how long have you been collecting shells? section a2 3a-4 unit 6 正安七中 简启文

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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How long have you been

collecting shells?

Section A2 3a-4

Unit 6

正安七中 简启文

How long has she been playing

computer?(four hours)

She has been playing computer for

four hours.

How long has he been playing baseball?

(two hours)

He has been playing baseball for two


How long have they been working?(a

week)They have been working for a week.

playing basketball playing football playing the piano playing the guitarplaying the violinplaying chess

studying English speaking English reading writing swimmingdancing

A: How long have you been …? B: I have been … since ….

I have been … for….

( )1. Why are the students skating?A. To keep healthyB. To raise money for charityC. Just for fun

( )2. How much does each student raise every hour?A. 5 yuan B. 9 yuan C. 10 yuan



3a Listen and choose.

( )3. ___ has been skating for the who

le 5 hours.

A. Sam B. Alison C. Lu Ning


Name Has been skating for

Alison 5 hours

Sam 4 hours

Lu Ning 4 hours

Li Chen 1 hour


1. Why are students skating?

2. How much does each student raise for

every hour they skate?

3. How long has the skating marathon

been going?

To raise money for charity.

Ten yuan.

For five hours.

Reading again and answer the


4. Who was the first to start?

5. How long has he been skating?

6. How long have Sam and Lu Ning be

en skating?

Alison was the first to start.

He has been skating for five hours.

They have been skating for four hours.

7. How long has the skating marathon

been going?

8. How many skaters are still skating?

Four skaters are still skating.

It has been going for five hours.

9. Who was the last one?

10. When did he start?

11. How long has he been skating?

He started an hour ago.

He has been skating for an hour.

Li Chen was the last one.

3b It’s now 2 pm. Write the Students’

names from 3a on the time line.

9am 10am 11am 12am 1pm 2pm

Alison Sam

Lu Ning



1. Students are skating to raise money

for charity.

raise vt. 举起 rise vi. 起身 , 升起 ( 太阳、月亮等 )

raise one’s hand 举手 raise one’s hat to sb. 向某人举帽致敬 raise a child 养育孩子 raise salaries 增加薪水

用 raise 的适当形式完成下列句子。1). The price of the house was ______.

2). Tom is a farmer and ______ horses.

3). The box is too heavy; I can’t _____ it.

4). We are _______ funds for the sick






2. For every hour they skate, each student ra

ises ten yuan for charity. 每滑一小时 , 每个学生为慈善机构筹集 10 元钱。

every, each 都表“每一” , 但 every 大家具有的共性 , every 还等于 all, 表示全体齐全 , 一个不缺 ; 而 each 强调每个人或事物有着各自互不相同的个性或差异性。此外 every 还可表每隔 ( 一段时间 / 距离 ) 。

e.g. Every student is here. 学生都到齐了。 Every two weeks he goes to visit his

friends in the town.

他每隔一周去看一次他在城镇的朋友。 Each person has his own advantages.

每个人都有他的优势 ( 长处 ) 。 Each story has an interesting name.



Interview your classmates.

* What sports do you play?

* When did you start swimming?

* How long have you been swimming?

2. ______ is the meeting going to last?

About twenty minutes.     A. How far    B. How soon    C. How long   D. How often

I. 选择填空。1. Mr. Green _______ in China since five

years ago.   A. lived   B. has lived  C. lives   D. is going to live

4. If I ____ enough money, I _________ a

hospital for SARS patients.

A. will have, build

B. will have, will build

C. have, will build

D. have, build

  3. I have been skating ____ two hours.

   A. in      B. at

   C. for   D. since

5. He’s been collecting shells _______

he was ten years old.

A. when B. while

C. and D. since

1. When did you begin to c_____ stamps?

2. The players are playing tennis to r____

money for charity.

3. Marcia has been swimming s____ she

was five years old.




II. 请根据句意及首字母提示 , 用适当 的单词完成下列句子。

Please say out how long you and your

family have been doing something.


Who How long

my mother She has been teaching

English for15 years.


::1. Copy the new words.

3. Prepare for next lesson.

2. Read the passage.

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