how to use dustpan and brush -pstti batch 2014-15

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Presented byAparna Paira


• Acknowledgement• Introduction• Aims & Objectives• Description• Suggestion• Conclusion• Bibliography

AcknowledgementI would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Mrs. Prathima madam as well as our principal Mrs. Sadaf madam who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful course. Which also helped me in doing a lot of experience and I came to know about so many things which are practically used in daily life can be teach through presentation.

I am highly indebted to members of PSTTI for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the Pre-Primary teaching process and also their support in completing the courses.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to my Husband for his kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion my courses.

My thanks and an appreciation also goes to my management of college PSTTI in developing the skills and people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.


IntroductionPRACTICAL---- Means basic, useful, and purposefulLIFE---- Means the way of living.

• Practical life exercises are just that, they are exercises so the child can learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way.

• Practical life activities give the child an understanding of his environment and how it works.

• This work builds the child’s self-esteem, making him feel of value.

• In giving the exercises of practical life, we treat the child as a serious student.

• At first, he likes to learn the work of the home. This works requires a high degree of intelligence and skill.

• If in a Montessori school, we accept children of 3 years for part of the day, we must understand that the practical life activities are of prime importance.


Aims & Objectives

•The purpose and aim of practical life is to help the child gain control

in the co-ordination of his movement.

•Help the child to gain independence and adapt to his society.

•The development of each individual child according to the child’s needs

and potential.

•The attainment of self-discipline.

•An understanding of the environment and a sense of the

contribution of all living things to each other.

•Improving fine and gross motor co-ordination.

•The child learns about the care and maintenance that helps everyday




Material Description:-

• The children house should have three or four sets consisting of a broom, a dustpan and a brush and a floor cloth, hung at an appropriate height for children. Each set should be color coded with the same colored handles and hooks.

• The broom should be similar to ones used locally, with assize suitable for a child, with a handle which is easy and comfortable for his/her to hold.

• The dustpan will preferably be hooded; its lip should be slightly inclined, absolutely even colored to match the broom.

• The brush should have a handle that is easy for a child to hold comfortably and bristles should be dense and firm.

• There should be a dustbin in the same room and it needs to have a foot pedal that the child can use and be steady enough not to fall

over.WWW.PSSTTI.COM Page 4


The dustpan and brushes are displayed hanging from hooks at levels where they will have to be used slightly above the floor. The set of broom, dustpan and brush are displayed together. It is preferable to have dustbin with open and closed lids manipulated by foot lever.

INVITATION: -“Shall we see how the dustpan and brush are used”


Description Cont…



This activity is done on the floor. Bring the dustpan and brush from the place of display and place it at the presentation place so that the dustpan is left side and the brush placed at right side. Bristles of brush facing opposite to dustpan. Keep the dust on the floor in front of the child. The heap of the dust is in between the child and the adult. Place the dustpan and brush near to the heap of dust.

Description Cont…


[Small group or individual presentation]

Consider the position and visibility of children.

Sit on your haunches in front of brush and dustpan.

Hold the dustpan in your left hand as it should be.

Hold the brush in your right hand as it should be.

Bring the pan to the heap of dust so that it is perpendicular to

the edge of the pan.

Push the dust on to the pan with the help of brush.

The bristles are completely on contact with the pan.WWW.PSSTTI.COM Page 7

Description Cont…

Collect the dust into the pan and take out the dustpan and brush

away, keep it aside.

Indicating with right index finger ask the children “can you see this


Hold the dustpan perpendicular to this line or dust and collect the


Repeat the same movements for collecting all the dust by

changing the position of the dustpan.

But you should remain in the same place.

Collect till not even a speck of dust is left behind.

Keep the brush and pan aside. Look for any dust on floor with

mental analysis of movements.

Then ask the children “I have completely taken the dust.”WWW.PSSTTI.COM Page 7

Description Cont…

Raise the body and stand.

Then bend, hold the dustpan and brush and place the brush on

dustpan in such a way that bristles should be facing to the


Carry it to the place of bin.

Bend slightly and turn the face little away from dustbin and push

the dust from the pan to bin completely.

Finally clean the brush, the bristles will come to contact with the

edge of the pan. Push the brush for couple of times to make it


Take it back to the place of presentation.

Place it as it should be.

Ask the child to repeat it.WWW.PSSTTI.COM Page 8

Description Cont…


Placing the dustpan perpendicular to dust line. Keeping the face

away while pouring the dust to bin.

Changing the orientation of dustpan while taking the dust.


Not a speck of dust remains on the floor after collecting the dust.


The child should be around 3 years, he should know the

elementary movements and introduced to brush and dustpan.


If the dustbin is covered or attached with lid, show the child how

to use that using your foot.


Description Cont…

• Children are naturally interested in activities they have witnessed. According to Dr. Montessori, to allow the child to do activities of daily life and therefore adapt and orientate himself in his society.

• Montessori also saw the child’s need for order, repetition and succession in movements. Practical life exercises also help to aid to develop his co-ordination in movement, his balance and his gracefulness in his environment as well as his need to develop the power of being silent.

• The Montessori classroom is a home away from home a happy place full of friends where you can be yourself. It is a place full of interesting things to do, but also a place where you can take time out and just be quiet if you want to. It is somewhere where you can grow up knowing that you belong and that you are special.



Conclusion• One important aspect of the Practical Life environment is that all the

materials used are real life objects.

• Maria Montessori was a great believer in the “reality” principle – objects and tasks should reflect real life, with instruments adapted to a child’s size and potentiality.

• The Practical Life activities are naturally interesting exercises for the child.

• The sequencing for Practical Life begins with scooping and spooning, rolling and folding, twisting, squeezing, grasping and controlling, stringing and lacing, pounding and pushing, care of the self, care of the environment, grace and courtesy, and ending with food preparation.

• Materials are sequenced according to the following progressions: using hands to using tools, large to small, left to right, top to bottom, gross motor to fine motor, no transfer to transfer, two handed to one handed to two handed in opposition, size and shape of medium used, dry materials to liquid, simple activities to complex, few materials to many, short activities to long, skills in isolation to skills in combinations.


• Children benefit from all aspects of the Practical Life environment.

• They learn the direct aims of independence, concentration, coordination, and order, as well as the indirect aims of the actual skills being practiced.

• Practical Life is the foundation of the Montessori classroom and enables the child to become a well-adjusted individual.


Conclusion Cont…


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Well experienced Montessori teacher Mrs. Prathima Madam.


Thank You

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