how to grow green pepper

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Wanna grow your own peppers ?!? here's how! I just planted my own, so LET'S GET READYYYY TOOOO HARVEST !


How to Grow Green Peppers

Select a variety of green pepper that grows well in the

area you live

 There are a number of different types of green pepper

plants available on the market, some more tolerant of

heat or cold than others, so you will need to choose a

variety that fits best with your climate.

Plant green pepper seeds indoors

Start the seeds approximately 7 to 10 weeks before you're

ready to plant them outside. Germination mats are a great

option for planting peppers in, as they will keep the seeds

warmer and damper than standard planters.

Keep the seed pouches in a location that is

consistently warm

Water them only when the soil is dry to your touch. If

possible, place the seeds under a heat lamp to help the

seeds achieve a constant temperature of 27 degrees

Celsius, while they remain indoors, which will help them

grow faster.

Dig a trench

Aim to plant the young pepper plants approximately 17.8

cm, and space them roughly 45.7 to 61.0 cm apart. The

ideal location to plant will be in full sun with rich, aerated


Transplant your peppers in the trench

 Try to do this 2 to 3 weeks after the last spring frost in

your area. The outside temperature and soil should

consistently be no less than 18 degrees Celsius.

Cover the roots of the pepper plant

 Use an even mixture of dirt unearthed from the trench

and compost, which will provide vital nutrients to the

growing plants.

Water the green pepper plants regularly

 The soil should be moist and warm at all times to

encourage the plants to blossom and grow.

Cover the plants with a row cover

Do this if temperatures drop below 18 degrees Celsius

during any evenings. The row covers protect the sensitive

blooms and keep the plants warm.

Allow the peppers to grow to a minimum of 7.6 to

10.2 cm before picking

This takes approximately 50 to 70 days from the time of

transplanting, depending on variety of pepper.


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