hombu news july 2013 - seishin-ryu · pdf filemonthly newsletter for seishin ryu karate nz...

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  • A huge shout out to all the Seish-

    in family who got in behind the

    day and participated with a lot of

    enthusiasm and energy, it was

    noticed and Kysohi Dave has

    been in contact with Hanshi to

    express his appreciation for the

    hospitality and a really good

    bunch of people! Thats how we

    roll whnau, osu!

    On the 27th July Kyoshi Dave

    Butler ran a Jujutsu seminar at

    the Hombu. 24 students attended

    the seminar which was a full on

    action packed day.

    Thanks to Kyoshi Dave Butler

    and his crash test dummy Paul

    for demonstrating a no nonsense

    approach to self defense which

    by all accounts, was straight for-

    ward and practical. For many of

    the students, many of the tech-

    niques look familiar to Sabaki

    Tanren which made it a little

    easier (yeah, nah, yeah) but the

    thumps and bruises still felt like

    bumps and bruises! The damage

    of the day award goes to Sensei

    John for poking Josh in the eye

    then accidentally kicking him in

    the gedan proverbials, awesome!

    All in all, a really enjoyable day

    and with lunch thrown in for

    good measure, everyone got

    there moneys worth.

    A massive shout out to mummy

    san Dessa for working the kitch-

    en and commanding the troops

    in all the food preparation,

    thanks mum (and the pizzas

    were premo...how many of you

    guys balanced the pizza consump-

    tion with your 3 pieces of fruit).

    Kysohi Dave Butler runs Jujutsu Seminar

    Iaido classes recommences

    Monthly Newsletter for SEISHIN RYU KARATE NZ

    July 2013

    Issue 1

    HOMBU News Special points of


    Kyoshi Dave Butler runs Jujutsu Semi-


    Iaido classes re-commences

    The Way of Budo by Hanshi Chris

    Seishin Bunkai Jutsu Ryu 2014


    Jujutsu Seminar with Kyoshi Dave Butler


    Iaido Classes Recom- 1

    The Way of Budo 2

    Enter the Dojo 2

    Intro Seishin Bunkai Jutsu Ryu


    What is SAFE? 3

    NZ Martial Arts

    Institute (NZMAI) 3

    Laugh of the Month 3

    Upcoming Events 4

    Hombu News get

    the Go Ahead 4

    Iaido classes started back in July and Hanshi

    Chris wants this to connue once each

    month through to the end of 2013. A really

    great session but certainly not for the faint

    hearted due to the use of live swords which

    obviously increases the risk factor.

    Those who a%ended are expected to pracce

    the four kata that Hanshi taught on the night

    so we become proficient and ready for the

    next set of training in August.

  • My view of budo or the way of

    combat as it relates to Seishin

    Ryu Karate (SRK) and the NZ

    Martial Arts Institute (NZMAI) is

    firmly located in the philosophy

    and practice of mental, physical

    and social discipline underpinned

    by a code of ethics described in

    the SRK dojo kun as, clear mind,

    developing a fighting spirit, strong

    mental attitude, respect and hon-

    oring karate do. As President of

    NZMAI and Principal Instructor

    for SRK, I firmly believe that a

    code of ethics is fundamental to

    any martial arts system/ style

    especially ethics around legiti-

    mate grades and qualifications

    that should validate who, how

    and when a martial art practition-

    er achieved their grade and title.

    Unfortunately there are many,

    many martial artist in NZ who

    have been cheated by fake in-

    structors, fraudulent certificates

    and teachers who claim high

    ranks with self awarded titles.

    This is not budo nor should it

    have any place in martial arts and

    I am committed to revealing who

    the fraudsters are and supporting

    those who have been ripped off

    by providing NZMAI mentors

    and legitimate places (dojo) who

    have registered with NZMAI.

    On a lighter note, another aspect

    of budo is how martial artist

    collaborate with each other. A

    recent example of this is my

    invitation to Kyoshi Dave Butler

    (7th dan) to run a Jujutsu seminar

    at SRK hombu on Saturday 27th

    July. To learn from each others

    styles, just like the old Masters of

    Okinawa, can only develop bet-

    ter martial artist resulting in bet-

    ter people.. Last but not least,

    believe that everything you need in

    life can be worked on in the do-

    jo (Late Kancho Hideyaki Ashihara)

    framework as the principle guide

    when teaching students (see

    SAFE story page 3).

    Seishin Bunkai Jutsu Ryu will roll

    out a series of weapon classes

    over the next few months start-

    ing with Bo Jutsu (short staff

    fighting techniques) which will

    kick of Saturday 31st July at the

    Hombu (see Josh for more infor-


    This new branch is a combination

    Hanshi Chris has gifted Seishin

    Bunkai Jutsu Ryu as the official

    name for a new dojo under

    Sensei (chukka) Josh Phillips

    starting 2014. It will be a branch

    of Seishin Ryu Karate and a

    member of the NZ Martial Arts

    Institute (NZMAI).

    Seishin Bunkai Jutsu Ryu will

    combine fitness, self defense and

    weapons as its primary focus

    using the Aotearoa SAFE training

    of many weeks of planning and

    patiently waiting for approval

    from Hanshi Chris to ensure that

    all the building blocks (i.e. right

    name, legitimate grades, sensible

    syllabus) are sanctioned under

    Seishin Ryu Karate and NZMAI.

    See Josh for more details

    The Way of Budo by Hanshi Chris Dessa

    Introducing Seishin Bunkai Jutsu Ryu

    Enter the Dojo by Hanshi Chris Dessa

    away at your opponents head (or

    other parts of the body). The

    dojo can be liken to a micro

    (small) version of the world;

    human beings trying to work

    together, understand each other

    and develop meaningful relation-

    ships. By learning these qualities

    in the dojo, you can easily transi-

    tion these lessons into a macro

    environment (big) and hopefully

    they become the values and

    standard by which a student en-

    gages with his/ her communities.

    Finally, the dojo is not meant to

    be some mystical place where

    people have some kind of meta

    physical experience that renders

    him/ her supernatural. It is simp-

    ly a place where knowledge is

    acquired and shared in mutual

    respect of its heritage (origins)

    and where people develop a

    greater awareness of him/ her-


    What can be achieved by hard

    training in the dojo? A student

    will sweat, overcome fear, gain

    strength (mind & body), learn

    about honor and respect, make

    life long friends and most of all,

    have great memories.

    Unlike the movie Enter the Drag-

    on made famous by Bruce Lee,

    the dojo experience is so much

    more than just the physical re-

    lease of endorphins and battering

    Page 2

    HOMBU News

  • Everything you need

    in life can be worked

    on in the dojo

    Kancho Hideyuki Ashihara

    (d: 2010)

    What is Aotearoa SAFE?

    Aotearoa SAFE is the brain

    child of Sensei (chukka) Josh

    Phillips and encompass four (4)

    basic principles when teaching

    martial arts and/ or any self de-

    fense technique (s).

    These four (4) principles are

    described here as: 1. learning a

    range of personal self defense

    techniques (security), 2. being

    alert, familiar and observant of

    your environment and surround-

    ings including spatial awareness

    (awareness), 3. staying active

    and dynamic to increase surviva-

    bility (fitness) and 4. planning &

    looking for a means of escape

    from threatening situations


    These SAFE principles have been

    carefully thought through and

    trialed in a range of teaching

    situations across many different

    martial arts and self defense

    styles & systems, over many,

    many months. The end goal is to

    create something that ensures

    quality teaching, a focus on rele-

    vant outcomes and a professional

    approach to sharing knowledge in

    a learning environment (e.g. in-

    structing students in the dojo).

    Sensei Josh will be using SAFE in

    the upcoming Bo Jutsu classes

    commencing 31st August 2013.

    not the funny part. The said par-

    ent (it was a him so that might

    explain something) sat in his chair

    looking a little miffed and his

    reply was the funniest answer

    ever, "I don't get it. Even when

    Sensei Josh tried to explain it to

    him three times, he still didnt get


    Lesson: When you are the cen-

    ter of attention and others are

    watching (or listening) mask your

    A parent who shall remain name-

    less but a frequent visitor to the

    Hombu and whose son attends

    classes asked Sensei (chukka)

    Josh one Tuesday night why he

    was dressed in black and if he

    was going to a funeral (he then

    laughed at his own comment).

    Being the quick witted individual

    that Sensei Josh is he replied, at

    least I can take my black off (at

    which those who heard this reply

    burst into laughter). But

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