house specials : original blend teas blend teas...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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House Specials : Original

Blend Teas <Black> Lavegrey:

Our unique Creamy Earl Grey + relaxing Lavender.

Hint of vanilla adds a gorgeous note to the blend.

Enjoy this sweet joyful moment.

London Mist

Classic style tea: English Breakfast w/ cream +

honey. Vanilla added to sweeten your morning.

Lady’s Afternoon

Another way to enjoy our favorite Earl Grey. Hints

of Strawberry and lemon make this blend a perfect

afternoon tea!

Irish Cream Cherry

Sweet cherry joyfully added to creamy yet stunning

Irish Breakfast tea. High caffeine morning tea.

Majes Tea

Natural Raspberry black tea with a squeeze of lime

to add tanginess after taste.


Pomegranate black tea with your choice of adding

Blackberry or Strawberry flavoring.

Minty Mint

Mint black tea with Peppermint. A great refreshing

drink for a hot summer day.


Rich Chocolate tea with Peppermint. A Christmas

candy-like favorite all year round!

Pacific Ruby

Good news for sweet teeth! Try our exotic mix of

Lichee and Pomegranate: soothing sweet.


Apple black tea + cinnamon spice. Reminds you of

grandma’s sweet apple pie.

Strawberry Colada:

Sweet Strawberry & Creamy Coconut come together

for great symphony. Summer vacation is here.

Cold SM: $4.5 L: $5.5

Hot SM: $5 L: $6

House Specials : Original

Blend Teas <Green > Jasmine Honey:

Jasmine green tea + honey. One of the most popular

ways to drink jasmine tea in Asia.

Jasmine Mango:

Jasmine + Blue Mango green tea. Each tea is tasty in

their own way and so is their combination!

Strawberry Mango:

Blue Mango with a dash of Strawberry fusion. Great

combination of sweetness and tartness that you can


Green Concussion:

Dark Gun Powder Green + Matcha + Peppermint

give you a little kick of caffeine. This is a crisp blend

of rare compounds with a hidden tropical fruit.

On Green:

Ginger green tea + fresh ginger and a dash of honey

to burn you calories.

I M Tea:

Special blend for Cold & Flu prevention. Sencha,

Lemon Balm and Spearmint mix help you build up

your immunity.

Mango Passion:

Mango green tea mix with cherry and passion fruit

juice and a squeeze of lime for a refreshing touch

Lemon Green:

A pleasant blend of tart lemongrass with classic

green tea. Don’t hesitate to put honey for greatness.

Golden Hues:

Highlights of Chrysanthemum lightly dance through

premium summer Bancha green tea.

Re: Fresh :

Our high quality Sencha green tea, Peppermint, and

Lavender refresh your mind. Just take a deep breath,

and proceed to the next level.

**Re-Brew: Hot tea can be re-brewed.

Free for plain tea, otherwise $1 to fix the


House Specials : Original

Blend Teas <Caffeine – Free>

LLT Special:

Combination of Lavender and Egyptian Camomile

with a pinch of Licorice root to sooth you.

Detox Blend:

Hibiscus, Rosehips, Raspberry Leaves, and

Lemongrass. Gently works on digestive system,

cleaning up while supplying Vitamins.

Cold Buster Blend:

OrangeGingerMint + Spearmint + Licorice and

Lemon Balm. Add honey to boost taste. Also good

for upset stomach.

Lullaby Tea:

Hunny Rooibos + Lavender: a sweet combination

that will lead you into a peaceful slumber.

Stress less Blend:

Lemon Balm, Jasmine Flowers and Camomile

relieve you from outside world.

Bed Time Tea:

Light flavorful character of Lemongrass tempered

with chamomile.

Headache Relief:

Hibiscus, Rosehip, Lavender, and Camomile ease

your headache and heavy feeling in your day

Flower Power Blend:

Lavender, Camomile, Jasmine, Rose petals and

Hibiscus. A flowery, tart tension-beater and

headache soother.

Enertea (Ener-gy):

Gynostemma, Ginger, and Peppermint. Need a

boost? Have this caffeine-free energy drink that will

get you going come what may.

Mommy’s Tea:

We know how tough it is to be a Mom. Raspberry

Leaves and Rooibos are always on your side to

support your hard work. Rosehips & Hibiscus add

extra vitamins to keep you healthy and beautiful.

Milky Buckwheat Tea:

Soba-Buckwheat washes out unwanted bad

cholesterol. it maintains healthy blood vessel and

balanced blood condition. For cleaner and smoother

blood circulation.

Sour Patch Kid:

Lemon Mango Punch herbal fruit tea blend with

lemongrass, hibiscus and passion fruit juice, for your

childhood taste memory.

House Specials : Original

Blend Teas <Others> Double M:

Restore your energy with a blend of Yerba Mate +

Ginseng, the high caffeine, natural energy stimulant.

Best choice for Monday Morning!

D Rouge:

Formosa Oolong with 3 berry flavors. Squeeze of

lemon to the finish. Sweet, but deep toasty aroma of

Formosa oolong.

Thai Tea:

One of Thailand’s best kept secrets! Enjoy the sweet

aroma of the coconut and its unique herbal leaves

directly imported from Thailand.

**Re-Brew: Hot tea can be re-brewed.

Free for plain tea, otherwise $1 to fix the


Cold SM: $4.5 L: $5.5

Hot SM: $5 L: $6

<Herbal Tea>

On herbal teas, you cannot ignore their natural health benefits. Today, herbal remedies are getting more attention than ever before from those who are health conscious. Do something good for yourself with tasty healthy cup. We can blend them as you need. The benefits of each herb are following, but not limited.

Chrysanthemum –Red/itchy eyes, body heat, blood pressure, antibacterial, liver & kidney, infections

Egyptian Camomile –Relaxing muscles, sleeping disorder, bladder irritation, nausea, calming nerves.

Gynostemma– Energy booster, long life, stress, stiff shoulders

Hibiscus –Skin care (Vitamins), Blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, hang over

Honeybush –Lowering blood sugar, menopause, cold, lack of appetite

Jasmine Buds/ Flowers –Anxiety, diarrhea, hormone balance, sleep aid

Lavender –Tension, headache, antiseptic protection, wounds, acne, dizziness

Lemon Balm –Allergy, respiratory/ digestive problem, tension, anxiety, cold, flu

Lemongrass–Cancer, poor blood circulation, relaxation, arthritic pain, digestion

Licorice Root–Adrenal stimulant, allergy, stomach ulcers, cough, detox, inflammatory pain, arthritis

Orange Ginger Mint –Sore throat, upset stomach, heartburn, cold symptoms, immunity, congestion

Peppermint –Chest congestion, headache, nausea, toothaches, sore throat, stomach cramps

Raspberry Leaves –Women’s body pain (toning the uterus), milk production, diarrhea, canker sores

Red Lavender –Red tea and lavender, sleeping aids

Rose Buds & Petals –Relaxation, detoxify, digestion, women’s health,

Rosehip –Skin care, mental uncomforted, urinary tract, antiviral, tonic, respiratory aid, immune, infection

Soba-Buckwheat –Blood circulation, lowering cholesterol, skin care with Vitamin E

Spearmint –Sore throat, hiccoughs, freshen breath, sinuses

Cold SM: $4.5 L: $5.5

Hot SM: $5 L: $6

<Fruit Tea> Great for EVERYONE, especially for kids. Matter of fact, we think this is children’s best drink! Why? Because Fruit “TEA” is sugar free, all natural sweetness with rich Vitamins. But don’t worry, goodies are not only for kids, but for EVERYONE!

Apricot Supreme

Bingo Blueberry Blue Eyes Cherrybana Big Fruit Lemon Mango Punch Madagascar Almond Spice Orange Grove Vanilla Paradiso Peach Strawberry Kiwi Tropical Fruit Cocktail Herbal Hibis

<Rooibos (Red Tea)> Originally from South Africa, it is naturally caffeine-free. Rooibos is famous for its rich minerals such as Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium and more. As well as being high in antioxidants, Rooibos is good for digestion (upper stomach & liver), allergies, asthma, constipation, relaxation & sleep.

Rooibos – Basic Rooibos.

Barcelona Fruit Tapas– Tart citrus and berry notes finish with sweet cherry.

Berry On the Run – Bounding berry notes.

Bora Bora Mango – From the French Polynesian Island Bora Bora’s famous mango.

Bourbon Street Vanilla – Exotic sweet vanilla scent captured from the America’s well-known street in New Orleans.

Cape Cod Cranberry – Explore the long, delicious history of cranberries of the Cape.

Hunny Rooibos – Irresistible sweet honey notes and Chamomile in the blend adds honey-like tones. Tea For Her - Organic Shatavari, Rose petals, Green Rooibos, Lavender, Chrysanthenum, Osmanthus, and Hibiscus

<Decaf Options> Decaf English Breakfast Decaf Earl Grey Decaf Sencha Green Giraffe-Decaf Chai Latte Chopped Chai Spice Mix

<Black Tea>

Flavored: Apple Apricot Black Currant Blueberry Blue Lady Carribean Delight Chocolate Crème Brule Ginger Peach Ice Wine Island Coconut La Marché Spice Lemon Licorice Mint Monk’s blend Orange Spice Passion Fruit Peach Lift Pecan Tart Pomegranate S.F. Pumpkin Spice Strawberry Vanilla Delight

English Favorites: Cream Earl Grey English Breakfast Irish Breakfast Queen Elisabeth Scottish Breakfast

Specialty Tea: Czar Nickolas Russian Caravan French Blend Lapsang Souchong Vienna Opera Ball

China Black: Keemun 3 Monkey Keemun Panda #1 Lichee Congou Rose Congou Emperor Ying Ming Yunnan

Estate Black Tea: Borengajuli (Assam) Gunung Dempo Margaret’s Hope (Darjeeling) Santosa

<Green Tea>

Flavored: Acai Berry Raspberry Blue Mango Cherry Rose Kyoto Ginger Green Concussion Hermes Orange Immortali Tea Jasmine Pearl Jasmine with Flowers Green Pear Niagara Peach Plum Pear Pomegranate Hibiscus Shanghai Lichee Jasmine Imortalitea

Classic-Japan: Bancha Genmaicha- Popcorn Green Houjicha-Roasted Green Kokeicha Kukicha Matcha Sencha

Classic-China: Dragonwell Special Gun Powder White Eagle long life Sanxia Cloud and Mist

Cold SM: $4.5 L: $5.5

Hot SM: $5 L: $6

<Oolong Tea>

Semi-fermented tea. Like wine, regional variance of

soil, humidity, elevation, water and other factors

give great difference in taste and aroma. Oolongs are

grown in limited areas where the conditions are

perfect. Traditionally, Oolong is enjoyed in small

quantities so the intricacies and subtle shifts of

character can be truly appreciated. Often times, it is

consumed before and after oily meals because

Oolong reduces amount of fat absorbed in the body.

Helpful for digestion, assists burning calories.

Flavored: Orange Blossom Fancy Magnolia Blossom Orchid Flower Quanzhou Milk Oolong

Traditional: Formosa Dream goddess (Ti-Kuan-Yin / Monkey pick) Iron Goddess (Ti-Kuan-Yin / Monkey pick) Dung Ti Royal Ginseng Jade Pouchong Queen’s China

Aged Tea (True Black Tea):

Premium Pu-erh (12yrs old) Beng-Cha (Disc Pu-erh) (Seasonal) Tou-Cha (9 yrs old) (Seasonal) Brick Pu-erh Cold SM: $4.75 LG:$5.75

Hot SM: $5.25 LG:$6.25

<Artisan Tea> 1000 day Flower Star of China Jasmine Dreams Dancing Flower

Hot $10

<White Tea> The world’s purest tea. Spring buds are plucked,

dried and sorted. No further processing, no

fermentation. They are grown on small freehold

plots. Therefore, only limited quantity on limited

season per year comes on market. White tea has a

very high polyphenol (a.k.a. antioxidants) which

known to reduce risk of cancers and heart disease.

Antioxidants vitalize cells, slow aging, and fight

against bacteria and germs. Basically, it’s a healthy


Flavored: Cloud Forest Rainbow Peach Apricot Pink Sonoma White Coconut Cream Pink Sonoma

Traditional: Pai Mu Tan 100 Monkeys White Peony Silver Swan

Cold SM: $5.5 LG:$6.5

Hot SM: $5.75 LG:$6.75

<Chai Tea> Chai is originally from India. What we call Chai Tea

is basically blends of variety of spices mixed with

Assam or other types of Indian tea (or some green).

There are so many recipe using varieties of kinds of

spices. So we can carry just a few of them.

Chai Latte: Elephant Vanilla Tiger Spice Tortoise Green Chocolate Chai Giraffe Decaf Pumpkin Spice (seasonal)

Traditional Chai: Indian Spice Chai Masala Chai Chopped Chai Mix LLT Special Blend Chai

Cold SM: $4.75 LG:$5.75

Hot SM: $5.25 LG:$6.25

<Organic Tea Options> We will expand our organic tea selections in the future. So far, we have as following. (If you request more, faster we can get…) Organic Breakfast Blend Organic Mint Black Organic China Green Organic Green Pear Organic White Peony Organic Osmanthus Petal (Seasonal) Organic Cranberry Apple Cold SM: $4.75 LG:$5.75

Hot SM: $5.25 LG:$6.25

<Other Additionals> Matcha Shot ($1) Ginseng Extract ( $1)

<Premium High-Quality Tea>

White: Snow Dragon ($12)

Black: 9 Bend Black Dragon ($8)

Green: Gyokuro Special ($9)

Oolong & Other: Super Butterfly Wuyi (Highest and Finest) ($20) Queens China Oolong (finest) ($9) Xantou Mandarin Black Pu-erh ($8)

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