ia criteria

Post on 08-Oct-2015






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IA Criteria


Guidance on writing up your investigationCRITERIAMARKBANDSMAIN POINTSHAVE YOU DONE IT? (Tick)

Criterion A Fieldwork Question and Geographic Context (3 marks)400 words

To get 3 marksThe fieldwork question is well focused with a detailed, accurate explanation of the geographic context and is related to the syllabus. A good locational map is presented. State your aim (what is your work trying to prove) Link to syllabus (quote the section from the syallbus) 3 testable and justified hypotheses (why will they help you to answer your research question) Link to your theory (what theory are you basing your work upon) Map your location. Show site locations. Add layers of data/ manipulate the map to make it your own (downloading a google map is NOT enough)

Criterion B Methods of investigation (3 marks)400 words

To get 3 marksThere is a clear description and justification of the method(s) used for information collection. The method(s) used are well suited to the investigation of the fieldwork question.

DESCRIBE the METHODS used to collect data (using annotated visuals to help you) EXPLAIN why this data will help you answer your hypotheses EXPLAIN why you chose this particular method JUSTIFY your SAMPLING technique and sampling sites

Criterion C Quality and treatment of information collected (5 marks)

To get 5 marksThe information collected is directly relevant to the fieldwork question and is sufficient in quantity and quality to allow for indepth analysis. The most appropriate techniques have been used effectively for both the treatment and display of information collected.

Maps and graphs must have titles/ labels/ keys Maps and graphs should be integrated into the ANALYSIS (one hypothesis at a time) You must have at least TWO sophisticated methods e.g. spearman rank, scattergraphs Use LOCATED graphs i.e. graphs on the maps. Aim for 4/5 different types of graphs. There must be a STATISTICAL technique. Highlight any patterns or correlations on your graphs/ annotations are also encouraged.


Criterion D Written analysis (10 marks)1200 words

To get 10 marks9-10 The report reveals a very good level of knowledge and understanding. There is a clear and wellreasoned, detailed analysis of the results with strong references to the fieldwork question, geographic context, information collected and illustrative material. The attempt to explain any anomalies in results is good.

Split your analysis into your 2/3 hypotheses i.e. a separate section of the analysis for each hypothesis. DESCRIBE patterns and trends of each graph and how they link with HYPOTHESES EXPLAIN why these results occur, using theory. Highlight any ANOMALIES. Do they support theory? At the end of each section, accept or reject the hypothesis and link to its relevance in answering the Research Question.

Criterion E Conclusion (2 marks)200 wordsTo get 2 marksThere is a clear conclusion to the fieldwork question, consistent with the analysis. Start by stating clearly whether you have TOTALLY, PARTIALLY, TENTATIVELY answered your research question. Summarise how successful your hypotheses were.

Criterion F

Evaluation(3 marks)300 marksTo get 3 marksMethods of collecting fieldwork information have been evaluated clearly. There are valid and realistic recommendations for improvements or extensions. There may be some suggestions for modifying the fieldwork question. For each method of data collection, explain the strengths and weaknesses. State how useful your data was in answering the Research Question. Suggest areas of improvement. Give at least one alternative hypothesis.


Criterion G

Formal requirements(4 marks)These are:The work is within the 2,500 word limit. Overall presentation is neat and well structured. Pages are numbered. References used for background information follow standard conventions. All illustrative material is numbered, is fully integrated into the body of the report and is not relegated to an appendix.To get 4 marks4 The work is within the 2,500 word limit and meets the other four formal requirements. Number your pages Use referencing for any secondary data you have used. Number each visual Keep to within 2500 words.

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