hsk level 6 vocabularies by frequency

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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HSK Level 6 Vocabularies by Frequency


Hanzi Pinyin English

哦 ò, ó, é oh (indicates understanding)

嘿 hēi gey, interjection for calling attention

嗨 hāi hey/hi (loanword), oh, alas

嘛 ma, má (used to persuade somebody to do


家伙 jiāhuo guy, chap, tool, weapon

啦 la, lā, lá sentence-final particle

喂 wèi, wéi hey, to feed | hello (on the phone)

哇 wā, wa wow

拜托 bàituō ask a favor, request, please!

而已 éryǐ that's all, nothing more

夫人 fūrén lady, madam, Mrs., wife

尸体 shītǐ dead body, corpse, carcass

现场 xiànchǎng scene (of event or incident), on the spot

监狱 jiānyù prison, jail

啥 shá (spoken) what

死亡 sǐwáng to die, death, be dead

拥有 yōngyǒu have, possess

凶手 xiōngshǒu murderer, assassin, assailant

屁股 pìgu butt, rear, rump

选手 xuǎnshǒu athlete, contestant, player

投票 tóupiào vote, poll

撒谎 sā huǎng to tell lies

武器 wǔqì weapon, arms

发誓 fāshì to vow, to pledge, swear

心眼儿 xīnyǎnr one's thoughts, mind, intention

意识 yìshi realize, consciousness, awareness

线索 xiànsuǒ trail, clues, hints, thread (of a story)

砸 zá to smash, to pound, to break, fail

失踪 shī zōng be missing, be unaccounted for

真相 zhēnxiàng the actual facts, reality

恐怖 kǒngbù afraid, terror

性感 xìnggǎn sex appeal, sexy, sexuality

意味着 yìwèizhe signify, to mean, imply

交易 jiāoyì business transaction, deal, trade

恶心 ěxin disgusting, nauseous

舞蹈 wǔdǎo a dance

副 fù vice-, secondary, auxiliary, deputy

事件 shìjiàn event, happening, incident

攻击 gōngjī to attack, accuse, to charge

试图 shìtú to try, to attempt

淘汰 táotài eliminate (in a competition)

子弹 zǐdàn bullet, cartridge

毒品 dúpǐn drugs, narcotics, poison

袭击 xíjī surprise attack; to raid

灵魂 línghún soul, spirit, conscience

爆炸 bàozhà explode, explosion, blow up

玩意儿 wányìr thing, toy, gadget

盯 dīng to stare, to gaze

愚蠢 yúchǔn silly, stupid

跟踪 gēnzōng follow somebody's tracks, tail, shadow

绑架 bǎngjià kidnap, stalking

客户 kèhù customer, account, client

将军 jiāngjūn a general (military officer)

州 zhōu province, sub-prefecture

毫无 háo wú not at all, completely without;

逮捕 dàibǔ to arrest, to capture

成员 chéngyuán member

监视 jiānshì oversee, to monitor

警告 jǐnggào to warn, admonish

尝试 chángshì to try, attempt

搭 dā to erect, to build, travel by

搭档 dādàng team up, cooperate, work together

对付 duìfu to handle, deal with

荣幸 róngxìng honored

队伍 duìwu ranks, troops

同志 tóngzhì comrade, gay (slang)

偶像 ǒuxiàng idol

军队 jūnduì army troops

侦探 zhēntàn detective

确保 quèbǎo ensure, guarantee

耍 shuǎ play/mess around with, juggle

战斗 zhàndòu to fight, to battle, to struggle

展示 zhǎnshì open up, reveal, to display

进展 jìnzhǎn make progress, development

乐意 lèyì be happy/willing do something

丢三落四 diūsān làsì forgetful, scatterbrained

解雇 jiěgù fire, lay off, dismiss from

时光 shíguāng time, era, period of time

无辜 wúgū innocent

恐惧 kǒngjù fear, dread, phobia

惊讶 jīngyà surprised, astonished, astound

事业 shìyè undertaking, project, cause, enterprise

不可思议 bùkěsīyì unimaginable, inconceivable

案件 ànjiàn legal case, judicial case

档案 dàng'àn file, record, archive

协议 xiéyì agreement, pact, protocol

抢劫 qiǎngjié rob, looting

代价 dàijià price, cost, expense

背叛 bèipàn betray, forsake

天堂 tiāntáng paradise, heaven

释放 shìfàng release, set free, liberate (a prisoner)

执行 zhíxíng implementation, carry out, execute

报警 bàojǐng report (an incident) to the police

折 zhé, shé, zhē to break, to fracture, convert into

折磨 zhémó persecute, to torture

卷 juǎn, juàn to roll (up), to coil

艘 sōu (mw for boats and ships)

罪犯 zuìfàn criminal

情报 qíngbào intelligence, information-gathering

刺 cì thorn, to sting, to prick, pierce, stab

暴力 bàolì violence, (use) force

事故 shìgù accident

神经 shénjīng nerve

牺牲 xīshēng sacrifice (one's life, etc.)

愤怒 fènnù angry, indignant, furious

婴儿 yīng'ér baby infant

塔 tǎ pagoda, tower

信仰 xìnyǎng firm belief, faith, believe in (a religion)

魔鬼 móguǐ devil, demon, monster

孤独 gūdú lonely, solitary

惩罚 chéngfá penalty, punishment, to punish

神奇 shénqí miraculous, magical, mystical

磅 bàng pound, weigh, scale

承诺 chéngnuò to promise, to undertake

间谍 jiàndié a spy, intelligence agent

确信 quèxìn confident, be certain of

哼 hēng groan, snort, to hum, croon

尴尬 gāngà awkward, embarrassed

生物 shēngwù organism, living creature, life form

能量 néngliàng Eenergy, capabilities

清醒 qīngxǐng clear-headed, sober

指望 zhǐwàng hope for, count on, hope

染 rǎn dye, to catch (a disease)

感染 gǎnrǎn infection, infect, influence

抛弃 pāoqì discard, abandon, dump (sb)

美妙 měimiào beautiful,wonderful, splendid

揍 zòu (informal) beat, hit, (regional) smash

擅长 shàncháng be good at, be expert in

忍受 rěnshòu to bear, endure, tolerate

动手 dòngshǒu get to work, to touch, strike a blow

清理 qīnglǐ cleanup, put in order, check up

完毕 wánbì finish, end, complete

机构 jīgòu structure, organization, institution

即将 jíjiāng will shortly, soon, be on the verge of

钻石 zuànshí diamond

艰难 jiānnán difficult, arduous

坦白 tǎnbái honest, forthcoming, to confess

慈善 císhàn philanthropic, benevolent, charitable

痕迹 hénjì vestige, trace

区域 qūyù area, region, district

镜头 jìngtóu camera shot (in a movie, etc.)

联盟 liánméng alliance, union, coalition

审判 shěnpàn put (someone) to trial, to try somebody

基地 jīdì base (of operations)

嫉妒 jídù to be jealous, to hate

摇滚 yáogǔn rock and roll

保姆 bǎomǔ nanny, housekeeper

打架 dǎ jià to fight, scuffle, to come to blows

天赋 tiānfù natural talent

打击 dǎjī to strike, to hit, to attack

类似 lèisì similar, analogous

激情 jīqíng passion, strong emotion, fervor

注射 zhùshè injection, inject (medicine)

转移 zhuǎnyí to shift, divert, migrate

摆脱 bǎituō break away, free oneself from, cast off

助手 zhùshǒu assistant, helper

保密 bǎo mì keep secret/confidential

栋 dòng roof beam, (mw for buildings)

迷人 mírén charming, enchanting, cute

除 chú besides, except, remove, to divide

开除 kāichú expel, to discharge; to kick out

仪式 yíshì ceremony

混乱 hùnluàn confusion, chaotic

联络 liánluò communication, to contact

癌症 áizhèng cancer

剑 jiàn sword

天才 tiāncái talent, gift, a genius, talented

发射 fāshè to launch, to shoot (a projectile)

生存 shēngcún exist, survive

结局 jiéjú conclusion, ending

非法 fēifǎ illegal

人家 rénjiā other people, others

动机 dòngjī motive, motivation, intention

欺骗 qīpiàn deceive, to cheat, to dupe

并非 bìngfēi really isn't

人质 rénzhì hostage

扮演 bànyǎn play the part of, act

宇宙 yǔzhòu universe, cosmos

剧本 jùběn script for a play, opera, movie, etc

证实 zhèngshí confirm, verify

被告 bèigào defendant

扣 kòu to fasten, to button, button, buckle

时机 shíjī opportune time, opportunity

辩护 biànhù speak in defense of, argue in favor of

起码 qǐmǎ at the minimum, at the very least

隐瞒 yǐnmán conceal, hide, (a taboo subject)

宁愿 nìngyuàn would rather, better

社区 shèqū community

助理 zhùlǐ assistant

渴望 kěwàng to thirst for, to long for, to yearn for

溜 liū slip away, to skate, to glide

太空 tàikōng outer space

毁灭 huǐmiè perish, ruin, destroy

眼神 yǎnshén expression or emotion showing in one's eyes

古怪 gǔguài eccentric, grotesque, oddly

进攻 jìngōng attack (military), assault

报复 bàofu retaliate, revenge

荒谬 huāngmiù ridiculous, nonsensical

拨 bō to dial, move with a hand/foot, stir

卫星 wèixīng satellite

期望 qīwàng hope, expectation

嘲笑 cháoxiào jeer, mock, scoff

冒犯 màofàn to offend

娃娃 wáwa baby, child, doll

达成 dá chéng to reach (an agreement), achieve

夫妇 fūfù married couple, husband and wife

新娘 xīnniáng bride

竞选 jìngxuǎn run for (electoral) office

亲密 qīnmì intimate, close, familiarity

割 gē to cut (apart/off)

制服 zhìfú uniform, to subdue

直播 zhíbō live broadcast (not recorded)

崩溃 bēngkuì collapse, crumble, fall apart

宗教 zōngjiào religion

乘 chéng to ride, to mount, make use of, multiply

陷入 xiànrù sink into, get caught up in, land in

回报 huíbào repayment, payback

试验 shìyàn experiment, test

异常 yìcháng exceptional, abnormal

疾病 jíbìng disease, illness, sickness, ailment

展现 zhǎnxiàn come out, emerge, express, show

强迫 qiǎngpò compel, to force

暗示 ànshì drop a hint, suggest

当事人 dāngshìrén persons involved or implicated

绝望 jué wàng desperation, forlorn, hopeless

沮丧 jǔsàng dejected, depressed, dispirited

灾难 zāinàn disaster, catastrophe

正义 zhèngyì justice, righteous

荣誉 róngyù honor, glory

技巧 jìqiǎo skill, technique

提议 tíyì propose, suggest

中央 zhōngyāng central, middle, center

即便 jíbiàn even if, even though

机密 jīmì secret, classified (information)

忠诚 zhōngchéng honest, loyalty, devoted

走廊 zǒuláng corridor, hallway

症状 zhèngzhuàng symptom (of an illness)

当初 dāngchū at that time, at the outset, originally

系列 xìliè series

保重 bǎozhòng take care (of oneself)

震惊 zhènjīng shock, astonish, amaze

反抗 fǎnkàng resist, to revolt

心灵 xīnlíng heart, soul, smart, quick-witted

掩护 yǎnhù cover, shield, screen

活力 huólì energy, vitality, vigor

天生 tiānshēng innate, inherent, natural

枚 méi (mw for coins, rings, medals)

不止 bùzhǐ incessantly, more than

顾问 gùwèn adviser, consultant

障碍 zhàng'ài barrier, obstacle

危机 wēijī crisis

维持 wéichí maintain, preserve

保守 bǎoshǒu conservative

主管 zhǔguǎn person in charge of (a position, etc.)

主义 zhǔyì -ism, ideology

罐 guàn can, jar, pot, pitcher, jug

视频 shìpín video

治安 zhì'ān law and order, public security

标记 biāojì Sign, mark, symbol

出卖 chūmài Sell, betray, sell out

昏迷 hūnmí lose consciousness, be in a coma

凌晨 língchén early in the morning

侮辱 wǔrǔ to insult, humiliate

暴露 bàolù expose, reveal, lay bare

绅士 shēnshì gentleman

公民 gōngmín citizen

残忍 cánrěn Brutal, bloody, merciless

造型 zàoxíng make a model, to mold

迹象 jìxiàng mark, indication, sign

神圣 shénshèng divine, holy, sacred

航空 hángkōng aviation

仓库 cāngkù depot, storehouse, warehouse

码头 mǎtou dock, wharf

本人 běnrén I, me, myself, oneself, in person

大不了 dàbuliǎo at the worst, if worst comes to worst

补偿 bǔcháng compensation, make up

冲动 chōngdòng impulsive, act on impulse

演奏 yǎnzòu give an instrumental performance

对抗 duìkàng withstand, resist, antagonize

城堡 chéngbǎo castle

本身 běnshēn itself, in itself, per se

按摩 ànmó massage

熬 áo endure, to boil

奴隶 núlì slave

在意 zài yì care about, mind, care

拜访 bàifǎng pay a visit, call on

奖励 jiǎnglì to reward (as encouragement)

膝盖 xīgài knee

引擎 yǐnqíng engine

宰 zǎi slaughter, butcher, govern, rule

贼 zéi thief

种族 zhǒngzú race, ethnicity

舌头 shétou tongue

消灭 xiāomiè eliminate, perish, wipe out

乐趣 lèqù delight, pleasure, joy, fun

虐待 nüèdài to abuse, maltreat, tyrannize

舔 tiǎn to lick

薪水 xīnshuǐ salary, wage, pay, stipend

理智 lǐzhì reason, intellect, rational

诉讼 sùsòng lawsuit

封锁 fēngsuǒ to block off, to seal off, cordon off

基因 jīyīn gene

职位 zhíwèi (professional) position

可恶 kěwù hateful, abominable, repulsive

确切 quèqiè definite, exact, precise

支援 zhīyuán to support, assist, aid

扎 zhā, zā, zhá to prick, push a needle into

压制 yāzhì suppress, inhibit, stifle

排练 páiliàn to rehearse

评论 pínglùn comment on, discuss, remark

基金 jījīn fund, endowment

投降 tóuxiáng to surrender

灵感 línggǎn inspiration, insight

漫画 mànhuà comics, manga

预言 yùyán predict, prophecy

角落 jiǎoluò corner, nook

策略 cèlüè tactics, plot

领先 lǐngxiān leadership, to lead, be in front

装备 zhuāngbèi equipment, to equip, to outfit

流氓 liúmáng rogue, hooligan, gangster

声明 shēngmíng statement, declare, proclaim

排除 páichú eliminate, get rid of, remove

成交 chéngjiāo complete a contract, clinch a deal

皇后 huánghòu an empress

消防 xiāofáng fire-fighting, fire prevention and control

吼 hǒu roar, howl

发动 fādòng to start, to launch, mobilize

集团 jítuán group, bloc, circle, clique

协助 xiézhù assist, to help

动力 dònglì power, motion, impetus, driving force

阴谋 yīnmóu a plot, a conspiracy

性命 xìngmìng life

协会 xiéhuì an association, a society

喉咙 hóulóng throat, larynx

爆发 bàofā break out, erupt, explode

陷害 xiànhài cast blame on, to frame

瞄准 miáozhǔn take aim (a weapon at a target)

随意 suíyì as one wishes

荒唐 huāngtang beyond belief, preposterous, absurd

策划 cèhuà plot, scheme, bring about

弥补 míbǔ make up for a deficiency, remedy

党 dǎng party, club, association

来源 láiyuán source, originate

判决 pànjué judgment (by a court of law), adjudicate

陷阱 xiànjǐng trap, snare

公正 gōngzhèng just; fair

依靠 yīkào rely on, depend on

委托 wěituō to entrust, to trust, to ensign

犬 quǎn dog

冲突 chōngtū conflict, clash

指示 zhǐshì indicate, instruct, instructions

化妆 huà zhuāng put on make-up

端 duān end, beginning, extremity

卑鄙 bēibǐ base, mean, despicable, contemptible

人士 rénshì person, public figure

脆弱 cuìruò weak, fragile, flimsy, frail

侵犯 qīnfàn encroach on, infringe on, violation

器官 qìguān organ, apparatus

考验 kǎoyàn put to the test, trial

崇拜 chóngbài worship, adore

魔术 móshù magic

欲望 yùwàng desire, lust

实力 shílì strength

赌博 dǔbó to gamble

处境 chǔjìng plight, unfavorable situation

继承 jìchéng inherit, carry on, succeed

晃 huàng, huǎng to sway, to shake | to dazzle

雇佣 gùyōng employ, hire

隔离 gélí insulate, separate, isolate

企图 qǐtú (to ) attempt, try, attempt

无能为力 wú néng wéi lì incapable of action, powerless

领袖 lǐngxiù leader

挣扎 zhēngzhá to struggle

丁 dīng male adult, robust, cubes (of food)

骚扰 sāorǎo harass, disturb, molest

难堪 nánkān hard to take, endure, embarrassed

许可 xǔkě allow, permit, permission

汇报 huìbào report, give an account of

过度 guòdù excessive, exceeding, lavishly

肺 fèi lung

提示 tíshì to prompt, to present, to point out

包围 bāowéi surround, encircle, hem in

混合 hùnhé to mix, to blend

明智 míngzhì wise

武装 wǔzhuāng arms, equipment, to arm

透露 tòulù divulge, to reveal, leak out

斗争 dòuzhēng to struggle, to fight for, to battle

指甲 zhǐjia fingernail

选举 xuǎnjǔ elect, election

足以 zúyǐ sufficient to ..., so much so that

隐私 yǐnsī privacy, personal secret

口音 kǒuyīn accent

旋转 xuánzhuǎn to whirl, to spin, rotate

穿越 chuānyuè pass through, cut across

回顾 huígù look back, to review

扁 biǎn, piān flat

欢乐 huānlè gaiety, glee, delighted

环节 huánjié link, sector, segment

抚养 fǔyǎng foster, bring up, raise

残酷 cánkù cruel

使命 shǐmìng a (diplomatic or other) mission

酒精 jiǔjīng alcohol, ethanol

场合 chǎnghé occasion, situation

模型 móxíng model, mould, matrix, pattern

通讯 tōngxùn communication, correspondence

评估 pínggū evaluate

解除 jiěchú remove, relieve, sack, get rid of

给予 jǐyǔ to give

典型 diǎnxíng typical case, model

伪造 wěizào forge, to fake, to counterfeit

掩盖 yǎngài conceal, cover up, hide behind

团结 tuánjié unite, hold a rally, join forces

趴 pā lie on one's stomach

翘 qiáo, qiào to raise, to become warped | stick up

诱惑 yòuhuò tempt, temptation, entice, lure, attract

火箭 huǒjiàn rocket

负担 fùdān to (bear a) burden, carry, a load

轮胎 lúntāi tire (of a wheel)

团体 tuántǐ group, organization, team

倾向 qīngxiàng trend, tendency, inclination

遭遇 zāoyù befall, suffer, encounter

统治 tǒngzhì to rule (a country), govern, governance

嘴唇 zuǐchún lip

边缘 biānyuán edge, fringe, verge, brink

复活 fùhuó resurrection

双胞胎 shuāngbāotāi twins

居民 jūmín resident, inhabitant

蜡烛 làzhú candle

立场 lìchǎng position, standpoint

意志 yìzhì will, willpower, determination

情形 qíngxing circumstances, situation

仁慈 réncí benevolent, kindhearted, charitable

隧道 suìdào tunnel

无比 wúbǐ matchless, incomparable

导弹 dǎodàn guided missile, cruise missile

一向 yíxiàng all along, the whole time, constantly

突破 tūpò break through, breakthrough

本事 běnshi ability, skill, capability

指令 zhǐlìng order, command, instruction

石油 shíyóu oil, petroleum

撤退 chètuì retreat

悲惨 bēicǎn miserable, tragic

模式 móshì model, pattern, method

风暴 fēngbào storm, violent commotion

忽略 hūlüè ignore, forget about, neglect

外表 wàibiǎo outward appearance, external, outside

额外 éwài extra, added, additional

干扰 gānrǎo interfere, obstruction

防守 fángshǒu to defend, protect, to guard

牵 qiān to lead along, to pull

欺负 qīfu to bully, intimidate

挽救 wǎnjiù to rescue, retrieve, to remedy

酗酒 xùjiǔ heavy drinking, drink to excess

脱离 tuōlí to separate oneself from

节奏 jiézòu rhythm, cadence, tempo

枕头 zhěntou pillow

拼命 pīn mìng risk one's life, desperately

操作 cāozuò operate, manipulate

情节 qíngjié plot, circumstances

屏幕 píngmù screen (TV, etc.)

简体字 jiǎntǐzì simplified Chinese characters

吊 diào hang, suspend

过于 guòyú too much, excessively

呵 hē breathe out, scold

井 jǐng a well

访问 fǎngwèn to visit, call on, to interview

细胞 xìbāo cell (biology)

慷慨 kāngkǎi vehement, fervent, generous

潜力 qiánlì potential, capacity

举动 jǔdòng action, act, (make) a move, movement

鸽子 gēzi dove, pigeon

抗议 kàngyì to protest, protest

周年 zhōunián anniversary, annual

财富 cáifù wealth, riches, fortune

政策 zhèngcè policy

指责 zhǐzé to censure, criticize, find fault with

哭泣 kūqì weep, cry, sob

良心 liángxīn conscience

侄子 zhízi nephew, brother's son or daughter

容忍 róngrěn put up with, tolerate, condone

渣 zhā dregs, slag

清除 qīngchú eliminate, get rid of

尊严 zūnyán dignity, sanctity, honor

收音机 shōuyīnjī radio

伴侣 bànlǚ companion, partner, mate

遭受 zāoshòu suffer, suffering, be subjected to

肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumor, neoplasm

预算 yùsuàn budget

气味 qìwèi odor, scent

发布 fābù issue, announce, release

患者 huànzhě sufferer, patient, the sick

滋味 zīwèi taste, flavor, the way one feels

手法 shǒufǎ technique, trick, skill, tact

涉及 shèjí involve, relate to, to touch upon

征服 zhēngfú conquer, subdue

作弊 zuòbì practice fraud, cheat

报仇 bàochóu retaliate, to revenge, avenge

浑身 húnshēn entire body, from head to foot

收藏 shōucáng collect, keep

布置 bùzhì arrange, decorate, decoration

泄露 xièlòu leak (information), divulge

着迷 zháomí to be fascinated

典礼 diǎnlǐ celebration, ceremony

皆 jiē all, each and every, in all cases

抵抗 dǐkàng resist, resistance

战术 zhànshù (military) tactics

操纵 cāozòng operate, control, manipulation

局面 júmiàn aspect, situation

设置 shèzhì set up, install, to fit

奇妙 qímiào wonderful, fantastic

消除 xiāochú eliminate, remove, clear up

代理 dàilǐ acting (temporarily filling a position)

防止 fángzhǐ prevent, protect, guard against, avoid

纯粹 chúncuì purely, pure

场面 chǎngmiàn scene, occasion

窝 wō nest, den

幢 zhuàng, chuáng (mw for houses, buildings)

超越 chāoyuè surpass, exceed, transcend

明明 míngmíng obviously, plainly, undoubtedly

原始 yuánshǐ first, original, primitive

不惜 bùxī to not hesitate, not spare

祖父 zǔfù paternal grandfather

永恒 yǒnghéng eternal, everlasting

弱点 ruòdiǎn weak point, failing

投诉 tóusù make a complaint, appeal to a court

高潮 gāocháo high tide, upsurge, climax

拽 zhuài, yè drag, haul | drag | to throw, to fling

火焰 huǒyàn blaze, flame

服从 fúcóng to obey, to comply

信念 xìnniàn faith, belief, conviction

贿赂 huìlù to bribe

签署 qiānshǔ sign (an agreement)

故障 gùzhàng malfunction, breakdown

舱 cāng cabin, hold (of a ship or airplane)

打仗 dǎzhàng fight, go to war, fight a battle

创作 chuàngzuò create, to produce, creative work

分散 fēnsàn to scatter,disperse, distribute

咋 zǎ, zhā, zhà how/why

降临 jiànglín befall, descend, arrive, come

棕色 zōngsè brown (the color)

推测 tuīcè speculate, conjecture, surmise

官方 guānfāng official, (by the) government

坟墓 fénmù tomb, sepulcher

曲子 qǔzi folk tune, music, melody

实施 shíshī to implement, put into effect, carry out

贵族 guìzú lord; nobility, nobleman, noblewoman

陈述 chénshù allegation, assertation, to declare

敞开 chǎngkāi open wide

边境 biānjìng border, frontier

掩饰 yǎnshì conceal a fault, gloss over

维护 wéihù defend, to safeguard, defense, maintain

终点 zhōngdiǎn the end, end point, destination

野蛮 yěmán barbarous, uncivilized, cruel, wild

厌恶 yànwù loathe, to hate, detest

责怪 zéguài blame, rebuke

漫长 màncháng very long, endless

赞助 zànzhù support, sponsor

预料 yùliào anticipate, to forecast, expectation

正当 zhèng dāng timely, just when, (dàng) proper

堕落 duòluò morally degenerate, become depraved

合并 hébìng merge, annex

丢人 diū rén lose face, be disgraced

极端 jíduān extreme

年度 niándù year (e.g. school year, fiscal year, etc.)

机械 jīxiè machine, mechanical

拘留 jūliú detain (a prison)

刹车 shā chē brake (when driving), stop, switch off

裁判 cáipàn judge, to referee, judgment

巡逻 xúnluó to patrol (police, army or navy)

噪音 zàoyīn uproar, rumble, noise, static

分裂 fēnliè split up, to divide, separate

定义 dìngyì definition

呕吐 ǒutù to vomit, retch, nausea

羞耻 xiūchǐ (a feeling of) shame

清洁 qīngjié clean, unpolluted, purity

恐吓 kǒnghè to threaten

轨道 guǐdào orbit, railway, trajectory

视线 shìxiàn line of sight, view line

帐篷 zhàngpeng tent

串 chuàn string together, conspire, gang up

遗传 yíchuán inherit, hereditary

血压 xuèyā blood pressure

氧气 yǎngqì oxygen

十足 shízú full of, complete, 100 percent

携带 xiédài take with, portable

检验 jiǎnyàn inspect, examine, to test

守护 shǒuhù guard, defend, protect

鉴于 jiànyú in light of, in view of, seeing that

误解 wùjiě misunderstand, misread

震撼 zhènhàn to shake

例外 lìwài (make an) exception

跳跃 tiàoyuè jump, leap, bound, skip

民主 mínzhǔ democracy

掐 qiā pick (flowers), pinch, clutch

打包 dǎbāo get a doggy bag (at a restaurant)

地步 dìbù condition, plight, extent

保卫 bǎowèi defend, to safeguard

防御 fángyù defense, resist, to guard

撤销 chèxiāo repeal

妄想 wàngxiǎng vainly hope, wishful thinking, delusion

命名 mìngmíng give a name, to dub, christen, naming

事务 shìwù affairs, work

解放 jiěfàng liberate

司法 sīfǎ judicial, (administration of) justice

谣言 yáoyán rumor

版本 bǎnběn edition

报酬 bàochou reward, remuneration

动静 dòngjìng sound of activity, activity

着想 zhuóxiǎng give consideration to, consider

人性 rénxìng human nature, humanity

丧失 sàngshī to lose, to forfeit

铺 pù, pū bed, store | to spread, to lay

辐射 fúshè radiation

粗鲁 cūlǔ crude, coarse, rough, language

带领 dàilǐng to guide, to lead

挪 nuó Shift, move

迫不及待 pòbùjídài be too impatient to wait

潜水 qiánshuǐ go diving

光荣 guāngróng glory, honor

违背 wéibèi violate, go against

挨 āi, ái get close to, in sequence | to suffer

遗产 yíchǎn heritage, legacy

瞬间 shùnjiān in the twinkling of an eye, in an instant

正经 zhèngjing decent, serious, standard, really

圈套 quāntào trap

看待 kàndài look upon, regard

惊奇 jīngqí amaze, astonished

人格 réngé personality, moral integrity, character

珍贵 zhēnguì precious

思维 sīwéi (line) of thought, thinking

先进 xiānjìn advanced (technology), to advance

级别 jíbié rank, level, grade

竞赛 jìngsài race, contest, competition

真理 zhēnlǐ truth

垫 diàn cushion, to pad

革命 gémìng revolution, revolutionary (politics)

引导 yǐndǎo to guide, to conduct, introduction

岩石 yánshí rock, stone

迷惑 míhuò to puzzle, confuse, mystify

干涉 gānshè interfere, intervene, meddle

学位 xuéwèi academic degree, educational level

嫌 xián to dislike, suspicion, grudge

嫌疑 xiányí suspicion, (be) suspected (of)

交叉 jiāochā cross, intersect, overlap

纳闷儿 nà mènr feel puzzled, bewildered

元首 yuánshǒu head of state

人间 rénjiān man's world, the world

本能 běnnéng instinct

修复 xiūfù restoration, repair

认定 rèndìng maintain (that sth. is true)

拳头 quántou fist

抵达 dǐdá arrive, to reach (a destination)

一流 yīliú top-grade

悲哀 bēi'āi grieved, sorrowful, sad

坑 kēng pit, hole, defraud

发觉 fājué discover, detect

居住 jūzhù reside, dwell, to live (in a place)

呈现 chéngxiàn appear, emerge

别墅 biéshù villa

识别 shíbié identify, distinguish, discern

等候 děnghòu wait, queue

失误 shīwù mistake, lapse, miss

和解 héjiě settlement, to become reconciled

元素 yuánsù element, element of a set, chemical

贪婪 tānlán greedy, avaricious

传达 chuándá convey, transmit, communicate

镇定 zhèndìng cool, calm, unperturbed

清晰 qīngxī clear, distinct, clarity

捏 niē to pinch (with one's fingers), knead

麻醉 mázuì anesthesia, to corrupt

细菌 xìjūn bacteria, virus, germ

眼光 yǎnguāng vision

无知 wúzhī ignorance

仪器 yíqì apparatus, (scientific) instrument

杰出 jiéchū outstanding, preeminent

放大 fàngdà enlarge, amplify

往常 wǎngcháng habitually in the past

亲热 qīnrè intimate, affectionate, warm

风趣 fēngqù humor, wit, humorous

诞生 dànshēng be born, come into being

忠实 zhōngshí faithful, dependable

符号 fúhào symbol, mark, sign

指定 zhǐdìng appoint, designate

以便 yǐbiàn so that, in order to

鉴定 jiàndìng appraise, identify, evaluate

蹦 bèng jump, bounce, hop

纤维 xiānwéi fiber

盗窃 dàoqiè steal, pilfer

推销 tuīxiāo to market, sell

宣誓 xuān shì swear an oath (of office), make a vow

需求 xūqiú requirement, demand (economics)

雷达 léidá radar

跪 guì kneel

终身 zhōngshēn lifelong

煎 jiān pan-fry, fry in shallow oil

捣乱 dǎo luàn cause a disturbance, look for trouble

哄 hǒng fool, coax, to amuse (a child) | tumult

福利 fúlì material benefits, welfare, well-being

驱逐 qūzhú banishment, expel, deport

牵扯 qiānchě implicate, involve

探索 tànsuǒ explore, quest

循环 xúnhuán circular cycle, loop, circulate

财务 cáiwù financial affairs

局势 júshì situation, state (of affairs)

运行 yùnxíng movement, be in motion, run

终止 zhōngzhǐ stop, cease, terminate (legal)

模样 múyàng appearance, form, approximation

峡谷 xiágǔ canyon, ravine, gorge

频率 pínlǜ frequency

登陆 dēnglù to land, come ashore, sign/log in

含义 hányì implied meaning, connotation

资助 zīzhù subsidy, provide financial aid

挖掘 wājué excavate, dig, unearth

拖延 tuōyán prolong, protraction, delay, stall

优先 yōuxiān priority, preferential

以往 yǐwǎng in the past, formerly

争夺 zhēngduó fight over, vie for, scramble for

赋予 fùyǔ confer upon, bestow, endow

回避 huíbì avoid, shun, evade

警惕 jǐngtì vigilant, alert, be on guard

妥协 tuǒxié to compromise, reach terms

精确 jīngquè accurate, precise

钞票 chāopiào paper money, bill

演绎 yǎnyì deduction, to deduce, to infer

依赖 yīlài depend on, be dependent on

上瘾 shàngyǐn become addicted, get into a habit

电源 diànyuán electric power supply

气色 qìsè complexion

意图 yìtú intent, intention, intend

坚定 jiāndìng firm, staunch, resolute

倾听 qīngtīng listen attentively, heed

玩弄 wánnòng resort to, play with, engage in

新郎 xīnláng bridegroom, groom

童话 tónghuà fairy tale

吩咐 fēnfù instruct, instructions, to tell, to order

高尚 gāoshàng nobly, lofty

偏见 piānjiàn prejudice

保管 bǎoguǎn assure, take care of, surely

解散 jiěsàn dismiss, dissolve, disband

焦点 jiāodiǎn focus, focal point

无耻 wúchǐ without any sense of shame

战略 zhànlüè strategy

仍旧 réngjiù still (remaining), remain (the same), yet

首要 shǒuyào the most important, chief, principal

脉搏 màibó pulse, throbbing

封闭 fēngbì to seal, to close, confine

走私 zǒu sī smuggle, have an illicit affair

出路 chūlù a way out, outlet

掏 tāo fish out (from pocket)

动脉 dòngmài artery

目睹 mùdǔ witness, see first hand

恶化 èhuà worsen, deteriorate

阻碍 zǔ'ài obstruct, hinder, impede

监督 jiāndū control, monitor, supervise, inspect

幼稚 yòuzhì childish, naïve, immature

宪法 xiànfǎ constitution, charter

面子 miànzi honor, reputation, prestige, face

激励 jīlì urge, encourage, motivation

歧视 qíshì discriminate (against someone)

极限 jíxiàn limit, extreme boundary

严厉 yánlì strict, severe

特定 tèdìng special, specific, designated

港口 gǎngkǒu port, harbor

曝光 bàoguāng to expose, to make public

扑 pū to assault, rush at, throw oneself on

引用 yǐnyòng quote, cite

纯洁 chúnjié pure, unadulterated, cleanse

古董 gǔdǒng antique

知觉 zhījué perception, consciousness, feeling

压抑 yāyì constrain or repress one's emotions

流浪 liúlàng drift about, wander

进化 jìnhuà evolution

发行 fāxíng publish, to issue, distribute

遥远 yáoyuǎn distant, remote

挽回 wǎnhuí reverse or salvage (a situation)

途径 tújìng way, channel

着手 zhuóshǒu put one's hand to, commence

炫耀 xuànyào to show off, flaunt

唠叨 láodao be talkative, be garrulous, prattle

目光 mùguāng sight, vision, view

摇摆 yáobǎi to waver, to wag, to sway

镇静 zhènjìng calm, cool, tranquil

处置 chǔzhì to handle, take care of, punish

名誉 míngyù fame, reputation, honor, honorary

保障 bǎozhàng ensure, to guarantee, protect

解剖 jiěpōu dissect, analyze, anatomy

腐烂 fǔlàn Rot, become gangrenous

统计 tǒngjì statistics, to tally, to add up

生理 shēnglǐ physiology

束 shù to tie, to bind, restrain

容器 róngqì container, receptacle, vessel

刑事 xíngshì criminal, penal

融化 rónghuà melt, thaw, dissolve, blend into

空白 kòngbái blank space, blank

捞 lāo dredge up, fish up

打猎 dǎ liè hunt, to go hunting

跨 kuà step across, stride, straddle, to cross

祖国 zǔguó homeland, motherland, fatherland

奉献 fèngxiàn consecrate, dedicate, devote

场所 chǎngsuǒ location, place

要命 yàomìng cause somebody's death

精心 jīngxīn with utmost care, meticulous, detailed

床单 chuángdān bed sheet

固执 gùzhí persistent, stubborn

冷酷 lěngkù grim, unfeeling, callous

榜样 bǎngyàng example, model

和谐 héxié harmonious, concordant

勉强 miǎnqiǎng reluctantly, grudgingly

纠正 jiūzhèng to correct, to make right

条款 tiáokuǎn clause (of contract or law)

关照 guānzhào concern, look after, keep an eye on

损坏 sǔnhuài to damage, injure

包装 bāozhuāng to pack, package, make up

中断 zhōngduàn interrupt, break off

英勇 yīngyǒng bravery, heroic, valiant, gallant

粒 lì a grain, granule

番 fān (mw for acts or deeds), foreign

液体 yètǐ liquid

担保 dānbǎo guarantee, vouch for

报答 bàodá repay, requite

认可 rènkě approve, accept, ratify

势力 shìli power, influence

资产 zīchǎn property, assets

占领 zhànlǐng occupy (a territory), capture, seize

饥饿 jī'è hunger, hungry, starve

销毁 xiāohuǐ destroy (by melting or burning)

注视 zhùshì watch attentively, gaze at, stare

财政 cáizhèng public finances, financial

上级 shàngjí higher authorities, superiors

缺陷 quēxiàn a defect, a flaw, disfigurement

磕 kē knock, tap

憋 biē hold in (urine), hold (breath), choke

差别 chābié difference, disparity

制止 zhìzhǐ to curb, to put a stop to

依旧 yījiù as before, still

部位 bùwèi position, place

言论 yánlùn expression of (political) opinion

活该 huógāi serve sb. Right, deservedly, ought

恰当 qiàdàng appropriate, suitable, proper

脂肪 zhīfáng body fat

磁带 cídài cassette tape

塌 tā collapse, fall down, crumple

埋葬 máizàng bury (person)

占据 zhànjù occupy, hold, inhabit

华丽 huálì gorgeous, magnificent

答复 dáfù to answer, to reply

疤 bā scar

横 héng, hèng Horizontal, across

岗位 gǎngwèi a post, a job

前提 qiántí premise, precondition

大伙儿 dàhuǒr everyone

光芒 guāngmáng rays of light, brilliant rays, radiance

粉色 fěnsè pink

揭露 jiēlù expose, unmask

近来 jìnlái recently, lately

比方 bǐfang instance, analogy, example

屈服 qūfú yield, give in, submit

膜 mó membrane, film

诈骗 zhàpiàn defraud, swindle, blackmail

是非 shìfēi right and wrong, truth and fiction

崭新 zhǎnxīn brand new

亦 yì also

昂贵 ángguì expensive, costly

彩票 cǎipiào lottery, lottery ticket

履行 lǚxíng fulfill (one's obligations), carry out

沉重 chénzhòng heavy, hard, serious

家属 jiāshǔ family member, a dependent

回收 huíshōu recycle, recover and put back to use

化验 huàyàn laboratory test, chemically examine

蚂蚁 mǎyǐ ant

演习 yǎnxí rehearse, practice, put on a play

束缚 shùfù to bind, restrict, to tie

僵硬 jiāngyìng stiff

忧郁 yōuyù melancholy, dejected

平凡 píngfán commonplace, ordinary

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù do at all costs, make an all-out effort

黎明 límíng dawn, daybreak

顽固 wángù stubborn, obstinate

贩卖 fànmài sell, peddle

瘫痪 tānhuàn paralysis

泼 pō to splash, to spill

比喻 bǐyù metaphor, analogy, figure of speech

免得 miǎnde so as not to, so as to avoid

传单 chuándān leaflet, flier, pamphlet

皇帝 huángdì emperor

协调 xiétiáo coordinate, harmonize

万分 wànfēn very much, extremely

跟随 gēnsuí follow, followed

罕见 hǎnjiàn rare, rarely seen, peculiar

缘故 yuángù reason, cause

起初 qǐchū at first, originally, in the beginning

安宁 ānníng peaceful, calm, tranquil, composed

兑现 duìxiàn cash a check, honor a commitment

为难 wéinán make things difficult for someone

腐败 fǔbài corruption, corrupt, rotten

毫米 háomǐ millimeter

当面 dāng miàn to sb.'s face, in sb.'s presence

当场 dāngchǎng at the scene, on the spot

片刻 piànkè a short period of time

油漆 yóuqī oil paint, varnish

方位 fāngwèi position, direction, bearing

往事 wǎngshì the past events, former happenings

分辨 fēnbiàn distinguish, differentiate, resolve

难得 nándé hard to come by, difficult to get, rare

溅 jiàn to splash

恩怨 ēnyuàn grievance, old rivalry

功劳 gōngláo contribution, credit

行政 xíngzhèng administration, administrative

安置 ānzhì find a place for, help settle down

原告 yuángào plaintiff, complainant, accuser

信赖 xìnlài trust, have confidence in, confide

跌 diē to fall down, to drop

战役 zhànyì military campaign, battle

殴打 ōudǎ beat up, hit

权威 quánwēi authority, authoritative

偿还 chánghuán repay, reimburse

作风 zuòfēng work style, way

罢工 bà gōng to strike, go on strike

智商 zhìshāng IQ (intelligence quotient)

迈 mài to step, stride

兜 dōu pocket, bag; wrap up

强制 qiángzhì enforce, control, coerce

师范 shīfàn teacher-training, pedagogical

便利 biànlì convenient, easy, facilitate

烹饪 pēngrèn cooking, culinary arts

免疫 miǎnyì immune

澄清 chéngqīng (of liquid) settle, become clear

扩散 kuòsàn spread, proliferation

预期 yùqī expect, expected, anticipate

过失 guòshī defect, fault

竭尽全力 jiéjìn quánlì to spare no efforts, do one's utmost

依据 yījù according to, basis, foundation

拧 níng, nǐng, nìng wring, to pinch | disagree, mistaken

图案 tú'àn design, pattern

规划 guīhuà plan, program, project

拿手 náshǒu good at, adept

孔 kǒng hole

后代 hòudài posterity, later generations

卡通 kǎtōng cartoon

航行 hángxíng to sail, to fly

支撑 zhīchēng support, prop up, crutch, brace

执着 zhízhuó to refuse to change one's viewpoint

淋 lín, lìn to drain, to drip, drench | to filter

同胞 tóngbāo compatriot, fellow countryman

伴随 bànsuí accompany, go with, follow

沼泽 zhǎozé marsh, swamp, glade, wetlands

祖先 zǔxiān ancestor, forbearer

珍珠 zhēnzhū pearl

案例 ànlì (law) case

折腾 zhēteng toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)

恼火 nǎohuǒ get angry, irritated, annoy

导航 dǎoháng navigation

体面 tǐmiàn dignity, honorable, face

探望 tànwàng pay a visit, look around

临床 línchuáng clinical

迟钝 chídùn slow (witted), stupid, dull

外界 wàijiè the outside world, external

颇 pō rather, quite, inclined to one side

准则 zhǔnzé principle, standard or norm, criterion

事态 shìtài situation, existing state of affairs

覆盖 fùgài to cover

初步 chūbù initial, preliminary, tentative

示范 shìfàn demonstrate, lead the way

先前 xiānqián before, previously

边界 biānjiè boundary, border

挑剔 tiāoti picky, fastidious

飞翔 fēixiáng fly, hover

通缉 tōngjī order the arrest of a criminal

无赖 wúlài hoodlum, rascal, rogue, rascally

以免 yǐmiǎn so as not to, in order to avoid, lest

统统 tǒngtǒng totally, completely

搭配 dāpèi pair up, arrange in pairs, to add sth.

扰乱 rǎoluàn disturb, perturb, harass

饮食 yǐnshí food and drink, diet

热门 rèmén in demand, popular, in vogue

审查 shěnchá examine, investigate, censorship

谴责 qiǎnzé denounce, condemn, criticize

虚伪 xūwěi false, hypocritical, artificial, sham

测量 cèliáng to survey, to measure

推翻 tuīfān overthrow, topple

威力 wēilì might, power that invokes fear

敬礼 jìnglǐ to salute, best regards

吹牛 chuī niú to brag, (regional) to chat

辨认 biànrèn distinguish, identify, recognize

特意 tèyì specially for

激发 jīfā to arouse, excite

成天 chéngtiān all day long, all the time

姿态 zītài attitude, posture, stance

奖赏 jiǎngshǎng to reward

发财 fā cái get rich

压迫 yāpò oppress

金融 jīnróng banking finance, financial

界限 jièxiàn boundary, marginal, limit

品尝 pǐncháng try, taste a small amount, to sample

丸 wán pill, pellet

雕塑 diāosù sculpture, a statue, a Buddhist image

种子 zhǒngzi seed

可行 kěxíng feasible

隐蔽 yǐnbì conceal, hide, covert, under cover

手势 shǒushì gesture, sign, signal

共和国 gònghéguó republic

充足 chōngzú adequate, sufficient, abundant

人工 réngōng man-made, manpower, manual work

群众 qúnzhòng the masses, multitude

水泥 shuǐní cement

散发 sànfā distribute, emit

口气 kǒuqì tone of voice, manner of speaking

公关 gōngguān public relations

产业 chǎnyè industry, estate, property

采集 cǎijí gather, collect

琢磨 zuómo ponder

气质 qìzhì temperament, disposition

旋律 xuánlǜ melody, tune, rhythm

品质 pǐnzhì quality, character

任命 rènmìng appoint and nominate

争议 zhēngyì controversy, dispute, contention

颠倒 diāndǎo turn upside down, upend

算数 suànshù (do) arithmetic, count

等级 děngjí degree, rate

现状 xiànzhuàng current situation, status quo

宽容 kuānróng tolerant, lenient

宫殿 gōngdiàn palace

俘虏 fúlǔ captive, prisoner

喇叭 lǎba horn, trumpet, loudspeaker

莫名其妙 mòmíngqímiào odd, baffling, unaccountable

旗帜 qízhì flag, banner

期限 qīxiàn time limit, deadline, allotted time

智力 zhìlì intelligence, intellect

探测 tàncè probe, take readings, detect, explore

分歧 fēnqí difference (of opinion/position)

用户 yònghù user,consumer, subscriber, customer

当选 dāngxuǎn be elected

反常 fǎncháng abnormal, unusual

原先 yuánxiān former, original

书面 shūmiàn in writing, written (guarantee, etc.)

遥控 yáokòng remote control

颤抖 chàndǒu tremble, to shiver, to shake

空虚 kōngxū hollow, emptiness, meaningless

砖 zhuān brick

反感 fǎngǎn (strongly) dislike

光彩 guāngcǎi splendor, radiance, brilliance, honor

踪迹 zōngjì tracks, trail, footprint, trace, vestige

苍白 cāngbái pale, wan, pallid

排斥 páichì to reject, repulse, exclude

忙碌 mánglù be busy, bustling

否决 fǒujué veto, reject, overrule

交代 jiāodài explain, account for, hand over

设想 shèxiǎng imagine, consider, tentative plan

终究 zhōngjiū in the end, after all is said and done

视力 shìlì vision, eyesight

延续 yánxù continue, last longer

内在 nèizài intrinsic, innate

铜 tóng copper

棉花 miánhua cotton

样品 yàngpǐn sample, specimen

忍耐 rěnnài show restraint, endure

实行 shíxíng to implement, put into practice

岁月 suìyuè the years of a person's life

啃 kěn gnaw, nibble, bite

约束 yuēshù restrict, limit to, constrain, restriction

灭亡 mièwáng be destroyed, perish, exterminate

专长 zhuāncháng specialty, special knowledge or ability

部署 bùshǔ dispose, deploy

辩解 biànjiě explain, justify

合成 héchéng compound, synthesis, mixture

值班 zhí bān be on duty, work a shift

墨水儿 mòshuǐer ink

记载 jìzǎi write down, to record

补救 bǔjiù remedy, repair

体系 tǐxì system, setup

疲惫 píbèi beaten, exhausted, tired

生效 shēng xiào take effect, become effective

温和 wēnhé moderate, warm

教养 jiàoyǎng upbringing, education, bring up

埋伏 máifu ambush, lie in ambush

供给 gōngjǐ to furnish, provide, to supply

疑惑 yíhuò (a sense of) uncertainty

标题 biāotí title, header, headline, caption

搏斗 bódòu fight, struggle, wrestle

抚摸 fǔmō gently caress and stroke, to pet

不顾 búgù in spite of, regardless of, to disregard

耀眼 yàoyǎn dazzle, to shine

火药 huǒyào gunpowder

拾 shí pick up, ten

鼻涕 bítì nasal mucus, snivel

迷信 míxìn superstition, be superstitious

讨好 tǎohǎo to flatter

灿烂 cànlàn to glitter, brilliant, splendid

清晨 qīngchén early morning

出身 chūshēn family background, class origin

野心 yěxīn ambition, wild schemes or ambitions

瞪 dèng stare at, to glower

季度 jìdù (financial) quarter

任意 rènyì arbitrarily, at will, at random

理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán (idiom) it goes without saying

视野 shìyě field of vision

职务 zhíwù post, a position, job, duties

粉碎 fěnsuì to crash, break up

残留 cánliú to remain, be left over, surplus

挑衅 tiǎoxìn provoke, defiance

疏远 shūyuǎn drift apart, keep at a distance

摊 tān to spread out, vendor's stand, booth

动身 dòng shēn go on a journey, leave

公道 gōngdao fair, equitable

擅自 shànzì unauthorized

辉煌 huīhuáng splendid, glorious

蔓延 mànyán extend, spread, to creep

翼 yì wings, fins on fish, shelter

敏锐 mǐnruì keen, sharp, acute, brisk

扒 bā, pá dig up, pull down, take off | to rake

废墟 fèixū ruins

致力 zhìlì work for, devote one's efforts

密封 mìfēng seal up, pressurize

轰动 hōngdòng a sensation, a stir

眨 zhǎ wink, blink

审理 shěnlǐ hear (a case)

呼唤 hūhuàn call out (a name etc.), shout

首饰 shǒushì jewelry

设立 shèlì set up, establish

弦 xián bow string

延期 yán qī delay, extend, postpone

北极 běijí the North Pole

蒸发 zhēngfā evaporate, evaporation

登录 dēnglù sign-in

竖 shù vertical, to erect, vertical stroke

盲目 mángmù blindness, aimless

冲击 chōngjī attack, impact, a shock

频繁 pínfán frequently, often

畏惧 wèijù to fear, foreboding

支配 zhīpèi allocate, control, govern, dominate

证书 zhèngshū certificate, credentials

时常 shícháng time and again, often, frequently

壮观 zhuàngguān spectacular, grand

克制 kèzhì restrain, take a firm hold on

成本 chéngběn cost (manufacturing, production, etc.)

思念 sīniàn think of, long for, to miss

归还 guīhuán return something, revert

住宅 zhùzhái residence, tenement

欣慰 xīnwèi be gratified, satisfied

条约 tiáoyuē treaty, pact

捧 pěng hold or carry with both hands facing up

削 xiāo, xuē to pare/peel with a knife, to cut, to chop

一贯 yíguàn consistent, constant

股份 gǔfèn a share (in a company) stock

侵略 qīnlüè invasion, encroachment, invade

丰满 fēngmǎn plump, well developed, plentiful

玉 yù jade

更新 gēngxīn to replace the old with new, to renew

推理 tuīlǐ reasoning, speculative, inference

授予 shòuyǔ to award, confer

拐杖 guǎizhàng crutch, walking stick

验证 yànzhèng inspect and verify

蛋白质 dànbáizhì protein

庞大 pángdà enormous, huge, tremendous

储存 chǔcún stockpile, to store

纽扣儿 niǔkòur button

潮流 cháoliú tide, current, trend

扛 káng, gāng to carry on one's shoulder

徘徊 páihuái pace back and forth, hesitate, waver

坡 pō slope

包袱 bāofu bundle wrapped in cloth

侧面 cèmiàn side, profile, flank, face in profile

不择手段 bùzéshǒuduàn by fair means or foul

臂 bì arm

泡沫 pàomò foam, (soap bubble)

摩擦 mócā friction, clash (between two parties)

捍卫 hànwèi defend, uphold, safeguard

层次 céngcì level, rank order, standing, layer

备忘录 bèiwànglù memorandum, aide-memoire

预先 yùxiān beforehand, prior

辅助 fǔzhù assist, aide

戒备 jièbèi take precautions, be on the alert

原理 yuánlǐ principle, theory

劈 pī, pǐ split in two, to divide | hack, chop, split

严密 yánmì strict, closely-knit, tight

苏醒 sūxǐng wake up, regain consciousness

渠道 qúdào irrigation ditch

将近 jiāngjìn almost, nearly, close to

创新 chuàngxīn innovate, innovation

当前 dāngqián current, modern, present

奔驰 bēnchí run quickly, speed, Mercedes-Benz

塑造 sùzào to shape, mould, figure

消毒 xiāo dú disinfect, sterilize

收益 shōuyì earnings, profit

快活 kuàihuo happy, cheerful

况且 kuàngqiě moreover, besides, in addition

瀑布 pùbù waterfall

散布 sànbù to scatter, disseminate, to spread

捕捉 bǔzhuō catch, to seize

偏偏 piānpiān unexpectedly, contrary to expectations

麻痹 mábì paralysis, palsy, numbness

锋利 fēnglì sharp (i.e. a knife blade)

笨拙 bènzhuō clumsy, awkward, stupid

救济 jiùjì emergency relief, aid

得罪 dézuì offend, a faux pas

岂有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ outrageous, ridiculous, absurd

高明 gāomíng brilliant, wise

隆重 lóngzhòng grand, prosperous, ceremonious

让步 ràng bù give in, concede, yield

枝 zhī Branch, twig

机遇 jīyù opportunity, stroke of good luck

诽谤 fěibàng slander, libel

洪水 hóngshuǐ flood

扭转 niǔzhuǎn to reverse

意料 yìliào expectation, to anticipate

声誉 shēngyù reputation, fame

别扭 bièniu awkward, unnatural

专利 zhuānlì patent

拣 jiǎn choose,select, sort out

愈 yù recover, heal, the more ... the more

喜悦 xǐyuè happy, joyous

区分 qūfēn differentiate, find differing aspect

机灵 jīling clever, quick-witted, smartness

音响 yīnxiǎng (electronic) speakers

精致 jīngzhì exquisite, delicate, refined

残疾 cánji deformity, handicapped, crippled

抢救 qiǎngjiù rescue, to save

把手 bǎshou knob, handle, grip

开支 kāizhī expenditures, pay, expenses

迄今为止 qìjīnwéizhǐ until now, so far, to date

股东 gǔdōng stockholder, shareholder

生育 shēngyù give birth, to rear, bring up (children)

消耗 xiāohào use up, consume

发育 fāyù develop, growth

风度 fēngdù elegant demeanor, grace, poise, style

辜负 gūfù let down, disappoint, fail to live up to

疲倦 píjuàn tired, weary

歹徒 dǎitú evil person who commits crimes

斑 bān variety, speckled, spot

分解 fēnjiě to decompose, to resolve

一如既往 yìrújìwǎng just as in the past (idiom)

贫困 pínkùn poor, impoverished

故乡 gùxiāng hometown, homeland, birthplace

政权 zhèngquán regime, political power, authority

司令 sīlìng commanding officer

反驳 fǎnbó retort, refute

反射 fǎnshè reflex, reflection (from a mirror, etc.)

内幕 nèimù inside story, non-public information

锤 chuí hammer, weight

迫害 pòhài persecute, persecution

诸位 zhūwèi (pronoun) everyone

缺席 quē xí absence, absent, default

粥 zhōu porridge, congee, gruel

窜 cuàn to flee, to escape, run away

描绘 miáohuì describe, portray

平行 píngxíng parallel, concurrent

干预 gānyù meddle, intervene, intervention

鞠躬 jūgōng to bow

融洽 róngqià harmonious, friendly relations

照样 zhàoyàng as before, (same) as usual

搂 lǒu, lōu to hug, to embrace | graft (money

惯例 guànlì conventional

较量 jiàoliàng competition, to have a contest with sb.

熄灭 xīmiè extinguish, go out (of fire)

揉 róu knead, to massage, to rub

向导 xiàngdǎo guide

冻结 dòngjié (loan, wage, price) freeze

做主 zuòzhǔ take the responsibility for a decision

鄙视 bǐshì despise, disdain, look down upon

裁缝 cáifeng tailor, dressmaker

考察 kǎochá inspect, investigate, analyze

素食 sùshí vegetables, vegetarian food

淹没 yānmò submerge, drown, to flood

放射 fàngshè radiate, radioactive

合伙 héhuǒ to form a partnership

公务 gōngwù public affairs, official business

光辉 guānghuī radiance, brilliant, glory

风光 fēngguāng a natural scenic view, sight

触犯 chùfàn offend, violate

要点 yàodiǎn main point, essential

打官司 dǎ guānsi go to court

屑 xiè crumbs, filings, worth while

伺候 cìhou serve, wait upon, act as a valet

款待 kuǎndài to entertain (guests)

模范 mófàn model, exemplar

构思 gòusī outline a story

断绝 duànjué sever, break off

捎 shāo, shào bring or take (along)

不妨 bùfáng there is no harm in, might as well

注重 zhùzhòng pay attention, emphasize, put stress on

心血 xīnxuè heart and blood, painstaking effort

孤立 gūlì isolate, isolated

失事 shī shì be involved in a crash

呻吟 shēnyín to moan, to groan

遵循 zūnxún follow, abide by

胜负 shèngfù victory or defeat

掠夺 lüèduó to plunder, rob, pillage

不堪 bùkān cannot bear/stand, utterly

麻木 mámù numb

精通 jīngtōng proficient, have a good command of

气象 qìxiàng meteorology, atmosphere

殖民地 zhímíndì colony

延伸 yánshēn extend, spread, stretch

奢侈 shēchǐ luxury, sumptuous, extravagant

喘气 chuǎnqì to pant, gasp for breath

刊登 kāndēng publish in a newspaper, carry a story

溪 xī creek

步伐 bùfá pace, (measured) step, march

挫折 cuòzhé setback, defeat, frustration

手艺 shǒuyì craft, workmanship, one's cooking

启示 qǐshì enlightenment, revelation

遍布 biànbù to cover the whole (area)

疏忽 shūhu neglect, overlook, negligence

动态 dòngtài development, trend, dynamic state

决策 juécè make policy, make strategic decision

饶恕 ráoshù forgive, pardon, spare

连锁 liánsuǒ chain (store etc), to interlock

贝壳 bèiké shell, conch, cowry

虚假 xūjiǎ false, phony, pretense, deceit

藐视 miǎoshì treat with contempt

施展 shīzhǎn use fully, put to good use

坠 zhuì fall, drop

乞丐 qǐgài beggar

衷心 zhōngxīn heartfelt, wholehearted, cordial

草率 cǎoshuài cursory, careless, negligent, sloppy

紧迫 jǐnpò urgent, urgency

沸腾 fèiténg to boil, boiling

想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ (saying) think of or try every possible method

冒充 màochōng pretend to be

习俗 xísú custom, tradition, (local) convention

观光 guānguāng sight see, tour

纠纷 jiūfēn dispute, quarrel

备份 bèifèn to back up, a backup

周边 zhōubiān surrounding

充实 chōngshí substantial, rich, enrich, substantiate

储备 chǔbèi reserves, store up

下属 xiàshǔ subordinate, underling

领土 lǐngtǔ territory

领事馆 lǐngshìguǎn consulate

颁发 bānfā issue, promulgate, award

渗透 shèntòu infiltrate, permeate

宣扬 xuānyáng publicize, make public or well known

起草 qǐ cǎo draft (a bill), draw up (plans)

起源 qǐyuán origin, originate, come from

智能 zhìnéng intelligent, capability, smart

妥当 tuǒdang appropriate, proper, pertinence

向往 xiàngwǎng yearn for, look forward to

顾虑 gùlǜ misgivings, apprehensions

美满 měimǎn happy, blissful

经费 jīngfèi funds, expenses

施加 shījiā exert (effort or pressure)

侥幸 jiǎoxìng by luck, by a fluke

繁殖 fánzhí propagate, to breed, reproduce

收缩 shōusuō pull back, shrink

钦佩 qīnpèi admire, have great respect for

大致 dàzhì more or less, roughly, approximately

堵塞 dǔsè block, stop

圆满 yuánmǎn satisfactory

货币 huòbì currency, money

表态 biǎotài make known one's position

维生素 wéishēngsù vitamin

沐浴 mùyù take a bath, revel, immerse

树立 shùlì set up, establish

反馈 fǎnkuì feedback, send information back

便条 biàntiáo informal note

主导 zhǔdǎo leading, dominant, guiding

不得已 bùdéyǐ act against one's will

协商 xiéshāng consult with, talk things over

冷却 lěngquè cooling, cool off

管辖 guǎnxiá administer, have jurisdiction (over)

皱纹 zhòuwén wrinkle, furrow

大臣 dàchén chancellor

间接 jiànjiē indirect

起伏 qǐfú ups and downs, with a wavy motion

笼罩 lǒngzhào envelop, to shroud, be masked by

派遣 pàiqiǎn send (on a mission), dispatch

扩张 kuòzhāng expansion, extension

山脉 shānmài mountain range

偏僻 piānpì remote and isolated, far from the city

调节 tiáojié adjust, regulate, reconcile

话筒 huàtǒng microphone, transmitter, megaphone

攒 zǎn, cuán save, hoard | collect together, assemble

撇 piě, piē left-curving stroke

掰 bāi break with both hands

持久 chíjiǔ duration, enduring, lasting, persistent

崇高 chónggāo lofty, sublime

坚固 jiāngù firm, strong, sturdy

务必 wùbì must, need to, be sure to

共鸣 gòngmíng physical resonance

债券 zhàiquàn bond

众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī as everyone knows

预兆 yùzhào omen, sign

重心 zhòngxīn center of gravity, central core

调动 diàodòng to transfer, to maneuver (troops, etc.)

称号 chēnghào title, term of address

方圆 fāngyuán circumference, neighborhood, vicinity

慎重 shènzhòng cautious, careful, prudent

微不足道 wēi bù zú dào negligible, insignificant

埋怨 mányuàn complain, blame

选拔 xuǎnbá select the best, choose

追究 zhuījiū investigate, look into, find out

筹备 chóubèi make preparations

国防 guófáng national defense

配偶 pèi'ǒu mate, consort, spouse

行列 hángliè procession, ranks, queue

联想 liánxiǎng to associate (cognitively)

示威 shìwēi hold a protest demonstration

漂浮 piāofú superficial, float, hover, drift

抵制 dǐzhì resistance, refusal (to cooperate)

巷 xiàng, hàng lane, alley | channel, tunnel

前景 qiánjǐng outlook, future (prospects), foreground

闪烁 shǎnshuò to twinkle, to flicker, glimmer

计较 jìjiào focus excessively on, haggle, bicker

敏捷 mǐnjié nimble, agile, shrewd

恨不得 hèn bu de cannot bear not, be dying to

废除 fèichú abolish, annul, abrogate

寂静 jìjìng quiet

四肢 sìzhī arms and legs

器材 qìcái equipment, material

嗅觉 xiùjué sense of smell, scent

制裁 zhìcái punish, (economic) sanctions

盛 chéng, shèng contain, to ladle, to fill

丰盛 fēngshèng sumptuous, lavish

过滤 guòlǜ to filter, filter

渺小 miǎoxiǎo tiny, minute, negligible

腐蚀 fǔshí erode, corrode, corrupt, rusty

胡乱 húluàn carelessly, recklessly, casually

特长 tècháng strong point, specialty

振奋 zhènfèn stir oneself up, raise one's spirits

加工 jiā gōng to process, processing, machining

分泌 fēnmì secrete

高峰 gāofēng peak, summit, apex

相应 xiāngyìng correspond, relevant

瘸 qué lame

流露 liúlù express, reveal

启程 qǐchéng set out on a journey

倾斜 qīngxié incline, lean, to slant, to slope, to tilt

借助 jièzhù get help from

遗失 yíshī lose, lose due to carelessness

混淆 hùnxiáo obscure, confuse, mix up, blur

气概 qìgài mettle, spirit, gumption

机动 jīdòng motorized, mobile, flexible

承办 chéngbàn undertake, accept an assignment

冤枉 yuānwang to wrong, injustice, not worthwhile

倒闭 dǎobì go bankrupt, close down

事迹 shìjì achievement, deed

逼迫 bīpò to force, compel, coerce

礼节 lǐjié etiquette, proprieties, festival

富裕 fùyù rich, to prosper, wealthy

书籍 shūjí books, works

之际 zhījì during, at the time of

表决 biǎojué decide by vote, vote

皮革 pígé leather

枯燥 kūzào dry and dull, uninteresting

惦记 diànjì to remember with concern

平原 píngyuán field, plain, flatlands

和蔼 hé'ǎi kindly, good-tempered, amiable

记性 jìxing memory

衰老 shuāilǎo grow old, age, deteriorate

正规 zhèngguī formal, regular, according to standards

品种 pǐnzhǒng breed, variety

公告 gōnggào post, announcement

转达 zhuǎndá pass on, convey, communicate

粉末 fěnmò fine powder, dust

掀起 xiānqǐ lift, raise in height

平面 píngmiàn a plane (i.e. flat surface), type, category

嚷 rāng, rǎng blurt out, shout

贬低 biǎndī to belittle, depreciate, disparage

空洞 kōngdòng empty, hollow, vacuous

种植 zhòngzhí plant, grow, crop

猛烈 měngliè fierce, violent

爱戴 àidài love and respect

支柱 zhīzhù pillar, prop, mainstay, backbone

探讨 tàntǎo inquire into, explore

心态 xīntài pyschology, mentality, spirit

关怀 guānhuái care, solicitude, show care for

辫子 biànzi plait, braid, pigtail

胸膛 xiōngtáng chest (body part)

胡须 húxū beard, moustache, whiskers

国务院 guówùyuàn state Council (PRC)

繁忙 fánmáng busy, bustling

民间 mínjiān among the people, popular, folk

无动于衷 wúdòngyúzhōng aloof, indifferent, unconcerned

宽敞 kuānchang spacious, commodious

商标 shāngbiāo trademark, logo

受罪 shòuzuì endure hardships, have a hard time

体谅 tǐliàng empathize, express sympathy

风味 fēngwèi local flavor, local style

过渡 guòdù to cross a river by ferry, transition

见解 jiànjiě view, opinion, understanding

熨 yùn iron, press

濒临 bīnlín on the verge of

根源 gēnyuán origin, root, source

定期 dìngqī regularly, at regular intervals

凑合 còuhe bring together

健全 jiànquán perfect, sound

中立 zhōnglì neutral, neutrality

谅解 liàngjiě understanding, make an allowance for

自主 zìzhǔ independent, to act for oneself

急切 jíqiè eager, impatient, imperative

开展 kāizhǎn begin to develop, to launch

台风 táifēng typhoon

畅销 chàngxiāo best seller, chart-topping

犹如 yóurú just as, similar to, appearing to be

款式 kuǎnshì pattern, design, style

断定 duàndìng conclude, determine, figure out

徒弟 túdì disciple

大肆 dàsì wantonly, without any constraint

不时 bùshí frequently, often, at any time

肖像 xiàoxiàng portrait

照耀 zhàoyào to shine, illuminate

储蓄 chǔxù to save, to deposit

修建 xiūjiàn to build, to construct, renovate

盘旋 pánxuán spiral, coil, circle, go around

橙 chéng orange (color), orange (fruit, tree)

懒惰 lǎnduò lazy, idle

平庸 píngyōng mediocre

小心翼翼 xiǎoxīn yìyì carefully, cautiously, with great care

可口 kěkǒu tasty, taste good

默默 mòmò in silence, not speaking

题材 tícái subject matter

糟蹋 zāotà waste, ruin, wreck, spoil, slander

生锈 shēngxiù to rust

文物 wénwù cultural relic, historical relic

弹性 tánxìng flexibility, elasticity

个体 gètǐ individual

陶醉 táozuì be intoxicated

赠送 zèngsòng give as a present

海滨 hǎibīn shore, seaside

庄稼 zhuāngjia farm crops

就职 jiù zhí take office, assume a post

叼 diāo hold sth. in the mouth

凡是 fánshì every, any, all, without exception

轮廓 lúnkuò outline, silhouette

演变 yǎnbiàn develop, evolve

委员 wěiyuán committee member, committee, council

二氧化碳 èryǎnghuàtàn carbon dioxide;, CO2

规范 guīfàn standard (design or model), norm

烘 hōng to dry or warm by the fire, to bake

灵敏 língmǐn sensitive (of an instrument), agile

晋升 jìnshēng promote to a higher position

分明 fēnmíng clear, distinct, evidently, clearly

钩子 gōuzi hook

气压 qìyā atmospheric pressure

恰巧 qiàqiǎo happen by chance, coincidence

境界 jìngjiè boundary, state, realm, level

口头 kǒutóu oral, verbal

创立 chuànglì to found, establish

不禁 bùjīn cannot help, can't refrain from

驻扎 zhùzhā to station, to garrison (troops)

情理 qínglǐ reason, sense

庄严 zhuāngyán stately, dignified

剧烈 jùliè acute, violent, severe

任性 rènxìng willful, headstrong

严峻 yánjùn grim, severe, rigorous, harsh

辛勤 xīnqín hardworking, diligent, industrious

蹬 dēng, dèng press down with the foot

气势 qìshì imposing manner

呼吁 hūyù call on (someone to do something)

含糊 hánhu unclear, vague, unsure

君子 jūnzǐ gentleman, man of noble character

反面 fǎnmiàn the reverse side of sth.

卓越 zhuóyuè distinction, excellence, splendid

充当 chōngdāng serve as, play the part of

不愧 búkuì be worthy of, deserve to be called

领悟 lǐngwù comprehend, grasp, fathom

过瘾 guòyǐn satisfy a craving, get a kick out of sth

资本 zīběn (economics) capital, asset

筛选 shāixuǎn to filter, to sift

潇洒 xiāosǎ free and easy

搁 gē, gé to place, put aside | to bear, endure

当代 dāngdài present day, contemporary

坚硬 jiānyìng hard, solid

周期 zhōuqī period, cycle, rhythm

公然 gōngrán (do something) openly, undisguised

齐心协力 qíxīnxiélì make concerted efforts

高超 gāochāo excellent, superb

高涨 gāozhǎng upsurge, (tensions, etc.) run high

顽强 wánqiáng tenacious, hard to defeat

逢 féng to meet, come upon

资深 zīshēn experienced, senior

论坛 lùntán forum

素质 sùzhì inner quality, basic essence

文凭 wénpíng diploma

寄托 jìtuō entrust somebody someone's care

实质 shízhì substance, essence, gist

安详 ānxiáng serene, composed

丙 bǐng bright, fire (3rd Heavenly Stem)

上任 shàng rèn take office

鉴别 jiànbié differentiate, distinguish

郑重 zhèngzhòng serious, solemn

通用 tōngyòng in common use, interchangeable

谜语 míyǔ riddle, conundrum

蔑视 mièshì despise, loathe, disparage, scorn

拥护 yōnghù to support, endorse

名额 míng'é particular number of people, quota

仓促 cāngcù hurried

钙 gài calcium

采购 cǎigòu make purchases for an organization

采纳 cǎinà accept, adopt (idea, plan, proposal)

著作 zhùzuò work, book, writing

片断 piànduàn part, passage, extract, fragment

桥梁 qiáoliáng bridge

搅拌 jiǎobàn stir, mix up

丑恶 chǒu'è ugly, repulsive, odiousness

践踏 jiàntà trample

被动 bèidòng passive

甭 béng need not, (contraction of 不 and 用)

柔和 róuhé gentle, soft, mild

机智 jīzhì tact, quick-witted, resourceful

寻觅 xúnmì to seek, to look for

密度 mìdù density, thickness, consistency

人道 réndào humanitarianism, humane

领会 lǐnghuì understand, comprehend, grasp

走漏 zǒulòu leak (information, liquid, etc), divulge

花瓣 huābàn petal

推论 tuīlùn infer, a deduction, a corollary

恰到好处 qià dào hǎo chù just right, it's just perfect

大意 dàyì main idea, general idea, gist

飞跃 fēiyuè to leap

颠簸 diānbǒ shake, to jolt, bump

阵地 zhèndì position, battlefront

配备 pèibèi provide, outfit with, deploy

调料 tiáoliào seasoning, flavoring

精华 jīnghuá elite, best feature,essence

支出 zhīchū spend, pay out, expense

开阔 kāikuò wide, open (spaces)

座右铭 zuòyòumíng motto

外行 wàiháng layman, amateur, nonprofessional

土壤 tǔrǎng soil, earth

留神 liú shén (idiom) take care to ..., be careful of ...

生态 shēngtài way of life, ecology

理睬 lǐcǎi heed, pay attention to

标本 biāoběn specimen, sample

分量 fènliàng weight, heft, amount

凝视 níngshì gaze, stare

信誉 xìnyù reputation, prestige, trust

黄昏 huánghūn dusk, evening, nightfall

请教 qǐngjiào consult, seek advice

私自 sīzì private, secretly, without permission

泄气 xièqì despair,pathetic

挥霍 huīhuò squander money without restraint

形态 xíngtài shape, form, pattern

对策 duìcè countermeasure for dealing with a situation

哨 shào a whistle, sentry post

遭殃 zāo yāng to suffer a calamity

遗留 yíliú legacy, leave over, hand down

还原 huányuán restore to the original state

薄弱 bóruò weak, frail

精密 jīngmì accuracy, exact, precise, refined

牢固 láogù firm, secure, solid

杂技 zájì acrobatics

全局 quánjú overall situation

神仙 shénxiān fig. lighthearted person

瓦解 wǎjiě collapse, disintegrate, crumble

晾 liàng dry in the air/sun

显著 xiǎnzhù notable, marked, outstanding

提拔 tíbá promote to a higher job, elevate

得力 délì able, competent

削弱 xuēruò weaken, to cripple

元宵节 Yuánxiāo Jié the Lantern Festival

以致 yǐzhì so that, as a result

人为 rénwéi artificial, man-made

一度 yídù for a time, at one time, one time, once

请柬 qǐngjiǎn invitation card, written invitation

裁员 cáiyuán cut staff, lay off employees

结晶 jiéjīng a crystal, to crystallize

烟花爆竹 yānhuābàozhú fireworks and crackers

波浪 bōlàng wave

数额 shù'é amount, sum of money, fixed number

悔恨 huǐhèn remorse, repentance

尖锐 jiānruì sharp, intense, penetrating

垂直 chuízhí perpendicular, vertical

告辞 gàocí take leave, bid farewell

可观 kěguān considerable, impressive

齐全 qíquán complete

陶瓷 táocí ceramics, pottery and porcelain

诚挚 chéngzhì sincere, cordial, earnest

胆怯 dǎnqiè timid, coward

未免 wèimiǎn (of something that one finds has gone too far)

指南针 zhǐnánzhēn compass

巢穴 cháoxué lair, nest, den, hideout

局部 júbù part, local

公式 gōngshì formula

雕刻 diāokè carve, engrave, sculpt

阶层 jiēcéng hierarchy

规章 guīzhāng regulations, rule

腐朽 fǔxiǔ rotten, decayed, decadent, degenerate

来历 láilì history, antecedents, origin

搓 cuō rub or roll between the hands or fingers

悬念 xuánniàn reader's involvement

寺庙 sìmiào temple, monastery

公认 gōngrèn publicly know (to be), recognize

阻挠 zǔnáo thwart, to obstruct (something)

间隔 jiàngé interval, intermission, gap

补贴 bǔtiē subsidy, allowance

源泉 yuánquán headspring, fountainhead, water source

总而言之 zǒngéryánzhī in short, in a word

告诫 gàojiè warn, admonish

内涵 nèihán connotation

交涉 jiāoshè negotiate

课题 kètí task, problem, issue

留恋 liúliàn be reluctant to leave

牲畜 shēngchù livestock, domesticated animals

涮火锅 shuànhuǒguō to instant-boil

沉闷 chénmèn oppressive (of weather), heavy

歪曲 wāiqū to distort, to misrepresent, to twist

慢性 mànxìng chronic (disease), slow in taking effect

保养 bǎoyǎng take good care of (or conserve) one's health

调解 tiáojiě mediation

衰退 shuāituì decline, fail, drop, falter

立体 lìtǐ solid, three dimensional

物资 wùzī goods and materials, commodity

沉思 chénsī ponder, contemplate, meditation

档次 dàngcì grade, quality, class, level

巴不得 bābùdé eagerly look forward to

半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi give up halfway, leave sth. unfinished

酝酿 yùnniàng mull over (an issue)

航天 hángtiān space flight

舆论 yúlùn public opinion

水龙头 shuǐlóngtóu faucet, tap

株 zhū stem, root, trunk, (mw for plants)

对应 duìyìng corresponding, counterpart

变质 biàn zhì go bad, deteriorate, metamorphism

剥削 bōxuē to exploit

争端 zhēngduān dispute, controversy, conflict

主流 zhǔliú main stream (of a river)

跟前 gēnqián in front of

诬陷 wūxiàn entrap, to frame

编织 biānzhī to weave, to knit, to plait, to braid

桨 jiǎng oar, paddle

无理取闹 wúlǐqǔnào to make trouble without reason (idiom)

愣 lèng dumbfounded, stupefied

咀嚼 jǔjué to chew

阻拦 zǔlán to stop, obstruct, block off

趣味 qùwèi fun, interest, delight, taste

考古 kǎogǔ archaeology

敷衍 fūyǎn to elaborate (on a theme)

捆绑 kǔnbǎng tie up, bundled

报销 bàoxiāo submit an expense account

截止 jiézhǐ end, close, stop, expiration

弥漫 mímàn fill the air, permeate, to suffuse

广阔 guǎngkuò wide, vast

容貌 róngmào facial features, looks, appearance

容纳 róngnà contain, accommodate, tolerate

天然气 tiānránqì natural gas

租赁 zūlìn rent, lease

破例 pòlì make an exception

生机 shēngjī reprieve from death, life force, vitality

名副其实 míng fù qí shí not just in name only, but also in reality

传授 chuánshòu impart, pass on, teach

闲话 xiánhuà gossip, digression

连同 liántóng together with, along with

正宗 zhèngzōng authentic, orthodox, old school

拘束 jūshù restrict, constrained, ill at ease; reticent

局限 júxiàn to limit, confine, restrict or confine sth.

就业 jiùyè employment, getting a job

宗旨 zōngzhǐ purpose, objective, aim, goal

响应 xiǎngyìng respond to, answer

和睦 hémù peaceful relations, harmonious

候选 hòuxuǎn candidate

上游 shàngyóu upper reaches (of a river)

窍门 qiàomén special tricks

晴朗 qínglǎng sunny and cloudless

抱负 bàofù aspiration, ambition

开朗 kāilǎng outgoing and cheerful, optimistic

干劲 gànjìn enthusiasm, energy, drive

口腔 kǒuqiāng space inside mouth (oral cavity)

凝固 nínggù curdle, freeze, solidify, congeal

停顿 tíngdùn pause, halt

专程 zhuānchéng special-purpose trip

贪污 tānwū (political, moral) corruption, embezzle

缠绕 chánrào bind, wind, twirl, twist, intertwine

福气 fúqì good fortune

溶解 róngjiě dissolve, solution

更正 gēngzhèng correct, correction

日益 rìyì day by day, more and more

传记 zhuànjì biography

缓和 huǎnhé alleviate, to moderate, to ease (tension)

秃 tū bald, blunt

盈利 yínglì profit, gain

对称 duìchèn symmetry

叹气 tàn qì to sigh

力所能及 lìsuǒnéngjí within one's power

从容 cóngróng leisurely, calm

独裁 dúcái dictatorship

沉着 chénzhuó calm and collected, not nervous

暧昧 ài mèi ambiguous, shady

惋惜 wǎnxī feel sorry for a person, sympathize

开采 kāicǎi extract ore or some other natural resource from a


优越 yōuyuè superior, superiority

鲜明 xiānmíng bright, clear-cut, distinct

条理 tiáolǐ consecutive, arrangement, orderliness

文雅 wényǎ elegant, refined

包庇 bāobì to shield, to harbor, cover up

直径 zhíjìng diameter

狭窄 xiázhǎi narrow

滋润 zīrùn quenched, moist

昔日 xīrì formerly, in olden days

成效 chéngxiào effect, result

性能 xìngnéng function, performance

心甘情愿 xīngānqíngyuàn totally willing, perfectly happy to

吝啬 lìnsè stingy, mean, miserly

要素 yàosù essential factor, key constituent

无忧无虑 wúyōuwúlǜ carefree and without worries

拼搏 pīnbó struggle, wrestle

庄重 zhuāngzhòng grave, solemn, dignified

宏伟 hóngwěi grand, imposing, magnificent, grand

孕育 yùnyù be pregnant, to produce offspring

奔波 bēnbō rush about, be busy running about

向来 xiànglái always, all along

勇于 yǒngyú have the courage to, be brave enough

一帆风顺 yìfānfēngshùn (saying) smooth sailing

陈旧 chénjiù old fashioned, outmoded, obsolete

茫茫 mángmáng boundless, vast and obscure

绣 xiù embroider, embroidery

细致 xìzhì delicate, meticulous

田野 tiányě field, open country

摧残 cuīcán to ruin, devastate, vandalize

事项 shìxiàng matter, item

运算 yùnsuàn (mathematical) operation

牢骚 láosāo grumble, complaint

攀登 pāndēng to climb, clamber, to pull oneself up

岳母 yuèmǔ wife's mother, mother-in-law

动员 dòngyuán mobilize

凝聚 níngjù agglomeration, agglomerate, cohesion

节制 jiézhì to be restrained or moderate

流通 liútōng circulate, currency

次序 cìxù sequence, order

批判 pīpàn criticize, critique

急躁 jízào irritable, impetuous, impatient

思索 sīsuǒ think deeply, ponder

尖端 jiānduān highest peak, the tip

夕阳 xīyáng setting sun

复兴 fùxīng revive, restore

体积 tǐjī volume, bulk

谦逊 qiānxùn humble, modest, humility

缺口 quēkǒu gap, breach, shortfall

现成 xiànchéng ready-made, off-the-shelf

率领 shuàilǐng lead, command, head

无非 wúfēi nothing but, only

才干 cáigàn ability, competence

愚昧 yúmèi ignorant, benighted, backwards

展望 zhǎnwàng outlook, prospect, to look ahead

屏障 píngzhàng wall, barrier, protective screen

嫂子 sǎozi (informal) elder brother's wife

发炎 fāyán become inflamed from infection or injury

乐谱 yuèpǔ sheet music

迟疑 chíyí hesitate

迁徙 qiānxǐ migrate, move, change one's residence

茫然 mángrán unseeing, ignorant

滔滔不绝 tāotāo bù jué (saying) talking non-stop, gushing

曲折 qūzhé winding, zigzag, complicated

惊动 jīngdòng alarm, alert, startle, disturb

压缩 yāsuō to compress

觉醒 juéxǐng awaken, arousal, realize

索取 suǒqǔ demand, ask for, to exact

示意 shìyì to signal, to hint, to gesture, to motion

深沉 shēnchén deep, extreme, low pitched (sound)

巩固 gǒnggù consolidate, solidify

阐述 chǎnshù expound (a position)

适宜 shìyí suitable for, appropriate for

过问 guòwèn take an interest in, get involved with

败坏 bàihuài ruin, corrupt, undermine

请帖 qǐngtiě invitation card, written invitation

耗费 hàofèi waste, spend, consume

泛滥 fànlàn to be in flood, to overflow (the banks)

方言 fāngyán dialect

培育 péiyù to train, nurture, to breed

停滞 tíngzhì stagnation, be at a standstill

严禁 yánjìn strictly prohibit, forbid

转折 zhuǎnzhé turning point

表彰 biǎozhāng cite (in dispatches), commend

若干 ruògān a certain number or amount, how many

牵制 qiānzhì control, curb, restrict, impede

焦急 jiāojí anxiety, worried

炎热 yánrè blistering hot, sizzling hot (weather)

权衡 quánhéng trade-off, weigh pros and cons

插座 chāzuò power socket

打量 dǎliang take measure of, size up

应酬 yìngchou socialize with, a social engagement

奥秘 àomì mystery, enigma,profound, deep

响亮 xiǎngliàng loud and clear, resounding

划分 huàfēn divide up, differentiate

附属 fùshǔ subsidiary, auxiliary, affiliate, attached

自卑 zìbēi feel inferior, be self-abased

背诵 bèisòng recite

盛开 shèngkāi to bloom, be in full flower

汹涌 xiōngyǒng used in reference to an ocean, river,etc.

毅力 yìlì perseverance, stamina

敬业 jìngyè work ethic

拔苗助长 bámiáozhùzhǎng help shoots grow by pulling them out

当务之急 dāngwùzhījí the most pressing matter of the moment

对立 duìlì oppose, to counter

增添 zēngtiān add to, increase

隔阂 géhé estrangement, misunderstanding

譬如 pìrú for example, for instance, such as

腹泻 fùxiè diarrhea

指标 zhǐbiāo target, norm, index, indicator

庸俗 yōngsú filthy, vulgar, debased

妥善 tuǒshàn appropriate, proper, well-arranged

坚实 jiānshí firm and substantial, solid

启事 qǐshì announcement

后勤 hòuqín logistics

面貌 miànmào appearance, looks, features

雌雄 cíxióng male and female, winners and losers

重叠 chóngdié to overlap

相差 xiāngchà differ, difference

深奥 shēn'ào profound, deep

周密 zhōumì meticulous, careful, thorough

凶恶 xiōng'è fierce, ferocious, menacing

铸造 zhùzào cast (pour metal into a mold)

枯萎 kūwěi wither, withered

投掷 tóuzhì throw something a long distance, hurl

急剧 jíjù rapid, sudden

出息 chūxi future prospects, aspiration, promise

优异 yōuyì exceptional, excellent

专题 zhuāntí special topic, questions

鼓动 gǔdòng agitate, instigate

雪上加霜 xuěshàngjiāshuāng (literally) add frost to snow

转让 zhuǎnràng transfer (technology, good, etc.)

范畴 fànchóu category

致辞 zhìcí make/deliver a speech

田径 tiánjìng track and field

摸索 mōsuǒ feel about, grope around, fumble

排放 páifàng to discharge, emit

固体 gùtǐ solid

伯母 bómǔ aunt, wife of father's older brother

饲养 sìyǎng to raise, to rear (domestic animal)

迁就 qiānjiù humor, yield, adapt to

轮船 lúnchuán steamship

解体 jiětǐ disintegrate

舟 zhōu boat (Kangxi radical 137)

腥 xīng fishy (smell)

改良 gǎiliáng improve, to reform

布局 bùjú arrangement, composition, layout

博览会 bólǎnhuì (international) exhibition

勤劳 qínláo hardworking, diligent, industrious

利害 lìhai serious, formidable, devastating

作废 zuòfèi cancellation, delete, to nullify

阵容 zhènróng line-up (sports), troop arrangement

规格 guīgé standard, norm, specification

统筹兼顾 tǒngchóujiāngù take every aspects into consideration through plan

and preparation

简陋 jiǎnlòu simple and crude (i.e. room or building)

简化 jiǎnhuà simplify, simplification

果断 guǒduàn firm, decisive

提炼 tíliàn extract and purify (ore, minerals, etc.)

唯独 wéidú only, just (i.e. it is only that ...), alone

反思 fǎnsī think back over something that happened

不像话 búxiànghuà unreasonable, absurd, outrageous

附件 fùjiàn attachment, enclosure

里程碑 lǐchéngbēi milestone

荒凉 huāngliáng desolate

致使 zhìshǐ cause, result in

筐 kuāng basket

空想 kōngxiǎng daydream, fantasy

狼狈 lángbèi in a difficult position or situation

清澈 qīngchè clear, limpid

格式 géshì form, specification, format

方针 fāngzhēn policy, guidelines

投机 tóujī speculate (on financial markets)

干旱 gānhàn drought, dry

地质 dìzhì geology

团圆 tuányuán have a reunion, reunite as a family

嘈杂 cáozá noisy, raucous

号召 hàozhào call upon, summon, to appeal

发呆 fādāi stare blankly, daze off

分红 fēn hóng a bonus, to award a bonus

凄凉 qīliáng desolate, feel like no one likes you

颁布 bānbù promulgate, to issue, publish

爽快 shuǎngkuài refreshed, rejuvenated | frank

无精打采 wújīngdǎcǎi listless, be dispirited, in low spirits

参照 cānzhào consult a reference, refer to

化石 huàshí fossil

切实 qièshí realistic, feasible, conscientiously

丰收 fēngshōu bumper crop, have a good harvest

配套 pèi tào form a complete set

逝世 shìshì pass away, to die

迸发 bèngfā burst forth, burst out

董事长 dǒngshìzhǎng chairman of the board

英明 yīngmíng wise, brilliant

简要 jiǎnyào concise, brief

秤 chèng balance, scale, steelyard

整顿 zhěngdùn rectify, consolidate, reorganise

抹杀 mǒshā write off, erase, remove from evidence

总和 zǒnghé sum

开明 kāimíng enlightened, open-minded

幅度 fúdù width, margin, extent

威风 wēifēng awe-inspiring authority

压榨 yāzhà to press, to squeeze

修养 xiūyǎng accomplishment, self-cultivation

隐患 yǐnhuàn hidden danger

真挚 zhēnzhì sincere, sincerity, genuine

申报 shēnbào declare, report

狭隘 xiá'ài narrow, tight, narrow (minded)

本钱 běnqián capital (financial)

垄断 lǒngduàn monopoly

功效 gōngxiào efficiency, effectiveness

虚荣 xūróng vanity

结算 jiésuàn settle up the bill, close an account

滞留 zhìliú detain, retention

治理 zhìlǐ to bring under control, to govern

柴油 cháiyóu diesel fuel, kerosene

无偿 wúcháng free, no charge, at no cost

新陈代谢 xīn chén dàixiè metabolism (bio)

摄氏度 shèshìdù degrees Celsius

接连 jiēlián one after another, in a row

惹祸 rěhuò stir up troubles

岔 chà fork in the road, turn off, diverge

媳妇 xífù daughter-in-law, son's wife

吃力 chīlì strenuous, exhausted

参谋 cānmóu advisor, give advice

勾结 gōujié collude with, collaborate, gang up

动荡 dòngdàng (social or political) turmoil, unrest

充沛 chōngpèi abundant, plentiful, vigorous

会晤 huìwù meet, meeting, conference

亚军 yàjūn second place, runner-up

主权 zhǔquán sovereignty

主办 zhǔbàn to host (a conference or sports event)

眯 mī, mí to squint

盛行 shèngxíng in fashion, prevalent, prevail

畅通 chàngtōng unimpeded, unclogged, free-flowing

生疏 shēngshū unfamiliar, strange, out of practice

海拔 hǎibá height above sea level, elevation

斯文 sīwen refined, educated, cultured;

悬挂 xuánguà suspend, hang, suspension (cable car)

堆积 duījī pile up, accumulate

坚韧 jiānrèn tough and durable, hard-bitten

唾弃 tuòqì cast aside, spurn

觉悟 juéwù consciousness, awareness

自发 zìfā spontaneous, unprompted

空隙 kòngxì crack, gap between two objects

狠心 hěn xīn callous, cruel, cold-blooded

派别 pàibié denomination, group

攻克 gōngkè to capture, to take

意向 yìxiàng will, intent; disposition

开拓 kāituò break new ground (for agriculture)

别致 biézhì unique, unconventional, fancy

创业 chuàngyè begin an undertaking, start a major task

伤脑筋 shāng nǎojīn troublesome, bothersome

为期 wéiqī be scheduled for, last for

通货膨胀 tōnghuò péngzhàng inflation

端正 duānzhèng upright, regular, proper, correct

港湾 gǎngwān harbor, estuary

文献 wénxiàn document, literature

崇敬 chóngjìng revere, admire, veneration

对照 duìzhào contrast, compare

媒介 méijiè media, medium

处分 chǔfèn punish, punishment, discipline

和气 héqi friendly, polite, amiable

霸道 bàdào overbearing, despotic hegemony

赞叹 zàntàn sigh or grasp in admiration

苦涩 kǔsè bitter and astringent, pained, agonized

耸 sǒng shrug, towering, shock (alarm)

科目 kēmù (school) subject

点缀 diǎnzhuì decorate, an ornament, beautify

歌颂 gēsòng sing the praise of, extol, eulogize

杂交 zájiāo create a hybrid, cross-fertilize

暂且 zànqiě for the moment, for the time being

嘱咐 zhǔfù enjoin, to tell, exhort

冷落 lěngluò to treat somebody coldy, to snub

一丝不苟 yìsībùgǒu (literally) not one thread loose

迟缓 chíhuǎn slow, sluggish

眼色 yǎnsè a wink, signal with one's eyes

浸泡 jìnpào to soak

栏目 lánmù column (in a newspaper,TV,etc)

有条不紊 yǒutiáobùwěn in an orderly way, methodically

慰问 wèiwèn to express sympathy, consolation

威信 wēixìn prestige, reputation, veneration

一目了然 yímùliǎorán obvious at a glance

自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng (idiom) self reliance

灯笼 dēnglong Lantern

时事 shíshì current events, the present situation

新颖 xīnyǐng new and original, novel

兴高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè in high spirits

停泊 tíngbó anchor, mooring (of a ship)

倔强 juéjiàng stubborn, unbending

俯视 fǔshì look down at, overlook

世代 shìdài for generations

靠拢 kàolǒng draw close, close up, move up

踏实 tāshi practical, down-to-earth, realistic

立足 lìzú base oneself on, be established

物业 wùyè property management

淡水 dànshuǐ fresh water, potable water

杠杆 gànggǎn lever, pry bar, crowbar

朴素 pǔsù plain, simple, austerity

开辟 kāipì open up, to start, to build

家喻户晓 jiā yù hù xiǎo become a household name, well-known

周折 zhōuzhé setback, twists and turns, problem

丛 cóng crowd together, thicket, collection

进而 jìn'ér and then (what follows next)

请示 qǐngshì ask for instructions

肆无忌惮 sìwújìdàn absolutely unrestrained, unbridled

确立 quèlì to establish, to institute

盛情 shèngqíng great kindness, boundless hospitality

狼吞虎咽 lángtūnhǔyàn wolf down one's food (idiom)

框架 kuàngjià frame, framework, skeleton

平坦 píngtǎn flat

冰雹 bīngbáo hail

随即 suíjí immediately (after), soon after

赤字 chìzì (financial) deficit, red ink

草案 cǎo'àn draft (legislation, proposal, etc.)

精简 jīngjiǎn simplify, cut, reduce

疙瘩 gēda swelling or lump on skin

时而 shí'ér occasionally

散文 sǎnwén prose, essay

工艺品 gōngyìpǐn handicraft, handiwork

埋没 máimò oblivion, bury, neglect

品德 pǐndé moral character, morality, morals

偏差 piānchā bias, deviation

倘若 tǎngruò provided that, supposing that, if

便于 biànyú be easy, be convenient for

雄伟 xióngwěi grand, majestic

通俗 tōngsú popular, common, everyday, average

装卸 zhuāngxiè load and unload, to transfer

衬托 chèntuō to set off, serve as a foil to

考核 kǎohé examine, check up on

繁华 fánhuá flourishing, bustling, prosperous

母语 mǔyǔ native/mother tongue

以至 yǐzhì down to, up to, to such an extent as to...

举足轻重 jǔzúqīngzhòng a foot's move sways the balance

隐约 yǐnyuē vague, faint, indistinct

调和 tiáohé harmonious, harmony

误差 wùchā difference, error, inaccuracy

论证 lùnzhèng prove a point, expound on

灌溉 guàngài irrigate

注释 zhùshì annotate, annotation, note

油腻 yóunì greasy or oily (food)

摘要 zhāiyào summary, abstract

姑且 gūqiě temporarily, the time being

天文 tiānwén astronomy

大体 dàtǐ in general, more or less, on the whole

变故 biàngù unforeseen event, accident

发扬 fāyáng develop, make full use of, to carry on

反问 fǎnwèn ask a rhetorical question

争气 zhēng qì work hard for sth.

不相上下 bù xiāng shàng xià equally matched, about the same

问世 wènshì be published, to come out

锦上添花 jǐnshàngtiānhuā lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom)

钻研 zuānyán study intensively, delve into

追悼 zhuīdào mourning, memorial (service, etc.)

萌芽 méngyá sprout, bud, germ of a plant

立方 lìfāng cube (mw cubic units of measure)

波涛 bōtāo great waves, billows

播种 bōzhǒng sow seeds, sowing, seed

寒暄 hánxuān exchanging conventional greetings

千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì by every possible means

加剧 jiājù aggravate, intensify, sharpen

伶俐 línglì clever, witty, intelligent

书法 shūfǎ calligraphy, penmanship

上进 shàngjìn make forward progress, do better

陈列 chénliè to display, to exhibit

镶嵌 xiāngqiàn inlay

赤道 chìdào the equator

胸怀 xiōnghuái think about, heart

无穷无尽 wúqióngwújìn vast and limitless, endless span of time

拄 zhǔ post, lean on a stick, prop

心疼 xīnténg love dearly, the pain of love

巴结 bājie to fawn on, curry favor with

力求 lìqiú make every effort, do one's best

不屑一顾 búxièyígù not worth seeing

遏制 èzhì keep within limits, contain, restrain

督促 dūcù supervise and urge sb. to complete a task

着重 zhuózhòng put emphasis on, to stress

盖章 gàizhāng affix one's seal, seal, stamp

湖泊 húpō lake

椭圆 tuǒyuán ellipse, oval

操劳 cāoláo work hard, look after

心得 xīndé knowledge gained

刊物 kānwù publication, periodical, journal

颈椎 jǐngzhuī cervical vertebra

迎面 yíng miàn face to face, headlong, in one's face

舒畅 shūchàng happy, entirely free from worry

章程 zhāngchéng written rules, statute, regulations

神气 shénqì expression, manner, spirited

栽培 zāipéi grow, educate, cultivate

昼夜 zhòuyè day and night

敌视 díshì be hostile

招收 zhāoshōu recruit, take in, to hire

吹捧 chuīpěng flatter sb., extol sb.'s accomplishments

名次 míngcì position in a ranking of names

倡导 chàngdǎo to advocate, propose, initiate

不言而喻 bùyán'éryù it goes without saying, it is self-evident

诧异 chàyì flabbergasted, astonished

渔民 yúmín fisherman, fisher folk

托运 tuōyùn check in (baggage)

成心 chéngxīn intentional, deliberate, with prior intent

忌讳 jìhuì avoid as a taboo, abstain from, taboo

导向 dǎoxiàng guidance, lead to

啰唆 luōsuo long-winded, wordy, troublesome

变迁 biànqiān changes, vicissitude

制约 zhìyuē restrict, condition

列举 lièjǔ make a list, enumerate

公证 gōngzhèng notarization

佳肴 jiāyáo delicacy, good food

亏待 kuīdài treat sb. unfairly

魄力 pòlì resolution, boldness, courage

顿时 dùnshí immediately, suddenly

鞭策 biāncè spur on, urge on

索性 suǒxìng you might as well (do it), simply, just

相声 xiàngsheng comic dialogue, crosstalk

涌现 yǒngxiàn spring up, emerge prominently

朴实 pǔshí plain, sober, down-to-earth

固然 gùrán admittedly, it is true that, indeed

呼啸 hūxiào whistle, scream, howl

吉祥 jíxiáng lucky

讥笑 jīxiào sneer at, deride

蔚蓝 wèilán azure, sky blue

茎 jīng stalk, stem

答辩 dábiàn reply (to an accusation)

慈祥 cíxiáng a kindly person

家常 jiācháng the daily life of a family

学说 xuéshuō theory, doctrine

壮丽 zhuànglì magnificence, splendid, majestic

周转 zhōuzhuǎn turnover (in cash or personnel)

兴旺 xīngwàng prosperous, thriving, to prosper

借鉴 jièjiàn take example by

飘扬 piāoyáng wave in the wind, flutter, fly

纺织 fǎngzhī spinning and weaving, textile

纵横 zònghéng able to move unhindered

旷课 kuàng kè cut school, be truant from school

文艺 wényì literature and art

截至 jiézhì up until, by (a specified time

威望 wēiwàng prestige

夹杂 jiāzá mix together

壮烈 zhuàngliè brave and honorable

反之 fǎnzhī whereas..., on the other hand...

历来 lìlái always, throughout (a period of time)

分寸 fēncun propriety

起哄 qǐ hòng gather together, cause a commotion

贯彻 guànchè to implement, put into practice

蕴藏 yùncáng hold in store

相等 xiāngděng be equal to, equally, equivalent

畔 pàn riverbank, side, boundary

沿海 yánhǎi coastal

污蔑 wūmiè to slander

棍棒 gùnbàng club

梢 shāo tip of a branch

操练 cāoliàn to drill, to practice

搀 chān assist by the arm, mix, support, sustain

拟定 nǐdìng make an initial draft, draw up

悬殊 xuánshū a wide gap, big contrast, large disparity

恭敬 gōngjìng dutiful, deferential

归根到底 guī gēn dào dǐ (saying) to sum it up ...

寓言 yùyán Fable

多元化 duōyuánhuà diversify, diversification

喧哗 xuānhuá cause a scene

哺乳 bǔrǔ breast-feeding, to suckle

启蒙 qǐméng enlighten, enlightenment

俗话 súhuà common saying, proverb

逆行 nìxíng go/drive against the traffic

贬义 biǎnyì negative connotation, derogatory sense

落成 luòchéng complete a construction project

留念 liúniàn to keep as a souvenir

斟酌 zhēnzhuó consider, deliberate

挑拨 tiǎobō incite disharmony, provoke

承包 chéngbāo to contract (to undertake a job)

批发 pīfā Wholesale

扎实 zhāshi strong, sturdy, practical

固有 gùyǒu intrinsic/inherent to something, native

亏损 kuīsǔn deficit, (financial) loss

严寒 yánhán bitter cold, severe winter

饱和 bǎohé saturation

陡峭 dǒuqiào steep, precipitous

谢绝 xièjué politely refuse

自满 zìmǎn complacent, self-satisfied

涂抹 túmǒ scribble, smear, doodle

法人 fǎrén legal entity (i.e., a corporation)

次品 cìpǐn defective or substandard products

地势 dìshì terrain, topography of a place

合算 hésuàn worthwhile, reckon up

力争 lìzhēng work hard, do all one can to

书记 shūji secretary, clerk

遮挡 zhēdǎng shelter from, keep out

衣裳 yīshang clothes

荤 hūn meat or fish dish

花蕾 huālěi (flower) bud

舰艇 jiàntǐng warship, naval vessel

职能 zhínéng function, role

浓厚 nónghòu dense, thick (fog, clouds, etc.)

洽谈 qiàtán discuss, talk over

格局 géjú structure, pattern

根深蒂固 gēn shēn dì gù deep-rooted, ingrained

哆嗦 duōsuo tremble, to shiver, to quiver

及早 jízǎo as soon as possible

剪彩 jiǎn cǎi cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony

辽阔 liáokuò vast, extensive

茂盛 màoshèng exuberance, luxuriant

肥沃 féiwò fertile

空前绝后 kōngqiánjuéhòu unprecedented and unrepeatable

检讨 jiǎntǎo self-criticism, analyze

无微不至 wú wēi bú zhì in every possible way, meticulously

挎 kuà carry over one's shoulder or slung on one's side

并列 bìngliè stand side by side, be juxtaposed

实惠 shíhuì substantial material benefit

势必 shìbì is bound to (happen)

再接再厉 zàijiēzàilì continue the struggle, persist

兴隆 xīnglóng prosperous, flourishing

风气 fēngqì general mood, atmosphere

零星 língxīng partial, scattered, fragmentary

雄厚 xiónghòu abundant, strong and solid, rich

衔接 xiánjiē to join together, to link

耐用 nàiyòng durable

美观 měiguān pleasing to the eye, beautiful, artistic

爱不释手 àibúshìshǒu love something too much to part with it

热泪盈眶 rè lèi yíng kuàng (saying) eyes brimming with tears

怠慢 dàimàn to slight

志气 zhìqì ambition, resolve, backbone

弊端 bìduān malpractice, abuse, corrupt practice

吞吞吐吐 tūntūntǔtǔ hum and haw (idiom)

兢兢业业 jīngjīng yèyè cautious and conscientious

与日俱增 yǔrìjùzēng grow with each passing day

附和 fùhè repeat an agreement

调剂 tiáojì make an adjustment

见义勇为 jiànyìyǒngwéi to see what is right and act courageously (idiom,

from Analects)

称心如意 chènxīnrúyì find sth. Satisfactory, very satisfying

神态 shéntài appearance, looks, manner, expression

磨合 móhé adapt gradually to each other

短促 duǎncù short in time duration, fleeting, brief

盛产 shèngchǎn abound in, teem with, superabundant

气魄 qìpò spirit, daring, nerve, boldness

扩充 kuòchōng expand, extend

应邀 yìngyāo at sb.'s invitation

屡次 lǚcì repeatedly, time and again, frequently

声势 shēngshì momentum, fame and power, prestige

取缔 qǔdì to ban, suppress

馋 chán gluttonous, greedy, to crave

防治 fángzhì prevent and cure

谋求 móuqiú seek, strive for, try to get

落实 luòshí workable, implement

杜绝 dùjué put an end to

效益 xiàoyì benefit, results

征收 zhēngshōu levy (fine), impose (tariff)

化肥 huàféi chemical fertilizer

勘探 kāntàn exploration

验收 yànshōu inspect and then accept

聋哑 lóngyǎ deaf and dumb, deaf-mute

缴纳 jiǎonà to pay (taxes)

繁体字 fántǐzì traditional Chinese character

立交桥 lìjiāoqiáo one road goes on top of another

磋商 cuōshāng discuss seriously, consult, negotiate

珍稀 zhēnxī rare, precious and uncommon

熏陶 xūntáo to influence (positively)

水利 shuǐlì water conservancy, irrigation works

普及 pǔjí widespread, popular, popularize

急功近利 jígōngjìnlì eager for success and profit

循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn make steady progress incrementally

层出不穷 céng chū bù qióng (idiom) emerge more and more

就近 jiùjìn nearby, in a close neighborhood

实事求是 shí shì qiú shì be practical and realistic

完备 wánbèi complete, perfect

宁肯 nìngkěn would rather..., it would be better

天伦之乐 tiānlúnzhīlè family happiness

吃苦 chī kǔ bear hardships, suffer

儒家 rújiā confucianism

倡议 chàngyì suggest, propose

作息 zuòxī work and rest

争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu striving to be first

东张西望 dōngzhāngxīwàng look in all directions, glance around

骨干 gǔgàn backbone, mainstay

闭塞 bìsè stop up, shelter from, hard to get to

贫乏 pínfá lacking, incomplete

耕地 gēngdì arable land, to plow land

矿产 kuàngchǎn minerals

瞻仰 zhānyǎng look at with reverence, admire

盆地 péndì basin

物美价廉 wùměijiàlián attractive goods at inexpensive prices

服气 fúqì be convinced

支流 zhīliú tributary, minor aspect, offshoot

恍然大悟 huǎngrándàwù suddenly see the light

审美 shěnměi aesthetic sense

奠定 diàndìng establish, to found, to settle

叮嘱 dīngzhǔ urge again and again, exhort

亭子 tíngzi pavilion, kiosk

丘陵 qiūlíng hills

一举两得 yìjǔliǎngdé kill two birds with one stone

见多识广 jiànduōshíguǎng experienced and knowledgeable

稿件 gǎojiàn rough draft of a document

画蛇添足 huàshétiānzú draw legs on a snake

沉淀 chéndiàn to precipitate

招标 zhāobiāo to beckon, to invite bids

娇气 jiāoqì delicate, effeminate, squeamish

园林 yuánlín gardens, park, landscape

后顾之忧 hòugùzhīyōu fears of trouble in the rear (idiom)

刹那 chànà an instant

兴致勃勃 xìngzhìbóbó in high spirits

共计 gòngjì sum up, total

不由得 bùyóude can't help, cannot but

不敢当 bù gǎndāng (literally) I dare not accept the honor

霞 xiá red clouds

稠密 chóumì dense, thick

砍伐 kǎnfá cut down, lop, hew (as a tree), fell

据悉 jùxī according to reports

挺拔 tǐngbá tall and straight

感慨 gǎnkǎi lament, sigh with emotion or regret

封建 fēngjiàn feudal, feudalism

依托 yītuō rely on, depend on

逐年 zhúnián year after year, on an annual basis

贤惠 xiánhuì virtuous and dutiful (of women)

聚精会神 jù jīng huì shén concentrate one's attention

精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn (saying) meticulous planning and careful


欣欣向荣 xīnxīn xiàng róng flourishing, thriving, prosperous

昌盛 chāngshèng prosperous

日新月异 rìxīnyuèyì change with each passing day

把关 bǎ guān guard a pass, check on

得不偿失 dé bù cháng shī the gains do not outweigh the losses

布告 bùgào notice, bulletin

刻不容缓 kèbùrónghuǎn demand immediate action

供不应求 gōng bú yìng qiú (saying) demand outstrips supply

炉灶 lúzào kitchen range, cooking range

比重 bǐzhòng proportion, specific gravity

出神 chū shén be lost in thought, entranced

优胜劣汰 yōushèngliètài survival of the fittest

须知 xūzhī prerequisites, knowledge requirement

边疆 biānjiāng border area, borderland

纲领 gānglǐng program, guiding principle

正月 zhēngyuè the first month of the lunar calendar

振兴 zhènxīng develop vigorously, promote, revive

废寝忘食 fèiqǐnwàngshí to forget even sleeping and eating

堤坝 dībà dam, dyke

凹凸 āotū (of a surface) uneven, bumpy

乡镇 xiāngzhèn village and town

不免 bùmiǎn unavoidable

难能可贵 nánnéngkěguì difficult of attainment

锲而不舍 qiè'érbùshě keep on chipping away

辩证 biànzhèng investigate, dialectical

潜移默化 qiányímòhuà exert a subtle influence on sb.'s character

清真 qīngzhēn muslim

淡季 dànjì off season, slow business season

气功 qìgōng Qi Gong, a system of deep breathing exercises

毅然 yìrán without hesitation, resolutely, firmly

正气 zhèngqì healthy environment

朝代 cháodài dynasty, reign (of a king)

斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)

微观 wēiguān microscopic, sub atomic

廉洁 liánjié honest, incorruptible

序言 xùyán preface of a book, used to explain the book's


宏观 hóngguān macro-, macroscopic

历代 lìdài successive dynasties, past dynasties

风土人情 fēngtǔrénqíng local conditions

豪迈 háomài bold and generous, heroic

见闻 jiànwén information

船舶 chuánbó ships, boats, watercraft

礼尚往来 lǐshàngwǎnglái courtesy requires reciprocity

省会 shěnghuì provincial capital

查获 cháhuò investigate and capture (a criminal)

朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó full of youthful energy (idiom)

弊病 bìbìng malady, evil, malpractice, drawback

尚且 shàngqiě yet, still, even, also

外向 wàixiàng extroverted, export-oriented (economy)

体裁 tǐcái types or forms of literature

任重道远 rènzhòngdàoyuǎn lit. a heavy load and a long road

不料 búliào unexpectedly, to one's surprise

鸦雀无声 yāquèwúshēng not even a crow or sparrow can be heard (idiom)

过奖 guòjiǎng praise excessively, flatter

苦尽甘来 kǔjìngānlái sweetness comes after bitterness

精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng (saying) improving and wanting to improve even


籍贯 jíguàn place of one's ancestry

稻谷 dàogǔ rice crops/paddy

混浊 hùnzhuó muddy, dirty, turbid

悬崖峭壁 xuányáqiàobì cliffside

川流不息 chuān liú bù xī (saying) flowing of an endless stream

压岁钱 yāsuìqián gifts of money given to children during the Spring


举世瞩目 jǔshì zhǔmù attract worldwide attention

连年 liánnián successive years, over many years

诞辰 dànchén birthday

络绎不绝 luòyìbùjué endless stream

知足常乐 zhīzúchánglè content with what one has

津津有味 jīnjīn yǒu wèi (saying) with gusto, eagerly

拜年 bài nián congratulate the New Year

急于求成 jíyúqiúchéng impatient for success

季军 jìjūn third in a race, bronze medalist

南辕北辙 nányuánběizhé at odds with

公安局 gōngānjú public security bureau

乌黑 wūhēi jet-black, pitch-black

馅儿 xiànr stuffing, filling

联欢 liánhuān have a get-together

相辅相成 xiāngfǔxiāngchéng supplement and complement each other

畜牧 xùmù raise animals

生肖 shēngxiào chinese zodiac

理直气壮 lǐzhíqìzhuàng with justice on one's side, one is bold and assured

泰斗 tàidǒu leading scholar of his time, magnate

沾光 zhān guāng bask in the light

正负 zhèngfù positive and negative; plus-minus

旗袍 qípáo cheongsam, Chinese-style dress

各抒己见 gèshūjǐjiàn everyone gives their own view

勉励 miǎnlì encourage

侃侃而谈 kǎnkǎn'értán speak frankly and in measured tones

递增 dìzēng increase step by step, steadily increase

踊跃 yǒngyuè eager, enthusiastically

羽绒服 yǔróngfú down jacket

经纬 jīngwěi warp and woof

纪要 jìyào written summary of a meeting, minutes

炊烟 chuīyān smoke from kitchen chimneys

温带 wēndài temperate zone

恳切 kěnqiè earnest, genuine, fair-spoken

得天独厚 détiāndúhòu enjoy exceptional advantages

喜闻乐见 xǐwénlèjiàn a delight to see (idiom)

博大精深 bódàjīngshēn broad and profound

勤俭 qínjiǎn hardworking and thrifty

农历 nónglì agricultural calendar, lunar calendar

Bespoke Mandarin Training for Professionals & Companies in London

东道主 dōngdàozhǔ host for a party or conference

饱经沧桑 bǎojīngcāngsāng experienced many changes

飞禽走兽 fēiqínzǒushòu birds and animals

端午节 Duānwǔ Jié dragon Boat Festival

深情厚谊 shēnqínghòuyì profound friendship

武侠 wǔxiá knight-errant

将就 jiāngjiu put up with

对联 duìlián rhyming couplet

华侨 huáqiáo overseas Chinese

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