how child custody affects the child mentally

Post on 23-Jul-2015






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A divorce is a difficult process to begin with, but when custody issues are

involved, the situation becomes even more complex and devastating. Children

thrive in a stable environment full of predictable routines, and disrupting the

family in such a significant manner can be overwhelming. It is important to

consider the welfare of your children during this challenging time.

Children do not have the emotional maturity required to independently navigate such a

complicated change. Parents should remember that they are the examples the children will

look to for guidance in handling their emotions. Speaking ill of your spouse, fighting in front

of the kids, or storming out will only deepen the confusion and emotional turmoil your child

is already experiencing. Difficult conversations that may lead to contention should be held in

private. When children are present, every attempt should be made to model respectful

treatment and communication. This will aid immensely in preventing further emotional


Shared custody can be particularly difficult for children to adjust to. They may spend equal

time at each parent’s house, and therefore will never feel that they truly have a home. Instead,

they may refer to their dwellings as “Mom’s house” or “Dad’s house”. This loss of a stable

residence can be particularly disturbing to their mental and emotional state. Children may also

be burdened with a great deal of guilt, believing that they are somehow responsible for the

separation of their parents. It is crucial to speak openly with your child about their feelings,

and to treat them with love and acceptance.

Custody issues can also create confusion for your child because of discrepancies in discipline

methods, routines, and boundaries. What is allowed with one parent may be labeled as

misbehavior by the other. Bedtimes, eating habits and homework schedules may also

fluctuate. This can cause mental strain for your child as they continually transition between

homes. It is vitally important that parents do their best to communicate in order to agree upon

as many constants as possible. Cooperation can greatly reduce the chaos and give your child a

better environment to develop and heal.

It is crucial to incorporate mental health professionals as much as possible when

helping your child through custody struggles. These individuals are trained to

address the most common difficulties that children will face in their new situation.

In cases where abuse or neglect is involved, it is imperative to get the proper

support. There are organizations that provide free counseling to victims of abuse.

Child custody is a difficult issue for everyone involved.

For more information on child custody lawyer in Temple please visit this website

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