how to write lesson plan using the dgi instructional model

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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How to Write Lesson Plan

Using the DGI Instructional Model

What is meant by DGI???

DGI is based upon the work of Madeline Hunter and Barak

Rosenshine, and is often referred to as a form of "direct teach." Your text also refers to

this model.

Although it is one of the many variations on the direct teach model, for our purposes, we are using the term "direct teach" to indicate a lecture model, and we are

using "DGI" to indicate the demonstration/guided/independent

model that Hunter and Rosenshine made popular.

Sequence of Activities for DGI

Teacher demonstration

Sequence of Activities for DGI

Teacher demonstration Guided practice with teacher supervising

Sequence of Activities for DGI

Teacher demonstration Guided practice with teacher supervising Students complete same activities


Teacher demonstrates; students do it with teacher supervision,

then independently.

Now. . . . .are you asking?

How do I write that up correctly and make all my instructors and associate teachers


Begin with the basic lesson plan template. . .

Input information in Steps 1-7 and save Step 9 for after the lesson. It’s fairly straight forward!

STEP 8 is the step that must include the procedure you will use to teach the lesson.

Look more closely at STEP 8

STEP 8 is composed of a sequence of 4 activities:• 8.a. Introduction

• 8.b. A Sequence of Teaching and Learning

• 8.c. Application

• 8.d. Closure and Assessment

Let’s examine this sequence of events!

We begin with the Introduction. . .

TWO components• Focus Activity

• HOOKS the learner

• Introduces the learning objective and ties this new content of the lesson to content student already knows (prior knowledge)

We begin with the 8a. Introduction. . .

TWO components• Focus Activity

• Advanced Organizer• Tells students what they will

be learning in the lesson

EVERY lesson starts with these 2 activities!

Next is the “8B. Sequence of Teaching & Learning”

This changes depending upon the learning objectives for the lesson: What do you want your students to be able to do,

know, or be after the instruction?

NEW content is presented with activities that ensure students learn content/skills/concepts!!

Many instructional designers call these activities

“developmental activities” because students “develop” new knowledge, skills, and


Next is the “8B. Sequence of Teaching & Learning”

The learning outcomes for the DGI instructional model are usually related to

learning new skills or procedures. Students will practice the new skills and perform a task or take an assessment!

The statements for 8B “spell out” exact steps for the lesson:

Teacher Demonstration: Steps teacher will use to demonstrate skill

Guided Practice: Materials/activities students will use to practice skill (Some statement about how teacher will provide feedback here.)

Independent Practice: Materials/activities students will use to practice independently

Write something like this for your lesson plan!

NOW. . .8C should describe any independent practice that occurs in the lesson. . .

Independent practice should occur in all of the lessons!!

SO describe how you will facilitate student learning and provide feedback in this paragraph!

8D will describe closure & assessments. . .

Closure• Teacher asks several questions to help

students summarize what was learned in the lesson (STUDENTS do the work)

8D should describe closure & assessments. . .

Closure• Teacher asks several questions to help

students summarize what was learned in the lesson (STUDENTS do the work)

• Teacher does NOT state what they learned in the lesson today. This is not closure!!

8D should describe closure & assessments. . .

Closure Assessments

• Documentation of student achievement

• Tests, quizzes, essays, reports, projects

• This is formal and usually marked!

EVERY lesson ends with a closure session! Not all lessons end with a formal assessment!


STEP 8 should have these steps!

Presentation Steps:

1. Introduction

Focus Activity

Advanced Organizer

2. Developmental Activities

Teacher Demonstration

Guided Practice w/ Feedback

Independent Practice

3) Assessment Activities

Closure or review

Formal Assessments

ALL lesson plans have these two components!

ONLY the developmental

activities are different depending upon the instructional model

being used!


STEP 8 should have these steps!

Presentation Steps:

1. Introduction

Focus Activity

Advanced Organizer

2. Developmental Activities

Teacher Demonstration

Guided Practice w/ Feedback

Independent Practice

3) Assessment Activities

Closure or review

Formal Assessments

Lesson plans using DGI Instructional Model should have these

steps here!

Check out a sample lesson plan!

Then complete the Drag and Drop for this eBook!

That’s it!! Simple as 1-2-3???


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