hymns that teach christian vocation. morning hymns 1. office hymns monastic hours—every three ...

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LESSONS IN STEWARDSHIPHymns that teach Christian Vocation

Morning Hymns

1. Office hymns Monastic hours—every three

2. Lutheran Morning devotions Luther adapted monastic hours for families

Morning, noon, evening, bedtime Morning hymns included several themes

Praise for the morning light Praise for Christ who is the light Repentance Prayer to do right during one’s work day Prayer for God’s Holy Angel to guard and protect.

Paul Gerhardt 1607-1676

Sweet Singer of Lutheranism

Thirty Years War 1618-1648

Lutheran pastor Suffered from

theological debates

Nikolai Church in Berlin

Gerhardt served there Left after theological

disagreement with his prince—could not sign the edict against using the Formula of Concord--1577

Left for Lűbben where he served until he died

Evening and Morning—Die gűldne Sonne

Dawn’s golden morning Brightly adorning All of creation With exaltation Fills all our hearts with its glorious sight. Though I was sleeping No watch was keeping, Now I am waking And morning is breaking— There in the heavens appears a great light.

Evening and Morning—2

Evening and morning Sunset and dawning Wealth, peace, and gladness, Comfort in sadness These are thy works all the glory be

thine! Times without number, Awake or in slumber, Thine eye observes us, From danger preserves us, Causing thy mercy upon us to shine.

Evening and Morning—3

Father, oh, hear me, Pardon and spare me, Calm all my terrors, Blot out my errors, That by thine eyes they

may no more be scanned. Order my goings, Direct

all my doings, As I may please thee, Retain or release me; All I commit to thy

fatherly hand.

Evening and Morning—4

Ills that still grieve me Soon are to leave me; Though billows tower, And winds gain power, After the storm the fair sun shows its face. Joys e’er increasing And peace never ceasing: These shall I treasure And share in full

measure When in his mansions God grants me a place.

Evening and Morning—5

To God in heaven All praise be given! Come, let us offer And gladly proffer To the creator the gifts he doth prize. He well receiveth A heart that believeth; Hymns that adore him Are precious before him And to his throne like sweet incense arise.

First Commandment

Luke 11:25-33 14:33 So therefore, none of you

can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.

Lesson 1Hymn 2

When earth turns round—1

1. When earth turns round, the morning sun

Arises in the east, and dawn Awakens me to each new day Where fam’ly, cares and work hold

sway, Lord, call me from my other loves Be first in all I do and say

When Earth Turns Round—2

2. Come, cleanse my cluttered heart so you

Are first in all I think and do Come, be the source of life for me The doorway to eternity. Lord, put in place my other loves, So I can serve you faithfully

When Earth Turns Round—3

3. Lord, help me do my daily tasks With you in mind, and Lord, I ask Forgive my own most grievous

faults. And help me be more salty salt. Lord, be the Love of all my loves, The God above all other gods. Text: Gracia Grindal 2008

© Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008


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