“i hope you know”

Post on 30-Dec-2021






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CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427 November 16, 2016 Volume XXXVI - Number 45

“I Hope You Know”

“If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer. But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior” – God Sent Us A Savior; Author unknown. Unable to give credit to the author, we give credit to the sentiment conveyed. The needs of every life are great and variable. Some have need for information, thus they need teaching and the opportunity to learn. Others have needs of a physical nature, perhaps in making provision for daily needs or even improving health. With so many needs, and such varied needs, can they all be met? Jesus entered into the assembly of a synagogue on a particular Sabbath Day. When He entered the assembly, Luke records how He took the book of the Prophet Isaiah, and read, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19). Jesus picked a passage of Scripture which most certainly was prophetic in its identification of Him. At the same time, He picked a passage of Scripture which spoke to the various needs of people and their souls. Some people are excluded from certain benefits and involvement because of their economic status. Their poverty or limited resources may appear to them to be so limiting, they might believe they will never advance or be able to lay hold of anything worthwhile in their lives. Jesus wanted to dispel that myth. The poor were not only invited with the gospel, their heart of want described the desire for the kingdom of heaven (Luke 6:20). Hearts are burdened and broken by the cruelty of the world and by the hardships encountered through many turns. Jesus would heal these hearts of hurt. So many are held captive, captive by their fear,

their behaviors, their beliefs, and even by their distorted realities. Others cannot see clearly the hope before them, for their focus is blurred by their problems. Jesus promised to free them, lead them, and give them a fuller vision of today’s abundant life (John 10:10). So many problems, it would seem the remedy for each would be as varied as the problems themselves. To us, it may seem that way. To Jesus, His answer and remedy would come in the identifying words of the prophecy He read and fulfilled, “He has anointed Me” (Luke 4:18). Jesus, with His message of redemption and rescue, would with one identity, one focus, and one fulfillment, answer the needs of man, once and for all. For all people, for all generations, for all who would believe, they would have their needs met, and still can, if the gospel is believed and obeyed. We will meet people each day, some may struggle with poverty; others may deal with problems created through their selfish choices. The answer is found in the gospel message, a message which will change the life and mind of every person. Some people need help with their problems; some people need help dealing with other people. All people need help with their sin, and finding salvation from their sins. I hope you know, our truest need of all is met in Jesus Christ!

November Events ...Nov. 23rd NO MESSENGER ...Nov. 23-25 School System Thanksgiving Break

...Nov. 24 7KDQNVJLYLQJ�'D\


Coming Soon In December… ...Dec. 2 Lonnie Gilliam’s 51st Class Party 6p ...Dec. 3 Jr. High Big Fun Christmas ...Dec. 4

“Church For The Holidays”

Christmas Makes Us Kids At Heart

Bring a childhood Christmas Picture

Recognition of 2016 New Members Volunteer Of The Year

Christmas Lunch 11 A.M. followed by Christmas Program

Sign-Up in the lobby if you can bring a coconut cake or Christmas cookies.

...Dec. 10 Breakfast With Santa ...Dec. 10 Jail Ministry Christmas Meal ...Dec. 10 Wayne Qualls’ Class Party at the Lodge at 6:30 P.M. ...Dec. 11 Progressive Dinner ...Dec. 14 Sunshine Baskets Prepared For Delivery ...Dec. 16 School Dismissed @ 10a ...Dec. 17 20/30’s

FULL TO OVERFLOWING ONCE AGAIN as Danny & Melody Skelton hosted the Lighthouse last Wednesday. We had some delicious soups and some great desserts fixed by Carla Totty. Thanks to all who came and to Danny, Melody and Carla for filling us up! THE LASERQUEST LOCK IN BROUGHT US HOME TIRED, but left us with a lot of fun! We had 51 of us to enjoy the time from 10:30pm until 7:30am playing a lot of lasertag games and just being together. There was not much sleep had for the night with some 10-11 games played by everyone. Thank you to Brett Martin, Jeremy Qualls and Cody Woods for their help with the night. I dare say that several missed the daylight Saturday to catch up on their sleep! ANOTHER TRUE “FIRESIDE!” This time the Junior High enjoyed our devotional by a camp fire as we traveled to the Hunt’s place on Swan. Thanks to Joey & Charlene Hunt, Jonathan & Misty Aydelott and Doyle & Carla Totty for a tasty meal of Chili, Cornbread and desserts. Our devo centered on “The greatest things” from Colossians 3. It was a great night with a good crowd. Thanks to all who were able to join us! KEEP UP WITH THE CALENDAR! As you can see to the left, we have several things planned for the rest of the month into December. One important date is the Servant Saturday as we will help with some yard work as well as other miscellaneous things here and there. December will be packed with Christmas events, shopping for “Angels” as well as preparing Sunshine Baskets. Be sure you don’t miss a thing! IN OUR SENIOR HIGH CLASS we wrapped up our 3 month study of “Discipleship.” In the closing thoughts we discussed how Jesus taught, trained and then sent his disciples out. We continue that too as we teach others, train them on discipleship, and send them out. So often though we teach and train and we get caught up on the sending part. For whatever reason we neglect the command to “go into all the world.” That world begins wherever the lost may be. Overseas, cross country or even next door. I think our biggest fear is thinking Christ has sent us out on our own. Revisit

John 17 to see that Christ specifically prayed for you and me and that we know we have one another in this journey, and even much more, we are led by Christ through God. Get busy going and now that you are never alone as you…follow His path, -Craig

Wed. Nights L2L

L2L Classroom in Lighthouse

Wed. Nights in Oct & Nov

Timothy & Tabitha Classes

November 14 Bible Study

Girls @ Newsom’s Guys @ Dotson’s

6-7 November 20

Sparks & Intermediate

Movie Day Lighthouse

3:30-6 November 20 Senior High

Fireside Madelyn True &

Jake Martin 7-9

November 26 Servant

Saturday 9-2

December 1 Prayer

Breakfast Susan Dotson

7-7:30 December 3

Junior High Big Fun Christmas

Lighthouse 6-8

December 4 Church For The


December 4 Angel Tree

Shopping 2-7

…Congratulations to Abbie Lampley for being named MVP of the EHMS soccer team. Congratulations to Ashley Ann Shelton for being named the Junior Miss Queen of the "2016 Toys For Tots Pageant” Congratulations to Colby Shelton and

Dalton Thomasson on signing golf scholarships with Freed-Hardeman University.


BUDGET $ 12,784.oo

Camp Meribah $ 129.00

The following are recovering from surgery or dealing with an illness: Robert Atkins, Lynn Campbell, Glenda Teet, Terry Johnston, Margaret James, Linda Mays, Bob Sutphin, Bruce Bowen, Susan Sullivan, Melissa Bryant, Danny Bates, Debbie Lancaster, Bessie Shepard, Jimmy Mathis, John Ed Hooten, Lindrell Barrett, Susan Campbell, Bonnie Runions, Gabriel Roberson, Sheryl Elkins, Richard Tate

Nursing Home Residents: Life Care Center: Helen Hudgins, Christine Sawyer, Larry Talley, Nellie Kalosis, Lucy Noles, S t e l l a G r e e r , Thelma Chessor , Dorothy Easley Hickman County Nursing Home: Allene Worley, Eltie Davis Dickson Health & Rehab.: Jane Berryman

cBapis Memorial ...a Memorial has been given to the Bobby Morrison Scholarship Fund in memory of Ila Bess Rochelle from Donna Blackwell. ...a Memorial has been given to the church in memory of Kenneth Jenkins by Robert & Lita Speight.

Sunshine Baskets will be assembled on Wednesday night at 7:15 P.M. in the new lobby. If you know of

someone you would like to add to the list, please contact the church office at 931-729-4201. Please bring cookies & snacks to fill the baskets.

Change For The C h i l d r e n … . c o i n banks for the T e n n e s s e e

Children’s Home are in the lobby. Please pick one up today and return it to the church. The money helps to fund the on-campus schools. Thanks for your help !

D Thank You Mike & Carla Plunkett write: “To our church family, Thank you for the calls, cards, and concern shown during Mike’s recent surgeries. We are very appreciative to Bryan for the visit made to the hospital. We have been blessed by your prayers and these acts of kindness.” Margie Copley writes: “I would like to thank so many for remembering me on my 89th birthday. I received so many cards, phone calls, and kind words which made me happy. Hope to have many more. In Christian love…” Jack & Bobbie Lowery write: “Again we want thank everyone for the cards, calls, food & prayers while Jack was having radiation and chemotherapy treatments. 2016 has not been one or our best years, but the Lord took care of us. We are now finished and pray that he is cancer free. Our doctor does not tell his patients they are cancer free when they complete their treatments. He told us time and the Lord’s will are the only true way to know, so keep us in your prayers. Again, thanks and God bless you all. Ruth Reece writes: Thank you for the prayers, cards, food, care and concern received this summer and fall. Thankfully, I am much better. Mary Helen Barber writes: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all the birthday cards, well wishes, food and visits. Your admiration and consideration are greatly appreciated.” Anna Cate King writes: Dear Centerville Church of Christ, Thank you for the prayers, cards, and concerns. Hope all is well. Love….” Molly Bates writes: “Dear Members, How blessed and encouraged we felt knowing so many of you were praying for Anna Cate and us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Love, Molly” If you would like to help the

Family Resource Center with a Christmas Angel Tree Gift, please contact Becky Coleman at 931-729-3391 Ext. 2225

3OHDVH�3UD\�)RU��...Lee Ann Buchanan is recovering from ankle surgery. ...Thelma Chessor is having a difficult time due to declining health. She is the mother of Wayne (Carolyn) Chessor. ...Janet Barber has a fractured clavicle due to a fall. ...Marge Rushton is having problems with her blood pressure. ...Kenneth Emler, brother of Marge (Doyle) Rushton, is recovering from heart surgery. ...Hattie Delk spent a couple of days in the local hospital due to pneumonia. She is recovering at home. ...Ruth Reece will have surgery Thursday, November 17th at Williamson Medical Center. ...Lynn Tidwell, nephew of Ruth Staggs, has been diagnosed with lung cancer. ...Jimmy Reece will have corroded artery surgery Tuesday, November 22 at Williamson Medical Center.

Sunshine Baskets

AREA EVENTS…. ...a gathering of Thanksinging Hearts and Voices November 20, 2016 6 P.M. Madison Church of Christ 106 Gallatin Pike Madison, Tennessee ...Share The Hope A time of remembrance, heal ing, and empowerment for survivors of suicide Thursday, November 17, 2016. 6:30 P.M.—7:30 P.M. East Community Center 5387 Hwy. 100 Lyles, Tennessee 37098 Speakers: Bill McDonald, Elizabeth Tibbs, Suicide Survivor Music, Candlelighting, Lighted Lantern Release, Refreshments

Place Stamp Here

Wait on Table

3rd Sunday Shane Willis

4th Sunday

Wayne Qualls

Right Side Eric Coleman

Wayne Chessor Tyler Schmid

Don Roder

Left Side Don Qualls Eric Nash

Marshall Spencer Robert Bowman


Samuel Gilbert Leon Gilbert

Prayer Week Of November 27

S.M.W. S.M.D. Randy Wright Griffin Elkins

S.E.W. S.E.D. Mark Chessor Calvin Hoover

W.E.B.S. W.E.D. Jeremy Qualls John Jacobs

Read Scripture 11/20: Dr. Jerry Nash 11/27: Clay Chessor 12/4: James Aydelott

Elders’ Prayer

11/20 Mike Elkins 11/27: Gary Gatewood 12/4: Lonnie Gilliam

Secret Sisters

Our current Secret Sister Program is coming to an end. We have had a GREAT time and I’m sure, a tough time keeping our secret. We will have our reveal dinner on December 2, 2016 at the Outreach Center at 6 P.M. We would love to have more Secret Sisters in 2017! If you are interested in participating, please pick up the information sheet in the lobby and turn it in to Glenda Newsom or Tammy Willis by December 15, 2016 so we can draw names for 2017. The more the merrier! Glenda Newsom

Rocco Pierce, missionary in Figi, has a need for used functional laptop computers. If you have a computer you would be willing to donate please contact the Centerville Church of Christ office at 931-729-4201.

Mike Elkins

Our Elders

Lonnie Gilliam

Wayne Qualls

Gary Gatewood

Mike Goodpasture Shane Willis

Mike Elkins

Prayer Week Of November 20

S.M.W. S.M.D. Daniel Dressler Robert Bowman

S.E.W. S.E.D. Wayne Chessor Steven Dotson

W.E.B.S. W.E.D. Brian Qualls Jared Brown

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