep

Outside Sales Rep

Account Executive



Copy Writers




Customer Service



Project Management

Leveraging the Five Pillars is the key to bridging the gap between strive and thrive

It’s not enough to have the formula…


and Confidence

Grow Your Business


Consistent Brand



Positioningand Profit

Systems =

That Formula is without THIS Formula

You are the mirror of the amount of GRACE that exists in your life… what you

put out, you get back.


STEP 1: Clarify Your Vision

STEP 2: Shift and Master Your Mindset

STEP 3: Leverage the 5 Pillars

Your Business SHOULD Serve YOU

Can you see yourself in one of these makeovers?

During the makeovers, what we saw was clarity AND a little fear of GROWING into

the best version of yourself….

Who would you become if you were to UNLEASH your Incredible Factor?

Whenever ANYONE is presented with an opportunity to make a CHANGE and

achieve what they have been CRAVING, FEAR pops up….

“When a (wo)man’s mind is confused by FEAR, he is in no position to accept an

opportunity.”Raymond Holliwell

Now, I can hear your FEAR Based objections to what it would mean to

truly UNLEASH your Incredible Factor….

I’d like to share the five most common fear based blocks to UNLEASHING Your

Incredible Factor (courtesy of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs)

Grumpy – “I prefer to be by myself. I don’t need any help.” This is about Isolation which means “I seek out loneliness and take in only negativity.” When you are fearful, you withdraw.

Snow White – “I am a beautiful creature with unique needs. I am special and no amount of business advice can change that.” This is about Separation. When you are afraid, you assume that no one understands you nor can they help you.

Doc – “I have done the work, gotten the credentials…I have built it, they should come.” This is about Entitlement. When you are fearful, you rest on your credentials and

let your ego run the show.

Sleepy – You are falling asleep to the possibilities that exist in your business – you believe that you are no good at this business building stuff and you should just leave well enough alone. This is about Defeat and Resignation. When you feel fear, you focus on past mistakes or the uncertainty of the


Bashful – this is the “who do I think I am to want more, or to do more, to charge what I’m worth or to stand out from the crowd?” This is about Self Assassination and you think that by hiding your gifts you’re being humble.

They all boil down to one thing…


• Fear of asking for help or being vulnerable

• Fear of taking a real chance on yourself

• Fear of taking true responsibility for your results

• Fear of success or failure

• Fear of criticism or getting too big

So how do you break through your fears so that you UNLEASH your

Incredible Factor?

How do you become someone who UNLEASHES ?

• You learn what you need to breakthrough

• “To get through an impossible situation you don’t need the reflexes of a grand prix driver, the muscle of a Hercules or the mind of an Einstein, you simply need to know what to do.” Anthony Greenback

The bottom line, You have two choices:

Learn how to Grow Your Business or keep/get a job!

I recommend you learn how to Grow Your Business

• Leveraged

• Versatile

• Effective

If you don’t understand how to position your business

– you’ll work way too hard, for way too little.

Mastering the Five Pillars of Business Optimization is the ONLY Strategy that

works for Small Business Owners.

There are other ways to grow.

You could spend tons of money and do BRAND Advertising like…

Most small business owners don’t have the money for that.





There’s one COMMON business we are all in together.

Marketing And Sales.

And, remember. It’s not what you’re selling, it’s how you package and

POSITION it…Positioning Leads to Profitability

Tragically, most business owners make learning how to grow their businesses very low on their

priority list.

Instead They say,

“I don’t need to learn HOW to GROW my business. I’ll HIRE someone to GROW it for me.”

So they do.

Then they Pay Mr. or Ms. Marketing Consultant a bunch of money to take over their marketing

And the Marketing Materials come back and they look good…

…or do they?!?!?

They don’t know.

They don’t because they never learned fundamentals of marketing, so they have no choice but to HOPE it works!

This is a very expensive practice.

You must learn HOW to Grow Business.

If you don’t, you’ll never know how to use your marketing to position your business OR how to direct a person to do it for you!

The Truth is…

Unless you learn to position your products and services by selling and marketing effectively – you won’t get to help a

fraction of the people you are meant to help because you won’t be

in business for long.

“If you want to serve, you must learn to position your products and services”

Selling = Service!

Instead of learning how to grow their businesses people choose one other highly technical strategies.

It’s called the H.A.P. method….


Hope and Prayer is not a strategy, we must give God something to bless.

I’m making light of this but I know WAAAY too many entrepreneurs who are struggling and

desperately trying to figure out why their business growth isn’t happening.

They desperately want the FREEDOM that owning their own business can give…but

without mastery, they’ll never find what they’re looking for.

And its tragic because it doesn’t have to be this way.

That’s why I combined my decades of education, all my mentorship, training and experience - and my entire heart and soul

to create a system that works.

It’s called Incredible Factor University




We grow



When people come

into my space,

they make more


97% of the

people who

have a


get results

It’s hard to see

the picture when

you are the


5 Fatal Mistakes

Entrepreneurs Make

• Ineffective transition from start up

to growth

• Lack of mastery on what it takes to

move the needle

• Not knowing the numbers, tracking

KPIs and leveraging the numbers to


• Investing from vantage point not

vision point

And yes, I invest in

myself through coaches.

In fact, I have a team of

coaches, mentors and

consultants who I pay to

position me to grow

How I chose my mentors

• Is the teacher experienced and have

they already done what I desire to


• Is the teacher CURRENTLY doing what

I desire to do?

• Do my values align with the teacher?

• Does the teacher have results?

• What will happen if I don’t take

action NOW?

years trying to build

a solid, thriving

business that offers

spiritual and

financial benefits

when you can access a

system and mentor to

do it in the next 12







You can’t go to

the next level

without up-

leveling your


Incredible Factor

University is your

chance to model my

success and turn

your dreams & vision

into a reality

A business school for

advancing entrepreneurs

who crave systems and

support to experience

financial and spiritual

abundance in their lives

because of their


If you’re ready to

really build a

business that offers

benefits at every

level, you may be

ready for Incredible

Factor University





mentorship and

mastermind for



When 2 or more are

gathered for a

shared purpose,

their results are

doubled, tripled,


An exclusive program

with a strategic

blend of coaching,


mentorship and

masterminding with


If you’ve tried the

rest and are now ready

to join the last

program you’ll ever

need to experience

growth in every facet

of your life.


For you if….• You’re an advancing entrepreneur

• You are ready to make a quantum leap in

your business

• You are making decent money but ready for


• You’re ready for advanced systems

• You’re ready to convert sales in every way

possible to grow your business

• You’re ready to diversify your client mix

• You want to accelerate your speed to

really leap to the multiple six or seven

Strategic Biz


For you if….• You’re not interested in a 12-month


• You want a quick infusion of strategy and

coaching to quicken your pace of growth

• You thrive with a plan to support your

vision and desires for your business

• You want to see growth quickly and sustain

it over time

“When you decide

all of the


conspires to

bring you what

you decided.”


A strategy

without a

system is chaos

Systems make



This system has

helped hundreds

of entrepreneurs

grow their

businesses in

record time

Our clients on

average grow

their businesses

by 50-600% in 12

months or less.

First, we get you

growing, then we get you

profitable. Then we get

your systems in place so

that you enjoy the

journey. That’s why our

clients work with me for

3 + years

Make decisions

based on where you

want to be, not

where you are


Learning how to

build a



business is how

you serve in your


Not learning how to

unleash Your

Incredible Factor

is like telling God

He didn’t need to

create you.

Building a

business is

the vehicle we

use to share

our gifts and

talents with

the world

Messaging is how you get


Marketing is how you get


Sales are how you get


Operations are how you

build a business.

If you don’t

tighten your

message, they

won’t know you


If you don’t get

found, they won’t



If you don’t

master sales

conversations, you

won’t get paid…

If you don’t grow

your business it

can’t serve you

If you don’t get

guidance to

implement what you

are learning, you

will join the 10-12%

who close their

“doors” each year

If you are unwilling

to invest $15 to $55

day to get the

guidance you need in

your business, you’ll

likely be in the same

place next year.

If nothing




Close your eyes as

I paint you a


If there was no

FEAR, you’d know

that you aren’t

facing an

opportunity to up-

level yourself, your

life and your


What would

happen if you

pushed through

your fear?



If you don’t

expand, you


When a (wo)man’s

mind is consumed

by fear, (s)he is

in no position to

accept an

opportunity- Ramon


Don’t let fear

make executive

decisions in

your business

It’s challenging

to position your

business for

growth with out


guidance, support

and accountability

You can’t go to

the next level

without up-

leveling your


If it’s important

to you, you’ll

find a way, if not

you’ll find an




but …not


It’s possible I am NOT

your teacher

But have another plan

to get guidance,


coaching and support

If you’re ready to go

or need to learn more,

join me in the

enrollment centerWe have a special bonus

for those who make a non-

negotiable decision to

enroll in an IFU Program

Are you going to figure

it out on your own or

accelerate your success

by working with me, that

is the question?

If you’re committed,

join me. I don't want to

put my time energy and

expertise into someone

who is a fair weather

business owner

My goal is to make you


Give a person a fish, feed them for a day.

Teach a person to fish, feed them for a


If you’re serious,

not curious…

In CLOSING, I can talk about the money – which will start flowing in when you use what you learn and create at

Incredible Factor University

But there is something deeper you’re saying YES to here!

Helping more people!

Making a bigger positive difference on the planet!

The world needs you to share your Incredible Factorand your light more than ever before.

“When you let your

light shine you

unconsciously give

others permission to

do the same.” Marianne Williamson

There are people WAITING for your exact solution.

You have a duty to position yourself to be found by them!

To do whatever it takes.

Incredible Factor University is about a lot more than just the money you can earn in your business.

It is about fulfilling the reason you were born.

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