how to make ped in entropia · what is...

Post on 26-Sep-2018






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How to Make PED in Entropia Universe

Alright so that's not the game in question but it pretty much sums up this guide. Entropia Universe is a crazy place. I wrote this guide in hopes that it would make it just a little bit less crazy. Trying to make it big here can be hard and it's dangerous to go alone! Take this advice.

What is Entropia Universe?

Entropia Universe is a Sci-Fi MMO Virtual Universe created by the Swedish video game company MindArk. The game is free to play but in game currency, the Project Entropia Dollar or PED can be purchased through an in game service. What makes this game unique is that once money has been deposited into the game, it can be withdrawn back to a real world bank account at a fixed exchange rate of 10:1 to the U.S.Dollar. It is often referred to as a real cash economy.

The game has a lot of RPG elements and is set in the future where humans have colonized several alien planets. There are a few planets to choose from in Entropia Universe, each with their own themes, quests and stories. They sometimes feel like entirely different games but can all be accessed from each other by flying through space in spacecraft. The planet we will be concentrating on here is Planet Calypso, the first one added to the universe and most populated of the planets in the game. But some of these techniques could work on any planet.

On Planet Calypso players start off at a new arrival area where they can follow simple quest, obtain rookie items and learn about the basic activities in the game. The three major professions are hunting, mining and crafting. This is what most people do although there are many other professions to choose from such as animal taming, coloring items, hair styling, healing... The list goes on. With most of the game's professions you use items to complete some sort of task where you will get other items and skill points in return. In most cases the loot you get won't cover the expenses it took to do that task, meaning you probably won't make any profit although it is possible. You can minimize your losses by selling items to other players for the best possible price rather than selling it to the trade terminal. If you wish to continue your profession beyond what you can with free quest items you will need to find a way to get PED to fund your adventures. Hopefully this guide will help you do just that and experience what Entropia Universe has to offer.


What is depositing?

Alright, so you probably didn't want to hear about this one but depositing is the easiest and fastest way to get PED in Entropia Universe. To deposit you will need to purchase PED using a credit card or one of the other supported services. You can do this using the in game deposit service.

Once you buy PED, they will be added to your PED Card ready to be spent on whatever you want. Easy as that! If you don't want to spend anything on playing then read on but it can get tedious at times. Like I said Entropia Universe has a lot of RPG elements and that includes the grind but a lot of players have gone very far without paying anything at all to play. Better yet they had fun doing it.


What is sweating?

Sweating is the classic newcomer profession, the process of extracting Vibrant Sweat from an animal. Vibrant Sweat can then be manufactured into other useful resources. It was added to the game to give new players a chance to make a bit of PED to try things out. Now it has become a commercial operation.

How to sweat?

To sweat you need two things. The first is an item that all players start with, the VSE MK1. This item should be in the tools section of your inventory and can be equipped and fired just like a gun. The second thing you need is an animal. Point the VSE MK1 at an animal and start shooting. It may not work right away but keep trying, there's a high failure rate. An effect will start once sweat is being gathered and a loot window will pop up with sweat in it once it is successful. The Sweat is automatically added to your inventory. Do this over and over again until you gather a few thousand units of sweat and congratulations. You're now a professional newbie! If you want to give your clicking finger a break you can enable the “Toggle Auto-Use Tool” function.

It is available in the action library by pressing “Y”.

Where to sweat?

You can sweat pretty much any animal anywhere but that doesn't mean anywhere is a good place to do it. There have been several sweating havens historically but there isone place that's always been the go-to for sweaters all over the Universe, Nea's Place. Located at 29350 x 35500 Nea's Place is definitely worth the trip if you want to go anywhere with sweating. At Nea's Place players group together in a circle around an Ambulimax. The larger group means the animal will keep switching it's attacks from oneperson another allowing everyone to stay alive longer making sweating easier and faster.The Ambulimax have a lot of health that means that there's a lot of sweat to go around for everyone. Once there is no Sweat left, the animal can be killed by a player or by letting it follow a player to the automatic turret for free disposal.

What to do with sweat?

Sweat is refined with Force Nexus to make Mind Essence, a vital Mind Force consumable. If you want you can just sell your sweat to another player, you can also refine it yourself if you have Force Nexus and sell or use the Mind Essence. If you want to sell it you might want to go take a trip to Twin Peaks located at 77750 x 76650 to see if anyone is buying. You should check with others to see what the going rate for sweat is so you sell at a fair price. Also note that sweat has a Trade Terminal value of 1 cent per 1000 units. So don't sell it to a trade terminal, it's a waste of sweat.

Why keep sweating?

Sweating is a long and sometimes tedious process, the more you sweat the more PED you can make but it's not much so why keep going? Well, besides PED sweating at Nea's Place can be a good place to meet and talk to people. You never know who will show up there. Sweating is also a good way to gain skills. Sweat Gathering Skill isn't very useful, not even for sweating but the other skills you get while sweating are. Evade and Concentration are good ones, you also get other skills while being attacked by animals. All skills are good skills.

Walking for Fruits and Stones

What is walking for fruits and stones?

It's pretty much what the title says. You walk around and pick up naturally spawned fruits and stones off the ground. Not hard. There are different types of naturallyoccurring fruits and stones. Bombardo, Papplon, Haimoros and Caroot are the kinds of fruit, pictured below.

Brukite, Rutol, Nissit and Kaldon Are the kinds of stones, pictured below.

You can also find Common Dung on the ground but there's no word about the Uncommon Dung... Too bad.

Most people report that the profit you get from doing this roughly equates to sweating. You won't get any skills from it but you have a chance of finding a large spawn of stones worth a decent amount of PED.

Where to walk?

You can walk around pretty much anywhere and have a chance of finding something. The spawning is more or less random. It's better if you press “Q” and toggle slow walk to make sure you don't miss any. I would recommend going somewhere remote where you don't think anyone goes much, press “R” to toggle automatic movement, walk in a straight line and watch for items spawning on the ground. You will know when you see one. Fruits and Common Dung have insects flying around them. Stones are a little harder to see because they can blend into the ground texture. Once yousee one just click to pick it up and you'll get a loot window to confirm that it's yours.

What to do with your finds?

Fruits are combined with Sweetstuff to make Nutrio Bars to feed tamed animals. Natural stones are refined into textures for clothing and items. You can choose to do that if you wish or just sell them to another player straight away if you want quick PED. Stones are usually more valuable than fruits and Common Dung isn't usually worth much. Remember to check what the current market values for resources are before you sell.

The Oil Rigs

What on Calypso is the Oil Rig?

You may have heard about an Oil Rig or two hidden somewhere on Calypso. It's true there are two. They produce stacks of Crude Oil randomly and spawn it on the ground somewhere in the vicinity. Anyone is then able to pick it up off the ground. To make things interesting, both Oil Rigs are located inside a PvP, Player versus Player zones. Where any player can be killed by another player but not looted in this case.

Where are they located?

There are two Oil Rigs, one located Northeast of Ashi around 83300 x 79350 and another Northeast of Camp Icarus around 64200 x 75800. You can approach them to see if they are occupied but many times if they are, the occupants will respond with deadly force. Being a PvP zone and all. On the occasion that there is nobody there or they are sharing the drops, you may be able to pick up some Crude Oil. Once you have it in your inventory nobody can take it back but when there are a lot of people there it's best to wait in line for your turn. If people start stealing drops they may realize that they may not be allowed back in. Being a PvP zone and all.


What is trading?

Trading is a profession where a player will buy and sell in game resources in orderto make a profit. Usually the idea would be to buy resources from players at a low price to gather a large amount and then sell them in the auction for a higher markup. This would require an initial investment but if you do it right you can definitely make some profit. Trader or not, it's always a good idea to check the auction for any deals on items that you know you could sell for more at a later date. You won't get any skills for doing this but you can use it to fund other professions.

Where to trade?

The best place for trading would be Twin Peaks as it has become the trading capital of Planet Calypso. There is always someone there buying or selling something. All you need to do is stand around the teleporter and say what you're buying in the trade chat channel every once in a while. Twin Peaks is usually the best place but you can advertise in any populated area. If you're not getting any customers try teleporting somewhere else. If there are events going on it might be a good idea to find out where they are and go take a look. There may be people with resources they are looking to sell quickly.

Other notes.

Make sure to always use the trade chat channel when advertising as people really get annoyed when other players spam the regular chat channel with buying or selling. Anyone who is looking to buy or sell will surely have their trade chat open.

Other Businesses

Entropia Universe is full of opportunity. You can make extra PED by offering useful services to people. Space taxi, healing and vehicle repair services are popular options. Even if you don't make any profit you can still get free skills out of it and that can go a long way. You may even be able to invent yourself a profession if you can thinkof something people would be willing to pay for. Other than that, keep your eyes open for events that may be profitable and new updates that may create short term opportunities. You can do anything you want, exploring is free and there's always someone willing to stand around and talk.

Calypso Land Deeds

What are Calypso Land Deeds?

Calypso Land Deeds are shares of Planet Calypso. 60,000 were released in 2011 equal to half of Planet Calypso's land and revenue. Each Land Deed pays out 1/60000 ofhalf the revenue Planet Calypso makes every week. When they were first created they were sold over auction for 1000 PED a piece and the price has varied ever since. The land deeds represent a 10x10 meter plot of land somewhere on Calypso to be decided in a future land grab. They also grant voting rights in a future political system.

Why buy land deeds?

If you are trying to play Entropia Universe for free a Land Deed may seem a bit pricey. You can think of it as an investment, or putting money in the bank. Let's face it. There aren't many things in Entropia Universe that will just straight up give you money every week. The payments do vary and have changed over time depending on how well Planet Calypso is doing so you should check what the estimated returns on investment are if you want to buy. With a few Land Deeds in your inventory you could make enough to go hunting or mining regularly without needing to do much else. You can alsosell the Land Deed at a later time and get your money back, provided that the price hasn't dropped. If you do save up enough PED to buy some Land Deeds. Just think, you can make your PED work for you.

Entropia Partners

What is Entropia Partners?

You may have heard people taking about Entropia Partners and maybe someone has even tried to get you to sign up. If you're looking to play Entropia Universe for free and haven't signed up to Entropia Partners, you probably should. Entropia Partners is a website where you can earn PED, as well as Second Life L$ and EVE Online ISK. We want the PED. It's probably the fastest way to get PED without depositing and can supplement your other ventures.

How do you earn PED?

There are a few ways to earn PED in Entropia Partners. The best way would be to do Crowd Flower micro tasks. To do those all you need to do is to sign up with Crowd Flower through your contributor page. It should be linked on the Entropia Partners website.

Micro tasks are small internet based tasks that are pieces of a larger task. Everyone using the service does a small part of it and get rewards, in return Crowd Flower gets a lot of work done. Tasks range from simple to hard and pay out accordingly. A lot of the work you do is stuff like sorting tweets and video clips, looking at online articles and identifying the authors, listing the emotions conveyed in a post... There are thousands of different ones. Just pick some, complete them using the instructions given and your Entropia Partners account will be credited. Once you have enough and want to withdraw your earnings you can schedule to meet a payment representative and they will trade you your PED in game.

Other ways to earn PED.

You can earn PED through Entropia Partners other ways too. They have an online radio station that runs 24/7 and pays out for listening. The website also has a digging game that gives PED as well as items that they buy back at random. The digging game isn't the fastest way to make money but it's a bonus. Entropia Partners also has an investment feature where you can buy or sell shares of the website with the PED you earned. Each share pays out a small amount every day so you can use that to multiply your earnings.


Another way to make PED on Entropia Partners is by referring people. You get a percentage of your referrals earnings so if you sign up a lot of people, that can quickly

become where most of your earnings come from. To refer someone just log into EntropiaPartners, find and copy your referral link and get someone to sign up using that link. Talking about referrals, if you would like to sign up for Entropia Partners you can do it through my referral link and help me out too.

PED To Click

What is PED to Click?

PED to Click is a website similar to Entropia Partners where you can earn PED for doing online tasks such as clicking on ads, watching videos and doing surveys. It would be a good idea to sign up to PED to Click if you want to play Entropia Universe for free as it will supplement other methods. The more ways you have the better.

How do you earn PED?

You would simply sign up with the website and start doing tasks. Tasks involve looking at web pages and clicking on ads, watching videos and video advertisements, filling out surveys and completing offers like signing up for websites. Once you get enough PED and want to withdraw, just request to do so and a payment representative will meet with you in game to trade you your PED.


This website also has a referral system where you can share in the earnings of people you refer to sign up. You can spend some time around the new arrivals area to refer new players. Most of the time the first question anyone will ask when they start playing is “How do I make PED?” so You can be there to give them the answer and it will help you out too. It's not good to spam your referral links on chat all the time. Nearby players will quickly get annoyed so don't overdo it. If someone asks about making PED, opening a private chat to try to recruit them is a good idea.

Just like Entropia Partners, if you want to sign up, you can use my referral link I would greatly appreciate it!

Ending Note

Other than all of this make sure you do your research. Knowledge will help you a lot if you are serious about playing Entropia Universe. Familiarize yourself with how thein game economy works and check Entropedia, Entropia Planets, Planet Calypso Forum and Entropia Forum every once in a while. They are full of valuable information. Research techniques for playing economically, a little PED can go a long way if you know what you are doing. Thanks for reading. I hope this guide was helpful. good luck.

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