how to create a more perfect union… how the heck can it be more perfect?

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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How to create a more perfect union…

How the heck can it be more perfect?

Federalism: Sharing power between the states and the federal governmentPowers…• Expressed: powers described in specific detail in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution

• Implied Powers: Also says Congress may make all laws “necessary and proper” to carry out the expressed powers. This is also called the ELASTIC CLAUSE… why?

• Federal Supremacy: Federal laws supersede state laws… for example, legalization of marijuana.

The Dandelion – Leslie Porter’s Cousin in Boulder

• Concurrent Powers: sharing powers between federal and states• Reserved Powers: 10th Ammendment- all powers not given to the national government remain with the states and the people.• Full Faith and Credit Clause: each state would give credit to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state for people who moved there… gay marriage? Legalization of drugs?

•In return, the people had to obey the laws of the new state. It’s mainly to keep states from discriminating against non-residents.

Justice…with a J.• Court system had to gain trust and calm fears.

• Made of a Supreme Court and lower federal courts, because you can’t have 300+ million people taking up the time of 9 justices. Nothing would ever be accomplished.

Want to see this in action?

• 3 Main Points to our Justice System

• All people are equal before the law

•Is this true?• All people are entitled to treatment that reflects individual dignity and value (Next Photos)• All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty

•Do you think we should change this? I mean is it really possible to be presumed innocent with today’s media?

• Oh… and people have to believe in the law. (See: Prohibition, soon to be Marijuana)

The next photos are somewhat disturbing, but I feel it’s important for you all to know about this…

Al Gharib Prison,Thanks Eli Ubelhor.

We can watch a video clip of journalist Christopher Hitchens voluntarily undergoing water boarding… and then I’ll explain the viewpoint of those who say waterboarding is not torture.

The West Memphis Three

Interested? There’s a small video…

Insuring Domestic Tranquility• You have the right to assemble peacefully, but you cannot trespass or disturb others’ rest.

•What about loud music? It’s disturbing the peace and interrupting my naps at red lights.

•If local officials refuse to comply, the national guard can be called in.

Providing for the Common Defense• Splits between Congress and the President

•Congress: declare war, ratify alliances, and raise an army and navy.•President: commander in chief

• Until the Cold War (1950’s), America had generally scaled back after wars… then the big bang happened and everyone went crazy. (see bomb shelter on College Highway)

National Defense has 3 parts…

• National Will: People have to support the war (see Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan)

•Technology: We have to keep inventing or we risk being taken over. Do you agree?

•Foreign Alliances: We have to have others who have our back, or else, we’ll get jumped.

Speaking of which, can you name all of the United States’ Allies in NATO? PGO!

• Write them on the board, I’ll give you 3 minutes and 2 people to write. There are 28 of them…

Promoting the General Welfare

So, let’s talk about a few things that would be really bad if it happened in this country and would make people not want to live here…

How far should the government go to promote each citizen’s general welfare? How much are you willing to pay in order to be provided for?

Write on a sheet of paper:It would be nice if I didn’t have to worry about _______________ in….

5 years (1 minute)20 years (1 minute)The last 5 years of my life

Now share with each other… 2 min.

• Government services consume about 60% of taxes the government collects. Out of every 5 days you will work, 2 of those will be taken for taxes. (Seems a little high, I think it’s more like 1.75)

•And of all the things to grow in the American budget (food, housing, transportation) taxes have grown faster than any other. Think this is fair? (You know what I’m going to say, don’t you?)

•Criticism of Social Programs: it discourages individual efforts, welfare recipients who don’t work are a burden to society.

•Welfare lottery abuse video if you’re interested….

How many of you work in jobs where you deal with people on welfare? What percentage do you think abuse the system?

This was a big deal last year in government… IN almost went along with it, but…The Daily Show did a report (February 2nd, 2012 25:00)

Secure the Blessings of Liberty for the People

• 1780’s, foreigners say Americans are the freest (that just looks funny, doesn’t it?) people in the world.

• Liberty: the right to pursue one’s own life-style, occupation, and personal philosophy

• This cannot interfere with the right of others to enjoy their own lives and property. The government calls these SAFEGUARDS. These are also in place for the greater good. (example: driving your car)

• Most people agree that there should be rules… can you think of any rules that you would like to have in that aren’t already in place?


Anarchy (no rules- You’re doing it right.)

Separation of Power• Why? Because tyranny

results when a single body holds all power.

• The 4th Branch of Government: independent regulatory agencies… president appoints them, but he does not control the decisions made.

• Supreme Court: Lifetime tenure is overpowering, according to some critics.

Can you tell me who these people are and their names for points?

Let’s Match…

• Loretta

• Robert

• Brent

• Mark

• Steven

• E. Dickson

• H. Rush

• S. Massa

• David

• D. Rucker

Let’s Match…

• Loretta

• Robert

• Brent

• Mark

• Steven

• E. Dickson

• H. Rush

• S. Massa

• David

• D. Rucker

Let’s Match…

• Loretta

• Robert

• Brent

• Mark

• Steven

• E. Dickson

• H. Rush

• S. Massa

• David

• D. Rucker

Let’s Match…

• Loretta

• Robert

• Brent

• Mark

• Steven

• E. Dickson

• H. Rush

• S. Massa

• David

• D. Rucker

Let’s Match…

• Loretta

• Robert

• Brent

• Mark

• Steven

• E. Dickson

• H. Rush

• S. Massa

• David

• D. Rucker

Checks and Balances (See Handout)

The Constitution is Alive!

• Strict Constructionists: People who say the government can’t do anything that is not expressly allowed by the Constitution… CONSERVATIVES.

• Loose Constructionists: Feel the government should have the right to implied powers to make changes over time…LIBERALS.

• One strength of the Constitution is that it is short, clear, and direct… but a weakness is that it doesn’t cover everything. (See: Seceding from the Union and the Civil War)

• Unwritten constitution: political traditions such as the President’s cabinet, helping a new president to transition into power

The Constitution Promotes

• Optimism: our government reflects the view that people are rational, clear-thinking, and will work to keep themselves informed of issues. They also thought that people would be concerned about the well-being of both their country and their fellow citizens… wow, were they wrong!

• Change: Through the Use of Amendments

• Proposed by 2/3 of both houses of Congress, ratified by 3/4 of the state legislature…25 of 27 amendments have been done this way.• Started same as

above… but approved by special constitutional conventions (3/4 again)




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