i retired georgia planter's advice to kidney...

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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PAGE TWO I ••mm lHn i


nescx COUNTY REPUBLICAN CO I Puotieher* of

Th* Essex Ceuaty RseuSllcan Kseeevllle. N. V.

The E m i Cevnty New* Port Manry. N. V.

e^eecrtette* price ttJO p r v**r. Address all Comma* icatlene ta

tit*. N. V.

AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE. the law or tampering with the ecalee The *ignlncaaoe of too coalition of of the blind eyed goddess than haa

the Tammany t a d Progreselve leader* thla same Thaw caae. iu the Legialiture which reeulted l a ' Without money ho would have expl-

C H 0 A 8 STILL REIGNS. (DISADVANTAGE TO RURAL ELEC-! It ia mow eeveral naoatha atacw WU-i TORS.

Uam Sulxer stepped dowa aad oat Oaa of the objection* to the eetab-from hla high o a U l o aa Governor of llabment of the direct nominations

the election of Homer D. Call, Progree- ated hit offense on the electric cha ir , th i s Commonwealth aad It la difficult plan for the nomination of candidate*

w. Harper . Prssleent. OeOreat. aec'y«Treasurer.

Friday. Entered at K**«evtlle, N T..

Classified Adverti*!** Rates For Sale aad Waat ad* Ic


Card* ef are charged fur at the rate of te.

•Mat a* paid for la advene*. Advertlateg rates


aire, as state treasurer beeotnee ap­parent whan one studiea the vote of the State of New York for governor.

By maintaining Progressive party aa a saj>srata entity the present dem­ocratic administration figurv* that It cam be continued indefinitely for It Is: safe to assure that the irreducible minimum of the Democratic vote In the atate ia between eve.*** aad ***.-•SO. la tea years the Democratic vote for Governor has fallen below see.-00a only once. That was In IttS

Retired Georgia Planter's Advice to Kidney Sufferers

i Regarding the wonderful curative mer*j Its of your Swamp-Root, 1 cannot say too much. After suffering severely

mlth eevere

to sea much In the manner of brilliant for state omcea which were rawed by change la conditio** from the time the Republicans ia lSlfi-13 waa, that when the "Ham* Old BUI." aceupled the voter* in rural district* would ha for three years or the people* bouse. Gov! Glynn mads at a physical disadvantage la the ex- 1***" caused by weak kidney*. 1 w i i j

many promiaa. of reforms which to prva^on of their will if It wera In con- S S ^ ^ J ^ M l r w a T t a e ^ nay the least have failed m materia- travaatlon to the will of thoae living tn7ni* epapere. I wa* in n u c h a ^ o u - ' llae and baton* another weeks draw* la the immediate vicinity of their not- ditioa that I was obliged to arise i to a d o e s the iegUUture will have adV ling place*. from my bed six or sight Urn** e v e r y '

when William 8utser the Democratic candidate received S49.S5* and waa law la wrong repeal it. If elected by the diviaion of the RepubU- er la wrong lot him or her

ican vote between Job E. Hedge* the Republican candidate aad Oscar 8 Straus the Progressive candidate.

long ago aad hla name would ha for­gotten while hla crime would prob­ably have only been a memory.

But the manner In which this per son haa been allowed to play with the law aad the court* of aot only eev-eral s late* but the nntion the peat few months ia enough to warrant the op4n> t

ion which many people have of oor' jouraed if tha program arranged is la this stale there are about one •'***: / »***mmm*d s Sfty cant »*ttlc laws, law makars and adminiatrator*. [ carried OUL There have bean tha us> million voters who register paraonnUy ^ H a a ? I p^rehaaad a • o u t d o o r That law abiding people should be in-; ual investigations with their treason* and about five hundred thouaand who bottle and by the time taia was taken'

flueoced to arreat tha application of dous cost*, there have boon removals, l ive ia rural communities whore per- the old pain* had left my hack and I TUBERCULOSIS INFECTIOUS tha mw and make a fare* of tha same jaud upeet* in odece without any smatar- «ou*l reglatratloa i* not required. It *<*ild s leep tha whole night through, i j DECLARES HEALTH O F r i g s n .

thef ia l benaflt apparently being realised, the propoail which Governor Glynn * " * fT11*"1 ^ ^ T a 0 ' •** ' ! U

Tha raorganiratton of tha Deeaoeratlc advocate* he carried and primary day ^ 0 ^ i f f « £ £2*7U.ZTSiOr. B aoe Cruetss Or. Baldwin and Hie ***in*t tha property raai ^4 a m i - - — - — ai of bean ie Coagalin. Ul /0ft 4 J | ^

4 la an *c:kB *^*

ia beyond If

tha the law of n

of grant mtary o n ;

I party ana been entered upon Importance haa bean given branch of the body politic than tha ia- opportunity of tha rural voter la

which are vital to the atate and In 1*04 D. Cady Herrick. tha Dent

la i m , William R. Hearat. the Deni

punishment, but to grant atata tha slay wealth is rntber a poor •be law* aa prepared aad just ice a s . the people aa n whole. Tha jidmlaUtercd. faaUon of tha Democrat* party

linen which would shift from una on* lather with n quee-t dasirahls. Char

ik>veraor again. ji«y Murpny naa oaesi bounced from la a recent aiateaaent given out at 1 the Nation*! UasaocraUc club,

tha executive chaaaher. it ia anaounc j t*jr of tha lenal import anew m H has been glvoa tha

whk I

Kilmer's Swamp- * beat of health aad

and the nret dxy of reg ie tnt ion ahall f«ei hfe* A boy. I am always gLsd to this bo ideattnedabee the dUr^nty in tha reoommand 8wamp»ttuot to thoae who

ShectfT* g a k

By virtae of an executioti lmmi

tha Buprame Court to ti^ 4 ^

THIS MEANS VOU. • g a i n wa are conetraiaed aa tha ex-

temporanaoua orator would proclaim t o nnnonnen that lKtIe atteatlon la paid to anonymous oommuaicatioa* o c r > ( | e € ^ 4 1 4 ^ ^ Cor governor rec*!% Tima nnd sgain hare letter* come to ^ m m ¥ O | 0 # ^ 4 l | J M cmmt | o r

thi* aatca bearing poaaihly parfeclly p ^ w H | — ^ ^ R ^ ^ ^ cm0r

legitimate and authentic lntorsanilon which has had to be turned down and {

cnat into tha proper receptnem. tha ^ ^ ^ rmm^d9Mm f o r governor recwiv •imply bacauaa there ^ ^ j a s v o l # m % 17^37 ^ «hirh mere

of whence It orig- c m s t bj l a # i^^^j^a^^c^ i^^ague to tomt<A J^17HmT Wm* # T 4 d * l l U y b o ^ i 7 i S . n « g caat for Charlea st Hughea ^ %mmt u # Governor haa a new plan)yet eat nnd amcere ia hla or her purpoae. thm R^puulican candidate Hearst'a for p«,vlag coal that wttl aave the which snesmt nil righL had wo deaira to '-fare any owe and had no Intent to» %n l > a | ^ ^ ^ stuyveaant Chaaler. im+ uum iaatltuttoas bought on speel- In all this topay tarvay of alleged re- him. Punharmort*. the nrwt day of re-ptace tha paper in n wrong poaltftan, p ^ a ^ i ^ received TJ^.lh* votea to ncation* making the British thermal form, rapid i w w shifting, without gl*tration c*afiot In* it*»* than twenty-

carried MAKING THE GOVERNOR ftlDICU- hidlcate

LOUS. j term of aoaee to Romebody haa been fooling to* ttoe aa to the

{ley Murphy

parlaon with that of the urban voter will be evra greater, through the arti­ficial »timulu* s iven to the urban vot-«*r to vota at 'the primary.

It i« unquasttouabl la th* public intereat that tha primary ahall be largely attended. But thi* proponed •uggeatlon puta the rural voter at a further disadvantage, he having been

n way called upoa through tha s ta tewide di­rect nomlaatloaa law to *acr!n>e more

are ia naad of i t Sincerely your*.

C. K. CR8RRT. HoweravUle. Ga.

rVraonally appeared before me. this Mb day of Srpteutbf»r. 1 * * . C K l > *sry, . who aubacribed tha above at tie- 'cfcHetiaa Science people picking

t nnd made oath.that the aama ia ^ ^ a m l i w h n . nSdreaa pointed true in aubatanca aad in fact.

T H Mc!*an#. N o u r y Public

Miaquated Speech by Cttrietimt ScigAOt Leadera. i m e * t recovered

Dr. K. R Baldwla of Saramac Lake agninat aaid judgment d^tur *aiaw deiivarad an addreus receaxly an to- \ docketed in tha offke of tn* Caxt d berculoais and the quoting of n certain j tha County of Eeaex. 1 have w-ueia* aection gave a wrung impraaalon that j will offer for a&le at putLc autuai * tuberculoai* la not iafectiou*. The - the hinhaat bidder, on th« 1 say a

p a r r AprlL 1»U. at tea o clock m iasha>

4.«ttsr tc <£». K-lmtr A CO

N. * would have tha over- of hi* t ime than em arbin neighbor in Will Oa For

s tate nuU.eoa by having all coal for J throw of a monarchy in the old world, order to bo on aa **uel footing with

but there you are. T o verify anything: puts

to no end of trouble. an

it to call attention fact that ail j la 1*12. William SuUer. iVmocraL

muat bear the name of the r c c e l w d n*.X>». vote* to 444.10$ for the same This

of the

taat thi*

forwarding that the

correspondent or Informant fmbttehed. but merely aa an evidence e f good faith. No couSdence will be violated by th*e method.

If the writer done not want the name la to say

Sed.u41 for Churles K Hushes. Repub-<*<" .ican.

I In I s ' > John V IHx. I v m o c n a . re-i a c # # ". -e ived *>».70e vote* to *IZJ** for

to thla Impor- 1 | e n | y K S t | m s o a # R^poblican uaicatlooa t o ' lak i a , «

Job C Hedges. Repuhlican. but in that $»3.1ta ere ca*t for Oacar S.

unit the baai* of fiayment. buying s t getting right dowa to bra** tack* is wholesale so that the *tate will get there aot an underlying method which the price beeufft of Urge purchaae*: amo making a scientific *tudy of ffre room methods in order to eerure the greatest poea'bie efficiency and there­by a i v e money

The plan is aa excellent one t *t 1*

nine day* before ejection, owing to the cottetitutlBOfcal provision that a m s a cnuHt t*e a rraideat of *a election di«-tr* t for thirty da? 8 ia order to vote thrretn. I*rimary day h:.« now been

ward* it aa an nrgui losis waa not infection* Dr M. Ittgg* State ComniUioeaer of iU»mHh took isaue with the puhliahad report. He coateadi that tiibercmloaU i* Infectkni* and urge* hoapitnla aad precautionary meaaurea to prevent the ftprend of the dieaaae. He also attack* the Christian &ci*nc* view <vf


ia to be gtmu*. I1Togreasive Taadldxte for gov

would Indicate improvement or the end t*t the chaotic coadlttoa hich haa ex-

The practice of advertising for s 4* utted tor month* when figured oat nat-1 for coal at wholesale ha* been ir vo-. urally lead* to the unary aa to what

} lfcrmocratic standpoiat the ^ 4 over ten year*. These bid* are is intended Expenses do aot appear |Divi*iou in 1*12 was ideal With a opened In April « b e « the price of coal to have been leaaaned. It look* very , vote of nearly 4*».eo* tor a third w lowest for the year. The practice. much a* there waa a strong effort to

for it* foundation *ua§*ly dust throwing in the eye* of the people. All thi* act i t i ty . leading no where. producing no material or laatiag re- set thirty-five days before election suit*, with nothing in view which Thi* proposal would put it twenty-

tt'ae days before electUm. which sou id make the s t i l e campaign not

Prove What Swaovp-Root You.

Bead tea cent* to Dr. Kilmer £ Co. lUtighamtoa, X. Y-. for a sample also hot tie. It will convince anyone. You w II a!*o receive a booklet of valuable t h * subject Information, telling about the kldaeys says: • aad Madder. Whea wrRlng. ** sure * - TuberculoM* is an and mer.toa the R«aex County k t r t » ,

l t l M M I , i < m b l f diaeaae. Ileaa Regular tfty-cent and ou«Mlol. * ^ ~ n u B l c m i i i r • • » « » * lar sLe bottle* for sale at all drug stt»rea

to- noon oi that day at the f u u da*?^ t that tuoerc* the Coaamerciai House m the r j

of Keesevil le . Eeaex < o .i.:?. j ^ , York, all the right, m i e &i.<& u

which aaid Deuai* Cou^hiir. h*4 ^ the second day of Febm<ir in and to all tne follow:!.,, real eatate. vtx

All that certata p e i ^ u: land situate in the to* a

other things f field. Essex County

Front a

New ^ -«rd aa fc41owa. to w:i i.. .•

iafe<tiou* ^nd Uie south ea*t c?orn^r <.* & No aew* s ex now 4 April 1-, 1 » I M ^ . .

empt. aad no one is iammune against , miah Davern. running ; ; . . tuberculosis Infection, but difference* »?xty two chams to i l u ^ , in *uaceptibility exlat at different age* j land, thence north * e \ ^ * The fw^uancy of infection increaaes; ereea weet along Keoiifci ^ L rapidly from the first year uatil at the to the center of the high* ^y

of fifteen perhap* 75 per cent, of the Utmpike. thence tor i . . : r a positive reac- | the center of aaid h i x - * - r

tmn to tuberculin, although only * ; south l ine of a part of ih* : •


more ?baa four week* long Thla might \ Prote^a have been made to the or might not be a good thing 3 ^ * comptroller, by rommlss iooor *** populntion

In former days, before the state j ^ ^ H UeUney. of the State Depart-took over control of political parties M t ^ ^m^^^y ^^ Economy. and made them it* creatnraa. aomina- a^amst the proposed conatruction of tions ware frequently made four or i^r** h ighwiy contracts for which five month before election. The B i ¥ e t ^ # n approved by the State High-crowding of a campaign Into the abort w m y Omuaisalott. aad traaafered to siie*Mrtben*d that tha first Infections space of a saosth may well he viewed l h A «v-««»««ii— •.» i.i- - ^ ^ . ^ . 1 from tubercuioais often occur during

proportion have which can be

other mean*

of detected

"The conviction has been gradually 1

by the t'omntroUar by hla approval.

aa conductive to shortsighted Comi*U**4oner Delaaey a

are directed asainet the ttro|asU Infancy and childhood

bahle that many of t I t pro-

fall far abort appreciation of the

the perpetrating of practical wpon their fri e v e n auppoaat! of the mark of newspaper* rr>*

Ail that aort of stuff la eliminated from a newspaper aa far aa poaeible.

Another thing whkm contributors ahoaid bear ta mind la that In the matter of eadtuary natleea. cUaaifiad

weed all they have to do m to aay pMnf cma<|i<|at* teas than lt^u.uot of <* making the British thermal unit i keep the filma so moving, nnginn la eo. The object of a newapaper la not ? %jmmt v o t € could be traced to the Deav tmm basis of payment waa eatahlmhed so many changes that the people will So provide any one with means of get- ocratlc party. Sutler ran only SO.aou **<„* fire year* ago nnd the eparifi- become *ick of the whole Hag hack at their neighbor or oa a behm^ u t ^ about the same behind tum la to be found ia the annual re- ami in following the wizard like fountain for tha I»T reading of practical Hear»t a a trifle over KJ,eae behind p c ^ of i** riacal Supervhvor of State the real laaue 1* befogged and before Joke* aa the injury of some person or Herricx and a^.wld behtnd Chanler Charitlee for the fiscal year ending the middle of the now* limited five Jadjrmeat on the part of the electorate persona. (who received the largest vote caat for Sept. id . 1S0S. pagee 773-TSt jreel picture ia rearbeol the people _ ^ _ _ _

Ita function la to give the n e w a . ' a Democratic candidate for governor The scientific study of fire room j may forget Just what they sought l atPEACHM£NT ECHO LIKE early, eccwrwt* and h t a J " * * * * " J in thla state in the peat twenty years, w # t h o d e to aecure the greuteat poasi- and what haa been promised them | ^ ^ HEARD ROUND WORLD Buffalo; a road In St. Lawrence county * * * • • » < * • « • • ****** —* **m »" interesting matter. People who think w W l e Hughes m a over 175.0OS behind t»ie emclewcy from the coal consumed j In this the lending character* may between North Lawrence aad Law- **ctlou » h e n the aymptoma ef the die-they have n license to air 9***** the vote tor StUnaon. A third party m t r l l t on for year* during the admin is- ted themaelves mistakew The peo- c ^ , ^ , t o R t r g ^ t h t C ara of Pee- rence villa nnd n road ia Wyoming- « * • • •«wenr a^evancea or use the Mwapnper for o ^ o ^ d r m w f o t t r yf%^m ttom u^ trmtumm a Governor* Higgtea and pie have been arowaed aa never before 0 t h e ^ ^ m 6 %^ %om9t4 * county between the village of Arcade * > know noaiUvely that

Hughe*, la l i e * , at the oSldier* and upon the cocditions exist ing in this Bmm^ 0 m M o n * r . | s a d the county line {childhood Infection may S^Oms- Home at Bath, one of the atate aad they will he kept informed u ^ ^ ^ ^ w m # k o w ^ 3 ^ ^ T n # gjwund for the protest* by the ^Ircumatance* break out mrg^et of «ne state m*tttutioo*. H. H cofjUnuoajUy from a e w on *e that R N # w V o f | | hQW | t cmm p%f |*asaap ^ D e p a r t m e n t of BfBriency aad Kcewo- thua become a doubtful Bender as K*val Suaerriaor by eecur-iwtu lead to owe desired goal which 4 ^ 4 * ^ , ^ r^u^intag from the Suiter » r la that all of these proposal* i a . ; ^ , l ^ * w o r t ^ - ^ tmo • ^ ^ lag the installation of a ayatcm of win mean reform la eft e>manmwata. I m | ^ c h m e u t proceediaga with «3e^SS volve a waste of the highway funds, j * Co*uwderia»- the natural forced draft a o d e - a battery of eight * buslaass l ike admiaiatration of the t m U u available for the purpose. In the s*^tpoo*i* for the St. Law- ^ resistance to iniectioa by adult*. W4ier* at a o M of .Uml $3&1 aaved people . affair* and atteatlon to tha ha- r 4 imptroller Sohmer aad Attorney reace county highway. R m aaserted m"cm nnreaamnnhle wear or Mpwthiase> the atate oa the coal bill of that tnsti- tereata of the atate matter*, nanmty aa Q ^ ^ carmody who are wrestling that the atate highway commiswiower pnohin** haa prevailed m hate year* tutioa alone $:.7aC?S In five m o n t h . ^ aa paaashla the election o( n Re- ^ ^ ^ pw^mhJm to arithmetic wUl haa aot followed the deecription © o a - i I * C M I 1 * t m « r « to * ° Ptwcantioa t o o ! er at the rate of over • > . * * • a year puhjarsa gose inor and n isgrmiaiare of ^ t r Q | f > ^^^1^ jtalnad In the law. m layinsT out thai 'srwat for the protection of the young aa net forth la the anneal resort tor auch prepormersting *Uawhiacaa ma> | ^ ^ l t ¥ t e € y ^ ^^^ i ^ at tbe'fctghsray route. If the coatract M a p - i a » « •Wsewte, thla does wot Santtry that year pagee 2PS& That la only jority that there will he no * east ion »__» w~*_t~ u. 4 « ^ ^ - «^s a-4_vi«*' twwed th*r» wtn w t » « «#•*» wi-^. beaithy a d u l u in exaggerated fears

the pied t y John Davern. there- «•* by i aloag a fence the south : :> a!

) Davern farm about four r<^ ant liaka to the

Davern farm, th l iae to the

. :. ef north &*aef th 1:^ *f

hX. ll-:,r* of 6^.1


ads. auch aa tor ansa, to l a c card* of thaaka, aad t h e lake accompanied by the cash to pay the name, la the form of e r postal order ar

Obituaries are figured at tha rate of five centa per tme. and

publican candidates to one vote from Democratic candidates was the moat valuable asset that the Democratic party could have. With auch a party la good woTsJaa order the Democratic party • control of the state could be extended Indefinitely. The one thing cecesaary for the Democrats to do

to keep the Pmgresalve party's ixatioa ia good working order.

Call aa atate rote of the

t** The election of H by the

to construct a State highway la Rocklaad ° » tJkm e*aeaae la adult life have car- lot t o the peace e f heginnii c oeam county, running between Hiliburn aad *** *» l a t e a t W ^ 1 ^ » • « chi ldVing aereaty^our ajsd one hxif xcsad

subject to U S sadh

I from Aathoay Blaachard u the first

auch! Dates! March 4th, 1914 A Knowltor

o f Essex Bj John A. Bishop, h ^ Kearny

T. Hewitt . Attorney for Jwdgtneat

Creemor. KeeaevftK N V M-14-7t Advt.

Democratic and Progresalve mem hem ^^^ ^ many of the Legtalature, requiring Democratic vote In that body to ooenptish I t waa only one of many t a # Gkyveroor* autmdmate* have latancea of DetnocrmUc effort to keep taking advantsae ef hla ignoraace

that might be of the safe gwardlag ef the peoples beat hotels

a t e d It 1 unite evident that aome of

rights aad the State s mile


a d s at one cent per ward or figure t b e Progressive party organixatlon in departmeatnl detail with the result hot the charge for one insertion is aot working order, but It was a very coo- «--wi r | f aim ridiculous lea* than 25 cents. aptcuoua o n e aad eerved to g ive the _ _ _ _ _

— — — — — {people of tbe state more ealigbtment

u > r « aaore men to n*wt°« the aubject than they ever had ro­

iling at the expense ef the Bt i te ways at a distance of one-half bly maaagers. together with n n a n . for a distance of M S aad counsel for the prone- which come together at i*WT*ncwvit*e.

USELESS. EXPENSIVE AND A JOKE t W rsa up a hiR of f .see The ° * ' «•*« - * . - t^mtt _# » - - — >«. U H L ^ A I * i^rr • • • t i i r-w* t h l a In h a l f , l a

t h e for their s e a safety, la view wide distribotioa of

lack of sdeuwatr mean* for If the U w deflnias: route 12 be foe «ntlon, aaaae e«poawre t o lafectSon Is

lowed, according to Commialoner De- ersctical ly unavoidable haTorts

It seema to trol the Mexican border to perform aathlnc than it did to Invade Cuba.

—Spring comes in tomorrow. It a tremendous task before it to drive away the effects of the k m * hard

With two parties existing, neither of them credited, yet diplomatic rela­tions sre maintained and tbe negotia­t ion* carried on with the Mexican gov* e m men t a.

'celved theretofore.

I Keeping a third party alive for the discomfiture of the Republicaa party

waa the faTorlte strategem of Darld B. ^ , ^ ^ 7 o f ^ ^ a t u r y Hill. The Prohibition party attained a position of importance in politics in the state during the administration of Governor Hill. In 1*ftS. Hill defeated Ira Davenport by 15.000 as a result of the Prohibition candidate polling 30.-" t t aad in 1&M. Hill defeated Warner Miller by 19 000 the Prohibition candi­date for Governor again rolling 2*>>>& •otc*. It nevt-r was claimed that many of tbe prohibition votes came from the Democratic party.

The chief dancer to the success of the present Tammany-Frcgressfve Al-

Tbe three com mac 1 men t» of the telephone g i r l are "Be Quick.- - B e Accurate." "Be Courteoua.* and tt m s y be aaid that to only one of those, the 1 i j l l | r ^ i g t h m t t n e ^^ m 4 fll€ ^ t b #

first does the average telephone etrkt ly adhere.

ProgreasiTe psrty will refuse to sup­port it with their votes oa election uay.

According to the account of the pub­l ic service commissioners, the work of that body waa a Joke. Wonder how r.nch that Inspired magazine article e> Jen appeared a few year? ago aad pictured tbe body as lafaUable coat?


MOOEST. TRULY. Commander Peary is reported as

nouncing that the completion of the Panama Canal next to tbe discovery of tbe North Pole is the greatest

That m aa It may be. but one could not very well accuse Mr. Peary of being over modest at bis reported statement is correct. Of what particular benefit to humanity or tbe world at larre. baa been the discovery of tbe North pole, and who outside of Peary, ex­cept of ent ire . I>oc Cook know* any­thing about the discovery.

From a purely pergonal commercial point, this North Pole has been of material benefit to Peary and Cook. Aside from that there have not ap­peared may multitodlou* mi pie who have reaped tor* the enterprise.

On the other hsnd the Panama canal i* a marvel of accomplishment And arhieTemerit, a monument to the Tbrtisard* of men who hsve In the

V ^ c n t t r Mfl of Asaeanblymaa Hra- state proposes to cut this In ^ ^ msn to aboReh the office of tbe state th*« erent the hotel proprietor* may kmney. the public convenience of the »»°«in * • re*o*m*Bd instead of

by the A*- sue the lawmakers personally for the county would be better served, aad a ** f o r ^ netter Isolation, h straight road in the direct l lae of traf- - c m r * M d » teHlsewt treattaeat t Ac would be constructed at a earing of sumptives ~ $*MQ. !

fire maishall wa* •emt lv . Mr. Htaman deJirered the follow ing obituary on the department

-Thi* office was created la the yetr ATTACK OIN r « E E SEED i s m . a* one of hundreds of other of- DtSTRIBUTlOW FAILED f:ce* which were created by the Demo- Ccngreastonal distribution of free crane p*rty. in Ita riot of extrava- need* for the farmers of tbe country


S T A T E Albany. January 2.;. Hit


aance. whf h begun at that time It bus cowt the state today I 2 e s > " \ Purring the exi^nditure ofthis lanr* sutn cf morjoT. it h*» been considered thmupbout the *t*te» r icept here s"'4 rher^ In f*>m*> small loraiity. a? tnnrf or 1 •-•«:• th*»n % joke Us rprnnmft i iv tions fnr s ; pTr>printions for fjre arr**'-stv« fnr the stnt^ Institution* h*vi* t»een turned down regular iy t y tbe 1* c-i«lnture i***:f and Vc the Govern r ATI Us <?n* *c are pcrforroel by lor^l o^c#kr« *s b^frve the passsre of th « nni MMrh rf tts work Is also dopll-

°^ **** cated by state departments and In s from narticn^r f monld rrfer to the lahor

depurrmen*. wh'ch absolutely re*ru!s tes the c^trr>l of this matter, so f*r *s the fart -H«* of the st*te are eo?>. cernefS Thnt rii^tt«»r bss been l o o k ^

w-*a unsuccessfully attacked in the House during c^nsiier&tion of tbe ag* MctiltwrU *pprt>pri*tion bilL An amendment by R-jr^Mntatlve Sqm-ner of Texa.^ to place seed distribo-inn in the •h inds of th* depirtrnent <r arricult'ire. wa* VO*»M1 dowa. $€ to

36. *ft**r a livelr debate in which ro^m-• <r% f*-r»ni srri^nhural di*?ricts rrsen-trd chir*rter7ati<jr* c-f seed distribj-t o n as graft.

it would save a wxsto of tbe s t a t e s K E E t o r N E W ©ATTLESHIP ftmds to the amount of I M s * * * . to L A , D I K BROOKLYN YARD. I uild x highway ** at present laid T k # **** o f hattleship number Xw. out. saw« Commisstouer DtlSTiey. : which ill be tbe most powerful fight-

The examination of thla contract is i r * n^nchine of the superdieadaoaght made upon tbe request of resident* of c , a * * to tbe United States navy was S t Lswrence county, who allege that l a l c > i n the rtrooklya navy yard Mou­ther will be greatly lnconveoienced d a * a f , e r * b r t e * « • « s imple ceremony. by tbe road a* proposed by the High-. A f t b * two i^>ot strips of steel wwre v»a.T Commission. swung into position in the exact cen-j

, ter of the waya. five sons of rt tacnes DOES WINTER DESTROY t

of the navy yard, atood a t atteaUon ( POTOTO SLIGHT IN SOIL? w t t * howed beads. The naTy depart bullet's *K*ued \yy the New nxent was represented by Prsnklin D

SIR Notice Is Hereby Given. Utststi

Special Election to he held is tsi State oa tbe first TaeedtT ta apt next (April Tth). there wii: bs as mttted t o the People for -; ironl th followtng question:

"Shall there ha a convex.LOB w » vise the Coaatatutioa and -^^U at

l e x f St 9!


sfurphy !a rejoscimi over t h e sar in* ef that I** a year due of tbe National Democratic dub . As he

t o bare little for which he or on* ;n hJs t*eba1f roald offer ary

ataakwrT ng for receatly. he i s wel-10 tbe tn<w!6o^e of trati'Pcxticai

which that sraail m t e affcrds

enrnee U P TO ftcwfjauaCAM pitoid-ISCfiw

T h e T*J1rf f»13T*tt^ by taid ef the ways aaa sneaas

? t**«e vh'ch has reunited ia re t f l t n e s / u a i worth ef

out af eJhe rarloFis Is swwarely m

e>,e *** **e r w

^ - .^ • -j p»i«sis»d eewnsvfsir A r a n

frTWis» w*<-« rs es* • w* ef *rw

up and it h*p been found that the f*r-And now ft come* to pas* that the least measure coatri>trte4 to its build- ^ ^ lmwm a t *- hitely t s k e care of th *

meml^r i of the legislature h t v e been Ire. Thus far. aecordrns t a the prnVf>fitio^ through their owa laapec-lettered aad petitioned to check the - s t a t n t e - made aad prrtvided. no erne toTm^ atate expenditure of money to hare has bemrd of sny of the men connect- - y ^ TH-^«te sh :rtwaist fsrtrr^ t T -e-r K Thvw returned to the place ed with the canal mnfai* mrrnm* lectwr- f r ^ mh%rh w^ %h^ thHim thmi ^ t s ?

to t1 e r-s*t -* nf this brtl In tbe e»-»r 1M1. oect:rr-d ta the city of New Tor* and ret * V-w r h * hf!l wa* p*im»* w h k h r-*-»r-i the eVpsrtmefit. th* city of V * Y'ick w a s eweir^ed frwfn Its prrwr*«T^s *-hd S

xT»wted hi fh^ ci-y of X « r T«*rlL tnwv* tbe *wpc*>**>nm t^o»t N » » Tnr ir rwo^ f%ke cirre of frsel

the s ta te aeewed t Tsar

ned. As a poor down trig at !2<* per nigrht. while at the trodden person i** pursued by the>law «*»w»e t :toe / rawing fat aaianea from unfortunate ta being unable to lift the aoserameaf. r—*» tbe ^ r - 1 which r^evious offense* Mr. Peary* ctsHa Is ahaurd aad rV wad carried him, one can look with dieuiow*. The Panama c i n U wfU rriar»atfcy r,pon a pTi^nejer hi the ah- serre the wr^ld f«*r aa*-* wb^e the d1*-

Dut no such exteanat^mi cir- c ^ i - r i of the r ^ e will ad<l wotbiag surrouad this viaiator of to tbe world d'wtbaseaemt for

the law* of Cod and Strove la the r«fc*e*«ioa e f

w**r*li prvor t o the crowwa law this

To Pnreent P A«*.embt^mai .1 fJ Jo^*« b s '^••^v [

d'Ked a bUl an:**iMJ ng the conserra-j t* n Ivw in r^lat on to th?» (revrrntioa i *rrd eTt^nrulshtig »f forest fine I t ' provides that tbe g-vvr^rnor. when It i« j found impossible to protect the forests ' r*ii+X tVes t b n ph the In^tifPrl* rry I of s s ar»propr'atoi3. t n y direct the , comptroller te m^ke a temporarr lo*»n ' cm behalf of the state of $!H>.f*w» for' • \)m r s e of the fVvn**»TTnt'"S cn^m'*-«ion in prevent !n* and extinartrsh^ngf f f *o~*irt fi-c* The n^xt le*i«-latnre ~ « T m-Ve an »i>i»^opriatioa for tbe 'arrr^Tt of the lo in .

Roosevetu assistant aecretary Mrs, Roosevit U s e acteade l the ceresaonT " * 1 , o m r , I « S e c t i o n s oi r o t h e r s present were Senaaor and ^ * * k e r o t i y € « t i f ^ **>** ]

Mrs O Gorman, aad Congre-wman pmM thm Urtwato? co ;y , . _ - m«_a Special WiUi Cwldcr aad

In a

J York Amruiuira l Hxperiment atation, \F H HaiL under the caption **Doe* I winter kill potato U.gbt in tbe aoU** j says ' 'Rotation of crops ia necessary to **rer«r.t trat>sTnisc|oa of several plant ° t Bivjoklya. 1 diseases Cabbage ahould not be I Commandant Albert Gleaves of the ;*U *;ed the s«nxe)d year where the j nary yard made a ahor. address ax' fir*t f**a*.4i • crop ha* shown mocb ^htch he aaid that the glxat battle-(lubroot. and t*otxtoe* should not fH. ship would be lauachod withia I t ; ^»w potatoes where scab haa nrevaO- montha. *d. nor where Furaaium wilt aad i t s ! •

Given under my hand e: jomce of the Secretary of S City of Albany, this twer.M of i aauary . in the year O: e nine hundred aad founet>:.

L ^ . Mitch^.: Secret a.rr

STATE OF NEW YORK. ty . Board of Electio: « «

L O. Byron Brewster. V'> the Board of Elections of

Var. •' ?uu

.. *T .*. ST

- X CSB"

r . i v e o W

with the or*:.asin 15 S * Of »

, h s *


j accomtamyinaT tuber rot nave ; sfruc'ive.

Tb*» most desiructive potato diaease iw New Tork State. howcTer. la late Nhxht. with the common rot that fof-


A SAD SITUATlfJsl S^-wvocr V-,n S "i"t f*ord **T* t%

t — '--t «s ch-r-rn^tj •He |-3»«t'r S*rv J"e r<<*T! 'pr•!««'f**, *b***w

- * t*o fc#-^. j -»c» t %T* ^t«r^TT i*r e -*a

r. V*a Sa"tve*'ed wwece^ds «x^ * *-e v m r1-*d t'» *** rer'^s^d of the y<* wS

a« hvtswrm was pilhxg up at s trow*'1- r ^ 1 some rate. H r . Decker

ewd a h ^ t y ami hat * wrsrk U i s r - e##»d!tlcei of va!rlrv

How t o make hens my was owe of the multitude of flows authorired hi the agrlcultura] ^r->7riatioa bill reported ta

;aest on* relxtiagr ta> traaa- f i w i n i s i B n wUl e^rwUnttr t o ; * s s on aad control of these taaubles trfbtite free seed*, the

^ *>re exceediagly miportaat. Dues this \ win he extended t o th * ' nrx* mrr tre t%e winter la the awl and mswHr

*rd make a bttghted field af one year tfWMMe wffi be ursxfe t o wee the a e w ? e l i m m s t e t h e

Most autmsrit^a head that the CTJS cmusinw these two treuhata. Phy. the cneswmer. aad a tof4waora

la the aavl: and that liability t a MighUmi and r o t . a a m^d

file la th i s office, and that • rect traaacript thereof, ar

original. * filed on the :


have hereunto set "T ** I U 8 1 aad afljDad the o& . ssxl *

said hoard this Zz: <U? * \ February. 1914. J O. Byron i r^wnr I FremweaL Baard of Elert CTM of s>

T o r t » * - : 4 - * n «

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