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Class 10th

2016 – 17 Scholars’ School Srinagar-0194-2437181 117

-Sir Ishfaq


Lesson No. 1

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Additional Question

Q.1) Describe the growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s?


Describe the main factors that led to the rise and growth and development of

nationalism in Europe.

Ans) The following factors that led to the growth and development of nationalism in

Europe are:

(1) The French Revolution provided the basis for it. Inspired by it, the revolutionaries in other

European countries also started the movements and campaigns to develop nationalism

among their people. As a result there occurred large scale political transformation in

Europe after 1830s.

(2) Some countries were freed from despotic rule like France, some others were freed from

foreign rule like Greece and more importantly some were united as nations like Italy and


(3) The Lecture of Ernst Renan in 1882 on „what is a nation‟ inspired the people towards

nationalism and nation formation. Likewise the ideas of John Locke, Voltaire and

Rousseau also proved productive in the growth of nationalism in Europe.

(4) The Napoleonic wars, revolutionary actions of Guissepe Mazini, Count Cavour, Guissepe

Garibaldi, Bismarch paved the way for the growth of nationalism in Europe after 1830s.

(5) Romanticists like Johann Gottfried Herder, Lord Byron, Karol Kurpinski, Grimm Brothers

emphasized on the role of art, poetry, folktales, music, language etc in the development of

nationalism. So, culture also contributed to the growth of nationalism in Europe after the

1830s. These are the main factors in the growth and development of nationalism in Europe.

Textual questions Write in brief

Q1) Write a note on:

(a) Guiseppe Mazzini:- Guiseppe Mazzini, an important architect (0ne who design) of the

unification of Italy, was born in 1807 in Genoa. He was the prohphet of Italian nationalism

He was always concerned about the fate of his country. This is evident from the fact that he

used to dress in black garments to project himself as a mourner. He said that God had

intended (planed) nations to be the natural units of mankind. In order to liberate his country

from foreign rulers, he joined a revolutionary organization called Carbonari, a secret society

formed in 1810 mainly by the charcoal burners of Italy to attempt a revolution in his

native state of Liguria. However, the attempt failed, and Mazzini was arrested and

imprisoned. After his release, While in exile he founded a new organization called „Young

Italy‟. The organization was named „Young Italy‟ because Mazzini firmly believed in the

potential of youth. . It aimed to liberate his country from foreign rule and bring its

unification through the education of young men. He appealed to the youth through his

writings and speeches and established branches of „young Italy‟‟ in every nook and corner

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-Sir Ishfaq

of the country. The young Italy began to attract thousands of young Italians who were

prepared to give sacrifice of their lives for the cause of liberation and unification of their

country. Though Mazzini and his „young Italy failed to achieve unification, yet they had

filled the minds of the people with such sentiments that other patriots were able to achieve

the unification of Italy without much difficulty.

(a) Count Camillo de-Cavour:- Count Cavour, an important liberator of Italy belonged to an

aristocratic family of Sardinia. Moved by the defeat of Sardinia at the hands of the Austria, Cavour

decided to work for the unification of Italy. In 1848 he urged the king victor Emmuuel II to take

the lead in liberating Italy from the Austrian control. When he got elected to the Assembly, he

made eloquent (fluent) speeches aimed to improve the state affairs in Sardinia and piedmont. The

king was deeply impressed by him and appointed him as the Chief Minister in 1852. After

realizing the fact that the kingdom of Sardinia and piedmont was a small power. He thought that

to achieve the goal of liberation of Italy, two things were essential first to build up a strong army,

second, the assistance of a foreign power to defeat Austria. So, he entered into a diplomatic

alliance with France and succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859. (b) The Greek war of independence:- Greece had been under the control of the ottoman


since the 15th

century. Greeks were subjected to heavy taxation and Turkish law courts did not

protect the Greeks against injustice. The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe mobilized

the Greeks to struggle for independence. So, the Greek war of independence was started in 1821.

Nationalists in Greece were supported by the educated elite of Europe. Due to Greek classical

heritage, there was a tremendous sympathy for the Greek cause throughout Europe The scholars

and artists praized Greece as they considered it as the „cradle of European civilization. Thus in

1829, France, England, Russia etc supported Greek to defeat sultan of Turkey and forced him to

sign the treaty of Adrianople in 1829 A.D. Ultimately Greece was recognized as an independent

nation in 1832 through the treaty of Constantinople.

(d) Frankfurt Parliament: The 1848 French revolution inspired the middle class Germans to


the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state to be governed by an elected

parliament. In May 1848, 831 elected representatives of German Confederacy came together in the

city of Frankfurt. They assembled in the church of St. Paul & drafted a constitution for a German

nation to be headed by a monarch subject to parliament (Constitutional monarchy). This was an

attempt of the liberals to unify the German states. However, the Frankfurt assembly failed because

Friedrich Wilhelm, the King of Prussia rejected the offer to act as the emperor of Germany. He

was joined by the other monarchs to suppress the liberals. The assembly came to an end in May,


(e) The Role of women in nationalist struggles:- The role of women in the nationalist

struggles of Europe is briefly summarized in the following points:-

(i) Women played a very significant role in the nationalist struggles all over the world. In all

the European states. France, Germany, Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, women had

taken an active part in the nationalist struggle of their countries. women actively

participated in the movements of French revolution. Likewise in the unification of Italy and

Germany, women played a significant role

(ii) Women actively participated in the nationalist struggles of Europe because they were

mobilized by the measures of the liberal nationalists. The liberal nationalists personified

„liberty‟ as a female figure.

(iii) They were equally responsible for demanding constitutionalism with national unification.

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(iv) Women had formed their own political associations and taken part in political meetings and

demonstration.They led the movements, faced the tortures, spread the ideas of liberal

nationalism and participated in the various revolutionary organizations.

(v) While men were busy in outside wars, women handled all family issues. They published

several journals and magazines


Q2) What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective

identity among the French people?


Ans) In order to create a sense of collective identity among the French people the French

revolutionaries adopted the following measures and practices:-

(i) The ideas of „la Patrie‟ (the father-land) and „le citoyen‟ (the citizen) were introduced to

emphasis the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.

(ii) A new French flag, the tricolour was chosen as a national symbol to replace the royal


(iii) The Estates General was replaced by the National Assembly whose members were elected

by a body of active citizens.

(iv) A centralized administrative system was introduced to make uniform laws for all citizens.

(v) The dialect of French language spoken & used in paris was encouraged as the national

language and regional dialects were discouraged.

(vi) A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted and internal customs duties were

abolished to promote economic exchange.

Q3) Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in

which they were portrayed?

Ans) Marianne was the female allegory of French nation. Similarly, Germania was the female

allegory of German nation. They stood as personifications of the revolutionary ideals like

„liberty‟ and „the Republic‟. The importance of the way in which they were portrayed is

given in the following points:-

(i) It was an attempt of the revolutionaries to give a concrete form to the abstract idea of the

nation. They believed that it would instill nationalist feelings among the people of these


(ii) Statues of Marianne with red cap, the tricolour and the cockade were erected at public

squares to remind the public the symbol of national unity.

(iii) Germania was portrayed in visual representations wearing a crown of oak leaves. As the

German oak stands for heroism, so it was aimed to develop heroism among Germans.

Unification of Germany:

Ans.(i) Before the Napoleonic conquests, Germany was divided into more than 300 independent

states. Prussia was largest one.

(iii) Napoleon conquered German states and re-organised them into 39 states. Napoleon had

given the idea of a united Germany which should embrace all the German speaking people

under one national Govt., but the congress of Vienna undid the work of Napoleon and

revived the old German states.

(iv) The establishment of Zollverein or the customs union of the German states helped in the

growth of idea of political unification of German states.

However, the liberals failed in their attempt because of the repression of the combined

forces of Monarchy and landlords. Later on Prussia took over the leadership of the

movement for German unification

Role of Bismark in German Unfication:

(i) Prince Ottovon Bismark, the chancellor of Prussia, was the architect of German unification. He

believed that bursts of sentiments have no place in politics, and followed blood and iron policy. He

believed that only Prussia was fit to led the movement for the German unification.

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(ii).He knew that domination of Austria, and France must be broken to make unification possible.

For this, he recorganised Purssian army and to raise money that was needed for wars.

(iii).Bismark‟s object of unifying Germany was accomplished by the following three wars

withDenmark, Austria and France which were covered into a brief period of seven years (1864 –

71) and won all the wars . These wars completed the process of German unification. On 18 Jan,

1871, the Prussian king, William I was proclaimed German Emperor in a ceremony held at


(i) The Danish War: Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein were under the possession of

Denmark, but were inhabited by Germany. They were a bone of contention between

Germany and Denmark. Bismark induced the Austrian Emperor to join Germany in the war

against Denmark. The Astor – German armies easily defeated Denmark and forced her to

cede the two duchies to Austria and Prussia Jointly.

(ii) Austro-Prussian War (AD 1866): Now Bismark planned to annex the two Duchies to

Prussia. He accused Austria of encouraging discontent against the Prussians in Schleswig.

In 1866, Prussia declared war and defeated Austria. The North German confederation was

next step by Bismark for unification of Germany.

(iii)France-Prussia war (Ad- 1871): The war between Prussia and France was the final step in

the creation of unified German nation. The dispute was over the succession to the Spanish

throne. On July 19, 1870, France declare war against Prussia. The states of North confederation

supported Prussia and defeated France and surrender Alsace and Lorraine to German.

Q5) What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more

efficient in the territories ruled by him?

Ans) Napolean Bonarparte was an enlightened despot. He desired an orderly Govt. and a rational

administration. This is evident from the following changes which he introduced to make

the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him.

(i) He abolished all privileges based on birth and put careers open to men of talent.

(ii) He established equality before law and secured the right of the people to hold property.

Farmers enjoyed ownership rights on the existing land that was acquired from church and


(iii) He abolished feudal order.

(iv) Nobles, middle classes and peasants became subjects of state, all equally liable to pay


(v) In the urban areas he removed guild restrictions and internal custom barriers.

(vi) He standardized weights and measures, common currency which, facilitated movement and

exchange of goods and hence boosted the trade and commerce.

Discuss Q1) Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political,

social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?

Ans: The year 1848 is popularly called the year of revolution of the liberals led by the educated

middle class. In the year 1848 there were uprisings & upheavals for liberty & nationhood

or unification in several parts of Europe. The revolutionary wave started in France &

immediately spread to most parts of Europe. In Feb, 1848, the liberals in France along with

workers took to streets to demand reforms. It resulted into proclamation of France as a

republic & extension of franchise to all the adult males above 21 years of age. Besides,

national workshops were set up to provide food, health care & employment to the people.

Although this widespread revolutionary wave was suppressed by the conservatives, but

they could not restore the old order. For instance the 1848 revolutionary attempts of the

liberals in Germany, Italy etc were suppressed but they convinced the conservatives to go

for changes.

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The liberals supported the following political, social & economic ideas.

i) They emphasized the concept of govt. by consent.

ii) They were against autocracy and unjust Privileges and favoured a constitutional &

representative govt. through parliament.

iii) They also emphasized freedom for the individual & equality of all before law.

iv) In the economic sphere, they emphasized freedom of markets & abolition of state imposed

restrictions on the movement of goods & capital.

Q2) Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of

nationalism in Europe?

Ans: Culture played an important role to the growth of nationalism in Europe. The contribution

of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe can be understood from the following


i) The German Romanticist philosopher Johan Gottfried Herder popularized the true spirit

of the nation (volksgeisf) through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances. He insisted

on the importance of collecting & recording of different forms of folk culture in the

nation building.

ii) Poland was divided at the end of 18th

century by the great powers namely Russia,

Prussia and Austria. Here the nationalist feelings were kept alive & promoted through

language & music. e.g. Karol kurpinski celebrated the national struggle through his

operas & music. He made folk dances like polonaise & mazurka as the nationalist


After the Russian occupation, the polish language was forced out of schools & the

Russian language was imposed everywhere under the policy of Russification. In

response to it , clergy used polish language in church gatherings & all other religious

instruction. They promoted polish language as a weapon of national resistance.

iii) Due to Greek classical heritage, there was a tremendous sympathy for the Greek cause

throughout Europe The scholars and artists praized Greece as they considered it as the

„cradle of European civilization. During Greek war of independence, achievements and

glorious past of Greek was reminded.

Q3) Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the

nineteenth century.

Ans: Nationalism that emerged in the 18th

century in Europe led to the development of nations

over the 19th

century . Several nations were formed in the 19th

century. However, here we

will focus on the development of Germany & Italy as nations.

i) Germany:- The French occupation & congress of Vienna transformed about 200 kingdoms

of Germany into a confederation of 39 independent states. German nationalism that

emerged during its „French occupation was subsequently developed by the inspiration of

romanticist ideas. In 1848, liberals tried to unify Germany through Frankfurt assembly but

failed because of the opposition & rejection of the King of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm. In

the following decades many Germans turned to Prussia for leadership in the struggle for

unification. The CM of Prussia, Otto

Von Bismarck adopted the policy of blood & iron (war diplomacy) with the help of army &

bureaucracy. Under this policy Prussia fought 3 wars over seven years with Denmark,

Austria & France. This policy resulted into Prussian victory & German unification. On 18

Jan, 1871 William I was proclaimed as the German emperor. This way Germany developed

into a nation.

ii) Italy:- Italy was divided into seven states in the middle of the 19th

century. Out of these

states only one, Sardinia-piedmont was ruled by the Italians themselves. Giuseppe Mazzini

who was a liberal revolutionary sought to unify Italy. He formed „Young Italy‟ but failed to

drive Austrians out of Italy in 1848 uprising. After it the responsibility was taken by

Sardinia-piedmont. Its CM count Cavour defeated Austria through a diplomatic alliance

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-Sir Ishfaq

with france. After it Garibaldi organized „Expedition of the thousand‟ to liberate southern

Italy from Bourbons. In 1861 victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed as the king of united


Q4) How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?


Ans: Britain was formed as a nation in a unique way. Unlike France, Italy, Germany etc, it was

not formed as a result of a sudden upheaval or revolution, but as a result of a long drawn


(i) Before 18th

century, primary identities of the people who inhabited British isles were

based on their ethnicity such as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. The English nation which

grew in wealth, importance & power began to extend its influence over other ethnic groups

inhabiting the isles. It was during the Glorious Revolution of 1688 that British parliament

snatched power from the English Monarch James – II and proved instrumental in

establishing a nation state with England at the center. This revolution proved instrumental

in forging these ethnic groups.

(ii) The act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland resulted in the creation of

Great Britian. English culture was imposed over Scottish people. This is revealed from the

fact that the Catholic clans inhabiting Scottish highlands were forbidden to speak their

Gaelic language or wear their national dress.

(iii) Ireland suffered a similar fate. It was divided between Catholics & Protestants & here

England supported Protestants to establish their dominance over a largely catholic country.

Ireland was forcibly made a part of UK through a new act of union in 1801.

(iv) After it, a new British nation began to be formed through the propagation of a

dominant English culture. Union Jack (The British flag) , God save our noble king(The

national anthem) & English language were actively promoted as a symbols of new Britain.

Q5) Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans? (BOSE)

Ans: The Balkans was the most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe because of the

following reasons.

i) The Balkans include present day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Bosnia,

Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro etc. So, it reveals that Balkan was a region of

geographical & ethnic variation. This wide diversity of the region led to nationalist


ii) A large part of Balkans was under Ottoman Empire. The disintegration of the empire &

the romantic nationalism made the region highly sensitive. It was so because the Slavic

nationalities struggled to define their identity & independence.

iii) The Balkan states were jealous of each other as each of them tried to gain more territory at

the expense of others.

iv) The Balkan problem became more complicated because of big power rivalry. The

European powers such as Russia, Germany, England, Austria and Hungary wanted to took

control of the region. This led to a series of Balkan wars which culminated into the

outbreak of First World War in 1914.

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-Sir Ishfaq

Lesson No.2

Nationalism in India Additional Questions

Q1:Write short note on the Satyagrahas launched by Gandhiji before non-cooperation

movement? (BOSE)

Ans : Satyagraha was a non-violent method of mass agitation. Gandhiji had faith in

satyagraha as non-voilent method of fighting against oppression. He successfully organized

satyagraha movements at various places in India . e.g ,

i) Champaran Catyagraha: In 1916,Gandhiji organized champaran satyagraha in Bihar

against the oppressive plantation system of indigo planters. His satyagraha forced the Govt.

to yield to him and accept to give 25% compensation to the cultivators.

ii) Kheda Satyagraha: In 1917,Gandhiji organized a satyagraha to support the peasants of

kheda district of Gujrat. Here the peasants were demanding relaxation in the revenue

collection because they were affected by crop failure. The Govt. ultimately deffered the

payment of revenue to the next year.

iii) Ahmadabad Satyagraha: In 1918, Gandhiji organized a satyagraha movement for the

cotton Mill workers of Ahmadabad. Here the workers were demanding increase in the

wages. Gandhiji successfully made the Mill owners to declare 35% increase in the wages of


Q2: Write a short note on Khilafat movement? OR Khilafat Agitation:

Ans. During the World War First, Turkey was allied with central powers (Germany and

Austria). As the war ended in the defeat of central powers, Turkey was forced to sign

humiliating and harsh peace treaty . The Muslims regarded the Sultan of Turkey as their

spiritual head. The muslims of India reacted to it and decided to launch a movement against

the British in India. In March ,1919, Khilafat Committee was formed in Bombay by Hasrat

Mohani, Maulana Azad, Hakim Ajmal to defend the Khalifa”s tempered powers and a

Khilafat movement was launched by Indian muslims under the leadership of Mohammad

Ali and Showkat Ali . Their main demands were:

(i) The Khalifa must retain control over the Muslim holy places.

(ii) He must be left with his pre-war territories so that he could maintain his position as the

head of Islamic world.

(iii) Jazirat-ul Arab must not be under non-Muslims control.

Gandhi found an opportunity, supported Khilafat cause in a bid to bring the Muslims into

the mainstream of Indian Nationalism. In February 1920 Gandhiji suggested the Khilfat

committee to adopt a programme of Non-violent and Non-Cooperation Movement. The

Khilafat committee unanimously accepted the suggestion of Non-Cooperation movement in

support of Khilafat and Swaraj.

However in 1922, Turkey became a republic under Mustfa Kamal pasha „Atatruk‟. The

Khalifa was overthrown. The Khilfat movement ended in India

Q3: What idea Gandhiji expressed in Hind Swaraj?


Why Gandhiji believed in Non -Cooperation movement ?

Ans: Hind Swaraj is the book written by Gandhiji in 1909. The book shows his faith in Non

cooperation In this book Gandhiji declared that the British rule was established in India

with the cooperation of Indians and had survived only because of this cooperation. Now, if

Indians refused to cooperate, British rule will collapse within a year and Swaraj would


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-Sir Ishfaq

Q4: Why Civil Disobedience movement was launched? What was the programme of the

Movement? Briefly describe the course of civil disobedience movement ?


Ans: The main causes of the civil disobedience movement were:

(i) Simon commission and its failure :- The Tory Govt. in Britain constituted the statutory

commission under Sir John Simon in November, 1927. The Simon commission was to

review the operation of the constitutional system in India. Non-inclusion of Indians in the

commission provoked protests from all the political groups in Indian and resulted in a

nation wide boycott participated by both congress and the Muslim league, when the Simon

commission arrived India in 1928, it was greeted with slogans like “Go Simon Go Back”.

(ii) The launch of a radical movement for complete independence:- Radical leaders of

congress like Jawaharlal Nehru and S. C. Bose wanted mass radical agitation and

demanded complete independence. The Nehru demanded for Purna Swaraj, but Simmon

commission was not in a mood to meet this demand. The congress leaders got angry.

(iii)The adverse effect of economic depression on peasants:- Due to world wide economic

depression, the prices of exportable agricultural cash crops went down steeply by about 50

percent affected the peasants. While the income of the peasantry was going down, the

amount of revenue settled previously remained static, as Govt. was in no mood to remit the

revenue. This situation helped congress to mobilize the peasantry

(iv) The real nature of the British rule was exposed . Indian nationalists realized that the

British rule has exploited India politically ,spiritually, economically and culturally .

Keeping the above cited points into consideration ,nationalists resolved in the Lahore

congress of Dec ,1929 to start a mass civil disobedience movement under Gandhiji for the

attainment of purna swaraj (complete independence). Gandhiji served an eleven point

ultimatum to lord Irwin.

The important demands were :

(i) Salt tax and Salt Monoplay should be abolished.

(ii) Military expenditure should be reduced by 50% to begin with.

(iii) Protection of Indian textiles and shipping.

(iv) The rupee – sterling ratio should be reduced .

(v) Land Revenue should be reduced by half and made a subject of legislative control.

(vi) All political prisoners should be discharged

Lord Irwin was to fulfill the demands by march 1930.As he failed to respond to the demand,

Gandhiji started the movement on 12 march,1930 with the historic Dandi March.


The programme of the movement was as follows:

(i) Breaking of salt law by manufacturing of salt and sale of salt.

The choice of breaking of salt law as the central issue was a deliberate attempt of Gandhi, as a

highly emotive issue with great publicity value. Salt was a commodity, consumed by all

sections of the society.

(ii) Boycott of foreign cloth and liquor.

(iii) Non – payment of revenue in the ryotwari areas, and non-payment of chaukidari taxes

in the Zamindari areas.

(iv) Violation of forest laws in the central provinces.


The movement started with the famous Dandi March in which Gandhiji broke the salt law

on 6th

April 1930.The movement spread rapidly across the country. The people violated the

colonial laws e.g ; tribals defied forest laws. People burnt foreign cloth and picketted liquor

shops. Peasents refused to pay revenue .

Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan organized Khudai Khitmatgars in NWFP to fight against the

British .

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To curb the movement, Govt began to arrest congress leaders. Khan Abdul Gaffer khan

,Gandhiji, Nehru were arrested .By the end of 1930, about 100,000 people were arrested &


Gandhiji suspended the movement on 5 March,1931. He signed a pact with Irwin (Gandhi-

Irwin pact) and participated in the 2nd

round table conference at London. The failure of the

conference made Gandhiji to resume the movement on his return to India in 1931. However

,due to the outright repression of the Govt, the movement lost its momentum and was

called off in May,1934

Q5: Name the social groups which participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement? Why

they participated? What swaraj meant to them?

Ans: The social groups which participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement were,

i) Rich peasant communities, like patidars of Gujrat and the jats of U.P .

ii) Poor peasants

iii) Indian industrial or business class.

i) RICH PEASANT COMMUNITIES : The economic depression and fall in the

agricultural prices badly affected the rich peasants who were producing cash

crops.Their demand of reduction in the revenue was refused by the Govt. So they

joined the movement because of their resentment against the Govt. They considered the

movement was against high revenue demand and swaraj meant freedom from high


ii) POOR PEASANTS : The poor peasants were struggling with their subsistence .They

were unable to pay the revenue. So ,they participated in the movement against

British.They thought swaraj meant remission of unpaid rent to landlords and reduction

of land revenue.

iii) INDUSTRIAL OR BUSINESS CLASS: The business classes demanded

encouragement and protection of their interests from the Govt. They had already

organized themselves as they formed Indian Industrial and commercial congress in

1920 and the Federation of Indian chamber of commerce and Industries (FICCI) in

1927.They whole heartedly participated in the movement.

The swaraj to them meant end of colonial restrictions on business and flourishing of

trade and industry .

Q6: What role did women play in civil disobedience movement ? What swaraj meant to

them ?

Ans: An important feature of the civil disobedience movement was large scale participation of

the women.Thousands of women came out of their homes to listen Gandhiji during his salt

march.They took part in protest marches ,defied salt law,picketted foreign cloth and liquor

shops.In urban areas they came from high caste families and in rural areas ,they came from

rich peasant families .They considered their participation in the movement as a sacred duty.

The swaraj to them meant increased public role.However ,Gandhiji believed that the duty

of women was to look after home and hearth.

Q7: What were the limitations of civil disobedience movement ?

Ans: Civil Disobedience Movement and its abstract concept of swaraj failed to mobilize all

social groups.The limitations of the movement were :

i)Untouchables or depressed class did not participate in the movement.Congress for long

ignored dalits because of the fear of high caste hindues.Although Gandhiji tried to secure

temple entry,access to public wells ,roads and schools for them. However, dalit leaders

wanted political solution like reserved seats in educational institutions and a separate

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electorate to end their social disabilities. The difference between congress and dalit leaders

led to the limited participation of dalits,in the movement.

i) Muslim league also did not show interest in the civil disobedience movement due to rise in

hindu communalism and differences between congress and Muslim League over the

question of representation of muslims in future assemblies.

ii) Working class also did not respond to the movement fully.The workers distrusted the

congressmen because they were more close to industrialists during the movement.

Q8: What were the factors that promoted sense of collective identity or Nationalism among


Ans: The sense of collective identity or nationalism means that all the people inhabiting a

particular area or territory are part of one nation. The various factors which promoted this

sense of collective belonging or identity among Indians were:


colonialism exploited and oppressed almost every section of Indian society.These different

sections for sometime struggled separately and at different times. But at one stage,all these

sections realized that the source of their problems is one i.e., British colonialism .This

developed common feeling of oppression among them and they started to organize united

struggles against British to free their country.So,the united struggles helped in fostering

sense of collective belonging among Indians.

ii) CULTURAL PROCESSES : A variety of cultural processes were started by

Indians to capture the imagination of the people.In it history,fiction,folklore and

songs,popular prints and symbols played a vital role e.g, The image of Bharat Mata which

was first created by Bankim Chandra chattopadhyaya symbolised Indian nation.He also

wrote „vande Matram‟ in 1870‟s as a hymn to the motherland.Devotion to Bharat Mata was

seen as an evidence of one‟s nationalism.

iii) ICONS AND SYMBOLS: Nationalists used icons and symbols to promote sense

of collective belonging among the people.e.g During swadeshi movement a tri-colour flag

(red, green and yellow) was designed . In 1921,Gandhiji designed a swaraj flag.These flags

gave collective identity to the people.

iv) RE-INTERPRETATION OF HISTORY : Responding to the belief and challenge

of British that Indians had limited past and were primitive and backward,Indians wrote

about their glorious

past.They highlighted the Indian advancement in science ,mathematics,art,architecture

,philosophy etc.This fostered sense of pride and collective belonging among Indians.

Q9: Why Gandhiji’s Civil Disobedience Movement attracted large sections of the

society ?

Ans: Gandhiji presented eleven demands to Lord Irwin,viceroy of India before launching Civil

Disobedience Movement.These demands were of both general interest and specific

interest.The demands were so wide ranging that there was something for every section of

Indian society.

The most important of all these demands was abolition of salt tax because it touched every

section of Indian society and was most important for all rich and poor .

Q10: How was Civil Disobedience Movement different from Non-Cooperation Movement

Ans: In Non-cooperation movement ,people were asked not to cooperate with the British,

whereas in civil disobedience movement ,they had not only to refuse cooperation with British but

to break the colonial laws.

Q11: When was Gandhi-Irwin pact signed ?what were the terms of the pact ?

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Ans: Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed on 05 March , 1931 CE between Gandhiji, leader of civil

disobedience movement and lord Irwin,viceroy of India.

The terms of the pact were:

i) Lord Irwin agreed to release all political prisoners.

ii) He also accepted the right of Indians to manufacture and consume salt.

iii) Gandhiji accepted to suspend the civil disobedience movement and participate in the 2nd

round table conference.

Q12: Why and when was Poona pact signed ?

Ans: British govt announced seperate electrote for dalits in August 1932 .Gandhiji reacted

strongly against it and began fast unto death against it in poona jail . Gandhiji believed that

dalits were a part of hindu community & separate electorate would slow down their

integration into society .Deteriorated health of Gandhiji forced the leader of dalits

,Ambedkar to sign a pact with Gandhiji.The pact was signed between the two leaders in

September in 1932 C.E

According to the pact ,Depressed classes were given reserved seats in provincial and

central legislative councils ,but they had to accept join electorate with other hindus.

Q13: How was swadeshi flag different from swaraj flag?

Ans: In 1905,swadeshi flag was designed (red,green,&yellow).It had 8 Lotuses representing 8

provinces of British India and a cresent and moon representing hindus and muslims.

In 1921,Gandhiji designed swaraj flag.It was also a tri-colour ( red, green & white) .It had a

spinning wheel at centre representing Gandhian ideal of self help.

Q14) What was the importance of Lahore session of congress held in Dec, 1929 CE?

Ans: In Dec, 1929 CE annual session of congress was held at Lahore under the presidentship of

J.L Nehru. The importance of the Lahore Congress is revealed from the following decisions

of the session.

i) Congress adopted „Purna Swaraj‟ or complete independence as its goal.

ii) It was decided in the session that the goal of complete independence will be achieved

by launching a full flegged „Civil Disobedience Movement‟ against British


iii) 26 Jan. was decided to be celebrated as the Independence Day. The first Independence

Day was celebrated on 26 Jan, 1930.

Q.15) What did the slogan of Swaraj mean? How was the slogan of Complete Independence

different from it? When and where was the slogan of complete independence

adopted? (BOSE)

Ans) The slogan of Swaraj meant different to different sections of the society. Different sections

interpreted swaraj in their own ways. E.g For a peasant, it meant reduction of revenue,

abolition of oppression of Talukdar‟s for tribals it meant abolition of forest laws, free entry

to forests etc.

On the otherhand, Poorna-Swaraj or complete independence was adopted by congress in its

Lahore in 1929. It was clearly defined unlike term swaraj. Congress rejected the vague

offer of Dominian status and decleared Poorna-Swaraj as its goal. British should grant

complete independence to India, let Indians to handle or their own affairs of the country.

Textual Questions Write in brief.

1. Explain

a) Why growth of nationalism in the colonies is linked to an anti-Colonial movement?

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Ans: Nationalism in Europe is usually associated with the formation of Nation states. However, in

the Colonies like India, growth of nationalism is intimately linked to anti – Colonial

movement. It is rightly said that nationalism in the Colonies developed partly as a result of &

partly as a reaction to the policies of the Colonizers. The Colonial rule negatively affected the

different sections of the people in the Colonies which developed a common feeling of

oppression among them. It provided them a good platform for the exchange of nationalist and

liberal ideas. The common sense of oppression and exploitation brought together the people

of different castes, classes & communities to fight against the Colonial rule. So, the anti-

Colonial movement resulted in the growth of nationalism in the Colonies.

b) How the First World War helped in the growth of national movement in India?


Ans: The First World War (1914-18) was an event of far-reaching significance. It transformed the

Indian national movement into a mass movement, as it added to the mesiries of the different

sections of the Indian society. The contribution of First World War in the growth of Indian national

movement is highlighted in the following points.

i) The First World War led to huge increase in defence expenditure. The result was huge

national debt. It was met by increasing taxes, raising of customs duties, war loans &

introduction of income tax. These measures created economic hardships for Indians as

the prices doubled between 1913 & 1918.

ii) The failure of crops in 1918-19 & 1920-21 in many parts of India led to acute food

shortages. . The further shortage of food crops was due to export of food to feed the

army fighting abroad It was accompanied by influenza epidemic which claimed 12 to

13 million lives.

iii) Between the years of 1914 and 1923 forced recruitment for the army was going on

without interruptions, from rural areas of India caused widespread reaction against


This all helped in the growth of national movement in India. This is evident from the fact that

the national movement spread to new areas, incorporated new social groups & developed new

modes of struggle after the war.

c) Why Indians were outraged by the Rowlatt Act? (BOSE)

Ans: The Indians were outraged by the Rowlatt Act because of the following reasons:

i) Despite the united opposition of the Indian members, the imperial legislative council

hurriedly passed this Act.

ii) The Act was totally against the expectations of the Indians as they expected the

establishment of a responsible Govt. after the World War - I.

iii) The Act denied „protection of law‟ to Indians as it empowered the Govt. to arrest a

person on mere doubt & detain him for two years without trial.

iv) It strengthened the hands of Colonial Govt. to repress the political activities of Indian

nationalist and revolutionaries.

This „Black Act‟ was strongly reacted by the Indians. Gandhiji in protest called for nation-wide

hartal on 6th

April, 1919.

(d) Why Gandhiji decided to withdraw the non-cooperation movement? (BOSE)

Ans: Non –cooperation movement began in January 1921.However, Gandhiji withdrew it in Feb,

1922 because it took a violent turn. Gandhiji firmly believed in the philosophy of Ahimsa or

non-violence. He had at the very beginning declared non-cooperation movement to be a

non- violent movement. However, on 3rd

Feb, 1922 at Chauri-Chaura in Gorakhpur district

of U.P. people burnt alive 22 policemen by burning a local police station. Here Gandhiji

withdrew the movement realizing that it took a violent turn. He felt that the people were not

yet ready for a mass movement. So, they need to be trained to understand how to carry a

non-violent struggle successfully.

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Q2) What is meant by the idea of Satyagraha? (BOSE)

Ans: (i) The chief aspect of Gandhi‟s ideology was Satyagraha. Satyagraha was a non-violent

method of mass agitation experimented & developed by Gandhiji against racist Govt. of

South Africa. Confident over its success, Gandhiji adopted it to fight against the British

Govt. of India.

(ii) It includes the means like hartals, peaceful demonstrations, boycott, picketting etc.

(iii) Gandhi defined it as truth force or Soul force. It emphasized the power of truth and need to

search for truth. It suggested that if the cause was true, if the struggle was against injustice,

then physical force is not necessary to fight the oppressor.

(iv) In more practical terms it meant civil-disobedience. Non-violence or ahimsa was the

cardinal principal of his message which was non -negotiable under all circumstances

(v) It was based on the premise of superior moral power of the protestors capable of changing

the heart of the oppressor through a display of moral strength.

(vi) To win the battle through non-violence the Satyagraha could do it by appealing to the

conscience of the oppressor. The oppressor had to be persuaded to see the truth, instead of

being forced to accept truth through the use of violence.

Q3) Write a newspaper report (short note ) on

a) The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre/ Brutality of British in open/ The most brutal

incident in the Indian history.

Ans: On 13th

April 1919, a large crowd of about 10000 people had assembled in the enclosed

Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. Some had come to protest against the repressive measures of

the British Govt. & others to attend the annual Baishakhi fair. The people were mostly

unaware about the imposition of Marshall Law in the city.

General Dyer, the British military commander plugged off all the possible exits & without

any warning ordered his troops to open fire on the peaceful & unarmed protestors. The

firing lasted for 10 minutes resulting into death of about 1000 civilians & wounded about

2000. The incident is popular in history as „Jallianwala Bagh Massacre‟.

The incident proved a turning point in the Indian national movement. The brutal memories

passed on from generation to generation & ultimately freed India from the British

imperialism. The event was later described by General Dyer before the Hunter commission

as the one meant for „producing a moral effect‟ among the Indians.

b) Simon Commission:

Racism on peak-Appointment of an All out White commission. OR Why & how did

the Indians Protest against Simon Commission.

In Nov, 1927 Tory Govt. in Britain appointed a commission under the chairmanship of Sir

John Simon. The commission was to look into the working of 1919 constitutional reforms

in India & suggest changes.

The appointment of the commission sparked off a wave of protest all over India as all the

seven members of the commission were Englishmen (whites). The exclusion of Indians in

the commission mobilized the Indians to start a new phase of struggle against British rule.

Therefore, the congress in its Madras session of Dec, 1927 decided to boycott the

commission. So, when the Simon commission arrived in India on 03 Feb, 1928, it was

welcomed by Nation-wide hartal, black flags & the slogans of „Go back Simon‟. The

appointment of the Simon commission broke lull in the national movement which prevailed

in it since the withdrawal of the non-cooperation movement.

Q4) Compare the images of Bharat Mata in this Chapter (Nationalism in India) with the

image of Germania in chapter 1(The rise of Nationalism in Europe).

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Ans: The artists in Europe tried to give a concrete shape to the abstract ideas of nationalism,

liberty etc through personification. Same trend was followed by the Indian artists during

the Indian National movement. The comparison between Germania & Bharat Mata is

highlighted in the following points.

Germania Bharat Mata

i) Germania, the female allegory of

German nation was believed to instill

nationalist feelings among the

German people.

i) The devotion of people to Bharat Mata inspired

nationalists to unify Indians & achieve freedom.

ii) Germania stood as

personifications of the revolutionary

ideals like „liberty‟ and „the Republic.

ii) The images of Bharat Mata came to be seen as

symbols of nationalism.

iii) Germania was portrayed in visual

representations wearing a crown of

oak leaves. As the German oak stands

for heroism, so it was aimed to

develop heroism among Germans

iii) Bharat Mata had been shown by different

artists in different ways. Abanindranath Tagore

painted Bharat Mata as a calm, composed, divine

& spiritual figure. This was an attempt to present

the character of India before the world. But, in

another figure she is shown with a Trishul standing

besides a lion & an elephant symbolizing the

power & authority of India.

iv) As Germania did not reflect any

religious basis in making Germania, it

did not create any controversy among

the people of Germany

iv) As the concept of Bharat Mata is linked with

Hinduism, it played an indirect role in the spread

of communalism in pre-independent India.

Discuss Q1) List all the different social groups which joined the non-cooperation movement of


choose any three & write about their hopes & struggles to show why they joined the


Ans: Non cooperation movement began in Jan, 1921 & was withdrawn in Feb, 1922.The

different social

groups which joined the movement are enlisted as under:

i) Middle-class (students, teachers, lawyers etc) in the towns.

ii) Tribals in the hilly areas.

iii) Plantation workers.

iv) Peasants in the countryside.

In the non-cooperation movement various social groups participated, but each with its own

specific aspirations or hopes. Here we will highlight the hopes & struggles of three

different social groups.

i) Peasants: In the countryside, the movement incorporated the peasant struggles. The

peasants directed their movements against oppressive landlords e.g. In Awadh, peasants

demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of begar & social boycott of oppressive

landlords. So, for peasants Swaraj meant freedom from the exploitation of landlords.

ii) Tribals: Tribals interpreted the movement in their own way. They hoped that through

this movement they could restore their traditional forest rights such as shifting

cultivation, hunting & gathering etc. e.g. In Gudem Hills of Andra Pradesh, tribal

peasants started a militant guerilla movement against British under Alluri Sitarama


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iii) Plantation Workers: The Gandhian programme & Swaraj was interpreted by

plantation workers in their own way. For them swaraj meant freedom to move freely in

& out of the confined space of plantations which was denied to them under Inland

Emigration Act of 1859. For them non-cooperation programme included defying

authorities, leave plantations & move towards home. e.g. for plantation workers of

Assam freedom meant retaining a link with the village from which they had come.

Q2) Discuss the Salt March to make clear why it was an effective symbol of resistance

against Colonialism.

Ans: The civil disobedience movement was started by Gandhiji with his famous salt March on

12 March 1930 CE. He started the March from Sabarmati Ashram along with his 78 trusted

followers. They marched on foot about 240 miles for about 24 days & reached Dandhi (a

small village on the western coast) on 6 April, 1930.Here, Gandhiji broke the unjust salt

law by picking a handful of salt. The salt march was an effective symbol of resistance

against Colonialism. This is revealed from the following points.

i) Gandhiji found the salt most powerful thing that could unite the nation as it was a thing

consumed by the rich & poor alike. It was one of the essential items of food.

ii) The British Govt. of India had monopoly over production of salt & salt tax hit every section

of theIndian society. So, to break salt law was seen an act which would give wider base to

the anti-colonial movement & shook the British rule.

iii) During the course of salt march, thousands of volunteers were attracted towards Gandhiji.

Gandhiji urged them to peacefully break the British laws. Thus salt march became an

effective instrument of mobilizing people against Colonialism.

(iv) It was an open challenge to British laws as it gathered nationwide support against British &

led to the spread of civil disobedience movement.

Q3) Imagine you are a woman participating in the civil disobedience movement. Explain

what the xperience meant to your life.

Ans: As a woman, participating in the civil disobedience movement would be great experience

for me. I would be highly delighted to become a part of anti-colonial movement. The

participation in the movement along with thousands of like minded women for the national

cause would raise the status of women in the society. So, participating in the civil

disobedience movement provided me a great & cherishing experience in life.

Q4) Why did political leaders differ sharply over the question of separate electorates?

Ans: Separate electorate system was an important part & feature of the British policy of divide &

rule. The political leaders sharply differed over the question of separate electorates because

of their respective compulsions & understandings which are described below.

i) The leaders of All India Muslim league, like M.A. Jinnah & Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal

favoured separate electorate as a safeguard for muslims. They urged that in a Hindu

majority country, the interests of the Muslims would suffer without separate electorate.

ii) RSS & Hindu Mahasabha. supported separate electorate, because the situation which

forced the muslim leaders to demand for separate electorate was the result of activities of

the RSS & Hindu Mahasabha Organisations.

iii) The congress leaders like J.L. Nehru & Gandhiji opposed the system of separate electorates.

They considered it as an obstacle in the way of unity of Indians & the national movement.

Gandhiji even went on fast unto death to convince B.R. Ambedkar for joint electorate.

iv) B.R Ambedkar , the leader of the Dalits, supported separate electorate for Dalits. He

considered it an important tool for the upliftment of his people & to end the deprivation

inflicted on them by the orthodox Brahmans.


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Lesson No.3

The Rise of a Global World Textual Questions

Write in Brief: Q1) Give two examples of different types of global exchanges which took place before the

seventeenth century , choosing one example from Asia & one from the Americas.

Ans: Global exchanges were part of the contacts between the people living in different regions

of the world long before the 17th

century. The following examples reveal this fact.

i) Example from Asia: The Asian countries like China, India etc exchanged textiles

particularly silk and cotton, spices, pottery etc for gold and silver from Europe .Silk routes

are the best witness of this fact.

ii) Example from Americas: Many of the common food popular in Asia and Europe

came from Americas. These foods include potatoes, Soya, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes etc.

The exchange of these foods became possible only after the discovery of Americas by

Christopher Columbus in 1492 CE.

Q2) Explain how the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the

Colonisation of the Americas.

Ans: The discovery of Americas by Christropher Columbus in 1492 had a deep impact on the

inhabitants of Americas. The European powers such as Spain & Portugal began Colonising

Americas for its vast lands , abundant crops & mineral wealth. However, the Colonisation

of Americas was not just because of strong fire power of the European powers but because

of the biological warfare ( transfer of disease) which played an important role in the

Colonisation of Americas. The European powers spread the germs of deadly diseases like

Smallpox etc. The Americas had no immunity against these disease because they were

isolated from rest of the world. The diseases like Smallpox killed and wiped out whole

communities of Americas, paving way for Colonisation. Otherwise Americans could have

resisted invaders by weapons, but they had no defence against the germs of the above

mentioned diseases.

Q3) Write a note to explain the effects of the following :

(A) The British Govt’s decision to abolish Corn Laws. OR What was the impact

of the British Govt’s decision to abolish corn laws? Ans: The British Govt. abolished Corn Laws under the pressure of industrialists and urban

dwellers. They were hit by the high prices of Corn because the Corn Laws had restricted

the import of Corn in Britain. The British Goverment‟s decision to abolish Corn laws had

the following effects:

i) Import of food grains increased into Britain & imported food was cheaper than what was

produced there locally.

ii) The vast areas of land had remained uncultivated which increased unemployment.

Peasants flocked in the cities or migrated overseas.

iii) Many parts of the world like Russia, America and Australia expanded the land under

cultivation to meet the increased demand for food from Britain.

B) The coming of Rinderpest to Africa: OR What was the impact of the coming of Rinderpest

to Africa? (BOSE) Ans: The coming of Rinderpest to Africa in 1890s is a fine example of how imperial powers used

diseases like Rinderpest to change livelihoods and economy of colonized societies to fulfill their

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own interests. The Rinderpest had the following terrifying effects on people‟s livelihoods &

economy of Africa.

i) The disease killed 90% of the cattle depriving Africans of their source of livelihood.

ii) Colonial Govts‟ monopolized the remaining cattle which forced the Africans to work

for wages.

iii) It enabled the Colonizer‟s to subdue Africans more effectively.

C) The death of men of working-age in Europe because of the world war.


What was the impact of the death of men of working – age in Europe because of the world


Ans: The First World War was fought between two power groups.The war was of global nature &

involved the use of modern weapons. It claimed about 9 million lives & left 20 million wounded in

Europe who mostly belonged to working age .So, the death of men of working age in Europe had

the following effects.

i) It reduced the men of working-age (able workforce ) in Europe by which industries

were affected adversely.

ii) The household incomes reduced considerably as the war left only a few men of

working-age (able workforce) members within the family.

D) The Great Depression on the Indian economy:


What was the impact of the Great Depression on the Indian Economy?

Ans: The world wide economic crisis of 1929-1933 CE is generally known as the Great

Depression .Owing to the fact that in the early 20th

century global economy had become more

integrated, the Great Depression had following effects on the Indian economy.

i) The depression greatly affected Indian trade. Indian exports & imports nearly halved

between 1928 & 1934 CE.

ii) Peasants were the worst hit by the depression. The agricultural prices fell by 50% &

Govt. refused to relax the taxes. The prices of raw jute fell by 60% by which the peasants fell

deeper & deeper into debt.

iii) The urban dwellers & salaried people with fixed incomes were comparatively less


E) The decision of MNCS to relocate production to Asian Countries:


What was the impact of MNCs to relocate production to Asian Countries?

Ans: Multinational Companies are corporations which operate in several countries simultaneously.

From late 1970s MNC‟s began to relocate production to Asian countries because asian countries

offered low wage labour in abundance. They had following effects on the Asian countries.

i) It solved the unemployment problem to some extent in Asian countries as Multinational

Companies (MNCs) increased job opportunities.

ii) It stimulated world trade and capital flow.

iii) It enabled the Asian countries to enjoy the new varieties of things.

Q4) Give two examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability.


What was the impact of technology on food availability? Explain with the help of


Ans: Technology had a significant impact on food availability .The technological

improvements in transport like faster railways, lighter wagons, larger ships, reefers helped

in transporting food more cheaply & quickly from far away farms & production centres to

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different parts of the world. The following examples from history show the impact of

technology on food availability.

i) Before the technology of reefers, cattle were shipped alive from America to Europe. It was

very costly affair & hence meat was considered as an expensive luxury beyond the reach of

European common people. The technology of refrigerated ships enabled the transport of

perishable foods like meat over long distances. Now it became possible to transport meat

instead of live cattle over long distances. This reduced shipping costs & damage &

consequently lowered meat prices in Europe. This made meat affordable for the European

common people.

i) The Corn Laws which restricted the import of food grains in Britain resulted in the

high prices of food stuffs. However, when the Corn Laws were lifted and the

technology like steam ships & railways increased the import of food grains from

America and Australia. Thus technology played a significant role in the food

availability in Britain and also the prices of food grains were lowered considerably.

Q5) What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement? (BOSE)

Ans: The Bretton Woods Agreement was the outcome of United Nations Monetary & Financial

Conference held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods (USA) between the industrial countries. It

was a framework aimed to preserve economic stability & full employment in the industrial

world. It resulted into the formation of International Monetary Fund (IMF) & the

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (World Bank). IMF was to deal with

external Surpluses & deficits of the member nations & World Bank was meant to finance

postwar reconstruction . Under it the national Currencies followed the fixed exchange rates.

Discuss Q6) Imagine that you are an indentured Indian labourer in the Caribbean . Drawing from

the details in this chapter (The Rise of a Global world), write a letter to your family

describing your life & feelings.


Dear XYZ

Here, in the Caribbean, the situation is very much different from what I was told in India by

the agents .They provided me false information about the work place, modes of travel,

nature of work & other living & working conditions. But there is no boarding, lodging,

food or medical facility. I have to live at the farm only .The work load is more than my

capacity. On making a mistake or incomplete work, I have to undergo penalty or severe

punishment. Once I tried to escape, but was caught & punished. My life has become highly

miserable. I feel no one would like to work here as an indentured labourer. I would like to

return home as soon as my contract expires.

With regards,

Yours ABC

Q7) Explain the three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange.

Find one example of each type of flow which involved India & Indians, & write a short

account of it.

Ans: In the 19th

century world economists identified three types of movements or flows within

international economic exchange .These flows were interwoven & hence affected lives of

the people more deeply. The flows were as follows:

i) Flow of trade: This refers to trade in goods like cloth, wheat etc. among the different

countries of the world. This was made possible by the improvement in the means of

transport like railways & steam ships.

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Example:- In the 19th

century, British manufactured goods like textiles flooded Indian

markets .By it the Indian weavers were highly affected & most of them quitted their jobs

ii) Flow of Labour: This refers to migration of people from one part of the world to

another for seeking jobs. Over the 19th

century large number of people migrated from

Europe to America.

Example:- Thousands of Indians were taken to Caribbean Islands as indentured labourers

by the British to work in plantations and mines. There they were exposed to miserable


ii) Flow of Capital: The 19th

century also saw the movement of Capital i.e., long term &

short term investments over long distances. e.g. Europeans invested in Asia, Africa &

Americas to get the huge returns.

Example:- In the 19th

century, British industrialists made long term & short term

investments in India. They invested in the construction of railways, tea plantations, etc. &

made huge profits.

Q8) Explain the causes of Great Depression.

Ans) During the Great depression, there were disastrous declines in production, employment,

income and trade. The causes of the Great depression are explained in the following points:

1) The post war world economy was weak. This led to decline in the agricultural prices. To

counter this, farmers expanded production to maintain their overall income but this

agricultural overproduction made the problem worse. It ruined the people associated with

this sector as their produce rotted for lack of buyers.

2) The First World War gave a boost to the US industry. After the war, industries of the US

went for mass production of different goods like cars, refrigerators, washing machines etc.

Soon there was glut in the market and the US was caught into economic crisis. Now US

doubled import duties to protect its economy, but it gave a severe blow to the world trade

and led to Great Depression.

3) Around mid 1920s, many European countries had financed their investments through the

loan from US. But after the first signs of decline, American capitalists stopped all loans and

withdrew most of their loans form the European countries. It affected the world economy,

as it led to failure of banks, decline in agricultural prices and collapse of currencies in the


Q.9) Explain what is referred to as G-77 countries. In what ways can G-77 be seen as a

reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods Twins?

Ans) In 1964 seventy- seven less developed countries & developing countries organized

themselves as a group, the group of 77 to demand a New International Economic Order

(NIEO) before the UN. The NIEO Included the demands like fair prices for the goods of 3rd

world countries, better access for their goods in the markets of developed countries etc.

This was an attempt of the developing countries to save themselves from neo-colonialism

and have a real control over their natural resources. So, they decided to work together to

achieve new international economic order.

The G-77 can be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods Twins in the

following ways:

a) From late 1950s Bretton Woods Twins i.e. IMF and World Bank shifted their attention

towards developing countries. So, the developing countries came under the guidance of

international agencies dominated by the former colonial powers like USA, Britain, France,


b) Due to IMF and World Bank, there was fast growth of the western economies during 1950s

and 1960s. But, developing countries could not be benefited by it as their natural resources

were again exploited by the industrial nations.

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Lesson No.4

The Age of Industrialisation Textual Questions

Write in Brief: Q1) Explain the following: (BOSE)

a) Why the women workers in Britain attacked the spinning Jenny?

Ans: The spinning Jenny devised by James Har greaves speeded up the spinning process. With

the help of this machine a worker could spin several threads at the same time. So, this

machine reduced the demand of workers for spinning .As women were mostly associated

with the spinning .So, the introduction of spinning machine made thousands of women

jobless. In response, the women workers who had survived on hand spinning for long

attacked the spinning jenny.

b) Why in the Seventeenth century merchants from towns in Europe began employing

peasants & artisans within the Villages?

Ans: In the 17th & 18th centuries the world trade expanded & the imperialists acquired colonies

in different parts of the world. This increased the demand for goods, and the merchants

needed to expand production to cater to the increased demand from different parts of the

world. The merchants from the towns in Europe began employing peasants & artisans

within the villages because of the following reasons:

i) They could not expand production within towns because of the presence of powerful

trade guilds who maintained control over production and restricted the entry of new people

into the trade.

ii) Rulers had granted monopoly to different guilds to produce & trade in specific products.

iii) In the villages peasants & artisans readily agreed to produce goods for the merchants.

c) Why did the port of Surat declined by the end of 18th century?

Ans: A vibrant Sea trade was carried through the port of Surat on the west coast of India

involving Indian merchants & bankers. By 1750s, this trade controlled by Indians began to

be carried by European companies .They secured monopoly right to trade & shifted their

focus on new ports like Bombay & Calcutta. This was an indication of the growth of

colonial power. This resulted into the decline of old ports like Surat in the end of the 18th

century. This is revealed from the fact that in the last years of 17th century gross value of

trade that passed through Surat was Rs. 16 million which declined to Rs. 3 million by


d) Why did the East India Company appointed gomasthas to supervise weavers in


Ans: After the establishment of political power in India, East India Company began to assert

monopoly in trade .It tried to develop a system of management and control to eliminate

competition, control costs & ensure regular supplies. One of the steps taken in this

direction was the appointment of „gomasthas‟. They were paid servants of East India

Company to supervise weavers, collect supplies & examine quality of cloth. This was done

to eliminate existing traders & brokers connected with the cloth trade.

Q2) Write true or false against each statement:

a) At the end of the nineteenth century, 80 per cent of the total workforce in Europe was

employed in the technologically advanced industrial sector.

Ans: False.

b) The international market for fine textiles was dominated by India till the eighteenth


Ans: True.

c) The American Civil War resulted in the reduction of cotton exports from India.

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Ans: False.

d) The introduction of the fly shuttle enabled handloom workers to improve their


Ans: True.

Q3) Explain what is meant by proto-industrialisation. (BOSE)

Ans: We usually refer to industrial production with the factory production. But, before factories

began to be set up in England & Europe there was large scale industrial production for an

international market. This large scale production was not based on factories, but hand-made

small production. This large scale industrial production before the appearance of factories

is referred to as proto-industrialisation by many historians.

D I S C U S S Q1) Why did some industrialists in nineteenth century Europe prefer hand labour over


Ans: In the 19th century, some industrialists preferred hand labour over machines because of the

following reasons.

i) Hand labour was available in plenty. So, industrialists preferred it over machines as hand

labourers were working on low wages.

ii) Machines were expensive as they were often breaking down & repairing was a costly

affair. So, industrialists preferred hand labour.

iii) In several industries the demand for labour was seasonal because they worked seasonally

.e.g. Gas works & breweries, Book-binding & printing had demand during winters. So,

here again hand labour was preferred.

iv) Upper classes preferred handmade products as they symbolized refinement & class. e.g.

Aristocrats of Victorian Britain preferred hand made products.

v) Machines were unable to produce intricate designs & specific shapes. e.g. In Britain, 500

varieties of hammers were produced .These required human skill i.e. hand labour


Q2) How did the East India Company procure regular supplies of cotton & silk from

Indian weavers?

Ans: After establishing its political power in India, East India Company began to have full

control over Indian trade. It established a system of management & control to eliminate

competition, control costs & ensure regular supplies of cotton & silk textiles. Under it a

number of steps were taken like gomasthas, the paid servants were appointed to supervise

weavers, collect supplies & examine the quality of cloth. This was done to eliminate the

existing traders & brokers connected with the cloth trade. Besides it, the company

prevented weavers from dealing with other buyers by providing advances to them for

purchasing raw materials. In this way, the East India Company procured regular supplies of

cotton & silk from Indian weavers.

Q3) Imagine that you have been asked to write an article for an encyclopaedia on Britain

& the history of cotton .Write your piece using information from the entire chapter.

Ans : Before the dawn of industrialization , British merchants from the towns began moving to

the country-side to supply advance money to the artisans. This was done to cater to the

increased demand in the international market. This system developed a close relationship

between the towns & the countryside. In it each clothier was controlling hundreds of

workers involved with the different stages of production like stapling, carding, spinning,

weaving etc. This stage is called proto-industrialization.

The earliest factories in Britain came up by the 1730s & their number increased by late 18th

century. The first symbol of new era was cotton & its production boomed in the late 19th

century. This is evident from the fact that the Britain was importing only 2.5 million

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pounds of raw cotton to feed its cotton industries which increased to 22 million pounds by

1787.Till 1840, cotton was the leading sector in the industrialization. This was so because

of the improved technology in this sector like spinning Jenny, power loom, cotton Mill etc.

This enabled Britain to establish markets all over its colonies for selling the Manchester

made cotton textiles. However, during the world wars, the industries were reorganized in

Britain to produce war related goods. This did not prove good for the cotton textiles of

Britain because it provided space & scope for the colonies to gear up in the development of

cotton textile industries. But still, Britain had enjoyed a good position in world economic

history for a long period due to its dominance in cotton trade.

Q4) Why did industrial production in India increase during the first world war? (BOSE)

Ans: The industrial growth in India was very slow before the outbreak of the First World War

.The war proved a blessing in disguise for the industrial growth of India which was

otherwise discouraged by the British rulers. During the First World War the British

industries were reorganized to produce war related goods. This resulted into the decline of

imported textiles, steel rails etc. in India. So, the Indian industries got a chance to cater to

the demand of domestic market. e.g. By 1919, British Indian Govt. was buying 90% steel

from TISCO (Tata Iron & Steel Industries) As the war prolonged , Indian factories were

called upon to supply jute bags, cloth for army uniforms, tents , leather boots etc. So, over

the war years industrial production boomed in India. This is evident from the fact that a

number of new factories were set up & old ones ran multiple shifts during the war to cater

to the demand from domestic & international market.

Lesson No. 05

Work , Life and Leisure Additional Questions

Q1) According to Durgacharan Ray’s novel , ‘Debganer Martye Aagaman’ how was the

‘Calcutta in the 19th

century a city of contrasts’?

Ans: In the 19th

century Calcutta , there were following contrasting images & experiences.

i) Wealth & Poverty: There were wealthy people like factory owners who lived a

luxurious life. But, on the other hand, there were large number of people who ate half

bread & lived under open sky.

ii) Splendour & Dirt: These were huge bungalows which reflected the splendor of rich

people.But on the other side, there were slums & the atmosphere was polluted with

smoke & other wastes released by factories.

iii) Opportunities & disappointments: The city of Calcutta provided opportunities in trade

& commerce , education & jobs. But on the other hand, a large number of people

roamed the streets because they could not find any employment opportunity.

Q2) How industrialization changed the form or pattern of Urbanization in the modern


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Ans: Due to industrialization, cities attracted people in large numbers because of increased

opportunities of employment. e.g. over the 19th

century , London continued to expand & its

population increased four times between 1810 & 1880 from 1 million to about 4 million. It

hosted clerks, skilled artisans , soldiers , servants , casual labourers etc.

Q3) Explain what led to expansion of Bombay’s population in the 19th


Ans: Bombay was taken over by the British from Portuguese in 1661. The British shifted there

base in western India from Surat to Bombay in 1684. The expansion of Bombay‟s

population was the result of following changes.‟

i) After Bombay was taken over by British, it functioned as a port for the export of raw cotton

& opium in large quantities.

ii) In 1919, it was made the capital of Bombay presidency. After this the city expanded

quickly because now it became an important administrative centre.The large

communities of traders & bankers, artisans etc came to settle in Bombay.

iii) The establishment of cotton mills from the mid of 19th

century led to fast expansion of

Bombay. By 1921, 85 cotton mills in Bombay employed about 146,000 workers . Most

of the workers were migrants from neighbouring districts like Ratnagiri.

Q4) What were social changes that took place in the industrial city of London?

Ans: The rise of industries led to change in the pattern of production & consumption. So, it

resulted into the following social changes in the industrial city of London.

i) It transformed the function & shape of the family. Prior to industrialization family had

been a unit of production & consumption. But now every member could produce &

consume indecently in any factory or industry. It changed the structure of family & now

nuclear family became the feature of industrial societies.

ii) The ties between the members of families turned loose because they had now little or

no time to live together, to produce or consume together.

iii) The institution of marriage also turned weak .Now there was not any concrete value of

marriage among the working classes. It also affected the women of upper & middle

classes & they faced increasingly higher levels of isolation.

Textual Questions Write in Brief:

Q1) Give two reasons why the population of London expanded from the middle of the 18th


Ans) London, the largest city in the world, was a powerful magnet for migrant population .Its

population was about 675,000 in 1750 & it multiplied from one million in 1810 to 4 million

in 1880 .The two main reasons for this expansion in the population of London were:

i) London was a centre of a wide range of activities. According to historian Gareth

Stedman Jones, 19th

century London was a city of clerks & shopkeepers, small masters

& skilled artisans,Semi skilled and sweated outworkers, soliders & servants etc. So, it

provided job opportunities to a large number of people.

ii) It was a city with five major types of industries .These include clothing & footwear,

wood & furniture, metals & engineering, printing & stationary etc. The industries

employed large numbers of workers.

Q2) What were the changes in the kind of work available to women in London between 19th

& 20th

century ? Explain the factors which led to this change?

Ans) In the late 18th

century & early 19th

centuries, factories employed large number of women.

However, 1861 census recorded that in about 2 ½ lakh domestic servants in London vast

majority was of women. Women also got engaged in the activities like tailoring, washing ,

match box making etc. The world war first again created the demand for women workers in

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the war time industries & offices. So, thousands of women withdrew from domestic service

& began working in war time industries & offices e.g. in ammunition factories.

The first change was the result of technological developments in the factories which

decreased the demand for women workers .The second change was the outcome of First

World War .A huge manpower was required for the war .So, women replaced men in the


Q3) How does the existence of a large urban population affect each of the following ?

Illustrate with historical examples.

A) A private landlord?

Ans: The existence of a large urban population benefit a private landlord. The people who

migrate into the city don‟t have homes to live in. Therefore, Private landlord will built

tenements or chawls on his land.He will put them on rent & make huge profits from his

land. e.g. The increased pressure on Bombay‟s housing was responded by the private

landlords. They built chawls (multi-storeyed structures) on their lands and put them on high

rents. Many chawls in Bombay were owned by private landlords. They earned huge money

out of it. It appeared to them a quick way of earning money from anxious workers.

B) A police Superintendent in charge of law & order?

Ans: A large urban population would increase the responsibility & accountability of a police

superintendent in charge of law & order .The large number of migrants would increase the

pressure on law & order situation. Sometimes they may also go for protest or

demonstrations to fulfill their demands from Govt. or industrialists .e.g. The growth of

population in London led to growth of crime. In 1870, there were about 20,000 criminals

.The police became highly concerned about the law & order problem in London. So,

automatically it increased the pressure & responsibility of police superintendent.

C) A leader of a political party?

Ans: A large Urban population would mostly benefit a leader of a political party. He can

develop a good following for himself & his party by addressing to the demands &

grievances of urban population. He can organize the movements of workers to gain

popularity & support for his party. e.g. Chartist movement in England was a direct result of

large Urban population in London.

Q4) Give explanations for the following:

a) Why well-off Londoners supported the need to build housing for the poor in the 19th

century? (BOSE)

Ans: The well off Londoners first demanded that slums be cleared away. But later on they

supported the need to built housing for the poor in the 19th

century because of the following


i) The vast mass of one room houses occupied by the poor were seen as a serious threat to

public health. They were overcrowded, badly ventilated & lacked Sanitation.

ii) The well off Londoners were worried about fire hazards created by poor housing.

iii) There was a widespread fear of social disorder. So, worker‟s mass housing schemes

were planned to prevent the London poor from turning rebellious.

iv) Slums decreased average life expectancy of labourers to 29 years compared to 55 years

among higher classes.

b) Why a number of Bombay films were about the lives of migrants? (BOSE)

Ans) There is no denying the fact that most of the film makers , actors, singers , writers in

Bombay film industry were migrants.They mostly came in Bombay from Lahore,Calcutta

& Madras.They had themselves experienced the hardships in their lives as migrants. They

encountered with real pressures of life. Therefore, to reflect what they faced, a number of

Bombay films were about the lives of migrants. e.g. CID of 1956, Guest House of

1959.Besides, the migrant labourers & factory workers who lived a miserable life in

Bombay were made the themes for films.

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c) What led to the major expansion of Bombay’s population in the mid-19th


Ans: Bombay, the prime city of India expanded after it was taken by the British from the

Portuguese. However, in the mid-19th

century, there was major expansion of Bombay‟s

population largely because of the establishment of textile mills. The first cotton textile mill was

set up in 1854 & by 1921, there were 85 cotton mills in Bombay with about 146,000 workers.

So, cotton mills of Bombay proved a great attraction for the migrants that led to its major



Q1) What form of entertainments came up in 19th

century England to provide leisure

activities for the people? (BOSE)

Ans: The industrial England provided opportunities for mass work & created the problem of

mass leisure. Efforts were made by the Govt. & other agencies to cater to the demand of

mass leisure. The following forms of entertainment came up in 19th

century England to

provide leisure activities for the people.

i) For wealthy Britishers there was an annual “London Season”. In it several cultural

events such as the opera, the theatre, and classical music performances were organized

for an elite group of 300-400 families.

ii) For working classes, pubs were set up where they exchanged news and had a drink etc.

iii) Libraries, art galleries & museums were established as new types of large scale

entertainment for the common people .They were to serve another purpose also that is

to provide people with a sense of history and pride in the achievements of the British.

iv) Music halls became popular among lower classes.

v) Cinema became great mass entertainment for mixed audiences.

Q2) Explain the social changes in London which led to the need for the underground

railway. Why was the development of the underground railway criticized?

Ans: The population of London expanded rapidly from one million in 1810 to about 4 million

in 1880 due to industrialization & new job opportunities it provided to the people. This led to

some social changes like flourishing of crime, congested & overcrowded localities, creation of

slums etc. In response to these changes, a variety of steps were taken to de-congest localities,

reduce pollution & clean up London. As a result the people began to be shifted in the outskirts

of London. This led to the development of Suburbs & extension of the city beyond the range

where people could walk to work. It made new forms of mass transport absolutely necessary so

that people could be persuaded to leave the city & live in garden Suburbs. This problem was

solved by underground railway as it carried large masses of people to & from the city. The first

section of the underground railway was opened on 10 January 1863 in London.

The underground railway was a new experience for the people .They were afraid to travel

Underground because the atmosphere was filled with sulphur, coal dust & foul fumes. There

was problem of suffocation as well. So the people felt that the „iron monsters‟ added to the

mess & unhealthiness of the city. Besides, the making of Underground railway led to massive

destruction. This is evident from the fact that to make about 2 miles of railway, 900 houses had

to be destroyed. It also led to displacement of London poor on a large scale. For all these

reasons the development of Underground railway was criticized by the people.

Q3) Explain what is meant by the Haussmanisation of Paris. To what extent would you

support or oppose this form of development? Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, to

either support or oppose this, giving reasons for your view.

Ans: Haussmanisation of Paris refers to the re-building of Paris by Baron Haussman. He was

appointed by Louis Napoleon III as the chief architect of the new Paris. For 17 years,

Haussmann rebuilt Paris .He designed broad avenues or boulevards , open spaces , new streets

, straight sidewalks & transplanted full grown trees in the city of Paris. The poor were evicted

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from the centre of Paris to reduce the possibility of political rebellion & to beautify the city.

Besides, policemen were employed & bus shelters & tap water introduced in the city.

Haussmanisation of Paris can neither be fully supported nor fully opposed as there were both

positive & negative effects by it. The name of Baron Haussmann for some time come to stand

for forcible reconstruction of cities. It led to the displacement of about 350,000 people from the

centre of Paris. It rendered thousands of people homeless. Some claimed that Haussmann had

killed the city & its life.

However, the Haussmanisation of Paris proved good in the long run. The outcry against

Haussman‟s Paris soon got converted into civic pride as the new capital became the toast of all

Europe .It became main centre of many architectural , social & intellectual developments that

were very influential in the 20th


Letter to the Editor

To the editor, AB


The Haussmanisation of Paris is an important achievement of the French nation. Baron

Haussmann with the consent of Louis Napolean , the emperor of France has taken a very bold

step to modernize Paris. The broad avenues, open spaces, new streets , straight sidewalks etc

gave a modern global look to the city of Paris. It prepared citizens of Paris for a better standard

of life as night patrols, bus shelters tap water etc have been introduced .Due to this

development; the city became the hub of many architectural, social and intellectual

developments. Tourism industry of France has started to flourish due to well planned modern

& clean city of Paris. In short, the rebuilding of Paris by Baron Haussmann will increase the

reputation of France in the world.



Q4) To what extent does Govt. regulation & new laws solve problem of pollution? Discuss

one example each of the success & failure of legislation to change the quality of

a) Public life (b) Private life

Ans: The Govt. regulation & new laws solve the problem of pollution to a considerable extent.

However, for better results these laws need to be properly enforced by the concerned

agencies. In this direction, the public awareness programmes can also help to a large extent

.The success & failure of legislation depends on the seriousness of the Govt. & its agencies.

The examples of the success & failure of legislation to change the quality of public &

private life are given as under:

Examples of success of legislation to change the quality of:

a)Public life: In the project of land reclamation in Bombay, William Hornby (Governor of

Bombay) approved the building of the Great sea wall to prevent the flooding of the low-

lying areas of Bombay. It increased the commercial & housing space in Bombay & hence

improved the quality of public life.

b) Private life: Between the two world wars (1919-1939) the British Govt. constructed

about 1 million houses with the help of local authorities. This decision solved the housing

problems for millions of workers .So, it provided comfort to them in their private life.

Examples of failure of legislation to change the quality of:

a) Public life: The Rent Act of 1918 was passed by the colonial Govt. in Bombay

presidency to keep the rents reasonable .But it proved a failure because landlords withdrew

houses from the market leading to severe housing crisis.

b) Private life: The British Govt‟s decision to lay underground railways created havoc in

the private lives of people. Their houses were demolished & they faced hardships due to

smoke etc.

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Activity based questions Q1) Can you think of appropriate examples from Indian history for each of these categories :

a religious centre, a market town, a regional capital , a metropolis? Find out about the

history of any one of them.

Ans: i) Religious centre------ Ajmer

ii) Market Town----------- Murshidabad

iii) Regional capital -------- Dhar (M.P)

iv) Metropolis---------- Pataliputra (Patna)

Dhar is a district in present M.P. It was known as Dhar Nagri in ancient times. It had been a

regional capital in Ancient & Medieval India. The famous parmar King, Bhoj made it his


Q2) Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter writing a piece on the changes you see in

London in 1811. What problems you likely to write about? Who would have gained from

the changes?

Ans: As a newspaper reporter, I would be writing a piece on the following problems in

London in 1811.

i) Criminal activities.

ii) Problems of housing faced by migrants

iii) Child labour.

iv) Congestion & pollution.

According to me, the industrialists & Capitalists living in London would have gained from

the changes taking place in London.

Q3) In many cities of India today, there are moves to clear away slums where poor people

live .Discuss whether or not it is the responsibility of the government to make

arrangements for houses for these people.

Ans: It is good move to clear away slums where poor people live because they are prone to

diseases & they often indulge in criminal activities. But at the same time, it is the

responsibility of the Govt. to make proper arrangements for houses for these people.

Q4) Imagine you are investigating the conditions in which the London poor lived. Write a

note discussing all the dangers to public health which were created by these conditions.

Ans: The poor people living in London are exposed to health problems .This is due to poor

housing conditions in which they live. They live in one room houses which is favourable

for spreading infectious diseases among the roommates .Besides, due to lack of gardens &

open spaces there is high pollution which creates health problems among them.

Q5) What are the common features & contradictory features of city life in Bombay &


Ans: Bombay & Calcutta are crowded cities. There mostly western style Indians live. Both have

industrial units , offices & mills.

Contradictory features:

In Calcutta, young men enjoy themselves by roaming in groups & by knocking at people‟s

doors. Whereas, in Bombay people are more busy in themselves. They remain more busy

with their own work rather than disturbing others.

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Lesson No. 6

Print Culture and Modern World Additional Questions

Q1: Discuss in brief the development of print culture in china?

Ans: The development of print culture in china is very interesting. In the beginning, china had a

system of woodblock printing in which paper was rubbed against the inked surface of

woodblocks. In the 16th

century print culture flourished because of the increase in the

number of candidates participating in the civil service examination. In the 17th


print culture diversified due to the bloom of urban culture. There were now fictional

narratives, poetry, autobiographies and romantic plays available. People began to read them

in the leisure time. In the 19th

century there was gradual shift from hand printing to

mechanical printing. This happened because the western powers established western

printing presses in their outposts in china. e.g.: shanghai became the hub of the new print

culture in china.

Q2) How did print culture develop in Europe? Explain.

Ans: Initially hand-written books were produced in Europe. In 1295, Marcopolo brought the

technology of woodblock printing from China to Italy from where it spread to other parts of

Europe. With the increased demand for books, booksellers began to employ scribes to work

for them. By the early 15th

century, woodblocks were being widely used in Europe for

printing books, playing cards, & religious pictures. However, there was a great need for

more quicker & cheaper reproduction of books etc. This resulted into the invention of

printing press by Johann Gutenberg at Strasberg, (Germany) in the 1430s. The production

of books boomed between 1450 & 1550 as printing presses were set up in most of the

European countries .This is evident from the fact that about 20 million copies of printed

books were in the European markets by the 2nd

half of 15th

century.The figure went up to

200 million in the 16th


Q3) How print introduced a new world of debate & discussion?

Ans: Before the age of print, the circulation of ideas was very limited. However, the print culture

created the possibility of wide circulation of ideas. On the other hand print transformed the

hearing public into reading public. This introduced a new world of debate & discussion.

Everybody could now print & circulate their ideas to persuade the people to think

differently & take action against evils & wrong things prevalent in the society. e.g. Martin

Luther convinced the people through his „Ninety five thesis‟ to revolt against the catholic

church. Likewise the French thinkers like Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire etc. created the

conditions for French Revolution as their ideas reached to wide public through print.

Q4) How did printing press create a new reading public?

Ans: Print transformed the lives of the people by changing their relationship to information &

knowledge .Printing reduced the cost of books & made books available even to the

common people .Now people had easy access to books & it created a new culture of

reading. Before print culture, reading was restricted to the elites & common people lived in

a world of oral culture. But now, books could reach to wider sections of people by which

reading public emerged in the society.

Q5) How did the publishers persuade the common people to welcome the printed books in

Europe? (BOSE)

Ans: The transition of people from hearing public to reading public was not a simple affair.

When the publishers produced books in large numbers, they had to persuade the common

people to welcome the printed book. But, here a problem arised, that of illiteracy which

was high in most European countries at that time. So, the publishers began publishing

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popular ballads & folk tales with beautiful illustrations of pictures. This was done keeping

in view the wider reach of the printed books.

Q6) What do you know about reading mania?

Ans: Reading mania means extremely strong desire or enthusiasm of the people towards reading

.During the 17th

& 18th

century the literacy rates went up in Europe ranging from 60% to

80% in some parts of Europe by the end of 18th

century. This great increase in the literacy

rates created reading mania in Europe. Owing to the great demand printers produced books

in ever-increasing numbers. They introduced new form of popular literature like almanacs,

ballads, folktales, romances, substantial histories etc to attract new readers.

Q7) What were the innovations in the printing technology during the 19th

century & 20th

century in Europe ?

Ans: There were several innovations in the printing technology during the 19th

and 20th


Some of them were:

i. The power driven cylindrical press was perfected by Richard M. Hoe of New York. It

was first used in 1847. It was capable of producing 8000 sheets per hour. So, it was

particularly used for printing newspapers.

ii. The offset press was developed by Robert Barclay of England in 1875. It was capable

of printing upto 6 colours at a time.

iii. Electrically operated presses came up in the beginning of the 20th

century. They

accelerated the printing operations.

iv. In the 20th

century, the quality of plates improved, automatic paper reels and

photoelectric controls of the colour register were introduced.

v. Dust cover or the book jacket is also a 20th

century innovation.

Q8) Describe how books were produced in India before the age of print.

Ans: In India, there was rich tradition of handwritten manuscripts in Sanskrit, Persian & other

Vernacular languages. They were written on handmade papers or on palm leaves at times

with beautiful illustrations. They were then either pressed between wooden covers or sewn

together to ensure their preservation & to give them a shape of a book. These manuscripts

were expensive, fragile & difficult to handle.

Q9) Describe the growth of press in the 19th

century India. Ans: The history of printing press in India goes back to 1556. In this year Portuguese

missionaries introduced printing press in India at Goa. By 1674 , it produced 50 books in

konkan & Kanara languages for the spread of Christianity .

The British East India Company set up a printing press in India in 1684. In 1780 , James

Augustus Hickey started a weekly named „Bengal Gazette‟.But, it could not produce any

results as it was stopped in the same year for not promoting the economic interests of the

company & criticizing the govt. The real growth of the Indian press was seen in the 19th

century .Raja Rammohan started two papers, Sambad Kamudi in Bengali & Mirat-ul-Akbar

in Persian in early 1820s. Likewise, Dadabhai Naoroji started Rast Guftar.These papers

were devoted to social reformation.

In the 2nd

half of 19th

century, many English newspapers were started in India. The times of

India, The pioneer were the papers which supported British Govt‟s polices in India.

However, Amrit Babar Patrika, The Hindu, strongly criticized the polices of British Govt.

Q10) What was the role of print in the religious reforms in India?

Ans: Refer to QNo. 3 part C (write in brief)

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Q11) What was the objective of caricatures & cartoons in the late 19th

century in India? Ans: Caricatures & cartoons began to be published in journals & newspapers towards the late

19th century .They ridiculed educated Indians, fascination with western tastes & clothes.

They also expressed the fear of social change in India .Some of them criticized imperial

rule in India.

Q12) What was the impact of print culture on Indian women?

Ans: Refer to Q.No. 3 part a (write in brief)

Q13) Describe some of the women writers in the 19th

century India. Ans: i) Kailashbashini Debi:- Kailashbashini Debi was a Bengali writer. She highlighted the

problems of women in her books. The problems highlighted by her included confinement

of women at home, ignorance, forced domestic labour & unjust treatment within the


ii) Rashsundari Debi:- She was also a Bengali women writer .she wrote her

autobiography Amar Jiban which was published in 1876.It was the first full length

autobiography published in Bengali language.

iii) Tarabai Shinde:- Tarabai Shinde was from Maharashtra .She wrote „Stripurushtulna‟

in which she compared women & men. In it she highlighted the discrimination & injustice

on women.

iv) Pandita Ramabai:- She was also a women writer from Maharashtra .She was highly

critical of the mesirable conditions faced by the upper caste hindu women. She

opened a widow‟s home at Poona to provide shelter to the widows who were harassed by

their husband‟s relatives.

Q14) Write a note on the press(print ) & censorship in India?

Ans: The growth of Indian press started in the 19th

century .At first, Govt. was not concerned

with censorship. However, when the press started to become nationalist by criticizing the

wrong policies of the colonial Govt, censorship was imposed on it. At first the company

Govt. warned the editors for publishing anything against the Govt. By 1820s, the Calcutta

Supreme Court passed regulations to control press. In 1835, under the pressure of editors,

William Bentick restored earlier freedom to press through the regulation made by Thomas

Macaulay. However after the revolt of 1857, colonial Govt. decided to curb the native

press. As a result vernacular press Act was passed by Lytton in 1878.It put severe

censorship rules on the vernacular press. The Govt. being empowered by the Act, kept

regular track of the vernacular newspapers. Whenever, any report was seen as seditious by

the Govt, the editor was warned & for the 2nd

time, the newspaper was seized & printing

machinery confiscated.

However, despite repressive measures, Indian press played an important role in arousing

the nationalist sentiments among Indians & mobilizing the public opinion in favour of

freedom e.g., when Punjab revolutionaries were deported in 1907, Tilak wrote in his Kesari

with great Sympathy. The led to his imprisonment in 1908. But , it inturn provoked

widespread protests all over India against the colonial Govt.

Q.15) Name some newspapers which were started in the 19th century and which are coming

out even today. (BOSE)

Ans) Some of newspapers which were started in the 19th century and which are coming out even

today are mentioned below:

(1) The times of India (1838) (2) Bombay Herald (3) Indian Express

(4) The Hindu (1878) (5) Punjab Kesari (6) Jung (Pakistan)

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Textual Questions Write in brief: Q1) Give reasons for the following:

A. How woodblock print came to Europe after 1295?

Ans: Woodblock printing was invented in china in 594CE. The European world was not known

to it till the end of 13th

century. It was only after 1295CE that woodblock print came to

Europe from china via silk route. In 1295CE, Marco polo, a great European explorer

returned to Italy after many years of exploration in china and brought the technology of

woodblock printing with him. This technology soon spread from Italy to other parts of


B. Why was Martin Luther in favour of print and spoke out in praise of it? (BOSE)

Ans: Martin Luther, the champion of protestant reformation was in favour of print. He spoke out

in praise of it, because it helped him to popularize and spread his ideas against the wrong

practices of Roman Catholic Church. He challenged wrong practices of the Catholic

Church through the publication of his protestant ideas. In 1517, he wrote „Ninety Five

Theses‟ criticizing many practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. His writings

were immediately reproduced in vast numbers and were read widely. He also translated the

New Testament and 5,000 copies of it were sold within a few weeks. It led to the division

of the church and beginning of the protestant reformation. However, this all became

possible with the technology of print. Deeply grateful to print, Luther said,” printing is the

ultimate gift of God and the greatest one.”

C. Why the Roman Catholic Church began keeping an index of prohibited books from

the mid 16th


Ans: The Roman Catholic Church began keeping an index of prohibited books from the mid 16th

century (1558) because print and popular religious literature stimulated distinctive

individual interpretations of faith. e.g. Menocchio, a miller in Italy formulated a view of

God and creation that enraged the Roman Catholic Church. Besides, the new interpretation

of Bible reached to people and they started questioning the authority of church through

their writings.

D. Why Gandhi said the fight for swaraj is a fight for liberty of speech, liberty of the

press and the freedom of association?

Ans: According to Gandhiji, liberty of speech, press and freedom of association was the most

powerful vehicle of expressing and cultivating public opinion. The British govt. in India

was seeking to crush these particularly after the First World War. Gandhi felt that denial of

these rights was not compatible with the idea of swaraj or self rule. So, he said that the

fight for swaraj is a fight for liberty of speech, liberty of press and freedom of association.

Q2) Write short notes on A) Gutenberg press OR what you know about the Gutenberg

press? (BOSE)

Ans: The first printing press was developed by Johann Gutenberg in the 1430s at Strasburg,

Germany. He had good experience of wine and olive presses and had acquired the expertise

to create lead moulds used for making small ornaments. He adapted this experience to

produce printing press. The olive press provided him the model for the printing press and

moulds were used for casting the metal types for the letters of the alphabet. e.g. 26 letters

of Roman alphabet. Gutenberg press came to be known as moveable Roman printing

machine devised as a way of moving the metal types around to compose different words of

the text. By 1448 CE, he perfected the system. The first book printed by him was

„Gutenberg Bible‟. It took three years to produce 180 copies of it.

B. Erasmus’s idea of the printed book. (BOSE)

Ans: Erasmus was a Latin scholar and a catholic reformer. He criticized the excesses of

Catholicism but remained away from Martin Luther, because he wanted reforms within

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church and not by open revolt against church. He expressed deep anxiety about printing of

books. He was deeply concerned about the great number of books being published during

his time. He believed that some books provide some worthwhile knowledge, but the great

numbers of them are hurtful to scholarship. Printers fill the world with not only

unimportant but stupid, ignorant, disgraceful, irreligious and seditious books. Such books

even devalue the valuable books.

C. Vernacular press Act. (BOSE)

Ans: Vernacular press Act was passed in March 1878 to control publications in vernacular

languages like Bengali, Hindi etc. It imposed severe restrictions on the freedom of Indian

press. It provided the government with extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in

the vernacular press.

Now the Govt. started regularly tracking the vernacular newspapers. If there was a report

against British rule, the newspaper was warned and for the second mistake, there was

provision to seize the press and confiscate the printing machinery.

Q3) A. What did the spread of print culture in 19th

century India mean to women?


What was the impact of printing culture on women in 19th

century India? (BOSE)

Ans: The spread of printing culture in 19th

century India benefitted Indian women. It facilitated

their education and emancipation. In the 19th

century many schools were set up for women

to improve their condition. The number of women readers increased to a great extent as

their lives and feelings began to be written in clear and intense ways. Now liberal husbands

and fathers began educating their women. Besides, a number of women‟s schools were

setup in the towns and cities. The educated women now pleaded strongly in favour of

women education and end of injustice done to them. A few women writers like

Kailashbashini Debi in Bengal, Tarabai Shinde and Pandita Ramabai in Maharashtra came

ahead and wrote on the miserable lives of women. They also discussed the issues like

women‟s education, widowhood, widow remarriage etc. Rashsundari Devi wrote a full

length autobiography,‟ AMAR JIBAN‟ which was published in 1876. This all became

possible because of the spread of print culture. So, it emancipated women.

B. What did the spread of print culture in 19th

century India mean to the poor?


What was the impact of print culture in the 19th

century India on the poor?

Ans: The poor people were benefitted by the spread of print culture in the 19th

century. The

availability of books at low prices and establishment of public libraries increased

readership among the poor. It expanded their access to knowledge and facilitated them to

protest against injustices done to them. e.g. Jyotiroa phule, the Marathi pioneer of „low

caste‟ protest movements, wrote about the injustices of the caste system in his book, “

GULAMGIRI” in 1871. Encouraged and inspired by the social reformers they wrote books.

e.g. kashibaba, a Kanpur mill worker, wrote and published “chhote aur Bade ka sawal‟ in

1938 to show the links between caste and

class exploitation.

C. What did the spread of print culture in 19th

century India mean to reformers?


What was the impact of print culture in the 19th

century India on reformers?

Ans: The spread of print culture in the 19th

century India greatly helped the reformers. They

utilized it as the most potent means of spreading their reformist ideas and highlight the evil

practices, unethical issues and injustice prevailing in the Indian society. Print culture in the

form of newspapers, journals and books not only spread the new ideas but prepared the

people for change. The reformers began publishing newspapers , books etc in vernacular

languages to spread their opinions against widow burning( sati system), child marriage,

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idolatory, brahmanical priesthood etc. and also to support women education , widow

remarriage, women‟s rights etc.

e.g. Raja Ram Mohan Roy‟s sambad kaumudi and Mirat –ul-Akbar. Likewise, the ulama

used cheap lithographic presses and published Persian and Urdu translations of Holy

Scriptures to save the Muslim conversion to Christianity. The deoband seminary published

thousands of fatwas to explain meanings of Islamic doctrines to Muslims. So, the 19th

century print culture provided reformers a space to overhaul the society.

D I S C U S S Q1) Why did some people in 18

th century Europe think that print culture would bring

enlightenment and end despotism?


Explain the common conviction about the power of print in the 18th

century Europe.

Ans: In the 18th

century a strong desire and enthusiasm developed for reading in European

countries (reading mania). The cheap and diversified books helped the individuals to read,

which developed rational thinking, scientific outlook, liberalism and democratic ideas

among them. The writings of thinkers like Thomas Paine, voltaire. J.J.Rousseau etc were

widely printed and read and hence their ideas found their way into popular literature,

almanacs, ballads , folk journals, newspapers, tales etc. The wide spread and easy access of

people to the knowledge, developed common belief among them that the print culture

would bring enlightment and end despotism.

e.g. Louise-sebasteen, an 18th

century French novelist declared, „the printing press is the

most powerful engine of progress and public opinion is the force that will sweep the

despotism away.‟

Q2) Why did some people fear the effect of easily available printed books? Choose one

example from Europe and one from India. (BOSE)

Ans: The easier access and wider circulation of printed books created fear among some people.

They were mostly those who held some power or authority. They gave different reasons in

support of their fear. The religious authorities feared that the uncontrolled circulation and

reading of printed books might spread rebellious and irreligious thoughts. By it the

authority of valuable literature would be destroyed. Monarchs and other rulers feared that

print can lead to the growth of hostile sentiments against them and they may lose their

power. They were also considered harmful for scholarship.

Example for Europe:

Erasmus expressed deep anxiety about the easily available printed books. He considered

them harmful to scholarship as he said that most of them carry ignorant, disgraceful,

irreligious and seditious information. So, they devalue the valuable


Example from India:

The orthodox Brahmans expressed fear against easily available printed books on Hinduism.

They considered it as a serious challenge to their age-old monopoly over the Hindu

religious scriptures.

Q3) What were the effects of the spread of print culture for poor people in 19th



Ans: Refer to the answer of Q. no.3 (part b) of write in brief.

Q4) Explain how print culture assisted the growth of nationalism in India? (BOSE)

Ans: Print culture started in India in 1780 with the publication of first newspaper „Bengal

Gazette‟ by James Augustus Hickey. However, the real beginning of the print culture

started in the early 19th

century. The growth of print culture over the 19th

century helped in

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developing a culture of dialogue among the people. The leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy,

Tilak, S.C.Bose and Gandhiji played a great role in spreading the reformist and nationalist

ideas through print culture. Despite repressive measures, nationalist newspapers grew in all

parts of India and assisted the growth of nationalism to a great extent. This is revealed from

the following points:

i. Through press, oppressive methods and exploitative nature of the colonial rule was

exposed to the masses of India. It facilitated in shaping of the united protest against the

colonial rule.

ii. Nationalist feelings and revolutionary ideas were spread by the dailies like the Amrit

Bazaar patrika, the Hindu, the kesari, the Indian mirror etc. Through these newspapers

nationalist leaders tried to mobilize public opinion against the British rule. They

assisted the growth of nationalism in India.

iii. Print culture also helped in eradicating the social evils, which reduced the gap between

people on the basis of caste etc. and hence assisted in the growth of nationalism.

In conclusion, print culture helped in the spread of knowledge and information

about the national and international developments. So, It became a powerful vehicle of

political education and growth of nationalism and led to the independence of India in


Q5: Why do some historians think that print culture created the basis for the French

revolution? OR

What role was played by the print culture in bringing the French revolution?

Ans: Print culture played a significant role in bringing French revolution. It popularized the

revolutionary ideas of the enlightenment thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau. etc. Their

writings were read widely and it developed new outlook among the people based on

questioning, critical thinking and rationality. So, it created a new culture of dialogue and

debate among the people which created the basis for the French revolution. The

revolutionary thinkers argued for the rule of reason and not custom and demanded for end

of superstition and despotism and application of reason and reality. They attacked the

sacred authority of church and despotic power of the state. The people re- evaluated all

values, norms and institutions and became ready for change, which resulted into the French


Activities based text question Q1: Imagine that you are Macro polo. Write a letter from china to describe the world

of print you have seen there.



Dear ABC,

This time around I experienced a great technology of print in china. The world of print

is very advanced here. Woodblock printing is a common experience. From CE 594

onwards, books are printed here by rubbing paper against the inked surface of woodblocks.

The printed papers are further duplicated with remarkable accuracy by the skilled

craftsman. Here is tradition of making “accordion books”.

Under the sponsorship of imperial state, textbooks are printed for the civil service

examination. So, the world of print in china provided me a memorable experience.

Yours own



Q2: why do some historians think that print culture created the basis for the French

revolution? OR

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What role was played by the print culture in bringing the French revolution?

Ans: Print culture played a significant role in bringing French revolution. It popularized the

revolutionary ideas of the enlightenment thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau. etc. Their

writings were read widely and it developed new outlook among the people based on

questioning, critical thinking and rationality. So, it created a new culture of dialogue and

debate among the people which created the basis for the French revolution. The

revolutionary thinkers argued for the rule of reason and not custom and demanded for end

of superstition and despotism and application of reason and reality. They attacked the

sacred authority of church and despotic power of the state. The people re- evaluated all

values, norms and institutions and became ready for change, which resulted into the French





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Civics L. No. 01

Power Sharing Textual questions

(Q.1) What are the different methods of power sharing in modern democracies ? Give an

example of each.

Ans) The different methods of power sharing in modern democracies are as under :-

I} Power Sharing among different organs of government :- The powers of the government

are divided and distributed between the three organs of government, ie legislature,

executive and judiciary according to a constitutional scheme as under :-

This distribution is called HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF POWER. The power

distribution is such that each organ limits the power of other two organs. Hence none of the

organs can exercise unlimited powers. The result is balance of power among various

institutions. This arrangement is called system of checks and balances.

Example :- In India,

i) The laws passed by legislature are subjected to Judicial review (The power of supreme

court to Judge the constitutional Validity of a law) as well as the veto of president (veto is a

special power to suspend a decision).

ii) The council of Ministers is answerable to parliament (legislature).

iii) The Supreme Court (Judiciary) has to consider constitution and laws passed by

parliament while delivering Judgments.

II} Power sharing among Governments at different levels :- In a vast and diverse country

like India and U.S.A, power is shared between a general government and the governments

at regional level. In such a system, the constitution clearly defines the powers of

governments at different levels.

Example:- In Belgium, the constitution after 1993, divided the powers between the central

Government and the state Governments of the two regions of French and Dutch

communities. This was done to ensure the accommodation of every community in the

political setup of the country.

III} Sharing of power among different social groups :- In many countries, there are

constitutional and legal arrangements whereby socially weaker sections and women are

represented in the legislatures and administration. This method is used to provide

opportunities to those sections of society who otherwise would feel alienated from the


Example:- In India, there is a constitutional scheme of reservation for scheduled castes,

scheduled Tribes and women in government as well as administration.


Executive Legislature Judiciary

Rule implementing

Power (Execution)

Rule Making power


Rule Judging power


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IV} Power sharing with political parties, pressure groups and NGO’s:- The political parties

share power in a formal way by forming alliances before elections and coalition after

elections. This ensures the accommodation of diverse ideological groups within the

political system of a country.

Likewise, pressure groups and NGO‟s share power in an informal way by influencing

decision making through democratic participation.

Example:- Unions of Industrialists, Traders, Workers, Farmers etc. along with

Environment Movements,. Women empowerment movements have made their voice to be

heard through litigation, resentments, mass communication, debates, conferences etc.

(Q.2) State one Prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing with an example

from the Indian context.

Ans) The two different reasons for power sharing are as under :-

Prudential reason :- Power sharing reduces the possibility of conflict between social

groups. It ensures the stability of political order by accommodating the demands and needs

of diverse groups in the society.

Example:- India has adopted a federal structure of governance in which power is shared in

between the union and the states. This has ensured the fulfillment of the regional

aspirations of people who are diverse with respect to their needs, necessities and demands.

The accommodation of exclusive groups in the political system has resulted in a sense of

“unity in Diversity”.

Moral reason for power sharing :- Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. A

democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise, and who have to

live with its effects. People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed. A

legitimate government is one where citizens, Through participation, acquire a stake in the


Example:- There are many provisions in Indian constitution which provide safeguards to

schedule castes and schedule tribes such as :-

Article 46: says that interests of schedule castes and schedule tribes must be protected.

Article 338: Provides for a National Commission for schedule castes and schedule tribes.

In addition to above, there are reservation provisions in the constitution for SC/ST and

women such as Article 234D and Article 243T.

(Q.3) Write a note on the power sharing in J&K legislative council according to the

constitution of J&K.

Ans) The state of J&K being composed of three distinct geographical regions of Jammu,

Kashmir and Ladakh; the Constitution of J&K ensures representation of each region in the

legislative Council. Article 50 of the State Constitution says that –

i) Legislative Council shall consist of 36 members

ii) 11 have to be necessarily from Kashmir including one each from Ladakh and Kargil

iii) 11 have to be elected from Jammu region with one each from Doda and Poonch

iv) two members are elected by the members of Municipal councils, Town Areas

Committees and Notified Area Committees.

v) Four members are to be elected by panchayats and other local bodies as the Governor

may by order specify, two each in the province of Jammu region and Kashmir region.

vi) Eight members are nominated by Governor from amongst persons belonging to

socially and educationally backward classes in the state or persons having contributed in

the field of literature, science, art, etc.

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(Q.4) The major of Merchtem, a town near Brussels in Belgium, has defended a ban on

speaking French in the Town’s schools. He said that the ban would help all non Dutch

speakers integrate in this Flemish town. Do you think that this measure is in keeping

with the spirit of Belgium’s power sharing arrangements? Give your reasons in about

50 words.

Ans) The power shearing arrangements in Belgium provide for the equal representation of all the

linguistic groups in the decision-making bodies, i.e Government. So, a ban on speaking

French in the Town‟s schools of Merchtem as defended by its Mayor is against the spirit of

power sharing arrangements in Belgium.

(Q.5) Read the following passage and pick out any one of the prudential reasons for power

sharing afered in this

{Read Passage from Book } Page No. 8

Ans) We need to give more powers to the panchayats to realize the dream of Mahatma Gandhi

and the hopes of the makers of our constitution.

EXTRA QUESTIONS Q.1) Here are some examples of power sharing. Which of the four types of power sharing

do these represent ? Who is sharing power with whom ?

(A) The Bombay High Court ordered the Maharashtra state Government to immediately

take action and improve living conditions for the 2000- odd children at seven

children’s homes in Mumbai.

Ans) Type of power Sharing :-Horizontal Distribution of power.

Power is shared between:- Executive (Maharastra State Govt). and Judiciary (Bombay

High Court)

(B) The Government of Ontario state in Canada has agreed to a land claim settlement

with the aboriginal community. The Minister responsible for Native Affairs

announced that the Government will work with aboriginal people in a spirit of

Mutual respect and co-operation.

Ans) Type of power sharing :-

Power sharing among different social groups.

Power is shared between :-

Government of Ontorio and the aboriginal community.

C) Russia‟s two influential political parties, the union of Right forces and the Liberal

Yagbloko Movement, agreed to unite their organizations into a strong right wing coalition.

They propose to have a common list of candidates in the next parliamentary elections.

Ans) Type of power sharing :-

Power sharing among political parties to capture political office.

Power is shared between :-

The union of Right Forces and Yagbloke Movement.

D) The Finance Ministers of various states in Nigeria got together and demanded that the

federal Govt. declare its source of income. They also wanted to know the formula by which

the revenue is distributed to various state governments.

Ans) Type of power sharing :-

Federal system of power sharing i.e power shared between the government at different


Power is shared between :-

States of Nigeria and Federal Government of Nigeria.

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Q2) Define power sharing.

Ans) Power sharing is a mechanism of distribution of power among different governmental and

non-governmental entities in modern democracies. On the basis of the principle of power

sharing, there is a distribution of power :-

a) Among different organs of government i,e legislature, executive and

judiciary.(Horizontal Distribution of power)

b) Among Governments at different levels, i,e Union or Central Government and

Regional govt. or State Government.

c) Among different social groups, such as religious and linguistic groups.

d) Among Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Movements.

Q.3) Why is power sharing desirable?

Ans) To Avoid conflict (prudential reasons)

(i) It reduces the possibility of conflict between various social groups.

(ii) Power sharing is a good way to ensure political stability.

(iii) It helps to avoid Majoritarianism which is oppressive to the minorities and hence

undermines the unity of the nation.

Spirit of deomocracy :- (Moral reasons)

i) Power sharing is the basic spirit of democracy.

ii) People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed.

iii) A legitimate government is one where citizens, through participation acquire a stake in

the system.

Q.4) Mention the steps taken by Sri-lankan government to achieve Majoritarianism.

Discuss majoritarianism in Sri-Lanka with reference to its Ethnic composition?


How did Ethnic composition of Sri Lanka resulted in majoretarianism in Sri Lanka.


What were the reasons for the ethnic conflict in Sri-Lanka.

Ans) Sri-Lanka, an island country in Indian ocean, has a diverse population. The population

structure of the country is as under :-

Sinhala speaking population constitutes 74% of population and occupy the major portion of

Island in central, west and southern parts. They are the original inhabitants of the Island

and are Buddhists.

The Tamil speaking population constitutes 18% of the island population. The Tamils

consist of two subgroups –

a) Srilankan Tamils :- They constitute 13% of Srilankan population and are considered as

native to the Island as they reside there from centuries.

b) Indian Tamils :- These are the descendents of Tamil people who came from India as

Plantation workers during the colonial period. They constitute about 5% of the population.

The most of the Tamils are Hindus or Muslims.

c) There are about 7% Christians on the Island who are both Tamil and Sinhala.

d) The remaing 1% are the non-native population on the Island.

Basis of conflict :- After the independence of Sri-Lanka from colonial rule in 1948, the

leaders of the Sinhala community sought to secure dominance over government by virtue

of their majority. The Sinhala govt. adopted a series of measures to establish Sinhala

Supremacy over the Tamils such as :-

i) Sinhala only :- In 1956, the Sinhalese Government of S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike passed an

act to recognize Sinhala as the only official language. This was seen as a cultural invasion

by Tamil Minority. As Sinhalese was not a language of Tamils, they now felt a language

handicap to apply for jobs and also in education institutions.

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ii) Standardisation :- The Sinhala government followed preferential policies that favoured

Sinhala applicants for university positions and government jobs.

iii) Religious bias :- A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster


iv) Land alienation :- The land in north and eastern part of the country, which was

considered as Tamil homeland, was distributed among the landless Sinhala population.

v) Problems of power sharing and devolution :- The Sinhalese mainstream political parties

and Sinhala Buddhist lobby vehemently opposed the equal representation of Tamils in the

decision making bodies.

All these factors went a long way to make the conflict more intense. It ultimately resulted

in the demand of Tamils for a separate homeland in north and eastern part in the form of

Tamil Elam.

Q.5) How did the Ethnic conflict in Sri-lanka led to a civil war?

Ans) The government measures in Sri-Lanka which aimed to establish Sinhala supremacy,

gradually increased the feeling of alienation among the Tamils. They felt that the

constitution and government policies denied them equal political rights. The Sri-Lanka

Tamils launched parties and struggles for the recogtnition of Tamil as an official language,

for regional autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing education and jobs. But their

demands were repeatedly denied. By 1980‟s Several political organizations were formed

demanding an independent Tamil Elam (state). A armed Tamil group named LTTE

(Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) was organized to fight for the cause of Tamils. The

result was a civil war which lasted till May 16-2009 and ended with the defeat of LTTE at

the hands of Sri-Lankan army.

The civil war resulted the Killings of thousands of people from both sides, and thousands

had to leave their homes & livelihood.

Q.6) What were the lessons learnt by Sri-Lankan leadership from the civil war..

Ans) With the defeat of LTTE in 2009, the Tamil National Alliance dropped its demand for a

separate Tamil State in favour of a federal solution. The then president Mahindra

Rajapaksa appointed the “Lessons learnt and Reconciliation commission (LLRC)” to look

back at the Sri-Lankan civil war and to provide recommendations for an era of healing and

peace building. The commission recommended the evolution of a home grown political

process which addresses the economic and social grievances and provides power sharing

mechanism in the central Government to facilitate nation-building.

Q.7) Explain the differences between vertical and horizontal power sharing.

Ans) Horizontal power sharing :-

i) Under the horizontal power sharing, power is shared among different organs of

government such as legislature, executive and Judiciary.

ii) Under horizontal distribution of power, organs of the government are placed at the same

level to exercise different powers.

iii) Under this system, there is a system of checks and balances as each organ checks the


Vertical power sharing :-

i) Power is shared among the different levels of government.

ii) The vertical division of power involves the highest and the lowest levels of government.

iii) Under this system, the lower government or organ exercises less powers than the

higher organ or government.

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Q.8) What is Majoritarianism?

Ans) It signifies that a majority community rules the country the way it wants. The wishes and

needs of the minority are not considered.

Q.9) What is community Government?

Ans) A Government which is elected by people belonging to one language community to

regulate their educational, linguistic and cultural affairs.

Q.10) What is civil war?

Ans) A violent conflict between two or more opposing groups within a country is known as civil


Q.11) What are reserved constituencies?

Ans) It is a system in which constituencies are reserved in the Assemblies and Parliament for

minorities in order to give them a fair share in power.

Q.12) What is a coalition government?

Ans) After elections in a multi-party democracy, when no single party is able to obtain majority

to form the govt. then two more parties join hands to form the government. This is termed

as coalition Govt.

Q.13) What is a Prudential reason?

Ans) It is a set of reason which is based on careful calculation of gains and losses. Prudential

reason stresses on beneficial consequences.

Q.14) What is a Moral reason?

Ans) It is a set of reasons which is based on principles, values and beliefs. It differentiates

between just and injust; right and wrong; good and bad. It Judges a system on moral


Q.15) What is the system of checks and balances?

Ans) A system in which each organ of the govt. checks the others which results in the balance of

power among them. It ensures that none of the organs exercises unlimited powers. It

ensures the stability in governance.

Q.16) What is Federal Govt.?

Ans) It is system of governance in which powers are divided between the General and regional



L. No. 2

Federalism Textual questions

Q.1) Point out one feature in the practice of federalism in India that is similar to and one

feature that is different from that of Belgium.

Ans) Feature of Indian Federalism similar to Belgium Model:- In India as well as Belgium,

there is a constitutional scheme of division of powers between the central and regional


Feature of Indian Federalism different from Belgium Model:- In India there is a

distribution of powers between the central and state governments, while as in Belgium,

there is a distribution of powers between the three governments i.e Central Government,

Regional Government and Community Government.

Q.2) What is the main difference between a Federal form of government and a Unitary


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Ans) Federal form of govt:- In a federal Form of government, the constitution provides for the

division of powers between the central government and the government of units.

Example:- Indian constitution provides for the division of powers between the Union

government and State governments.

Unitary form of govt :- In a unitary form of government there is concentration of all

powers of governance in a National govt. So, only a single government governs the


Example:- In Shri Lanka, the National Government exercises all the powers of


Q.3) State any two differences between the local government before and after the

constitutional Amendment in 1992.

Ans) Local government in India before the constitutional Amendment of 1992 :-

i) Elections of these local governments were not held regularly.

ii) Local governments did not have any powers and resources of their own.

Local Government in India after the constitutional Amendment of 1992 :- i) It is now constitutionally compulsory to hold regular elections to local government

bodies, i.e Panchayats and municipalities.

ii) Now,the state governments are required to share some revenue and powers with local

government bodies.

Q.4) Write a note on Panchayati Raj in Jammu and Kashmir.

Ans) The concept of decentralization in J&K owes its origin to Naya Kashmir Manifesto adopted

by National Conference in 1994.

The local self governance was incorporated in the state constitution that was promulgated

in 1957 under article 16, which reads as- “The state should take steps to organize village

Panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable

them to function as units of self government.

The Jammu and Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act 1989 provided for a three-Tier Panchayat Raj

system in the state as under :-

i) Halqa panchayat, at village level;

ii) Block Development council at Block level;

iii) District Planning and Development boards, at District level;

Besides above, a panchayat Adalat (Panchayat Court) for each Halqa Panchayat.

The recent elections to panachayats were held in the year 2011 to constitute the Halqa

Panchayats. However, the upper two tiers i,e Block level and District level Panchayats are

yet to be constituted.

Q.5) What are the functions of Local Urban bodies in J&K.

Ans) The functions of local urban bodies as per the J&K Municipal Act-2000 are as follows: I)

Urban planning including town Planning.

II) Regulation of land use along with construction of Buildings.

III) Public Health, sanitation, conservation and solid waste management.

IV) Urban Forestry, protection of Environment & ecology.

V) To safeguard the interest of weaker sections of society.

VI) Slum Improvement & upgradation.

VII) Maintenance of urban facilities such a parks, playgrounds, gardens etc.

VIII) Promotion of cultural, educational and aesthetic aspects.

IX) To Maintain burial/burial grounds, cremation and cremation grounds.

X) Cattle ponds and prevention of cruelty to animals.

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XI) Urban poverty alleviation.

XII) To maintain important statistics such as registration of births and deaths.

XIII) Planning for economic & social development.

XIV) Regulation of slaughter houses and Tanneries.

XV) Regulation of facilities such as street lighting, parking lots, bus stops, and public


XVI) Implementation of food Adulteration Act.

Q.6) Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Give an argument

and an example to support any of these positions.

I) Sangeeta:- The policy of accommodation have strengthened national unity.

II) Arman:- Language based states have divided us by making everyone conscious of

their language.

III) Harish:- This policy has only helped to consolidate the dominance of English over

all other languages.

Ans) Sangeetas reaction to language policy is better than those of the other two for the reasons as

under :-

a) The policy of linguistic accommodation has helped to avoid social conflict on linguistic


b) This has made administration easier as the demands and expectations of different

linguistic communities come easily to be identified and hence satisfied.

c) It has helped to overcome the language handicap which a linguistic community faces in

career making competitions,.

d) It has given a sense of security to linguistic minorities.

e) It has ensured the participation of all linguistic communities in nation building,

administration as well as governance.

If India had not followed the policy of accommodation, the result would have been multi-

ethnic conflict which would have been more disastrous than the ethnic conflict of Sri-


Q.7) The distinguishing feature of a Federal Government is :

Ans) Governmental power is divided between different levels of government.

Q.8) A few subjects in various lists of the Indian constitution are given here. Give them

under the union, state and concurrent list.

A) Defence (B) Police (C) Agriculture (D) Education (E) Banking (F) Forests (G)

communications (H) Trade (I) Marriages.


Q.9) If agriculture and commerce are state subjects, then why do we have ministers of

Commerce and agriculture in the Union Cabinet?

Ans) India being a “holding together federation” makes policies and planning at national level

and the states execute the same at lower or regional level. Accordingly, Indian constitution

empowers the union Govt. to legislate on state list for giving effect to international

Treaties. Commerce does not involve domestic financial matters and national trade only‟ it

includes international trade also which comes under the jurisdiction of Union Govt.

UNION LIST Defence, Banking, communication

STATE LIST Agriculture, Police, Trade


LIST Forests, Marriages, Education.

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Likewise agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy, hence it needs a national policy

for its growth & development. The national planning which was earlier formulated by

“planning commission” and now “NITI Ayog” gives a centralized basis to whole system of

governance. That is why we have ministers for those sectors at union level which basically

belong to state list

Q.10) Did our Constitution makers not know about Federalism? OR

Did they wish to avoid talking about it.

Ans) The makers of our constitution were quite familiar with the concept and system of

Federalism. Under the Government of India Act-1935, Federalism was proposed by British

Govt. with a division of powers between the central legislature & the provinces.

But the founding fathers of Indian constitution avoided the word Federalism and hence

article-1 of Indian constitution declares. “Bharat shall be a Union of States”. This was done


i) India needed a strong centre to tackle the problems of poverty, under development,

illiteracy, social inequalities etc.

ii) A strong centre was needed to increase the pace of development.

iii) The partition of the country on communal basis and integration of about 552 princely

states into Indian union demanded a strong central Govt.

Taking above points into consideration, the framers of our constitution made all

constitutional arrangements for power sharing so as to accommodate diverse groups in the

political system, but they avoided the use of the word “federalism” in Indian constitution.

Q.11) What do we call the Indian Govt.? is is Union, Federal or Central Govt.

Ans) India is a federal state with centralizing Tendency. The Union Govt. or Central Govt.

enjoys more powers than the states or units. So whenever we call Indian Govt. It is Central

or Union Govt. working in capacity of a Federal Govt.

Q.12) Why was Hindi adopted the first official language after independence. Why not any

other language?

Ans) All the time of independence, Hindi was the mother Tangur of mot of the northern states of

India. About 40% of population was Hindi speaking. Moreover. Hindi a represented the

composite cultural heritage of India so, it was debated as the official language. But later,

Hindi, along with English and 22 other Indian languages were declared as official


Q.13) Prime Minister runs the country, Chief Monister run the state. Then the chair person

of Zilla parishad should run the district? Then why does the District Magistrate run

the district?

Ans) i) The Chairperson of Zilla Parishad is an indirectly elected head, he cannot exercise

powers like a representative as Chief Minister & Prime Minister who are directly elected

by people.

ii) India has adopted command economy and centralized planning after independence. So,

all the plans from union Govt. are executed by District Commissioners at district level. It is

his work which demands more powers & Jurisdiction so as to satisfy the model of public



Q.1) List the key features of Federalism:

Ans) The key or basic features of Federalism are as under :-

1) There are two or more levels of government.

2) Different Tiers of government govern the same citizens within specified Jurisdiction in

matters of Legislation, Taxation and Administration.

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3) The existence, authority and Jurisdiction of each Tier of government is specified by the


4) The change or amendment in the basic provisions or federal provisions of constitution

need the consent of both levels of government.

5) Only the courts have final power to interpret the constitution and settle the disputes

between the different levels of government as per the constitutional provisions.

6) Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its

financial autonomy.

7) regional diversity is ensured to promote unity of the country.

Q.2) What are the factors crucial for the practice of federalism.

Ans) 1) Governments at different levels should agree to some rules of power sharing.

2) The Governments at different levels should have mutual trust that each would observe

the mutually agreed upon conditions.

Q.3) What are the different routes through which federations have been formed.

Ans) There are two kinds of routes through which federations have been formed.

1) Coming Together federations:- This route involves independent states coming together

on their own to form a bigger unit. By pooling sovereignty and retaining identity, they can

increase their security. The examples are U.S.A, Switzerland and Australia.

2) Holding Together Federations:- Under this system, a large country decides to divide

its power between the constituent states and the national government. The central

government Tends to be more powerful Vis-a-Vis the states. Very often the constituent

units of federation have unequal powers as some are granted special status. The examples

are India, Spain and Belgium.

Q.4) Write a note on Sarkaria Commission.

Ans) In June, 1983, the Indian Govt. constituted a commission under the chairmanship of Justice

R.S.Sarkaria to examine the power sharing arrangements between the union and the states.

The commission submitted its report in January 1988, with different observations &

suggestions related to centre State relations. The report contains 247 recommendations

spreading over 19 chapters. The commission came to be known as ”Sarkaria Commission”

after the name of its Chairman, R.S. Sarkaria.

Q.5) What makes India a federal country.

Ans) The Indian Constitution contains all those provisions which are fundamental for a

federation such as :-

1) Demarcation of legislative, executive and administrative powers.

2) Division of revenue & finances.

3) A supreme court to Interpret the constitution and settle the disputes between the union

and states.

4) A Rigid amendment procedure related to federal provisions in the constitution.

So, it makes clear that India is a federation.

Q.6) Discuss the constitutional scheme for the division of legislative powers between the

centre and the states in India.

Ans) The constitution of India provides three fold distribution of legislative powers between the

union and the state Governments. It constrains three lists as under :-

1) Union list :- It includes subjects of national importance such as defence, foreign affairs,

currency and communication etc.

It contains 100 items on which only the union Government can make laws.

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2) State list:- It includes subjects of state and local importance such as police, Trade,

commerce, agriculture, and irrigation.

It contains 61 items on which only the state government can make laws.

3) Concurrent list :- It includes subjects of common importance to both the union as well

as the state Government such as education, forests, trade and trade unions, marriage,

adoption and succession.

It contains 52 items on which both the union as well as the state Government can make

laws. But if their laws conflict, the union law will prevail.

Residuary Subjects :- The law making powers related to subjects that came up after the

constitution was made lie with the central or union Government (e.g) Cyber law etc.

Q.7) What has been the language policy of India after independence ?

Ans) The constitution of India framed after independence, did not give the status of national

language to any one language. Besides Hindi being given the status of official language,

There are 21 other languages recognised as scheduled languages by Indian constitution.

English is also accepted as a language for official purposes.

This linguistic accommodation has helped to avoid social conflict on linguistic basis. Along

with a sense of security to linguistic minorities, it has helped to preserve unity

in diversity.

Q.8) Write a note on local urban Governance in J & K.

Ans) J&K has 84 urban local bodies as :-

1) Two Municipal corporation for Srinagar and Jammu.

2) Six Municipal councils for Kathua, Udhampur, Poonch, Anantnag, Sopore and


3) Seventy six Municipal committees for smaller towns.

4) Leh Autonomous Hill Development Council was created by central Government in

1995. It consists of 30 councillors out of which 26 are elected and four are nominated.

5) Kargil Hill Development Council was created by J&K state Government in 2005.

Consisting of both elected and nominated members.

The efforts of the Government are expected to go a long way to strengthen the democracy

at gross root level in the state.


Lesson No. 3

Democracy and Diversity

Textual questions Q.1) Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions?

Ans) The three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social diversions are as under :-

a) People’s perception of their identities :- If people see their identities in singular and

exclusive terms the accommodation of other social identities becomes difficult.

Similarly, the social and political accommodation becomes easier if people see that their

identities are multiple and are complementary with national identity.

b) Representation of a community by political leaders:- The social divisions are easy to

avoid if the leaders raise demands within the constitutional frame work and without a harm

to any community.

c) The reaction of government:- If the government is willing to share power and

accommodate the reasonable demands of a minority community, social division are limited.

But, if the govt. tries to suppress their demands, the results are harmful for national unity.

Q.2) When does a social difference become a Social Division?

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Ans) Social Sivision takes place when some social difference overlap with other differences (e.g)

in northern Ireland, the social differences of class and religion overlap each other The

Catholics of northern Ireland are usually poor, while as the Protestants are ones who are

well off. So, there is an overlap between class and religion. As a result, there are conflicts

between the two religious groups, as such differences have led to discrimination of

Catholics against protestants. So, a social difference becomes a social division when it

coincides with other social differences.

Q.3) How do social divisions affect politics? Give two examples?

Ans) Positive effects :- Politics is an art of conflict resolution. Social division is a conflictual

situation: so, politics has a positive role in a socially divisive situation. Wherever they

exist, social division are reflected in politics. Social divisions give birth to different

political parties and each community supports a political party which can represent its

interests in the best way. This ensures participation of every community in the electoral

process of their country and hence strengthens the democratic setup of the country.

Negative effects :- In a democracy, political parties try to increase their social support

base by encouraging hatred & hostility between different communities. This can result into

social divisions. Moreover, the deepening of social divisions can even lead to conflict and

at times even violence & disintegration of the country.

Q.4) Write a note on the diversity of J&K?

Ans) The population of J&K is very diverse. It consist of various, linguistic, ethnic, religious

and regional identities. The people share many differences as well as similarities. The

identities, however cut across each other which in part provide the basis for harmonious

interaction across different cultural groups. Ethnically different groups share same religious

identities while as different regional identities share same religious and linguistic features.

Q.5) Discuss the origin of Social differences?

Ans) There are mainly two basis for social differentiation which are as under:-

1) The Social differences based on birth:- Most of the social differences are based on

birth. We belong to a community simply because we were born in it. So, most of the social

differences like being male and female, tall & short, etc are based on birth.

2) The Social differences based on choice:- Some of the social differences are based on

our choice. Some people chose to follow a religion other than the one in which they were

born. Most of us choose what to study, which occupation to take up and which games and

activities to take part in. All these lead to formation of social groups based on choice .

Q.6) Mention two types of social differences with examples?

Ans) The two types of social difference are :-

1) Overlapping social differences:- The overlapping of social differences may lead to

social divisions. For example, The difference between blacks and whites becomes a social

division in U.S because the blacks tend to be poor, homeless and discriminated against.

Likewise, in Northern Ireland, Catholics are likely to be poor and have suffered a history of


2) Cross cutting social differences :- It means that groups that share a common interest on

one issue are likely to be on different sides on a different issue (e.g) in Netherlands, the

Christian population is divided into Catholics and Protestants. But class and religion tend to

cross each other. So there are no conflicts in Netherlands.

Fill in the Blanks:

Q.7) Exclusionist. Social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions,

inclusive social differences do not usually lead to conflicts.

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Q.8) Which country suffered social disintegration due to political fights on the basis of

religious and ethnic identities?

Ans) Yugoslavia.

Q.9) “The social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger”. Explain?

Ans) The social diversities in a democracy is a normal affair. The political expression of various

Marginal & Disadvantaged social groups allow them to express their grievances and get

them redressed by the government. Expression of various kinds of social divisions in

politics helps in reducing their intensity. This leads to strengthening of democracy.

Q.10) What are different provisions in J&K constitution which provide for the preservation

of socio-cultural diversity of the state?

Ans) Article-16: organizations of village panchayats.

Article-18:- Separation of Judiciary from executive.

Article-25:- Duty of state to foster equality and secularism.

Article-49:- Reservation of seats for schedule castes.

Article-50:- Plural composition of legislative council.

Article-146:- Exstablishment of cultural Academy for the development of diverse cultures

and regional languages.

Sixth schedule of J&K constitution has incorporated the following regional languages.

i) Kashmiri (ii) Dogri (iii) Balti (Pali)

iv) Dardi (v) Punjabi (vi) Pahari

vii) Ladakhi (viii) Gojri

Q.11) Who were Tommie Smith and John Carlos? What is their contribution to civil Rights

Movement in the United States?

Ans) Tommy Smith and John Carlos were the two U.S athletes. They won gold and Bronze

medals respectively in 1968 Olympics race held at Mexico. Being African, Americans, they

received their medals wearing black socks and no shoes to represent black poverty. With

this gesture, they tried to draw international attention to racial discrimination in the United


Q.12) Who was Peter Norman ? How is he linked with Civil Rights Movement in U.S.A?

Ans) Peter Norman was an Australian athlete, and a silver Medalist in Mexico Olympics race

1968. He supported Tommy Smith and John Carlos in supporting the civil right Movement

during Award ceremony of Olympics 1968. For this, he wore a human rights badge on his

shirt during the ceremony to show his support to the two Americans.


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Lesson No. 4

Gender, Religion and Caste Textual questions

Q.1) Mention different aspects of life in which women are discriminated or disadvantaged

in India?

Ans) Indian society is a patriarchal society. So, women are disadvantaged and discriminated in

different ways as listed under :

1) Education:- The literacy rate among women is only 65.46% as compared with 82.14%

among men. Similarly a smaller proportion of girl students go for higher studies. It is

because the parents prefer to spend their resources for education of their sons rather than

spending equally on their sons and daughters.

2) The Proportion of women in paid jobs:- Women have a small share in highly paid jobs

and higher posts. On an average, a woman works one hour more than a man per day. Yet

much of her work is not paid and often not valued.

3) Preference to male child:- Indian parents mostly prefer sons over female children

often, the girl child is aborted before she is born. This has led to a decline in child sex ratio

to merely 927. The ratio has fallen below 850 or even 800 in some places.

4) Crimes against women:- There are frequent incidents of crime against women. They

are exploited and harassed at the work places, and also at home.

5) Status of women representation in politics:- In India, the proportion of women in

legislatures has been very low. In 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the percentage of women in

the Indian parliament is around 11% only. The govt. cabinets are largely male dominated.

Although there is a provision of 1/3rd

reservation for women in Panchayat Raj Institutions;

Yet the women‟s reservation Bill envisaging 33% reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha and

state Assemblies is pending before the parliament.

All these factors have prevented the Indian women from actively participating in the work

outside their homes and have confined her to domestic work only.

Q.2) State different forms of communal politics with one example each.

Ans) Communalism can take various forms in politics as under :

I) Expression of communalism in every day beliefs which involve religious prejudices,

stereo typing of religious communities and belief in the superiority of one‟s religion over

other religions.

Example:-Militant religious groups are a good example of this type of communalism.

II) The desire to form a majoritarian dominance by a religious majority community and a

separate state by the religious minorities.

Example:- Ethnic conflict in Srilanka is a good example of this type of communalism

III) The use of religious symbols, and religious leaders in politics along with emotional


Example:- The communal political parties in India are the best example.

IV) Communal politics sometimes can take form of communal violence and riots.

Example:- Gujrat riots 2002 is the best example.

Q.3) State how caste inequalities are still continuing in India.

Ans) Caste inequalities have not completely disappeared from India.

1. Even today, most people marry within their own caste or Tribe.

2. Despite constitutional prohibition, untonchability has not ended completely.

3. Education is not easily available to the so called low castes.

4. Economic status is closely linked to the caste system. Poor are mostly the low castes,

while the rich are the high castes. All this shows that caste based inequalities still continue

in India.

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Q.4) State two reasons to say that caste alone cannot determine elections results in India?

Ans) Caste alone can not determine election results in India because:

I) The voters have strong attachment to political parties which is often stronger than any

attachment to their caste group.

II) People within the same caste or community often have different interests.

III) Rich and poor or men and women from the same caste often vote very differently.

IV) People from the same caste have different assessment of the performance of their


V) No parliamentary constituency in the country has a clear Majority of one single caste.

So, every party and candidate needs to win the confidence of more than one caste.

VI) Some voters have more than one candidate from their caste while many voters have no

candidate from their caste.

Q.5) What is the status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies?

Ans) In India, the proportion of women in legislatures has been very low. In 2014 Lok Sabha

elections, the percentage of women in the Indian parliament is around 11% only. The govt.

cabinets are mainly male dominated. Although there is a provision of 1/3rd

reservation for

women in panchayat Raj institutions, yet the Women‟s Reservation Bill envisaging 33%

reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha and state Assemblies is pending before the


Q.6) Mention any two constitutional provisions that make India a secular state?

Ans) The constitutional provisions that make India a secular state are :-

i) The constitution provides to all individuals and community freedom to profess, practice

and propagate any religion or not to follow any.

ii) The constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion.

iii) There is no official religion for the Indian state.

Q.7) Define Sex Ratio. What is its significance?

An) Sex ratio means the number of females per thousand males.

The significance of sex ratio lies in the fact that it is a sensitive indicator of status of

women in society. It gives an indication of forebearance for girl child, their upbringing and

nature of gender relation in a society. Sex Ratio also serves as an indicator of development.

Higher in sex ration more is development.

Q.8) Write a short note on the rights of women as mentioned in Naya Kashmir Manifesto


Ans) „Naya Kashmir Manifesto‟ launched by National Conference in 1944 contains a women‟s

charter which aims to accord women just and rightful place in the society. The charter

provides for certain rights and privilege so that a woman could act as a responsible citizens.

It provides (a) political rights to women so as to ensure her participation in the political

system as well as decision making. (b) Economic rights so as to ensure her self

dependence, justice and a dignified life.

Q.9) When we speak about gender division, we usually refer to :

Ans) Unequal roles assigned to men and women by the society.

Q.10) In India, seats are reserved for women in :

Ans) Panchayat Raj bodies.

Q.11) Communal Politics is based on.

Ans) (A) One religion is superior to that of other

(C) Followers of a particular religion constitute one community.

Q.12) Which is wrong about Indian Constitution.

Ans) Gives official status to one religion.

Q.13) Social divisions based on:

Ans) castes are peculiar to India.

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Q.14) Write few sentences about the following.

(I) Margret Thatcher :- Margret Thatcher was the Prime Minister of United Kingdom

from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of 20th century and

is the only woman to have held the office. She was called “Iron lady” because of her

uncompromising politics and leadership style. She received many honours for her

unparalleled contribution to politics. She died on 13 October 2013.

(II) Indira Gandhi :- Indira Gandhi was the fourth Prime Minister of India and one of the

tallest leaders of Indian National Congress. She is the longest serving Prime Minister of

India 1966 – 1977 and 1980 – 1984 after Nehru and also the only women Prime Minister of

the country till date. She is known for her Pro-poor socialist ideas which she implemented

in the form of “Gharibi Hatao Andholan” she is considered as the pioneer of Green

Revolution in India. She was given the name “Durga” by A.B Vajpayee after her decisive

victory against Pakistan in Bangladesh war of 1971. Shimla agreement is considered as her

greatest political achievement. She was assassinated in 1984.

(III) Benazir Bhutto :- Benazir Bhutto was the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan and the

only woman to hold such an office in Pakistan. She was the daughter of Zulfkar Ali

Bhutto- the founder of Pakistan People‟s Party, who also remained Prime Minister of this

country. She contributed a lot for the socio-economic development of her country. She was

an internationally recognized political personality. She was assassinated in 2007. She has

written her autobiography, “The Daughter of the East”.

(IV) Khalida Zia :- Begum Khalida Zia is a Bangladeshi Politician who was the \Prime

Minister of Bengladesh from 1991 to 1996 and again from 2001- 2006. When she took

office in 1991, She was the first woman in Bangladesh and second in the Muslim world to

head a democratic government as Prime Minister. She is the chairperson and leader of the

Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Khalida Zia led the movement for democracy after Military

coup of 1982, so as to restore democracy in Bangladesh.

(V) Sheikh Hasina :- Sheikh Hasina is the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh since

January 2009. She Priviously held this office from 1996-2001. Being the eldest child of

Sheikh Majibur Rehman (The First Prime Minister of Bangladesh), She has led the

Bangladesh Awami League since 1981. She has received numerous prestigious awards for

her achievements in politics and contribution in various fields.


Q.1) Write short notes on the following.

(I) Feminist Movements:- The issue of gender discrimination is raised in politics world

over. Women in different parts of the world organize and agitate for equal rights. These

agitations demand enhancing the political status of women and improving their educational

and career opportunities. More radical women movements aim at equality in personal and

family life as well. These movements are called feminist movements.

(II) Communalism :- It is a belief system where religion is taken as the principal basis of

social stratification. It is love and respect for one‟s own religion and hatred towards all

other religious communities.

When the demands of one religious group are formed in opposition to another and when

state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest. This

manner of using religion in politics is communal politics.

Secular State :- When the state does not have only official religion and treats all religion

equally, that state is termed as a secular state.

Q.2) Name the law which have been passed for the protection of women’s right in India.

Ans) Following laws have been passed for the protection of women‟s rights in India

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(1) Prohibition of child Marriage Act.

(2) Dowry prohibition Act.

(3) Domestic violence Act.

(4) The criminal law Amendment Act.


Lesson No. 5

Power Struggles and Movements Textual questions

Q.1) What is a Pressure Group. Give a few examples?

Ans. A pressure group is an organization which attempts to influence govt. politics through

protests and demonstrations. It is formed when people with common occupation, interest

or opinions come together in order to achieve a common objective. The examples of

pressure groups are:

(a) The Bolivian organization FEDECOR

(b) BAMCEF (Backward and Minorities Community Employees Federation).

Q.2 Describe the forms of relationship between Pressure Groups and political parties?

Ans. The relationship between political parties and pressure groups can take different forms.

(i) Pressure groups are often formed and led by politicians and political parties. Most

trade unions and students organizations in India are either established by or

affiliated to one or the other Major Political Party.

(ii) Political parties sometimes grow out of movements. The formation of J&K Muslim

league in 1931 from the uprising of 1931 is an example.

(iii) Many a times, the issues raised by a pressure group or movement is taken up by

political parties, leading to a change in their policies.

(iv) Most of the new leadership of political parties come from interest or movement


Q.3 Explain how the activities of Pressure Groups are useful in the functioning of a

democratic government?

Ans. Pressure groups are important in the functioning of a democratic govt. as they provide an

opportunity for marginalised people to voice their opinions. In some cases, the government

opinion might be biased towards a small group of rich and powerful people. It is here that

pressure groups step in and force the govt. to make policies which will benefit certain other

sections of society as well.

Q.4 In what ways do Pressure Groups and movements exert influence on politics?

Ans. Pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics in a variety of ways.

(i) They try to gain public support and sympathy for their goals and their activity by

carrying out information campaigns, organizing meetings, file petitions.

(ii) By organizing strikes and disruptions, they force the government to take note of

their demand.

(iii) They also influence decision making by lobbying.

(iv) They issues raised by them often influence the policies of political parties.

Q.5 What is the difference between a Pressure Group and a political party?

Ans. The major difference between a Pressure Group and a political party is that while political

parties try to directly control or share political power; pressure groups do not aim to do so.

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They influence the policies of govt. as well as political parties using methods like agitation,

protests, demonstrations, etc.

Moreover, a pressure group mostly represents the interests of a particular social

group while as a political party has to represent all social groups so as to widen its electoral


Q.6 Organisations that undertake activities to promote the interests of specific social

sections such as workers, employees, teachers, and lawyers are called ______ groups.

Ans. Sectional Interest Group Organisations that undertake activities to promote the interests of

specific social sections such as workers, employees, teachers and lawyers are called

sectional interest groups.

Q.7 Which among the following is the special feature that distinguish a pressure group

from a political party.

Ans. (C) Pressure groups do not seek to get into power, while political parties do.

Q.8 Write a short note on umbrella movement?

Ans. In September 2014, Hong Kong students protest for more political freedom. They used

umbrellas to protect themselves from police pepper spray. The umbrellas became a symbol

of the movement and gave it the nick name, the umbrella revolutions. The movement was

initiated by a group called Occupy Central with Love and Peace, led by Hong Kong

University law professor Benny Tai. The main demand was full democracy in Hong Kong.

Protestors want the right to nominate and directly elect the head of the Hong Kong

government known as the Chief Executive.

Q.9 Mention the objectives of J&K Women’s Welfare Association?

Ans. J&K Women‟s Welfare Association formed in 1927 is an important contributor in breaking

the traditional and stereotypical approach towards women in J&K. The motto of this

association was upliftment of women by imparting them education and training them for

personality development, health care and social service.

Q.10 Write a note on the dawn of social awakening in J&K?

Ans. The period between 1925 and 1930 witnessed the dawn of political awakening in Kashmir.

“The all India Kashmiri Muslim Conference; Kashmiri People‟s Organisation which was

functioning from Lahore, helped some Kashmiri Muslims to go for higher studies in British

India. These Kashmiri Youth came in contact with many intellectuals of India When they

returned to Kashmir, they failed to get suitable jobs under Dogra Rule. They formed a

small group called “Reading Room Group” which aimed to evolve a political programme

to redress the problems of people. This small group gradually emerged as the main

organization to control and co-ordinate the political struggle in Kashmir. Its guidance

enhanced the interest of people in politics.

Q.11 Write short note on Chipko Movement:

Ans. The Chipko Movement is an ecological movement in the Himalayan regions. The

movement began in Uttarakhand in 1970 where women protested felling of trees by

grabing the Oak and Rhododendron trees near their villages. Its impact spread to all over

the country. The movement voiced the issues of ecological and economic exploitation of

the region. The special feature of the movement was the active participation of women.

It was a great success for the movement when the government issued a ban on felling of

trees in the Himalayan region for fifteen years, till the time green cover was restored again.

Right to information Movement: The Right to information movement was started in 1990

in Rajasthan by an NGO Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) when it demanded

records of famine relief work and accounts of labourers. In 1994 and 1996, MKSS

organized Jan Sunwais or public hearings, where the administration was to answer about

the Misappropriations of funds of developmental projects. The movement gained a small

success when an amendment was introduced to permit the people to procure certified

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copies of documents held by the panchayats. In 1996, MKSS established National Council

for people‟s Right to Information in Delhi to demand RTI at the national level. Before that

there were proposals form different corners for an RTI law, so, they RTI bill found its final

passage in parliament in 2014 and became an Act in 2005.

Women’s Movement: 20th

century has witnessed a growth of women‟s organization at

national and local level. The women India Association (1917) All India Women‟s

Conference (1926) etc were few organizations to work for women liberation in 1970‟s The

phase of women‟s liberation in India focused on issues of women‟s rights, domestic

violence, dowry, property, rights etc. in 1990‟s Anti- Arrack Movement in Andhra –

Pradesh proved a success in which women protested against sale of alcohol. But the

movement slowly turned to provide a platform to discuss issues like domestic violence,

dowry sexual abuse at work and other places. The campaigns by different movements

helped in increasing awareness about women issues.

The shift of the movement from legal reforms to social confrontation led to 73rd

and 74th

constitutional amendment acts which granted 33% reservation to women. In Panchayat Raj

institutions one more bill for giving reservation to women in parliament is pending before

the parliament.

Peasant Movement: Peasants Movements have taken place since pre-colonial days. The

Bardoli Satyagraha (1928), All India Kisan Sabha (1928), Tebhaga movement (1946 – 47)

Telangena movement (1946 – 47) etc were most famous peasant movements. These

movements demanded land reforms, abolition of Zimiandari, Public credit system,

irrigation etc. one such movement was Bhatiya Kisan Union Organised by Mahendra Singh

Tikait. BKU was one of the leading organizations in the 1980‟s agitations of farmers. It

was mainly a reaction of farmers against the liberalisation programme which led to crisis in

cash crop market. So, about 20,000 farmers in Meerut, UP demanded govt. support so as to

overcome the crisis situation.

Adivasis Movement: Tribel people have a long history of launching movements against

oppression and exploitation during British period. But even after independence, Tribals

have benefitted least from the advent of freedom. On the basis of issues the tribal

movement in India are directed against.

(i) Exploitations by outsiders.

(ii) Economic deprivation (E.g Gonds Movement of Madhya Pradesh and Mahars in

Andhra Pradesh)

(iii) The Indian state with a separatist agenda (Nagas and Mizo‟s movement in North


The tribal movements can be classified on the basis of their orientation into four


(i) Forest based movements.

(ii) Socio religious movements

(iii) Movements seeking political autonomy and formations of states.

(iv) Agrarian movements.

Although all such movements are beneficial for a balanced development of the

country and ensures political participation of the tribal people but Naxalite

Movement of the Tribals in Bihar, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand has

become a security issue for the Indian state. So, the best way to deal with these

armed rebellious groups is to open the channels of communication with them and

invite them for dialogue and discussion.

Q.12) Pressure Groups and parties?

Ans) (A) Organized expression of the interests and views of specific social sections.

(B) Pressure Groups take positions on political issues.

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Lesson No. 6

Political Parties Textual questions

Q.1) State various functions political parties perform in a democracy.

Ans. The various functions political parties perform in a democracy are as under :-

(i) Parties contest elections :- Candidates are put forward by parties to contest elections.

These candidates may be choosen by the members of the party or by the top leaders of the


(ii) Parties put forward different policies and programmes :- A party reduces vast

multitude of opinions into a few basic positions which it supports. A government is

expected to base its policies on the line taken by ruling party.

(iii) Parties play a decisive role in making laws :- The party members within the

legislature support laws on the directions of party leadership.

(iv) Parties form and run government :- Parties recruit leaders, Train them and then

make them ministers to run the government.

(v) Parties play the role of opposition :- Those parties that lose in the elections play the

role of opposition in the legislature. They criticise the govt. for its failure and wrong

policies and hence keep check on the government.

(vi) Parties shape public opinion :- Parties provide political knowledge to its members

and activists. They have a lot of influence on the opinion of the people.

(vii) Parties provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes:-

For an ordinary citizen it is easy to access a party leader than a government official. Parties

are responsive to peoples needs and demands. Hence they act a link between the

government and the people.

Q.2 What are the various challenges faced by political parties ?

Ans. The various challenges faced by political parties are as under :-

(i) Lack of internal democracy :- There is a tendency in political parties towards the

concentration of power in one or few leaders at the top. Few leaders assume greater power

to make decisions in the name of the party. Those who disagree with the leader find it

difficult to continue in the party.

(ii) Dynastic Succession :- In many parties, the top positions are always controlled by

members of one family. This is unfair for other capable leaders as well as bad for


(iii) Use of Money and Muscle power :- Since parties are focused only on winning

elections, they tend to use short-cuts to win elections. The influence of rich people and

entry of criminals in politics is a grave concern for democracies all over the world.

(iv) Reduction in differences over policies :- In order to offer meaningful choice to the

voters, the parties must significantly be different. But in recent years, there has been a

decline in the ideological differences among parties. Those who want different policies

have no option available to them.

Q.3 Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well?

Ans. The reforms to strengthen political parties are as sunder :-

(i) A law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties. There should

be a party constitution and an independent authority, to act as a Judge in case of party

disputes. There should be open elections to the highest posts in the parties.

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(ii) At least 1/3 tickets of the party should be given to women. Also, there should be a

quota for the women in the decision making bodies of the party.

(iii) There should be state funding of party elections.

Q.4 What is a political party ?

Ans. A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold

power in the government. They agree on some policies and programmes for the society

with a view to promote the collective good. They seek to implement these policies by

winning popular support through elections. A political party has four components :

(i) Ideology (ii) The leaders `(iii) The active members (iv) The followers.

Q.5 Write a short note on the ideologies of each political party in J&K.

Ans. National conference :- National Conference is one of the oldest political parties active

from 1932 in the politics of J&K. It was formed by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Who led

the party from 1932 upto his death in 1981. It has been led subsequently by Sheikh‟s son

Farooq Abdullah (1981-2002) and his son Umar Abdullah (2002-2009). Farooq Abdullah

was again made the president of the party in 2009.

Ideology :- (I) National Conference believes in secularism i.e equal respect for all

religious communities in the state.

(II) It believes in the accession of the state with Indian Union with Autonomy as the basis

of this accession. Autonomy to National Conference means that only defence, foreign

affairs, Currency and communication of the state will be regulated by the Indian Union

while as the rest of the items are to be administered by the state govt. according to the

provisions of state constitution.

(III) It believes in restoration of J&K constitution.

(IV) It believes in the reunification of J&K i.e Indian Administered Kashmir (PAK) and

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. (POK)

People’s Democratic Party

Ideology :- The basic ideology of PDP in J&K is self rule, which can be summarized as

under :-

It believes in the political integration of Indian administered Kashmir without

compromising the sovereignty of either India or Pakistan.

It believes in economic integration in between all regions of the state including Pok

regions by –

Providing a common economic space.

Instituting a dual currency system

Harmonizing economic, legislation coordinating economic policy and

Free flow of capital, goods and services in between the region.

It believes in constitutional restructuring in the state by limiting the scope and

Jurisduiction of Indian constitution over the state and increasing the legal

space for state constitution of J&K.

People’s Conference :- This party was founded on 6th September 1978 by Late Abdul

Gani Lone. The party was recognized by Election commission in 1982, and allotted an

election symbol of lion to it.

Ideology of the party Under the leadership of Late Abdul Ghani Lone, peoples

conference was dedicated to the restoration of internal autonomy in Kashmir . It was

recognized as a separatist organization till 1982, when it got converted into the mainstream

political party.

However, after the death of Abdul Ghani Lone, in 2002 his son Sajad Gani Lone‟s ideology

attempted to achieve.

(a) Single boundry-less Jammu and Kashmir.

(b) Economic union with India and Pakistan.

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(c) Joint Management of defence and foreign affairs of the state by India & Pakistan.

But in the Lok Sabha elections of 2014, the political alliance of Peoples Conference with

BJP shows a radical ideological shift in the party.

National Panthers Party:- The Party was founded by Dr. Bhim Sing in 1932-1982 who

continued to lead it.

Ideology: (1) To respect and honour the aspirations of the people of all the regions of

J&K including Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

(2) To promote and strengthen the secular bonds and democratic system in the state.

(3) To reunite and reorganize the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

(4) To struggle for true federalism.

Q.6 Trace the origin of party system in J&K. Ans) The origin of the party system in J&K can be traced a under :-

Pre-independence period :-

(i) The first political organization in the state was Jammu based Dogra Sobha under the

leadership of Hans Raj Mahajan. It was liberal in outlook and non-communal in character.

It had a limited programme of social reforms.

(ii) In October 1932, Sheikh Abdullah founded All J&K Muslim conference to fight Dogra

rule in the state.

(iii) All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim conference was renamed as All J&K National

Conference on 11 June,1939 so as to give it a secular character.

Post Indepence period :

(iv) When Sheikh Abdullah was arrested in 1953 by Indian Govt. on charges of

conspiracy, Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beig formed a new party named Plebiscite Front to

oppose the Govt. formed by Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad. The main demand of the front

was plebiscite in the state.

(v) After the death of Sheikh Abdullah in 1981, panthers party was formed in 1982, which

had a support base in few parts of Jammu division.

A split in the National Conference led to the formation of Awami National Conference in


(vi) Likewise Peoples Conference was formed by Abdul Gani Lone in 1978 with moderate

separatism as its political goal.

(vii) With separatism as its political programme, the All parties Hurriyat Conference was

farmed on March 01, 1993. It is an alliance of 26 political, Social and religious,

organization. However, it is opposed to Mainstream politics in the state and hence does not

participate in electoral politics.

(viii) In the year 1999, Peoples Democratic Party was farmed by Mufti Mohammad Syed

with a political aim of peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute.

Q.7 Enumerate the difference between a National party and a Regional party.

Ans. Democracies that follow a federal system all over the world have two kinds of political

parties i.e National, parties and Regional parties. They can be described as under :-

(i) National party:- Those parties which are country-wide parties are called National

parties. These have their units in various states. By and large, National Parties follow

uniform policies, programmes and strategy that is decided at the national level.

Election Commission declare those parties as national parties which have got 6% of the

total votes and have at least won 4 seats in Lok Sabha.

The National Parties include Indian National Congress, Bhartiya Janata Party, (BJP)

Communist Party of India (CPI) Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M) Bhujen

Samaj Party and Samajwadi Party etc, There were six national recognised parties till 2006.

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(ii) Regional parties:- Those parties which are present in only one of the federal units are

called regional parties. However, some of these are operative in more than one states and

have their units in many states (e.g) Janta Dal, RJD etc.

Election Commission recognized a regional party when it secures 6% of the total votes in

an election to legislative Assembly of a state and wins at least 2 seats. National conference

in J&K, DMK and AIDMK in Tamil Nadu, Akali Dal in Punjab, are some examples of

regional parties.

Q.8 A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the

government is called a

Ans. Political party.

Q.9) Who is the founder of Muslim Conference in J & K.

Ans). Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah in October 1932.

Q.10) What is the guiding philosophy of Bharatiya Janata Party.

Ans) (D) Modernity.

Q.11) Write notes on following:-

(1) Indian National Congress:- It was founded in 1885 as a political organization to

launch a struggle against British rule in India. However, after independence, it actively

participated in elections and hence came to be popularly known as congress party. The

party played a dominant role in the growth of electoral politics in india. The party ideology

is mainly based on :

(i) Ideals of freedom movement (ii) Nehruan Socialism which aims to create a welfare

state. (iii) State sponsored industrialization and development.

(iv) Secularism along with due care for minorities and poor classes.

The party ruled and dominated the Indian political scene from 1966-1977 and then from

1980 -1989 under the leadership of J.L. Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri and

Raju Gandhi.

The revival of the party took place under the stewardship of Sonia Gandhi. So, congress

under her leadership formed the Govt. two times at centre i.e 2004-2009 and 2009-2014.

Both the govts. Were a result of grand coalitions with congress in the lead. However, under

the new leadership of Rahul Gandhi, party is facing a deep challenge and crisis, which

needs a great skill to revive it once more.

(2) Bhartiya Janata Party:- BJP was found in 1980. It wants to build a strong and

modern India by drawing inspiration from India‟s ancient culture and values.

Its ideology is based on :-

(i) Hindutva (an extreme type of nationalism.) (ii) Total meager of J&K state with Indian

union by eliminating Article-370 from Indian constitution.

(iii) Uniform civil code (iv) Ban on religions conversions (v) construction of Ram Mandir

at Ayodhya (vi) Establishment of “Ram Rajya” in form of a Indian “Hindu State” (vii)

Aggressive policy towards Pakistan (viii) Rewriting the history with a focus on the

achievements of Hindu Kings, Saints, and Scholars.

It came to power at centre in 1998 with the help of a grand coalition named NDA. The

NDA Govt. was led (National democratic Alliance) by Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The BJP

emerged as the single largest party in the 2014 general elections and hence formed the

Govt. at centre.

The tallest leader of the party till date is Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

(3) Communist Party of India(CPI) (a) It was farmed in 1925

(b) It believes in Marxist and Leninist ideology, secularism and democracy.

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(c) It accepted parliamentary democracy a a means of promoting the interest of working

class; farmers and poor. (d) It shows a significant presence in the states of Kerala, West

Bengal, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

(e) Its support base has gradually declined over the years. It secured only 1 seat in the 2014

Lok Sabha elections.

(4) Communist Party of India(CPI-M):- (a)It was founded in 1964 after a split in CPI.

(b) It believes in Marxist Leninist ideology. (c) It supports socialism, secularism and

democracy and opposes imperialism and communalism. (d) It accepts democratic elections

as a useful and helpful means for securing socio-economic Justice in India.

(e) It is critical of new economic policies and Ghobalisation. (f) It enjoys a strong support

base in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura. It has been in power in west Bengal without a

break for 30 years. (g) In 2014 elections, it won 9 seats in the Lok Sabha.

(5) Bahujan Somajwadi Party:- (a) It was farmed in 1984 under the leadership of

Kanshi Ram. (b) It mainly represents Bahujan Samaj which includes dalits, adivasis OBC‟s

and religious minorities. (c) It draws inspiration from the ideas and teachings of Sahu

Maraj, Mahatma Jyotibha phule, Periyar Ramaswami Naicker and Babasaheb Ambidkar.

(d) Its main support base is in U.P, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Uttarkhand, Delhi, and

Punjab. (e) In 2014 elections, it failed to get any seat in Lok Sabha.

(6) Aam Aadmi Party:- AAp was born from “India Against Corruption” movement

which had been seeking an anti-corruption Jan Lok pal bill since 2011. Despite the doubts

from movements leader Anna Hazare, many activists of the movement under Arvind

Kajriwal felt the need to seek political power so as to fight corruption.

In Delhi Assembly elections of 2013 it won 28 out of 70 Assembly seats. After farming the

Govt. with the support of Congress the party resigned from office after 49 days on political


In the general elections of 2014 the party won only 04 Lak Sabha seats. However, in Delhi

Assembly re-elections of February 2015, the party won 67 out of 70 seats which improved

the political image of the party. Presently, the party holds power only in Delhi; but an

increasing support base is an indicator of its bright political career in future.



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Lesson No. 7

Out Comes of Democracy Textual questions

Q.1) How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?

Ans. Democracy produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government becaused of

the following:

(1) Election: It provides a scope for free, fair and regular elections.

(2) Debat and Discussion: It provides a platform for debate and discussions on public


(3) Mass Awareness: It provides information to citizen on public policies.

(4) Electorate Oriented Polices: It provides for an elected representative govt. with a

responsibility of formulating

policies according to the needs of the electorate. Hence the govt. becomes

responsive to the citizens.

(5) Constitutional Legetimacy: The democratic govt. works according to a constitution.

Hence it makes the govt. Legitimate by commanding obedience of citizens.

(6) Rule of Law: The democratic govt. ensures rule of law and hence adds to its


(7) Periodic Review of Governemtn functioning: The legitimacy to democracy also rests

on periodic elections and power of citizen to change the govt. if it is insensitive or

irresponsive to people.

Q.2) What are the condition under which democracies accommodate social diversities.

Ans) Democracy can only be successful if it is able to create a society that is peaceful, safe and

harmonious to its citizens. Social diversities are to be accommodated and differences

among ethnic groups are to be sorted out amicably in democracies. There should be a

mechanism for reducing tension in times of trouble . In the multi-ethnic and socially

diverse societies of the present world, democracies should ensure that;

I) Fair Repersentation: All social groups get a fair representation in government.

II) Monoply free Poltical Power: No single linguistic, Ethnic or religious Majority

should monopolise the political


III) Equal Oppertinitues for Political Positions: Public offices should be open to all

citizens and birth should not be a

qualification for holding a political position.

IV) Inclusive Society: Majority should take into consideration the needs of the Minority

so that they

may not feel alienated.

Q.3) Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions:

(I) Industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to

become rich.

Ans) The argument that poor countries need dictatorship to become rich is wrong. If we consider

the case of India which was a very poor and under developed country at the time of

independence; we observe that without resorting to dictatorship, India was able to achieve a

considerable economic growth since independence.

The importance of democracy in poor countries is supported by the facts as under:-

a) The positive aspect of democracy cannot be sacrificed only for achieving

economic growth.

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b) Democracies in poor countries have shown a sustained economic growth.

c) The economic achievements of dictatorship are short-hand while as democracies

have recorded a stable economic growth.

(II) Democracy can’t reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens.

Ans) Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. But,

poverty in developing countries cannot be attributed to democracy only. The other factors

like lack of Technology and resources along with colonial exploitation for centuries are

also responsible for this state of affairs.

In countries democratic govts. have launched different programmes

of Poverty Alleviation; but it will take time to achieve its goal because of the lack of


III) Government in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health,

education and spend more on industries and infrastructure.

Ans) Poor Countries have to spend more on poverty reduction, health & education as the best

resource for a country is human resource. A healthier, happier and educated society will

automatically bring prosperity to the nation.

(IV) In democracy all citizens have one vote, which means that there is absence of

domination and conflict.

Ans) The basic principle of democracy is that it believes in equal worth of all individuals. So,

every citizen has one vote and all votes are of equal value. Allthough conflicts are certain

to arise in every society and the problem of domination by a majority is experienced

every-where in world; but a democracy provides a scope for a peaceful settlement of these

problems by way of negotiations, dialogue and discussions and ultimately through

consensus and accommodation.

Q.4) Identity the challenges to democracy in the following description. Also suggest

policy/institutional mechanisms to deepen democracy in the given situations.

(i) Following a high court directive a temple in Orissa that had separate entry door

for dalits and non-dalits allowed entry for all from the same door.

Ans) In the above given description, there is a discrimination among the citizens on the basis of

caste. It is a great challenge to democracy as democracy needs a homogeneous society

where fraternity and equality is the guiding value for society as well as public policy.

So as to overcome this challenge, the elected govt. of the country should pass laws to stop

caste based discrimination and prescribe punishment for those who preach and practice


(II) A large number of farmers are committing suicide in different states of India.

Ans) In this case, the govt. has failed to provide economic security to the farmers. To provide

economic and social justice along with political rights is a necessary condition for the

successful working of democracy.

It is a challenge for govt. to strengthen local administration and implement poverty

alleviation programmes with more vigour and enthusiasm. The farmers security through

different schemes need to be made accessible by making the procedure for loans more

simple. The corruption and negligence in implementation need to be addressed by

accessing different schemes and their outcomes periodically. Policies need to be framed to

protect the farmer from market risks as well as the risks of crop failure.

(III) Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by

Jammu and Kashmir police an inquiry has been ordered.

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Ans) Right to life is a fundamental right in every democracy and a common man can have this

right even against the state and its agencies. The protection of Human Right is a grave

challenge to every democracy. In the above given case the govt. has to take all necessary

steps to punish the guilty so as to protect and maintain its legitimate claim of being

representative of people failing that, it will turn into a totalitarian state.

So, strict laws need to be passed and implemented to punish the guilty and prevent Human

rights violations by security forces. This is necessary to keep and maintain the faith of

people in their govt.

Q.5) In the context of democracies, which of the following ideas is correct. Democracies

have successfully eliminated.

(a) Conflict among people. (b) economic inequalities among people.(c) differences of

opinion about how marginalized sections are to be treated.(d) the idea of political


Ans) (c) differences of opinion about how marginalized sections are to be treated.

Q.6) In the context of assessing democracy which among the following is odd one out.

Ans) (c) Majority rule.

Q.7) Studies on political and social inequalities in democracies show that;-

Ans) (B) inequalities exist in democracies.


Q.1) RTI Act.

Ans) Right To Information Act is important outcome of democracy that aims at making public

institutions transparent and accountable. It was enacted in 2002 in India and is now a

fundamental right of a citizen. The Right to Information Bill, 2005 was passed by the Lok

Sabha on 11th

May, 2005 and Rajya Sabha on 12th

May and received the consent of the

President of India of June,15th

,2005 and came to force on October 12th


It is lone of the most important legislations passed after 1947 It empowers an ordinary

citizen to access the right to information in public offices and, therefore, participate in good

governance by minimizing corruption and other evils. The public information offices have

been set in all the offices for citizens to obtain government records.

The J&K Govt. enacted RTI law in 2004, however a new RTI law known a RTI Act,2009

was enacted under pressure from activist groups.

Q.2) Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act-2006.

Ans) Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act,2006(Launched in February 3,2006),

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) 2005 envisages securing the

livelihood of people in rural areas by guaranteeing 100 days of employment in a financial

year to a rural household. The main provisions of the Act are:-

(a) Employment to be given within 15 days of application for work.

(b) If employment is not provided within 15 days. Unemployment allowance in

cash has to be paid.

(c) Employment within 5 km radius, else extra wages to be paid.

(d) At least one-third beneficiaries have to be women.

Q.3) National Food Security Act-2013.

Ans) The parliament passed the NFSA on 10 September 2013 to provide food and nutritional

security to humans. The Act entitled the beneficiaries to receive 5 kgs of food grains per

person per month at subsidized prices of Rs 3, 2 and 1 per kg for rice, wheat and coarse

grains respectively. The salient features of the Act are:

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a) 75% of rural and 50% of the urban population are entitled to 5 kg food grains per

month at above mentioned prices for three years from the enactment of the Act.

b) The state are responsible for determining eligibility.

c) Pregnant women and lactating mothers are entitled to a nutrition “take home ration” of 600

calorie and a maternity benefit of at least Rs 6000 for six months.

d) Children from 6 months to 14 years of age are to receive free hot meals or “take ration


e) The eldest woman in the household is the head of the household for the issuance of ration


Lesson No. 8

Challenges to Democracy

Textual questions Q.1) What are the challenges to democracy in the modern world?

Ans. Democracy faces different challenges in different countries. So, the challenges for

democracy in different parts of the world are very different and diverse. The main

challenges faced by democracy in the modern world are listed as under:-

(1) Foundational Challenges:- At least one-fourth of the globe is still not under

democratic governments. So, many countries face the challenge of making the transition to

democracy and then instituting democratic govt. This involves, bringing down the existing

non-democratic regime, keeping armed forces away from controlling government and

establishing a sovereign democratic state.

(2) The Challenge of Expansion:- This involves applying the basic principle of

democratic govt. across all the regions, different social groups and various institutions;

Ensuring greater power to local governments, extension of federal principle to all the units

of the federation, inclusion of women and minority group etc. fall under this challenge.

This also means that less and less decisions should remain outside the arena of democratic


(3) The Challenge of deepening the democracy:- This involves strengthening of the

institution and practices of democracy. In general terms, it usually mean strengthening

those institutions that help people‟s participation and control. This requires an attempt to

bring down the control and influence of the rich and powerful people in making

governmental decision.

(4) Constitutional design:- This involves the challenge of providing a stable constitution

which fulfills the aspirations of different sections of people particularly in a diverse

country. The constitutional design should be such that it is able to adjust to changing

political situations as well as growing needs of the people.

(5) Demographic rights:- This challenge involves the accommodation of all sections of

population in the political system in such a way that they all feel satisfied with their

democratically elected government. This challenge is mainly visible in multi-ethnic, multi-

religions & multi-lingual country like India.

(6) Efficient working of institutions:- The inefficient working of political and

governmental institutions particularly in the immature democracies of the third world is a

one more serious challenge to democracy. There is a need of reforms in the working of

these institutions so as to strengthen the roots of democracy as well a the faith of people in

their political setup.

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(7) Free and Fair elections:- The use of Money and Muscle power in politics; the

criminalization of elections and politics; appeasement of voters on the basis of caste and

religion are some of the serious challenges during elections, which the democracies in the

third world are confronted with.

(8) Strengthening of Federalism and decentralization:- Although Federalism and

decentralization of powers is a general practice in vast and diverse countries worldwide;

but to evolve a successful federation with the fulfillment of the aspirations, demands and

needs of units is yet a goal to be achieved in most of the federations. Moreover, the practice

of decentralization is yet based on a biased applications in favour of the majority in many

cases which poses a great challenge to be overcome by democracies worldwide.

(9) The challenge of political organizations:- Although almost all democracies have an

ample scope for the formation and operation of political organizations in form of political

parties and pressure groups. Yet, the democratic values are lacking in most of these

organisations as they operate only so as to satisfy their partisan interests. To

get rid of this particularism and develop a national and country wide programme of action,

the democratic reformation of all these organizations is a great challenge for democracy.

Q.2) What are the guidelines which are to be kept in mind while devising ways and means

for political reforms in India?

Ans) The guidelines for political reforms in India can be listed as under :-

(1) Although carefully devised changes in law can help to discourage wrong political

practices and encourage good ones; but legal-constitutional change by themselves cannot

overcome challenges to democracy. So, the democratic reforms are to be carried out mainly

by political activists, parties, movements and politically conscious citizens.

(2) The people are to be empowered to carryout democratic reforms. Laws that give

political actors incentives to perform political functions have more chances of success.

Right to information is one such Act which empowers people to make govt. accountable.

(3) Democratic reforms are to be brought about principally through political practice.

Therefore the main focus of political reforms should be on ways to strengthen democratic

practice. The quality of political participation by ordinary citizens needs to be increased

and improved.

(4) Political reforms should be supplemented by a proposal for its proper implementation.

Laws that unnecessary harm the interests of political and non-political actors are to be

avoided. But if there is any such demand from non-governmental organisations,

movements or media, they need to be carried out and given a legal shape by the legislature

and then implemented by executive.

Q.3) Redefine the basic principles of democracy.

Ans) The basic principles of democracy are listed a under :-

(1) The rulers are to be elected by the people.

(2) The rulers elected by the people must take all major decisions.

(3) Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the

current rulers.

(4) The political rights (right to vote) should be available to all the people on an equal


(5) The elected government must be limited bys the basic rules of the constitution

and the rights of citizens.

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Lesson No:1

Disaster Management Disaster Management & Community Participation

Teriminology Disaster :- A Sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss

of life.

Disaster: A disaster is a natural, manmade or technological event that causes

significant physical damage or destruction, widespread loss of life or drastic

change to the environment. Disaster can destroy the economic, social and

cultural life of people.

Types of disaster

Natural disaster: A natural hazard of severe situation is a process or phenomenon that may

cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of

livelihood and services, social and economic disruption or environmental

damage on a large scale, e.g. earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruption,

floods, tornadoes, blizzard, tsunamis and cyclones and avalanches; cloud

bursts and stampedes.

Manmade or Anthropogenic disasters: The human centered action, which cause a threat, to the

resource like property, lives, environment in every respect due to the human

negligence, error or involving a failure of human made system. It is also

harmful like natural disaster because it either can result in huge losses of

life, property as well as damage to peoples mental, physical and social well

being, e.g. 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy (B.G.T,) 1994 Kumbokonan school

fire, terrorist attacks, bomb blasts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, rail accidents,

plane crushes, arson war etc,

Disaster Management :- It is a discipline that Involves preparing, supporting and rebuilding

society when Natural or manmade disasters occur.

Rescue:- The action of evacuating or taking out victim of natural or Manmade

disasters to a safer place. This is an emergency life saving action?

Search and Recue:- This is the search for and Provisions of aid to the people who are in distress

or Imminent danger due to a disaster.

First Aid :- The preliminary treating treatment given to a victim at first approach is

called first Aid.

Bio Radars:- Equipment with sensors able to detect heartbeat and respiration signals

without direct skin contact.

Precaution :- This is the necessary action to be taken on wisdom to avoid future disasters

or to lessen their effects.

Heat Stroke :- A severe condition caused by Impairment of the body‟s temperature

regulating abilities, resulting from prolonged exposure to excessive heat.

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The characteristics are no sweating, severe headache, high fever, hot dry

skin and in serious cases collapse and Como situation.

Oral Rehydration Solution:- (ORS) A liquid preparation developed by the world Health

organization (WHO) that can decrease fluid loss in persons with cholera or

diarrhoea. It can also be prepared at home using one litre of plain water with

half a teaspoon of salt and some quantity of sugar.

ADDITIONAL QUESTION Q.1) What do you mean by Seismic Band?

Ans) Seismic Bands are stafety rings or belts which are constructed using either reinforced

concrete(RC) or timber. Proper placement and continuity of bands is must. These bands act

as shock absorbers.

Q.2) What do you know by Plinth Band?

Ans) Plinth Band is the band provided at plinth levels of walls on top of the foundation wall.

This is to be provided where the soil is either soft (J&K cities) or uneven or slopy land as

frequently observed in hill tracts.

Q.3) What do you know about lintel Band?

Ans) Lintel Band is the band provided at door/ window top level on all load bearing internal,

external longitudinal and cross walls.

Q.4) What do you mean by Eave Band?

Ans) Eave Band is a band provided on top of walls just below the sloping roof of rafters or

trusses, to which they will be securely fixed through nails and Iron straps.

Q.5) Identify two Indigenous ways to rescue people in case of floods?

Ans) The Indigenous methods can be :-

i) Deployed rescue teams with row boats or motor boots to evacuate people from flooded


ii) In case somebody is already in the floodwaters, throw to them an inflated tube of a car

or truck, by using which they can reach to a safe place.

Q.6) What should be the configuration of an Earthquake resistant building.

Ans) The configuration of Earthquake building should be as follows :-

i) The building should have a simple rectangular plan.

ii) Long walls should be supported by Reinforced concrete columns.

iii) Large building having plans with slabs, T,L,U and X should preferably be separated

into rectangular blocks by providing gaps in between.

iv) Good quality material should be used.

Q.7) What do you mean by heat stroke? What should be done during heat stroke.

Ans) Heat stroke is defined as a sudden temporary loss of consciousness because the temperature

regulating system of the body fail in hot and dry environment. The patient experiences

quick rise in temperature of body, red skin and no sweating, with very fast pulse rate and

also confused.


i) Immediately take the victim to cool shaded area from hot environment.

ii) Make efforts for loosening of clothes and fanning the victim.

iii) Use Ice packs in armpits.

iv) Give plenty of cold fluids to drink.

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v) Keep a watch that victim urinates

vi) Don‟t overcrowd the area.

vii) If the conditions of the victim worsens immediately shift him/her to nearest hospital.

Q.8 What measures should be taken while constructing a building in seismic zones IV and

V ?

Ans) The primary objective of earth quake resistant buildings is to prevent collapse of building

during earthquake in order to reduce the risk to life. The following steps should be taken

into consideration :-

i) Soil testing is very important tool for safe construction of buildings.

ii) The buildings should have a simple rectangular plans.

iii) Long walls should be supported by reinforced concrete columns.

iv) Doors and windows openings in walls should be small and centrally located.

v) The location of openings should not be too close to the edge of the wall.

vi) Material strength and quality of construction should be good.

vii) Seismic bands at plinth level doors-window and lintel level must be laid.

viii) Vertical steel bars at each corner and T junction of walls should be used.

ix) At the edges and corners the steel bars must be bended and free edges of these bars

should be away from the edges. Moreover we must remain cautious during the earth quack

in these zones because these zones are very intense zones of earth quake.

Q.9) What is the difference between Hazard and Disaster?

Ans) Hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment.

Disaster is a serious disruption of a functioning of a community or society involving

widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds

the ability of the affected area, community or society to cope using its own resources.

Q.10) What do you understand by natural disaster? Explain up few.

Ans) A natural hazard of severe situation is a process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life,

injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and

economic disruption or environmental damage on a large scale, e.g. earthquake, landslides,

volcanic eruption, floods, tornadoes, blizzard, tsunamis and cyclones and avalanches; cloud

bursts and stampedes.

Examples: 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2005 Muzaffarabad earthquake, 2005 Waltengu

Nar Snow avalanche, 2010 Cloud burst in Leh, 2014 Kashmir floods.

Q.11) Write down some events of earthquakes in India?

Ans) The events of earthquakes in India are as follows:

Area Year Magnitude on Richter scale

1. Rann of Kuchh 1819 8.0

2. Assam 1897 8.7

3. Kangra 1905 8.0

4. Arunachal Pradesh 1950 8.5

5. Uttrakashi 1991 7.0

6. Kutch 2001 7.7

7. Indian Ocean (Tsunami) 2004 9.3

8. Sikkim 2011 6.9

Q.12) What is the difference between Drought and Famine?

Ans) Drought can be defined as lack or shortage of water for an unusually long period.

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Famine is a situation when there is a widespread scarcity of food, causes by several factors

including crop failure, overpopulation, misgovernance, drought, floods etc.

Long Answer Questions

Q.1) What do you understand by Mitigation? Give some examples?

Ans) Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of

disasters. Mitigation is taking place before the next disaster, so as to reduce human and

financial consequences later. To reduce the impact of disaster whether natural or

anthropogenic we should take steps on war basis that is we should try hard to analyze the

risk, reduce the risk and insuring against risk. Effective mitigation requires that we all

understand local risks, addresses the hard choices and inert in long term commonly well

being. Without mitigation actions, we jeopardize our safety, financial security and self

reliance. Here are some examples:

Enforcement of buildings codes

Verification of building plan

Retro filling of existing buildings

Public awareness

Safety rules

Retaining walls




Q.2) List some of the major natural disasters that are likely to occur in hilly regions.

Elaborate any one of them.

Ans) The major natural disasters that are likely to occur in hilly areas are landslide, avalanche,

floods and cloud burst. These are common in hilly regions or mountainous areas. Because

main thing behind these natural disasters in those areas is the vulnerability due to slope of


Avalanche means down slope movement of snow. It is a large mass of snow that moves

rapidly down a mountain slope sweeping and grinding everything in its path. It occurs

when the slope is steep and snow is unstable. Whenever any external disturbance is

generated by anything, animal or human moving or passing over the slope. Due to working

or due to structural failure snow leap lying on mountain slopes. Such structural functions

may occur due to:

a) Excessive melting of upper layer due which there is lubrication in snow and enables it to

slip and creates a snow avalanche.

b) Excessive loading and movement of person, animals and thunder, traffic vibration etc

creates a snow avalanche.

Q.3) What is Drought? Describe how it can be prevented?

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Ans) Drought can be defined as a situation of an area over an unusually long period when there

is lack, shortage, scarcity, or non availability of water. This situation occurs when a region

receives constantly below average precipitation due to which the area has low water table

as well there is less ground water and surface water as well. The drought type situation has

a substantial impact on environment, agricultural fields, productivity, food safety trade and

commerce and in short socio-economic activities within the area. It leads to famine which

in turn causes great problems for the people of the affected area.

Preventive measures: For reducing the impacts of drought in a particular area, society,

state or country the following steps should be taken:

i. Identification of prone areas that are at risk.

ii. Comprehensive and integrated development programmes should be initiated.

iii. Construction of dams, reservoirs, check dams to store water.

iv. Development of watershed, management technology.

v. Proper selection of drought and disease resistant crops.

vi. Soil conservation techniques.

vii. Reducing deforestation.

viii. Mass awareness

ix. Development of canals.

Q.4) What are the relief steps that need to be taken in the aftermath of landslides or snow


Ans) Landslides are mostly observed to affect hilly areas and are recurring phenomenon

occurring in all parts of India, from Kerala to Himalayas. Areas prone to land slide,

mudslide, include eastern, western ghats, the Nilgiri, the Vindhyas, mountains of northern

and north eastern states throughout the Himalayan range. The incidence of landslides

mostly occurs during and after spell of heavy rains. The snow avalanche means down slope

movement of snow. It is a large mass of snow that moves rapidly down a mountain slope

sweeping and grinding everything in its path. These are common in northern India like

Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand.

Q.5) Relief step taken after snow avalanche and landslide.

Ans) (i) Retaining walls: Construction of concrete retaining walls that prevents the slippage

from slopes.

(ii) Plantation: Growing more and more plants along the slide zones to help in total or

maximum check of slippage.

(iii) Administrative response: The govt. of state and centre should gear up the

rehabilitation process on war footing situation by deploying the people in all the respective

areas like physical, financial, medical help and to make availability of power supply, food

items, drinking water and shelter for the affected people.

(iv) Forecasting and warning: After the landslide or snow avalanche it is important to

inform the people about the future happening like climate, rainfall, snow avalanche or

anything disastrous through radios, cinemas, T.V, newspaper i.e. mass communication

(v) Retrofitting of existing damaged building: Due to landslide or snow avalanche the

building damaged or under the debris should be strengthened in order to make them safe.

(vi) Search of victim: Search for the injured and died ones for the medical aid or for the

last rituals as our social and religious responsibility.

(vii) Provision of Aid and Essential: Provision of free medical aid, food supplies,

dress/clothes, blankets, tents and sure help in every respect.

(viii) Excuatation: Evacuation from the affected site or area to any safer place with home

life like environment.

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(ix) Displaying Sympathy and Solidarity: To be with the affected people and to console

them for what they had lost.

Q.6) Describe some of the safety measure that should be adopted during an earthquake.

Ans) The safety measures that should be adopted during an earthquake are as under:

i. We should try to remain calm and to reassure others to derive an action plan.

ii. We should watch for the falling of plaster, stone, light fixtures, and heavy objects on

shelves and try to save ourselves.

iii. Watch for high book case, shelves and other cabinets which might slide or topple to

seek a safe place or for hiding ourselves.

iv. Stay away from glass, windows, mirrors and chimneys.

v. Switch off the lighting system, gas stoves, or gas cylinder and never try to lit fire or

burn a match stick.

vi. Hide under the table, desk or bed in a corner away from the window with your head

covered by your hands.

vii. Keep with yourself a torch and first aid box and some necessary medicines.

viii. Check and see that sewage lines are intact before using/flushing of toilets.

ix. Do not eat or drink anything from open container, especially near shattered glass.

x. Call, 100, 101 only if you have a life threatening risk.

xi. Respond to request for help from civil, defense, fire services, police, army, home

guards and local people.

xii. Do not crowd in damaged areas unless help has been requested, cooperate with public

safety officers.

xiii. Do not spread rumours. These often do great harm following a disaster.


Long type questions.

Q1) Write in details the role of search and Rescue team during a disaster.

Ans) The main objectives of a search and rescue team are to :-

i) Search the victims and timely rescue to safety.

ii) Provide first Aid services to the trapped survivors and to dispatch them for

medical care.

iii) Take immediate necessary actions, as for temporary support and protection to

endangered, collapsed buildings and other structures.

iv) Help administration in Hand-over, recover and dispose off the bodies of the

deceased as this may cause health hazard for the others.

v) Train, demonstrate and raise awareness on how to use the local material for

rescuing the community people

vi) Respond to the phone calls if any.

vii) Avoid Rumours and try to take help from local people N.G.O‟s police and army.

viii) Search for gas leakage and short circuit failure so stop hence forth disaster.

ix) Try to maintain people, particularly women folk, children patients and older ones.

Q.2) What should be the approach help a fire burnt patient ?

Ans) For minor burns (first and second degree), the following first aid measures can be


i) Cooling the burn:- The burnt area must be cooled using running water or cool water for

about 20 minutes. If this does not reduce pain, the burnt area can be left immersed in the


ii) Bandage and pain relieve:- The burnt area can be next, bandaged loosely and blistered

skin must be protected. Pain relievers like aspirin can be given to the injured if he/she is not

allergic to it.

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For major burns (Third degree)

i) Burned clothing :- The burnt clothing must not be removed off the skin but heating or

smoldering materials must be removed.

ii) No cold water:- Cold water must not be used in case of serious burn. This can

deteriorate body temperature, blood pressure and circulation.

iii) CPR:- If there is no breathing or no sign of circulation or movement, then CPR

must be initiated.

iv) Covering the Area:- The burnt Area must be covered with moist, sterile cloth like


v) Elevation:- The body must be elevated, if possible, above the chest portion.

Q.3) Explain in detail the first, second and third degree of burn?

Ans) There are three levels or degrees of burn :-

i) First Degree:- In this level, only the outer layer of the skin is burnt. The area becomes

red and dry and the burn is generally Painful. The area may swell.

ii) Second Degree:- In the second stage, the first and second layer of the skin is burnt. The

area remains red and blisters may open and weep fluid, making the skin appear wet. These

types of burn are usually painful and the area swells up as in first degree.

iii) Third Degree:- In third degree all the layers of skin get burnt. Tissues can be burnt

permanently and elements like fats, muscles and bones can also get burnt. It is the most

serious case of burns and some times leads to death.

Q.4) What is the safe construction practice ?

Ans) Safe construction practice means to adopt ways to construct or build disaster resistant

buildings. Building should be constructed which can withstand natural disasters like

earthquake; landslides; cyclones and floods because building collapse during these

disasters causing the maximum damage to people and property.

About 60% of land area of our country is susceptible to damaging levels of seismic hazard.

The history of the earthquakes that hit our country in the recent past brought home the

harsh reality that Earthquakes don‟t kill people but unsafe buildings too. The Jammu and

Kashmir falls in seismic zones IV and V that represent high and very high risk for

earthquake disaster. Till date we are unable to predict earthquake and therefore can‟t avoid

future earthquake damages. However preparedness and safe building construction practices

can certainly reduce the

extent of damage and loss. It is therefore, necessary to have some elementary knowledge

about construction and designing of disaster resistant buildings. Using these disaster

resistant practices, we shall have an additional but very little finaincial burden thousand of

rupees, but will definitely reduce the loss of precious human lives. So we should take the

suggestions from the well known civil engineers, and geologist in order to make safe and

secure houses and colonies for less damage and loss of life from now onwards.

Q.5 What should be the role of community during a disaster?

Ans) i) The community is an Institution in itself, emerging as the most powerful in entire

mechanism of disaster management.

ii) Local volunteers are particularly important because citizens are in many cases the first

responders, and they have the greatest chance to save lives and provide support

immediately following the aftermath of a disaster.

iii) Certainly, an effective community response can serve to diminish some of the

sufferings and loss that occurs during and after disasters.

iv) Community and volunteer coordinators have an obligation to help facilitate community

organization and preparation to aid fellow citizens in times of such great need.

v) These community leaders serve as the noodle body for effective management of


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vi) The main task of the community is to make people informed, alert, self reliant and make

them capable of participating in all activities and programmes organized by NGO‟s or govt


vii) The quality and extent of community participation holds the key to minimize disaster

effects, maintaining order, increasing hope, and maximizing recovery efforts.


Q.1) What equipments should be carried by the rescuer?

Ans) A Rescuer should carry :-

i) Equipments for personal safety: Halmet, life Jacket, Gum boot, torch, whistle etc.

ii) Equipments for safety of victims :- Ladders, Ropes, pulleys, stretcher, First Aid kits,

Bamboo sticks, Barrels, Air filled tube‟s, Hammer and small cutting tools.

iii) Modern Equipments:- Infrared cameras, Acoustic devices, Bio radars and life locators.

Q.2) What is ABC formula in disaster management?

Ans) ABC is method to save life by maintaining vital function. ABC mean Airway, Breathing

and circulation.

Q.3) What should be the constituents of First Aid Box?

Ans) A First Aid Kit should have the following items :-

i) Light weight box (ii) Sterile cotton (iii) Bandages (iv) Gloves (v) Sterile dressing

(vi) Antiseptic sol. (vii) AMBU Bag (viii) Soap (ix) Airway (x) Scissors (xi) small

towels (xii) ORS.

Q.4) Fill in the blanks :

Ans) 1) 100 and 101 numbers should be dialed in case of emergency.

2) Sudden temporary loss of consciouness because of the failure of temperature regulating

system of the body is known as Heat Strike

3) A kit containing, some medicines, bandages, dressing etc for immediate treatment is

called as First Aid Kit.

4) NDMA stands for National Disaster Management Authority

5) Strengthening of old building is called Retrofitting


Q.1) The first and the foremost life saving procedure in disaster is :-

a) Modern equipments (b) First Aid (c) Heart massage (d) Search and Rescue.

Q.2) After search and rescue of the victims necessary ______ is provided depending upon

the conditions of the victim:

a) Rescue (b) First Aid (c) Artificial breathing (d) safety measuns.

Q.3) These are superficial burns involving top layer of the skim :-

a) First degree burn (b) second degree burn(c) third degree burn (d) None of these

Q.4) Jammu region falls in the seismic zone ________ fleur represents high and very high

resto for equate disaster

a) I and II (b) II and III (c) III and IV (d) IV and V


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Lesson No:1

J K Economics

Agrarian Economy :-It is type of Economy which is based on producing and mantaining crops

and farm land product. Moreover the Economy of our state JK is almost

agrarian because the major share of state domestic production is coming

from Agriculture sector.

GDP :- Stands for Gross Domestic Produce. It is the monetary value of all the

finished goods and service produced within a country in a specific time

period. It usually calculated on an annual basis.

Floriculture:- Floriculture or flower farming is a discipline of horticulture concerned with

the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for garden ad for florist,

comprising the floral Industry.

Horticulture:- It is discipline of agriculture which is purely concerned with the cultivation

of fruits, vegetables, for commercial purposes.

Oliericulture :- Branch of Horticulture dealing with the cultivation of non woody plants for

food i.e vegetable growing. It is cultivation or production of plants for using

their edible parts.

Sericulture :- It is an agro based Industry. It involve rearing of Silk worms for the

production of raw silk which is the yarn obtained out of the cocoons & pun

by certain species of Insects.

Handicraft:- It is the process in which mainly the involvement of the craftsman is

necessary who work and decorate domestic or other objects by hand.

Pisciculture :- It refers to breeding of fishes in specially constructed tanks and ponds.

Viticulture :- Cultivation of grapes is also going to be a great venture keeping in view its

ever increasing areas which now moves out of the Ganderbal and Zaberwan

foot hills.

Apiculture :- Rearing of honey bees for the production of honey. The farmers now move

to Punjab during winters in an attempt to make it round the year business


Livestock :- It is the integrated programme along with farming where domesticated

animals are raised in order to produce commodities such as food, fibre and

labour. Animals are domesticed when the breeding and living conditions are

controlled by human.

Q.1) Name the major forest based raw material supplied from the state of J&K?

Ans) The major forest based raw material supplied from the state of Jammu & Kashmir

includes Timber, Herbs, Gum, Resins, wood etc.

Q.2) Write about the qualities of major Fruits Produced in Jammu & Kashmir.

Ans) The state of J & K is well known for its horticulture produce both in India and abroad. The

state offers good scope for the cultivation of horticulture crops. This Includes Apple,

Apricot, Almond, cherry, Pear, Peach, Plum, Mango, Guava, Citrus, litchi etc, The

Important qualities of major fruits of our valley are as follows :-

i) Nutritional value: The valley of Kashmir produces the fruits of high Nutrational valve

like apples, pears, peaches, Apricots etc.

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ii) Rich in Bioactive compounds : The fruits including Mango, Apple, peach, Plums etc

are rich in Bioactive compounds.

iii) Tasty and Juicy : The fleshy fruits of our valley are famous for their taste and are full

of juice.

Q.3) Write a short note on Handicraft and Handloom Industry in the state?

Ans) The handicraft and handloom Industry, the states oldest traditional, Industry has

special socio-economic significance due to its vast potential for economic activities

like generation of employment, Revenue and standard of living. All the three region

of the state have unique specialties in this sector. The Jammu holds the domain in Basholi

Painting, calico painting, phoolkari.The Kashmir specializes in carpet, Shawl, wood

Carving, paper mashie, crewel; and the Ladakh‟ area has expertise in wood carving,

panting, clay moulding, pashmina weaving, carpet and Thanka painting. The handicrafts

and handloom sector provides employment to more than 4-Lakh people. Realizing the vast

potential for employment, the Jammu & Kashmir govt. has under- taken various programs

to boost the handicraft and handlooms industry.

Q.4) Identify five each metallic and non metallic mineral resources found in Jammu and


Ans) The Jammu & Kashmir state is rich in its deposits in mineral wealth which contribute

materially for the building of economy. The metallic and non metallic minerals found in the

state are as follows:

Metallic Minerals :- These Include Bauxite, Iron ore, Copper ore, Lead, Silver ore,

Zinc, Nickel, Gold, Chromium, etc.

Non Metallic Minerals: These Include Gypsum, Gem, stone, Sulphur and Magnease

and coal

Q.5) What is role of Service Sector in Economic Development of state ?

Ans) The Service Sector in J&K is presently dominated by traditional services. The tourism and

allied activities likes hotels, on spot service, trekking, skiing and other adventure tourism

activities are involved in it. The service sector once treated as third grade sector as per its

role in the economic development in the state but with the past reforms it has shown

tremendous growth and is getting leading role in the economic development. The service

sector is going much ahead of agriculture and industrial sector in terms of contribution to

NSDP. This sector has shown an Increase from 13.86% to 54.23% from 1960-61 to 2011-

12 and is likely to grow by 10.10% more in the coming few years. There is no doubt in

saying that service sector has now become the key sector of J&K state.


Q.1) Identity major agriculture crops grown in Jammu and Kashmir. Distribute these

crops according to Kharif and Rabi season?

Ans. The main crops of agriculture sector of J&K, which are grown here on the varied

Physiography are rice, maize wheat, barley, bajra, and jawar. About 84% of the total

cropped Area is under the said crops. Our state is known to be a leading producer of fruits.

The best quality of apple is produced here. Our other sub sectors of the agriculture are

forestry, fisheries, horticulture and Livestock.

The state has 1223 thousand hectares of gross sown area (2011-12) of which only 43.09%

is irrigated. Out of total cropped area under kharif crops 41.74% is under Maize, 37.12%

under paddy and remaining 21.14% under pulses, oil seeds vegetables, fodder, mellets etc

while out of total area under Rabi crops 51.84% is under wheat, 24.41% under oil seeds,

9.07% under Fodder and of the remaining area 14.68% under barley, pulses etc.

Q.2) Write down the basic objectives of Forest policy in Jammu & Kashmir?

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Ans. Forests are vital for existence of man kind on earth. The state of J&K is richly endowed

with diverse forest resource which play an Important role in preserving the fragile

ecosystem. The recoded information about the state forest department which was formed in

1881 when J.C Mc.Donald was appointed the first ever Conservator of Forests of the state.

He started the process of consolidation and demarcation of forests in 1923. Moreover H.L.

Wright was appointed as the chief conservator of forests.

The basic objectives of state forest policy 2010 are as follows:-

i) Conservation of biodiversity and natural habitat through preservation of natural forests

with the vast variety of flora and fauna.

ii) Rehabilitation of degraded forests so as to optimize their productivity and restore their

potential to provide ecosystem goods and services on sustainable basis.

iii) Poverty alleviation by meeting livelihood needs of forest dependant communities with

suitable supply of Forest produce by Improving productivity of existing forest.

iv) Afforestation Extension: Extending tree cover outside forests to reduce the pressure

on natural forests for supply of forest produce.

v) Checking Soil Erosion: Checking denudation and soil erosion in catchment through

Integrated watershed management techniques and practices.

vi) Proper Maintanance: Maintance of the health of forest vegetarian and forest soil for

agumenting water supplies through recharge of undergood water aquifers and regulation of

surface water flow, sediments and water quality.

vii) Community Mobilization: Creating a sustained people‟s movement for achieving the

aforementioned objectives so that environmental security is ensured.

viii) Management Practices: Utilization of natural resources using best management

practices including depletion of non timber forest produce and institutionalization and

operationalization of concepts of eco-tourism and nature tourism

Q.3) What is copper ore. Write down the names of places where copper one is found?

Ans) Copper ore is an important mineral resource, which spawns on the surface as well as in the

underground. It is named after Cyprus the principal mining place is Rome. It was

discovered in Middle east some 9000 BCE. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and

electrical conductively. Pure copper is soft and malleable. The main places in J&K where

its mining and manafuctures goes hand in hand are Lashttialin in Baramulla, Shinbul in

Anantnag. Kishtwar, Kargil and Zanaskar have sufficient deposits of copper. It is also

found in Dhar and Tommachil areas in Ladakh.

Q.4) What are the major reason of slow growth of handicrafts and handloom industry in

the state?

Ans) The world Community has acclaimed and accepted the handicraft articles of Jammu &

Kashmir with top priority. As these are mostly designed, decorated by the famous

craftsman of Kashmir, They have also earned a good amount of foreign exchange of J&K

But still there are some draw backs of this industry which are acting as a major reason for

slow growth:

i) Poor quality control (ii) Obsolete designs (iii) Explortative middleman

iv) Competition from machinemade goods (v) Less govt attention (vi) Poor market

facilities vii) High price rise a non affordable for everone.


Q.1) Identify places of religious pilgrimage in Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans) The State of Jammu and Kashmir is called the paradise on earth. It is the northern most

state of India. For its scenic beauty, diverse ethenic and religious cultural and linguistic standards.

It is famous in the whole world. There are more than 500 places of religious pilgrimages in J&K

Some Notable ones are as follows :-

i) Baba Reshi Shrine (ii) Hazratbal Shrine (iii) Sahadra Sherief (iv) Amarnath cave

(v) Mata Vaishno Devi Temple (vi) Temple Shiv Khori (vii) Hemis Gompa

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(viii) Shankaracharya Temple (ix) Gurdwara Chatti Padshahi (x) Khir Bhawani temple

(xi) Famous shrine of Hazrat Sheikh Noordin Norani Charia Charief (xii) Shrine at

Aishmuqam (xiii) Makhdoom Sahab shrine Srinagar etc.

Q.2) Write down the main principles of P.P.P?

Ans) P.P.P means Public Private Partnership. It is the Govt. scheme for the infra structure

development in J&K. The main principles of it are as under :-

i) To take full benefits of various scheme and Initiatives of Ministry of Finance.

ii) To work for the Economic growth of the state.

iii) To address land related concerns in a practical manner for the development of Tourism in J&K.

iv) To connect different regions of the state.

v) Training the youth in the hospitality and adventure tourism sector.

vi) Creation of an Integrated online tourism portal in PPP mode.

Q.3) What is the role of Handicrafts sector in employment generation in J&K.

Ans. Handicrafts is a pivotal source of revenue generation of Jammu and Kashmir state. This

Industry is an Important sector contributing to over all development of current and other

allied sectors in term of wealth and employment creation. Thus occupying an important

place in economy of JK. It is basically a cottage Industry and provides direct and gainful

employment to more than 3 lakh people and has the potential to facilitate the path of raising

the living standard of the citizens residing within and outside boundry of the state. This

Industry is famous for pashmina and kani shawls, woollens and cotton fabrics. Moreover

hand woven carpets, paper machie, wood work and silver ware.

Q.4) Write a brief note on Micro, Small and Medium scale Industries in employment


Ans. Micro, Small and Medium scale Industrial sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and

dynamic sector of the Indian Economy over the last five decades. It not only plays a crucial

role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than

huge Industries but also helps in Initialization of rural and backward areas, there by

reducing regional balances. This sector has not done well in the state of Jammy and

Kashmir due to number of reasons including Inadequate local demand, poor credit flow,

distance from market etc. In our state more than 5 lakh people are getting benefit through

these small scale units.

Q.5) How employment potential in Jammu and Kashmir can be increased?

Ans. The economy of J&K has suffered from disturbed condition prevailing in the state for

almost two decades. It would therefore be necessary to put the economy back on the rails to

enable the average person to get employment opportunities. Now the state‟s vast

employment potential can be Increased by the below mentioned factor :-

i) Diversification of the Agriculture, Food processing, Handicrafts and Handlooms.

Animal Husbandry, poultry.

ii) Proper attention toward the most Important sector i,e Tourism.

iii) Proper planning for the fast developing and emerging IT Industry and Biotechnology.

iv) The establishment of special Industrial package covering all the areas.

v) Proper attention and carefull management in the Border area of the state.

vi) Establishment of Education and Health Institution in the state.

vii) Large Infrastructure projects i,e Roads and Railways.

viii) Extension of the mineral wealth of the state.

ix) Construction and Architectural sector.

x) A highly profitable, ecofriendly industrial policy.

xi) After all corruption free and good governance.

Q.6) Name the programmes conducted by Infosys development centres?

Ans. The Infosys development centers have conducted Faculty Enhancement programmes, soft

skill development Programms, Development of various centres for providing training and

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out sourcing for different sectors, computer programs, Job fairs, placement drives, career

specific counseling and guidance, Human Resource development programs.


Q.1) Discuss the role of Tourism in generating employment in Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. Tourism is considered as the back bone of J&K economy. Tourism in modern era is one of

the main avenues of employment generation, economic development, cultural exchange

etc, Different tourist centres have different attractions like heritage. Pilgrimege,

infrastructure, natural beauty etc. But Kashmir has combination of all the attractions

including natural beauty, pilgrimage, heritage, cultural, handicraft. Kashmir was a popular

attraction in ancient times as well. It was also one of the important destination of silk

route. Kashmir was the attraction of almost all the rulers like Mughal, Sikh, Britishers,

Afgans etc India has a whole and particularly Kashmir has a lot of potential in tourism

sector, Earlier it used to be seasonal tourist destination but now things have changed all

year round Tourism activity is in place. The tourist place are loving well furnished

accomodation of Hotels, Restaurants, Resting places, and the well established pony riding

association, photographs, shikars etc in which thousand and lakhs of people are able to

generate revenue. Morever the Ministry of Tourism has also lanched a special programme

called Hunar sa Rozgar which offers short but quality training course offering food and

catering services, housekeeping utility etc. Besides this Govt. has tried from very Initial

stages to improve Tourism sector in Kashmir by creating developmental authorities like

Pahalgam Development Authority (PDA), Gulmarg Development Authority (GDA),

Kokernag Development Authority (KDA), Doodhpathri Development Authority (DDA)

etc. These development authorities have yielded good results by creating Employment

opportunities and generating revenue as well for the state.

Q.2) Write down sectoral Initiatives by the govt. to generate employment in Jammu and


Ans. The sectoral Initiatives taken by the govt. for the betterment of the both, Jammu and

Kashmir and the whole India was a good step taken by the India Govt. by constituting an

Expert group by Prime Minister on August 18-2010 under the committee of Dr C-

Rangarajan. The following sectorial Initiatives were discussed at length to regulate the

Economy of J&K and to create some better employment opportunities.

i) Developement of labour Intensive livestock sector with its capacity to cater to the poor

and absorb large number of skilled and un skilled worker.

ii) Increased public investment in the poultry sector.

iii) Emphasis on tackling diseases and infertility issues in diary.

iv) Improvised agronomic practices for quality fodder production.

v) Development of Tourism sector across the state.

vi) Providing skill spectrum and positive expertise for other sectors like handicrafts,

handloom and transport .

vii) Development of IT/BPO sectors as the sector has attracted a number of young


viii) Providing skill development by the Central Govt. under the scheme like UDAAN and


ix) Providing easy loan scheme for establishment of sheep farm, trout culture and

ornamental plants at lower grass root level.

x) Development in the educational sector by providing free computer education etc.

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Geography Chapter No. 1

Resource Concept, Classification and Management Exercise

Very Short Answer Type Question

Q.1 (i) Any means of attaining desired ends can be designated as a Resource.

(ii) The most clearly recognizable resource are those consisting of living things.

(iii) The renewability of a living resource varies with the species and the area involved.

(iv) The usefulness of abiotic resource depends upon its accessibility and consecration.

(v) Solar energy is an inexhaustible resources relative to the human use and time scale.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.2 (i) Define a Resource? Give some example of resources.

Ans. A resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced, moreover a resource has

been defined as any means of attaining given ends example materials, energy, services knowledge

or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consume or made


(ii) Which three things interact to develop resources for human satisfaction?

Ans. The man three things that interact to develop resources for human satisfaction are nature,

man and man‟s culture.

(iii) How is manganese ore a renewable resource despite of abiotic nature?

Ans. Manganese ore is a renewable resource despite of abiotic nature because the rate of its

formation in the nodules on the ocean floor through chemical precipitation from sea water exceeds

the rate at which the ore is being used.

(iv) Define inexhaustible resources given some examples.

Ans. Resources which can be renewed by reproduction or by physical, mechanical or chemical

processes are known as inexhaustible resource e.g, solar energy, air water, wildlife forest and

human beings.

(v) Different between biotic and abiotic resources?

Ans. Biotic: A resource which continues to reproduce and regenerate is called as biotic resource

e.g, Population, forest etc.

Abiotic: A resource consisting of nonliving things. These are least renewable resources. These

get exhausted by reckless use while theri rate of formation is exceeding slow eg minerals.

(vi) Write a short note on resource development.

Ans. Resource development is an action oriented activity in which the main effort is to develop

the resource fully to enable their complete utilization which minimum wastage for example land is

a resource, which has to be cleared of unwanted materials and ploughed in order to grow crops.

Water has to be taken to fields to irrayate lands. Minerals have to be fallen out from the earth and

smelt them, purify them to use them completely and making a huge variety of things from them.

Such as, machinery, and implements. Thus resource development can be describes as a necessary

exercise for the complete, managed and scientific utilisation of resource.

(vii) What is the principle sustainable yield?

Ans. Principle sustainable yield can be defined as a process in which, the locally available

renewable resource should be used when possible and renewable resource should not be used

faster than their replacement by natural processes. This is known as the principles sustainable yield

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Long Answer Type Questions:

Q.3 The definition of natural resources has change over time discuss.

Ans. The term, “natural resource” has undergone an expansion in meaning as a result of mean‟s

greater understanding of his relationship with the world he lives in Earlier natural resources were

viewed primarily as sources of valuable and useful commodities. Such as raw materials, minerals

fuel, forest, wild life, water etc but now in the present would the concept of natural resource has

been broadened and includes now the total natural environment. In real sense it encompasses the

entire surface layer earth, because all parts of earth‟s surface are of some use to man as they

contribute to the production of necessities and communities that people demand. Thus from this

period of view all the living and non living elements of earth outside and inside too have same

valuable resource.

Q.4 What are exhaustible resources and how are they different from in exhaustible


Ans. Resources classified on the basis of renewability are termed as exhaustible and

inexhaustible resource. The difference between these two is important.

Exhaustible resources are those resources which once taken out and used can not be replaced. If an

exhaustible resource is not conserved, it ultimately disappears because its total reserves are limited

needs conservative approached and sctantific management. Exhaustible resource are as coal,

petroleum natural gas. Iron are copper aluminium, thorium sulphur etc. The natural replacement of

such resources particularly mineral through geological events are processes are exceptionally slow

and can not compactly the current rate of mineral extraction. White as inexhaustible resources are

those which can be renewable by reproduction or by physical mechanical or chemical processes.

These resource are present in plenty and often regeting of these is available by natural process.

Now day the trend is to used such resources in large concentration some of these are non polluting

such as wind, water, solar energy and easily available. These can be of greater value then present

only it technology development will be available example, solar energy wind energy, nature OTE,

Tidal energy, geothermal energy etc.

Q.5 What is resource planning? Discuss detail about it various stages.

Resource planning is the technique or skill of utilizing or exploiting the resources

judiciously and properly. Unscientific exploitation can lead to environmental and

ecological problems, such a pollution and uneconomical utilization can lead to the wastage

of resources. Thus resource planning helps to reduce wastage, keeps the environment

pollution- free and takes care of future needs. Resource planning comprises of three stages.

(1) Resource Mapping: It is the surveying, mapping and estimation. Under the mapping,

the location, quality, magnitude and measurement of properties and characteristics of

resources is extensively done to develop resource inventory. Different expert agencies are

engaged for the exercise of mapping. e.g Geological Survey of India is responsible for

mapping of minerals in India.

(2) Resource Evaluation: Before exploitation of a particular resource, an evaluation

process is undertaken to look into the economy, technology, need and other issues

including ecology in order to ascertain that the value of final resource product is

significantly lower than the value of the imported one.

(3) Planning for Resource exploitation: This is related to action-oriented planning. This

includes planning for infrastructure, men and material. Planning of resources also involves

the sustainable development and the inclusion of 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) so that

the exploitation is not wanton i.e not taking due care of the needs of future generation.

Q.6 What are various methods which help in managing and conservation the resources.

Ans. Resources are an essential and complimentary part of human life on this unique planet,

therefore their conservation is must because if resources get vanished from this earth. Human

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survival will be in difficult. The conservative methods and management of earth are given as


(i) Locally available renewable resources should be used where possible and renewable

resources not be used faster than their replacement by natural resources. This is called

as principle of sustainable

(ii) High quality energy should not be used to do something that can be done with lower

quality energy. This is knows as principal of energy efficiency.

(iii) Pollution prevention and waste reduction are the best and cheapest ways to sustain the

earth. This can be done by controlling pollution and producing minimum water. This is

known as principal of pollution prevention and waste reduction.

(iv) Reducing resource consumption and waste production should be top priority followed

by resusing items, recycling of three “R”s of earth care.

(v) Products or wastes that can be cycled or reused should not be dispersed, mixed, burned

or baried. This is termed the principle of resource conservation.

(vi) Last but not least we should leave all the global commons like fresh H2O and fresh air

to our next generation as good as we leave received then from our ancestass. This is

known as principle of global common.

So we should follow these principle and help other people to follow them as well to

make it a success for sustainable earth to prevail.

Q.7 Match the following:

(a) Mesabi Range U.S.A

(b) Kola Mines Karnataka

(c) Amu Darya Central Asia

(d) Rhene River Europe

(e) Hwang HO China

Additional Questions Q.1 Differentiate Renewable resources & Non-renewable resources

Renewable resources Non-renewable resources

(i) These resources have ability to renew

themselves in a given period of time.

(i) These resources can not be renewed

after their utilization.

(ii) These are inexhaustible. (ii) These are exhaustible.

(iii) These resources may or may not require

substitutes or conservation, e.g. forests, water,


(iii) These resources require substitutes

or conservation, e.g. Petroleum, iron,

coal, etc.

(iv) These are maintainable resources. (iv) These are non-maintainable


(v) The examples of renewable resources

are water, forests, solar, wind and tidal


(v) The examples are , mineral

deposits, coal, petroleum and natural


Chapter No. 2

Land Resources Textual Exercises

A. Very Short Answer Type Questions:


(i) Total geographical area of Indian is 328.73 million hectares.

(ii) India covers 2.4% global land area and contains 16.74% of global population.

(iii) About 27% land area of India is plateau which possess rich reserves of mineable fossil

fuels and forests.

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(iv) The use of land is determined by physical as well as human factors.

(v) Cultivable waste includes the land available for cultivation but not cultivated during the last

five years.

B Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.2 (i) What is the importance of land as a resources?

Ans. Land is an important resource, because it converse about 30% of the total area of earth‟s

surface and not all parts of this percentage are heritable or productive. All other resource either of

any state solid, liquid or gas are present on it or inside it. So it is obvious that it supports natural

vegetarian wildlife, provides minerals, gives us accommodation shelter and provide hustate to

every type of organism. Not only this but it also provides us every thing that we need. So it is an

important resources.

(ii) What are the two major categories of land not available for cultivation?

Ans. The two major categories of land not available for cultivations are as under:

(a) Land put to non agricultural uses. It included the land occupied by buildings, industries,

roads, railways, shopping complex, malls, airport etc.

(b) Barron and uncultivated land: it includes rocky mountains, hills, rocky outcrops,

deserts, saliva lands coastal beaches, weed infected ravine lands etc.

(iii) Differentiate between gross cropped area and not sown area.

Ans. Gross cropped area: It is the total area under crops, irrigated once or more than once in a

year. It is counted as many times as the number of times the areas are cropped and irrigated in a


Net sown area: This represents the total area sown with crops and orchards, around 141.58

million hectares (46.4%) of land in India is under net sawn area out of total reported area.

(iv) Write about four measures that control land degradation?

Ans. Land degradation is a menace. It is necessary to slop this menace as soon as possible by

some good steps. The following four measures will prove good for controlling land degradation.

(i) For factors see old Note Q. No.

(v) Define a protected forest.

Ans. An area notified under provision of Indian Forest Act having limited degree of protection,

in protected forests, all activities are permitted unless protisuited.

(vi) Height light various factors which are helpful in increasing Netsown area

Ans. The following factors helps us to increase Netsown area.

(i) Good and Tandy rainfall, (ii) Good weather conditions (iii) Prices of

Agricultural commodities (iv) Political stibnite (v) Secarity of tenure

and tenancy.

(vii) Name four ways of Urban land utilization?

Ans. The four ways of urban land utilization are as under:

(i) It is used for construction of houses and buildings.

(ii) It is used for setting industries railways, Roads.

(iii) It is used to set up big Malls, shopping complex and Amusement parks.

(iv) It is used for erecting administrative blocks and different Govt. Office, Hospitals,

Banks etc.

C. Long Answer Type Questions:

3. Forest play an important role in the ecology and economy of India. Discuss.

Ans. A forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly occupied by trees, plants, herbs

shrubs and other things including wild animals, birds, rephles etc India has 70.01 million hectares

(22.9%) of total reported area under forest. Indian forests are vital for India and its landscape,

forest land in India is far less than usually accepted scientific norm. For a self sufficient economy

and accurate ecological balance, at least one third of the total area must be kafa under forests and

natural vegetation.

Ecological and Economic importance of Indian forests:

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Forests contribute substantially to our economic development.

They play a major role in enhancing the quality of our environment.

They modify local climate, control soil erosion and regulate stream.

Forests provide livelihood for many communities and offer opportunities for recreation.

They influence air temperature and reduce wind force.

They provide industrial wood, Timber, fodder and other forest produce.

They provide natural environment for wild life.

They have a great role in maintaining ecological balance and life support systems.

They help in preparation.

They provides humans to soil.

They provide us resins, lac, gums, rubber etc.

They also given us medicine.

They help to reduce noise pollution etc.

Q D. What is land degradation what are its major caused?

Ans. The process of depletion of quality of land mainly as soil resource is called land

degradation. There fore land degradation is a process which decreases the productivity or

the potential productivity of the land which is not under cultivation. Thus degradation

involves loss of minerals, nutrients, organic and humus content, water retention capacity,

aeration etc. besides change in chemical properties that all lead to decrease in productivity.

Land is the most important natural resource which the mankind has been using right from

its descendence. The conservation of land by our earlier generations help us to survive and

there fore we as generation are obliged to do the same for future generation as well to make

the earth an abode of human life including all other species.

Presently there are about 130 million hectares of degraded land in India. Approximately

28% of it belongs to the category of forest degraded area, 56% to water eroded area and

rest is affected by saline and alkaline deposits.

Causes: The vicious human activities have sufficiently contributed to the land degradation. Man

has not only directly damaged land but also aggravated the place of natural forces to cause a great

damage to it. Land degradation is a global problem and is caused by a hot of activities mainly

induced by humans:

(i) Land clearance, such as clear cutting and deforestation.

(ii) Depletion of soil nutrients through poor farming practices.

(iii) Overgrazing and overdrafting.

(iv) Inappropriate irrigation.

(v) Urban sprawl and commercial development.

(vi) Soil contamination.

(vii) Vehicle off-roading

Q.5 What is fallow land? What are the various reasons for keeping land fallow?

Ans. Fallow land is cultivable land, which is cultivated once far a short period and is kept out of

cultivation for a period of not less than one year and not mark than five years. India has 24.59

million hectares of land area under fallow land category. It is of tow types.

(i) Current fallow land: which is left without cultivation for one year or less than one

year. This category includes 14.27 million hectors of total land are in the county which

accounts for 4.7% of the total area.

(ii) Other than current fallow land: Land area left uncultivated for the part 1 to 5 gram.

India has 10.32 million hector under other than current follow category which is 33 of

total land area.

The various reasours for keeping such land fallow area as under:

(a) Inability of farmers to cultivate

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(b) Inadequate water supply.

(c) Malarial climate.

(d) Silting of canals and revers.

(e) Soil erosion.

(f) Unremuneraive farming.

(g) To regain fertility.

(h) Non availability of sees.

(i) To radian health.

Q.6 Highlight various programmes that have been initiated by the govt to control further

land degradation.

Ans. Land degradation is a serious problem that India faces since 1600 AD. However some

measures are taken into consideration by the Govt. of India to check it, below are some

programmes initiated by Govt. recently for checking land degradation.

(a) Integrated watershed management in the catchment of flood prove are 1980 – 81.

(b) National watershed development projects for rainfed areas.

(c) Reclamation and development of Alkali and Acidic soils.

(d) Integrated wasteland development project.

(e) Desert area development programme.

(f) Hill area development programme.

(g) Drought prone area development programme.

(h) Command area development programme.

Additional Questions Q.1 What are the measures which can be taken to check land degradation?

Ans. The land degradation can be checked in a number of ways which are described as under:

(1) Afforestation: By planting more and more trees, the land abandoned due to one or

other reason can be upgraded.

(2) Controlling Overgrazing: When vegetal cover is exposed to intensive grazing for long

periods of time or with out sufficient recovery ability time land become prone to

degradation due to easy erosion and non replenishing . Land degradation due to over

grazing is observed in the states of Gujrat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. Controlling the

overgrazing will check the land degradation.

(3) Checking Over irrigation: Over irrigation is the cause of land degradation due to water

logging in Punjab, Haryana and Western UP. Water logging leads to increase in both the

salinity and alkalinity. Proper drainage or checking over- irrigation helps in stopping the

land degradation.

(4) Stablized cropping: Most of the nutrients from the land are exhausted due to over

cropping there-by decreasing the land productivity. The cropping pattern and intensity has

to be stabilized to check land degradation.

(5) Disposal of Industrial wastes : Industrial effluents are great menace for bringing about

land and water pollution in many parts of India. Proper disposal of wastes can help in

reducing the land degradation.

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Chapter No. 3

Water Resources Textual Questions:

Q.1. Very Short answer type questions:

(i) The percentage of water locked in the ice caps and ice sheets of world is 2%

(ii) India possesses 4% of water resources and 17% of populations of the world respectively.

(iii) The ground water utilization is very high in the states like Punjab and Haryana.

(iv) In most parts of India, 80% of annual rainfall is received from souti west.

(v) Irrigation is the most important sources of irrigation well and Tube wells in India.

Q.2 Match the following canals with their sources rivers:

(i) Upper Bari Doab caneal Ravi river.

(ii) Agra canal Yammuna river

(iii) Sirhind Canal Sutlej River

(iv) Mether canal Kaveri

(v) Ianrahar Canal Nagarjuna sager dam.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.3 (i) Define surface water and highlight its major sources.

Ans. Water that flows on the surface of earth in the form of streams, rivers, lakes or reservoirs

etc major sources of surface water which include rivers, lakes, ponds and tanks.

(ii) Mention sector wise major users of water in India?

Ans. India has 4% of world water resource, as per the water resources information system of

India. As per the latest repast of food and agriculture organisation (FAO) agriculture is the major

user of H2O in India. It consumes 90% of the replonishable yield of water. Domestic water supply

uses 8% while industry consumes 2% available water resources.

(iii) Name any three states where groundwater utilization is very high. Give reasons.

Ans. Water beneath the surface of earth which saturates the pores and factures of sand, grave

and rock formation is armed as ground water. The ground water utilization is very high in the rats

of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Because these states lie near the river becomes.

(iv) What are the major sources of irrigation in India.

Ans. The major sources of irrigation in India in different part of it are as follows: wells, Tube

walls, Canals, Tanks etc.

(v) Highlight merits and demerits of well irrigation?

Ans. Following are the merits and demerits of well irrigation.


(i) Cheapest source of irrigation.

(ii) They can be doing at a convenient place.

(iii) Indispensable source of irrigation


(i) They tend to be shallow and may dry up.

(ii) They can irrigate only a small area.

(iii) They need high water fall.

(iv) At some places well water contains a high percentage of minerals, which makes the

water unseuturse for irrigation.

(vi) Canal irrigation is widespread in Northern India. Give reasons. Ans. Canal irrigation is widespread in Northern India because of the below maintained reasons.

(i) Leveled relief is present in north India.

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(ii) Deep fertile soil is available which helps in recovery the cost of construction of


(iii) Alluvial formation due to which digging of canal eany.

(iv) Perrenial flow of rivers which originates in the snow covered Hamalayan rays.

(vii) Name the states were tank irrigation is wide spread in India. Give reasons:

Ans. Tank irrigation is widely prevalent in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Predesh, Karnataka and Orrissa.

The following reasons that favour tank irrigation in pensiular Indian area as under:

(i) Undulating topography.

(ii) Hard and impermeable bedrock.

(iii) Seasonal Nature of peninsular rivers.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Q.4 Name the major uses of water in India and also suggest measures to solve the

emerging water crises in the country?

Ans. The major users of water in India are as follows:

Agriculture: It is the major user of water in India as it consumes 90% of the replineshible yield of

water. Because of its vast size and population. It needs to produce large amount of different food

products from agricultural land, for which maximum amount of H2O is used.

Domestic water: Supply used 8% of water because of large no of population the water which is an

indispensable thing is consumed at every step for carting, cutting washing etc.

For Carting: India as a fast developing country were industrial growth is taking place at faster rate

to produce a large No of products for such an enormous population, this sector uses 2% of

available water resources.

Following are the measures which can help us to solve the emerging water crisis in the country.

(i) Stopping, the water contamination at local, regions state and national level.

(ii) By conserving the water through adopting various measures.

(iii) Existing water bodies should be preserved.

(iv) Avoiding to through garbage and other domestic and Municipals dirt into rivers, ponds etc.

(v) Adopting water harvesting techniques national wide.

(vii) By establioting efficient and innovative means of irrigation such as sprinkle and drip


(viii) By implanting strict laws and giving punishment to the offenders, whosoever will be

responsible for pollution of water bodies.

(ix) By checking the population of the country as well.

(x) Recycling of purification of used water can be a gold step.

(xi) Execution of water policies and leering of water tax at every level, so as to keep water pure

and clean.

Q.5 What are multipurpose river projects? Highlight their merits and dement?

Ans. Multipurpose river project is a large scale interrupted hydraulic system designed to serve

several purposes simultmeously. These projects are used for irrigation, flood control,

hydroelectric power generation, Navigation, fisheries and tourism.

Merits of multipurpose river projects:

(i) Generation of hydel-power: These projects are the main sources of power generation.

According to economic survey 2005-06 these produce more than 30,000 MW power. They

provide us neat, pollution free and cliap energy which is the back bone of industry and


(ii) Flood Control: These projects control the floods because of their huge water storing

capacity. These projects have concurred may rivers of sorrow into river of boon of kosi

and damdar river.

(iii) Soil Conservation: These projects help to conserve the soil as they showdown the speed of

` water they relueing its erosive intently.

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(iv) Irrigation: These projects are the main sources of irrigation for our country. These irrigate

the fields during the dry season.

(v) Afforestation: Trees are systematically` planted in and around reservous. This helps in

preserving wild life and natural ecosystem.

(vii) Water Navigation: These projects often provide for inland water navigation through main

river and conds. The help to then navigate its the cheapest means of transport for heavy


(vii) Fisheries: These are ideal condition for breading fish. Which act an source of of food to

people and supports the economy of the said area.

(viii) Tourist centre: These projects are well cared and scientifically developed . so the be cone

the centres of tourist attraction and also offer recreational avenhe to the adjoin area.

Demerits of Multipurpose river projects:

(i) High Court: It cost, a lot to build the infrastructure of this. It requires huge capital and

engineering with modern machine which is not available usually with poor no developing


(ii) Advance impact on Environment: The to construction of these projects on a certain

rivers. It impact the biodiversity due loo and certain species, causes sedimentation loss and

lap tact and in this of flood the whole area gets affects. Flores and fuan, agriculture, forest

and displacement.

(iii) Non availability of H2O through to year: Most of the year in India flow only for free

months. So it affects the generation of electrify crop pollution etc.

(iv) Disputes between difference soils: This is one of the major causes of delay in the

completion a many projects. Number of stats are at dispute over sharing of later. Height of

the dem and so on.

(v) Advance effect on the fertility of the soil: Due to these projects the get present in the

downstream region gets deprived of the nutrient rich soil, ultimately read to decrease in the

fertility of soil.

(vi) Displacement of local Communities: Building of large dams results in displacement of

local communities. It couplets then to given up their lord. Resource and level for the greater

good of the nation.

(vii) Change in the cropping pattern: Multipurpose projects are response for providing

assumed means of irrigation to famous, so most of the famous have changed the cropping

system. Shifting to water intensive and commercial crop have inersumed the salt consult of

the soil epically56yu in semi aid and acid rejoin at the country.

Q.6 Define irrigation and highlight its importance?

Ans. The process of supplying water to crops by artificial means such as canals, wells, tube

wells tanks, etc from various sources of water is called irrigation.


(i) Water is basic input for agriculture cultivation of crops depends on the availability of H2O

water dissolves minerals and other nutrients in the ground. The roots of the plants draw this

nutritious water from the soil.

(ii) Water is must for commercialization of agriculture.

(iii) Irrigation played a major role in the success of green evaluation in India.

(iv) Many regions like Pubjab, Haryana have become leading produces of rice because of


(v) Many crops are grown in Rajasthan and other acid regions of India because of irrigation.

(vi) Irrigation in India is necessary because these are three crop season, Rabi, Kkarif and Zaid

for which the need of water is not fulfilled by rain alon.

(vii) There is unequal and concentration distribution of rainfall is India.

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Q.7 Highlight the advantage and disadvantages of tube wells as a source of irrigation. Ans. Tube well irrigation is one major source of irrigation in India. A tube well is a deeper well

generally over 15meters deep from which water is lifted with the help of pumping set

operated in on electric motor or a diesel engine. Following are the advantages and

disadvantages of tube wells.


(i) It is a cheapest source of irrigation.

(ii) Tube wells can be doing at a convenient place.

(iii) It is am indispensible source of irrigation.

(iv) It does not need any high tech mode of technology.

(v) It does not need much capital to complete its construction.


(i) They tend to be shallow and may dry up.

(ii) They can irrigate only a small area.

(iii) They need high water lable.

(iv) At some place I contain a high forestage, minerals. Which melts water unsuitable for


(v) These have proved futile for many pacific at many place who fell in these well and tube

wells and lost their lives.

Q.8 What is rainwater harvesting? Mention various components of rainwater harvesting


Ans. Rainwater harvesting is a technique through which the ground water is increased by

recharging it. It is done by capturing and storing rain water by constructing structures such

as percolating pits check dams. Broadly there are two way of harvesting rain water (i)

Surface rain of harvesting (ii) Rooftop rain water harvesting. The main objective of rain

water harvesting is to make water available for futence case. It is used particularly in dry,

hilly urban and control areas.

Main components of a Rain water harvesting system. (i) Catchments: The catchment area of a water harvesting system is the surface which

directly receives the rainfall and provides water to the system. It can be a paveal are like a

lawn or open ground, reinforced, concrete roof or galvanised iron sheet, can also be used

for water harvesting.

(ii) Coarse mesh of coarse mesh is required at the roof to prevent the passage of debuis with

the water.

(iii) Gutters: Gutters include channels all round and transport rainwater to the storage tank.

(vi) Conduits: Conduits are pipelines or drains that carry rainwater from the catchment or

rooftop area to the harvesting system.

(v) First flushing: A first flush device is a value that ensures that runoof from the first spell of

rain is flushed out and doesn‟t enter the system. This needs to be done since the first spell

of rain carries a relatively larger amount of pollutants from the air and catchment surface.

(vi) Filter: The filter is used to remove suspended pollutants from rainwater collected over

roof. A filter unit is a chamber filled with filtering media such as fibre, coarse gravel and

reed etc.

Additional Quesitons

Q.1 Examine the importance of multipurpose projects in development of Hydel power and

irrigation facilities in India?

Ans: The multiple purspose or river valley projects are also called dams. Among other things,

river valley projects mainly contribute in development of Hydel power and irrigation. The

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project which serve a number of purposes simultaneously are called multi purpose projects,

thus river valley projects are multi purpose projects.

Hydel Power :- As in River Valley Projects the power is generated from the rivers by

contructing dams. Therefore the power generated is called Hydel power or

hydroelectricity. These Hydel Power projects generate pollution free electricity from water

which is a renewable resource of energy. Areas where coal and other energy resources are

not available, river valley projects play pivotal role in providing electricity( power). Bhakra

Nangal Project provides electricity to the states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab.There is

increase in Hydro electricity energy capacity by 45 times from-1950-51 to 2013-14.

Irrigation :- The importance of river valley projects in the development of irrigation

has been quite amazing as described under.

Water channels and canals help in water deficient areas e.g Indra Gandhi Canal irrigates dry

areas of Rajasthan. The irrigated area has increased about four times since independence. It

was 22.6 million hectares in 1950 – 51 which increased to 84.7 million hectares in 1999 –

2000. It is the single most important factor in achieving the successive break through in

agriculture and a measure of self sufficiency in food production.

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Chapter 4

Agriculture Textual Exercise

(A) Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.1 (i) Slash and Burn type of farming is a characterises feature of Shifting Cultivation.

(ii) People moving seasonally along with their herds between mountains and lowlands are

known as Nomads.

(iii) Olives and grapes are most important commercial crops of Mediterranean agriculture.

(iv) Which crops are better known as monsoon crops or summer crops Kharif crops

(v) Coffee is a Commercial crop.

(B) Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.2 (I) India is bestowed with variety of crops and multiple cropping seasons. Give


Ans. India is bestowed with variety of crops and multiple cropping seasons because of the

following reasons.

(i) India has a tropical and subtropical type of climate.

(ii) It has different and diverse geophysical nature.

(iii) The presence of different types of soils in India support variety of crops.

(iv) The variations and difference in the food habits of its people living in different states owe

them to grow different crops, cereals, fruits, vegetables as per their requirement.

(v) Population explosion has compelled it to grown a variety of crops.

India has been bestowed with three main cropping seasons such as kharief, Rabi and Zaid.

(vi) Availability of irrigation facilities such as canals, wells and tube wells, Tanin and monsoon


(vii) Availability of technology, new scientific ideas about agriculture and availability of labour.

(viii) Long growing seasons that enables to cultivate a number of crops in succession.

Q. II Highlight the importance of agriculture in India?

Ans. The importance of agriculture in Indian economy is given as:

a) 67% of the Indian population earns its livelihood from agriculture.

b) Agriculture contributes 26% of the G.D.P ( Gross Domestic Product) of India.

c) It supplies raw material to numerous industries especially to agro-based industries.

d) It ensures food security for the country.

e) It is a pre-condition of national prosperity.

Q.III Name some commercial crops grown in India?

Ans. Commercial crops are grown on a large scale often by agriculture corporations, mainly for

the market to get cash. Its main goal is to garner profit which is done through maximizing crop

yields. Some commercial crops are bananas, coffee, corn, cotton, nuts, tea, sugarcane, potatoes and


Q.IV What are the climatic condition required for the cultivation of wheat?

Ans. Wheat is the second most important food crop of India next to rice. Wheat is a Rabi crop or

winter crop sown in October and November and harvested between February and April.

Temperature: It thrives well with cool winter and hot summer. It requires monthly averages

temperature between 10o – 15

oC during sowing and 21

o – 26

oC during ripping.

Rainfall: An annual rainfall of 50 -1 00 cm is suitable. Alternatively it needs artificial means of

irrigation is case rain fall is below 50cm.

Q.V What is the utility of by products of rice?

Ans. Rice produces many by products. Rice husk is used as cattle feed on large scale. Rise bran

is obtained from the outer layer of the brown rice and is good source of edible oil. Rice flour is

used to produce crisps, cereals, snacks, desserts etc. The oil from cured rice is used in soaps and

de-oiled bran is used as poultry feed.

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Q.VI Name the three main components of Green Revolution?

Ans. The three main components of green revolution are a follows:

(i) Continued expansion of the farming areas.

(ii) Double cropping in existing farmland.

(iii) Use of high yielding variety seeds (HYVs)

All these led to increased production and made India self sufficient in food stuffs. In India

Dr. Swaminathons project played major role in the Green Revolution of India.

Q.VII Define Zaid Crops?

Ans. Zaid crops are raised through out the year deploying artificial irrigation system. However,

in major parts they are grown in the short duration between Rabi and Kharif crop seasons, mainly

from March to June. Important crops of this seasons are Watermelon, Cucumber, Muskmelon,

Bitter Gourd etc.

Q.3) Match the following

Food grain wheat

Commercial crop sugarcane

Plantation crop cotton

Horticulture crop apple

Q.4) Food production in India is showing signs of Stagnation. Give reasons.

Ans) Despite recording impressive achievements in agriculture during three decades since the

onset of Green Revolution in late sixties, the situation has started turning adverse around mid

nineties i.e what may be called as stagnation because of following:

(i) Land degradation: Unprecedented land degradation has affected 107 million hectares across

the country which has occurred due to host of reasons including Urbanization, Industrialization,

Deforestation etc.

(ii) Depleting ground water resources: The ground water resources have been utilized without

making recharge so much so the water table is going down continuously. The situation of depletion

is ironically termed as dry breasts for the states like Punjab, Haryana etc where the resource is

utilized to the fullest extant.

(iii) Slowing Growth Rate: The agricultural growth rate is also showing sign of slowing down as

a function of cost and return with, off course impact of globalization.

(iv) Agrarian Distress: The decline in farmers income is leading to their disappointment and that

is why instances of suicide among farmers are frequently observed in some parts of the country.

(v) Preference for non agricultural activities: Given the decline in farmer‟s income and their

distress there is widespread feeling among the farming communities to switch over to other non-

agricultural activities.

The agriculture is therefore, facing tough challenges which need to be addressed through

multipronged strategies as 50% of our geographical area is under cultivation with 55% of

population at present against 75% at the time of independence directly connected with agriculture.

During the same period contribution of agriculture to the GDP has fallen from 61% approximately

to 14%. This is unambiguously stagnation in production.

Q.5) What are geo-environmental conditions for the cultivation of Sugarcane in India and

also give its production and distribution?

Ans) Geo-environmental conditions: Sugarcane is a tropical as well as sub-tropical crop. It

thrives best in the rainy tropics and monsoon climate with temperature above 250 and rainfall of

above 100cm or assured irrigational facilities. Very cold winters and frost are said to be harmful

for the crop. Deep fertile alluvial soil or the nutrient rich volcanic soils with good drainage are

ideal for sugarcane.

India has the largest area for sugarcane cultivation throughout the world and is the 2nd


producer of sugarcane. The yield of sugarcane doubled in four decades increasing from 33

tons/hectare in 1950-51 to 65 in 1990-91. Among all states, UP is the leading sugarcane producer

with a production of more than 13.33 crore tonnes accounting for 39%, Maharashtra 7.53 crore,

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Tamil Nadu 3.75 crore tonnes, Karnataka 3.46 crore tonnes Andhra Pradesh 1.49 crore tonnes are

other leading sugarcane producing states. The other sugarcane producing state are Bihar, Gujarat,

Haryana, Punjab and Utrakhan.

Distribution: India grows sugarcane over large areas in the northern plains where winters are

quite cold. The higher productivity is observed in the peninsular plateau region. It is mainly grown

in Satluj-Ganga plains from Punjab and Bihar, in black soil belt from Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu

along the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats and coastal Andhra Pradesh and Krishna river


Q.6) Highlight the importance of horticulture in agriculture sector of Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans) Owing to diverse geo-climatic set up, the Jammu and Kashmir has tremendous scope and

potential for horticulture development. The temperate fruits like apple, pear and walnuts of

Kashmir are world famous and the subtropical fruit include some famous varieties of mango

coming from Jammu. Similarly Ladakh is famous throughout for production of apricot.

More than seven crore boxes of apples are exported from the state every year. The export of apple,

walnut, almond and saffron earns valuable foreign exchange for the country. Horticulture in

Jammu and Kashmir provides direct and indirect employment to a large number of people and

plays a crucial role in poverty alleviation.

Horticulture in Jammu and Kashmir can help in the establishment of a strong agro based industry

which will help in diversification of state economy.

Q.7) Write a note on green revolution its merits and demerits?

Ans) In the mid-sixties, a strategy of agricultural development based on adoption of irrigation,

chemical fertilizers and high yielding varieties of seeds known as package technology was

introduced by Indian Govt. As a result of this package technology, Indian agriculture has made

rapid progress and production of cereals have registered a tremendous increase in yield. This

tremendous increase in production of cereals, which covers crops like rice, wheat, jawar, bajra and

maize is called the Green Revolution.

Green revolution owes its origin to Mexico when it was started there in 1940 with regards to

renewal and modernization of agricultural practices. The period between 1667 and 1978 was

marked with use of improved seeds of high yielding vericties, adequate and assured water supply

for irrigation, and appropriate applications of chemical fertilizers. There were three basic elements

in the Green Revolution which include:

(i) Expansion of the farming area.

(ii) Double cropping in existing farmland and

(iii) Use of high yielding varieties.

All these there basic elements of Green Revolution increased production of food grains thereby

making India self sufficient in food stuffs.

Merits of Green Revolution:

1. Enhancement in agricultural productivity and increase in yield per hectare.

2. Change in approach of the peasants.

3. Employment opportunities both in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.

4. Shift from traditional agriculture.

5. Emergence of new cropping patterns, improved, economy and standard of living.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

1. Environmental degradation

2. Soil and water pollution.

3. Loss of bio diversity.

4. Decrease of water table

5. Loss of local variety of crops.

6. Promoted weed and pest resistance.

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Additional Quesstions Q.1 Mention the main features of Indian agriculture.

Ans. The main features of Indian agriculture are:

(i) Lack of irrigation:- Despite large areas covered under irrigation, only about

1/3rd of total cropped area is irrigated.

(ii) Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides :- The use of fertilizers and pesticides has

substantially increased.

(iii) Increase in Production and Productivity :- With the use of high yielding varieties

and latest technology, there has been tremendous increase in the productivity (yield per

hectare) and thereof the overall production, particularly in food grains which indicated

a significant break through as visualized in Green Revolution.

(iv) Subsistence Agriculture:- Even with great achievements in agriculture, India is not

able to export the food grains. That is why we still continue to have subsistence type of

agriculture in most parts of the country.

(v) Poor infrastructure :- Means of transport in villages are quite inadequate, storage

facilities too are lacking.

(vi) Small Land holding :- About 1/3rd land holding is less than one hectare which is big

hurdle in going for mechanizations and economizing the agricultural expenses besides

avoiding wastage.

Q.2 What is plantation agriculture? Ans. Plantation agriculture is also called tree or bush farming. In India it was introduced by

Britishers in 19th

century. Its main features are as under;

i) The plantation agriculture is done in tropical countries like India, Srilanka and

Malaysia. It is single crop farming in which we generally have tea, coffee, rubber,

spices, coconuts, sugarcane and fruit crops like apples, grapes, oranges etc.

ii) This type of agriculture is essentially a commercial type because all the crops are

meant for sale in the market.

iii) Plantation is very large, most operations are carried out manually, only processing

is done by machines.

iv) It involves large capital input, vast estates, technical know how, fertilizers, good

transport facilities and sophisticated factories for processing.

v) Women are generally employed in picking tea leaves, coffee berries etc

vi) In India it is mostly practiced in Assam, sub Himalayan areas, West Bengal,

Niligiri, Anaimalai, Cardamon Hills at the Trijunction of Kerala, TN and Karnatka.


vii) Its aim is huge profit making at a time. After all plantation agriculture is much

profitable agriculture.

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Lesson No. 5

Forests and Wildlife

A. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.1(i) Natural Vegetation refers to plant life that grows naturally or wild in an area.

(ii) Wild life refers to animal life found in an area that has not been domesticated.

(iii) Topical forests are found in areas with 100 – 300 cm of rainfall (100 – 200 Tropical

Deciduous 200 - 300 Tropical Evergreen).

(iv) The species whose population has declined dangerously low level are known as

Endangered species. (v) The two types of conservation are in-situ and ex-situ.

B. Short Answer Type Questions:

Q.2 (i) Name the main geographical factors which influence the type and distribution

of vegetation?

Ans. There are two main geographical factors which influence the type and distribution of

vegetation. These are climate and soil.

(ii) What is a Biosphere Reserve?

Ans. Biosphere Reserves are representative parts of natural and cultural landscapes extending

over large area of terrestrial or coastal/marine ecosystem or a combination thereof and

representative examples of biogeographic zones or regions. The purpose of Bio-reserves is

to promote environmental research, maintain and preserve natural beauty particularly wild

life and to conserve plant and animal species in their respective ecosystems. It also

provides opportunities for education and trainings to local residents regarding its

conservation. Currently there are 18 Biosphere Reserves in India.

(III) Name different types of Natural vegetations in Indian?

Ans. The different types of natural vegetations found in India are Tropical Evergreen, Tropical

Deciduous. Thorny forests, Mangrove forest and Mountain vegetation.

(IV) Define Tropical Deciduous Forest and their concerns?

Ans. Spreading over the vast area of the country, Tropical Deciduous Forests constitute the

most dominant vegetation belt found in India. These are the mostly typical forest of monsoon

region and hence also called as Monsoon Forests.

Important characteristics: 1. These are found in areas with an annul rainfall of 100 – 200 cms.

2. These shed their leaves for six to eight weeks during summer to resist dry season.

3. The shedding of leaves although is during summer season but timing being different for

different species never gives the forests to look absolutely bare at any time.

4. These forest are of high economic importance.

5. Important trees are Teak and Sal besides Sandalwood, Rose wood, Ebony, Shisham, and


Concerns: These forest having high economic importance are most exploited. Over cutting,

overgrazing, fires etc are some important thetas to these forests. These forests therefore, call for

urgent conservation and scientific management.

(V) Define Mangrove Forest and their distribution in India?

Ans. Mangrove forests are also called Tidal or Litoral forest. These are found on the estuaries

and fringes of deltas along the East coast. The roots of the plants are submerged under water. The

most common and important tree is the Sundari which gives name Sunderbans to the largest delta.

Yet another common species called Mangrove tree takes the form dense Mangrove Forest which

occur along the coast-line in the sheltered estuaries backwaters, salt marshes and flats. The

mangrove tree can attain the height of about 30 mts.

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Sunderbans (W.B) contains 50% of Indian‟s Mangrove Forests. The deltas of the Ganga, the

Mahanadi, the Krishna and the Kaveri are covered by such vegetation. The other types of trees

found in the Tidal forests are Palm. Coconut, Canes etc. The plants growing on other plants called

Epiphytes are predominant all over the region.

(VI) Write a note on the main objectives of the National Forest Policy?

Ans: The National Forest Policy is the recommendation management of forests by the govt. which

is in operation since 1884. This forest policy was revised in 1952 and then again in 1988. The

main emphasis of National Forest Policy-1988 is on the protection, conservation, regeneration and

development of forest. The main objectives of the National Forest Policy 1988 are;

i) Bringing 33% of the area under forests.

ii) Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and restoration of

ecological balance.

iii) Conserving the biological diversity of the country.

(v) Conservation of forests as a national heritage with vast varieties of flora and fauna.

(vi) Control of soil erosion and denudation in catchment area of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

(vii) Check on sand dunes extension in desert areas of Rajesthan and along coasts.

(viii) Substantial increase in forest cover through massive Afforestation, Reforestation and

Social Forestry programmes.

(ix) To meet the needs of fuel-wood, folder and miner forest products for the rural and

tribal people.

(x) Involvement of people in forest management particularly woman.

(VII) Write an note on the Project Tiger?

Ans. In 1973, Government felt that the tiger population has decreased to 1827 from an estimated

55000 in 1901. Poaching for trade, shrinking habitat, depletion of prey base species, increasing

human population are the main reasons behind declining tiger population. The trade of tiger skins

and the use of their bones in traditional medicines are also major threats to tiger population.

As a result project tiger was launched in 1973 which shows good positive result as evidenced by

their population which rose to 4002 in 1985, 4334 in 1989 but it again decreased to 3600 in 1993.

Spread over an area of 37,761sq kms. there are 27 Tiger Reserves in India. Some important Tiger

Reserves include, Corbett National Park (Uttrakhand), Sunderbans National Park (WB)

Baghavgarh National Park (MP) Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary (Rajasthan), Manas Tiger Reserve

(Assam ) and Periyar Tiger Reserves in Kerala.

Q. Define Tropical Evergreen Forests?

Ans. These forest which need high humidity and high temperature throughout the year are found

in areas with 200 – 300cms of rainfall. These are dense with thick undergrowth and yield

hard wood trees like Rose wood, Ebony and Shisham.

These forests are very dense and composed of tall trees reaching upto a height of 60mts.

The trees with good canopy look like a green carpet when viewed from above. Due to

dense growth of trees, sunlight does not reach the ground and thus canes, bamboos,

climbers, ferns etc grow there, thereby making the passage through these forests very


Elephant, Monkey, Rhinoceros are important animals found in these forests.

Q.3 Human activities affected the depletion of flora and fauna. Explain?

Ans. Since the industrial revolution, the Bio-diversity has been getting affected. Overfishing,

hunting, destruction of habitat through agriculture and urban sprawl, use of pesticides and

herbicides and the release of other toxic compounds in to the environment have all taken their toll

particularly on vertebrates. There are number of activities which by humans have contributed

towards the depletion of flora and fauna. These are listed as under:

(i) Habitat Destruction: Humans have been engaged in building houses, factories, shopping

malls, parks, garbage dumps, roads and other buildings by destroying the wild land. The animals

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that once lived there from bugs to birds disappeared. There is not enough food, water or shelter for

all of them. So they died.

Farmer‟s spray chemicals on crops to save them from pests. Thus water is getting polluted which

mixes with soil, thereby poisoned bugs may not only die but the birds feeding on them too face it.

Irrigation too has environmental importance which include effect on soil and water quality, water

logging, soil Salinization etc.

(ii) Over utilization of Forests: In the earlier days man‟s needs were limited. He was

dependent on Forests only for few things. Forests are being used to fulfil man‟s needs directly and

indirectly. We obtained wood, bark, leaves, rubber, medicine, dyes, food, fuel, fodder etc.

(iii) Colonial plans: The greatest damage inflicted on Indian forests was during the colonial

period due to expansion of railways, agricultural, commercial and scientific forestry and mining


(iv) Agricultural Expansion: Even after independence, agricultural expansion continues to be

one of the major causes of depletion. Between 1951 and 1980, according to Forest Survey of India,

over 26200 sq mts. of forests were converted into agricultural land all over India.

(v) Multipurpose Projects: These projects have also contributed significant to loss of forests.

Since 1951 over 5000 sq kms of forests were cleared for river valley projects like Narmada Sagar

project in M.P which inundated 40,000 hectares of forest area.

(vi) Mining: It is another important factor behind deforestation. Mining operations need big

machines, labour, transport (Road and Railway) etc. All these lead to deforestation. The mining

activities have blocked the migration roots of several species including great Indian Elephant, thus

disturbing the natural habitat.

(vii) Grazing and Fuel collection: Overgrazing of land also leads to soil erosion in many parts

of India. Hill sides have become barren because of overgrazing by animals. By wood collection,

deforestation has been caused as lay down by some forest exports and environmentalists.

(viii) Electricity Generation: The environmental importance of electricity generation is

significant because modern societies use large amount of electric power. There are a number of

environment issues related with generation of hydro power which include habitat destruction, loss

of biodiversity etc.

(ix) Nuclear Power Generation: Nuclear fuel cycle includes mining processing, transportation

and radioactive fuel waste. Released radio isotopes pose serious threats to human health, animals

and plant as these particles enter their bodies through different transmission modes.

Q.4 What steps have been taken by the Govt. for the conservation of flora and fauna?

Ans. The conservation of forests is a national problem which is needed to be tackle with perfect

co-ordination between the Forests Development and other Departments.

To conserve our forests the National Forest Policy which holds immense importance with regard

to the protection, conservation and development of forests in the country has been put in place.

Govt. strives hard for maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and restoration

of ecological balance.

Afforestation programs are being encouraged in the areas which are unsuitable for crop


People‟s participation in the conservation of forests is of vital importance. So we must get them

involved in this national task.

Van Mahotsava is being celebrated with Zeal and Vigour throughout the country. The national

Environment Awareness Campaign is being launched in every corner of the country.

Proper planning is needed to check on soil erosion, check on extension of sand dunes, increase in

forests tree cover, increase in productivity of forests and efficient and utilization of forests

produce. For ensuring growth and survival of wild life, host of conservation steps have been taken

by the government. There are 5 National Parks, 14 Wild life Sanctuaries, 21 Conservation

Reserves, 14 Wetland Reserves and 4 Ramsar sites.

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Q. 5 Forests are very important. Explain?

Ans. Forests are important life sustaining natural resource which contribute a lot in the

multidimensional development of a state or a nation. They perform the following

protective and productive functions.

Protective: Protective functions of forests are as follows;

To improve the quality of environment.

To modify total channel.

To control soil erosion.

To regulate flow of streams.

To reduce wind force and influence air temperature.

To provide humus to the soil and increase to fertility.

To provide shelter for wildlife.

Productive: Productive functions of forest are;

Provide livelihood for many communities.

Offer recreation opportunities.

Provide industrial wood, timber and grass.

They provide rainsuins, rubber, gum, paper wood for agro based industries.

Provide food for animals.

Provide various medicinal herbs, shrubs, plants etc.

Q.6 Give a detailed account of the Forests of Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. The Natural Vegetation of Jammu and Kashmir has great diversity ranging from lush

evergreen conifers on high attitudes to deciduous frosts on the Southern slopes of the Siwaliks.

The state has a recorded forest area of 22539 sq kmts. which constitutes 22.5% of the geographical

area of Jammu and Kashmir. About 51% of forests are found in Kashmir valley and the rest in

Jammu region. The Ladakh being a cold desert is devoid of any forest cover. There are five forest

types occurring in the state which include Sub-tropical, Dry Evergreen, Himalayan Moist

Temperate, Himalayan Dry Temperate, Subtropical Sub-alpine and Alpine Forests.

The state has a good diversity of plant life which provide daily needs of food, Medicine, Fuel,

Fibre, Timber etc. The wild and domesticated animals too depend on our forests for habitat and

food. The Flora of Kashmir Himalayas comprise of about 3053 species, 800 species are found in

Ladakh and 506 in Jammu. The plants of Western Himalayas are well known for their medicinal

properties which find use in pharmaceutical and perfume industries. There are about 55 species of

important medicinal and aromatic plants.

Faunal diversity of Jammu and Kashmir due to unique location and climatic conditions is also of

quite good range. 16% of Indian mammals are present in Jammu and Kashmir which include

Hangul, Muskdeer, Markhor. The Carnivores represent 32% of total mammalian fauna of the state.

For ensuring growth and survival of wild life, host of conservation steps have been taken by the

government. There are 5 National Parks, 14 Wild life Sanctuaries, 21 Conservation Reserves, 14

Wetland Reserves and 4 Ramsar sites.

Additional Questions Q.1 What are reserved forests? Ans. Reserved forests are those which are permanently earmarked either for production of timber

or other produce and in which right of grazing and cultivation is generally prohibited.

Q.2 What percentage of India is covered with forests? Ans. In India, the total land area under forests is about 76.5 million hectares which account for

about 23.3% of total geographical area including large areas without forest cover. The areas

actually covered with forests are 63.7 million hectares which accounts for about 19.4% of

the total geographical area.

Q.3 What is a national park?

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sAns. A National park is relatively a large area where one or several ecosystems exist and where

plant and animal species are preserved for special educational and recreational purposes.

Q.4 Name National parks of the state of J&K .?

Ans. The National parks of the J&K are :

i) Dachigam National Park (Srinagar 1981)

ii) Hemis High Altitude NationaPark (Leh 1981)

iii) High Altitude National Park (Kishtawar 1981)

iv) City forest (Salim Ali ) Srinagar 1992.

Q.5 Where in our state are wild life sanctuaries located?

Ans. The wild life sanctuaries in our state are located at Overa-(Phalgam), Ramnagar (Jammu),

Nandni (Jammu), Surinsar and Mansar (Jammu).



Lesson No. 6

Mineral Wealth Q.1 (i) Naturally occurring substances with uniform chemical composition and ordered atomic

structure are know as Minerals.

(ii) Coal is a Conventional source of energy and is used as a Raw Material for a large

number of industries.

(iii) Lignite is a type of coal which contain 40 – 60% of carbon.

(iv) The oldest Oilfield of India is Digboi oifield .

(v) Sapphire is found in the Padder (Kishtawar) area of J&K.

Q.2 (I) Define minerals and their importance.

Ans. Minerals are naturally occurring substances uniform in chemical comportion and have a

ordered atomic structure. The importance of minerals in human civilization is reflected

from the fact that many stages in the history of economic development are named after

minerals used in those days e.g, Iron age, Copper age etc.

(i) Minerals are important because they have largely contributed to human progress.

(ii) Minerals are an essential part of industrial development.

(iii) Minerals support the economy of the country.

(iv) Minerals are important for making of different types of daily uses items big and small

such as railway, locomotive engines etc.

(v) They give us a part of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), help in trade and commerce,

besides in the circulation of money.

(vi) They are also helpful for the strengthening of foreign policy by means of trade.

(vii They earn us foreign exchange.

(II) What are the various purposes for which Bauxite is used?

Ans. Bauxite is the main ore of aluminium. It is used for making pots and panes. Because it is a

good conductor of heat, I t is widely used to make electric wires due to variable resistance

as compared to copper and other materials.

(i) Aluminium is used to make cans for various beverages and other liquids.

(ii) It can be pressed into a thin foil for wrapping foods for storage and transport.

(iii) It is widely used for aeroplanes and space crafts.

(iv) It is used as a panelling material in hotels, restaurants, shops etc.

(v) It can be made even stronger by mixing it with other metals to make alloys.

(vi) It is used on the outer surface of many aeroplanes and other types of vehicles.

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(III) Name important petroleum producing states of India?

Ans. The important petroleum production states of India are . Assam, Arunchal Pradesh,

Tripura, Gujrat, Maharastra, Tamial Nadu and Mizoram.

(IV) Highlight the contribution of Orrisa in the national mineral production?

Ans. Orrisa has emerged as the leading producer of iron ore. India‟s richest hematite depoits are

located in Barabil-Koira valley where these depoists are spread over 530 sqkms. Orrisa

ores are rich in hematite with 60% of iron content. Orrisa has rich coal reserves. Most of

these deposits are found in Dhenkanl, Sambalpur and Sundergarh Districts. Orrisa is the

largest producer of bauxite and produces more than 40% of the total production of India.

Orrisa is again the largest producer of manganese. It accounts for 1/3rd

of countries total

manganese production.

In this way Orrisa is the largest contributor in the national mineral production. It

contributed with a share of 11% in the value of national output. Thus we can say Orrisa is

a gift of nature to our country and its industrial sector.

(V) Discuss any three measures of conservation of minerals?

Ans. The three measures of conservation of minerals are as:

(i) The minerals should be used in a planned way in a judicious manner.

(ii) The wastages of minerals should be minimized and checked.

(iii) The wastage and metal scraps should be recycled.

(iv) The export of minerals should be decreased.

(v) Modern technology should be used for the exploration of minerals.

(vi) We should search and develop the substitutes of non renewable minerals.

(vii) We should adopt the policy of conservation, preservation and sustainable


(VI) Distinguish between Metallic and Non-metallic minerals?

Metallic Minerals Non-Metallic Minerals

(i) Metallic mineral are those minerals

which can be melted to obtain new


(ii) Iron, copper, bauxite, tin,

manganese are some examples.

(iii) These are generally associated

with igneous rocks.

(iv) They are usually hard and have

shines or luster of their own.

(v) They are ductile and malleable.

(vi) When hit, they do not get broken.

(vii) They are classified as ferrous and

non-ferrous metallic minerals on the

basis of presence of iron metal.

(i) Non-metallic minerals are those which do

not yield new products on melting.

(ii) Coal, salt, clay, marble are some examples.

(iii) These are generally associated with

sedimentary rocks.

(iv) They are not so hard and have no shine or

luster of their own.

(v) They are not ductile and malleable.

(vi) When hit, they may get broken into pieces

(vii) They are classified into liquid and solid on

the basis of form such as petroleum (Liquid)

and potassium (Solid)

Q.3 Match the following:

Coal type Distribution (i) Anthracite J&K

(ii) Butuminous Jharkhan, Orrisa and West Bangal.

(iii) Lignite Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Assam.

(iv) Peat Bihar, Madhya, Predesh.

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Long Answer Type Questions:

Q.4 India is adequately rich in minerals wealth. Discuss?

Ans. India is adequately rich in mineral wealth. The minerals are wide spread and varied which

provide the nation a strong industrial base for development. The most important minerals reserves

that India possess include Maganese, Coal. Bauxite, Mica, Iron and Salt. However, petroleum,

Gypsum, Tin, Mercury, Copper, Nickel Lead and Zinc are present below national average. India

is mostly rich in Iron ore reserves. Manganese and Mica are also found in abundance. India is the

largest producer and exporter of iron in South Asia. It is also one of the leading producers of

manganese of high quality with great international demand. India is the largest producer of

Bauxite in South Aisa. Besides this India is also largest producer of Mica in the world. Moreover

India also produceses Coal and Petroleum in large quantities. Not only these but India has

sufficient reserves of gold. , copper and other minerals as well.

Q.5 Discuss in detail the production and distribution of Iron Ore in India?

India is rich both in quantity and quality of iron ore deposits. India ranks 7th

in the world

with 20% production of iron ore. The iron ore deposits mainly consists of haematite and

magnetite deposits with an iron content of 60% and 70% respectively.

Distribution: Jharkhand and Orissa produces about 75% of total production of iron ore in

India. This is called “Iron ore belt of India”. Major steel plants are located in this region.

Iron ore in India is mined from Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Goa and Karnataka.

In Chattisgarh major mines are Durg and Dantewara.

Paschim and Purbi Singgbhum are major mines of Jharkhand.

Sundergarh, Keonjhar are major mines of Orissa.

North Goa district produce iron ore in Goa.

Chikmanglur and Bellary are the major mines in Karnataka

In other areas, Babar Budan Hills (Kasualler), Kurnool (Andhra Pardash), Lohara and

Ratnagiri (Maharastra) are the locations where iron is found.

Trade of iron in India : - About half of the iron-ore produced in India is exported

primarily to Japan, Korea, European countries & Gulf countries. The Japan buys three-

fourths of the total export of our iron-ore. Iron ore is exported through the ports of

Vishakhapatnam, Paradip, Marmagoa and Mangalore.

Q.6 Elaborate in detail the distribution of Coal in India?

India‟s coal reserves are estimated to be 21400 million tones. At present over 330 million

tones are produced annually.

There are four varieties of coal.They are: -

1. Anthracite: - Anthracite is hard, black and compact coal. Anthracite has high

percentage of pure carbon with more than 80% of carbon . It is one of the best quality

coal.It is found in Jammu & Kashmir only.

2. Bituminous: - Bituminous or soft coal (so called in the U.S but known as hard Coal

in Europe) contains 60–80 % of carbon. Bituminous contains a higher percentage of

carbon, less water and oxygen than lignite. It is the second quality of coal after anthracite.

It is the most mined and most widely used coal. It is found in Jharkhand, Orissa, West-

Bengal, Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh..

3. Lignite: - It is often called brown coal. lignite has the lowest carbon content about

60% and highest water content. When exposed to air it shrinks and crumbles. It is

considered lower grade coal. It is found in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Assam and J&K.

In J & K state the major deposits of lignite are found at Kalakote, Jangalgali, Jigni, Metka,

Mahogala, Chakkar, Dhansai, Swarnkot, Kotli, Ladda and Chinkah in Jammu division.

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4. Peat: - It contains less than 50% carbon. It burns like wood and gives more smoke

and less heat.

In India 67% of the total coal production comes from Jharkhand, M.P., Chattisgarh and

Orissa. 33% of coal production comes from Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal

and U.P.

Consumption: - Over two thirds (67%) of the coal produced in India is consumed for

generation of electric power. About 10% for making iron and steel, 4% in cement industry

and the rest in chemical and fertilizer industries. It is also used for domestic purposes.

Q.7 Discuss in detail the mineral wealth of Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. State of Jammu and Kashmir does not posses adequate reserves of metallic and non-

metallic minerals like iron, copper, zine, coal and petroleum. Howover, the state is having certain

reserves of bauxite, borax, coal, gold, gypsum, lignite, limestone, magnese, marble and sapphire.

Distribution: (i) Bauxite: It is the most important ore of aluminum bricks. Millions of tones of

this mineral are found in Jammu.

(ii) Borax: This mineral finding use in pharamaceutical industry is found in the Puga

valley in Ladakh. Tones of borax are deposited annually in this lake.

(iii) Coal: The valuable fuel and industrial mineral is found in form of both anthracite

and bituminous. Rich deposits are found in Rajoruri district where a thermal power

plant had been setup at Kala Kote to use the coal wealth for power generation.

(iv) Gold: It is found in the form of placer gold, it is found on the banks of river Indus

in Ladakh.

(v) Gypsum: Derived form sedimentary rock and consisting mainly of calcium

sulphate, finds extensive use in cement industry, dentistry and sculpture. It is found

in Assar of Doda district, Parlanka (Ramban) and Buniyar in Baramullah district.

(vi) Lignite: The low quality fuel is reported from Nichhama Handwara existing in

millions of tones. It is also found in Jammu region.

(vii) Lime stone: The carbon rock of sedimentary nature caps most of the hillocks in

Anantnag, Pulwama, Baramullah and Ladakh. The prominent locations include

Khrew –Khonmoh, Verinag, Mattan, Achabal, Shopain and Khalsi in Ladakh. It

finds use in cement industry besides in manufacture of lime.

(viii) Magnesite: Finding use in the manufacture of glass, it is found with million of tons

in Anantnag and near Panthal Village in Ramban district.

(ix) Marble: The carbonate rock of lime stone on metamorphosis changes in to marble

that is used in buildings. It is found in Drugmulla (Kupwara) in a varity of shades

and colours.

(x) Sapphire: The precious gemstone used in jewellery is found in Padder Kishtwar. It

is famous world over and found in wounderful shades (resembling peacock neck),

varitey and quality.

Additional Quesitons Q.1 Differentiate Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy.

Conventional sources of energy Non-conventional sources of energy

(i) Conventional sources of energy have

been used since long time.

(i) Non- conventional sources of energy have

come into the use only recently.

(ii) Coal, Petroleum, natural gas, hydro-

electricity, thermal power are the

conventional sources of energy.

(ii) Wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy,

geothermal, biogas are examples of Non-

conventional sources of energy.

(iii) All conventional sources of energy

except hydro-electricity are exhaustible.

(iii) Most of the non- conventional sources of

energy are inexhaustible.

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(iv) These sources cause environmental


(iv) These sources do not cause any

environmental pollution.

(v) These are costly sources of energy. (v) These are cheap sources of energy.

Q.2 Describe the importance of minerals to man?

Ans:- Minerals are very important for man in the following ways:

i) All commodities of our daily use are directly or indirectly related to the minerals

e.g., Transport, machines, tractors, electronic goods, petroleum products etc.

ii) They form the basis of industrial and economic growth progress.

iii) The minerals also help in the development of power resources e.g. coal, petroleum,

atomic minerals etc.

Q. 3 What is Mumbai Hight Famous For?

Ans. Mumbai High is famous because it is the richest petroleum reserves (oil field) in India.

About 63% of the total production of crude petroleum of India is produced from Mumbai

High. This oil field has been able to meet domestic needs of petroleum to large extent and

has therefore saved a lot of India‟s foreign exchange. Mumbai High is nearly 115 km away

from the shore. In Mumbai High Oil is drilled out from sea-bed i.e., the continental shelf.

Drilling operations are carried out with the help of Sagar Samrat, India's first mobile

offshore drilling platform. It has been connected with the coast by a sub-marine pipeline. .

Q.4 Differentiate Anthracite and Bituminous Coal

Anthracite Coal Bituminous Coal

(i) Anthracite coal is a type of coal which

contains more than 80% of carbon.

(ii) It is hard in nature.

(iii) Its use is very limited.

(iv) It is found only in J&K.

(v) It is of high quality and gives less

smoke as it contains more than 80% of


(i) Bituminous coal is a type of coal which

contains 60 to 80% of carbon.

(ii) It is not hard in nature.

(iii) It is most widely used.

(iv) It is found in Jharkhand, Orissa and West


(v) It is of low quality and gives more smoke

asit contains more than 60% of carbon.

Lesson No. 7

Manufacturing Industries

Q.1) Fill in the blanks.

(i) The processing of primary products into more refined and usable products is called


(ii) Modern industries are Capital intensive in nature

(iii) An industry which is owned and managed by the government is called Public Sector


(iv) In the time of Zain-ul-Abdin Budshah Carpet Industry was greatly developed in Kashmir.

B. Short Answer Questions

Q.2) (i) Define Manufacturing?

Ans) Manufacturing is the processing of primary products into more refined and usable products.

Many of the natural resources cannot be utilized directly without processing. Therefore, we

manufacture cloth from cotton, sugar from sugarcane, paper from wood pulp, and petro chemicals

from mineral oil. By doing so, we make the primary products more valuable and usable.

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Thus, manufacturing means transformation of natural material endowments i.e. raw materials into

commodities of utility by processing, assembling and repairing.

(ii) How is Raw Material an important geographical factor in the location of an industry?

Ans) Raw material is the most important geographical factor and its significance in manufacturing

industry can never be underscored. Indeed, the location of industrial enterprises is sometimes

determined simply by location of the raw materials. For example, pig iron, produced by smelting

industry, serves as the raw material for steel making industry. Industries which use heavy and

bulky raw materials in their primary stage in large quantities are usually located near the supply of

the raw materials.

(iii) Market is an important locational factor in the establishment of an industry. Explain?

Ans. The entire process of manufacturing is useless until the finished goods reach market.

Nearness to market is essential for quick disposal of manufactured goods. It helps in reducing the

transport cost and enables the consumer to get things at cheaper rates. It is becoming increasingly

evident that industries are seeking locations as near as possible to their markets to save overall

production cost.

(iv) Write a short note on cotton textile industry of India?

Ans. Growth and Development: The first modern cotton textile mill was set up in 1818 at Fort

Glaster near Kolkata. But this mill could not survive and had to be closed down. The first

successful modern cotton textile mill was established in Mumbai in 1854. The real expansion of

cotton textile industry took place in 1870‟s. By 1875-76 the number of mills rose to 47 out of

which over 60 percent were located in Mumbai city alone. The industry continued to progress till

the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The total number of mills reached 271 providing

employment to about 2.6 lakh persons.

Present Position

At present, cotton textile industry is largest organized modern industry of India. There has been a

phenomenal growth of this industry during the last four decades. About 16 percent of the industrial

capital and over 20 percent of the industrial labour of the country is engaged in this industry. The

total employment in this industry is well over 15 million workers.

Production: Cotton cloth is produced in three different sectors, i.e. Mills, Power-looms and


Mills: The mill sector played a dominant role in cotton textile industry at the intitial stage. But its

importance reduced drastically with the growth of power-looms and handlooms. The share of mill

sector in cotton cloth production came down from 80.69 percent till 1950-51 to only 5 percent in


Power-looms: The decentralized power-loom sector plays a pivotal role in meeting the clothing

needs of the country. This sector not only contributes significantly to the cloth production in the

country but also provides employment to millions of people. The power-loom industry produces a

wide variety of cloth with intricate designs. The production of cloth as well as employment has

been increasing in the power-loom sector. During 2002-03, the production of cloth in the

decentralized power-loom sector was 18281 million sq.metres while the employment generation

was 4.23 million.

Handlooms: The handloom sector provides employment to over 65 lakh persons engaged in

weaving and allied activities. The production of handloom fabrics registered more than fifteen fold

increase from 500 million sq.metres in 1950-51 to 7585 million sq.metres in 2001-02

Distribution: Although cotton textile mills are located in over 80 towns and cities of India, yet its

larger concentration is found in Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.

(i) Maharashtra: Maharashtra excels all other states in the development of cotton textile industry.

It produces 39.38 percent mill cloth and 10.79 percent yarn of India. Mumbai is the largest centre

of India having 63 mills out of Maharashtra‟s total of 122 mills.

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(ii) Gujarat: Gujarat is the second largest producer of cotton textiles. This state accounts for over

33 percent of the mill cloth and over 8 percent of the yarn production of the country. Ahmadabad

is the largest centre where 73 out of 118 mills of Gujarat are located. Ahmadabad is the second

largest centre of cotton textile industry after Mumbai.

(v) Differentiate between Private Sector Industry and Public Sector Industry?


Public Sector Industry Private Sector Industry

(i) These industries are owned by the

government of the country.

(ii) All the capital is invested by the


(iii) These industries are directly or

indirectly managed by the government.

(iv) Bhilai Steel Plant and Bharat Heavy

Electricals Ltd. are the examples of such


(i) These industries are owned by individuals.

(ii) All the capital is invested by the individuals or

private firm

(iii) These are not managed by the government.

(iv) Bajaj Auto and Tata Iron and Steel Company

(TISCO) are the examples of such industry.

(vi) What are the major Industries Regions of India and name five of them?

Ans) Industries are unevenly distributed in India because the factors affecting industrial location

are not the same everywhere. Industries tend to concentrate in a few pockets because of certain

favourable factors. The pockets having high concentration of industries are known as Industrial


The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) recognized the Industrial centres on the basis

of industrial employment exceeding 10,000 in 1971. Dr. B.N. Sinha (1972) has classified industrial

regions into following categories:

(i) Major Industrial Region is identified on the basis of a minimum daily factory working

force of 1.5 lakh.

(ii) Minor Industrial Region must have a minimum of 25,000 working labour force.

(iii) Manufacturing District has a working labour force of less than 25,000.

Major Industrial Regions

Following are the major industrial regions of India

(i) Mumbai – Pune Industrial Region

(ii) Hoogli Industrial Region

(iii) Bangalore – Tamil Nadu Industrial Region

(iv) Gujarat Industrial Region

(v) Chota – Nagpur Industrial Region

(vi) Vishakhapatnam – Guntur Industrial Region

(vii) Gurgaon – Delhi – Meerut Industrial Region

(viii) Kollam – Thiruvanathapuram Industrial Region

(vii) Write short note on Handicrafts in Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans) In Kashmir, with its severe winter when climatic conditions are harsh, craftsmen utilize their

leisure as well as creative intelligence in creating artifacts of exquisite beauty. Princely patronage

encouraged these handicrafts from early times. Even today these products, light in weight and rich

in art, have great demand in India and abroad. The State Government has set up many training

centers for coaching young boys and girls in traditional arts and crafts. As a result there has been a

wide dispersal of handicrafts throughout the State.

Kashmir is known for the following handicrafts throughout the world:

(a) Carpets: The art of making Carpets is a gift of caravans coming into the valley from

central Asia for trade purposes. In the time of Zail-ul-Abdin Budshah, this art was greatly

developed by imported skill and royal patronage. The Europeans also took keen interest in

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it. It resulted in the establishment of more than 15 well known factories with about 350

looms weaving carpets.

(b) Namdas: Namdas are made of wool of inferior quality and old woolen blankets are used

for making Gabbas. The art of felting wool into Namdas has come from Yarkand.

Namdas and Gabbas are embroidered with thread, to have beautiful designs of flowers,

fruits etc. besides which giving them colour, and strength. This cottage industry is

concentrated in Anantnag, Rainawari and Baramulla.

(c) Lois: Lois (woolen blankets) of Shopian and Bandipora are well known. Hand-woven

blankets of Rainawari are also durable and warm. Woolen pattus, tweeds and worsted are

manufactured in hand and power looms established in and around Srinagar.

(d) Kangri: The Kangri making is a cottage industry concentrated in the areas on the banks of

Wullarlake near Watlab and at Chrar and Batingoo villages.

Wicker-work and basket making are arts common to Kashmir and Jammu

Kashmir is known for its Wicker Willow. Wicker is used for making baskets, boxes, lamp-

shades, curtain rings, trays, chairs, tables, and cycle baskets etc. Srinagar, Harwan,

Shalabug, Hazratbal, and Soura are the centers of its production. The cultivation of Wicker

Willow is the monopoly of the State.

(e) Papier Machie: It is monopoly of Kashmir. Pulp and paper are shaped into a variety of

decorative articles and colourful designs are painted on them. The goods prepared are

mostly boxes, table lamps, toilet sets, jewellery boxes and other articles of decoration.

Srinagar, Rainawari and Anantnag are famous for this cottage industry.

(f) Pashmina Shawl Industry: This industry is an old industry of Kashmir. Pashmina wool

used to come from Tibet via Ladakh but since the invasion of China in 1962 and closing of

the Leh Yarkand route, Pashmina shawl and carpet industries have been affected greatly.

Now the raw material comes from Ladakh only.

(g) Silver ware and imitation jewellery: Silver-smiths, engravers and polishers work to make

beautiful silverware articles like tea sets, tumblers, boxes, trays, soap cases, toilet cases,

and other articles of decoration. This work requires skill and craft. Engraving is a specialty

of Kashmiri engravers. Kashmir purchases about one lakh tolas of silver a year for this

cottage industry. There are about 80 units of imitation jewellery at Srinagar. They prepare

rings, cuff-links, bangles, broaches, bracelets, ear rings, and tops etc. Jammu region is

famous for its handicrafts, especially for Basoli Paintings, Calico Paintings, and Phoolkari


Furthermore, Ladakh region is also famous for wood carving, clay modeling, Pashmina

weaving, Ladakhi carpets and Thanka Paintings.

Q.3) Match the following

Mumbai Capital Intensive Industry

Pune and Bangalore Information Technology

TISCO and Reliance Private Sector Industry

NHPC and ONGC Public Sector Industry

Amul Cooperative Sector Industry

D. Long Answer questions

Q.4) What are the Geographical, Non-geographical factors which influence the location of an


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Ans) Location of industry is influenced by many geographical factors. However there are several

non-geographical factors of historical, political and economic nature which also influence the

location of industries across the world. Consequently, the factors influencing the location of

industry can be conveniently divided into two broad categories; Geographical factors and Non-

Geographical factors.

(A) Geographical factors: (i) Raw Material is the most important geographical factor and its significance in

manufacturing industry is so fundamental that can not be undermined. Indeed, the

location of industrial enterprises is sometimes determined simply by location of the raw

materials. For example, pig iron, produced by smelting industry, serves as the raw

material for steel making industry. Industries which use heavy and bulky raw materials

in their primary stage in large quantities are usually located near the supply of the raw

materials. Some of the industries, like watch and electronic industries use very wide

range of light raw materials and the attractive influence of each separate material

diminishes. The result is that such industries are often located with no reference to raw

materials and are sometimes referred to as “footloose industries” because a wide range

of locations is possible within an area of sufficient population density.

(ii) Power: Regular supply of power is a pre-requisite for the localization of industries.

Coal, mineral oil and hydro-electricity are the three important conventional sources of


Most of the industries tend to concentrate at the source of power. The iron and steel

industry which mainly depends on large quantities of coking coal as soruce of power

are frequently tied to coal fields.

(iii) Labour: Labour supply is important in two respects (a) Workers in large numbers are

often required (b) People with skill or technical expertise are needed. In our country,

modern industry still requires a large number of workers inspite of increasing


Although, the location of any industrial unit is determined after a careful balancing of

all relevant factors, yet the light consumer goods and agro-based industries generally

requires a plentiful labour supply. This is the reason sugar industry is mainly

concentrated in UP and Bihar.

(iv) Transport: Transport by land or water is necessary for the assembly of raw material

and for the marketing of the finished products.

The development of railways in India, connecting the port towns with hinterland

determined the location of many industries around Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

(v) Market: The entire process of manufacturing is useless until the finished goods reach

market. Nearness to market is essential for quick disposal of manufactured goods. It

helps in reducing the transport cost and enables the consumer to get things at cheaper

rates. It is becoming increasingly evident that industries are seeking locations as near as

possible to their markets to save overall production cost.

(B) Non-Geographical Factors

Following are some of the important non-geographical factors influencing the location of


1. Capital: Modern industries are capital-intensive and require huge investments. Big cities

like Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, and Chennai are big industrial centers because the big

capitalists live in these cities and there is easy availability of capital.

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2. Banking Facilities: Establishment of industries involves daily exchange of crores of rupees

which is possible through banking facilities only. So areas with better banking facilities are

better suited to the establishment of industries.

3. Insurance: There is a constant fear of damage to machinery and men in industries for which

insurance facilities are very much crucial. The destruction caused by September 2014 floods

in Jammu and Kashmir is a recent example in this regard.

4. Highly professional management: and Skilled manpower is an important component in the

fast growing information technology (IT) and E-Commerce industry due to which it gets

concentrated in certain favoured pockets such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Pune.

Q.5) Highlight the importance of iron steel industry in India. What are the factors

influencing its location?

Ans) Large amounts of iron and steel is required for construction of bridges, rail tracts, railways,

rolling stocks, vehicles, machines, power plants, airports, etc.

As important industries like railway locomotives, ship building, heavy and light machines,

constructions etc depend on availability of iron and steel, the iron and steel industry accelerates

industrialization and therefore, called the backbone of all industries.

As on 2013, with crude steel production of 81.2 million metric tons, India is ranked as fourth

largest steel producing country in the world. It is estimated that India would produce more than 90

million metric tons of steel by 2018.

In India iron and steel industry witnessed rapid growth after independence. India produced 16.9

lakh tones of pig iron in 1950-51. The development of iron and steel industry was envisaged

during the first Five-Year Plan, but it was during the Second Five Year Plan, that the three

integrated steel projects were started at Bhilai, Rourkela and Durgapur.

Factors influencing the location of Iron and Steel Industry

Iron and steel industry uses large quantities of heavy and weight losing raw materials and its

localization is primarily controlled by the availability of raw materials. Coal and iron ore are the

two basic raw materials used by iron and steel industry. On the basis of minimum transportation

cost most of the steel plants are located at three distinct places viz.

(i) Near coal fields

(ii) Near iron ore mining centers and

(iii) At places between areas of coal and iron ore production

Most of the iron and steel plants of India such as Jamshedpur, Burnpur, Durgapur, Rourkela, Bhilai

and Bokaro are located in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa and Chhattisgarh. These states are very

rich in coal and iron ore deposits and are important producers of these minerals.

Q.6) Discuss in detail the development, distribution and importance of textile industry of


Ans. Textile is a board term which includes cotton, jute, wool, silk and synthetic fibre textiles. The

textile sector occupies an important place in terms of employment generation. The sectors like

handloom, handicrafts, power loom, and readymade garments are specially known as their

employment potential. Textile industries contributes about 14 percent of the value addition in

manufacturing sector, 4 percent to the GDP and provides direct and indirect employment to about

40 million people.

Development of Cotton Textile Industry: - Indian monopoly in the manufacturing of cotton textile is very old. The first cotton textile mill,

however, was established in Mumbai in 1854. Today cotton textile is the largest industry of India.

It gives employment to over 15million persons which is about 20 percent of the industrial labour

force of the country.

There are about 1600 cotton and human made fibre textile mills in the country. Of this 79% are in

private sector and the rest in public and co-operative sectors. Apart from these, there are several

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thousand factories which have five to ten looms. Today 93 percent of the cotton cloth is produced

in decentralized sector that is other than mills.

Jute Textile: Jute textile is the second important industry next to cotton textile. India ranks

number one in the production of raw jute and jute goods. It is number two after Bangladesh in

export of jute goods in the world.

Distribution: West Bengal has the largest concentration of jute industry. This state has 56 jute

mills and 41261 looms which respectively account for 76 percent and 80 percent of all India

installation. Over 84 percent of jute-goods production of India comes from West Bengal with

Andhra Pradesh as distant second producing only 10 percent of the India jute goods. Apart from

Kolkata, the other important centers of jute textile industry are Titagarh (9 mills), Jagatdal (8

mills), Budge (8 mills), Haora (5 mills) and Bhadreswar.

Woollen Textile Industry.

It is one of the oldest textile industries of the country. The main concentration of woollen textile

industry is in Punjab, Maharashtra, U.P, Gujarat, Haryana and Rajasthan.

Distribution of woollen textile industry: -

i. In Punjab, Dhariwal, Ludhiana and Amritsar are the major centres.

ii. In Maharashtra, Mumbai is the chief centre.

iii. In U.P, Kanpur, Shahjahanpur, Agra and Mirzapur are the important centres.

iv. In Gujarat, Ahmedabad and Jamnagar are the main centres.

v. Panipat and Gurgaon are the centres of Haryana.

vi. Srinagar in J&K.

vii. Bangalore in Karnataka is an important woollen textile centre.

Trade: -Good quality raw wool is imported from Australia. India exports woollen goods to the

U.S.A., Russia, U.K, Canada and several European countries.

Silk Textile Industry

Bombyx mulberry, tasar, eri and muga are major silk varieties which are produced in

India. There are 90 big silk mills besides large number of small silk mills, producing silk

and silk goods in the country. More than 90% of the India‟s silk production comes from

Karnataka, West Bengal and J & K. The Karnatka alone produces nearly half of the silk.

India produces 8.5 lakh Kgs. Of silk and silk goods annually.

Distribution: The silk textile industry in India is an important industry which provides

employment to lakhs of people in a number of states.

(iv) Main silk producing centres are:

a. Bangalore and Mysore in Karnataka.

b. Murshidabad and Bunkura in West Bengal.

c. Anantnag, Baramullah and Srinagar in J & K.

d. Kanchipuram and Thanjaan in Tamil Nadu.

Q.7) Discuss in detail the growth and importance of Petroleum industry in India?

Ans. The growth of Indian petroleum industry begain on a very sorry note. The first oil deposits

in India were discovered in 1889 near the town of Digboi in Assam. The discovery was 1st phase

of petroleum extraction and a sign of industrial development. The industry started mainly in the

north eastern parts of India especially in Assam. Until 1970‟s the petroleum production and

exploration of new locations for extraction was restricted mainly to north eastes states. The Assam

Oil Campany was established in 1899 to use its production. However the important advancement

in petroleum industry came with the passing of Industrial Policy Resolution in 1956 which

emphasized on the growth and promotion of industries. Another major incident was the discovery

of Bombay High and now recently the discovery of oil fields in the deltas of Krishna and

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Godawari on eastern coastal side which changed the scenario of Indian Petroleum Industry

drastically. With the setting of new oil refineries in the country, the growing demand of petroleum

and its products is met out to great extent. As per June 2011, there are 21 refineries with 17 in the

Public Sector, 3 in Private and the lone one in joint sector. The country is not only self sufficient in

refining capacity for its domestic consumption but also exports petroleum products substantially.

Significance: The petroleum industry has the most significant role to play in chaning the Indian

economy from an Agrarian economy to an Indsutrial one. It contributed heavily to the

manufacturing industry by providing power generating products like petroleum and diesel. It also

provides the most lubricating agents and raw materials for various petro chemical products like

paints, varnishes and mobile oil. The Petroleum Industry shares 8% in the GDP of the country.

Additional Questions

Q.1 What do you mean by Footloose industry?

Ans. Some of the industries, like watch and electronic industries use very wide range of light raw

materials and the attractive influence of each separate material diminishes. The result is that such

industries are often located with no reference to raw materials and are sometimes referred to as

“footloose industries” because a wide range of locations is possible within an area of sufficient

population density.

Q. 2 Write differences between Large Scale Industries and Small Scale Industries


Large Scale Industry Small Scale Industry

(i) These industries employe large number

of workers.

(ii) Large quantities of finished products

are manufactured in these industries.

(iii) In these industries quantity of raw

material and capital investment is very


(iv) Women workers are not generally

employed in these industries.

(v) Cotton and jute textile industry is an

example of such industry.

(i) These industries employe small number of


(ii) Small quantities of finished products are

manufactured in these industries.

(iii) In these industries quantity of raw material and

capital investment is comparatively very small.

(iv) Women workers are employed in large number

in these industries.

(v) Soap making, bidi making, match stick making

industries are the examples of such industry.

Q.3 What are the problems faced by Indian Jute Industry?

Ans. Indian jute industry is facing some very serious problems. Some of these are briefly

described as under:

(i) Most of the jute-producing areas went to Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) resulting in

acute shortage of raw jute. Although successful efforts have been made to increase the supply of

raw jute since independence, it still falls short of our current requirements.

(ii) Most of our customers could not get our jute products during World War II as a result of

which several countries developed many substitutes of jute.

(iii) The newly established mills and improved machines in Bangladesh are able to produce

better quality goods and have an edge over the Indian jute products in the international market.

(iv) The overall demand for jute products is gradually decreasing in the international market.

The input cost for jute products in India is quite high.

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Lesson No. 8

Disaster Profile of India Terminology

Hazard: Hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment.

A hazard becomes a disaster when it hits an area affecting the normal life.

Disaster: A disaster is a serious disruption of a functioning of a community or a society involving

widespread human material economic or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds the

ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.


A disaster is a natural, manmade or technological event that causes significant physical damage or

destruction, widespread loss of life or drastic change to the environment. Disaster can destroy the

economic, social and cultural life of people.

Textual Questions

Q.1 Define a Disaster?

Ans. I. According to the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR 1992),

Disaster is defined as a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society

involving widespread human, material, economic or environment losses and impacts which

exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope, with using its own resources.

II. What is meant by Hazard? Name some man-made and natural hazards?

Ans. Hazard is a phenomenon, an event or occurrence that has the potential for causing injury

to life or damage to property or the environment. Floods, tornado, volcanic eruptions,

earthquake, landslide are natural hazards. Nuclear explosions, chemical leakages, atom bomb

explosions, fire accidents, stampedes etc are man-made hazards.

III. Write a brief note on earthquake zones on Indian?

Ans. India is a tropical and subtropical country present in northern and eastern hemispheres. It

is prone to various kinds of disaster and earth quake is one of them. Indian landscape almost from

every side is prone to it. It is about 57% of Indian landscape which is vulnerable to shaking of

earth out of which, 12% is prone to very sever earthquakes which include JK, Gujrat, Eastern

states, Uttarkhand and Bihar, 18% is prone to severe earthquake which comprises of JK, H.P

Punjab, Delhi, Uttrakhand, Bihar, Gujrat, Rajasthan, Maharstra, Sikkim, W.B. U.P and 25% Indian

landcape is susceptible to dangerous earthquakes that include, parts of Rajesthan, M.P Orrisa,

Karnatka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh Telegana etc.

IV. Mention some worst cyclone affected area of India?

Ans. Indian has a long coastal line of 7516.6 Kms including Island group both in Arabian sea

and the Bay of Bengal. In India 8% of land is vulnerable to the tropical cyclone of varying

intensities each year. Mostly the worst cyclone affected area as per the Meteorological assertion in

India are W. Bengal, Orrisa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu Gujrat, Maharastra and Kerela.

V. Mention some worst affected landslide areas in North India?

Ans. Landslide is a hydro geological hazard that affects large parts of India, particularly

Himalayan North- Eastern hill ranges, W. Ghats, Nilgiri hills and Eastern Ghats, Vindhayas,

covering about 15%. of Indian land mass. Landslides are the recurrent phenomenon in India. The

north – eastern region is badly affected by landslide problems of a bewildering variety. The worst

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affected areaa are Darjeeling, Sikkim, Mizoram, Tripura, Maghalya, Assam, Nagand and

Auranchall Pradesh, Konkan Coast, Wester Ghats and Nilgri areas.

VI. What is meant by Tsunami. Name some vulnerable areas in India? Ans. Tsunami is a large wave on the ocean, usually caused by an undersea earthquake, a

volcanic eruption or coatal landslide. It is a Japanese form which is translated as harbour wave.

Tsunami can have height upto 30 metres and reach a speed of 950Km per hour with wave length

of upto 200km, as such is very much destructive when encounters land. The peninsular region of

India being surrounded by three large water bodies and also the India archipelago is vulnerable to

Tsunami. The worst affected area, are Aandaman and Nicobar islands, Tamil Nadu. Andhra

Pradesh, Orrisa, Lakshaweep island Karnatka, Kerala and West Bengal.

VII. Define a cloud burst and its implications?

Ans. The cloud burst is a disastrous weather event in which, the heavy rainfall occurs over a

localised area at a faster rate. In other words, it is a situation when the intermolecular forces

between the water molecules get very high due to rapid decrease in temperature or excess of

electrostatic induction in the clouds causing the lightning to remain inside the cloud only which

causes hyperactive energy inside the cloud. The water molecules get denser and denser and get

condensed but do not leave the cloud due to excess of electrostatic force. Due to this water

concentration gets higher and higher and becomes bulky and no longer is able to maintain

equilibrium with the clouds and consequently precipitates heavily.

Implications: The drought type situation has a substantial impact on environment, agricultural

fields, productivity, food safety trade and commerce and in short socio-economic activities within

the area. It leads to famine which in turn causes great problems for the people of the affected area.

Q.2 Match the following

(i) Cloud burst Leh

(ii) Super cyclone Orrissa

(iii) Bujj Earth Gujrat

(iv) Snow avalanche Valtengu Nad.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Q.3 Give detailed account of flood prone regions of India. Highlight main causes of

flooding in detailed?

Ans. Floods occur in almost every part of our country. Floods in Indo Gangetic Brahmputra

plains are an annual feature. The perrenial river system f North and the seasonal rivers of South

India – generally flood in time of extreme precipitation during the time of monsoon. Around 40

million hectares, or 12% of Indian land area is considered prone to floods. The most flood prone

areas are at least six states of Assam, Bihar, Orrissa, U.P, W. Bengal and J&K. Besides the

region, of the west flowing rivers of Narmada, Tappi which also come in this category.


The main causes of flooding in India are as:

(i) Floods in Northern India are generally observed in the month of July to September which is a

period when melting of glaciers increases water level in various rivers of India.

(ii) The rivers sometimes are unable to accommodate the excessive monsoon runoff, forcing

them to overflow and inundate the surrounding flood plains.

(iii) The inadequate drainage system and encroachment of rivers cause also aggravated flood

scenario in various parts of India.

(iv) Cyclones are largely responsible for widerponed flooding in concerned areas of India.

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(v) Blocking of river channels by landslides or silt of river bed also leads to floods because in

such a situation water goes on accumulating in large volume and when it finds its way blocked it

assumes the forms of flood.

(vi) The change in the course of a river also shows the impact of food in surrounding area.

(vii) Encroachments, lack of appropriate desilting has decreased the water carrying capacity of


Q.4 Discuss in detail disaster profile of India?

Ans. The Indian sub continent is among the world‟s most disaster prone area. As per the stastics

of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) almost 85% of Indian land mass is

vulnerable to one or multiple hazards. Out of 29 states and Union Territories 22, are disaster

prone. It is vulnearable to strong spawned in the Bay of Bengal, and the Arabian sea area,

earthquake caused by active crustal movment in the Himalayan Mountains, floods brought by

monsoon and drought by below average precipitation in the country, Semi arid areas. Almost 57%

of the land is vulnerable to earthquake of different intensities in the (ii, iii, iv and v) zones, 68% of

Indian land is prone to droughts, 8% to cyclones and 12% to floods and also landslide, cloud burst

famines, epidemic and padamics. Not only this India has also shown the severe signs of

vulnerabilty to Tsunamis since 2004. Out of 7516.61km long coastline, 5700km is close to

cyclones and Tsunamis incidences. Moreover, India is vulnerable to Chemical, Biological,

Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) emergence and other man made disasters.

Q.5 Jammu and Kashmir is a multi-hazard prone state? Discuss? Ans. The state of Jammu and Kashmir has a long history of natural disasters. The state has

witnessed many natural disaster especially in 19th

and 20th

centuries. Because of its peculiar

topography, rugged terrian, extreme weather conditions and underdeveloped economy, the state

has suffered a lot on account of natural disasters. The state of JK by virtue of being multi hazard

prone region is obvious. Hazards like earthquake, flood, drought, landsdie, Avalanche, cloud

burst etc, often convert into disaster leading to loss of human life as well public and private

property and environoment. Enchanced vuluerabilites of the built environment make the state

highey prone to natural disasters.

Human activities disturbing the ecological balance in most of the cases directly result in the

disasterests event.

Q.6 Vulnerability to various disasters in India is very high. Give reasons.

Ans. Vulnerability refers to the susceptibility of a community to hazard and prevailing

conditions including physical, social economic and political factors that adversely affect its ability

to respond to hazards. The levels of vulnerability to various disasters in India are very high. The

reasons for the same are as:

(i) The vulnerability of disaster is high due to widespread of poverty in India.

(ii) The poor infrastructure is another reason for the high vulnerability of disasters in India. If

the vulnerability of the population is reduced through capacity building, the impact of the disasters

can be minimized to greater extedn.

(iii) The lack of education among the people regarding the proper building codes and

unawareness about the disaster resistant infrastructure.

(iv) There is lack of appropriate technology with regard to cope with disasters and construction

works in India as compared to Japan.

(v) The faulty development planning in India is also responsible for high vulunerability of


(vi) The changing demographies, socio economic conditions and unplanned urbanization with

high risk zones is also one important cause.

(vii) The varied topographjy of India which is almost prone to every kind of disaster and the

burden of over population over it.

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2016 – 17 Scholars’ School Srinagar-0194-2437181 117

-Sir Ishfaq

Q.7 Discuss causes and consequences of drought in India?

Ans. The causes and consequences of drought in India can be summarized as under:

Causes of droughts: There are a number of reasons which cause drought in India. These are listed

as under:

(i) Scarce rainfall: This th first and foremost cause of drought. The prolonged scarcity of

rainfall causes drastic shortage of water, food fodder and unemployment.

(ii) Population Pressure: The increased pressure population on land for feeding growing

populations has destroyed the soil cover causing sever desertification of the land.

(iii) Over harnessing of groundwater: The excessive use of ground water and over

explortation of surface water results in drought conditions

(iv) Deforestation: The fast rate of depleting forest cover not only affects rainfall but rain

water also has speedy rund of into rivers and seas which caused shortage of water.

(v) Global Warming: The global waming causes changes in the precipitation due to which the

well waterd areas become drought prone.

Consequences: The consequence of drought in India are as under:

(i) Decreasing agriculture Productivity : Drought result in widespread food crisis due to

low agriculture produce.

(ii) Impact on livelihood: Drought result in widespread adverse impact on vulnerable people‟s

livelihood and their socio-economic activities.

(iii) Diseases: It leads to malnutrition and certain types of diseases in children and older ones

especially weak people.

(iv) Food Shortage: It leads to short supply of food due to which each section of society

suffers more or less.

(v) Black marketing: It gives birth to adulteration, black marketting which leads to price rise

and starvation of poor sections of society.

(vi) Distess among farmers: Drought affects the farmers most, it decreases their crop and

fodder production due to which it sometimes forces them to commit suicide and kills their


(vii) Migration: Drought leads to dislocation or mass migration of people hwo leav their houses

and hearths to save their lives.

(viii) Loss of biodiversity: Drought results in loss of biodiversity, reduce water, air and

landscape of the affected area and imbalances the ecosystem.

(ix) Loss in agro industries: It result in the loss of dairy products, leather products and fishery

products besides leads to forest fire.

Additional Questions

Q.1) Which disaster devasted the normal life in Leh on 6

th August 2010?

Ans) The famous cloud burst that divested the normal life in Leh on 6th

August 2010 was the sole

cause of destruction in Leh which destroyed the property and at least 255 were dead and 9000

people were directly affected by the event.

Q.2 What is the difference between hazard and disaster?

Ans) Hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment.

Disaster is a serious disruption of a functioning of a community or society involving widespread

human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the

affected area, community or society to cope using its own resources

Class 10th

2016 – 17 Scholars’ School Srinagar-0194-2437181 117

-Sir Ishfaq

Q.3) What is the difference between drought and famine? Ans. Drought can be defined as lack or shortage of water for an unusually long period. Famine is a

situation when there is a widespread scarcity of food, causes by several factors including crop

failure, overpopulation, misgovernance, drought, floods etc.

Q.4) Describe some of the safety measure that should be adopted during an earthquake.

Ans) The safety measures that should be adopted during an earthquake are as under:

i. We should try to remain calm and to reassure others to derive an action plan.

ii. We should watch for the falling of plaster, stone, light fixtures, and heavy objects on

shelves and try to save ourselves.

iii. Watch for high book case, shelves and other cabinets which might slide or topple to seek a

safe place or for hiding ourselves.

iv. Stay away from glass, windows, mirrors and chimneys.

v. Switch off the lighting system, gas stoves, or gas cylinder and never try to lit fire or burn a

match stick.

vi. Hide under the table, desk or bed in a corner away from the window with your head

covered by your hands.

vii. Keep with yourself a torch and first aid box and some necessary medicines.

viii. Check and see that sewage lines are intact before using/flushing of toilets.

ix. Do not eat or drink anything from open container, especially near shattered glass.

x. Call, 100, 101 only if you have a life threatening risk.

xi. Respond to request for help from civil, defense, fire services, police, army, home guards

and local people.

xii. Do not crowd in damaged areas unless help has been requested, cooperate with public

safety officers.

xiii. Do not spread rumours. These often do great harm following a disaster.

Q.5) Write a short note on chemical disasters? Ans) Chemical disasters are those disasters which are caused due to the use of chemicals on large

scale but not safely, due to the human actions or errors. These chemicals prove very dangerous to

the mankind has the world as seen in case of Bhopal gas tragedy 1984. After industrial revolution,

the use of chemicals has increased many folds for increasing crop fields, water purification,

painting of houses, washing of floor but we hardly realize that these chemicals which are helpful to

mankind can be harmful to humans and environment, instance Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Acid

attack are examples.










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