how to use facebook social plugins

Post on 08-May-2015






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Proposé par Kontest, créez votre concours sur Facebook, web et mobile -

facebooksocial plugins?

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how to use

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Nowadays, brands understood that their presence on social networks can help them to increase visibility, to develop their image and to manage their community.

It is possible to go even further to maximize visibility and to generate a turnover in some specific cases.

With this in mind, your brand will not simply need to be on networks thanks to a Facebook fanpage by instance, you will also need to use social plugins on your website.

A real synergy will result from this complementarity between the brand website and the social networks.


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The Open graph constitutes the potential of Facebook marketing: inside the social network, each useris related to people, brands, groups or objects that represent nodes in the Open Graph. The Facebook Open Graph includes all of these nodes and these links between each of them.

The Social Graph is the user centric part of Facebook’s Open Graph. Each action of the user feeds his Social Graph by creating links (if he comments or likes a video for example) and/or a node (if he uploads a photo in one of his albums for example).

facebook and the open graph tagging

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The Open Graph Tagging is the main method allowing to transfer the content of a web page within the Open Graph on Facebook. Users will be able to recommend content whatever its form is (article, image, music, video) via Facebook.

The Open Graph Tagging involves the installation of <og> and <fb> tags in the HTML code of a page so that the content of a site is identifiable on Facebook and specifically in the user’s Social Graph.

Once the content tagged it becomes an rich object (and thereforea node in the Open Graph). This object will enter one of the following category : products and entertainment, business and organizations, websites and articles, individuals, groups, activities or locations.

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When a content is shared it contains a title, description, a default image and a URL. When a user clicks on this publication the consequence will be different regarding its type (e.g. if it’s a video, a player appears and the video plays).

You will be able to send information on Facebook only to those who have a specific rich object in their Social Graph.

Thanks to the Open Graph Tagging, Facebook centralizes information on its own platform and make them directly usable in order to create a value.

Social plugins aim to create links between the rich objects into the Social Graph.

On a website, social plugins usually appear just above or just below a shareable content, but are also found occasionally in a module on the left of the page that moves depending on the scrolling.

facebook plugins

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The Like button is the first Facebook plugin to use on your website.Thanks to it, a user can display a content he appreciates and show that to all his relations.

The gain of visibility for your brand occurs not only through your Facebook fanpage but also outside of Facebook as the shared content necessarily lead users to visit the linked website.

In addition, you can tag any type of content on your website in order them to be liked: products, categories, articles, videos, music or images.

the like button

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You just have to ensure that the users recommend your content to their relations to generate qualified traffic interested in what you offer. There are several types of Like button available on Facebook:

The classic Like button only containing the logo of the thumband the word «Like» translated on the language of the user.The Like button with a fan counter.

The Like button with the fan counter which displays pictures ofsome people who already have recommended this content.

It is also possible to display the word «Recommend»where the «Like» does not match ethically to the published content.

After linking a content, the user will be able to add a comment that will be displayed above its publication on the newsfeed.

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The Like button can really boost your traffic:

A content recommended by a user generates 20 visits from his friends on Facebook*

The Like button leads to an increase by 50 to 300% the visits coming from Facebook**

The Like button with the counter and the photos of users generates 25% more clicks compared to its classical form**

Facebook represents 38% of referring traffic making it the world’s leading source of traffic***

* Source :** Source : Facebook developer Garage 2*** Source :

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Here is how appears a perfectly tagged content in the Facebook newsfeed:

And here is what happens on Facebook the content is not properly tagged:

A liked content appears in three on Facebook:

• In the newsfees of the user’s friends• In the search engine of the social network (auto-suggestions and results after validation).• In the «Information» tab of this user’s profile.

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The Send button will allow a user to send one of your content via email or private message to another user. He may also share this content into a specific Facebook group.

the send button

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Facebook Comments is a comment system integrated to your business blog or on product descriptions on your e-commerce site for example. Users can choose to share their comments in their newsfeed and that of their friends. This will bring you traffic from from people interested in the subject commented.

This solution has several advantages:

• Users with a Facebook account can directly comment on your site without creating an specific account and enter their information. This time saving increases opportunities of engagement from your visitors.

facebook comments

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• With this box, a user can directly respond to comments from another person even if they are not related on Facebook which will create social interaction on your website.

• People who comment with Facebook Comments are doing right most of the time because they are not hidden behind a pseudonym. Comments are better and moderation becomes easier.

• The comments generating the most reactions from users will find themselves shown on the top the box.

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Facebook Registration is a system allows any user to register or connect your website with his Facebook account.

Consequently, the connection or registration on your site will be very fast because the user will not have to complete form. You just need his permission to retrieve data from his Facebook account to create a connection with your website.

This will allow your e-commerce site to recommend products to the user according to what he likes on Facebook and therefore target him very accurately.

You are able to qualify your leads by asking additional questions. Users can also connect to your service within one click thanks to the Facebook Login button.

facebook registration

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In fact, all you need to do is aspiring it from his Facebook account with his prior authorization.

You can use the data provided by the user and include them into an interactive advertising, for example.

The viewer will feel that the ad isdirectly talking him, so the impact will be maximized.

For example, an original ad from Switzerland Tourism did it well: Two Swiss are watching the profile of the user connected via Facebook and decide if he needs holiday far from internet. The other Facebook plugins

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A Likebox on your site will allow a person to like your Facebook page directly from your brand website and so recommend it to all his relations since this action will appear in their newsfeed.

Face Pile displays the photo and the name of a user relations who have recommended a content or page, or have already registered on your site via Facebook Registration.

You can also display a box called Activity Feed your site. In fact, this is a preview of your Facebook page containing the latest updates you have made.

The user can get an overview of your brand activity on Facebook, see your posts, and decide to become a fan of the page with Like button built into the box.

the other facebook plugins

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The Recommendations box displays the content you published and who already liked it. The user will only see publications recommended by their friends on Facebook.

The Subscribe button lets a user subscribe to your public updates on Facebook. Then he will see these updates in his newsfeed. This plugin is available for personnal profiles only.

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to concludeThe interest of a presence on social networks is now obvious to a large number of firms but the potential of the tools is not exploited to its maximum. The integration of social plugins is effective in driving traffic to your website, in facilitating the sharing of your content and recommendation by the users, in qualifying a database and in recruiting new members in your community.

Given the diversity of available tools, it will be important for you to select the most useful and effective plugins not to lose the user by offering him too many possibilities.

The other networks like Google+, Twitter, Linkedin and Viadeo also have plugins that you can add on your website.

Your should also consider the release and the evolution of the different social plugins available.You will then assess their interest in your business and find an effective way to implement to your site.

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Create and spread promotions on Facebook, the web and mobile devices

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