manifest absolutely anything you desire in 2 days flat. guaranteed

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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The Abundance Code Promise:

Achieve First Results in Just Two Days


You’ll Have a Massive

“Change in Perception”

in the Next 2 Days.

Principle #1: Only ONE Thing is Needed to Achieve ANY Goal.

-PASSION is the only thing required to achieve any goal. -When you DESIRE something enough you will do ANYTHING to achieve it.-When your GOAL becomes an inner part of WHO YOU ARE, this PASSION AND DESIRE drives you to take the right actions to achieve it.-Igniting your PASSION to a CLEAR goal is the key.

Principle #2: It’s All in How You Think.

We all have the same ability to manifest and make the things we want to occur in our lives. It is how we:

-Set These Goals

-Focus on Them, and

-Follow Through

That makes all the difference.

Principle #3: You Must Have a Personalized Structure to Follow That Will Allow You to Manifest.

This Basic Structure is:1. Set a Crystal Clear goal.2. Activate your goal with powerful emotions, while in a calm, relaxed, focused state of mind.3. Visualize your goal in the present as if you’ve already achieved it.4. Make a plan and Take Daily Inspired Action.5. Make Course Corrections.

Step #1: Set a Crystal Clear Goal.

Use the S.M.A.R.T. technique. Your first goal should be:-Simple: (Note: Big goals can be expressed simply too).-Measurable: Determine what has to happen so that you know you’ve achieved this goal.-Achievable: Make your first goal something you can achieve based on where you are now.-Results-Focused: Focus on what you want to achieve and not the steps you need to get there.-Timed: Set a specific date that you want this goal to be completed by.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System

-Write your goal on a piece of paper in one sentence as if you’ve already achieved it and include WHY you want to achieve this goal.

Example: “I have an additional $10,000 in my bank account by February 1st so I’ll have a nest egg for emergencies.”

Example: “I weigh 125 pounds by February 14th so I can wear my favorite dress to the Valentines Day dance.”

Example: “I have completed a 5-page, first rough draft of a website for my new Internet business by March 1st so I can move towards being financially independent.”

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

-Example: I have a new boyfriend or girlfriend by June 1st, so I have someone to share my life with.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

The “S” in S.M.A.R.T. is for Specific:

Goals need to be simply written, and clearly define what you are going to do. Specific is the What and Why part of the S.M.A.R.T. model.

-Example: “I have an additional $10,000 in my bank account by February 1st so I’ll have a nest egg for emergencies.”

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

-Explanation of Example:

“I have an additional $10,000 in my bank account” = The Specific part.

“…so I have a nest egg for emergencies” = The Why. The “Why” will be used later in this process to ignite your passion.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

The “M” in S.M.A.R.T is for Measurable: Goals need to be measurable so you have tangible evidence that you’ve accomplished the goal.

Example: “I weigh 125 pounds by February 14th

so I can wear my favorite dress to the Valentines Day dance.”

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

-Explanation of Example:

“Weighing 125 pounds” is the Measurable part of this goal.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

The “A” in S.M.A.R.T. is for Achievable:

Goals need to be achievable BUT they also need to stretch you a little so you feel challenged.

You can achieve most any desire by planning and setting a timeframe that allows you to carry out the steps.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

Example: “I have completed a 5-page, first rough draft of a website for my new Internet business by March 1st so I can move towards being financially independent.”

Explanation of Example:

“…completed a 5-page, first rough draft of a website” = the Achievable part. Building a complete finished website may be unrealistic,

but a rough draft can be manageable.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

The “R” in S.M.A.R.T. is for Results-Focused:

Goals need to be focused on results and what you WANT, not the activities you need to do to achieve them.

Example: “I have completed a 5-page, first rough draft of a website for my new Internet business by March 1st

so I can move towards being financially independent.”

Explanation of Example:

“…website for my new Internet business ” = the Results-Focused part.

Step #2: Write Down Goal and Choose Your Personalized System (continued)

The “T” in S.M.A.R.T. is for Timed:

Goals need to be timed to create a practical sense of urgency between your current reality and the completed goal. This tension combined with an activated deep inner passion drives you to get results.

Example: “I have completed a 5-page, first rough draft of a website for my new Internet business by March 1st

so I can move towards being financially independent.”

Explanation of Example: by March 1st ” = the Timedpart.

Step #3: Make Your Goal Into a Symbol

-Take the one sentence goal you’ve written down on paper, and with a pen, cross out all of the vowels except the first “I.” Then go back and cross out all the repeated letters.

Example: “I have an additional $10,000 in my bank account by February 1st.”


What Symbols Are and How They Activate Your Subconscious Mind

-Symbols are SIMPLIFIED forms of thoughts, and thought processes.

-The subconscious mind can only process a thought expressed in the positive.

We see this all around us but often do not notice the significance or power.

The retailer Target goes from “Target Department Store,” to “Target,” to:

• And finally to:

Then we see:

McDonald’s goes from spelling out “McDonald’s Hamburgers”:

To just using the word “McDonald’s”:


• These are simplified visual forms of a thought and thought processes, and in the case of Target, McDonald’s, and Starbucks, they are trying to get you to DO something, which is of course BUY THEIR STUFF.

Webster's dictionary defines “Symbol” as:

1: an authoritative summary of faith

2: something that stands for something else <the lion is a symbol of courage>

3: an object representing something in the subconscious mind <phallic symbol>

4: A printed sign used to command action

< a stop sign>

Think for a moment about what these WORDLESS symbols mean to you and what they are trying to get you to do.

Now you’re going to create a POWERFUL Personal Symbol that will drive you to do something, which is ACHIEVE YOUR 1st GOAL!

From the example above we went from:

“I have an additional $10,000 in my bank account by February 1st so I will have a nest egg for emergencies.”



Draw it out on paper starting like this:

Now take: “HVNDTL$10MBKCJ31S”

And make it even simpler like this:

Now draw circles around each like this:

Now connect each with a line like this:

Now review what each means.

Now simply even more

And Even more until you have a Personal Symbol

And Even more until you have a Personal Symbol

And Even more until you have a Personal Symbol

And Even more until you have a Personal Symbol

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