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    Vol. 11: 1–12, 2010doi: 10.3354/esr00244

    Published online March 10


    The Guineo-Congolian forests of western and cen-tral Africa are currently experiencing a ‘boom’ inbushmeat hunting (Barnes 2002). This traditionalpractice has evolved into a large-scale commercialactivity due to rapid human population growth,socioeconomic change, infrastructure developmentand technological improvements (Bennett & Robinson2000). A wide variety of terrestrial vertebrates areconsumed as bushmeat, with ungulates, rodents andprimates constituting the majority (Fa et al. 2005).Estimates for bushmeat consumption across theCongo Basin range from in excess of 1 million t yr–1

    (Wilkie & Carpenter 1999) to 4.9 million t yr–1 (Faet al. 2002).

    The current level of harvesting is deemed unsustain-able; estimates suggest wildlife extraction is occurringat more than 6 times the sustainable rate (Robinson &Bennett 2000, Bennett 2002). Medium to large-bodiedspecies with slow reproductive rates, including manyspecies of primate, are particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation (Fa et al. 2005, Nasi et al. 2008). Studieshave found primates to be absent from, or at very lowdensities in, heavily hunted areas (Oates et al. 2000,Peres 2000, Maisels et al. 2001, Isaac & Cowlishaw2004). Lebialem in southwest Cameroon contains someof Africa’s most threatened primate species, including

    © Inter-Research 2010 ·*Email:

    Hunting and trapping in Lebialem Division,Cameroon: bushmeat harvesting practices and

    human reliance

    Juliet H. Wright*, Nancy E. C. Priston

    Department of Anthropology and Geography, School of Social Sciences and Law, Oxford Brookes University,Gipsy Lane, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK

    ABSTRACT: Bushmeat hunting has evolved into a large-scale commercial activity in western andcentral Africa. Primates are particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation and tend to be absent fromheavily hunted areas. To reduce their rate of decline, human use of, and reliance on, bushmeat mustbe understood so that locally appropriate mitigation strategies can be developed. We address thesocial dimension of bushmeat hunting by revealing why people hunt, the techniques used, harvestcomposition, species preferences and the nature of human economic and nutritional reliance. Datawere collected during May and June 2007 in Lebialem Division, Southwest Region, Cameroon.Ninety semi-structured interviews with hunters and trappers were conducted alongside participatoryappraisal sessions in 6 rural communities. The main reason for harvesting bushmeat was incomegeneration. Shotguns were the weapon of choice, enabling 74% of interviewees to hunt primates.A decrease in mammalian abundance was reported by 88%, motivating hunters to trek to pro-tected areas outside of Lebialem. 64% sold more bushmeat than they consumed, with hunters sellinga greater proportion than trappers, due to species composition. Fish was the principle source ofanimal protein consumed on a regular basis. Hunting and trapping were mainly secondary income-generating activities, but the flexibility of labour inputs and rates of return make them importantlivelihood components. To reduce financial reliance on bushmeat harvesting and the volume ofspecies extracted, the development of economic alternatives and conservation education pro-grammes should be given priority.

    KEY WORDS: Bushmeat · Southwest Cameroon · Livelihoods · Primates · Hunting behaviour

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    Contribution to Theme Section ‘Primate conservation: measuring and mitigating trade in primates’

  • Endang Species Res 11: 1–12, 2010

    the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli, Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee Pan troglodytes vellerosus,drill Mandrillus leucophaeus and Preuss’s guenon Cer-copithecus preussi (Ekinde & Khumbah 2006, Nkembiet al. 2006, IUCN 2009).

    Research has focused primarily on providing theo-retical and analytical tools to ascertain the extent of thecommercial trade, identify vulnerable species and esti-mate sustainable limits to human exploitation (Robin-son & Redford 1994, Bowen-Jones & Pendry 1999, Fa etal. 2006). However, social factors will ultimately deter-mine the success or failure of conservation initiativesdesigned to mitigate this complex, multifaceted prob-lem (Mascia et al. 2003). It is feared that ‘the bushmeatcrisis’ will lead to species extinctions and subsequentfood shortages among dependent human populations(Fa et al. 2003). Determining the importance of bush-meat to human livelihoods is necessary if solutions thatfurther both conservation and development objectivesare to be implemented.

    The social dimension of bushmeat has receivedincreased academic attention over recent years (Ben-nett 2002, Brown & Williams 2003, Bennett et al. 2007,Nasi et al. 2008), but there have been relatively fewempirical studies about the role of bushmeat in liveli-hoods (de Merode et al. 2004, Kümpel 2006, Willcox &Nambu 2007). As social situations differ betweenareas, it is important to explore regional variation byincreasing the number of case studies. Research is par-ticularly needed in areas affected by conservation poli-cies so that mitigation strategies can be tailored to localcircumstances.

    We address the social dimension of bushmeat inLebialem by examining it from the perspective of thehunter. Qualitative methods were employed in order toexplore the social factors underlying bushmeat hunt-ing in 6 rural communities. The objectives were to (1)reveal reasons for harvesting bushmeat, (2) describeharvesting behaviour, (3) identify species harvestedand preferences, and (4) determine economic and nu-tritional reliance. A comparison is made between thecommunities to identify which factors influence hunt-ing behaviour. The nature of human reliance on bush-meat is discussed in order to direct conservation action.


    Study site. Lebialem Division is located in theSouthwest Region of Cameroon (Fig. 1). It encom-passes 617 km2 of mountains with an altitudinal rangeof 200 to 2350 m (Institut National de la Statistique2006). Semi-evergreen tropical broadleaf forest domi-nates the lower altitudes (International Tropical Tim-ber Organization 2006). Lebialem contains 2 main for-

    est blocks, Mbin-mak forest and the Bechati-Fossi-mondi-Besali (BFB) forest. It is bordered by Banyang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary (BMWS) to the southwest, butnone of the forest within Lebialem has any legal pro-tection status. A Cameroonian NGO, the Environmentand Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF), hasbeen operating in the area since 1999, focusing onCross River gorilla surveys. The rainy season lasts frommid-March to the end of October, with August beingthe wettest month and February being the driest.Annual rainfall in the area ranges from 3438 to 5429mm with a mean of 4526 mm (Nchanji 2005).

    The most recent population estimate for Lebialemwas 144 560 in 2001, and the national populationgrowth rate is 2.2% (Institut National de la Statistique2006, CIA 2008). Lebialem contains 3 subdivisions:Fontem, Alou and Wabane. Menji (5° 28’ N, 9° 53’ E) isthe divisional headquarters and the main commercialcentre. The 3 subdivisions are further divided into 17traditional kingdoms, known as fondoms. Fondoms aredivided into quarters. Christianity is the prominentreligion in the area, which tends to be practised along-side traditional religious belief systems (Mbaku 2005).The Mundani and Bangwa ethnic groups predominate,with the Mundani occupying Wabane subdivisionwhile the Bangwa occupy Alou and Fontem subdivi-sions. A third group, the M’muock, occupy 3 fondomswithin Alou subdivision. The economy of Lebialem isdominated by agriculture. The main cash crops are oilpalm, cocoa, coffee and potatoes, with surplus subsis-tence crops also being traded. Few opportunities existfor paid employment within the division (J. H. Wrightpers. obs.).

    Data collection. Data were collected over an 8 wkperiod in May and June 2007. Six rural communitieswere selected: 5 typical forest-adjacent villages (Andu,


    Fig. 1. Location of Lebialem Division, Southwest Region andCameroon within Africa (adapted from Etiendem 2008)

  • Wright & Priston: Bushmeat harvesting practices and human reliance

    Atongeh, Bechati, Besali, Fossimondi) and the town ofMenji (Fig. 2). Bushmeat hunting is prevalent in allforest-adjacent communities in this region. Researchcommunities, henceforth collectively referred to as‘villages,’ were either defined at the fondom level or atthe quarter level depending on the autonomy of thesettlement and degree of isolation from neighbouringsettlements. Villages adjacent to both forest blockswere selected; all ethnic groups are representedthrough this selection, and the communities are at thelocal extremes of accessible and inaccessible withregards to motorised transportation (Table 1). Select-ing villages adjacent to both forest blocks was deemednecessary to assess how hunting behaviour is affectedby resource availability. Collecting data from members

    of all 3 ethnic groups was considered important todetermine whether ethnicity has an influence on hunt-ing behaviour and species harvested. Finally, villageswith varying degrees of accessibility were chosen inorder to study the effect this variable has on reliance.

    The research team consisted of 1 researcher (J. H.W.) and 2 local assistants who were graduates familiarwith the study villages and research protocols. Theassistants acted as facilitators and translators toincrease rapport between the researcher and the com-munities. The length of time spent in each villageranged from 4 to 15 d depending on population size.The research team lived with hunters and their fami-lies during this period to gain an appreciation of theirway of life. J. H. W. has visited the area on 2 otheroccasions since this initial data collection period andhas now spent in excess of 5 mo living with hunters inLebialem.

    We used interviews and participatory appraisal tech-niques to obtain the necessary data for this investiga-tion. A semi-structured interviewing approach wasadopted to guide respondents through key themeswhilst tailoring each interview to the knowledge andexperience of the interviewee (O’Reilly 2005). Inter-views were conducted with 2 actor groups, huntersand trappers. The term ‘hunter’ is used henceforth torefer to those who actively search the forest for prey,whereas ‘trapper’ refers to those who set snares andpassively wait for animals to enter them. This distinc-tion has been made in line with how the people definethemselves. Participants were recruited using a snow-balling technique (Cowlishaw et al. 2005b). Hunters,trappers, traders and other villagers identified individ-uals involved in the bushmeat harvest. In total, 90 har-vesters were interviewed: 68 hunters and 22 trappers.The number of interviewees per village ranged from10 to 27.

    The majority of interviews were conducted in Eng-lish or pidgin English. Each interview began with aseries of structured questions to obtain quantitative

    demographic variables for every par-ticipant. Twenty-seven questions wereused as prompts during the remainderof the interview (see Appendix 1).Themes covered were (1) reasons forharvesting bushmeat, (2) harvestingbehaviour, (3) harvest composition, (4)income sources, and (5) diet. Participa-tory appraisal exercises were con-ducted with a group of 6 to 18 har-vesters in each village. Participantsproduced maps to identify harvestingareas and ranks to ascertain prefer-ences and relative frequencies (Riet-bergen-McCracken & Narayan 1998).


    Village Subdivision Population Ethnicity Road access

    Andua Fontem 200 (est.) Bangwa NoAtongeha Fontem 200 (est.) Bangwa NoBechati Wabane 3408b Mundani Seasonalc

    Besali Wabane 3980b Mundani Seasonalc

    Fossimondi Alou 8900b M’muock Seasonalc

    Menjia Fontem 13000 (est.) Bangwa Yes

    aThese villages are quarters of Lebang Fondom but the remaining villagesare fondoms; bAjabji & Tendem (2008); cRoads impassable during the heightof the rainy season from July until September

    Table 1. Population, ethnicity and accessibility of the 6 study villages inLebialem Division and their classification in the divisional system. Est: estimate

    Fig. 2. Map of the 6 study villages and 3 forest blocks, indicat-ing trekking times (h) from Menji

  • Endang Species Res 11: 1–12, 2010

    Bushmeat species were ranked according to profit,taste, frequency of catch, abundance in the forest andimportance as a food and income source.

    To enable the identification of harvested animals,photographs of species previously recorded as bush-meat in the vicinity (Fa et al. 2006, Willcox & Nambu2007) and in the surrounding forest (Sanderson 1940,Ekinde & Khumbah 2006, Nkembi et al. 2006, For-boseh et al. 2007) were presented to interviewees onlaminated sheets. Species absent from these sheetswere identified using Kingdon (1997). When discrep-ancies occurred, a description of the animal was takenand it was later identified as accurately as possible atthe level of species, genus, family or suborder. Overtobservations of bushmeat further verified species iden-tification. For species undergoing taxonomic reclassifi-cation, the scientific names given by the IUCN (2009)have been used.

    Data analysis. Qualitative interview data wereanalysed using a textual approach focusing on wordsand meanings (Dey 1993). Responses were themati-cally grouped and within each group the data werecategorised. Qualitative categories were eventuallyquantified and input as nominal or ordinal data intoSPSS version 13, along with quantitative demographicvariables for each respondent. Basic frequencieswere calculated for all categorical data and appro-priate charts produced. Further analysis using cross-tabulations and clustered bar graphs was conductedin an attempt to identify confounding variables. Con-tinuous data were analysed in SPSS or MicrosoftExcel and descriptive statistics calculated. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determinethe significance of differences between villages andthe Mann-Whitney U-test was used to investigate dif-ferences between hunters and trappers. Differencesbetween nominal variables were tested using chi-squared and the likelihood ratio (Field 2005). Signifi-cance was set at p < 0.05.

    Taste ranks were calculated from data generatedduring interviews by assigning a score to each specieslisted by each respondent in order of preference. Thespecies considered tastiest were allocated 5 points andthe species listed fifth were allocated 1 point. The totalscore for each species was calculated, as were the sub-totals for each village. A similar approach was used toincorporate the ranks from the participatory appraisalexercises conducted in each village into an overallhierarchy. Associations between ranked and otherscale variables were correlated using Spearman’scorrelation coefficient (Gravetter & Wallnau 2000).In order to investigate what determined species price,mean selling prices were calculated using respondentestimates, and weight data was taken from Kingdon(1997).


    Reasons for bushmeat harvesting

    Bushmeat harvesters (n = 90) were exclusively malewith a median age of 42 yr (inter-quartile range, IQR =22). There was little variation between the median ageof hunters (42.0 yr) and trappers (43.5 yr). Income gen-eration was the reason for harvesting that was statedmost frequently during interviews (46%). A typicalresponse would be: ‘hunting is the only way of gettingimmediate cash.’ Providing food for themselves andtheir families was the second most common response(33%), followed by tradition (18%) and pest control(3%). Tradition has become less influential in terms ofencouraging people to hunt, as all those who startedover the last 5 yr began independent of family connec-tions. The reasons for involvement differed signifi-cantly between the 6 communities (likelihood ratio: Lχ2

    = 28.276, df = 15, p = 0.02). Whilst income generationpredominated in 4 communities, Bechati and Besaliwere notable exceptions, giving mainly subsistencereasons for harvesting (Fig. 3).

    Harvesting behaviour

    The most common form of bushmeat harvesting inLebialem is with shotguns (72%), which are manufac-tured locally and can be bought for 10 000 to 15 000FCFA (US $20.57 to 30.86) (P. Nkwetta, pers. comm.).Three of the hunters (n = 68) used dogs instead of gunsand 8 used dogs as well as guns, bringing the percent-age of dog users to 16%. Dogs are used to locate prey,chase animals into positions which make them easierto shoot and fetch animals once shot. Hunters said theyspent a median number of 12 d mo–1 in the forest (IQR= 8). This average could reflect hunting practices dur-ing the rainy season when the study was conducted.Hunting is conducted throughout the year, but prefer-ence was shown for the dry season months of Novem-ber and December. However, the agricultural cycle,rather than climatic conditions, appears to dictate peri-ods of intensive hunting.

    Fifty-three percent of hunters also set traps, bringingthe total number of trappers interviewed to 58. Hand-twisted wire snares were used by 90% of trappers.Alternatives included locally produced ‘mousetrap’style devices (350 × 180 mm), iron traps and pit-falltraps. Wire snares were preferred because a bundle ofwire, which can produce up to 100 snares, costsbetween 2500 to 3500 FCFA (US $5.15 to 7.21). Incomparison, ‘mousetrap’ style devices cost 500 FCFA(US $1.03) each and iron traps cost 5000 FCFA (US$10.30) each. The number of snares respondents


  • Wright & Priston: Bushmeat harvesting practices and human reliance

    claimed to set annually ranged from 14 to 500, with amedian of 120 per trapper. Trappers said they spent amedian number of 12 d mo–1 in the forest (IQR = 5).Respondents (86%) preferred to trap during the rainyseason when the ground was soft enough for vegeta-tion manipulation.

    Bushmeat harvesters have unrestricted access toboth Mbin-mak forest and the BFB forest. Respon-dents from Bechati, Besali and Fossimondi only har-vested bushmeat from the BFB forest. The majority ofrespondents from Andu (85%, n = 13) and Atongeh(71%, n = 14) harvested from their closest forest,Mbin-mak. However, 2 hunters from Andu and 3

    from Atongeh said they regularly walked for 7 to 11 hto BMWS. The majority from Menji (70%, n = 10) alsomade this journey, due to the lack of forest and preyspecies in their vicinity. One hunter from Atongehopted to hunt in the BFB forest. The notable differ-ences between the 3 forest blocks are the knownpresence of Cross River gorillas in the BFB forest andthe protected status of BMWS (Ekinde & Khumbah2006, Bergl et al. 2007).

    Harvest composition

    The species most respondents claimed to harvest arelisted in descending order of frequency (Table 2). Allthe prey species listed are mammals, with rodents,ungulates and primates predominating. The Africanbrush-tailed porcupine Atherurus africanus was saidto be harvested by 96% of all those interviewed andwas consistently listed by the most respondents in eachvillage. Seventy-four percent of interviewees said theyharvested primates. This proportion did not differ sig-nificantly between villages (Kruskal-Wallis: H = 5.923,df = 5, p = 0.314).

    Guenons Cercopithecus erythrotis, C. mona, C. nicti-tans, and C. preussi were predominately hunted usingshotguns, but occasionally fall victim to traps. Drillswere reported to be scarce and could only be locatedby those hunting with dogs. Nocturnal prosimiansGalago spp. and Perodicticus potto are reportedly har-vested by hand during the day or shot by hunters atnight. Twenty-four percent of hunters had shot at least1 chimpanzee or gorilla. Great apes were hunted usingshotguns but the risk to personal safety was a deterrentfor some individuals (n = 13).


    Fig. 3. Reasons for bushmeat harvesting in the 6 study villagesexpressed as percentage of respondents from each village

    Rank Species English name Vernacular name Mean price (± SD)in FCFA

    1 Atherurus africanus (n = 86) African brush-tailed porcupine Chugger-chugger 3855 ± 990 (n = 67)2 Cercopithecus spp. (n = 58) Guenons Monkey 5136 ± 1440 (n = 50)3 Cephalophus dorsalis, Bay duiker, Ogilby’s duikera Red deer 10 846 ± 3056 (n = 39)

    C. ogilbyi (n = 55)4 Cephalophus monticola (n = 51) Blue duiker Frutambo 3731 ± 904 (n = 41)5 Galagidae spp., Perodicticus potto (n = 46) Galagos, potto Bush baby 1230 ± 639 (n = 26)6 Cricetomys emini (n = 45) Giant pouched rat Rat mole 1025 ± 695 (n = 26)7 Phataginus tricuspis (n = 40) Tree pangolin Cutter beef 2599 ± 676 (n = 25)8 Thryonomys swinderianus (n = 38) Greater cane rat Cutting grass 4282 ± 1657 (n = 29)9 Potamochoerus porcus (n = 28) Red river hog Bush pig 37 600 ± 13 263 (n = 17)10 Mandrillus leucophaeus (n = 25) Drill Sumbo 15 889 ± 7871 (n = 16)aBay duiker and Ogilby’s duiker are collectively referred to as ‘red duikers’

    Table 2. Harvest rank of the 10 species or groups of species hunted and trapped by the most respondents (n = 90) listed in de-scending order. Species are grouped if vernacular names referred to more than one species. The mean price ± SD for each speciesis listed. The rank and prices are based on interview responses rather than carcass counts but provide an indication of harvestcomposition and of selling price in FCFA (1000 FCFA = US $2.06 as of 30 June 2007). n in ‘Mean price’ column: no. of respondents

    who provided a price estimate

  • Endang Species Res 11: 1–12, 2010

    Species preferences

    African brush-tailed porcupine was undoubtedly thepreferred species in Lebialem in terms of taste(Table 3). It came at the top of every village taste rank.Guenons ranked second overall but were preferred inthe Mundani villages of Bechati and Besali. Taste pos-itively correlated with species harvested (Spearman: rs= 0.845, n = 19, p < 0.001) (Fig. 4). Price was said to beprimarily determined by the weight of the animal(76%, n = 56). Mean price positively correlated withmean weight (Spearman: rS = 0.912, n = 19, p < 0.001).A tendency suggests that taste may also be positivelycorrelated with mean price (rS = 0.431, n = 19, p =0.066). No significant correlation was found betweenmean price and species harvested (Spearman: rS =0.076, n = 24, p = 0.723) (Table 2). Eighty-eight percentof informants (n = 82) reported a decrease in mam-malian abundance over the period of time they hadbeen harvesting bushmeat. As profitable large-bodiedspecies have become rarer, the ability of bushmeatharvesters to target these species appears to havereduced. Seventy percent of the respondents (n = 10)that had not noticed a change in prey abundance har-vested from the BFB forest.

    Each interviewee was encouraged to share informa-tion about traditional beliefs regarding local species.Twenty-six percent of respondents discussed the trans-formation phenomena, a belief that certain people cantransform into animals. This belief appears to be wide-spread throughout Lebialem and was held by mem-bers of all ethnic groups. It was mentioned by morethan 30% of interviewees in all villages except Fossi-mondi and Menji. Chimpanzees and gorillas were themain focus of these discussions, although the leopardPanthera pardus, African forest buffalo Syncerus caffernanus, forest elephant Loxodonta cyclotis and pythonPython sebae were also thought to be people in dis-

    guise. Attitudes towards this form of witchcraft werepositive. Eighty-three percent of those that believed intransformation (n = 23) said they did not shoot apes forfear of killing a person. However, not all believersavoided hunting apes. Traditional beliefs regardingwildlife appear to be losing their supporters andenforcers.

    Sources of income and protein

    Whilst 33% of respondents said they earned themajority of their income from bushmeat harvestingactivities, farming was stated as the primary occu-pation for 58% of interviewees (Fig. 5). Hunting andtrapping appear to be mainly secondary income-generating activities. In 46% of cases, the moneyearned from trapping actually ranked third or fourthwhen compared with the individuals’ other sources ofincome. Ratios were calculated to reflect the propor-tion of bushmeat harvests reported to be sold and con-sumed by each respondent. Sixty-four percent soldmore than they consumed. Hunters sell a greater pro-portion of their catch when compared to trappers(Mann-Whitney: Z = –1.993, n = 88, p = 0.046). No sig-nificant difference was found in the proportion of


    Rank Species Score

    1 African brush-tailed porcupine 3972 Guenons 1523 Tree pangolin 964 Greater cane rat 825 Red duikers 586 Giant pouched rat 507 Blue duiker 458 Red river hog 449 Guinea fowl (Guttera spp.) 4310 Water chevrotain (Hyemoschus aquaticus) 39

    Table 3. Taste preference rank of bushmeat species com-bining data from interviews and participatory appraisalsessions with bushmeat harvesters (n = 90). Score: sum of all

    interviewee ratings, on a scale of 1 to 5

    Fig. 4. Relationship between harvest rank and taste rank for19 bushmeat species or groups of species (1 = most harvestedor tasty and 19 = least harvested or tasty). Only species thatcould be ranked in terms of harvest and taste were includedin this analysis. Species not otherwise mentioned in thepresent study: African civet Civettictis civetta, flat-headedcusimanse Crossarchus platycephalus, genets Genetta spp.,African palm civet Nandinia binotata, western tree hyraxDendrohyrax dorsalis, squirrels Sciuridae spp., dwarf croco-dile Osteolaemus tetraspis, lizards Lacertilia spp., snakes

    Serpentes spp.

  • Wright & Priston: Bushmeat harvesting practices and human reliance

    bushmeat sold and consumed between the 6 villages(Kruskal-Wallis: H = 6.488, df = 5, p = 0.262). However,on average, Bechati and Besali harvesters sold 6 car-casses for every 4 consumed, whereas harvesters fromthe remaining villages sold 7 carcasses for every 3 con-sumed.

    The sources of protein available in Lebialeminclude bushmeat, domestic meat (beef, pork, goatand poultry), fish and other aquatic organisms, eggsand vegetable proteins. Due to the lack of electricityin all of the villages except Menji, meats are soldfresh or smoked rather than frozen. Fish was thecheapest source of protein available and featuredprominently in the diet of bushmeat harvesters.Eighty percent said they consumed it on a weeklybasis, with most (53%) eating it on 1 or 2 d wk–1.While some of the fish originates from coastal towns175 km to the southwest, the majority is freshwaterfish harvested from local rivers. Although fewerrespondents (70%) said they ate bushmeat on aweekly basis, 55% of those consumed it on more than3 d wk–1, making bushmeat the meat most frequentlyeaten by hunters and trappers.

    Domestic meat was said to be consumed at least oncea week by 52% of respondents but was rarely eaten onmore than 1 or 2 d. Pigs, goats and poultry were keptby residents in all villages but are eaten only duringceremonial occasions and tend to be viewed as savingsrather than food. The majority of domestic meat forconsumption is brought into Lebialem by traders andsold at the weekly markets (D. Etiendem, pers. comm.).When bushmeat consumption was correlated with fishconsumption, a significant negative association be-

    came apparent (Spearman: rS = -0.279, n = 77, p =0.014). No such association was found between bush-meat and domestic meat consumption (Spearman: rS =–0.063, n = 77, p = 0.583).


    Caution is needed when interpreting data frominterviews and participatory appraisal exercises. Themotivations of respondents must be considered.Although the forests of Lebialem are not legally pro-tected, several species that inhabit the area are pro-tected to varying degrees by Law No.94/01 of 20 Janu-ary 1994 (Djeukam 2004). Local assistants helped togain the trust of participants, but fear of restrictionsmay still have influenced some responses. A desire tobenefit from external assistance may also haveaffected participant answers; however the fact that theresearcher was a student unaffiliated with any interna-tional conservation or development organisations wasemphasised. Data were collected for a relatively shortperiod during the rainy season and this should betaken into consideration before generalising theresults. Observations and discussions during furthervisits to Lebialem confirm the general assertions thathave been made.

    There is a marked division of labour within the bush-meat industry in Lebialem, with all hunters and trap-pers being male. This has been noted in all areas stud-ied in west and central Africa (Fa 2007). Women arealso actively involved in the bushmeat trade, but aswholesalers and sellers (Mendelson et al. 2003, Solly2004, J. H. Wright pers. obs.). The majority of bush-meat harvesters were aged between 30 and 52. Thisage group is likely to have growing families andgreater responsibilities, making them more prone toresort to bushmeat harvesting as a means of feedingand providing income for the household. Youngermales often leave their village to find employmentelsewhere.

    In the literature, snares are often referred to as theprinciple weapon used for bushmeat harvestingthroughout afrotropical forests (Fa et al. 2005, Kümpel2006). Evidence from recent studies contradicts thisgeneralisation. In northeast Gabon, van Vliet & Nasi(2008) reported that trapping was an activity only con-ducted by males over 45 yr and that shotguns wereused during 85% of recorded hunting trips. Whereas15 yr ago, snares were more commonly used in thisarea than guns (Lahm 1993, cited in van Vliet & Nasi2008). There was no age-related distinction betweenhunters and trappers in Lebialem, but shotguns werethe weapon of choice for the majority of respondents.This was also noted in a study of the neighbouring


    Fig. 5. Primary occupation of respondents (n = 90), defined as the activity that earns the greatest income

  • Endang Species Res 11: 1–12, 2010

    Banyangi and Mbo tribes who live in and aroundBMWS (Willcox & Nambu 2007).

    The increasing use of shotguns has implications forprimate conservation. Primates are nearly always shot(Fa et al. 2005). The increased use of guns in Gabonhas significantly increased hunting pressures on smalldiurnal monkeys, which are now mainly found morethan 10 km away from villages (van Vliet & Nasi 2008).Larger-bodied primates are most sought after becausethey provide a greater return on investment (Oates1996). Chimpanzees and gorillas were targeted by24% of hunters but killed infrequently due to the rarityof encounters. Drill populations have declined dramat-ically in Korup National Park, southwest Cameroon,since hunters combined the use of guns and dogs (Wal-tert et al. 2002). Of the respondents in Lebialem 9%had also adopted this technique to hunt drills, but drillscarcities might explain its current limited use.

    Small diurnal monkeys are relatively easy targetsfor shotgun hunters due to their social organisation.One well-placed cartridge can kill several animals(Muchaal & Ngandjui 1999). Cercopithecus spp.appear to be the most frequently hunted primates inLebialem due to their relative abundance. They alsoaccounted for 81% of the primate carcasses identifiedduring an extensive 5 mo survey of bushmeat mar-kets between the Cross River in Nigeria and theSanaga River in Cameroon, an area which encom-passes Lebialem (Fa et al. 2006). Nocturnal prosimi-ans were often considered too small to be worth thecost of a shotgun cartridge, yet contrary to theassumptions of optimal foraging theory were huntedby 51% of respondents (Cowlishaw & Dunbar 2000).When the likelihood of encountering preferred spe-cies is low, i.e. on the last day of a hunting trip,hunters will use their ammunition on whatever isavailable to avoid the unbearable scenario of return-ing empty-handed.

    Fa et al. (2006) reported that ungulates comprisedthe greatest proportion of carcasses sold (36%) in theCameroon section of their survey area, followed byrodents (34%) and primates (20%). Ungulates, partic-ularly blue duikers, have been reported to constitutethe majority of species harvested at a number of studylocations (Dja Reserve, Cameroon; Muchaal & Ngand-jui 1999), (Republic of Congo; Eves & Ruggiero 2000),(Gabon; van Vliet & Nasi 2008). Calculating the num-ber of respondents claiming to harvest species from the3 dominant orders suggests that rodents, rather thanungulates, constitute the greatest proportion of the off-take in Lebialem. The dominance of rodents in harvestdata has been suggested as an indicator of over-exploitation (Cowlishaw et al. 2005a, Fa et al. 2005). Inthis case, the prominence of rodents in harvest ranks islikely to be a reflection of their relative abundance and

    the fact they can be targeted by all individuals irre-spective of harvesting method.

    Economic value is mainly determined by the weightof prey species. Larger species are usually found fur-ther away from human habitation, in mature forest(van Vliet & Nasi 2008). More commercially orientatedharvesters tend to travel further into the forest toincrease the value of their catch (Coad 2007). When itbecomes uneconomical to hunt or trap in a particularforest block, according to the patch departure model ofoptimal foraging theory, harvesters should move on tomore profitable areas (Cowlishaw & Dunbar, 2000).Thirteen hunters in Lebialem appear to have shiftedtheir activities away from their closest forest, Mbin-mak, to BMWS and the BFB forest. This indicates thatpopulations of larger mammals in Mbin-mak havediminished. Reports of declining wildlife by 88% ofrespondents suggest that harvesting pressures arehaving a negative impact on species populations in all3 forest areas.

    Price and taste are characteristics of bushmeat thatcould affect harvester selectivity. The mean price ofeach species did not correlate with harvest rank, aswould be expected if harvesters were selecting inorder to maximise their financial rates of return. How-ever, the tastiest species did tend to be those most har-vested. Whilst this could indicate that harvesters selectaccording to taste preferences, it seems likely thattaste preferences change over time according to spe-cies availability. Porcupine, guenon and blue duikerwere all listed among the most abundant species in theforest and all ranked highly according to taste. When atype of meat becomes rare, people adapt and prefer-ences eventually subside (Kümpel 2006). Chimpanzee,gorilla and drill were all absent from the taste rank.

    Traditional beliefs are thought to have preventedthe decline of primates in certain areas (Rose et al.2003). The belief that humans transform into chim-panzees and gorillas appears to influence huntinghabits. The risk of accidentally murdering a person indisguise, and the subsequent ill fates this may bring,sufficiently deterred many individuals from huntingapes (Etiendem 2008). However, 4 respondents hadkilled apes despite knowing about this traditionalbelief and those that spoke of the belief were in theminority. Modernisation, cultural integration and thedecreasing availability of wildlife coupled withincreasing demand for bushmeat have eroded manytraditional belief systems (Barnett 2000). In Lebialem,belief in animal totems has especially declinedamong the younger generation (Etiendem 2008).

    Determining the level of dependence on bushmeatby different sectors of society, and the nature of thatdependence, was stated as a research priority in 2003(Milner-Gulland et al. 2003). Studies conducted else-


  • Wright & Priston: Bushmeat harvesting practices and human reliance

    where in west and central Africa since then suggestthat bushmeat is more important as a source ofincome in rural communities than as a source of pro-tein (Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]; deMerode et al. 2004), (Gabon; Starkey 2004), (Equator-ial Guinea; Kümpel 2006). Bushmeat harvesters inLebialem primarily stated economic reasons forinvolvement and appear to sell more bushmeat thanthey consume. However, the reasons given by respon-dents to justify their harvesting activities differed sig-nificantly between the 6 villages. Although incomegeneration predominated in the Bangwa andM’muock communities, the Mundani of Bechati andBesali mainly specified dietary reasons for harvesting.The proportion of harvests sold and consumed sug-gests that Mundani still sell more than they eat butgenerally sell a lesser proportion than the Bangwaand M’muock.

    The difference in the nature of reliance on bushmeatby different ethnic groups may be more circumstantialrather than a direct reflection of cultural difference.The Mundani communities are relatively remote andinsular due to the nature of the topography in theregion and the distance from Menji. Extremely poorroads over the mountainous landscape and impassablerivers during the wet season prevent public transportlinks connecting Wabane sub-division to the rest ofLebialem. Poor access to external markets may be thereason why the majority of harvesters in Bechati andBesali hunt primarily for subsistence, but sell their sur-plus catch to neighbours to supplement their income. Adifferent scenario was reported by Willcox & Nambu(2007), who found that commercial hunting was moreprolific in areas with no road access, because theseareas had no means of transporting heavy agriculturalproduce.

    The general lack of paid employment in Lebialemstill forces many to consider the bushmeat trade as oneof the few financial options. Although the majority hadother primary income-generating occupations, theneed for additional cash appears to have persuadedindividuals to adopt multiple enterprise lifestyles inorder to earn money from a range of activities (Brown2003). Trapping often played a minor role in respon-dents’ economic diversification strategies, and thismay be due to the difference in harvest compositionbetween hunters and trappers. Trappers often obtainsmaller prey with little economic value that is con-sumed rather than sold. With an average commitmentof just 3 d wk–1, harvesters are able to spend most oftheir time engaged with other activities, such as farm-ing. The attraction and importance of harvesting as acomplimentary income source is reflected in the flexi-bility of labour input and the nature of the economicreturns.

    Agriculture requires a large amount of temporal andmonetary investment. Oil palm and cocoa, 2 of theprinciple cash crops in Lebialem, take several years tomature before harvesting can begin. Even with harvestregularity, income is seasonal and usually limited to 1payment yr–1. The selling of bushmeat enables farmersto make smaller amounts of money throughout theyear. As a tradable commodity, bushmeat has a highvalue to weight ratio, making transportation relativelyeasy, and once smoked it can be stored without expen-sive refrigeration (Brown & Williams 2003). Bushmeatharvesting can be intensified between crop seasons,and for low levels of investment offers rapid returns(Solly 2004). It is therefore regarded as an instantsafety-net in times of financial hardship and whenunexpected expenses such as medical bills arise(Bowen-Jones et al. 2003). Solly (2007) found that theinstant cash generated from bushmeat harvesting alsoplayed an important social role. Men in Cameroon areunder pressure to display generosity in the social set-ting through buying alcohol. The ‘quick, easy money’earned from bushmeat can legitimately be fritteredaway on such expenses.

    Bushmeat is widely recognised as an importantsource of protein in the Congo Basin (Ntiamoa-Baidu1997, Fa et al. 2003). It is usually the most available inrural communities and often the most preferred (Nji-forti 1996, Schenck et al. 2006). On average inCameroon, bushmeat supplies 26 g of daily proteinintake per person, equivalent to half the recommendeddaily protein requirement (FAO/WHO/UNU 1985, Faet al. 2003). Based on average weekly consumptionestimates provided by interviewees rather than actualprotein intake data, bushmeat appears to be the ani-mal protein consumed most frequently by harvesters inLebialem. This may be because even those that sell themajority of their catch remove and consume the inter-nal organs before smoking the meat. However, fishwas consumed on a regular basis by the majority ofrespondents and was the principle protein available inthe communities (Etiendem 2008).

    Brashares et al. (2004) noted a direct link betweenbushmeat demand and fish supply, suggesting thatvariations in fish supply drove bushmeat sales. Bush-meat consumption in Lebialem was negatively corre-lated with fish consumption. This could be indicative ofa similar causal relationship but further investigationwould be necessary to confirm this. Nevertheless,bushmeat and fish appear to be intrinsically linked assubstitutes. Fish and bushmeat share more characteris-tics with one another than either do with domesticmeat. Both are usually sold smoked rather than freshand can be harvested locally at minimal expense. Fishis currently extracted using a fencing technique, how-ever, which is reported to be depleting this resource


  • Endang Species Res 11: 1–12, 2010

    (Etiendem 2008). Whether current harvests of bush-meat or fish can be sustained in the long term is ques-tionable.


    Harvester reliance on bushmeat appears to bemainly financial in Lebialem. Whilst bushmeat remainsan important dietary component for hunters and trap-pers, fish was the principle source of animal proteinconsumed on a regular basis. The widespread use ofshotguns is likely to have played a role in the per-ceived decline of wildlife, but the necessary increase ineffort needed to maintain acceptable catch sizes islikely to increase harvester receptivity to alternatives.If financial reliance on bushmeat harvesting and thevolume of species extracted is to be reduced, thedevelopment of economic alternatives should be givenpriority. These need to be flexible in terms of labourinput, involve minimal financial investment and pro-vide similar economic rates of return. In areas withpoor access to external markets, alternative saleableproducts should be marketable locally or have a highvalue to weight ratio to justify long distance trans-portation. Research is now being conducted to identifyappropriate economic alternatives, given the findingspresented. Beekeeping is one option as it has similarcharacteristics to bushmeat harvesting in terms ofearnings potential, market demand, land requirementsand temporal investment. More than 130 hunters andtrappers from Lebialem were trained in beekeeping in2009 as part of a project established by J. H. W. Theeffectiveness of this and various other approaches arestill being evaluated and a future paper is forthcoming.

    To strengthen livelihood security and reduce the riskof food shortages in the future, fishing practices needto become more sustainable in Lebialem. Non-meatproteins should also be promoted through educationabout basic dietary requirements and the varioussources of different nutrients. Efforts to improve agri-cultural productivity through sustainable means, i.e.permaculture and agroforestry, and assistance inadding value to existing produce will not only furtherincrease food security but also lessen the financial bur-den on bushmeat harvesters. A basic understanding offinancial management and access to microcredit andcommunity savings schemes could also help preventsome of the financial hardships that force individualsto turn to hunting and trapping. Whilst the outlawingof bushmeat is undesirable from a livelihood perspec-tive and impractical from an enforcement one, huntersmust be dissuaded from killing threatened speciesthrough law enforcement and education emphasisingthe extinction risk and the economic need to reduce

    reliance on a depleting resource. These are all essen-tial components of a multifaceted approach to bush-meat mitigation.

    Acknowledgements. The authors thank K.A.I. Nekaris, S.K.Bearder, G. Donati and C.M. Hill for providing advice dur-ing the planning, data analysis and write-up stages. Wethank M. MacLean for granting research ethics approval.For guidance and logistical support in the field we thank L.Nkembi, D. Lekeaka, S. Ajabji, R. Achah and F. Mbunyafrom the Environment and Rural Development Foundation(ERuDeF). We are particularly grateful to P. Tendem and P.Nkwetta who acted as research assistants and to all thehunters and trappers who participated in this study. Thisresearch was conducted by J.H.W. as part of an MSc in Pri-mate Conservation at Oxford Brookes University and wassupported by a Primate Society of Great Britain (PSGB)Conservation Grant.


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    Editorial responsibility: Anna Nekaris,Oxford, UK

    Submitted: February 16, 2009; Accepted: October 5, 2009Proofs received from author(s): January 27, 2010

    Reasons for harvesting bushmeat1. How many years have you hunted/trapped?2. Why did you become a hunter/trapper?

    Harvesting behaviour3. What is your method of hunting/trapping?4. How much do your hunting/trapping materials cost?5. How many traps do you set per year?6. How many days per week or per month do you hunt/trap?7. How many hours or days do you spend in the forest on each trip?8. Do you hunt more in some months than in others?9. How many hours does it take you to trek to the forest?10. Which forest do you hunt in?

    Harvest composition11. What animals do you hunt/trap?12. Why do you hunt/trap those animals?13. How much do you sell these animals for?14. Do you or have you ever killed a chimpanzee or a gorilla?15. What determines the price?16. Which bushmeat species are the tastiest? (top 5 in order of preference)17. How many animals can you catch per trip?18. Have you noticed a change in how easy it is to catch animals now compared to

    when you started hunting/trapping?19. Have certain animals become harder to catch?20. Are there any traditional laws or beliefs regarding animals?

    Income sources21. What are your occupations? (list in order of income)22. What alternatives to hunting/trapping would you consider?

    Diet23. How many animals do you sell and how many do you eat per week?24. What other forms of meat do you eat?25. How many days per week do you eat fish?26. How many days per week do you eat domestic meat?27. How many days per week do you eat bushmeat?

    Appendix 1. Semi-structured interview questions

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