how to make easter your biggest giving day of the year-whiteboard wednesday

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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How To Make Easter Your Biggest

Offering Of The Year

How To Make Easter Your Biggest

Offering Of The Year

How To Make Easter Your Biggest

Offering Of The Year

How To Make Easter Your Biggest

Offering Of The Year

Today We’re Going To Cover1. Two Myths 2. Four Reasons3. Six Steps

Two Easter Offering Myths

1. People won’t come back

Two Easter Offering Myths

1. People won’t come back2. It’s a distraction

Four Reasons

1. Change the way people think about church

Four Reasons

2. You never know what can happen

Four Reasons

3. Big Crowds + Big Ideas = Big Momentum

Four Reasons

4. Most guests like to give on Easter

Six Steps

1. Give the offering meaning

Six Steps

2. Drip before you drop

Drip Before You Drop

A. Staff, elders, board

Drip Before You Drop

A. Staff, elders, boardB. Email/letter to church

Drip Before You Drop

A. Staff, elders, boardB. Email/letter to churchC. Giving Talks

Drip Before You Drop

A. Staff, elders, boardB. Email/letter to churchC. Giving TalksD. Letter and envelope

Six Steps

3. Create a customized Easter offering envelope




Six Steps

4. Take up two different offerings

Six Steps

5. Have a follow-up system

Six Steps

6. Measure effectiveness

Measure EffectivenessA. Easter offering

Measure EffectivenessA. Easter offeringB. First time givers

Measure EffectivenessA. Easter offeringB. First time giversC. Regular offering

Complete Bundle $997

What’s included?1. 90 minutes of coaching2. Offering envelope3. Bumper video4. Logos5. Screen graphics

What’s included?6. Three pre-offering letters7. Follow-up letter8. Checklist9. Timeline

Done-For-You Giving System$1,200

Bonus: 75 Giving Talks

Fast Action Bonus



This Giving Talk is for Easter Sunday. It reminds people that the story of Jesus didn’t just end when our

sins were blotted out on the cross. We can’t forget about the importance of the resurrection.

In just a few moments, we’re going to receive an

offering. You are welcome to go ahead and

prepare your gift. I know some of you have

already given online, so I want to thank you for

doing so. For those who are new or have not

given online, this is a time in our service when

people from all walks of life can financially

support the mission of the church.

As you prepare your gift, I’d like to tell you

about an old Germanic myth. During the Vernal

Equinox, which is the first day of Spring, old

Germanic tribes would hold a feast in honor of

the goddess Eostra. Eostra was the goddess of

spring and fertility. Many believe that this is

where we get the word Easter from. Eostra was

also depicted as a rabbit because of the rabbit’s

high fertility rate, which makes it a great symbol

for the goddess of spring.

Eggs have been associated with pure fertility

and have somehow been incorporated into the

Easter holiday as well. Although much of this

history is rather vague and there are few sources

on the subject.

Regardless of this holiday’s possible pagan

roots, we celebrate Easter for an entirely

different reason. We celebrate it because of

Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. God, in the

flesh, came to this earth as a man. He gave up

all of his heavenly rights and lived exactly like

one of us, except He did not sin. He lived a pure

life so that He would be worthy to take on all of

our sins and blot them out through His death on

the cross.

But, He didn’t simply extinguish our sins, He

conquered them by defeating death and rising

from the grave.

We often forget about how important it was that

Jesus rose from the dead. We often think that

the story ends at the cross when our sins are

extinguished. But God’s plan was much bigger

than simply getting rid of our sins. His plan was

for Jesus to carve a path from death to live so

that we may live eternally with Him.

This morning as the baskets are being passed

around, let us give because Jesus gave. The

offering is not just an act of putting money in a

basket. It is an expression of gratitude and

surrender. Jesus gave us His life, so let us give

Him ours.

As the ushers come forward, let us pray over the




This Giving Talk is for Easter Sunday. It reminds people that the story of Jesus didn’t just end when our

sins were blotted out on the cross. We can’t forget about the importance of the resurrection.

In just a few moments, we’re going to receive an

offering. You are welcome to go ahead and

prepare your gift. I know some of you have

already given online, so I want to thank you for

doing so. For those who are new or have not

given online, this is a time in our service when

people from all walks of life can financially

support the mission of the church.

As you prepare your gift, I’d like to tell you

about an old Germanic myth. During the Vernal

Equinox, which is the first day of Spring, old

Germanic tribes would hold a feast in honor of

the goddess Eostra. Eostra was the goddess of

spring and fertility. Many believe that this is

where we get the word Easter from. Eostra was

also depicted as a rabbit because of the rabbit’s

high fertility rate, which makes it a great symbol

for the goddess of spring.

Eggs have been associated with pure fertility

and have somehow been incorporated into the

Easter holiday as well. Although much of this

history is rather vague and there are few sources

on the subject.

Regardless of this holiday’s possible pagan

roots, we celebrate Easter for an entirely

different reason. We celebrate it because of

Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. God, in the

flesh, came to this earth as a man. He gave up

all of his heavenly rights and lived exactly like

one of us, except He did not sin. He lived a pure

life so that He would be worthy to take on all of

our sins and blot them out through His death on

the cross.

But, He didn’t simply extinguish our sins, He

conquered them by defeating death and rising

from the grave.

We often forget about how important it was that

Jesus rose from the dead. We often think that

the story ends at the cross when our sins are

extinguished. But God’s plan was much bigger

than simply getting rid of our sins. His plan was

for Jesus to carve a path from death to live so

that we may live eternally with Him.

This morning as the baskets are being passed

around, let us give because Jesus gave. The

offering is not just an act of putting money in a

basket. It is an expression of gratitude and

surrender. Jesus gave us His life, so let us give

Him ours.

As the ushers come forward, let us pray over the


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