how to choose good quality and healthy rice

Post on 15-Apr-2021






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All you need is to choose the best brand of parboiled rice where you can get all the nutritional value that you need. Choose best extra long basmati rice.


Rice is the major food crop that is consumed by the majority of people all around the world. There are multiple rice varieties with different standards. You shall be aware of the quality while buying rice. Parboiled rice is the best among all rice varieties. It is easy to cook and is healthy and full of nutrition. Even if you overcook this rice it does not become easily mushy and if you undercook this, you only need to add a little more water so that the rice grains do not stick to each other.

All you need is to choose the best brand of parboiled rice where you can get all the nutritional value that you need. Choose best extra long basmati rice.

Many rice varieties are bleached and coloured. It is necessary to signify the difference between good quality and bad quality rice. Here is a list of factors that can help you in distinguishing the original parboiled rice variety.

Color The color of the rice is the first thing to pay attention to. Original parboiled rice is not white in color. It is yellow in color. The rice that appears white in color has some chemicals mixed in it to give a whitening effect. Rice Texture Another important factor is the texture of rice. The rice that breaks down easily on pressing between your fingers is not a good quality rice grain. Moreover, it is not healthy for consumption also. A good quality rice grain has a strong texture and doesn’t break easily on pressing between fingers.

Bite The Rice You can check the quality of rice by biting technique as upon biting the uncooked rice if you observe it to be soft or fragile then it’s not the right kind of rice. If it is hard to bite then it’s good quality rice. Such rice is nutritious and very healthy for patients dealing with diabetes also. It has good taste and fluffiness. It does not increase much weight as the other rice varieties do. Clean Rice You need to check if the rice is clean and free of impurities and dirt. Fresh rice does not consist of rocks, dust or any other impurity. It has a special aroma and tastes well at cooking.

Buy At a Trusted Store A trusted store will give you the guarantee of the product and will not keep anything that has bad quality. If you randomly buy rice from any random store you may tend to buy old ice that is certainly not good for health. A trusted store is always a better option. Also, you can exchange the product in case of any mistake that you cannot get from an open market. Cheap Rice Don’t go after cheap prices as rice is rated according to its quality. Good quality rice can be a little expensive. It will also taste more delicious. While buying better quality rice you need to take care of the above-listed factors, so Sinnara Parboiled Basmati rice at Amazon is the best rice brand that offers you an excellent quality product.

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