hum2310 fa2014 exam 4 study guide

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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FROM "FROM THE CRADLE OF LIFE: AFRICAN BELIEF SYSTEMS AND RITUALS" POWERPOINT: 1. Griots Sung traditional folk stories and tales, told by singers 2. High God Clock-maker god, not concerned with day-to-day events 3. Olorun Yoruba High God, Nigeria, asks son to create world, son fails 4. Orisha Lesser deities, spirits, represent forces of nature, control daily events 5. Kwoth Nhial Nuer High God, not a clock-maker HG, concerned with daily events 6. The significance of water Life events rituals, contains spirit orisha, typically contaminated today, won’t boil water for fear of killing spirit 7. Ancestral worship practices Seen as slightly more powerful than orishas, present daily, not always friendly, unpredictable, make offering to ancestors to stay in favor 8. Diviners Religious figure who can interpret the needs or wants of ancestral spirits 9. Libation Liquid offering to the ancestors or orisha 10. Ogun Yoruba god of iron, symbol affixed to cars to protect drivers 11. Birth rituals Wait a week to name a child, high infant mortality rate, wash in sacred water 12. Eschatology System of judgment or salvation after death 13. Nkisi Nkondi Figurine/totem, “spirit hunter”, protects from evil, cures illness, protects village

FROM "PACIFIC OHANA: THE MYTHOLOGY OF THE HAWAIIAN CULTURE" POWERPOINT: 1. The 5 largest Hawaiian islands Hawaii Maui Molokai Oahu Kauai 2. Heiau Ritual worship space/temple 3. Kahuna nui Line of high priests in Hawaiian history 4. Pili First kahuna nui of the line of Kamehameha I 5. Poi Traditional Hawaiian paste-like food made from taro roots 6. N'akua & honua N’akua = gods Honua = humanity 7. Tiki First human, tiki masks 8. Rangi & Papa 1st 2 Hawaiian deities, Rangi = sky, Papa = earth 9. Luau Unborn child of Papa, god of earthquakes 10. Kane Tree god, wild foods & plants, separated Rangi & Papa 11. Hunamoku Kane’s paradisical land = heaven 12. Lono God of cultivated foods (taro, limu, sweet potatoes)

13. Ku Hawaiian god of war 14. Kaikilani Goddess of fertility 15. Makahiki Festival Rainy season festival representing Kaikilani’s husband’s grief 16. Laka Goddess of hula, fertility, sexuality, beauty 17. Apuhau Storm god, god of rain 18. Kanaloa Kanaloa god of sea, created fish 19. Haumea Mother goddess, procreated with her children to produce new children, who she then procreated with 20. Maui God of the sun, fished up the islands with coral hook, created shrimp from his blood, tried to obtain immortality for humans 21. Hina Goddess of the moon, wife & sister to Maui 22. Tetuna Eel god, created coconut trees 23. Puenui Owl god, loves Hina 24. Menehune Elf or dwarf-like creatures who serve Pele 25. Pele Goddess of volcanoes, Kane her father, Kamapua’a her husband 26. Mount Kilauea Pele’s home, axis mundi = center of the universe 27. Opelu Pele’s son, god of healing & doctors

28. Kamapua'a Pele’s husband, god of warriors, transforms into a boar when angered 29. Kamoho Shark god, Pele’s brother, hid her from Kamapua’a & Kane 30. Kahoali God of sorcery & magic, evil 31. Milu Goddess of death & underworld FROM THE "SEEKING THE DIVINE: THE THREE MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS POWERPOINT": 1. Zaddik Righteous Jewish priest believed to have a direct line to God 2. Torah Jewish Bible, 5 books, Old Testament in Christian Bible 3. Yahweh Hebrew name for God 4. The Western Wall Last remaining wall of Temple of Solomon, holiest site in the world for Jews, axis mundi 5. Tanakh Collected interpretations of the rabbis of the Torah 6. Mezuzah Small case placed on doorframe containing a Hebrew scripture 7. Chai Symbol that combines two Hebrews for “life” & “living”, emphasis on enjoying mortal life 8. Rabbi Jewish priest, means “teacher” in Hebrew, not required to create synagogue 9. Synagogue

Jewish house of worship, means “home” in Hebrew; comes from practice of worshipping in homes after Jewish Diaspora 10. Canaan Promised Land promised to Abraham by Yahweh 11. Constantine I Roman Emperor who granted religious freedom across the Roman Empire 12. The Trinity God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit 13. Eucharist Mass, partaking in the bread & wine that represent Jesus’ body and blood, transubstantiation 14. Catholic “Universal” in Latin, earliest form of Christianity 15. Pope Leader of the Catholic Church, has direct line to God 16. Icthus Jesus Fish, so Christians could recognize each other in person without being persecuted 17. Alpha & Omega 1st & last characters in Greek alphabet, God is the beginning & end 18. Apocrypha “Lost books” of the Bible, written between the Old & New testaments 19. Baptism Symbolic washing away of sin, rebirth through forgiveness as Christian 20. Xristos “Anointed one” in Greek 21. Medina Where Mohammed was called to God 22. Muezzin Calls Muslims to prayer on daily basis 23. Ka’ba

1st Muslim house of worship, meteorite fell to Earth here, Saudi Arabia, axis mundi 24. Allah Arabic name for God “THE god” 25. Mecca Mohammed assumed into Heaven here, surrounds Ka’ba 26. The Five Pillars of Islam Confession of Faith (Shahada) Ritual Prayer (Salat) Alms Tax (Zakat) Fasting (Sawm) Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) 27. 3 Major Denominations of Christianity Catholic Protestant Orthodox 28. 3 Major Sects of Islam Sunnii Shiite Sufi 29. 4 Major Sects of Judaism Orthodox Hasidic Conservative Reform

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