how functional programming made me a better developer

Post on 05-Apr-2017






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How Functional Programming Made Me A Better DeveloperCameron Presley@PCameronPresley

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Little About Me

From Knoxville, TN

Software Engineer at Pilot Flying J

Musician, board gamer, and mentor

Co-organizer of FunctionalKnox


The Journey of Learning Functional Programming

How My Style Has Evolved

How I Think About Software


Some SOLID Inspiration

Mnemonic for software design coined by Robert C. Martin

By following SOLID, we tend to write more maintainable code

Teach and present on SOLID a lot

Want to focus on the Single Responsibility Principle

Some SOLID Inspiration

“The single responsibility principle states that every module or class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class.”


Some SOLID Interpretation

What happens if you follow Single Responsibility to the extreme?

Lots of small classes with a single method

Felt like a lot of ceremony

Twitter Responds!

Seems Like I Wasn’t The First With This Idea…

Mark’s Thoughts

Extreme SRP and ISP, leads to a lot of fine grain classes

An object can be thought of data with behavior

What if we flipped that concept around? Behavior with data

Sounds like a functional approach to the problem

Time to Learn Functional

Chose F#

Familiar with the .NET framework

Comfortable with the .NET tooling

Community resources

Steps Along The Journey


First Attempt


Decided to port a C# application (Task Snapper) Grabs a screenshot every so often

Focus on the language, not the problem

Dipping my toes into FP



It’s F#!

Wrote object-oriented in a functional language Definitely not idiomatic

Didn’t really see the point

Need to learn more about functional

Second Attempt


Found out that card games tend to be a great exercise

Want to use Love Letter as an example card game 8 different kinds of cards, each with their own special rules

Write more idiomatic functional No classes, no exceptions



No exceptions!

Learning more about data modeling Making illegal state unrepresentable

Game rules a bit more complicated than expected Spending a lot of time learning the problem, not solving the problem

Third Attempt


Modeling a card game still makes sense

Something with easier business rules Able to solve a real problem without getting lost

Decided on Blackjack Just enough business rules to do something

Making Illegal States Unrepresentable

Business Rules for How Many Pointsa Card Is Worth

Business Rules For Adding Points Together

Calculating How Many Points ForA Hand


Comfortable with handling errors without exceptions

Using pattern matching more effectively

Working with built-in List operators Map and Reduce

Starting to think about how to use these concepts in C#

At the End

Worked on/off over the course of the year

Got frustrated at times

Spent time learning, asking questions on Twitter, StackOverflow

Didn’t give up

Starting to think about these concepts in OOP

Writing Testable Code

Why Write Testable Code?

If code is easy to test, it’s usually easy to maintain

Implies that hard to test code may not be maintainable

What defines easy to test code?

A Hypothetical

Pretend we were writing tests around a particular method. Which one would you rather test?

A) A method that when given the same two inputs, it returns the same output

B) A method that when given the same two inputs, it returns different outputs

Thinking About Testability

If a method always returns output solely based on inputs, we call that method pure. No side effects or state involved

Easiest types of test to write No mocking, no fake implementations to use

Frameworks that use this concept Reducers (Redux) Elm architecture

Improved LINQ

Typical Approach

When working with a list of data, I’d typically work with a for each loop.

A Different Approach

In functional programming, typically work with multiples of data as lists Typically use built-in list functions (map, filter)

Leveraging LINQ

Instead of Map and Filter, LINQ uses Select and Where

Useful Interfaces

How I Used Interfaces

What Is an Interface

It’s a guarantee that a method with that signature exists

Essentially a contract

If the contract is not fulfilled, the compiler tells you

Allows us to use the compiler to find errors “Leaning on the compiler”

Pop Quiz!

Given this interface, what should GetById return?

Anything that implements this interface will always return a Record object, right?

How about this implementation?

Interfaces That Don’t Lie

Interface says that a Record will always be returned

If I handle the Record, then the compiler is happy

However, the compiler can’t enforce that I handled the null condition

Likely for me to introduce bugs into the system

The Functional Approach

No concept of null, typically use something called Option or Maybe

Has two values, either Some<‘a> or None

The Functional Approach

If a function returns an Option, callers must deal with it.

Otherwise, code fails to compile

How My Style Evolved

Using purity to make business rules testable

Reducing complexity by leveraging LINQ

Think more about types and interfaces

How I Think About Software

Types of Components

Boundary How data comes in or goes out of the system

Business Rule How to work with data for our business needs

Workflows Combines both boundary and business rule components

Boundary Components

Anything that deals with getting data in/out of a system is a boundary

Examples include databases, servers, file system, user input, etc.

Makes sense to have these components implement an interface for testability

Inspired by Hexagonal Architecture by Alistair Cockburn

Getting Data In

Getting Data Out

Business Rule Components

Contain the rules for our application

Will make up the bulk of your application

Remember SOLID principles while implementing

For testability, purity is key

Business Rules

Workflow Components

Combines both Boundary and Business Rule components

Can be described as Data comes in through the boundary Data is processed by the business rules Data goes out through the boundary

Bringing It All Together

Bringing It All Together

Bringing It All Together

Bringing It All Together

Wrapping Up

Learning functional was hard for me Lots of failures, but improved incrementally

Made me re-evaluate how I build software

Still use functional concepts in my coding Even if I’m not using a functional language


F Sharp for Fun and Profit (

The Book of F#: Breaking Free with Managed Functional Programming by Dave Fancher

F# Jumpstart (Pluralsight Course) by Kit Eason

Mark Seemann’s blog: (

Hexagonal Architecture (post) by Alistair Cockburn

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