hrwf march 2014 redwood alert

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


    MARCH:Tuesday, March 4thHGOP MEETING: 6:00

    The Election Season BeginsCampaign filing deadlines:

    March 7thForms are available from, and must befiled with, the Humboldt County Office ofElections, 3033 H Street, Rm 20, Eureka.

    March Mar 12th:Extended Deadline

    IF no incumbent has filed by Mar. 7

    March 20thHRWF MEETING

    Saturday, March 29thREPUBLICAN OF THE YEAR

    DINNER at the Ingomar

    APRIL:Tuesday, April 1st

    HGOP MEETING: 6:00


    IN WESTHAVEN(Note: No regular meeting

    on April 17th)

    Saturday, April 26thRHODODENDRON PARADE

    & Annual Steam Donkey Days

    MAY:May 1st



    JUNE:Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014


    CalendarHRWF (Humboldt Republican Women, Federated),

    PO Box 3563, Eureka, CA 95502FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Women TWITTER @hrwf (

    President: Annette De Modena 442-2788aslansplace @ att.net1st VP/Program Chair:Jane Burchit 845-6599jburchit @

    2nd VP/Chaplain:: Amanda Sachs 839-9300amanda8751 @ suddenlink.netRecording Secretary: Sheryl Fearrien: 726-0147 schoolmarm50 @

    Correspondence Secretary: Carol Del Biaggio 786-4832cdel @ frontiernet.netParliamentarian: Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124hecathorn @

    Treasurer/Sponsorships: : Rebecca Crosby 442-9905northbynorthwest @ att.netDirector-at-Large: Leola Santsche 443-7205 leola41j @

    Membership:Terry Roberts 599-3255 terry @ terryroberts.netWays & Means:Gwen Kjer Morris 498-3101

    Americanism/Coupon Project: Chris Wennerholm 725-2020chrissie.wen @ gmail.comEducation Chair: Nancy Elcock 443-2529 nancyelcock @

    Voter Registration/Campaigns: Jean Giannini 725-2359cjgiannini @ suddenlink.netHospitality: Mary Dowd Welcome Aboard!

    Historian: Linda Arata 839-5054jaratal @

    Name Tags: Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090Newsletter/Website/Social Media: Rose 839-2935 admin @ hrwf-ca.orgNewsletter: Chris Wennerholm 725-2020chrissie.wen @

    Newsletter Distribution Chair:Linda Welch Thank you, Linda, and your wonderful crewPublicity: Karen Sheehy

    LUNCH RESERVATIONSTo RSVP, please CALL OR EMAIL JANE 845-6599 or EMAIL jburchit @ or

    Leola Santsche443-7205 leola41j @ yahoo.comand, if you get a call from one of our Call-Girls, Pat Murphy, Nancy Elcock, Pat Stolte

    Gwen Morris, Pearl Micheli, and Lenore Anvick, let em know youre planning to attend

    National Federation of Republican Women... California Federation of Republican Women... Northern Division President: Carla Embertson 530-386-5767.

    Pop in to our local Humboldt County Republican Party Headquarters, at 311 5th St. Mailing address is: P.O. Box 682, Eureka, CA 95502-0682 Phone: (707) 442-2259 Email: or Website: FACEBOOK: HumboldtGOP TWITTER: @humboldtgop MEETINGS are held at 6:00 pm First Tuesday of each month at the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District: 828 7th Street, Eureka California Republican Party: National Republican Party:

    Contact The Board:

    http: //www. hrwf-ca.or

    Contact Republican Women

    Contact the GOP:

  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


    know. Right now youre wondering if Ive lost my mind using such an expression amongonservative readers. No. Like everything else in life, theres a matter of interpretation and

    establishment of facts. Ive been through quite an Odyssey with you over the last year and ahalf, and youve opened my eyes to so many things. Whats on my heart currently is the needo grow our organization.

    ts not something that will happen because I share with you that it needs to be done. Itsbootstraps on the ground. Its each one of us catching the vision, getting excited, and goingout to bring back former members or go out and recruit new ones. Its knowing that by doinghis, we increase our arm, which in turn brings new life, new ideas, and a growing vision to

    gather together to fight for freedom.

    What is this freedom? We already understand the vital need to rid ourselves of what we nowhave in Washington and in California; but what about freedom right here in HumboldtCounty? We have fine people who tend to be conservative running for office. With a popula-ion that is 72% democrat, it means that we need to come together as never before and drop

    our internal prejudices, former offences, and collaborate to build an organization that worksike a machine. We must learn to collaborate and not cooperate. By that I am suggesting that

    we drop our personal agendas and come together to discuss our vision for the Party ingeneral and build something totally new. To cooperate suggests that we must give some-hing up in order to make the plan work. No. We need to share the wealth of ideas each of us

    has, see what is doable and practical, and then follow through with hard work toward ourgoals. What will our portion in this opportunity be?

    No longer can we excuse ourselves from this commitment. There is far too much at stake: theuture of our community, state, and nation. Our Founding Fathers risked everything. We only

    need to sacrifice time and experience some convenience. The time is now. The cost is high.What are you willing to sacrifice for your freedom?

    Lets commit to bringing at least one friend to our next meeting and introduce them to ourpecial group of people, the Humboldt Republican Women, Federated. Lets share our vision.

    When we grow, were stronger; and we share the load with the wealth that lies within each of us.

    See you March 20th!


    Sharing The Wealth:



    THANK YOUThank you all who participated in ourNo-Bake, Bake Sale-- it was a greatsuccess and all without the mess! TheOpportunity Drawing was another succe

    and would not have been without yourgenerosity !

    Please be looking for your 1040 Formscoming out next month as our Aprilfundraiser. Remember our Membership Teand we need many items for our Opportunty Drawing. Please be big-hearted incontributing to this event! Call me and I warrange for items to be picked up.

    Thank you all,

    FYIAprils fundraiser will be our 1040 TReturn!!! Be looking for it in March!!!

    The HRWF Spring TEA will be on the 24th April. Esther Holmes has graciously volunteered to hold the tea at her lovely home

    Westhaven. The Irish Shop has also said ththey would love to do the Fashion Show

    Well keep everyone posted as to the

    details....ITS ALWAYS FUN!

    Ways & Mean

    Opinionated?Political Junkie?


    We Want YOU!Or rather, this Newsletter is for you.Submit a column, they're always due the lastweek of the month... we can use photographs the Newsletter AND to dress up our Facebookpage.

    We'd like to feature - and CELEBRATE - all theamazing and wonderful things RepublicanWomen do

  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


    California Obamacare News:FOLLOW-UP: A CALL FOR CONCERNED

    PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTShe fate ofAB1266 and the referendum repeal (also known as the Co-edathroom Bill for California Schools K-12 which allows a child to use aathroom, locker room and shower facility they choose according to thathilds self-described gender identity) fell short by 131,857 signatures. It

    was reported that only 487,484 signatures were found to qualify. Therivacy For All Students(PFAS) submitted to 58 counties approximately20,000 signatures of registered voters this past November 10th. Theeeded amount of signatures for the referendum was 504,760.

    owever, the Privacy For All Students, the organization that collected andubmitted the signatures, reports that this process is not finished as yetecause the Secretary of State, along with the 58 county officials, areow charged with having to validate the signatures that were submit-ed. This info was reported by Gina Gleason, the proponent of theeferendum. Now that the Secretary of State has announced the results,he PFAS gets to review the signatures that were thrown out andhallenge those results.

    hese results have required PFAS to get a judge to force the Secretary oftate to count signatures that were from two northern California counties,eports PFAS. These signatures total several thousand. The Privacy For All

    Childrenorganization is determined to see that this ruling by the judge isollowed through. You can follow this issue by going online and please consider donating to this fight forhe legal rights of our children and grandchildren 660 J Street, Ste. 250,acramento, CA 95814.Day of TransparencyPrivacy For All Students, 02-20-2014, Karen EnglandFor Immediate Release: Privacy For All Students, 02-24-2014, Karen England


    s the person voting legitimate or are they the illegal, the dead and theorrupt? This corruption has been the case in Los Angeles County. Arivate organization, The Election Integrity Project, is doing the work notetting done by the Registrar of Voters (who should be doing it). Theyave discovered 60,000 people who are wrongfully registered. How

    many more are yet to be discovered? Unfortunately, the LA Registrar isoing nothing to stop this corruption as he is part of it, says Stephenrank, California Political News and Views.

    his corruption calls for honest people to come forward and join forces.ut what can we do about this deception which is probably not limited

    o Los Angeles County? Right now, the HRWF Board Members have

    etitions that can be signed by legitimate, registered voters. Our namesnd telephone numbers are listed in this Redwood Alert Newsletter, solease take a moment to call one of us and sign this petition. Also, call a

    amily member and/or friend to sign this petition, too.

    One of the most important things we can do is be in prayer regardinghis problem of deception in California (and elsewhere) for the prayers offervent and righteous person avail much. Together we can make aifference. We are here to eagerly serve you but need your participation

    n this crucial matter.Info taken from Election Integrity Project Submits 60,000 Vote List Irregularities to LA County Registrar County has

    wice the rate of suspected illegitimate registrations of other counties,by Stephen Frank on 01-31-2014.

    Several stories in the Washington Times caught our eye, and receivlot of attention on Facebook. As the lies about Obamacare continu

    add up, this latest one is quite disturbing: Dan Weber reports

    Obamacare cuts home healthcare for millions of senio

    A new Obamacare disaster is buried within all those pages Congredidn't read. This bombshell robs America's most vulnerable seniorcitizens. Millions of elderly don't want to go to nursing homes.Instead, they receive "home health care" services allowing them t

    stay in their homes. Obamacare pulls the plug.... On Jan. 1, Medichome health care services, formerly serving 3.5 million elderlybeneficiaries across the country, were cut under Obamacare.

    Dem Senator: 'We All Knew' Obama Was Lying

    Ben Shapiro, at Breitbart.comtells us about ABC This WeeksIntervwith Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who admitted that Democratknew full well that Americans would be booted from their healthinsurance plans as an effect of Obamacare implementation.

    Playing Politics: New Obamacare delay would avoid

    more cancellations Friday before Election Day The HiYes, another lawless ObamaCare delay; this one designed to helpDemocrats in midterm elections.

    Meanwhile: IJ Reviewreports on a Rasmussen poll on Obamacare:

    33% say their insurance has changed. 40% view it favorably (down from 45% two weeks ago). 56% view it unfavorably (3/4 say its very unfavorable.) 58% say free market competition would do more to lower cos 33% say theyve been hurt.

    All of these numbers show an increase in negative opinions and a

    decrease in positive ones.

  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


    Republican Of The YeaPeter Hannaford

    Shown above: Peter Hannaford reviewing a speech, with Ronald Reagan

    You know him locally as the former editor of the Eureka Reporter, the voice of Sunshine For Humboldt, and as the former Chairmanthe Humboldt Republican Party Central Committee. Hes worked wthe Party at every level, from the halls of Washington, D.C., all theback to Humboldt County.

    His 11th book, Presidential Retreats,was published last year and12th will be published this fall. He is a regular columnist for TheAmerican Spectatorsonline edition. (

    We offer our heartfelt congratulations to this yearsRepublican Of The Year, Peter Hannaford.

    The Republican Of The Year event is the brainchild of (HRWF memVee Sorenson, and is now a longstanding tradition in HumboldtCounty. And, in fact, as you look back over the list of honorees for Republican Of The Year and Volunteer Of The Year, you often find Hmembers recognized for their work and dedication.

    This year, our own Annette De Modena is being honored as VoluntOf The Year.

    The Republican Of The Year Dinner is March 29 at the Ingomar

    WASHINGTON Republican National Committee Chairman Reince

    riebus and Co-Chairman Sharon Day released the following state-

    ment marking the beginning of Womens History Month:

    Today marks the beginning of Womens History Month, which gives

    s all the opportunity to celebrate womens contributions to our

    ountry throughout our historyand especially to honor those

    women who fought to make this country a more just and equal

    lace, said Chairman Priebus.

    The Republican Party is proud to have played a leading role in

    ecuring womens right to vote. When Susan B. Anthony defied the

    aw and voted in 1872, she proudly voted the Republican ticket. She

    nd other suffragists worked with her friend Republican Senator A.A.

    argent to introduce the 19th Amendment. And it took a Republican

    ongress to finally pass it in 1919.

    The Republican Party continues to uphold the principle of equal

    pportunity for all that has guided us from the very beginning. Ands we celebrate the women of our party and country this month, we

    ontinue our fight for equal opportunity.

    Im always inspired by the stories of our countrys strong-willed

    women. Im especially inspired by those suffragettes and their

    ecades-long fight for voting rights, said Co-Chairman Day.

    Republican women have a history of being trailblazers, breaking

    round and glass ceilings from Margaret Chase Smith, the first

    woman to be elected to both the House and the Senate, to the

    ations first Latina governor, Susana Martinez of New Mexico and the

    ountrys youngest sitting governor, Nikki Haley of South Carolina.Republicans continue to offer a positive agenda for Americas

    women, as we work to create more job opportunities, lighten the tax

    urden, and reduce the cost of healthcare. Our policy goals are driven

    y the desire to do whats best for womennot by scoring cynical

    olitical points.

    Today my granddaughters have opportunities that past generations

    ould only dream about, but we cant forget women in countries

    round the world who dont enjoy equal rights and the same oppor-

    unities. Lets rededicate ourselves to being a beacon of freedom and

    pportunity this Womens History Month.

    RNC Statement

    on WomensHistory Month

  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


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  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert




    Yes, add my business to the roster:

    Regular Member...............................................................................$30.

    Associate Member (men and any members of other clubs) ... .......$30.

    Republican Angels ............................................................................. +

    TOTAL: $Referred By________________________

    HRWF c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chaffin Road

    McKinleyville, CA 95519


    My phone # My Address My E-mail - has changed





    Note: Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:


    umboldt's Republican Women's Club is the happening place forepublicans (men and women) in Humboldt County. Our monthlyeetings feature a variety of interesting speakers and topics. Weay informed on local, state and national issues, and we work toake a difference, whether it is calling our Senators and Congress-

    tters or actively working to Get-Out-The-Vote. Suffice it to say,ere's a lot going on. We invite you to join us.

    hen you join Humboldt Republican Women, Federated,you'reining forces with women throughout the state and across the

    ation, women who share your ideals and your goals for our country.

    s a member of Humboldt Republican Women Federatedyoure also aart of the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) ande National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), the largestomens political volunteer organization in the nation.

    2014 marks the 76th year fo

    Humboldt RepublicanWomen, Federated!Our Membership Drive began in January. Please send in $30.00your annual 2014 membership dues. A membership form is includedyou in this Bulletin and is also on our web site. Visit the HumboldtRepublican Women webpage at has manyfantastic educational You-Tube links.

    This season begins Membership Match." If every member brings injust one new Republican Woman or Associate, we will double ourmembership!

    Join me in welcoming our new members:Mary Dowd, Maile CortBob Burchit and Barbara O'Brien!

    I also want to thank these Angels: Margaret Stafford, Linda ArataDonna Bellairs, Barbara Hecathorn, Jim Pell, Pat Stolte, Debbie & ToddWalker, Deanna Pawlus, Lesa Christensen, Annette DeModena, ChrisWennerholm, and Mary & Jerry Scottfor donating more than their $30You are angels! When you give a bit more than your $30. membershipdues, it helps our scholarship fund and also allows us to bring interespeople to Humboldt for our monthly meetings!

    http: //www.


  • 8/12/2019 HRWF March 2014 Redwood Alert


    A Republican Wrote The 19th AmendmentGiving Women The Right To Vote.In 1878, U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent (R-CA) introduced inCongress the proposed 19th Amendment according women theright to vote. Over the next four decades, it was primarilythe Democrats who would oppose the measure.Not until 1919, after the Republican Party won majoritiesin the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, didCongress approve what became the 19th Amendment.

    e eb te W e i t M th

    She became active in the successful state campaign for women's

    suffrage in 1910, which energized her and helped define hersubsequent career, focusing on suffrage and then incorporatingpacifist issues.

    The Republican Party played a leading role in securing womenthe right to vote. In 1896, the Republican Party was the firstmajor political party to support women's suffrage.

    A Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana,was the first woman elected to Congress in 1917.

    And we have come a long way since then!We are featuring these and other stories all

    month long on our website and Facebook page.







    PERMIT NO 60

    The Redwood AlertHumboldt Republican Women, Federated

    c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Chaffin Road McKinleyville, CA 95519
















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