home - prison fellowship canada - your faithful support, prayers, and volunteering...

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Dear Friends and Partners,

Your faithful support, prayers, and volunteering, have contributed to the good report we share below.

Our Angel Tree Camping program is underway and we are praying for many lives to be changed through this camping experience:

Wonderful things are happening throughout the Atlantic and across Canada.

We are so thankful for :

• Intercessors who meet regularly with us to pray for Prison Fellowship Canada.

• Volunteers serving in the prisons and communities week after week sharing the message of forgiveness and providing further opportunities for discipleship and mentoring.

• Financial support from individuals and local businesses.

• A growing network of employers for returning citizens

• Partner organizations

• Unity between the addiction recovery/ aftercare ministries in the Atlantic.

• Willing teams in the community who have raised funds to support Angel Tree Camping.

• Committed teams that are receiving returning citizens in community and helping with the reentry process.

• Meaningful connections in Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland/Labrador.

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. - NLT Hebrews 6:10

In His Service,

Jonathan and Sue Ellen

Atlantic Regional Directors

Angel Tree CampingLilly stood alone on the playground on that sunny May day, listening to the other kids chatter about their plans for the summer...camping, weeks away... to ride horses, make new friends, learn to swim, and just a chance to be, a normal kid.

At 9 years of age Lilly is already much wiser than her years, and understands that she just will not get the chance to do these things - silence and self-contained sadness - that’s how she deals with life.

Momma told Lilly that Dad was working in the oil patch, but Lilly knew it was not so. She heard momma on the phone late at night when she thought Lilly was asleep. Lilly knew how hard it was on momma making ends meet with Dad in prison.

So - “Chin up Lilly,” she told herself.

Lilly never told momma she wanted to camp, because momma tried so hard already, and Lilly knew there was not extra money.

Each day as Lilly gets off the bus at the end of her drive, she checks the mail...sometimes Dad sends letters...today was a good day...letters from Dad.

When momma saw the letters she got a sad, sweet smile in her eyes…”Yes,” Lilly thought - “She misses dad.” Then momma’s smile widened - “Lilly,” she breathed - “You are invited to camp this summer”...”But, Momma” Lilly interjected….”It’s okay, Lilly, some kind people are paying to send you...you can go.”

ATLANTIC Regional Newsletter - Summer 2017

CanadaServing Life

pg 1Prison Fellowship Canada - Atlantic Regional Newsletter (Summer 2016)


Jonathan & Sue Ellen EnglishAtlantic Regional DirectorsPrison Fellowship Canada

E: jonathan@prisonfellowship.caE: sueellen@prisonfellowship.caT: 1-506-478-0582Toll Free: 1-844-618-5867 ext 340

PO Box 7072 Brookside Mall Fredericton, NB E3A0Y7

F R O M T H E D E S K O F O U R R E G I O N A L D I R E C T O R S“From our Hearts to Yours”

Dear Friends and Partners,

Thank you so much for all your support over the last two months. Without the engagement of the local church and business community, we would not be able to fulfill the vision and mission of Prison Fellowship Canada.

These two months have been incredibly eventful as we were given the privilege of representing PFC in the Atlantic Region. In the last month we have been focusing on development in Nova Scotia. It is exciting to move past the borders of New Brunswick and begin to get familiar with our neighbouring Provinces. It has been a joy to meet the team and various chaplains in Nova Scotia. Stay tuned for updates from PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Also, we would like to acknowledge all our volunteers, including our prayer warriors. We value our relationships with each of you.

“Change happens with a willing heart, a heart that is willing to serve in any given measures, capacity, and a heart that holds nothing back. And that is the heart of a volunteer.”

Jonathan and Sue Ellen EnglishAtlantic Regional Directors

Volume 1Summer 2016

ANGEL TREE CAMPING - A Mother’s Testimony

“God has blessed me tremendously by giving my children the opportunity to go to camp through Angel Tree. I was at the time in an institutional rehab facility. I grew up in a dysfunctional alcoholic family and have struggled with my own cycles of addictions and incarceration. But over the course of the year, I have been learning about God and have experienced a deep healing and transformation in my life.

As I began to understand the love of God for me and my worth in Him, I wanted my children to also learn about God. But I was separated from them, and I didn’t know how

to talk about God in a way that they would understand. So I have been praying that God would bring people into their life that can share the love of God with them.

Then at the institution, I learned about the opportunity to send my children to Christian camp through Angel Tree. I filled out the forms and they got to go to Hampton Bible camp last year for the first time.

When I went to pick up my children at the end, they came out of camp with excitement. They were waving their Bibles and were telling me all the wonderful truths they learned about Jesus and his love for them. I didn’t anticipate that God would use Angel Tree Camping to answer my prayer.

The camp not only helped my children learn about God but it also

helped my children socially. Prior to camp, my daughter had social issues with her peers. At camp, it was wonderful to learn that she made friends and was so happy. I was nervous about my son going to camp because it was his very first time away from home. As soon as he got there, he felt immediately at home because of the welcoming and loving care from the staff.

The experience at camp formed a foundation in my children’s life that I am able to build upon. Together, we are growing in God as a family.”

- Tara, New Brunswick

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• Depression

• DrugUse

• Violence

• Criminality-inter-generational

• Despair

• Suicidalthoughts/actions

Can a week at a Christian Camp really make a significant impact on a child’s future? Check out what our Angel Tree families are saying:

“One week of camp changed my life forever. I understood that there were families different than my own and a future different than the one I had planned” - Major Donor

“He (my son) has made so many new friends and also seems to have developed and honest and committed relationship with God. This can impact today’s young people in all aspects of their life, their attitudes at school and respect for their education, family and community, as well as developing a true sense of what they are capable of achieving and shaping their personal and broader goals for the future.” - mother

ATLANTIC Regional Newsletter - Summer 2017

CanadaServing Life

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ATLANTIC Regional Newsletter - Summer 2017

CanadaServing Life

“ Being on disability and fixed income, with my children’s father away in prison,it is not always possible to provide extras...Our children have a great relationship with their dad despite our current situation. The knowledge for their dad that there are people out there willing not to judge his children, but to put them in a position to experience things that other children are able to enjoy, without judgement, has brought great pleasure to him as well….” - mother

“ I wanted to start this letter off by just saying “thank you”. Over the last nine summers of my life you have funded for me to be able to go to camp….while attending camp I have had some of the best experiences of my life and none of them would have been possible without you...all in all I left camp this year closer to God, a better leader, and with new outstanding friends”….M - Angel tree camping child

“Thank you for sponsoring me at camp this year and every other year. I am 11 years old and I have been going to camp since I was 6….I meet lots of new friends and have so much fun at camp. I really loved all my counsellors at camp this year. They all had fun names that they made up before camp. Thank you very much for helping me be able to go to camp! - Sincerely, D - Angel Tree Camping Child

pg 4Prison Fellowship Canada - Atlantic Regional Newsletter (Summer 2016)

@pfcservinglifePrison Fellowship Canada prisonfellowship.ca

On October 1, 2016, Prison Fellowship Canada will be participating in the Ride for Refuge, a non-competitive bicycling and walking fundraiser with locations across Canada. We are joining hundreds of other charitable partners like us who care for the displaced, vulnerable and the exploited. Our goal is to raise $10,000 through the Ride.

The Ride for Refuge locations in Atlantic Canada are: Halifax and Moncton

We are looking for Team Captains to create teams of riders, individual riders, and walkers to join teams to help us raise funds and awareness about the needs of those in prison. Participants can choose to walk 5km, or cycle 10km, 25km or 50km.

WILL YOU RIDE/WALK TO BRING HOPE TO INMATES? http://prisonfellowship.ca/ride/



Pray for the children who are attending camp through our Angel Tree Camping.

Please pray for our volunteer needs in Moncton, Shediac, Madawaska, St John (NB) and Springhill (NS) area.

Pray for favour with the business community in the Atlantic region who want to contribute financially or get involved in Aftercare.

Pray for the Volunteer Orientation Meetings and the start of the new chapter at Dalhousie, NB.

PRAY A Join our national prayer network by subscribing to our monthly

prayer calendar on our website.


VOLUNTEER Be a part of a Bible study Be an Angel Tree sponsor

Become a Pen Pal Visit Prisoners Start/Join an Aftercare program

DONATEYou can make a gift online or send cheques to:

Prison Fellowship Canada

PO Box 7072, Brookside Mall Fredericton NB E3A 0Y7

PFC’s Canada Revenue Agency charitable registration number is 13105 6848 RR0001

BECOME A PEN PAL!We have three federal institutions in the Atlantic region involved in Pen Pal ministry. For inmates who may not have family visiting, letters become an important source of connection and encouragement.

DID YOU KNOW?There are over 36,000 people are in custody on an average day in Canada.

It costs $117,788 per year to keep a male inmate incarcerated in a federal system.It costs $33,799 per year to maintain an offender in the community.

Over 80% of women inmates have a history of trauma from physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse.PFC has over 400 volunteers serving inmates through our In-Prison and Pen Pal programs.

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Pray for volunteers in Springhill NS to join the team.

Pray that the Children have a life-changing experience at camp this summer

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