how to clear and cover up and get rid of blemishes fast

Post on 20-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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How to Clear and Cover UP

and Get Rid of Blemishes Fast

How to Clear and Cover UP and Get Rid of

Blemishes Fast

Everybody wants a clear

complexion as blemishes

on the skin can be

unsightly and annoying, so

knowing how to get rid of

blemishes fast is

important. Blemishes when

light are not very

noticeable, however dark

ones can be very

noticeable and undesirable.

Types of Blemishes

Acne can create several different types of blemishes on

the skin, including blackheads/comedones, cysts and

papules. Additionally, an ingrown hair can cause a small

bump or blemish on the face after shaving. Here are some

common types of blemishes:

Causes of Blemishes

Blemishes are not only unsightly, but may also be painful

if they become red and inflamed. The reasons for

blemishes can vary from person to person, and dietary

habits, hormonal changes, and improper care of the skin

are just some of the reasons for these unsightly blemishes

on the skin. Deposits of dirt, if not cleaned on time, can

cause skin discoloration. Acne and pimples can also be

responsible for blemishes, and people with oily skin are

more susceptible to skin blemishes. Sun tan is also one of

the reasons for blemishes, along with mental stress and

hormonal changes in puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.

There are numerous easily offered natural elements that

can be made use of for the removal of skin blemishes.

Body blemishes can clear with numerous of the very same

remedies you make use of to treat blemishes on your

face. Some of the most efficient home remedies for

blemishes are provided below:.

Honey for Blemishes

There are numerous methods to utilize honey for treating

skin blemishes. When shopping for honey, look for natural

raw honey with no additives, as processed honey with

additives may irritate the skin. Do not make use of honey

as an imperfection treatment if you notice skin irritation.

Mix 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and honey in a small bowl to

make a paste. Apply the paste straight to blemishes and

leave it on the skin for at least 20 minutes or overnight to

allow therapy time to permeate. Wash your skin with

warm water to remove.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can act as a whitening representative and

lighten the blemishes to a great level. There are various

mix of lemon juice that can be used to treat blemishes.

You can simply mix it up with a couple of drops of water

and use it over the blemishes. Mix juice of a lemon and

one teaspoon of sugar and use it on the marks of the skin.

A mix of lemon juice and cucumber is a typically used folk

solution for getting rid of blemishes, while helping to

minimize inflammation and exposure in the procedure.

Wash the skin with cool water and use a moisturizer after


Potato Mask

Grate potatoes and squeeze their juice with the aid of a

cloth, add a couple of drops of lemon and honey to this

blend. Use the paste over the blemishes and keep it on for

20 minutes. This paste is really useful against skin

pigmentation and sun tan.

Clay Mask

Add 1 tablespoon of cosmetic clay to a little bowl. Mix in

adequate pure water to stir and make a thick paste to

integrate completely. Making use of the fingertips, gently

dab the paste onto the blemishes and allow it to dry.

Wash off after 20 minutes, or leave the therapy on

overnight prior to washing.


You might either use carrot juice or carrot paste for

lightening the blemishes on the face. Wash your face after

15-20 minutes with milk. The vitamin A in the carrot helps

lighten the skin blemishes and likewise revives your skin.

To make the paste, boil the carrots and afterwards mash


Oil Massage

When you massage your face, take steam inhalation, as

this will permit the vital oil to seep into the underlying

layers of the skin. This will not just assist flush out the

contaminants in the skin, but will likewise nourish the skin

and give it a healthy look.

Coconut oil

Every day before going to sleep use some coconut oil on

the blemished areas. In the early morning wash the oil off.

Accomplish this procedure for 15-20 days and find the

blemishes lighten. Tender coconut water also works well

on blemishes. Just dab on some tender coconut water

onto the blemished location and leave it for half an hour.

If you use it continually for 15 days, you will discover a


For More Tips and Remedies Visit Here

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