how are animals treated in zoos

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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How are Animals Treated in Zoos?

By Liam and Jack 7C

What are Animals Fed?

• It’s your first day working at the zoo. You are asked to feed the Amur tiger. You feed it:

• A: Cat/ Feline meat

• B: Bird/ Chicken meat

• C: Beef/ Cow meat

Cat/ Feline meat

• You give the tiger Feline meat. He looks very happy. Well done!

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Bird/ Chicken meat

• The tiger doesn’t look content with it. Wrong answer!

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Beef/ Cow meat

• You feed the Amur tiger some beef. It doesn’t touch it. Wrong answer!

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What are Animals Fed? #2

• You are now asked to feed a Goeldi’s Monkey. What do you feed it?

• A: Bananas

• B: Worms

• C: Bird


• You give one a small banana, thinking that monkeys love bananas, right? Well, it didn’t. It wasn’t its proper diet. Wrong answer!

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• You feed it some worms. Gross! But the monkey doesn’t think so, he loves them! Well done!

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• You give it some chicken meat. It eats it, yet gets very sick. Wrong answer!

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How are they gotten rid of?• Your boss is happy at your work and asks

you to get rid of a Baby Panda, as there is no more space. You:

• A: Sell the animal to a particular dealer; you will get alot of money for the zoo.

• B: Safely and humanely kill the animal, that is easiest, after all.

• C: Sell it to another zoo directly, less money for the zoo, though.

Sell to a dealer

• You find a dealer for the Panda. You receive a good amount of money for the zoo. You feel sad though for the Panda, though. It ends up being given illegally to a pet shop. Wrong answer!

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Kill it humanely

• You kill the panda safely, and your boss doesn’t mind. It falls asleep and dies. Job well done, until RSPCA sues you for animal cruelty. Wrong answer!

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Sell to another zoo

• You sell it to a zoo directly. You receive a small amount of money for the Baby Panda, but feel it will be safe. Well done!

• Next question

What are they given to do?

• You see an elephant who looks bored. You need to give it something to do. You give it:

• A: Some food- it could be hungry

• B: A ball

• C: Leave it to be; it’ll be O.K.

Some food

• You give it some food. It doesn’t touch it at all. Wrong answer!

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A ball

• You throw a ball into the enclosure. It hits it with its trunk and chases it. Some people start crowding, seeing the elephant play. He is happy. Well done!

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Leave it to be

• You walk away. It continues to look sad and eventually no-one comes to see the elephants, a big attraction for the zoo. Wrong answer!

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How do People Treat Injured animals

• After a few months of working at the zoo, you study to be a Vet, and become the on-site Vet. For your first animal, you treat a Parrot with Candida. You treat it by:

• A: Keeping it in quarantine

• B: Administer an antifungal medication

• C: Administer a bird antibiotic

In Quarantine

• You keep the parrot in quarantine, but it gets sicker. Wrong answer!

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Administer an Antifungal

• You administer an antifungal medication to the parrot. It recovers and goes back to annoying people in the zoo. Well done!

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Bird antibiotic

• You give it a common bird antibiotic. It doesn’t properly recover, though feels slightly better. Wrong answer!

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How are the young treated

• A young wild dog was just born. You give it:

• A: You put it in a separate area to be taken care of

• B: You give it animal milk

• C: You give it to the mother

Separate area

• You put it in a separate area, and it sleeps, without getting any milk. Wrong answer!

• Previous question

Animal milk

• You give it canine milk to drink. It doesn’t like it. Wrong answer!

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To the Mother

• You give the dog to the mother and it gets taken care of. Well done! You finished the quiz!

• Source list

• Do it again?






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