how are you salt and light if you don’t vote? · how are you salt and light if you don’t vote?...

Post on 03-Sep-2019






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Third Quarter 2016 (928) 776-0000 PO Box 12555 Prescott, AZ 86304 Bob & Geri Boyd

“You are the salt of the earth. But if you lose your flavor, you will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.” Mt 5:13 TLV

No matter what your political party, if you love this country and its freedoms, you need to oppose Marxism!

Think of the sacrifices of prior generations compared to how little this generation values our freedoms:

In the last Presidential Election, 30 Million Christians didn’t vote! Then they wonder, “Why is our nation so degenerate? Where did our freedoms go?”

Secularists are scared to death that Christians will get involved in politics this time.

How are YOU salt and light if you don’t vote?

For those who fail to vote because they don’t like either candidate – you’re contributing to our nation’s demise. For Christians who don’t vote, you’re giving our nation over to anti-Christian forces to rule over us. In fact, you are

asking for God’s judgment. Look at what God did to His own people Israel when they sinned. Deliver Us From Evil parts 1 & 2 #1488-89

Matt Staver, of Liberty Council, says, “Don’t be fooled by the personalities of the candidates! There are vast

differences in their party platforms.” The difference is between life and death! This is a spiritual war where the winner will be determined, not by bullets, but by the ballots. If Christians don’t vote, we will be persecuted by the

most corrupt and evil rulers in our history. And this is our country!

For those who say, “God will put into office who He wants…” Question! Did God want Obama in office? or Bill Clinton? or Adolph Hitler? Don’t blame God for people’s bad

choices. People voted for them, not God. Did God choose Hillary or Trump? God doesn’t vote. Jesus is not on the ballot. But His representatives can be! God uses us, that’s why we are called “the Body of Christ.” God works

through His people. God, Who created the universe, could have delivered His people by Himself, but God used a man – Moses - to deliver His people from slavery in Egypt. Although Jesus could raise Lazarus from the dead, He chose to use men to roll away the huge stone.

All through the Bible God wants His people involved in their culture!

For those who use this mindless cliché for not voting, “You can’t legislate morality.”

All laws are someone’s morality. Moral issues are political issues. Legislators determine whose morality is put into law. Laws against slavery, murder and theft are legislations of morality. Laws legalizing abortion, homosexuality

over religious freedom, schools banning the Bible, are legislations of immorality. The Republican Party platform is the most conservative in history!

Famed Constitutional attorney, Matt Staver, founder of Liberty Council, said, “The Republican platform is the

most conservative in the history of our nation!” Amazing! The difference between the Republican and Democrat platforms are as opposite as light vs darkness. One favors LIFE, the other abortion. One favors religious freedom,

the other homosexuality. One favors Supreme Court Justices who rule by the Constitution, the other favors radicals who make up laws according to their personal whims and ignore the Constitution

they swore an oath to uphold. The Democrat platform isn’t

just the most liberal, but it is the most radical, most evil,

most anti-Christian, and corrupt in our history. The

differences between the Republican and Democrat platforms are completely opposite! Matt Staver says, “This election is NOT just a personality contest between Trump and

Hillary, it’s not even a choice between Republican and Democrat. This election is between right vs wrong, good vs

evil, light vs darkness, moral vs immoral. If we make the wrong choice in this crucial election, our nation as we

know it, is gone.” If we could get a glimpse into the future

of this nation, we would see that this wasn’t just another election, any more than other decisive times in history.

Decisive times such as when our nation chose to go to war against itself, the North vs the South. Or when we

went to war in WWII. This is just such a crucial time in our history that will affect generations to come. In fact, this one election, will determine our survival!

Matt Staver tells of the religious intolerance that will be expanded exponentially, if the wrong candidate gets into office, i.e. a coach and principal were charged and tried as criminals for merely blessing their lunch. No

students were present. Or Kim Davis, the KY clerk, who defied a court order to sign her name to same-sex marriage licenses and was thrown into jail for 5 days. Where’s the religious tolerance? The First Amendment is trashed, but the court gives priority to a perversion that’s not in the Constitution.

Since the Court decided churches must perform gay marriages, when do gay marriages begin in mosques?

The inalienable rights found in our Declaration of Independence are first the inalienable right to life. You don't read anything about a woman's right to an abortion or same-sex marriage. They’re just not in there nor in the

Bill of Rights nor the Constitution. If abortion was in any of our founding documents, why was it against the law from our founding until 1973? Because it's not a "right" given by our founders but one fabricated by a

liberal Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court discovers “gay marriage” in the Constitution, but not a baby’s right

to life, just imagine what they will do once they are the majority. Question: for those who still think that an unborn baby is just a part of a woman's body, how could a male child be

part of its female mother's body? It can't be. It’s a separate person. The word "baby" in the Bible is the same word regardless of the location of the baby.

Not Politically Correct parts 1& 2 #1486-87

Barna reports this shocking indictment: half of Christians don’t vote. Some say they don’t like either candidate so they refuse to vote. Bishop EW Jackson says, “Do we want to be free or be ruled by a dictator? If just 1/3 of the

Christians voted in the last election, we wouldn’t have Obama.” Massive forces on the Left in big government,

big media, and big business are threatened by a Trump Presidency and are working for a Hillary victory. But our power is in our prayers and unity against the evil forces behind Hillary.

Clever ways to neutralize Christians from even voting: Bring up the separation of church and state. It’s like holding up the cross to Dracula. It’s OK for the state to

invade the Church, as Cal SB 1146 mandates for Christian colleges to accept homosexual professors!

Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil. No it’s not. There are no perfect candidates! The early Christians didn’t give up because they were under Roman rule. Don’t allow idealism to steal your vote.

Convince Christians not to vote for Trump, because you don’t like his tone of voice or his bluntness. That’s missing the point. It’s not so much about Trump’s personality but choosing a WHOLE system of government that will determine our future, even our survival. Yes, SURVIVAL! Consider this:

How can God bless a nation that has legally slaughtered 60 million of His most innocent little babies?

How long can God bless a nation that favors same-sex marriage over religious freedom? A nation where schools refer girls to abortion clinics but can’t refer girls to a church?

If God doesn’t judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom! And they didn’t have a Bible. What obligation does God have to a people whose aggregate sin in one day is more than Sodom in a year?

We are in a spiritual war. In the Old Testament, battles were fought by the sword. Today, battles are won or lost, not by bullets, but by ballots. This is the nation GOD gave our Founders. In the name of Jesus Christ, WE WILL

CONTEND for its soul and the freedoms and blessings God has so lavishly bequeathed upon us.

“Without religious liberty, you don’t have liberty. Religious liberty is the foundation of all our liberties. I cherish religious liberty. That’s why it’s in the Republican Party Platform.” Donald Trump

For the first time in our history, we have a candidate for President, Hillary, who has been interrogated by the FBI for CRIMINAL charges! Committing gross negligence and compromising top-secret emails with our enemies, demonstrating incompetence and untrustworthiness, yet she wants to be President. Who would want a

Commander-In-Chief who is incompetent and disloyal to our troops in Benghazi?

What successful, private company would hire a corrupt 68-year-old habitual liar who has been under an FBI

investigation as their CEO just because she’s a woman? What has she ever done to qualify her for the Presidency? She’s the wife of an impeached President, impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury, but who escaped

indictment by accepting a lesser penalty short of criminal conviction, for lying under oath. “What difference does it make?”

If Hillary was elected, Bill, as First Lady, could claim transgender status and hang out in the girls’ locker room?

BENGHAZI COVERUP Make Chelsea Clinton Ambassador to Libya! “What difference does it make?”

“Those who want Hillary elected because she would be our first woman president have learned absolutely nothing from the

current disaster of choosing a President on the basis of symbolism (race).” Thomas Sowell

Hillary for prosecution/prison, where she really belongs, not president!

FBI Director James Comey essentially said that Hillary was grossly negligent and broke the law, but we aren’t

going to prosecute her. Why NOT? Is she ABOVE the law? At this point, what difference does the FBI make? Obviously, Hillary cared more about protecting her security than the security of our nation. The Clintons repeatedly

and flagrantly violate the laws, so how can they be trusted to run our country?

Former Presidential candidate, Ben Carson, said, “As Secretary of State Hillary said, ‘Our goal is to strengthen

Russia.’ Strengthen Russia? Our adversary led by a dictator who dreams of re-assembling the old Communist USSR, and we want to strengthen them? What a terrible lack of judgment.”

Hillary said, “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity and her vision.” Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, said, “Colored people are like human weeds and need to be

exterminated.” And Hillary admires her vision and courage? Seriously? Killing little babies just because they’re black? Ben Carson said, “Margaret Sanger believed that black people like me should be eliminated."

Poor people have been voting Democrat for 50 years… and they’re still poor. Charles Barkeley

The Republican Party was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery! It was the Republicans – the party of Lincoln, who

abolished slavery. It was the Democrat Party that fought against the Republicans and tried to maintain and even

expand slavery. The Ku Klux Klan was an arm of the Southern Democratic Party to terrorize freed slaves. The

Dred-Scott decision that declared blacks were not persons but property was issued by a Democrat controlled US

Supreme Court. The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted by 100% of Republicans. Not one of the 56

Congressional Democrats voted for the 15th Amendment granting voting rights to blacks.

And VP Joe Biden has the gall to say Republicans want to put “ya’ll back in chains!” It was VP Joe Biden who said, "No ordinary citizen cares about their Constitutional rights."

A Hillary Presidency Means: Our Constitution will be seen as an irrelevant, archaic document of an ancient past, not relevant today. A trillion dollar tax raise, so the government will tax your inheritance away from your children.

Elimination of gun ownership! Churches would have to pay property tax. Donations not tax deductible. Legalization of millions of illegals who will vote Democrat and give total control to Democrats, like in Cal.

The Republican Party will no longer exist but be a relic of a bygone era like the Whig Party in the 1800s. Conservatism and Biblical Christianity will be seen as an anachronism of ancient times. Christians will become an ineffectual minority while an arrogant militant paganism will rule over us.

But for those who, because of principle or laziness, didn’t vote for Trump because of his tone-of-voice

and outspokenness, you will remember - with regret - when we had freedom.

The President will serve 4 years, but their Supreme Court appointments will serve for life! 40-50 years!

Lasting far beyond our lifetime into your children and grandchildren’s generations!

If Hillary is elected, she may appoint OBAMA as the next Supreme Court Justice.

For those who disdain politics, ask:

Does God care about millions of babies being slaughtered? Does God care about immorality or corruption in

government? Does He care about the freedom to preach the gospel? Then God cares about politics, right? Not

voting is a sin! James 4:17. We are giving away the country that God gave us.

Neutrality in times of moral crisis is treason!! Those who want to remain neutral are a major part of the problem. The time for ignorance and apathy is over. Bishop Jackson, says, ”The future of our nation hangs in the balance of this one crucial election.” For the first time

in history, the Democrat candidate for President has been interrogated by the FBI for criminal charges. What if Trump had been investigated by the FBI? The media would blast him 24/7! But they give her a pass. She even

boasts how, as Secretary of State, she spread the LGBT agenda throughout the world even against the will of many nations. She didn’t meet to discuss their concerns but to demand that sodomy become accepted and protected in their country as a human right or they wouldn’t get American foreign aid.

Wake up! Can’t you see we are not only losing our freedoms we are become a nation against GOD!

Chaplain Austin Miles wrote, Just when you think this administration couldn’t get any more immoral, Vice-President Joe Biden performed a

sodomite “marriage” at the White House. Talk about pushing a rebellious fist in the face of a HOLY God.

The fraud in the White House is the most vile, immoral, vicious individual ever to sit in the Oval Office.

Taxpayers have funded his constant vacations using Air Force One as his taxi. He misuses Air Force One by shuttling Hillary around to campaign costing taxpayers $206,000/HOUR! Yet with the worst disaster in US history, the flood that crippled Baton Rouge and areas around it, Obama couldn’t be bothered. People pleaded

with him to come and see the incredible loss, but he played another round of golf, while Donald Trump, acting like a REAL President, went to lift the spirits of the victims.

For Such a Time As This parts 1&2 1484-1485

Pastor Rick Scarborough, author of Enough is Enough and President of Vision America, was so shocked at the graphic AIDS assembly at his local high school that he motivated his congregation to get involved. They did and

they elected Christians & got it removed. Trump said he would repeal the Johnson Amendment, the reason many pastors have been silenced. Democrats have brought open homosexuality in the military and have made a “deal” with Iran to get an atomic bomb that could destroy us. Why did Obama and Hillary need to make a “deal” with

Iran, the world’s largest Islamic terrorist nation? What did we get for the hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to fund Iran’s worldwide terrorism, when we’re at war with Islamic terrorism? Obama is giving aid to our enemies!

The Constitution says giving aid to our enemy is Treason! Why did Obama have to release our prisoners, in Guantanamo, when we’re still at war? That’s treacherous! Can you imagine releasing Nazi prisoners when we were still at war with Germany?

Obama said, “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.” But he finances them! All of our freedoms, including religious freedom, morality, and the right to life, have become political issues.

Politics can be a tool in God’s Hands to keep our freedom to preach the gospel. Rick Scarborough, met with Trump and was surprised at his openness, humility and kindness, unlike his persona on TV. It’s either Trump or Clinton

who will choose the next 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices to determine the future of this nation. The RNC has created

the most conservative platform in history including “choice in education.”

Some pastors are waking up to the fact that neutrality in politics is not a winning strategy.

Evangelist Billy Graham said, “I’ve had Christian leaders tell me that they want to avoid the controversy of politics

and just preach the Gospel. Many of them are beginning to wake up to the reality that preaching the gospel is threatened under an administration that wants to re-define religious freedom as worship to be kept within the four

walls of their church.”

Serious Threat to Religious Freedom parts 1&2 #1482-1483

Christians are given a choice; renounce your beliefs or face persecution and bankruptcy from the state. Randy

Thomasson says Cal SB 1146 will destroy religious freedom beginning with Christian colleges and spreading to K-12, to churches, and TV & radio. SB 1146 is a mandate for Christian colleges to accept homosexual professors or

be sued for discrimination. This would allow homosexual students to sue their school for Biblical beliefs that they agreed to before being admitted as a student. National textbooks are written for Cal standards, so they will legitimize same sex marriage, glorify homosexuality, and portray Christians as bigots. The Democrats who control the

California Legislature are mandating their right to judge moral codes and biblical values in California's Christian

colleges. For decades, Democrats have championed 'separation of church and state,’ but now SB 1146 violates the

constitutional boundaries between secular and sacred.

Separation of church and state has no meaning when the state crushes the church. Attorney Brad Dacus, Pres. of

P.J.I., says, “Cal SB 1146 is the most brazen attack on Christianity to force Christian colleges to bow to homosexual propaganda. The state is telling Christian colleges they may not tell students what is immoral. If the state can make

Christian colleges as corrupt as they have state colleges, why would students pay for a Christian college? The election of the next President will determine the future for 40 or so years by their choice of Supreme Court Justices. This election will determine if we have any religious freedom left at all.

Bypassing Heart Disease part 1 #1478

With all the amazing medical advances, why is heart disease still the #1 killer in America; killing more than all

cancers? Is it possible to reverse heart disease? Ted Broer is a nationally recognized nutritionist, with over 3 decades in private practice, is the author of Breakthrough Health. Ted tells how calcium can cause plaque build up

in arteries. Ted warns about the dangers of vaccinations, testosterone and statins. He tells of the drugs to avoid. And

the drugs that protect against heart disease and joint pain: glucosamine, MSM and CoQ-10. Better Health Naturally part 2 #1479

This younger generation is at great risk for heart disease and diabetes. Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Dr Ted Broer, author of Maximum Fat Loss, says

that 27% of young people are overweight. Ted is the author of Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER EAT! Dietary changes have proven to prevent or cure diseases. Dr Broer warns against Ritalin use for ADHD.

The Masked Saint #1480 “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Pastor Chris Whaley, author of The Masked Saint, was a pastor and at the same time a pro-wrestler who used his wresting skill to help defenseless

women, old men, abused children, bullies and people being robbed at gun-point. Chris took on 4 Klansmen at night during a KKK meeting. Chris went out at night in his wrestling costume to find men stealing Christmas presents

from poor families. Chris was a Christian version of Superman taking on evil. The War on The American People #1481

Is our government going to war against the American people? Our Founders warned us that an army inside our

nation could crush our freedoms. Swat teams terrorize and murder innocent people. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America - The War on The American People, compares the

militarized police and loss of freedoms to Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Schools are being used to create a docile easily controlled populace. Schools have become “electronic concentration camps!”

Bathroom Wars part 1 #1474

Americans fought a Revolutionary War to get rid of a king. Will we have another “American” king, now rule over us? Obama has issued an “edict”- a letter to every public school in the nation, threatening to withhold funds if they

don’t allow boys (transgendered) in the girls’ bathrooms and showers. Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum, says there are only two sexes even though the UC application has 5 genders listed as “gender identity,” i.e. whatever sex you feel like at the time.

Invading Girls Bathrooms part 2 #1475

Obama sent a threat letter to every public school in America warning that if they don’t allow boys in the girls’

restrooms and showers, he will withhold fed. funds. Randy Thomasson, of says, “If you have the Y chromosome, you’re a boy! Nothing will change that!” This Obama administration, with over 150

homosexuals, in his administration, is using schoolgirls as pawns, violating their privacy, to force LGBT on the

public. This misuse of power affects all schools. Rotten to the Core #1476

Common core, the Federal take over of local education, is a massive experiment with the lives of our children and the future of our nation. Common Core changes education from imparting knowledge to social change and socialism. The result will be a dumbed down populace that’s compliant, non-thinking, who are followers instead of

leaders, not innovators/inventors as prior generations. Kyle Olson, author of Conform: Exposing the Truth About Common Core and Public Education, says at a time when schools cost more and deliver less, options such as Choice

in Education are being crushed by Common Core. Trump is for choice in Education.

Courage in the Classroom #1477

The percentage of Christians in this generation is expected to decline to just 4% who are Christians. How can a Christian survive on a hostile campus? Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, university student, and author of Fish out

of Water-Surviving & Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism. Abby was told by her literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can the Church hope to

survive, if 90% of Christian youth leave the faith? Public Schools Aren’t Free parts 1 & 2, #1470-1471

Schools don’t just “teach” academics they “disciple” students away from Christian unity and into secular disciples. Brad Heath, author of Millstones and Stumbling Blocks, wrote, “Evangelicals are notorious for fighting symptoms, while perpetuating root causes.” While Christians fight social issues like abortion, porn, same sex marriage, their

own kids are being discipled into humanism, where baby killing is simply a woman’s choice. “Education isn’t just

a subject but a way of life.” Since schools are millstones and stumbling blocks, why are Christians putting their

children in them? Kim d’Escoto, was a public school teacher, but now is a home school advocate. David and Kim

d’Escoto, authors of The Little Book of Big Reasons to Home School, say home schooling lets students learn based on their unique interests while avoiding peer pressure & drugs.

What Is Behind Islam parts 1 & 2, #1472-1473 Are public schools being used to evangelize students into Islam? Sixth graders were taken on a field trip to a

mosque and some of the boys got on their knees, bowed down and prayed to Allah. (The video is on our website.) Chaplain Austin Miles, tells how public schools, through textbooks and classes, promote Islam and denigrate Christianity. A former Muslim terrorist, Kamal Saleem, came to this country to recruit students into Jihad but

instead was converted by a supernatural encounter with Christ. Ironically, now he boldly goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Part 2: What motivates Muslim terrorists to kill innocent people, even children, who haven’t done anything to them? What is the status of women in Islam? What’s the difference between Jesus and Mohammed? Was

Mohammed a prophet of God or Satan? Dr. Joseph Abdul Shafi, is an expert on Islam and author of a booklet called Seven Ignored Facts About Islam. Dr. “Joseph” says most Muslims are illiterate and don’t understand the Koran or Mohammed. Mohammed tortured and killed hundreds of people in cold blood.

Before Obama, there was virtually no presence of Islam in America. Now Islam is taught in schools, but the Bible & Christianity are still banned. We must allow prayer rugs and Islamic

prayer in schools and airports. We are inundated with lawsuits by Muslims who are offended by our culture. If they don’t like it here, go back home. Immigrants must adapt. Take it or leave it. I am tired of this nation worrying

about whether we are offending someone. Why must we allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though we

have no idea who is covered up? After a slaughter of unarmed citizens by Muslim terrorists, Obama’s priority is to disarm citizens

Although Muslim terrorists admit they acted in the name of Islam, Obama says they are not Islamic, but just engaged in 'workplace violence." Even though the gunman shouted, “I am a Muslim commanded to kill Christians and Jews,” Obama says the motive for the shooting is unclear and called for more gun control!

If the Orlando Islamic terrorist doesn’t represent all Muslims, why does he represent all gun owners?

Voters twice elected a guy named Barack Hussein Obama and are shocked when he supports Muslims.

That’s like CS Lewis’s quote; “We laugh at honor and are surprised to find a traitor in our midst.” Franklin Graham said, “Imagine the outcry if Christians beheaded Muslims.”

Hillary’s top advisor, Huma Abedin, is a Muslim, who edited a radical Muslim publication. Huma’s mother and brother are involved in the outlawed Islam terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood.

People who don’t vote for Trump will be surprised if Hillary is elected.

Voting for a 3rd party candidate, who doesn’t have a chance to win, is a cop-out, making your vote irrelevant, literally throwing your vote away.

If you voted for Obama twice, maybe you should just sit this next one out, ok?

Obama’s wish: A total gun ban! Obama’s executive action on gun control was basically, “I don’t want to take

away your second Amendment rights. I just want to take away your guns.” Obama said, “Americans can’t be

trusted with guns.” Then he releases 15 actual terrorists from Guantanamo.

The Second Amendment is in case politicians like Hillary forget all the others. Stephanopoulos: “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right?” CLINTON: “If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable

regulation.” She said, “IF?” She wants to be President but doesn’t know that the Second Amendment says, "The

right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” That’s very clear, right? What part doesn’t she

understand? Yet, Hillary says, “If” it’s a Constitutional right! If she chooses not to understand the clear written Constitution, then none of our precious freedoms are safe if she’s President.

It a matter of national security that we keep our guns!

The Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor and could have sent troop ships to California to finish us off. We would not have been able to stop their massive invasion since our 2 million men army was fighting the Germans. So

why didn’t they invade? After the war, the Japanese generals were asked that question. They said that they knew that almost every home had guns, and the people knew how to use them. A well-armed “militia” of citizens made up the

world’s largest army. There were over 600,000 hunters in Wisconsin alone. Just that state would be the 8 th largest

army in the world. There were 750,000 in Pennsylvania and Michigan. 250,000 in West Virginia. The point is, America will be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of firepower.

When you remove a people’s right to bear arms, you create slaves. “To disarm the people is the best way to enslave them.” Founding Father George Mason

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone! I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy to carry. When every

second counts, the police are still minutes away. If guns cause crime, then pens cause misspelled words. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson. If guns killed people, how would anyone get out of a gun show alive? Guns have only two enemies: Rust and Liberals. You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive. Criminals love gun

control; it makes their jobs safer. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a victim.

Adolph Hitler said, “To conquer a nation first disarm its citizens.” The Most Dangerous Crime Ridden

Cities In America Have Gun Laws. If gun control worked, Chicago would be Fantasyland.

In 1929, the USSR established gun control. About 20 million people unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. Germany established gun control in 1938. About 13 million people, unable to defend themselves,

were rounded up and exterminated. In the past 100 years, governments, not counting wars, have killed 170 million of their own people, because the people had no power to defend themselves.

Gun control will lower crime just like Obamacare lowered insurance premiums! Criminals obey guns laws just like politicians obey their oaths of office.

Hillary wants confiscation of guns and will pick people Supreme Court justices who will grant her wish.

Hillary wants us to give up our guns, yet armed guards protect her 24/7. Someone should ask Hillary, “Does that

include your armed guards giving up their guns?” Does she think protecting her life is more important than us protecting ours? We should tell her we would consider giving up our guns when she gives up her armed guards.

Liberals are the only ones naïve enough to think we can co-exist with people who want to kill us. Liberals think (now that’s an oxymoron) that it’s wrong to execute a murderer, but abortion is OK.

Don’t worry; only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists. Just as in 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazis.

There’s no end to the dishonesty of Bill and Hillary Clinton. How can you tell if Hillary is lying? She moves her lips. After 8 years of a liar-in-chief, aren’t you tired of being

lied to? We are. Clintons left the White House "dead broke," but accumulated a wealth of over $2 billion. Getting $500,000 for one speech is clearly a bribe. The question the Liberal media will never ask is how did Bill & Hillary

spend their entire lives in “public service” and end up with billions in wealth? There are scandals and even deaths associated with the Clintons. That any sane person can consider this woman and her husband are fit to hold an

elected office is beyond reason.” Bill Wilson The Daily Jot

The Media is Having a feeding frenzy to demonize Trump and Coronate Hillary

“The election of Hillary—our own Evita—would mean America has left the rule by law, since electing an indictable

criminal and a serial liar to be President. That has almost inexhaustible ramifications regarding our basic morality affecting all aspects of culture!” by Roger Simon

Obama kept his promise to fundamentally change America! Hillary will be the final nail in the coffin.

Imagine the fear the British people must have felt as the Nazi War machine turned their guns toward England. Hitler

was unstoppable. When people are overwhelmed by hopelessness, they're only a few steps away from surrender. The most critical factor in England's survival was the incredible courage of Churchill! He infused the nation with the courage not only to save Britain but to free all of Europe from the Nazi grip. While many were shouting,

"Surrender!", as bombs devastated entire city blocks, Churchill said, "Surrender is not an option if you plan to win

a war." When Hitler's bunker was being pounded into the earth in April of 1945, Churchill's defiance was

vindicated. We must have God’s Vision to take back America!

All the powers of hell have been unleashed on Trump. But they can't intimidate him.

Big government, big business, big media, socialists, and corrupt crony capitalists are scared and threatened by Trump, because he’s not beholden to big-money donors. He’s self-funded. Foreign governments own Hillary because of their donations to her corrupt Foundation. But Trump isn't beholden to anyone except the people. Trump

is a huge threat, because he can ruin everything the bribed politicians have accumulated.

Trump is questioning why the border is STILL wide open. And why our trade deals are so bad for American workers. A Trump Presidency will investigate and prosecute Obama's widespread IRS conspiracy and Clinton and Obama for fraud in Benghazi. Clinton could wind up in prison for accepting huge, illegal bribes from foreign

governments. Trump's election would be a nightmare for the establishment. Obama has committed many crimes, but no one but Trump would dare to prosecute him. That's why the establishment in both parties, big media and big business, are intensely fearful of a Trump Presidency. Yet some Christians don’t want to vote for him because of

his tone of voice or his coarse manners or bluntness. Incredible! We will get what we deserve, and we may not

deserve a Trump Presidency.

TRUMP - from a pastor. Is Trump good for America? He’s like a Cyrus, the ancient Persian king, who God used for the good of Israel, even though Cyrus was a "pagan" king. God has used many people in history who we might not like. Churchill was a

bombastic, cigar smoking, crude leader. But he was exactly what was needed to stop Hitler, to rouse his nation to never give up and to partner with America for a final victory. You wouldn't want him as your pastor, and we aren’t

electing a pastor, but Churchill was the right leader for that moment in history. Trump may be that Cyrus we need NOW! Who we vote for President will appoint up to 4 Supreme Court justices. That will dramatically impact our culture for decades, not just a few years. Not voting is a passive vote for a direction you will regret! So, is Trump

good for America? He already has been by shaking up the political establishment. God has had a hand in

America's history. He also will have a hand in its future.

A great nation is not conquered from without until it has first destroyed itself from within. Wake up America! Just as other great countries took the communists utopian “bait”, by the time they realized their error, they were forever trapped!

“It’s so clear what’s happening in America. If you can’t see it , you’re either blind or you are part of the problem ! The definition of a racist is anyone winning an argument with a liberal. ” Wayne Root, author of Angry White Males.

The people who think Trump would be a bad President are the same ones who thought Obama would be a good one.

Bob & Geri Boyd Hosts/producers Issues in Education, President NACE MAKE COPIES OF THIS NEWSLETTER! “For I’m going to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Don’t you see it?” Isa 43:19

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