holy trinity church, prospect road summer sale · holy trinity church, prospect road summer sale...

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Holy Trinity Church, Prospect Road

Summer Sale Saturday 4th June at 11am

Come along and enjoy all the fun of the fair

Games for everyone including:

Darts Hoop-la Tin Shy Hook The Ducks

And Much More

Check out the Tea stall for 11’s and/or stay for lunch and have something from the BBQ.

Check out the stalls which include:

Groceries Plants Crafts Cakes Books Toys

And lots More

• All money being donated to Uganda 17 Outreach



2 June2016

Table Of Contents Letter To Parishioners ....................................................................................... 3

Pig Roast .......................................................................................................... 5

The Crafters of Holy Trinity ............................................................................... 6

Recycled Teenagers Events for 2016 ................................................................. 6

Alan’s Bible Study ............................................................................................. 7

C.M.S Used Postage Stamps/Glasses Appeal ..................................................... 7

SEED ................................................................................................................. 8

Storehouse / Social Services ............................................................................. 9

Parents & Tots .................................................................................................. 9

Holy Trinity Bowls Fellowship .......................................................................... 10

Announcements ............................................................................................... 10

Who’s Who from the Pew! ................................................................................. 11

Uganda Mission Trip 2017 ................................................................................ 13

UGANDA WEIGHT CHALLENGE ......................................................................... 17

FellowshipCafé@ht ........................................................................................... 18

Prayer Team ..................................................................................................... 19

Young Peoples’ Badminton ............................................................................... 20

TEA and COFFEE after the Services ................................................................. 21

Holiday Bible Club ........................................................................................... 22

Select Vestry .................................................................................................... 22

Crèche Rota – June 2016 .................................................................................. 23

Holy Trinity Chair Rota – June 2016 .................................................................. 24

Counters Rota .................................................................................................. 25

Uplift ................................................................................................................ 26

Avril Waller Health & Fitness ............................................................................................................ 27

Services – June 2016 ......................................................................................................................... 28


3 June2016

Letter To Parishioners

Reading: 1 Peter 2.17 Dear Friends,

A young man was being interviewed for the post of an usher at a theatre. The proprietor asked him what he would do in the case of a fire. The young man told the proprietor not to worry about him he would escape quite easily. He did not get the job - why? Simple, because he did not even think of his responsibilities towards others. In light of what we have heard this evening about the Faithfulness of God and the Servanthood of Jesus - what are our responsibilities in response? I believe they fall into three categories:

Towards God

Towards Authority

Towards Others

Towards God - in our reading Peter tells us that we are to Fear God. Our responsibility to God is to fear Him - not in a servile way but in a loving response to an awesome holy God. Our fear is not that we are frightened of Him but out of respect and love for Him we have a reverential fear of Him. So our first responsibility is to ensure that we are in a right relationship with God through Christ Jesus. We enter that relationship when we make a conscious decision to repent of our sin, seek God’s forgiveness and follow Him. When we are in this right relationship then everything else in our life falls under His authority and control. We no longer live for ourselves but for Christ. Our lives therefore reflect our responsibilities towards Him - which are to honour


4 June2016

and obey Him. This we do here on earth each day. Our response to God leads us to two positive and public responsibilities:

Towards Authority - Peter tells us we are to honour the king - that is the secular authority of our day. Please note we fear God and honour the king. That is important - our allegiance to Christ is above that to any earthly authority or institution. Peter exhorts us to obey the civil authorities because they are divinely-ordained and ordered. The reason for this public discipline in the life of a Christian is so that other people would recognise the virtue of a Christian life. We are by our obedience to the civil authorities to set an example to the world. An example that will restrain others from doing evil and an example that will commend the Lord whom we serve. We are by our example to promote and encourage good conduct and to prevent moral corruption.

Towards Others - A young lawyer negotiated a very long and detailed contract. He was rather proud of his work when finished and he took it to the senior partner. The senior partner read the contract and began to shake his head over and over again. The young lawyer was very surprised at this. The senior partner turned to him when he had finished reading and said “This is a fine contract you have negotiated, but - you have forgotten the other fellow. No contract is sound which neglects the rights of the other party.” How many Christians forget the rights of the other party. When we have fulfilled our responsibility to God we are compelled to fulfill our responsibilities to our neighbours - both inside and outside the fellowship of the Church.

Jesus taught this over and over again. The parable of the Good Samaritan is probably His best-known teaching on this subject. Elsewhere Jesus tells us we cannot love God if we do not love our brother. So our responsibility flows from God, to the legal civil authority down to our day-to-day relationship with other people. Peter tells us that this responsibility is to be characterised by love. We hear


5 June2016

the words of Jesus in every communion service - “Love you neighbour as yourself” - none of us would do anything to hurt ourselves physically, mentally or spiritually - we are therefore to act in the same way to others.

As Christians we have freedom in Christ Jesus and as Peter says we are no longer citizens of earth but of heaven - yet we are called to live our Christian lives here on earth until God calls us home or He comes again. Our Christian freedom comes with responsibilities - responsibilities towards God, towards the civil authorities and towards others. When you look at this it forms the shape of the cross - the vertical our relationship and responsibility to God, the horizontal our relationship and responsibility to others - both in authority and neighbours.

Yours in Christ

Rev Dr Alan McCann

Pig Roast

The Rector’s 50th Birthday celebration will be held on 3rd June at 7pm at Holy Trinity.

NO presents please however gifts towards Uganda 2017 Team most welcome.

Rev Dr Alan McCann


6 June2016

The Crafters of Holy Trinity Hi Crafters @ HT meet on a Friday night 7-9ish. We decided that we will continue over the summer as we all have projects to try and finish and the company is good. Depending on holidays and attending other events there may

be the odd break so if you are planning to come along check with one us to see if we are meeting.

God Bless

Helen Wootton

Recycled Teenagers Events for 2016 Friday 2nd September Crazy Golf

Saturday 15th October Social Evening

Saturday 26th November Christmas Dinner (open to the whole congregation).


7 June2016

Alan’s Bible Study 7:30pm to 8.00pm - Prayer Time

8:00pm to finish - Parish Bible Study

Bible Study is for everyone – so do not exclude yourself. Come along and enjoy the fellowship together. Come along and be blessed by God as we sit under His Word together and as He fulfills His promise to be present where two or three meet together in His Name.

God bless

Rev Dr Alan McCann

C.M.S Used Postage Stamps/Glasses Appeal

Thanks to your generous contribution of used reading glasses C.M.S. have now gathered a sufficient supply, and do not require anymore for the present. They are, however, still accepting used postage stamps. Please continue to pop them in the appropriate box on the church table.

Yvonne Best


8 June2016

SEED Happy Summer everyone! We are coming up to our summer break at YF and will finish at the end of June for two months. YF will be running an open coffee bar every Sunday evening in June. We understand that exams are coming thick and fast and we want you to feel you can come and study in fellowship or just give yourself an hour or two to take some time out for yourself. We also want to invite all

the young people at Trinity who are in P7 to come along and see what we do in YF before joining us in September. We wish you all a blessed and happy Summer.

Tel: 07840453723


God bless Ryan Moffett


9 June2016

Storehouse / Social Services There are families in our community who are really struggling and we want to make a difference.

Please help by placing a weekly donation of Non Perishable Food or Household Products in the Red Boxes in the Church foyer.

At the end of each month we will split the items donated between these two very worthy community projects.

If you have items of unwanted furniture, Storehouse will gladly take them off your hands. To arrange a collection please speak to Donna Harrison.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

God Bless,

Donna Harrison & Elaine Gray

Parents & Tots

Thursday’s at 10.30- 12.00. We meet every Thursday morning, 10.30-12.00 Our last session before the summer break will be a Teddy Bears Picnic on Thursday 30 th June so join us for fun, chat and refreshments- and don't forget your teddy!

God Bless

Lisa, Carolynne and Liz


10 June2016

Holy Trinity Bowls Fellowship As we come to the end of another year of excellent bowling at Holy Trinity. I would like to offer a big thank you to all who help with the fellowship and to all who turned up each week to bowl. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have. Great to have Jack back now that the big move is

nearly completed. Our last night was Thursday 26th May and we will return on Thursday 1st September when we will have our AGM. Hope to see all back then

If interested please talk to Vic wootton or any club member. Vic Wootton

Hon Secretary


If you have any information you wish to pass to the congregation via the data projector please e-mail it to Marjory Edgar at: announcements@holytrinitycarrick.org.uk

by the Friday afternoon of each week.


11 June2016

Who’s Who from the Pew! What is your name? Louise McClean

How old are you? 53 in August. Yes, I know! I've had a hard life!

Where were you born? The British Military Hospital, Singapore. My Dad was in the RAF.

Family members? My husband, Colin, my daughter, Lauren and my sponsor daughter, Sandra in Uganda. Also our three cats, Sam, Tikka and Max (Alan loves them all dearly!!!).

Where do you live? Carrickfergus since 1970. Before that I had lived in England and Singapore.

What is your job? I am retired now because I have Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis but I did work at the Ulster University at Jordanstown organizing conferences and short courses.

What school did you go to? Middleton-St George Primary school, near Stockton, in England, Central Primary school, Carrickfergus and Carrickfergus Grammar school.

What is your favourite meal? A traditional Christmas dinner!

What are your favourite hobbies/activities? I love reading especially novels by C J Sansom, Charles Dickens and anything on Egyptian history and local history. I enjoy watching old comedy programmes like Blackadder, Father Ted and Jeeves


12 June2016

and Wooster. I like to do a bit of gardening, puzzles and I go to the ballet when I can. I also help Hazel with the flower arrangements at HT.

What is your favourite film? Difficult to narrow it down to one film so I think I would have to include Scrooge with Alistair Sim, Silent Running, which is basically a futuristic version of the story of Noah and any Elvis films!

What was your favourite cartoon as a child? Droopy (he's a dog).

How long have you been a Member of Holy Trinity? 17 years. Before that I attended St Nicholas' church.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? My Mum had the biggest influence on me when I was growing up as my Dad was often away on tours of duty. She led by example with her quiet Christian faith. Also Alan McCann through his uncompromising Bible based teachings on Sundays and his weekly Bible Study classes. And finally, my husband Colin for his perseverance through adversity. When you were growing up, what did you want to be? A ballet dancer! I attended classes for several years when I was younger.

Have you any hidden talents? I love playing the piano. Lauren has tried to teach me the harp, but alas, without much success!

What is your favourite hymn? Be Thou My Vision.

What is your favourite Bible verse? For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you'. Isaiah 41:13.


13 June2016

Holy Trinity

Uganda Mission Trip 2017 Carol Mulligan (team Leader)

Davey Mulligan (co. Leader)

Clare Mulligan

Drew Buchanan (Treasurer)

Lauren Baird

Callum Burnside

Adam Fittis

Fiona Moody

Owen McAuley

Alan Sprott

David Sprott

Vic Wootton

Helen Wootton

Christopher Wootton

Elaine Wright

Avril Waller

Clive Waller


14 June2016

Uganda The team will be travelling to Gulu.


15 June2016

Fields of Life is committed to sharing the Christian faith by collaborating with local communities and churches in East Africa

to bring about positive change through the provision of quality education, clean water, health promotion and other community based projects.

Fields of Life are building a school in Gulu, Northern Uganda and Holy Trinity are partnering them by providing the financial support to ensure a kitchen will be provided.

Our team of 17 will help to paint and complete the kitchen during the trip.

The cost to build the kitchen and equip it is £10,000.

The select vestry has approved the request for the Harvest Appeal on Sunday 15th October 2016 to be donated to this project.

You are encouraged to pray about how you can financially support this project and to give generously on the day.

Any money raised over this target will go towards the activities the team will do with the school children.

During the two week trip in July 2017 the team will visit the two water wells provided by the parishioners of Holy Trinity.

If you wish you can donate direct to the account. Sort code 95-02-61, account no: 00157511 and please ensure your name is included.

It would be helpful if after making a donation you send an email to treasurer@holytrinitycarrick.org.uk for information.

Please keep using the bucket in the hall of the church.


16 June2016

Fundraising Activities Friday 3rd June Pig Roast to celebrate Alan’s 50th Birthday

Saturday 4th June Summer Sale at 11am

September & October Uganda Weight Challenge with Avril Waller

(see advert in another part of the magazine)

Sponsored Triathlon on Saturday September 3rd Sept at 9am

Family Fun day on Saturday 17th September at Scout Centre

More details in September

Christmas Sale on Saturday 19th November at 11am

We want to thank everyone who has donated to the team via the well and we encourage you to continue giving by this means

Fellowship Cafe £450

And our total is over £1500 to date

The advertising poster in the entrance hall will be updated regularly


17 June2016


Have you tried CLEAN EATING yet? Would you like to lose weight?

A brand new class will be starting after church from Sunday 4h September for 8

weeks from 12 noon until 12.45 approx.

The class will include a: weekly weigh-in, weekly diet plan and

weekly talk.

The cost will be £50 and includes the diet plan but if you would like to be sponsored, then I will provide you with a form. ALL of the money raised will be for our Uganda project.

If you are interested, I would love to hear from you by email: avrilwaller@talkttalk.net to get an idea of numbers.

God bless,

Avril Waller Health & Fitness


18 June2016

FellowshipCafé@ht Thursday 11am – 1pm

Open to all Thanks to your generosity we have been able to donate £500

to the Holy Trinity Mission to Uganda 2017 Fund.

We will make further donations during the next 12 months.

We plan to remain open throughout the summer months (DV).

If you are off work or school please call in to support our


OR if you are available to help on any Thursday please speak to

one of our team.

Café Trivia: We have now added Green Tea to our menu.

Since opening in May 2014 we have broken only 3 mugs, 2 plates, 2 flower vases and one decorative Jug!!

The café has introduced 4 new members to our congregation.

Every Thursday there are also church cafés at The Methodist and Woodlands Presbyterian.

Not one person has suffered any form of food poisoning (Well, none have been reported!!)

God is good – all the time


19 June2016

Prayer Team Alison Allen, Joan Harvey, Libby Todd & Nicky Quigg

Please do continue to make use of our prayer request box situated in the front hall of the church. The prayer team usually meets on Thursdays to pray through these slips. The slips will be lifted in prayer 4 times (usually over 4 weeks but may be over a longer period). As always, be assured that information on the slips remains confidential.

The team will also be available for prayer at the front of the church after the Sunday morning service. Should you require prayer in a more confidential space please ask us to move into the prayer room with you and we will be happy to do so. We would encourage you to complete a prayer slip after you have attended for prayer so that we can continue to pray for your situation when we meet together. If you would be interested in being part of the prayer team that you consider this and know that we would dearly love to have your support. Please do approach one of us.

Nicky Quigg On behalf of the prayer team


20 June2016

Young Peoples’ Badminton

Another great season has come to a close.

Our Senior Mixed Doubles team had a good year, finishing in third place in Division 6 of the Ulster League.

Our Mens Doubles team had a fantastic year, finishing in first place in the East Antrim League and winning the Cup…Well Done to the Champions!

Our end of season tournaments and prize giving were held, with awards being presented as follows:-

Juvenile Club

All-Round Award Winner: Philip Gregory

All-Round Award Runner-up: Faith Hunter

Singles Tournament Winner: Philip Gregory

Singles Tournament Runner-up: Michael Newbold

Doubles Tournament Winners: Judith Gregory & Mark Burnett

Doubles Tournament Runner-up: Michael Newbold & Evan McKeown


21 June2016

Senior Club

Richmond Trophy Winner: Mark Burnett

Singles Tournament Winner: Matthew Nelson

Singles Tournament Runner-up: Stephen Hunter

Doubles Tournament Winners: Kyle Hutton & Matthew Nelson

Doubles Tournament Runner-up: Graeme Hunter & Garry Richmond

Thank you to all the young people who come along each week and to the leaders for their commitment and hard work.

The Club resumes in September.

Have a great summer!

God Bless.

Graeme Hunter, Garry Richmond, Joanne Hunter and Donna Harrison

TEA and COFFEE after the Services Volunteers are always needed to help with the tea and coffee

after the service. If you can help, please add your name against a date on the list, or speak to Anne or Joanne. The list is beside the

donation basket on the table. All donations are to help cover costs.


22 June2016

Holiday Bible Club 25th-29th July

This is a reminder that our club will run from 25th - 29th July. Please pray for our team, and all our preparations, and most importantly, for the children who will attend the club. We could do with another male or two, but women are still welcome to join our team.

God bless

Yvonne Best

Select Vestry If anyone wants an item raised at the Select Vestry please contact:

Louise Hanley: secretary@holytrinitycarrick.org.uk Drew Buchanan: treasurer@holytrinitycarrick.org.uk or any member of SV. This includes booking the church hall for any events.

Louise Hanley


23 June2016

Crèche Rota – June 2016

5th June Sharon McNeill Joy Graham Valerie Sprott Olga Grange

12th June Morag

Stewart Alison

Moffett Anne Langley Arlene


19th June Eileen

McLaughlin Lorraine Ross Adrienne Tasker Maureen Lunn

26th June NO CRECHE NO CRECHE NO CRECHE NO CRECHE Please swap with somebody else on the rota if you are unable to do your day. Thanks to everyone who helps and if you would like to help on the rota or wish to change your slot please speak to me or phone 07706707332.

God Bless,

Sharon McNeill


24 June2016

Holy Trinity Chair Rota – June 2016

Week 1 5th June

Week 2 12th June

Week 3 19th June

Week 4 26th June

James Beattie Colin Watson Graeme Hunter Phil Moody

Kel McDermott Simon McDonald

Arlene Macartney

Eddie Orr

Colin McIlwaine Michael McDonald

Bert Macartney David Sprott

Garry Richmond Bob McDonald Maurice Langley

Alan Sprott

Wenda Gray Alan Heggarty Alan Graham

Please note: if you are unable to meet your commitment, please change with a member of another team. Please be there for 9.30 am and set out the chairs and set out the Sanctuary.

After the service, put the chairs away and tidy the hall.

Thank you

Simon McDonald


25 June2016

Counters Rota Team1 Team2 Team3 Team4 Team5

Simon McDonald

Olga Grange Mark Edgar David Sprott Karen

Buchanan Ann

Richmond Peter

Moffett Elaine Gray Carol Marshall

Joy Graham

Gerry Piddock

Alison Moffett

Marjory Edgar

David Saunderson

Sue Majury

Ann McDonald

Arlene Macartney

Sharon McNeil

Helen Wootton

Graeme Hunter

Margaret Addley

Team Dates

1 19thJun 24thJul 28thAug2 26thJun 31stJuly 4thSept3 29thMay 3rdJul 7thAug 11thSept4 5thJun 10thJul 14thAug 18thSept5 12thJun 17thJul 21stAug 25thSept

Drew Buchanan MBE

Hon Treasurer


26 June2016


For more info please speak to Ryan & Amy Moffett.

website:www.weareuplift.com, Email: info@weareuplift.com ,

mobile: 07840453723

Ryan Moffett Creative and Production Director

Uplift Co-Founder


27 June2016

Avril Waller Health & Fitness

PLUS Pilates Classes for men and women.

Weigh-in, Talk & Aerobics Well we’ve seen a little sunshine recently and no doubt the T-shirts were out. Did they fit? Sorry to be so blunt, but

don’t despair.

Our Clean Eating Plan will help you to lose weight and eat properly and by that, I mean, nothing that comes in a box.

At the class there is a weigh-in, talk and exercise. Your first week costs £15 which includes your first class, a booklet, a 7 day plan and a link to the Clean Eating Plan for you to download.

Come along on Tuesdays from 10 - 11.15am, don’t leave it until the week before your holiday.

***Please note that a special class will be starting from Sunday 4th September, to raise funds for Uganda but if you want to start NOW, then come to me in June.***


Join us on a Thursday morning from 10 - 11am. Pilates is done on a mat on the floor. We use our own body weight, yoga blocks and bender balls to make it all fun and challenging. Pilates is fantastic for stretching out your body, correcting your posture, helping your back and strengthening your tummy muscles and core.


28 June2016

If you want to ring me, then call Avril.

Phone number: 9335 5129 Mobile: 0777 38 99905.

You can also have a look at my website www.avrilwallerhealthfitness.com or FB www.facebook.com/avrilwallerhealthfitness


Services – June 2016 Date Reading Number Reader Title & Prayer

Leader Book Chapter &


5 June 2016 1st Reading Sharon Piddock HC Ecclesiastes Chapter 11

verses 1 - 10

2nd Reading Rev Alan McCann

Prayers Davey Mulligan

Matthew Chapter 7 verses 7 - 11


12 June 2016 1st Reading Alison Moffett MP Ecclesiastes Chapter 12

verses 1 - 8

2nd Reading Bill Lunny Prayers Rev Alan McCann

1 Timothy Chapter 4 verses 11 - 16

19 June 2016 1st Reading Elle Moody MP Ecclesiastes Chapter 12

verses 9 - 14

2nd Reading Garry Richmond Prayers Maurice Langley

Luke Chapter 11 verses 37 - 48

26 June 2016 1st Reading ————— Family Service ————— —————

2nd Reading ————— Prayers Young at Heart

————— —————

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