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Holocene Evolution of the Indonesian Throughflow

and the Western Pacific Warm Pool

by Braddock K. Linsley, Yair Rosenthal and Delia W. Oppo


Supplementary Discussion:

Salinity Variability in the southern Makassar Strait

Supplementary Figure 1 shows salinity at 20m water depth throughout Indonesian

and the western Pacific (data from Conkright et al., 199847). The relatively low salinity in

the southern Makassar Strait is evident. This is due to the seasonal influx of low salinity

water from the South China Sea (SCS) and Java Sea during the boreal winter monsoon.

The low salinity of the SCS and Java Sea results from heavy precipitation and river

runoff from Southeast Asia and Borneo. Seasonal changes in the vertical salinity profiles

in the regions of the two gray boxes are indicated in the lower half of figure. Note that the

during the boreal winter monsoon, salinity throughout the entire southern Makassar Strait

drops to 32-32.5 pss (practical salinity scale), 2-3 pss lower than during the boreal

summer monsoon (July-September).


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Supplementary Figure 1: Mixed layer salinity in the WPWP and seasonal vertical salinity profiles in the southern Makassar Strait. (top) Annual mean salinity at 20m depth in the study area (Salinity data from Conkright et al. (1998)47). The core locations of the SST and δ18Osw reconstructions shown in Figures 2 and 3 are indicated. The gray squares in the southern Makassar Strait indicate the location of the vertical salinity climatology profiles shown in the bottom two panels (Bali Basin on left; Makassar Strait on right). These profiles show a large 2 to 3 pss salinity reduction in the upper 50-75m of the water column during the boreal winter (NW monsoon)(January-June). The magnitude of the salinity reduction is the same at both of our study sites in the southern Makassar Strait.


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Seasonality of Globigerinoides ruber flux to the sediment

We considered the possible effects of changes in the seasonal flux of G. ruber to

the sediments (G. ruber seasonality) in the southern Makassar Strait on our

interpretations. Sediment trap studies indicate that in the tropics the seasonal preference

of G. ruber varies with location52-54. Detailed sediment records over the last ~150 years

in the southern Makassar Strait suggest that G. ruber seasonality varied through time with

greater flux in JAS during the cooler periods12. Over long time periods, if G. ruber is

preferentially “produced" during the JAS boreal summer monsoon upwelling season in

the Makassar Strait, then the δ18O difference between the southern Makassar cores and

the cores further east in the WPWP (MD81, MD76, and MD41) would be even greater

after 9.5Kyr. This is because salinity is 2-3 pss higher in the southern Makassar Strait

during the SE Monsoon but relatively unchanged over the course of the year in the cores

further to the east (see Figures 1 and Supplementary Figure 1). Thus a JAS G. ruber

seasonality preference in the southern Makassar Strait would tend to dampen the δ18O

and δ18Osw difference between the Makassar Strait cores and the cores farther to the north

and east outside of the strait.

200 year Binned Averages of G. ruber Temperatures

Supplementary Figure 2 shows 200-year non-overlapping binned averages of the

eight individual WPWP G. ruber Mg/Ca-based temperature records. Anomalies

calculated as departures relative to average of last 2,000 years for each record (except for

MD41, see table 1). This figure is meant to complement Figure 2A.


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Supplementary Figure 2: Globigerinoides ruber Mg/Ca SST in the WPWP. 200 year non-overlapping binned averages of the eight individual WPWP G. ruber Mg/Ca-based temperature records. Anomalies calculated as departures relative to average of last 2,000 years for each record (except for MD41, see table 1). This figure is another way of depicting the data shown in Figure 2A.

Possible Salinity Influence on Foraminifera Mg/Ca

It has been argued that seawater salinity has an effect on the Mg/Ca in planktonic

foraminfera22,23. G. ruber Mg/Ca results for core top samples and plankton tows

compared to modern mean annual salinity indicate that the effect is such that a 1 pss

decrease in salinity will result in an apparent warming of 1.6°C in foraminifera test

Mg/Ca,23. However, culture experiments with G. ruber suggest that a 1 pss decrease


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should result in an apparent warming of 0.5°C22. It seems, however, that there is also a

salinity threshold where below 35 pss there is no measureable effect on foraminifera

Mg/Ca (see data in references 22,23). The G. ruber Mg/Ca SST estimates from the

WPWP are from regions with different salinity regimes (i.e.; > 1 pss difference between

mean annual salinity in the Makassar Strait in eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific

or Banda Sea)(see Supplementary Figure 1). The fact that all eight Mg/Ca-SST records

show the same basic pattern from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present argues for

minimal salinity influence on G. ruber Mg/Ca in this region where mean annual salinity

is <34.5 pss. In addition, our calculation of SST departures (anomalies) from the last

2,000 year average at each site, would have the effect of minimizing any potential salinity

influence on G. ruber Mg/Ca SST.

Sea Level Flooding of the Sunda Shelf

Using current bathymetry and reconstructed regional sea level since the Last

Glacial Maximim25,26, Sathiamurthy and Voris (2006)27 determined that the Karimata

Strait in the Java Sea is the critical connection point to the SCS (see Supplementary

Figure 3). The flooding of the Karimata Strait would have started around 9,500 yr BP and

continued over a 2,000 to 3,000 year period until ~6,000 yr BP. Thus the timing of the

observed lowering of surface salinity beginning ~9,500 yr BP agrees with the timing of

the reconnection of the South China Sea with the Makassar Strait through the Java Sea.


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Supplementary Figure 3: Flooding of Sunda Shelf at 10,200 and 9,500 year BP. Maps depicting the distribution of land and sea in Indonesia at 10.21 Kyr and 9.53 Kyr (modified from Sathiamurthy and Voris 2006)27. Green and yellow areas depict exposed land areas. The location the Karimata Stait in the Java Sea is indicated. Flooding of this sill at ~9,500-10,000 yr BP would have reconnected the South China Sea with the Makassar Strait. The locations of cores discussed in this study are also indicated (with the exception of MD76 which is located further east in the Banda Sea).


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Comparison to Holocene Speleothem and Coral Records in the Region

In Supplementary Figure 4 we compare our SSTa and δ18Osw paleo-records to:

(1.) speleothem-based δ18O data from Flores30,55 (eastern Indonesia), (2.) to Borneo

speleothem δ18Oref 56, and (3.) to uplifted fossil coral Sr/Ca estimates of SST from the

southern edge of the WPWP off southern Sumatra and off northeastern Papua New

Guinea (PNG)57. The Borneo and Flores δ18O records may show evidence of a more

northward position of the ITCZ in the mid-Holocene near 5,000 yr BP. The mid-

Holocene is also a relatively cooler time in the fossil coral record. This could partly be

explained by the location of the coral sites on the southern edge of the WPWP in Sumatra

and PNG. A more northerly position of the ITCZ in the mid-Holocene could have been

associated with a northward contraction of the IPWP. Our composite WPWP SSTa and

δ18Osw reconstructions contain no clear evidence of concordant changes in the mid-

Holocene. We note, however, that the coral SSTa records from the southern edge of the

WPWP show larger amplitude Holocene variability (~-2-3°C) than the <1°C range

observed in any of the WPWP foraminifera-based SSTa reconstructions.


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Supplementary Figure 4: Regional Palaeo-climatic Data in the WPWP region. Comparison of our composite SSTa and δ18Osw reconstructions to other published paleo-data in the region. (a) Coral Sr/Ca SST reconstructions for corals on the southern edge of the WPWP in Sumatra and Papua New Guinea (Abram et al., 2009)57. (b) Composite SSTa reconstruction from all 8 WPWP cores shown in Figure 2B. (c) 400 year binned δ18Osw from the same cores depicted in Figure 3B along with difference between S. Makassar and open-ocean WPWP cores (as in Figure 3b), (d) Borneo speleothem δ18O (Partin et al., 2007)56, (e); Flores speleothem δ18O (Griffiths et al., 2009; 2010)30,55  



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Supplementary Table 1. Radiocarbon measurements made on mixed planktonic foraminifera at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS) and converted to calendar age using a reservoir age of 500 years for 70GGC and 400 years for 10 and 13GGC48,51.


14C Age (yr BP) S.D. (yr)

Calendar age (yr BP)

S.D. (yr)

BJ8 70GGC OS-45435 63.5 1310 30 716 24 BJ8 70GGC OS-54152 104.0 2750 50 2274 68 BJ8 70GGC OS-54153 176.0 4240 50 4092 75 BJ8 70GGC OS-60747 201.5 4850 40 4894 53 BJ8 70GGC OS-60750 241.5 5410 35 5631 28 BJ8 70GGC OS-54154 280.0 6160 60 6435 65 BJ8 70GGC OS-60737 320.5 7190 45 7562 34 BJ8 70GGC OS-60748 361.5 10250 40 11191 25 BJ8 70GGC OS-65581 393.5 12550 50 13849 60 BJ8 70GGC OS-45436 405.5 12900 45 14265 114

BJ8 10GGC OS-45433 8 635 30 275 37 BJ8 10GGC OS-56409 160 3500 35 3385 58 BJ8 10GGC OS-56410 336 7890 50 8342 91 BJ8 10GGC OS-45434 489 10700 70 12050 63

BJ8 13GGC OS-57851 32 925 30 564 20 BJ8 13GGC OS-56281 100 2190 30 1784 42 BJ8 13GGC OS-56282 272 5050 40 5408 63 BJ8 13GGC OS-56408 408 8220 45 8730 40 BJ8 13GGC OS-45499 505 9610 60 10422 96






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Supplementary Table 2: Mg/Ca cleaning protocols and Mg/Ca-SST calibrations used. Core ID; Location Core ID

in text

Lat./Long. Reference Mg/Ca cleaning method:

Red/Ox: = full reductive & oxidative trace metal cleaning**

Mg/Ca to SST calibration used

13GGC, Bali Basin-Makassar St.

13GGC 7°24’S, 115°12’E

This study Red/Ox: Rosenthal et al. (1999)64

Dekens et al. (2002)60, Anand et al. (2003)11

70GGC, SW Sulawesi-Makassar St.

70GGC 3°34’S, 119°23’E

This study Red/Ox: Rosenthal et al. (1999)64

Dekens et al. (2002)60, Anand et al. (2003)11

MD9821-62, S. Makassar St.

MD62 4°41’S, 117°54’E

Visser et al., 200318

Red/Ox: Boyle et al. (1995)59

Dekens et al. (2002)60, Hastings et al. (2001)65

MD9821-65, Sumba, Indonesia

MD65 9°39’S, 118°20’E

Levi et al., 200744

Red/Ox: Barker et al. (2003)58

Dekens et al. (2002)60

MD0123-78, Timor Sea

MD78 13°5’S, 121°47’E

Xu et al., 200821 Red/Ox: Martin and Lea (2002)61

Dekens et al. (2002)60, Anand et al., 200311

MD9721-41, Sulu Sea

MD41 8°47’N, 121°17’E

Rosenthal et al., 200314

Red/Ox: Rosenthal et al. (1999)64

Rosenthal and Lohmann, 200263

MD9821-81, W. Pacific-Mindano

MD81 6°27’N, 125°50’E

Stott et al., 200415

Red/Ox: Martin and Lea (2002)61

Nurnberg et al. (1996)62

MD9821-76, Banda Sea

MD76 5°00.18’S, 133°26’ E

Stott et al., 200415

Red/Ox: Martin and Lea (2002)61

Nurnberg et al. (1996)62

MD01-2390†, South China Sea

MD90 6°38.12'N,113°24.56'E

Steinke et al., 200845

Red/Ox: Barker et al. (2003)58

Dekens et al. (2002)60, Anand et al., 200311

† = not used in SSTa composite reconstructions due to location **: all these cleaning methods relate back to the original developmental work of Boyle and Keigwin (1985)66 and Rosenthal et al. (1997)67



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References in Supplement

51. Southon, J., Kashgarian, M., Fontugne, M., Metiver, B., & Yim, W. W. S. Marine reservoir corrections for the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. Radiocarbon 44, 167–180 (2002).

52. Kawahata, H., Nishimura, A. & Gagan, M. Seasonal change in foraminiferal production in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool: evidence from sediment trap experiments. Deep-Sea Res. II 49, 2783–2801 (2002).

53. Mohtadi, M. et al. Low-latitude control on seasonal and interannual changes in planktonic foraminiferal flux and shell geochemistry off south Java: a sediment trap study. Paleoceanography 24, PA1201 (2009).

54. Thunell, R. C. & Reynolds, L. A. Sedimentation of planktonic foraminifera: seasonal changes in species in the Panama Basin. Micropaleontology 30, 243–262 (1984).

55. Griffiths, M.L., et al., Evidence for Holocene changes in Australian-Indonesian rainfall from stalagmite trace element and stable isotope ratios, Earth Plan. Sci Lett., 292, 27-38 (2010).

56. Partin, J.W., Cobb, K.M., Adkins, J.F., Clark, B., Fernandez, D. F., Millennial-scale trends in west Pacific warm pool hydrology since the Last Glacial Maximum, Nature, 449, 452-455, doi:10.1038/nature06164 (2007).

57. Abram, N.J., McGregor, H.V., Gagan, M. K., Hantoro, W. S., Suwargadi, B. W., Oscillations in the southern extent of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the Holocene, Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 2794-2803 (2009).

58. Barker, S., Greaves, M., Elderfield, H., A study of cleaning procedures used for foraminiferal Mg/Ca paleothermometry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4, 8407 (2003).

59. Boyle, E., Labeyrie, L., Duplessy, J-C. Calcitic foraminiferal data confirmed by cadmium in aragonitic Hoeglundina; application to the last glacial maximum in the northern Indian Ocean. Paleoceanography 10, 7, 881–900, (1995).

60. Dekens, P.S., Lea, D.W., Pak, D.K., Spero, H.J., Core top calibration of Mg/Ca in tropical foraminifera: refining paleotempe- rature estimation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3, 1022 (2002).

61. Martin, P.A., Lea, D.W., A simple evaluation of cleaning procedures on fossil benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 3, (10), 8401, (2002).

62. Nurnberg, D., Bijma, J., Hemleben, C., Assessing the reliability of magnesium in foraminiferal calcite as a proxy for water mass temperature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60, 803–814 (1996).  

63. Rosenthal, Y., Lohmann, G.P., Accurate estimation of sea surface temperatures using dissolution-corrected calibrations for Mg/Ca paleothermometry, Paleoceanography, 17(3), 1044 (2002).

64. Rosenthal, Y., Field, M.P., Sherrell, R.M., Precise determination of element/calcium ratios in calcareous samples using sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 71, 3248–3253, (1999).

65. Hastings, D., Kienast, M., Steinke, S., Whitko, A. A Comparison of three independent paleotemperature estimates from a high resolution record of deglacial SST records in the tropical South China Sea. Eos 82, PP12B-10 (2001).

66. Boyle, E. A., Keigwin, L. D., Comparison of Atlantic and Pacific paleochemical records for the last 250,000 years: changes in deep ocean circulation and chemical inventories, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 76, 135-150 (1985).

67. Rosenthal, Y., Boyle, E. A. Labeyrie L., Deepwater circulation in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial maximum: evidence from foraminiferal cadmium. Paleoceanography, 12, 778-787(1997).



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