how to prepare for wow gold making in mists of pandaria ?

Post on 15-Jul-2015



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How To Prepare For WoW Gold Making In Mists of

Pandaria ?


• How to prefer for wow gold making in Mists Of Pandaria ? With so many people away from WoW enjoying the

summer air, playing Diablo, or any other MMO, there are many opportunities for you to prepare for making a

bunch of gold when MoP hits. Here's a few ideas to get you started!

• 1. Preparing Your Army of Alts. Gathering professions are always a gold mine at the release of a new

expansion. Now is the perfect time to level up gathering professions on your alts, especially if they are toons

you plan on playing in MoP. Crafting professions are good too, but they're going to require a much bigger time

and world of warcraft gold investment. The simplest, no-brainer way to prepare for making gold in MoP is to

arm yourself with a max level herbalist, miner, and skinner.

• The XP gained from gathering makes herbalism and mining good choices for toons that still have a long way

to go to the level cap. Any items you gather right now should go in your private guild banks (see above) and

sold after MoP's launch when everyone will be scrambling to level up their crafting professions. Do your

farming and leveling now, and prepare for big profits later!

• 2. Tidying Up The Vault. In addition to leveling alts, stockpiling mats, crafting till your eyes pop out of their

sockets, and hoarding pets, there's one last step you'll definitely want to take. Now is the time to sell off any

Cataclysm items that won't see as much demand in MoP. Cataclysm enchant scrolls, high level rare/epic gear,

and any other level 85 end-game items will lose a lot of their value after the expansion. Also take the

opportunity to get rid of any other items gathering dust in your bank. Taking the time to clean up your bank

and get organized will save you time and headaches later!


• 3. Sometimes It's Okay To Be A Hoarder. Stockpiling items for MoP is a no-brainer. Every new expansion brings new

demand for basic items like 16 slot bags, materials for leveling professions, and gear for leveling new toons. With

fewer competitors working the AH, it pays to check the auction house regularly for cheaply priced items such as

cloth, enchanting mats, herbs, ore, and elementals. It probably won't take long until you run out of space, though.

Having your own private guild bank will allow you to have much more space than your own personal bank can

possibly handle.

• You can pay people to sign your guild charter, then kick them out after the guild is formed. Then you'll need to

purchase the guild bank tabs individually. Alternatively, you can advertise that you want to buy a guild in trade chat,

as well as keep an eye out for people who are selling their guilds in trade chat. Sometimes you can even purchase a

guild for cheaper than the price of purchasing the guild bank tabs individually – you just need to be in trade chat at

the right time!

• In addition,you can also buy legit wow gold vip from reliable websites such as for wow gold making in

Mists Of Pandaria.For more information about wow guide or buy cheap wow gold news,you can refer to

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