hunza valley, pakistan

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Hunza Valley, PakistanParadise on Earth

Hunza ValleyHunza, a remote mountain kingdom, may have been the inspiration behind James Hilton's "Shangri-La." The area opened up in the 1970s following the completion of the Karakoram Highway (KKH); an engineering marvel tracing the old silk route from Pakistan into China.   The fair skinned and light-eyed Hunzakuts claim to be descendants of soldiers lost from Alexander's army as he invaded India. Their language, Burushaski, provides linguists an enigma as it is unrelated to any other language known to man.  The beauty of this mountain paradise is matchless; from the soft blossoms of the apricot trees to the dark snowcapped rock monuments of Rakaposhi (7788 m.) and recently climbed Ultar (7388 m.) jabbing a vivid blue backdrop high above..

People of Hunza The fair skinned and light-eyed Hunzakuts claim to be descendants of soldiers lost from Alexander's army as he invaded India. Their language, Burushaski, provides linguists an enigma as it is unrelated to any other language known to man.  These people are known world over for their amazing longevity and health. They live well beyond 100 years and have commonly been known to still father children at the age of 110. The Hunza has no known incidence of cancer

One of the main activities of the locals is the cultivation of apricots. So that is why all the roofs in this neighborhood are coloured orange, because of the apricots who are drying in the sun. Maybe a good idea for a gift, a portion of dried apricots. But be careful when you make such a picture, as it is kind of prohibited to make pictures of the local ladies in this region, and the drying of the apricots is their duty

When you stand on the terrace of the Baltit Fort in Karimabad, it is almost impossible to stop looking around to those magnificent high mountains. But stop looking up, you must also look down, because from the terrace of the Baltit Fort you also have a splendid bird's eye view on the houses of the village Karimabad. What a great view, you should not miss that.

Most littoral sense of the word. Just walk down the Karokoram Highway staring at the awesome mountains. just incredible. these photos dont do them justice

This is

the image

of Autumn

in Hunza

Mohammed Gulman, 97 years old, poses wearing a traditional woolen coat outside his home July 4, 2007 in Passu, Upper Hunza Valley, Pakistan. Mohammed was a solider in the British army and a farmer in his village. He is married with 2 wives both are living in Passu. " This age is good, before we were isolated, sometimes we were starving but now we have what we need." says Mohammed. The Hunza Valley, at around 8,500 feet, is enclosed by mountain peaks as high as 25,550 ft is located in the far northeast of Pakistan, is a lush valley of fruit trees and fertile land. Over the years, many studies have been done on the longevity of the people of Hunza, reports have stated that it is the fitness of the elderly that is so unsual. Although there are few written records of births or deaths most families know the season when they were born and the year. Many elderly say that it is

the pure foods, lack of stress in their life and clean air that has allowed them to live a healthy lifestyle.

Tailor Shop

Village Scene Of Hunza Valley

Balti Fort

Handicraft of Hunza

People at Work

Baltit Fort

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