i2014/03/23  · "be completely humble and gentle; be patient, beari ng with one another in...

Post on 16-Mar-2021






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Exodus 17:3-7

Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

John 4:5-42

In the desert, water is wealth. But in the desert, stagnant

water can be deadly. Minerals can accumulate which

make water undrinkable and useless – even toxic. The

best and most useful, the richest water is “living” or

!owing water. Fresh and refreshing, living water makes

living a lot easier. God is the living water who gives

meaning and freshness to our lives. Springing up like

water from a rock in the desert a multitude of graces &ll

our lives. From us the graces must !ow forth to water

and nourish the earth. Jesus is our rock in the desert.

From him the members of the church should !ow forth

using time, talent and treasure to bless the earth. Like the

woman at the well we do not always realize the

implications of the teachings of Jesus for our lives. Grace

does precious little good damned up like a stream. To

nourish self, church and world, we must be living water

for one another. And don’t worry, the rock which is Jesus

will never run dry. The more you give away the more you

will have.

Prayer Request Hotline The Prayer Request Hotline is in service. The number is

533-5500 ext. 5770. For anyone who is in need of prayer,

or if you know someone who is in need of prayer, call and

leave your prayer request on the message system.

Questions, or if you would like to be a prayer partner,

please call Marlene Berning (321-7911).

masses Tuesday, March 25

7:30 a.m. Charlene McCormack-Jim & Sonja Ralph

Wednesday, March 26

9:00 a.m. Mary K. Passmore-Rosemary Hollmeyer

Thursday, March 27

7:30 a.m. Mary Flannery-Terry & Doug Harrison

Friday, March 28

9:00 a.m. Mary K. Passmore-Kit Gannon

Saturday, March 29

9:00 a.m. Mary Francis-Jim & Sonja Ralph

4:00 p.m. Naomi Stewart-Nelia Cornett

Sunday, March 30

8:00a.m. For the People of the Parish

9:30a.m. Maria Schenk-Geeding Family

11:30a.m. Corrine Swick-Family

servers Saturday, March 29

9:00 a.m. Clayton & Cameron Frueh

4:00 p.m. Izzy Mitchell, Chris Moll, Nick Romanelli

Sunday, March 30

8:00 a.m. Jack Munzel, Evan Peters, Grace Yearout

9:30 a.m. Chloe, Evan & Alaina Beckmeyer

11:30 a.m. Augusta & Anson Battoclette, Hope


readings For Sunday, March 30-Fourth Sunday of Lent

1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a

Ephesians 5:8-14

John 9:1-41

Donations for Easter Flowers Help us decorate our sacred space to celebrate the

great paschal feast. You can make your donation in

memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving for some

occasion, or in honor of someone you admire.

You may place these donations in the Sunday oFering

or drop them oF at the parish oGce. Be sure to

include your name and the name(s) of the person(s) or

event(s) to be remembered in a note or on an


Collection, Sunday, March 16 ................. 15,333.15

Projected weekly Collection ........................ 19,388.00

Collection under budget, March 16 ............. 4,054.85

Want to write fewer checks? Sign up for Electronic Fund

Transfer. To enroll pick up the gold enrollment form

found in the vestibule or go to our website

www.smchp.com and click on “Giving” found at the

top of the main page. Any questions? Call Angie

Pfaller (321-1207 ext 5502).

View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 1 4 — T H I R D S U N D A Y O F L E N T

sms school news FROM OUR SCHOOL OFFICE We are in the midst of administering the

Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) to students in

grades 2-7. St. Mary students historically

score in the top 10% in the nation on standardized tests...one

of the criteria to receive the National Blue Ribbon School of

Excellence (which has been awarded to St. Mary School three

times!) Students are asked to eat a healthy breakfast and get

plenty of sleep in order to do their best.

For more information on the school, please visit us at


External Sacri&ce: So why

exactly are you not eating

candy for the next month? This is a very popular penance during Lent,

and the questions about it are just as

popular. Heaven forbid you should avoid

the cake at the birthday party! You LOVE cake! But it’s Lent – a

time for penance and sacri&ce. Christ has said, “If anyone

wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up

his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Giving up

something we enjoy strengthens our love for Christ and our

resilience against temptation. As Pope Benedict XVI said in his

Lenten address of 2009, “Through fasting and praying, we

allow [Christ] to come and satisfy the deepest hunger that we

experience in the depths of our being: the hunger and thirst

for God.” It unites us with Christ’s own sacri&ces and gives us

a deeper appreciation of the blessings in our lives.

Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy “In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy

celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem” (Constitution

on the Sacred Liturgy, 8)

We think of Jerusalem as both the earthly city

where Christ’s Passion, Death, and

Resurrection took place and the heavenly city

to which we aspire. In this sense Jerusa-lem is

the heavenly kingdom. In this heavenly

Jerusalem, we will be united to God and one another in a

deep bond of love, peace, and joy. Liturgy is a foretaste, a

glimpse, of what the &nal destination will be like for us: a

deep communion with God. In the present, we build commun

-ion through the words, prayers, music, actions, and ges-tures

of the liturgy. God is present and empowering us to become

what God desires: his holy people. While God’s immense

goodness and love cannot be known fully in the present, the

liturgy gives a glimpse of this deep love of communion. The

50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: A Parish Celebration © 2013 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. Orders: 1-800-933-1800. Written by Kristopher W. Seaman. Text from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy © 1982, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). Imprimatur granted by the Reverend Monsignor John F. Canary, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago on June 5, 2013.

From the desk of Fr. Ken Once again we see the mercy of the Lord. We meet the woman

at the well who had (ve husbands and is living with another

man. Jesus forgives her but tells her to mend her ways. Jesus is

ready and willing to meet us at the well and forgive us ; all we

have to do is go to Him and promise to mend our ways.

St. Vincent de Paul You are invited to serve Christ's poor in our St. Mary Parish. The

Society of St. Vincent de Paul is invi�ng caring people to assist people

in our neighborhood needing food, clothes, rent assistance, u�lity

assistance, and other needs. Christ said, "What you do for the least

of my brothers you do unto me." Is it �me for you to really live your

religious convic�ons and give something back for all you have

received? Come join us actually the Thursday before the third

weekend of the month at 7:30 PM in the Rectory Mee�ng Room to

learn more. . For more informa�on please email


2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) We thank everyone from St. Mary’s who has participated in the 2014

Catholic Ministries Appeal. Our pledges support six critically

important ministries bene&ting thousands of people right here in

our Archdiocese. Additionally, a portion of all pledges in excess of

our goal will go to support St. Vincent de Paul Society here at home,

so please be as generous as you can. For more info. Visit

CatholicAppeal.info. Thank you!

Meetings Worship Commission will meet Tuesday, March 25 at 7:15

pm in the Seton Center Meeting Room 2-L.

Discipleship Commission will meet Tuesday, March 25th at

8 p.m. in the Seton Center Marian Room.

Thank you to the 311 families who have returned their Letter

of Intent and are making payments on their pledged


For those of you who have misplaced you Letter of Intent:

1.) An electronic version of the Letter of Intent can be found

on our website www.shchp.com

2.) A copy can be found in the Campaign brochures found in

the back of church.

You can also set up your e-giving for the Campaign by

clicking on the Centennial Campaign link found on the front

page of our website. If you prefer the parish set up your e-

giving, please contact Angie Pfaller 513-321-1207 ext. 5502.


View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

May She Rest in PeaceMary Janet O'neill


Please visit www.smchp.com for the most current info.

Monday, March 24:

Virtus Training, Robisch Hall, 6 pm

Tuesday, March 25:

Sacrament of Reconciliation, Church, 6:30-8pm

Worship Commission, Seton Ctr. 2-L, 7:15 pm

Discipleship Mtg., Seton Ctr. Marian Rm. ,7pm

Wednesday, March 26:

Choir rehearsal, Robisch Hall, 7:30 pm

Thursday, March 27:

Thursdays in Lent, check bulletin for details

Saturday, March 29:

Lenten Series, Robisch Hall, 7:30 am

Mulch Sale, Parking lot, 9am-4pm

Sunday, March 30:

Rosary, Church, 8 pm

Beyond Bereavement Have you su=ered the loss of a spouse or loved one? The Beyond Bereavement ministry is interested

in listening to your experience to help shape this new

ministry. The ministry would like to oFer practical

resources to assist people through the bereavement

process and the many details that need to be addressed

when a loved one is gone. The ministry will listen one-

on-one as you share your needs. If you’d like help

through your journey with the assistance of the ministry

please call Barbara Szurley at (513-386-7642) or email


Family Caregiver Support Group Will meet at Hyde Park Health Center Event Center,

3983 Rosslyn Dr. 45209. Normally meets on the 4th

Thursday of the month.

The next meeting is Thursday, March 27th-5:30-7

pm. This event is free. If you have questions, please call

Margaret at (513-241-7745 ext. 2539). Support group

sponsored by Hyde Park Health Ctr. And Caregiver Asst. Network, a program of Catholic Charities SW Ohio and funded in part by ODA.

Parishioners called to Military Service If you know of a parishioner who is called into, or

presently serving in, our country’s military forces

please notify the parish secretary at (321-

1207). We want to keep these men and women in our

prayers. In serving honorably, they contribute to the good of

the nation and the preservation of peace (Catechism of the

Catholic Church #2310). Please keep the following in your

prayers: Craig Blessing, Tony DeFilippo, Louis

Hamilton, Jr., Jake Keefe, Dom Lanzillotta, Ewan

MacDougall, Ella Micheli, Michael O’Connor,

Andrew Quatkemeyer, Amy Rohs, Todd

Seurkamp, Todd Smyth, Nathan Thamann.

youth ministry Everything youth ministry at: www.smchp.com, call

533-5525 or email keith: kpfaller@smshp.com

young adult ministry Young adult ministry (20s and 30s) is meeting every

4th Tuesday at 6:30pm at diFerent restaurants. Check

out our facebook page for more information: http://


Square Dance Fundraiser for

Young Adults 3rd Annual Young Adult Square Dance to support

Run for the Call is happening at St. Maximilian Kolbe

parish in Liberty Township on Saturday, April 5th from

6-11 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow

Catholic young adults while raising $ to support our

seminarians. The cost is $8/person and includes food

and drinks. Live square dance caller, FREE square

dance lessons from 6-7 pm and DJs from the new 94.6

FM, this has quickly become known as the social

event of the year! Don’t miss it!

Worship 101—“What are the Scrutinies?” The primary way that the Church assists the catechumens

(called the elect after the celebration of the Rite of Election

on the First Sunday of Lent) in this conversion process

during Lent is through the celebration of the rites called

Scrutinies. These ritual celebrations on the Third, Fourth and

Fifth Sundays of Lent are communal prayers celebrated

around the elect to strengthen them to overcome the power

of sin in their lives and to grow in virtue. To scrutinize

something means to examine it closely. The community

does not scrutinize the catechumens; the catechumens

scrutinize their own lives and allow God to scrutinize them

and to heal them.

There is danger in celebrating the Scrutinies if the

community thinks of the elect as the only sinners in our

midst who need conversion. All of us are called to

continuing conversion throughout our live, so we join with

the elect in scrutinizing our own lives and praying to God for

the grace to overcome the power of sin that still infects our

hearts. Every Catholic should spend some time re!ecting on

what obstacles to gospel living exist in his or her own life.

Then when the Scrutinies are celebrated, we will all know

that the prayers are for us as well as for the elect.

Taking seriously this dynamic of scrutiny and conversion

gives us a richer perspective on Lenten “giving up.” What we

are to give up more than anything else is sin, which is to say

we are to give up whatever keeps us from living out our

baptismal promises fully. Along with the elect we all need to

approach the season of Lent asking ourselves what needs to

change in our lives if we are to live the gospel values that

Jesus taught us. Our journey through these forty days

should be a movement ever closer to Christ and to the way

of life he has exempli&ed for us.


Do you have questions you want answered? Send your

questions to connieerdmann555@hotmail.com or call the

parish oGce (321-1207). You may even drop them in the

collection basket. We look forward to hearing them.


View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

My Hope,

the Cross Is the aching of this life too

much to bear at times? Are

you thirsting for something

that you are not able to &nd?

Are you chasing something,

but have no idea what it is?

Are you losing hope in

humanity, family, friends?

Have you become

disconnected from your faith in God? You are not

alone. God is inviting you to a unique Lenten

experience, MY HOPE, THE CROSS. Take time to watch a

30-minute video in Robisch Hall on April 4th at 7 pm

that will knock you oF your feet. My Hope, The Cross is

such a powerful Lenten message, we are oFering a

second viewing on Friday, April 11th, 7pm, if you

cannot make the &rst. Please make time to accept

God’s invitation. Contact Meg Perez to RSVP:

Speedychicita@hotmail.com, or 513.658.7478. Light

snacks and beverages will be provided.

Looking for a Lenten Service

Opportunity? Consider giving some of your time

preparing part of a meal to help people in need. A team

from St. Mary’s will be preparing and serving dinner on

Monday, April 14th at the Madisonville Education &

Assistance Center. Volunteers provide a serving to feed

8-10 people. Working on Monday? Food can be

dropped oF on Sunday, April 13th. For more

information, contact Terry Shea at 321-7928 or by email,


Lenten Cross In the vestibule of church. Take an envelope from the

cross to bene(t those in need.

A Vocation View A surprise encounter can turn our lives around. God

oFers us living water. Come and drink. John 4:5-42

Retrouvaille A program designed to help heal and renew marriages.

The next program begins April 4, 5, & 6, 2014. For more

info. Call (513-922-6045) or retrouvaille.org. Other

weekends available.

Save the Date Back by popular demand the 2nd Annual Lobster

Bake will be held on Saturday, June 21st in

Robisch Hall.

Price is $45 per person and more details will be


Sponsored by the Parish Life Commission

Pray-ers Needed

for Respect for Life

Fridays during Lent 3-6 pm 40 Days for Life started, all over the world, on Ash

Wednesday, and continues until Palm Sunday,

April 13. In the Cinti. area, a promise has been made

to have at least one person praying in front of

Planned Parenthood from 7am-7pm during Lent.

St. Mary Parish is committed to covering three hours

each Friday, 3-6:00 pm. The organizers suggest you

pray during the time you are there. You are a witness

to drivers on the street, workers leaving P P, and

pregnant women driving into the parking lot there.

Planned Parenthood across the street from Christ

Hospital (2314 Auburn Ave). There is free, on street

parking nearby on Auburn or several side streets and

at Holy Name Church 2 blocks north on Auburn.

If you would have time to pray for 30 minutes or

an hour (or two) on a Friday during Lent, please

contact Dianne or Bob Donlan

dia2ne@webtv.net or call 871-8851. If you would

like to be there with another parishioner, or if you

have questions, don't hesitate to contact us. In case

you’d rather sign up on your own, or with friends, for

another day of the week, you may check out the

schedule at www.40daysforlife.com/cincinnati

Pastoral Associate for School Age

Ministry/Faith Formation Location: St. Mary, Hyde Park We are seeking enthusiastic and organized

candidates for the newly created full time position of

Pastoral Associate for School Age Ministry/Faith

Formation. Responsibilities include but are not

limited to: coordination of religious education and

formation, including sacramental preparation, of the

children of St. Mary Parish, in collaboration with St.

Mary School; Acting as theological consultant and

representative of Archdiocesan policies to all

activities in which school age children participate, i.e.

Scouts, Sports; working with Junior High/High School

students, to create opportunities for growth in faith/

community; takes the lead in Vacation Bible School

and available as a faith resource to families home-

schooling their children. There are also

responsibilities for generating and monitoring a

budget, and working as a member of the Pastoral

Team on other parish activities. Weekend and

evening hours will be necessary.

Candidates must be practicing Catholics with a

minimum undergraduate degree (masters strongly

preferred) in education, theology or pastoral ministry.

Previous experience in education/Parish ministry

required. Please send resume to: PASAC/FF c/o St.

Mary Parish, 2853 Erie Ave. 45208. Resumes will be

accepted through April 15, 2014.

View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

The Samaritan woman has knownpain, disappointment, the restlesssearch for a life of happiness andmeaning. She has known the deaden-ing routine of daily chores, coming tothe well for water that will be gone bythe next day. She thinks there must bemore to life, if only someone wouldtell her a new story. But she has heardso many stories and always they endthe same way—disillusionment, frus-tration, disappointment. We, too, thirst for something real,

something genuine, something thatwill refresh us. But in our desperationwe often settle for far less than we feelwe deserve, because the life we know

demands less of us than the life ofwhich we dream. She wants to believe this man she

meets at the well, but she fears yetanother lie. This time she wants to besure. Her opening challenge is filledwith suspicion and mistrust. Thestronger the defenses we build aroundourselves, the more we feel vulnerableat the thought of believing someoneoutside those barriers. And the brutalreality is that at times belief will be dis-appointed, trust will be betrayed. ButJesus challenges the woman to believeonce more, to risk one more time, togive new life one more chance. Hechallenges her to tell her story, to listento the story he has to tell, to believethat this time it can be different. The Lord is never surprised by our

restlessness, our disappointment, ourfearful, hurting challenges. Just as Godcalmed Moses’ ruffled authority andgave the people water from the rock,Jesus responds to the woman at thewell with challenges of his own thatpromise life and refreshment. Deeperand deeper they reach into the well ofself, of faith, of trust, where the livingand life-giving water is to be found.Together Jesus and the woman explorethe stories of needs and wounds andbeliefs.We might be surprised by this

woman’s questions about the rightplace to worship God. This was a bigissue for the people of Jesus’ day. Many

of our friends and family membershave questions about religion. Wemight have questions ourselves. Jesuslistens and responds with an opennessto truth that we would do well toremember in the midst of heated dis-cussions. The Gospels remind us againand again that often God’s truth is big-ger than the little rules that we find soreassuring, those things that tell usthat ours is the only way.Today’s Gospel reminds us that at the

center of our faith is what has oftenbeen called “The Greatest Story EverTold.” We are the stories of our past—stories we tell, stories other people tellabout us—but we can become the sto-ries God tells for our future. This is themessage of the story of the Samaritanwoman at the well.Lent calls us to step aside from our

ordinary routines, to spend time listen-ing to God, to believe that we can tellour stories in a new way. The word ofGod challenges us to explore the storyof our faith once more and discover forourselves that Jesus really is “the saviorof the world”—and what this means inour own lives. This is what we dowhen we read Scripture, when wegather with others to talk about theScriptures. We immerse ourselves inthe big story, in God’s story, and thenwe see where the stories of our ownlives reflect a piece of that story. Andin that intersection, we find the livingwater of faith.


Exodus 17:3-7The people of Israel receive yet another

lesson in faith. God provides them with

water from solid rock.

Romans 5:1-2, 5-8We hear how the Father, Jesus and the

Spirit are at work in our lives. They are

the source of our faith, hope, and love.

John 4:5-42 Jesus reveals himself to a Samaritan

woman as the living water of eternal


Franciscan Media l www.FranciscanMedia.org

Dare to Tell Your StoryBy Diane M. Houdek

Bringing HometheWord3RD SUNDAY IN LENT March 23, 2014

View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

Copyright © 2014, Franciscan Media, 28 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, OH 45202.

Editor: Diane M. Houdek; Illustrations: Julie Lonneman.

For licensing information, call 1-800-488-0488 or visit BringingHometheWord.org.

All rights reserved. Distribution rights granted only to license holders.

Francis shared many of the attitudes

toward women common to people

of his time in history. Especially in the

Church, women were regarded as

more sinful than men, often sent by

the devil to distract men with their

charms and wiles.

But if this was the official stance, it

was also balanced by the strong and

holy women he knew in his daily life.

His mother shielded him from his

father’s sometimes unreasonable

expectations and abuse. Clare lis-

tened to his preaching, followed his

example, and counseled him when he

doubted the next steps on his path.

He arranged for Clare and her sis-

ters to have as much independence

as possible, and to live a life of pover-

ty at a time when such a thing would

have been unthinkable for a group of

religious women.

Francis would have seen in the

story of the Samaritan Woman at the

Well an example of how Jesus stood

against the social mores of his day

when a greater truth was at stake.

The men and women who follow

Francis in living the Gospel likewise

know how to see beyond the expec-

tations of social convention and live

the word of God well.

My soul is thirsting for you,

O Lord, my God.

for you my flesh pines,

for you my soul thirsts,

like a dry, weary land

without water.

You are my help,

and in the shadow

of your wings

I shout for joy.

My soul clings fast to you;

your right hand holds

me firm.

—Psalm 63:2, 3-4, 8-9

Arguing is a fact of family life. Have youever known a married couple that neverbickered? Is there anyone in your ownfamily with whom you’ve never had a dis-agreement? Often it is only within thesafety and security of a loving relationshipthat we can feel free to express our doubts,our frustrations, and our desires. Yet it cansometime feel inappropriate to have thissame relationship with God. Can we everargue with the Almighty?Several Scripture stories, including

today’s Gospel, tell of those whose liveswere transformed after daring to engageJesus in an argument. The woman at thewell doesn’t take Jesus’s promises at facevalue—she questions him, testing andprobing until she is certain he is telling thetruth. Rather than dismissing her doubt orchastizing her, Jesus shows respect for herconcerns and goes toe-to-toe with her.God is bigger than our fears, more pow-

erful than our doubts, and loves us morethan our closest family. We can alwaystrust him with our questions.

THEHOMECHURCHBy Kathleen M. Carroll


• What story in the Bible most res-onates with your life today?

• How easy is it for you to talkabout what faith means in your life?

• Who do you let see the real youmost often? What about that per-

son lets you feel safe?

Monday 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Lk 4:24-30

Tuesday Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/

Lk 1:26-38 Annunciation of the Lord

Wednesday Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19



Thursday Jer 7:23-28/Lk 11:14-23

Friday Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34

Saturday Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14

BringingHometheWordMarch 23, 2014


View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

"Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make

every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:2-3

Sunday, June 8, 2014

11:30am Mass with a Special Blessing

Followed by Brunch in the Rectory with Fr. Ken

Please let us know if you are celebrating 25, 40, or 50 years of

marriage in 2014. We want to honor your love!

Call Becky Laudeman at 321-0703 or attend@smshp.com

Hosted by Parish Life Commission

View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

“Thursday Nights in Lent” at St. Mary presents:

“Finding God in the Desert: The History of Lent”

Thursday evening, April 10, 2014

7:00-8:00pm in Church A 40 minute presentation with 20 minutes of Q&A.

Presenter: Dr. Jeff Zalar, Conway Chair in Catholic Studies, University of Cincinnati.

Jeff received an Honors B.A. in History and Theology from Marquette University and a Ph.D. with Distinction

in modern German cultural and intellectual history from Georgetown. His research is in the history of

Catholic ideas and the religious foundations of Western Civilization.

Dr. Zalar is a St. Mary Parishioner and proud dad of St. Mary School students,

Joe (8th Grade) and Paula (5th Grade.)

VIRTUS Workshop this Monday, March 24!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Robisch Hall

Please visit the church (www.smchp.com) or school ( www.smshp.com) website

front pages for all the details and to register online. The Archdiocese requires all

volunteers who work with children to be VIRTUS trained by June 2014.

Effective January 2014 - Volunteers need only complete an Online Background

Check that is accessed from your personal VIRTUS account (click on the Toolbox

Tab/Selection.com Background Check.) This new procedure is easy, fast, and

efficient! (For those who have been fingerprinted - you are good to go for 5 years

from the date of your fingerprinting.)

View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com

M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 1 4 — T H I R D S U N D A Y O F L E N T

sponsor of the week Hyde Park Health Center

Assisted Living Rehabilitation

Memory Care



Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for

their kind generosity.

Save the date –

Vacation Bible School is back! St. Mary & Knox Church Wilderness Escape VBS will be on

June 16-20 from 9:15 am – Noon at St. Mary

Church. Children will caravan with Moses and the Israelites

as they leave Egypt and experience adventures on the

way! Contact Veronica Tollefson at vtollefson@smshp.com

with ?s or to volunteer.

2014 Spring Little Cougars Soccer begins! April 2nd-

May 7th, Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. Visit: www.stmarysoccer.asn.la

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Rob Busemeyer, Owner • ParishionerResidential / Commercial



Doug Masraum513-321-4702cincinnatibathtub.com

St. Mary Parishioner

Cincinnatiborn & raised

Contact metoday!




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Insurance & Financial ServicesJim ConwayFinancial ProfessionalThe Prudential Insurance Company513.984-6600 (o) 513.616-1176 (m)James.Conway@Prudential.com

Insurance issued by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ and its affiliates. 0157484-00005-00

Jim Conway, Parishioner

Joseph Lutmer, R.Ph.David Klingshirn, R.Ph.513-321-9282

Delivery Service 3500 Erie Ave.


Anderson Hills Plumbing

6229 Beechmont Ave. Ernie, Jack, Ralph VilardoBusiness 513-232-3821

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Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati.

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Your Parishioners in Real Estate

3414 Erie Ave., Cincinnati 45208www.kopfrealestate.com 513.871.4040






Rob Busemeyer, Owner • ParishionerResidential / Commercial



Doug Masraum513-321-4702cincinnatibathtub.com

St. Mary Parishioner

Cincinnatiborn & raised

Contact metoday!




Realtor for 20 years!

Experience &knowledge of

the market


271-2273SINCE 1938


www cr-architects com513 721 8080CINCINNATIDALLASDENVERSEATTLE

Insurance & Financial ServicesJim ConwayFinancial ProfessionalThe Prudential Insurance Company513.984-6600 (o) 513.616-1176 (m)James.Conway@Prudential.com

Insurance issued by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ and its affiliates. 0157484-00005-00

Jim Conway, Parishioner

Joseph Lutmer, R.Ph.David Klingshirn, R.Ph.513-321-9282

Delivery Service 3500 Erie Ave.


Anderson Hills Plumbing

6229 Beechmont Ave. Ernie, Jack, Ralph VilardoBusiness 513-232-3821

Over 59 Years Experience & SatisfactionResidential-Commercial Comfort for Home and

Industry Since 1946

4632 Eastern Ave. 513-871-5862

2200 Victory Pkwy. 513-751-8439

3521 Erie Ave. • Cincinnati, OH 45208513-871-6777 • www.foundationbankus.com

Deposit Products• Checking • Savings

Certificates • Business Checking Sweep Accounts

Loan Products• Lines of Credit-Home Improvement

• Residential or Investment Properties• Commercial & Small Business

Savvy Cleaning Solutions by Susan

Fully Insured

Customized Home Cleaning Services 513-535-2213


Remodeling • Roofing/Gutters Concrete • Plumbing/Electric

Drywall • Int./Ext. Painting

CompleteHandyman Service

PARISHIONERSTombragel Family


Gentle Dental Care for Beautiful Smiles

3964 Edwards Rd. • Cincinnati513-351-3700


Stay in the Home You LoveAttractive Home Modifications Customized to Your Needs

• Accessible Bathroom and Kitchen Remodeling• Wheelchair Ramp Design and Construction

• Grab Bar Installation

Philip PylesParishioner

Certified Aging in Place Specialist



www.Tenderheartsathome.comCall 234-0805Serving Hyde Park

Assistance with:Cleaning, Cooking, Personal Hygiene,

Errands, Laundry, & MoreFrom a few hours to around-the-clock care

Call for a Free Assessment! Mention this ad for a

$50 Free Gift of Care Cardfor new weekly clients.

Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati.

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