
Post on 19-Feb-2016






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Michelle Fulton's



Dear Friends,

Ghosts and goblins and witches, Oh my! A definite chill is in the air and the sound of

children's laughter takes us back to our own days of trick or treat fun. So break out that

perfect costume you have stashed away and come bob for apples!

This issue of Welcome Home magazine is filled with spirited fun and many ways to make the

most of the trick or treat mentality. Ever wonder what they do in other parts of the world on

Halloween? And how in the world did this holiday and all it's crazy traditions get started?

Have a fantastic costume idea but not a small fortune to finance it with? All these answers

and more await you in our pages.

Please enjoy this issue of the magazine!

Have a spooktacular October, and as always, Welcome Home!

If you have comments or suggestions please email us at;

we love to hear from you! Also if there is a subject that you would like to see covered, let us

know! We look forward to hearing from you!



Fall Pumpkin Cheesecakes

Welcome Home!

Preparation1. In a 350° oven, bake pecans in an 8- or 9-inch-wide pan, shaking often, until lightly toasted, about 10 minutes. Pour from pan. When cool, whirl in a blender or food processor until finely ground.2. Brush interiors of 10 tart pans (4 1/2 in. wide with removable rims; see notes) with the melted butter. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons ground toasted pecans over bottom of each pan. Set pans slightly apart on 2 baking sheets (14 by 17 in.).3. In a bowl, with a mixer on medium-high speed, beat cream cheese to blend with 2/3 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons brandy, and 2 tablespoons maple syrup. Add eggs, pumpkin, cream, cinnamon, ground ginger, and nutmeg; stir to mix, then beat until well blended. Fill tart pans equally with cheesecake mixture.4. Bake in a 325° oven until centers no longer jiggle when pans are gently shaken, 20 to 25 minutes.5. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix remaining 1/2 cup chopped pecans and the crystallized ginger.6. In another bowl, mix sour cream with remaining 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon brandy, and 1 tablespoon maple syrup. Spoon mixture equally onto cheesecakes and spread level. Sprinkle pecan-ginger mixture equally over sour cream topping.7. Return tarts to oven and bake to firm sour cream topping slightly, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a rack and let cool at least 30 minutes. Serve warm, or cover airtight without touching tops, and chill until cold, at least 2 hours or up to 1 day. To serve, remove pan rims and set cheesecakes on plates.Sunset, NOVEMBER 2000 - Photo by James Carrier

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Editor in Chief - Phly Jambor

All pictures courtesy of unless otherwise noted.

Makes 10 to 12 servings

Ingredients * 2 cups pecan halves * About 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine * 2 packages (8 oz. each) cream cheese * 2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar * 3 tablespoons brandy or Cognac * 3 tablespoons maple syrup * 2 large eggs * 1 can (15 oz.) pumpkin * 2 tablespoons whipping cream or milk * 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon * 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger * 1/4 teaspoon fresh-grated nutmeg * 2 tablespoons chopped crystallized ginger * 2 cups (1 pt.) sour cream

Halloween Traditions Around The World

* Was Halloween originally a pagan or a Christian holiday?

Like the celebration of Christmas day, originally Halloween was a pagan festival rather than a Christian holiday. It was only around 10th century that the Roman Catholic Church established this holy day. This was initiated for purifying the spirits of the dead.

* What is the origin of trick-or-treating?

Trick-or-treating, a major Halloween tradition, is related to the "soul cake day" of Christian people, with a belief that the treat pacifies a mischievous spirit. Formerly, children who were trick-or-treating would vandalize houses that did not give them treats. They roamed around the neighborhood soliciting candy or other kinds of treats. This was became popular up to the 20th century.

It was in the year 1970 that the trick-or-treating tradition started to wane because of several rumors that some households were handing out harmful or poisonous treats to children. Today many parents accompany their children while trick-or-treating or organize private Halloween parties.

* Why is Halloween celebrated on October 31st?

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st because the Celtic people believed that it is the end of "season of the sun" and the start of "season of darkness and cold" due to winter. They believe that it is the time when evil spirits are most likely to roam the earth.

* Is Halloween celebrated on the same day around the world?

No. Halloween in some parts of the world may not even occur on October 31st. A number of countries celebrate Halloween on November 1 or 2. Other prefers to celebrate it at some other time, mostly during the fall or summer season.

* What countries celebrate Halloween?

Halloween is one of the oldest traditions and is celebrated around the globe. While many countries commemorate Halloween it is in North America and Canada where Halloween is most popular. Other countries that join in the celebration are Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Latin America, Spain, and Sweden.

* How did Halloween get started in the U.S.?

The first-ever recorded Halloween celebration in the United States occurred in Anoka, Minnesota, in 1921. That was the start of trick-or-treat, Halloween costume parties, and a series of activities depicting the essence of the celebration.

* Why do we carve pumpkins for Halloween?

Carving of pumpkins is descended from earliest Irish tradition. Originally a turnip was used instead of a pumpkin. According to some stories, it was believed to ward off evil spirits.

When the Irish people began to immigrate to America, they realized that carved pumpkins were more realistic than turnips, as well as easier to carve.

Written by Hanson Landgren . Article courtesy of

Happy Halloween! Of all the mainstay holidays that populate our year, Halloween is one of the oldest, dating back thousands of years. Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Easter and even Christmas are youngsters by comparison. Follow me and I'll take you on a trail that follows it through the ages to the costume and candy nighttime promenade we celebrate today.

Summerʼs EndOriginally starting out as an ancient Celtic holiday, Druidic priests regarded the day as the end of the year and a celebration for the year's harvest. October 31 was the first day of a three-day celebration called Samhain, meaning "the end of summer". It marked the passage from the season of the sun to the season of darkness, but was also a festival for honoring the dead. The Celts believed the laws of space and time were suspended on this night, allowing the spirit world to crossover and intermingle with the living world.

SpookyAs the story goes, the disembodied spirits of all those who had passed away throughout the preceding year would come back on that night in search of living bodies to possess for the coming year. Apparently, it was their only hope for an afterlife. To protect themselves, the Celtic priests developed spells, charms and ritualistic burning sacrifices to appease the wandering spirits that roamed the night.

The Cold ShoulderOf course, being alive you certainly didn't want to get possessed, so on the night of October 31st, people would put out the fires in their fireplaces and furnaces, to make their homes cold and undesirable to the wandering spirits. To complete the ritual, they would then dress in ghoulish costumes, parading around the neighborhoods causing ruckus and destruction in order to scare off the spirits looking for a warm body to inhabit.

All Hallowʼs EveThe word Halloween is a concoction. Samhain (pronounced sow-en, the sow rhymes with cow, that "en" part is important to remember) was combined with the November 1st Catholic holiday of "All Hallows Eve", otherwise known as "All Hallows Day "or "All Saints Day". The old English word "Hallow" meant to sanctify. It was the day for honoring the Catholic saints. By the 7th century AD it was adapted as "All Soul's Day" to honor all the dead and not just the saints. Over time, these two celebrations were combined into one mega-fest by the growing populations of Europe. And abracadabra, sow-en and Hallows Eve merged creating Halloween. In Ireland it is sometimes referred to as Hallow E'en and others still spell it, Hallowe'en, further emphasizing the marriage of terms and holidays.

Halloween Came From Where?

Written by Chad Koch. Courtesy of

Jack O' LanternAn Irish folklore tells the tale of a lazy trickster named Jack. In his whole life he never made a single enemy, nor a single friend, never did an honest day's work or performed a single selfless act for anyone. But despite his sloth and constant state of inebriation, he was able to foil the Devil's attempt at taking his soul.

One Halloween Jack's number was up and the Devil arrived to do his deed. Jake was of course having a pint at the pub and asked the Devil for permission to finish his ale. The Devil agreed and Jack struck up a conversation. He asked, "If you really have any power, you could transform yourself into anything, right? Even a shilling." The Devil took it as challenge and transformed himself into a silver coin. Jack snatched up the coin and scratched a cross-shaped scar into the face. The power of the cross, being like kryptonite to Superman, made the Devil powerless and held him captive.

Jack bartered with Satan, he would free him if he would grant Jack another year of life so that he would have time to repent. Having little choice, the Devil made it so. A year passed, Jack being Jack, never got around to getting off his bar stool to repent.

Bobbing For ApplesEventually the traditional Roman celebration on November 1st honoring Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees, was absorbed into the Halloween punch bowl. Bringing its own traits with it, Pomona's symbol was an apple, which most likely inspired the party activity of bobbing for apples.

Trick...Celebration of Halloween came to America with early Irish and Scottish immigrants. The belief in spirit possession had subsided compared to the early days and the act of dressing as ghouls, goblins, ghosts and witches was more like today's ceremonious fun.However, the anarchy still remained from the early Celtic days. Favorite tricks of the time were knocking over outhouses, especially with someone inside and unhinging fence gates, freeing farm animals and the like.

....Or TreatThe treat part of trick-or-treating originated with a 9th century European custom called "souling". On "All Souls Day", early Christians would walk door-to-door begging for "soul cakes", little squares of bread made with currants (yummy). You see, at the time, it was believed that the souls of the dead remained in limbo on earth and that prayers would speed the soul's passage to heaven. The more soul cakes the beggars would get, the more prayers they would promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the givers.

Again it was Halloween, but Satan was a no show. Suddenly Jack knew why, presto-change-o, Jack was dead and standing at the pearly gates. He was getting to go to heaven. Ah, but before admittance he had to get the okay from St. Peter. Checking his records, St. Peter gave Jack the thumbs down, boo-hoo, for Jack had never performed a single selfless act. Off to hell Jack would go.

However, Satan wasn't having any of it either. He was still ticked for getting tricked. Having nowhere else to go, the Devil gave Jack a single burning ember in a hollowed out turnip. With only this simple lantern to light his path, rejected from heaven and hell, poor Jack was doomed to wander in the darkness forever.

The Irish originally used turnips as their "Jack's lanterns". But in America, pumpkins were far easier to come by than turnips. Pumpkins also pulled a double duty, symbolizing the giant full moon of harvest. So, the man-in-the-moon and trickster Jack combined to form the carved face pumpkins of our Jack O' Lanterns.

There you have it ghouls and goblins, the who's and boos of why Halloween is one of our favorite times of year! Jokes and candy to all ye this Hallow's Eve!

Itʼs officially fall, the pumpkins have arrived. Our local pumpkin patch is in full swing. Its time to pull out the carving tools and pie recipes. Here are some tips to help you choose the right pumpkin for your purpose.

For cooking and pie making, choose a pie pumpkin or sugar pumpkin variety. These pumpkins are not as fibrous as the large carving pumpkins and will produce a better taste and texture. If these are not available, a small to medium-small size tender carving pumpkin will do if you must.

Choosing a Pumpkin For Carving

If carving is your goal, choose your pumpkin according to the design you have in mind. Small, tender pumpkins are easier for children to carve, but will not last as long as an older tougher shell. Choose a pumpkin large enough for the amount of detail you intend, but not so large as to lose your design. Inspect the pumpkin carefully for bruises, soft spots, or any indications of mold or mildew. Donʼt forget to inspect the bottom and the top around the stem. Firm hard flesh and a sturdy stem are signs of a healthy pumpkin.

Look for a pumpkin that has a flat spot and will sit upright without toppling. This will help keep it stable for carving and displaying. For longer life, consider painting your pumpkin rather than carving, or wait until the last minute to carve your design.

Prepare your pumpkin for carving or cooking by removing the lid and scooping out the seeds and fibrous mess in the cavity. Be careful to create a ledge when removing the lid, so that it will sit on the pumpkin when replaced. Scrape the flesh clean. The seeds can be saved and toasted later for a tasty treat. For easier carving, remove most of the flesh, leaving about an inch of shell.

Your carved pumpkin will keep longer if soaked in water with a little bleach added. This will kill the mold and rot and help preserve the flesh. After soaking, be careful to dry the pumpkin thoroughly.

Choosing And Using Your Pumpkin

Pumpkin Pecan PieTry this delicious variation of two holiday favorites:Pumpkin Layer:1 cup pure pumpkin puree1/3 cup granulated sugar1 large egg1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice1 unbaked 9-inch deep-dish pie shell (4 cup volume)

Pecan Layer:2/3 cup light corn syrup½ cup granulated sugar2 large eggs3 tablespoons butter or margarine (melted)½ teaspoon vanilla1 cup pecan halves

1. For pumpkin layer: combine pumpkin, sugar, egg and pumpkin pie spice in a medium bowl; stir well. Spread over bottom of pie shell2. For pecan layer: combine com syrup, sugar, eggs, butter, and vanilla in same bowl; stir in nuts. Spoon over pumpkin layer.3. Bake in preheated 350-degree oven 50 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on Wire rack. Makes 8 servings

Written by Diane Watkins. Courtesy of

Preparing a Pumpkin For Cooking

If baking the pumpkin, leave the shell intact, or halve it according to the size and your intended use. For stewing, peel the pumpkin and cut into uniform size pieces.This pumpkin puree recipe can be used in any recipe where you might use canned pumpkin puree.

Pure Pumpkin Puree for Pie1 (6-7 pound) pumpkinwater1/4 teaspoon salt

1. Halve pumpkin crosswise and scoop our seeds and strings. Place halves in a large baking pan with a bit of water, hollow side down, uncovered.2. Bake in preheated 375-degree oven 1 ½ - 2 hours or until fork tender. Remove from oven and cool.3. Scrape pulp from shells and puree, a little at a time, in a blender 15-20 seconds or on high speed in a food processor fitted with a metal chopping blade for 10-15 seconds. Mix in salt. Makes 1 quart.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Seeds from 1 pumpkinSalt

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.2. Rinse seeds under running water in a colander. Remove all fibers.3. Lay seeds on paper towel and pat dry.4. Place seeds on cookie sheet and sprinkle with salt.5. Bake 30 minutes, stirring occasionally until golden brown.6. Leave in the pan to cool. Store in a plastic bag.

Halloween Costume Recycling Tip: Remove the stuffing from an unwanted large stuffed animal (through a cut slit down back), launder, and use sections of fabric for costume. Or, cut a hole for the face and your toddler may be small enough to fit right in and use for hooded costume.

The Big Baby: This is an amusing costume for an older child. Return to the diaper zone! A bottle or pacifier, a bib, a homemade cloth diaper (over tights or pants of course), and a rattle. Add some rosy cheeks and your youngster will be ready to laugh (or cry) his/her way through trick or treat.

The Graduate - Have an old graduation cap and gown? If it doesn't hold too much sentimental value, you can use it to create a very simple, easy, costume. Create a fake diploma and drape it from the waist tied by a string or yarn of same color or wear like a necklace. You don't want the trick or treater to have to carry it. I've discovered these types of accessories usually end up in Mom's or Dad's hands to carry after a short time.

Budget Friendly Halloween CostumesHalloween costumes are so different today. Super heroes, wizards, and cartoon characters rule the trick or treat. It was not too long ago.....ok it was maybe a while ago......when I was a small trick or treater that costumes were much more original.

You were not likely to bump into three or four other characters that looked exactly like you. Oh, you might run into a costume of the same theme, but it would be totally unique by comparison. Of course my mom created our Halloween costumes. You can create unique Halloween costumes and save money by recycling items.

The little old lady or man - dress accordingly in an older man's (a suit is great) or woman's clothing. A hat is a nice touch. If you don't have a real walking cane you can substitute an appropriate size stick. Add some creative face painting with lots of wrinkles of course. Be sure to add the cracking voice and a prominent limp.

The Hobo - Recycle some unwanted clothing. Paint on or put on patches, rip some areas (especially around the bottoms of pants, ends of sleeves, elbows and knees, since these areas show wear first). Use black or brown makeup to smudge the face a little to look unkept. Blush the nose to look a little reddish. (hobos get cold outside) Sport the oldest pair of worn looking shoes you can find (or even better, two different shoes) and a tattered hat and you're good to go!

Princess - This is a timeless costume. I think every little girl wants to be a princess at least once. But don't rush out and buy the frilliest costume you see. The princess is merely an expression of elegance. As long as your little girl feels elegant she is a princess. If you don't already have a full length fancy party dress, check the thrift store for a low cost floor length party dress. Just pick one that looks "princessy." Even better, borrow one if possible.

A princess wand can be easily made with a dowel or stick and a cardboard star covered with foil. Add frills with duster feathers or ribbons if desired. Make a crown. You can easily make one using a headband and craft materials. Here's a great tip: Recycle a Burger King Crown. You know the crowns they give out to all the little kiddies at Burger King. You can cover with foil or paint and add beads or gemstones to decorate. They also make a great pattern for a crown if you want to create it out of some other material you have.

Animals: For toddlers: Use one piece pajamas as a starting point. An extra bonus: the pajamas are warm clothing for what is typically a cool weather night in many areas. For example.. a fuzzy white, brown, black, or even pink footed pajama can easily become a kitten, rabbit, or dog. Add a home made tail using scrap fabrics (attach with safety pin), a headband with the appropriate ears attached, or if you use a hooded outfit attach ears directly to hood), some creative face painting using home made face paint (below), and you've got a cute little costume that can be used as a comfy outfit after trick or treat! For older children use tights or stretch pants, and turtleneck shirts, sweaters, hooded sweatshirts all in the desired color instead of the pajamas. Use desired color of mittens or gloves for paws. Bats, lions, tigers, even a skunk can be created in much the same way as the above animals!

These are all good halloween costume ideas and I'm sure you get the picture by now. The idea is to use as many items as you have on hand to create these timeless Halloween costumes. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Don't let that little girl cry because you can't find her the purrrrrrrrrrr-fect cat costume. You can create a much nicer one from everyday items and a few craft materials. Chances are it will look more realistic than that store bought costume. As a bonus, many of the costume pieces (i.e. shirts, pants, tights, gloves/mittens) are reusable after Halloween!

Written by Cheryl Johnson. Courtesy of

The Witch - A long black dress or all over black pants with black top can be combined with a witch hat and black cape(make your own if you're crafty). Add black boots and make up face to suit.

Scarecrow - cut up some old jeans and a flannel shirt in scarecrow fashion. Cut sleeve ends and pants leg ends in strips to look tattered. Use straw or an old straw broom's bristles and glue or tape along inside edges of sleeves, pants legs, along bottom of shirt to appear as if bursting out of the scarecrow. Add a straw hat.

A few other Halloween tips:

1. Use spray paints or craft paints. fabric dye, fabric paints and/or pens, to color recycled items to desired color. One year I used silver spray paint to color and entire outfit for my son's tin man costume. We recycled aluminum foil to use in making the hat and the axe. Some silver body glitter on the hands and face put the finishing touches on this costume!

2. Use regular clothing to create an all-over color effect as with the animal costumes.

3. Consider mittens or gloves when you need hand color

4. A gallon ice cream bucket w/handle makes a perfect trick or treat bucket. I save these throughout the year and recycle for hundreds of other uses. Use neon paint or stickers to add bright decorations. This is a good safety technique to make kids more visible while trick or treating

Remember your Halloween safety. Here are a few, but certainly not all inclusive, reminders of safe trick or treat rules.

1. Small children should always be accompanied by an adult.

2. Use flashlights, bright costumes or decorations to make trick or treaters more visible.

3. Try to frequent the same limited area each year or limit visits to friends and families.

4. Remind children not to eat candy until they get home and have moms and dads check and approve.

5. A safe costume should not block or restrict a child's vision or interfere with mobility. Make sure costumes are of a safe length so as not to trip the child.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Halloween Costume Recycling Tip: Any discarded or unwanted work uniform (nursing, military, fireman, policeman) can be used as a Halloween costume.

Halloween RecipesHalloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Probably because of the sheer amount of sugar involved. As a kid (or adult for that matter), what other holiday can you dress up funny and stuff your face full of candy and sweets and not get yelled at? And then there are all of the fun (and sometimes absolutely disgusting) things that you can serve to your friends at Halloween gatherings that you would never dare to serve on any other holiday. The only time it is permissible and even encouraged to put worms, spiders, bugs, and bats in your food. Happy Halloween!

Written by Jill Seader. Photographs courtesy of Southern Living

Sparkling Halloween Punch4 cups apple cider2 cups orange juice2 cups pineapple juice2 cups apricot nectar6 cups chilled ginger aleorange and lemon slicesgummy worms

In a large bowl, mix the apple cider, orange juice, pineapple juice, and apricot nectar. Refrigerate for 2 hours or more. Right before you are ready to serve it, mix in the ginger ale and add the orange and lemon slices. Drape gummy worms over the sides of the bowl. For an added Halloween touch, put small plastic spiders in ice cube trays and fill with water. Put in the freezer and add the spider ice cubes to the punch.

Halloween Crisp Treats1/2 cup butter10 cups crispy rice cereal9 cups mini marshmallows2 cups candy corn3/4 cup mini chocolate chipscandy pumpkinsorange food coloring

Grease a large jellyroll pan. In a large saucepan over low heat, melt the butter and marshmallows together. Mix it together until it is smooth. Put the crispy rice cereal, candy corn, and mini chocolate chips into a large bowl and mix well. Mix the orange food coloring into the marshmallow mixture and mix well. Put the marshmallow mixture into the cereal mixture and mix it together quickly. Spread the mixture into the greased jellyroll pan and press it down into the pan with well-greased hands (butter works best). Press the candy pumpkins onto the bars, keeping in mind how big or small you will want to cut the bars. You can have fun with this by serving it in a bed of gummy worms, cut “bites” out of the candy pumpkins and have the gummy worms look like they are eating the pumpkins.

Products To Love In October

There are two perks to Halloween for adults, you get to dress up and you get to eat your favorite treats. Well, this Halloween we have decided that pixie stix and candy corn are things of the past, let us introduce you to caramel apple nirvana, aka, The Pecan Turtle Caramel Apple with Dark Belgian Chocolate. They start with a huge tart granny smith apple and from there on out it only gets better! We would tell you the rest of the process, be we are too busy drooling and scheming a way to get our hands on at least a dozen! So you will just have to check it out for yourself. Please visit for more information.

Sick of always having to scrounge around at the last minute for a costume? And you wind up getting stuck with a lame one anyway? We have found the “to die for” look this year! The Victorian Vampire and Victorian Vampira costumes are gorgeous! You can grab your honey and knock them dead as a super stylish couple or snag one and fly solo, though as hott as these are that wonʼt last long! Donʼt like vampires you say? Thatʼs ok too! They have something for everyone, the only problem now will be choosing only one costume! Please visit for more information.

Tired of those cheap plastic excuses for carving tools that bend and snap in half if you so much as sneeze sideways at them? Have we got a treat for you! LamsonSharp Heirloom Pumpkin Carving Tool Set is a three piece wonder that will please even the most exacting of pumpkin carving enthusiasts. Made of the finest grade stainless steel with oiled walnut handles these beauties will last you and your posterity through many a JackʼO Lantern!. Please visit for more information.

City Spotlight

Salem is one place which seems to have almost everything in terms of attractions and entertainment. From ancient museums to historic sites – this place has it all! If you are looking for an accommodation here, then our top picks of the hotels here will assist you!

MuseumsThe Peabody Essex Museum has a veritable collection of ancient American art as well as art works from Africa, the American-Indian works, Asian as well as Maritime works. There is also a very impressive collection of photography inside here. There are plenty of exhibitions as well as educational centers here which are great to take your kids to. There are also plenty of beautiful parks, gardens and historical properties located nearby. The one of its kind Chinese architecture called Yin Yu Tang is displayed here. If you love staying on a budget then there are plenty of nice looking cheap Salem Hotels you can find here.

Historical homesThe House of Seven Gables has beautiful 17th century architecture which tourists love to see and marvel at. It is entirely made of wood and the mansion has even inspired the famous author Nathaniel Hawthorne! So if you love exploring ancient beautiful structures, then this is the perfect place for you! If you are looking for an accommodation that has a high end staying experience then the Marriott hotel winston salem is perfect. However for more frugal staying there are many winston salem getaways that come with very affordable rates.

History museumsThe New England Pirate Museum is rather small and yet extremely impressive. It depicts the life and times of pirates from way back in the 17th century such as the famous Captain Kidd etc. So if you love treasures and the mystery of pirates then this is the best place for you to visit! Almost all North Carolina vacations are characterized by fabulous places of interest and entertaining attractions. The salem ma hotel is a great choice if you are looking for comfortable and affordable staying experiences.

ParksThe Salem Witch Memorial is a tribute to all the witches that were executed in the 17th century. The witch trials served to kill all the women who were suspected of engaging in witchcraft. It can be quite eerie to walk inside here when it gets dark but this is definitely a must see place!

FerriesThe Salem Ferry is a fun experience that you must take your family and children to, to enjoy! You can experience some fantastic views from the ferry and if it is warm outside you can actually sit on the deck located on the upper side. You will find spectacular views of the famous Boston Harbor from the ferry!

Salem, Massachusetts

Written by Dave Text, courtesy of Photograph by Walter Rock

About Michelle Fulton

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This month's random fact concerns those unmistakably orange favorites of the Halloween season, pumpkins. Now,

we all know that there are some pretty big pumpkins rolling around out there, for example Cinderella's coach and

Peter the pumpkin eater's house, and that there are some equally impressive pies made from them. But I'll be

willing to bet that never in your wildest sugar induced Halloween dreams could you imagine what reality has to offer!

Joe Jutras from North Scituate, Rhode Island is the man we pay homage to as the king of pumpkin growers. His

world record busting pumpkin came in at a flabbergasting 1689 pounds! His gigantic wonder smashed the previous

world record by 187 pounds, now that's what I call a pumpkin!

As if growing the giants were not enough an ingenious group, the New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers in New

Bremen, Ohio, made the worlds largest pumpkin pie. It weighed 2,020 pounds and was more that 12 feet across! It

took five hours to bake in an oven designed specially for the event and lost 200 pounds in the process. Wow. All

that comes to mind is "Where do I find a fork and some whipped cream?"

Random Facts

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