history of scuting in afghanistan (dari and english)

Post on 18-Jul-2015



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PARSA Afghan Scouts Program

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ػؿ کيؿ اگنتا تغاغـ عؼت ػاغيثا ت 7091اؿؼی یک اػ ارتاػی یک کتة تـتیتی امت ک ػؿ ماه څ

عت یتخات تثؼیط اتیاف فؼاىیت یػ ای کتة تـتیتی تؼ ينگـػيؼ، اف میلنتؼ یافؼ تا انا

کيؿ قيـ را 673عؼتگؾاؿا انا ػؿ ػیا نت گقاؿی گـػیؼ، ؿىؼ مـیغ تاؿیغی عػ ؿا پیػ اـف ػؿ صؼػ

، ػيی انای عػ نتقیا اف آ صایت پیيتثای ػ ای رثو را ىه ت فؼاىیتای اعالقی، تـتیتی

اػا یؼؼ.

اـف تا اؿد اؿؼی اکخـیت قاغغ کيؿای را ت آ ؿی آؿػڅاؿیغی ایزاػ رثو رای تؼؼ اف تضيیو ؿیؼاػ ت

پاه -تاػ -ؿاتـتاؿ ت قا االی انا اتــػ را انایت ػاىی انای ىغصیت تقؿگ عؼتگق یگقاؿی ت فکؿ

ای رثو رای مؼی یایؼ آـا ؿىؼ ػاػ ػؿ کيؿ ىا تمؼ یؼؼ تاله ػاؿؼ ک یػؿ ؿىؼ تمؼ

ای رثو تقؿگ ـػی ؿا ػؿ مطش را عا ىه مافؼ.

عت تی ــــــی گـػیؼ تا اػعای ایــــاله کيؿ ک ػاف کيؿ ای اؿپایاػيیضعـت اا هللا عا تؼؼ اف پیـفی امتق

ی راا تاف غ تصی ػاىت ک ای عت ؿا ؿما افتتاس ایؼ اف یـ ىييی اف قػیک ػیؼ تػ تؼؼ اف تافگيت تا

عػ امتفاػ ایؼ ىی صاػث تاؿیظ میـ فا آـا زاه ؼاػ تا یپالای ؿىفکـا تـقیغاا ی ثتکـ ػؿ تم

ای آؿا عػ ؿا ػيی ایؼ.

( صؼاؿت اػظی6626فـا ) می اف تضقق ػيی ت تا 7017اکتتـ 71ـ ه طاتق 7179یقا 66تا ایک تتاؿیظ

تـای اىی تاؿ ػؿ افغانتا ػؿ فا پاػىای ضؼ اػؿىا ؿما افتتاس گـػیؼ.

ػاغيثا ت ای عت ىاو ىؼؼ ک ػؿی تاؿیظ تتؼؼاػ ينصؼ ت اف تؼيی ؼاؿف ـکق کيؿ ت غؿ ؿظاکاؿا

ميافا ی ی ظای تػ تا آن اػاؿؿؼی آ فاڅاتا رؼیت کيافا )پیو آگا( ىـت یافتؼ. تينیو

ػؿی ماه ـص مـػاؿ ضؼ اى عا قت )فاؿت ػفاع( یق اؿتثاغ ػاىتـتغ فاؿت ؼاؿف تػ تا فاؿت صـتی

قت ترة فـا اػيضعـت ـص ضؼ اػؿ عا تصفت مياف اػيی قـؿ گـػيؼ.صؼؿاػظ

میل ؿيامت آ تمػ مياف ( فـ ػع تا13ا )فـك ا( تا ) ىیـ تچ یىؼث 7016ـ ه طاتق 7177ػؿ ماه

.غيی فىی ضػ غافی تفيط گـػيؼاػيی ت ىا

( فـ یـمیؼ غی پـگـا عا 199 ميافا م تؼؼاػ ىا ت ) 7016آگنت 61ـ ه طاتق 7177ػ مثي ماه

ی آتو، پو مافی تـافـاىت عی ا ؿا تا منای اىی صضی، اغفایػؿ صض چ صعؿی ماتو ايو تطثیقات

قـاؿ گـفتؼ. ماه اؿت ازا ػاػ ؿػ تضنی اؿامی تيؼ پاي ػىتی صاظـي تاىاچی

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ـص ىا ضػ عا فيـ صـتی قت )فيـ ػفاع( ت احـ 7016 اکتتـ 1 ـ ه طاتق 7177یقا 71تتاؿيظ

ؼا اػيی ميافا افغانتا قـؿ گـػيؼ.اتضیج ق ( صؼاؿت اػظی1110فـا)

ی )تیذ ػعيت( ؿا صاصو افغانتا يا اتتؼایؼیت ميافا تا اػعای ر 7016ـ ه طاتق 7177ػؿ ماه

تينیو اي مافا قـاؿ آتی تػػؼ. ػؿ ماه تؾمـ

:ضؼ اى عا صؼؿاػظ قت. -مياف اػيی

:ىقاػ قت. -مـپـمت رؼیت

فيـ صـتی قت. عا ضػ ىامپناالؿ -ؼا اػيی يی:اق

ػيی اصؼ عا فيـ ؼاؿف مفیو فاؿت عاؿر. -ميافا ماتو:ؼا اؼا تی اىييی قاق

فىی ضػ غافی. -یل ىیـ تچ ا:ؿي

:ضؼ يؼقب. -منـتـ تينیالتی

ی افغانتا ؿما ػعیت مافا تچ ا رؼیت ميافا ىیـ 7016رؿی طاتق اه 7177رؼی ـ ه 76ػؿ

( ؿا تا اماك فیصي کفـال رای امنت صاصو ػ. Scout) ؿؼیڅارای رثو

اىی تصايـ ؿاپؿ فؼاىیت ای ينناى رؼیت ميافا تا تضيیف 7011اؿچ 67ـ ه طاتق 7176تتاؿيظ اه صو

ـ ؿمیؼ.از اػتی( ت ي یميؿ ) ماىا ماتو تيـ یيـيش اؼاف آ ػؿ اىی ماىاقا ػ گا آ ت

ؼ ک تا )کيافا( ت يـ ؿمی اي عتارتاػی ی اىی يـی7011آگنت 77طاتق ـو7176امؼ 67تتاؿیظ

آقت ک ميافا ػؿ ؿىی اؽا اػعای طاىة تـا ای رؼیت ميافا تػ یضتای آ يـي ػؿ تـگیـؼ

حـیت عا تػ ىی تامفا ای رؼیت ػؿ ؿفا رـایؼ ؼاىتؼ ػاؿای اکخـا ػفاتـ ػىتی یق ػمتـمی کاو ت

( نثت ػؼ رػیت کاػؿا Scoutingی ماه نثت ؼاىت اػ تػیک ؿػی تؼيیی ػؿ تغو )

ىؼ.پـمو فی نيکی ػؼ اکاات اػی، تغیکی اقتصاػی اف فؼاىیت تاف اؼ ت مقغ ار

7021ی ؿفثـ 60ـ ه طاتق 7112( ػ صت 7761فـا )می اف ماه تؼؼ تـای تاؿ ػ ت تا 61عىثغتا

اػيیضعـت ـص ضؼ ظاـ ىا پاػىا آقت افغانتا ت احـ پیياػ ـص ػکتؿ ػيی اصؼ "پپو" فیـ ؼاؿف

اصیای زؼػ گـػیؼ ای ػتاؿرؼیت ميافا افغانتا تـای 7021ی 0ـ ه طاتق 7113حؿ 70قت تتاؿیظ

عیو آغاف کـػ. یػمتا ( ت فؼاىیت ای تيـټى یػ افغانتا څاؿؼمافا فیـ ا )

اؿؼی اػيی، څای اػ ارتاػی اکاػیک تـتیت راا غی ضفو ىاؼاؿی ؿما افتتاس گـػیؼ پاػىا قت تصفت

یل ػی افتغاؿی، ـص ػکتؿ ػيی اصؼ "پپو" فیـ ؼاؿف ـص مـػاؿضؼ ػاػ عا تصفت ؿیصؼؿاػظ قت

تؼ" ؼيـ ىین امتقاله اؿؼی اتغاب گـػیؼؼ تـای ؼت نثتا کتا ضتـ ػثؼاىزیؼ "څؼا اػيی اتصفت ق

ـ ه طاتق ر 7121ماه رفاتؼؼا ػکتؿ ضؼ ػـ "ؿػک" تالعـ اىی تـد ه، تصفت ؿییل ن ػؿ آقا ماتو

ییت ػ فاؿت ؼاؿف ؿا یق ت ؼم ػ ضتـ ضؼ نی عا م تؼؼا اؿؼی تـای تاؿ څ یؼی اىی مقغ 7011

.یػؼایفای ظیف ټى ؿؼی څاه ػ افغانتا یل نػ تػؼ تصفت ؿیی مای

PARSA Afghan Scouts Program

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اؿؼی پیمت گـػیؼؼ ای ػؿمت قا تا اػال څ اىی گـپ ػعتـا ت صفف 7039ـ ه طاتق 7110ػؿ ماه

ای عت تـای تاؿ ػ 7031ـ ه طاتق 7111تػ. ػؿ ماه ػؿ افغانتا ( یـ ټىآغاف عت نا افتتاس )

تاؿ تـا" ټى یػ افغانتا څاؿؼ اؿؼی ػؿ کااػا حثت ؿارنتـ گـػیؼ اماما "څؿما ػؿ کفقاك رای

آقای کـگـ عا ؿفـی اف کيؿ آىا فیـ کاؿ گـفت ىؼ. غنت تمػ ياؿی

ی تػ ػؿ ماه څاؿؼـ ه ت تؼؼاػ پاقػ قاؿ را اػ اف ؽکؿ ااث اف ـمق اليات حثت ػفتـ ـکقی 7111ماه ػؿ

ی ایزاػ گـػیؼ.څاؿؼ از کاؿا 7019ـ ه طاتق 7110

تمـػ يـاؿي ټىـ ؿـؼیڅاػ افغانـتا ی ينثـاؿ ػيگــ مـاؿ تـاالی امامـا 7017ـ ه طـاتق 7129ػؿ ماه

7011ــ ه طـاتق 7127 اهــــػيؼ ػؿ مــــؿ فيیپـی آغـاف گـالؿي اف ميـــــــيل الؿي عـا ــــعاؿری آقای م

ؿما تصية ىؼ. ټى ؿؼیڅاػ افغانتا یاماما

ی الیات ظؿ گـػیؼ ک ػؿ ـ الیت یک فـ آـ )ميـ څاؿؼ تيکیالت آـیتای 7017ـ ه طاتق 7129ػؿ ماه

ی اتغاب تؼی گـػیؼؼ اؿؼیڅی اف یا فؼاىتـی اػعای ا الیت تا ػؿ ظـ ػاىت نایو نيکی څاؿؼاليتی(

ف ـکق ىـا امـع قت ااؿؼی ای عت تڅاؿؼی ػؿ الیات ظؿی تيکیالت آـیتای څ تا تؼی ميـای

اؿؼی نت گقاؿی گـػیؼ.څىناىیا کاتة اغـاف میـ صؼػی عػ ؿا غی ػ ت قـاء قصثات یتای تطـف

PARSA Afghan Scouts Program

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تـای پنـا ػؿ کاتو تؼیـ یافت ک ػؿ آقا ػؿ (Wood badge) اىی کؿك ػتیذ 7016ـ ه طاتق 7127ػؿ ماه

ػتیزـ )ينفـ( ىیؼؿ ؿفيؼ یفـ( ىیؼؿ ؿفيؼ ػتیزـ م ـ 0، )یفـ( ىیؼؿ ؿفیؼ ػتیزـ ػ ـ 71کيؿ زػا )

فؼاىیت آفىی ػؿیغ کـػ اؼ.چگافیؿزی څا یڅاؿؼرػ ػاىتؼ ک ػؿ اؿ آفه اػعای یيل ـ

17ـػیؼ ػؿ ـــی الیات ػؿ ـکق تؼیـ گڅاؿؼ اىی میاؿ آـی 7011ی 71ـ ه طاتق 7121حؿ 61تتاؿیظ

ػ يی ـی اػڅاؿؼیل ػىت صؼؿاػظ کيؿ ی الیات تضعؿ ؿیڅاؿؼ آـی 7011ی 67حؿا ماه طاتق

ای یک اقؼا مـىت م ا غـض القات ىـفیاب پؾیـفت ىؼؼ ـص مـػاؿ ضؼ ػاػ ع ټى یافغانتا څاؿؼ

ماف، صیاتی تـای عت تضناب آؼ.

( ؿما تينیو 7111صت 79ؿؼی افغانتا ت اماك فـا )څا رؼیت ػعتـا 7011ـ ه طاتق 7121ػؿ ماه

رای اي رؼیت اف غـف ازـ ه آغاف ىؼ تػ. تايؼ ياػ آؿ ىؼ م 7110گـػيؼ گـچ فؼاىیت آا اف ماه

ؿؼی یثاىؼ تـمیت ىاعت څارثو رای مافا تغو اف ( م يلWAGGGSؿؼی )څاؿايا ػعتـ ػعتـا


PARSA Afghan Scouts Program

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( ػؿ افغانتا ػایـ گـػیؼ. N.T.C اىی کؿك آفىی يی راا ) 7011طاتق ر ـ ه 7121ؿ ا رفا ماه ػ

ی اػيی تامثت ژػ ی ماىگـػ څاؿؼیل ػىت اىی پیا ؿی 7012ی 0طاتق ـ ه 7121حؿ 70ػؿ

ضافو ىاؼاؿی قـائت اف آ ی صاػؿ گـػیؼ ک تا ػؿڅاؿؼی کيؿ تـای ػعتـا پنـا څاؿؼاصیای زؼػ

امتقثاه تؼو آؼ تيک اف غـیق ااد ؿاػی افغانتا یق ػؿ مـتامـ کيؿ پغو اتياؿ یافت تاػج ػىگـی

حیـات تنقای ػ.آ تااؿؼی گـػیؼ ػؿ تـقی ؿىؼ صفف څتيیق اػعای

میاؿا کؿمای غتيف آفىی، نيکی فی طاتق ت پالای تی اىييی تا امتفاػ اف اػ تػیک تی

تقی امتضکا ؿىؼ اىييی تضت ظـ ؼایت ـتی امتاف ـکقی ػؿ کاتو تؼعی الیات تؼیـ گـػیؼ ک تاػج

گـػیؼ. تاي عصفف یؼی، تمؼ اکياف تؼيی تـتی

یی، اکياف تؼيی تـتی، ؿصیڅاؿؼی افغانتا ػؿ ؿىؼ تيکیالت څاؿؼتاء اػعای امتاف ـکقی ىیؼاؿ

ی فؼاىیتای عنتگی اپؾیـی ؿا غؿ صاػقا عاىصا څاؿؼغؼمتی ـػ پـؿی ػؿ غه ؼت عؼت ػؿ تيکیالت

افتغاؿ ثاات ای عت عؼتگؾاؿ اقؼی یثاىؼ. یعػ يا ػاػ اؼ ک یي ای اف

و )پؼاؿ ـــــــــــ اصـــــــــی ماؿؼـــــــڅی افغانتا طاتق تضيیف ؿػایت قا څاؿؼىیؼاؿ اػعای

يکالت تا ىزاػت صؼاقت یک، گفتاؿ یک کـػاؿ یک( ک عػ ؿا کيف ت ارـای آ ػانت اؼ ػؿ صاالت تـف

ػؿ ارـای ظیف ػی غی ظایف انای عػ ؿا ازا ػاػ اؼ اگـ چ زـ ت يکالت صتی عطـ را ىا یق

یؼ ک ػؿ عاه کـػ آتو تا مطو آب صـف فی یکی اف اپاؿتاای ىغصی راػ تػ تاىؼ چاچ ػؿ آتو م

فـ ىیؼ یق ػاػؼ. ىی تا کاه صؼاقت ایاؼاؿی ظایف عػ ؿا ازا ػاػ اؼ.تػؼ ػفـ فعی یک

ی څاؿؼ ت تؼؼاػ می ىو قاؿ فـ اػ اف پنـ ػعتـ فیـ ا فـک فؿک، 7011ـ ه طاتق 7123ػؿ اعیـ ماه

ی ـتی نيکی ت فؼاىیتای انای رؼای عیو ػؿ ـکق ی پاىزی تضت ؼایت ؿایزی، پاىؼڅاؿ

يس دولت، صدراعظن و يغلی هحود داود رښاپيام

ټولنه!ی څارندورندوی اعلی د افغانستاى څا

پسران یجذميه ساىگرد احيای مجذد جمعيت ای څاروذ

ټىى را برای پسران دختران ی دختران د افغاوستان څاروذ

افغاوستان در مرمس اليات تبريل ميگيم.

اوجام ظايف يفقيت مسيذ شاورا در رااز خذاوذ بی وياز م

حى، خذمت ب مطىان مىعان شان در پرت جايب م

ی خااوم.شعار تعذات قاويه څاروذ

امرز افغاوستان عسيس از ر قت ديگر بيشتر ب مجاذت،

ايثار فذاماری صادقاو جاوان برای ترقی اعتالی مشر

را تشنيو می دذ جمريترفع ويازمىذی ای مم م اذاف

.ضررت دارد

ا ىيت ی مسڅاروذاميذ دارم جاوان حساش طه پرست

جمريتميه اذاف عاىی اظايف شان را برای تطبيق ت

ومدي در اوجام ايه برای ببد امر اجتماع شان بخبی درك

ىيت ای شان را عاقالو بنماه جذيت مه ظايف مسام

اوجام دىذ.

1354ثر 19مرخ )محمذ داد(

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الیات اػا یؼاػؼ ک ای عػ تیاگـ یک تيکیالت اکياف یافت اینت ک راا ؽکؿ ااث تا ػالقؼی ػىگـی

کاو ت ای عت ػؿ کيؿ ػقیق ا افغانتا یپیمتؼ.

تضه ػیگـی میامی ک ػؿ ای کيؿ تقع پیمت 7011ـ ه طاتق اپـیو 7121اا ػؿيغا صنـتا ػؿ حؿ ماه

ی ت فػ نؼ يیا حؿ ناػؼ ثػ آـا يغی قـاؿ ػاػ ا پـافتغاؿ آـا ک تا عؼت څاؿؼی عت څاؿؼ

عي کيؿ ػاػؼ نت تػ ػاغية ؿایگا تـای ـػ نتؼ کيؿ پیؼ راػای ػاىت ت پىیل قت فاؿت ػا

کاػؿ ای نيکی ؿفیؼ آ ت 7011ـ ه طاتق 7121ی ظثػ ت یغا تـػ ىؼ اف ماه څاؿؼاػی ؼی

یک یک تؼؼاػ کاػؿ ای ؿفیؼىی تا ا ػیاؿ زـت تاؿی گـػیؼ تؼعا ػؿ کيؿ ىیؼ، ؼيه یا ؼیب ىؼؼ.

ػؿ اؿپا ىاع ای کچک 69اعیـ قـ ی ـت تنـ یثـؼ صتی تؼعا ػؿ ػی غتيف را تؼیاؿ زىا ػؿ کيؿ ا

ی افغای ت فؼاىیتای عیو اػا یؼؼ.څاؿؼای ػتاؿ اصیا کـػ اؼ تا ىاعی ؿا څاؿؼاف

6997ـ ه طاتق 7119ماه مکت مقغ تا ایزاػ کفـال ت ػؿ ماه 61آؿی کـػ ک تؼؼ اف ىی ایـا تایؼ یاػ

پـفینؿ ؿمه ـص قت ػؿ کيؿ ت احـ تاله ناػؼت پـت تافقات ت ایزاػ اػاؿ ػؿ کيؿ رـی ػؿ

افغانتا ػؿ تـای تاؿ م ای عت 6996ـ ه طاتق اؿچ 7119قت ػؿ اعیـ صت "ای" فیـ ؼاؿف اػاؿ

ؿما ت فؼاىیت عػ آغاف مـػ.رثو تیطـف، صيش غية عیـی اف ا آغاف ایاصیای زؼػ گـػیؼ

ى ػؿ ټؿؼ څاؿؼ اػي ػ افغانتا څا صؼؿاػظ ،یـص مـػاؿ ضؼ ػاػ عا فػی ي

ـ ه. 7121/ حؿ/ 19ؿؼ ـمق اليات ؿط څاىی گا القات تا ن

PARSA Afghan Scouts Program

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History of Scouting in Afghanistan

Scout is a social foundation and training school which was established in 1907 in England with aims of

voluntarily serving to the needy human as the Scout training school has served without discrimination and

preferences. it was founded as a servant movement to human it has passed it’s servant period faster currently

about 216 countries and territories of the world directly support it this world with movement continues it’s

ethical, Training , scientific and humanitarian activities .

After analyzes historical Events and the Scout was Established that then most of the word countries participated

there in to day willing to serve the popular personality Mr. Robert Baden Powell is making Efforts in

developing and promoting of this world movement.

After gaining the independency of the country his majesty Amanullah Khan have traveled to some European

countries and have visited the members of this international movement. he intended after returning to the

country to Establish formally such as movement in his country and to gather the country’s young’s and

distinguished bodies to practice the initiative plans in the country but he couldn’t find opportunity to do so .

So this movement was inaugurated by Mohammad Nader Khan on 12 Oct 1931 through of the Fireman No

2252 of Premiership of that time.

In that time a number of central schools students were willingly and voluntarily participated in this movement

who were called Sher Bachahai Afghani or association of discoverers. on 2 January 1933 this Movement was

able to obtain world’s membership of this movement based on decision of world conference.

On 11 August 1933 the first social publication of the Scout Named discoverers has been published.

As in that period there was not so access to the news and other magazines in governmental offices so this

publication illustrated the mind of the association. Unfortunately the association was not able to continue it’s

publication because of lacking methodical and training guidance and because of inexistent of professional and

techniques staff so finally fell down it’s activities in the some year.

Fortunately this association was after 24 years reestablished on 29 February 1957 in period of his majesty

Mohammad Zaher Shah the King of that time based on offering of Dr. Ali Ahmad “Popal” Minister of

Education and this association was Re-Established under title of (Afghanistan Scout Society) and continued it’s

humane train services .

This social and academic youth Training academic foundation was formally through of a meeting inaugurated,

while the then king was selected as and high scout, primer minister Sardar Muhammad Daoud as an general

honorary chief of scout, Dr. Ali Ahmad “Popal” minister of Education as a head commander of the scout were

elected. Meanwhile respected Abdul Majeed“Tanowmand” have performed the charge of as a national chief

commissioner for a short time. Then Mohammad Omer “Wardak” and finaly was in charge for the second time

Mohammad Naseem up to 1978 namely to the falling down of the scout.

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For the first time in 1960 a Group of Girls was Joined to the scout , it was took place Exactly at the some Time

announcing women Movement , this movement for the second time in 1964 formally has been registered

worked scout conference in Canada and it’s constitution of association named “Afghanistan Scout Society ”

arranged by foreign advisors at first Mr. Crow gar and Miss Roaz mery from Germany and then Mr. Helariu

and Miss Helariu from Philippians have worked on the constitution of association between 1971 -1973 and they

made Efforts in guiding the members of scout association and their struggling are worthy of appreciation.

In 1348 about fifteen thousand both men and women were registered in national headquarters of scout and at

the some year 1969 scout cooperator association was established.

In 1977 about 36 thousand both of boys and Girls by the name of Zamark and Zarka- Tharunduy and

Tharnujoni- Palanduy and Palanjoni have continued their humanitarian duty by guiding professional instructors

in capital and other provinces. That it was it self expressing a developed organizations that youth and Girls were

joining with interest to this movement in the country.

In 1972 the first course was established for the boys in Kabul where there were totally 18 professional and

wood badge leaders, who didn’t save any efforts in training of Groups and Troops of youth of scout members.

In 1971 provincial departments were carried into account. in each province one of the active members of the

scout who would have been more experienced was appointed as a senior of scout.

On 9 may 1975 the first message of the president and high scout was read due to 18th

scout year of re-

Establishing of the country Scout and was appreciated by the audience of the meeting, and also the massage

was broadcasted through the Radio across the country.

In 18th

May 1974 the first seminar of the provincial heads was Established in the capital of the country, on 21st

May 1974 the Provencal commissioners of Scout were met by Muhammad Dauod the president and high scout

of the Afghanistan Scout Society.

In 1974 the first National training course of the was established in Afghanistan. The seminars and professional

and technique courses were produced by the trained instructors by using international methods by supervising

and advising in Kabul and other provinces in the country which was caused strengthening and stability of Scout


So central staff members and Scouts Leaders of Afghanistan sincerely and purely struggled in growing the

scout organizations developing training and patriotism that always are proud of this association.

All leaders and scout members are performing their obligations according to the scout promise and law on three

principles as good imagination , good speech and good action who deem it in doing, they have done bravely

their task although it used to be risk for themselves and raising problems, as once up on a time a fire that took

place in one of the private apartment in Maiwand street the Scout have control the fire by bringing water in

baskets and spouting over on the fire finally it was controlled but, they got 2 gays injury and one died but they

have performed their jobs sincerely.

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But in April 1978 a revolution took place in the country which charged the political situation in whole, as the

Scout was not matched to the Revolution because it was dissolved it’s title which had graft with the people of

the country was give to the police of that time .

All material and spiritual entity to the Scout was sized and plundered it’s professional and experienced bodies

since 1978 immigrated and some of them were martyred and still some experienced and cadres of Scout are

Living in other countries or a number of them in Later decades century 20th

have reactivated small branches of

Scout in European Countries and are working as an Afghan Scout .

It is mentionable that the movement for the third time after 23 years pause and falling have been Rehabilitee in

the Country by hard work and efforts of professor Rasol “Amin” Minister of Education and by Establishing bon

conference in 2002 following the conference decisions and agreements and Mr. Abdul Raoof “Sabor” was

determined as an in National chief commissioner of the movement for a short time it continues it’s impartial

and welfare activity in the Country.

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