how to pack functional foods for health-conscious consumers | foodresearchlab

Post on 09-Feb-2021






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People from other countries are looking for different ways to incorporate functional foods items into their lifestyle. Foodresearchlab has a varied Food Packaging techniques to pack that quickly adapt to ensure the freshness of food while also allowing them to be flexible to use in any consumer’s desired way. Free tips for food manufacturers to pack functional foods to attract health-conscious consumers: • Square shaped packing is cool • Smart packing • Convincing the texture and taste • Greener Future To Continue Reading: To Contact us: Website: Contact No: +91 9566299022 Email:


Copyright © 2021 Food Research Lab. All rights reserved 1

How to Pack Functional Foods for Health-Conscious Consumers – Top Tips

for Food Manufacturers

Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head,

Technical Operations, FoodResearchLab


People from other countries are looking for

different ways to incorporate functional

foods items into their lifestyle. While the

first thought foodresearchlab have is to

compromise the continued freshness of the

product. People brew the functional food

worldwide into tea or use it as a dye to

clothes; they even apply it to skin. Due to

these varying demand, Foodresearchlab

has a varied Food Packaging techniques to

pack that quickly adapt to ensure the

freshness of food while also allowing them

to be flexible to use in any consumer's

desired way.


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Label assessments and checks, Contract

Packaging Services, Food Label Testing,

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Services, Label Assessments And Checks,

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Packaging Companies, custom food

packaging, beverage packaging services,

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suppliers, food product label, Food

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labelling companies, food packaging

companies, food product packaging



According to a survey, more than 50% of

millennials used mobile devices to search

for more functional foods to add nutrients to

their diets and search for how to use them to

maximize health benefits. This trend leads

food processors and food manufacturing

industries to consider more innovative

packaging technologies. Food Packaging

Companies make it accessible for people to

incorporate them into different applications

to be in the desire of the consumer needs.


Food Packaging Services has an innovative

idea in a new packing technology for

functional food to expand shelf life and

improve fresh meat and vegetable product

safety. With the growing demands of the

carbon footprints, there is also the

opportunity to produce greener functional

food by packing and reducing the

transportation coast.

Although some ingredients are stable in

water, others undergo accelerated

breakdown, limiting shelf-life and

compromising the product quality and taste.

For example, delivering live probiotics in

ready to consume formats usually require

refrigeration and various storage conditions.

Even under these specific conditions, shelf

life is measured using weeks or months,

rather than years and refrigeration adds

Copyright © 2021 Food Research Lab. All rights reserved 2

transportation, manufacturing, and storage


Vitamin C naturally undergoes oxidation

with the waterly substance. Packaging For

Food Products to expand the shelf life that

meets claims over its shelf life is commonly

used. It requires 15% more ingredient than

reported on label, to ensure the active

compounds meet the product label claims.

This method increases the total raw

ingredient coast.

To overcome these problems in Small

Business Food Packaging the usage of

unstable ingredients in water-based ready to

consume products such as yoghurts,

smoothies, and drinks open up a wide range

of innovative functional food formulation

packing associated marketing opportunities.





Square shaped packing is cool:

Health claims are the key to sell a product,

to increase the sales it must be displayed to

potential consumers. Foodresearchlab

focuses on the more straightforward packing

concepts, which is more useful for

consumers. The concept is driven from

European sports nutrition giants unique in

the industry as they use the rectangular tub

for their high volume protein, energy and

recovery drinks. The more popular round

tubs manufactured by other manufacturers

have a less obvious front to the container. It

means that even if the products carry

marketing claims, these may not be known

to the consumer when it is stacked on

retailers shelves. The advantages of using

rectangular containers extend far beyond

retailers shelves, as square tubs occupy less

space when boxed than comparable round

tubs. This shape allows boxes to be used, by

reducing the packaging and allowing the

product to be packed more densely within

the small box, saving valuable warehouse

space and freight costs. These mainstream

retailers measure sales lead as success in

terms of tens of thousands worth of stock

sold per square centimetre of shelf space!

Smart packing:

Food spoilage is the main problem for

chilled and frozen product and poor storage

such as heat exposure during delivery or

storage cold result in foods losing its texture

& colour. These are some example events

that have adverse consequences for the

consumers, retailers and food manufacturers.

And this could be prevented by using

intelligent nano packing. When coupled with

a colour change, this type of nano-packaging

could notify the consumer not to buy the

product or be linked with barcoding so that

the product's sale the check out would be


Convincing the texture and taste:

Most of the problem relating to the stability,

taste and delivery of a sufficient amount of

ingredients, are reduced are even abolished

when components are in power format. New

advance in packing technology can bring up

the new result to the sports drink sector that

is "instanced" ready to drink product.

Foodresearchlab provides this advanced

packing format with the power cap TM

system, which comprises the bottle

containing liquid and the power cap, which

keeps other ingredients in the liquid or

powder format separately. When the drink is

consumed, the cap is twisted, and the cap

contents are poured on the drink. Most

popular food packaging companies follow

this format revolutionizing the sports drink

market, by matching the convenience that

adds functionality from ingredients that

could not be fresh previously.

Copyright © 2021 Food Research Lab. All rights reserved 2

Greener Future:

The increasing trend on environment focus

drives the manufacturers to pack the food

product in green packing. The easiest and

least intrusive step to food manufacturer is

to use green packing materials. It can range

from replacing non-biodegradable plastic

with biodegradable forms or by using

recyclable packing. It minimizes the packing

coast to the food product packaging

companies, the most obvious form of

packing comes by using recyclable packing

in non-recyclable conditions.


Functional food Product development

appears to be the current trend in post-

COVID time worldwide. We have a keen

knowledge to provide a necessary element to

bring an innovative packing salutation that is

sustainable for all the environmental

conditions. Our Nutrition packaging

suppliers work based on the machinery and

products offered to increase the production

efficiency and flexibility while still ensuring

the best quality formulated food packing by

reducing their spoilage during the

transportation from farm to table of the

consumer. There are different methods

available for increasing the shelf life visit

our blog to know more about it.


1. Nunes, M. A., Costa, A. S., Barreira, J. C., Vinha, A.

F., Alves, R. C., Rocha, A., & Oliveira, M. B. P.

(2016). How functional foods endure throughout the

shelf storage? Effects of packing materials and

formulation on the quality parameters and bioactivity

of smoothies. LWT-Food Science and Technology,

65, 70-78.

2. Zhao, J. C. (2014). The Technology and Storage

Stability Studies of Yam Functional Food. In Applied

Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 687, pp. 4515-4519).

Trans Tech Publications Ltd.

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