i. adjani posa per il maestro e margherita

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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I. Adjani posa per Il maestro e Margherita, a Parigi, gennaio 2009. http://scarabeus-associazione.blogspot.com



Il maestro e Margherita

50 fotografie con Isabelle Adjaniuna presentazione di foto prese dal web

a cura di Romolo Pranzetti

Isabelle e il fotografo

Isabelle posa

Le Maître et Marguerite

mostra di 50 fotografie con Isabelle Adjani

dall’ 11 dicembre 2008 al 3 gennaio 2009

Galerie Ariane Dandois,

92 Faubourg Saint Honoré


Ivan si slanciò dietro agli scellerati

With a groan Ivan looked ahead and saw the hated stranger. He had already reached the exit leading on to Patriarch's Street and he was no longer alone. The weird choirmaster had managed to join him. But that was not all. The third member of the company was a cat the size of a pig, black as soot and with luxuriant cavalry officers' whiskers. The threesome was walking towards Patriarch's Street, the cat trotting along on its hind legs.

Woland e la sua banda

• Spokesmen for the police and a number of experienced psychiatrists established that the members of the gang, or perhaps one of them (suspicion fell chiefly on Koroviev) were hypnotists of incredible skill, capable of appearing to be in two or more places at once. Furthermore, they were frequently able to persuade people that things or people were where they weren't, or, vice-versa, they could remove objects or people from someone's field of vision that were really there all the time

Lo spettacolo inizi The cat began bowing and scraping, its forepaw gesturing like a commissionaire opening a door.

In a sweet though slightly hoarse voice the girl made an announcement which sounded rather cryptic but which, judging from the faces of the women in the stalls, was very enticing :

'Guerlain, Chanel, Mitsouko, Narcisse Noir, Chanel Number Five, evening dresses, cocktail dresses . . .'

Faggot bent double, the cat bowed and the girl opened the glass-fronted showcases.

L’unica Margherita

Margarita listened to Koroviev, trying not to miss a word. Her heart felt cold with expectancy, the thought of happiness made her dizzy. '

Firstly, it has become a tradition,' Koroviev went on, ' that the hostess of the ball must be called Margarita and secondly, she must be a native of the place where the ball is held. We, as you know, are always on the move and happen to be in Moscow at present. We have found a hundred and twenty-one Margaritas in Moscow and would you believe it . . .'-- Koroviev slapped his thigh in exasperation--'. . . not one of them was suitable! Then at last, by a lucky chance . .

L’amore ci colpì senza scampo

He wiped away a sudden tear with his right sleeve and went on. ' Love leaped up out at us like a murderer jumping out of a dark alley. It shocked us both--the shock of a stroke of lightning, the shock of a flick-knife. Later

she said that this wasn't so, that we had of course been in love for years without knowing each other and never meeting, that she had merely been living with another man and I had been living with . . . that girl, what was her name . . .? '

L'aspettavo dal mio risveglio

She only came through that gate once a day, but my heart would beat faster from at least ten false alarms every morning. Then when her time came and the hands were pointing to noon, my heart went on thumping until her shoes with their black patent-leather straps and steel buckles drew level, almost soundlessly, with my basement window.

I manoscritti non bruciano

She ground her teeth with fury and said something indistinct. Then with clamped lips she started to collect and sort the burnt sheets of paper. It was a chapter from somewhere in the middle of the book, I forget which. She carefully piled up the sheets, wrapped them up into a parcel and tied it with string. All her movements showed that she was a determined woman who was in absolute command of herself.

Una crema miracolosa

The ointment rubbed in easily and produced an immediate tingling effect. After several rubs Margarita looked into the mirror and dropped the box right on to the watch-glass, which hivered into a web of fine cracks. Margarita shut her eyes, then looked again and burst into hoots of laughter. Her eyebrows that she had so carefully plucked into a fine line had thickened into two regular arcs above her eyes, which had taken on a deeper green colour. The fine vertical furrow between her eyebrows which had first appeared in October when the master disappeared, had vanished without trace.

Qualcosa di divertente per l’addio

Margarita flung the shutters open and sat sideways on the windowsill, clasping her knees with her hands. The moonlight caressed her right side. Margarita raised her head towards the moon and put on a reflective and poetic face. Two more footsteps were heard and then they suddenly stopped.

With another admiring glance at the moon and a sigh for fun, Margarita turned to look down at the garden, where she saw her neighbour of the floor below, Nikolai Ivanovich. He was clearly visible in the moonlight, sitting on a bench on which he had obviously just sat down with a bump. His pince-nez was lop-sided and he was clutching his briefcase in his arms.

La regina delle streghe

Again Margarita floated away from the pool. In place of Johan Strauss' orchestra the stage behind the wall of tulips had been taken over by a jazz band of frenetic apes. An enormous gorilla with shaggy sideburns and holding a trumpet was leaping clumsily up and down as he conducted. Orang-utan trumpeters sat in the front row, each with a chimpanzee accordionist on his shoulders.

Le richieste di Margot

'I want you to give me back instantly, this minute, my lover --the master,' said Margarita, her face contorted.

A gust of wind burst into the room, flattening the candle flames. The heavy curtain billowed out, the window was flung open. and high above appeared a full moon--not a setting moon, but the midnight moon.

Verso la pace All three put their lips to the glasses and drank a large mouthful.

Immediately the light began to fade before the master's eyes, his breath came in gasps and he felt the end coming. He could just see Margarita, deathly pale, helplessly stretch out her arms towards him, drop her head on to the table and then slide to the floor.

'Poisoner...' the master managed to croak.

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