how to diagnose halitosis

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Prognosis of Bad Breath

How to Diagnose Halitosis

The diagnosis of halitosis or bad breath is done through the following procedures:

Obtaining the complete dental and medical history of the patient. You will be asked about your problems with the smell of your breath, tobacco use, dietary practices, medical conditions, medications and family history.

Dental examination of your mouth, x-rays may need to be taken and creation of your periodontal chart, to determine whether the odor is due to a gum disease.

Determine the amount of sulfur compounds in your breath, with the use of a halometer.

Prevention and Home Remedies

Everybody wants to get rid of bad, stinky breath and most remedies are readily available at home and they also help to prevent it in the long run:

Brushing your teeth after each meal Brushing your tongue regularly Toothbrush replacement every 2 to3 months Flossing regularly If you have any dentures, remove at night and clean them thoroughly before

putting them back on Sufficient water intake daily Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugarless hard candy Quit Smoking or Chewing tobacco products Avoiding foods with too much garlic or onion Use of mouthwash rinse Chewing of fresh peppermint or parsley leaves


The list above is also considered as treatment of halitosis, as well as, dentist prescribed special toothpaste or mouthwash, and regular dental checkups. And doctor's consultation for treatment of any underlying health conditions, that triggered halitosis.


After your dental appointment, you must follow through on all of the instructions given by your dentist and use any prescribed toothpaste or mouthwash as directed.

If your dentist has found out, that the reason for halitosis is not due to dental origin, you may be referred to your physician.

If the odor is because of a gum disease, you may be referred to a periodontist. Bad Breath Prevention


The prediction for halitosis is mostly good, as it is just, most of the time considered a nuisance rather than some serious medical disease. Many patients with halitosis have treated and eliminated it on their own.

So, you don't have to worry too much if you have it. With proper oral care, proper diet, sufficient water intake and regular visits to your dentist, you are on your way to a fresher breath and healthy smile. To know more about bad breath and other dental conditions, please visit :

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