historical and environmental study of rani pokhari

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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Unit Committee, Trichandra Multiple Campus 

Ghanta Ghar , Kathmandu, Nepal 

Tel: 977‐1‐4244047; Fax: 977‐1‐4232166 

E‐mail: tutatc068@gmail.com 

June 2012

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 As per the agreement signed between Ministry of Science and Technology, Singhdurbar,

Kathmandu and Tribhuvan University Teachers' Association Trichandra Campus Unit

Committee (TUTA, TC) dated on April 2, 2012 for the research of the Historical and

Environmental Study of Ranipokhari. Tribhuvan University Teachers' Association,

Trichandra College Unit Committee (TUTA, TC) Ghanta Ghar,, Kathmandu is grateful and took

the responsibility of Historical and Environmental Study of Rani Pokhari. The TUTA TC is

pleased to submit this Research Report which is the Final outcomes of the aforesaid said


This report contains the project background, approach and methodology; maps and the

measurement data have been presented in Annex for the above said project


The Ponds are basically natural resources available for multiple uses. A pond consists of two

distinct parts, the basin and the water body. A pond, in other words may be defined as an

inland basin filled with water. The water level of a pond is a function of the volume contained in

the pond basin. The rate of change of water volume is controlled by the rate at which waterenters the basin from all sources minus the rate at which the water is lost by evaporation from

its surface and discharged by surface as well as subsurface effluents. The dynamic process of

ponds also reflects in a part of its own previous history.

Erosion process in rugged terrain of Nepalese hills yields an appreciable amount of sediments

to rivers lakes and pond. Sedimentation is intensified in the ponds by sediment laden flood

inflows. Data on inflow and outflow of ponds are important parameters for water balance

studies and to understand the natural phenomena.


Rani Pokhari, situated at the heart of Kathmandu, though being made for cultural reasons, has

added purity and beauty to the Kathmandu city and has refreshed the environment. This

historical pond was constructed in 1727 B.S by King Pratap Malla in memory of his beloved

son Prince Chackrawotendra. The King built this artificial pond to console the Queen after their

son Chackrawotendra died (1726 BS). It was constructed as a token of consolation to his wife,

mourned in sorrow of their son's death.

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 After built of the pond in 1727 B.S. it was named as ( Nhugu Pukhu,  Gx'u'  k'v'. )  (Lamshal,

2023:89). The same name was referred by Thyasphu of Nepal Sambat- 805, (Regmi, 1966:

25) and Thyasphu of Nepal Sambat 811. The Nhugu Pukhu has been derived from the Nepal

Bhasa word Nhugu and Pukhu meaning new Pond. Nhugu Pukhu has been called as Rani

Pokhari after the renovation of the pond by Queen Bhuwanlaxmi Malla, granddaughter of KingPratap Malla and wife of King Bupatendra Malla, in around 1760s. According to Devmala

Vamshavali, queen Bhuwanlaxmi reformed the pond and constructed the temple of her “Ista

Dev”-household deity- Mahadev in the centre of the pond. After the construction, water from

various religious places was filled in the pond, like Badrinath,

Kedarnath, Gosainkunda, Muktinath, Kaligandaki and much more.

The construction work began at Nepal Sambat 785 and completed at 790 Kartik Shukla

Purnima (Yogi, 2013: 80). thus, it took about 5 years to complete the work. Length of this pond

is 180 meter and width is 140 meter. Its area is 62 Ropani, 13 Ana, 2 paisa  and two dam

(Amatya, 2053:25) In the middle of pond, there lies Shiva Mandir which could be reached by

taking path of Western bank. Though Shiva Linga may be seen in the middle of pond but many

people believe it to be the temple of Balgopal (Regmi, 2051: 190). Besides the main temple,

situated in the middle of pond, there are four different temples in four different corners of the

pond. In the North-West direction lies Bhairav, in the North-East direction also lies Bhairav, in

the South-East direction lies Mahalaxmi (Durga) and in the South-West direction lies the very

well known 16 handed (Sohra Hate ) Ganesh temple. In the south of the pond, there is a statue

of Pratap Malla and his family riding in a White elephant. It is assumed that Shiva mandir

situated in the middle of Rani Pokhari was constructed as in “chhane shailee”. In1951, Junga

Bahadur Rana replaced the ruined Newar-Style temple in the middle of the Ranipokhari with a

domed temple (Slusser, 1982: 149) and surrounding wall was also constructed by him. After

the earthquake of 1990 B.S., Juddha Sumsher renovated the mandir in the present form and

iron bar and railing was constructed. Later in 2013 B.S., Rani Pokhari and Shiva mandir was

renovated (Amatya, 2053: 25).

Earlier, Rani Pokhari was built just outside the main entrance of ancient Kathmandu city. There

are seven wells inside this pond according to Devmala Vansawali. These seven wells were

seen when the pond was dried to clean It is believed that Sankhafadi nag was residing in this

pond (Yogi, 2013: 80).

There are three inscriptions was found which was erected by the King Pratap Malla about the

construction of Rani Pokhari. The beginning of the inscription is in Sanskrit ‘.Out of 41

paragraph of the inscription , 3 in Sanskrit paragraphs, 3- 36 is in Nepali and 36-41 paragraphs

are written in Newari language. In the Newari part of this paragraph Nepal Sambat 790 is

written, likewise in the end of Nepali part ‘Shree Shakhe Kartik Sudi Purnima’ is written. In the

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same inscription , 5 Brahmins, 5 Pradhans and 5 Khas Magars were mentioned as witness


In the inscription the area of Rani Pokhari is mention as ‘Parmeshwor Parmeshwori

Bramhabhumi’. King Pratap Malla wanted the pond to be with some cultural importance . The

pond is filled with Gangajal, Bhaidhnath’s Jal, Bagmati’s Jal, Shakhamul’s Jal, the junction ofPanauti Tirtha’s Jal, Gandaki’s Jal, Koshi’s Jal and 51 sacred places and river water. All these

things and the places and water used to fill the pond are mentioned in the Abhilekh. By taking

bath, Dev tarpan, Pitri Tarpan, Sandhya etc in the pond the cultural advantage of the rivers and

tirtha places made by bathing in those respective places is believed to be made. It is said that

Pratap Malla had brought the water to Ranipokhari by canal and container from fifty-one of the

most revered – tirthas of Nepal and India. In this particular instance, however, the pond fell into

ill repute. It became a gathering place of ghosts, and it was not used for suicide it was shunned

by the public altogether. ( Slusser,352)

In the Southern bank of the pond, the statue of elephant is also among one of the important

statues. Pratap Malla crowned his sons in the thrown, during his reign, respectively for one

year. While his son Chakravartendra became king just for one day, he died. Among important

statues in the memory of Pratap Malla’s son Chackravartendra Malla, Rani Pokhari was

constructed and in the Southern bank the statue of Pratap Malla and his son Chackrawotendra

Malla and Mahipatendra Malla riding in elephant is made. In the Northern bank also in memory

of son Chackrawotendra Malla statue of Narayan is erected. The pond is filled with the divine

and pure river water like Ganga, Son, Saraswati, Godawari, and Kaveri, Koshi and Ocean and

popular Yagya being made and popular among all Trilok and gods and worshipper dance in the

ponds is also mentioned in the abhilekh (Regmi, 2051: 188).

The poems and songs written by Pratap Malla have the same cultural importance as the one

mentioned in abhilekh. The song written by Pratap Malla also mentioned that by taking bath in

the pond will make all the sins swept akin to taking bath in Varanasi. Ranipokhari constructed

by Pratap Malla is presently the proud of Kathmandu city. But the surrounding temple near

Rani Pokhari is within the compound of Triichandra campus and police station and is in the

decreasing state of cultural importance. Due to unmanaged wastes, this pond carrying cultural

importance is in danger. The surrounding temple near Rani Pokhari should be kept as before

to keep the cultural importance of the pond alive.


The main objective of the study is to carry out a detail historical and environmental Survey of

the Pond and obtain related seasonal information. In particular, the present study is aimed to:

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•  Carry out Environmental condition of the pond along with its political, historical, cultural

and socio-economic importance

•  Carry out Bathymetric survey to determine the depth and volume of the Pond.


The scope of works under the above specified objectives includeds but is not limited to the


•  Hydrological Survey

o  Identify reference marks and locate them in the Map

o  Carry out water depth survey.

o  Assess the lake volume,

o  Prepare Bathymetric Map

o  Determines seasonal variation of water level

  Water Quality Surveyo  Assess the seasonal physical, chemical and micro-biological water quality of the


o  Establish water quality relation among the Rani Pokhari and the two dug wells

constructed at college premises.

•  Limnological Study

o  Aquatic plant

o  Aquatic life

•  Geological Study of pond basin

o  Geological and sedimentation status of the pond•  Historical and Socio-economic Importance

o  Sprit of construction and relation between Gaijatra Festival

•  Political Importance of the Pond

o  Well come of the visiting king of the nearby state

•  Cultural and Archeological importance of the pond

o  Cultural importance

o  Structure of Rani Pokhari and Yamaleshwor Mahadev temple


The study area is Rani Pokhari, located at heart of Kathmandu. Figure 1, 2 and 3 shows thelocation of study area. Some information on Rani Pokhari is depicted below:

Wetland Name: Rani Pokhari (Nhugu Pukhu)

Country: Nepal

Coordinates : 27o 42' 28" N, 85

o 18' 55'' E

 Area: 2.07 hector

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 Al ti tude: 1308 m amsl

Description of site:

Climatic conditions: Humid subtropical monsoonal climate with an average annual rainfall of

1468 mm, a mean minimum temperature of 2.2°C (January), and a mean maximum

temperature of 28.7°C (May and June).

Figure 1.1: Location Map of Ranipokhari

Figure 1.2 : 3D View of Rani Pokhari

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Figure 1.3: Google Map of Rani Pokhari


1.8 Mobilization

Under this phase of the study, the JV consultants have created an atmosphere to the

study team by establishing logistic staff and the necessary equipment to carry out the

study in smooth manner. The documents related to this project mainly based on past

studies. The following necessary things equipment and materials mainly arranged

during this phase.

•  Eco-sounder (NINGLU DS2008)

•  Boat

  Tag Reel•  GPS

•  Tape

•  Bathymetric maps of past study

•  Recent topographic map of study area (1: 25,000)

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1.8.1 Field Work

 After the review and approval of the Research project by the Client, the TUTA, TC

formed a multidisciplinary research team. The team of the comprising of a hydrologist,

geologist, botanist, zoologist, environmental expert, history expert, cultural expert and

microbiologist from Trichandra Campus and surveyor experts from Institute of

Engineering Pulchowk Campus. The team conducted the topographical as well as

bathymetric surveys of the pond and its surrounding area. Similarly the environmental

expert, botanist, zoologist as well as microbiological team collected different water

sample and the aquatic life at different points of the pond. At the Same time the team

established a manual water level recorder in the eastern parts of the pond to monitor

the pond water level.

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With the understanding of the scope and objectives of the study as presented in the

Chapter-One, the approach and methodology was adopted by the Consultants. A

multidisciplinary study team was formed. The team members had been selected with

expertise in successfully conducting “Historical and Environmental Study of


2.1.1 Project Management ApproachThe consultant had formulated the approach to meet the study requirements

outlined in the proposal. The following are the main approaches to be adopted for

this study. The following general management approaches had been adopted by the

study team during the service period:

•  Selection and mobilization of appropriate project personnel.

•  A close coordination between the study team, client and other related

officials have been maintained in order to obtain the necessary data.

•  After the desk work, the verified data would be analyzed and the results have

been synthesized.•  Selection of those methods and technologies which have been tested and

proven to be optimum.

•  Regular briefing to the TUTA TC and concerned personnel and authorities on

progress of the project and problems connected there to full use of available

and applicable reports, standards and other information for execution and

completion of the proposed services in accordance with accepted

professional standard and sound practices.

•  During the desk work as well as in field, a close coordination was maintained

with the related Study team and TUTA TC that was involved during the studyperiod for identifying the constraints and their suggestions.

•  Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each member of the proposed


•  Strict adherence to the work schedule.

•  Completion of the proposed services within the stipulated time.

•  No compromise to the quality.

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2.1.2 Project Management Structure

The Study first approach was to establish a clear project management structure,

including setting out of the responsibilities of all participants and lines of

communication. A Total Quality Management Approach was established to formalizethis structure and ensure a consistent approach. Very careful consideration was

made in the selection of the Consultant’s team members.

The Consultant's opinion is that only by integrating all members of the study into one

team, where all are fully aware of duties and informed of the goals of the study and

the required components and outputs from the individual as well as of the team as a

whole, the prescribed works would be achieved with the desired quality and within

the time frame.

2.1.3 Innovative Thinking Approach

The Consultant encouraged its team members, and other professionals/individuals

to become creative in their thinking and to use initiative to overcome obstacles so as

to progress the study smoothly. This was activated through the dissection of past

efforts and results so that time could be given to the positive and fresh thinking.

This approach produced a systematic and analytical process which seeks to achieve

value for money by providing all necessary functions with required levels of quality

and performance.


The Proposal has clearly defined sets of activities to be carried out for a precise and

methodical study. The description is complete in it to outline the methodology to be

adopted and needs no further explanation. However, the methodology has been

outlined here in order to group the sequence of logical activities and to present the

overview of the Consultant’s insight of the subject matter.

2.2.1 Hydrological Survey

Basically, there are two methods to carry out bathymetric survey of lakes/ reservoirs.

These are the range-line survey and contour survey. The range line method is most

widely used for medium to large lakes/reservoirs. The range line method usually

requires less field work and is less expensive than the contour method. In this

method, number of cross sections are selected to survey the lake. These cross

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sections are called ranges. The most important is measurement of bed elevation at

many known locations in the lake. These measurements are almost always made by

measuring the water depth beneath a boat and the exact location of the boat on the

lake surface. So, two basic types of measurements are required,

i) Location measurementThe basic measurement required for a lake/reservoir survey is the location of the

cross section (range line) and points of depth measurement. It requires a base map

of the lake with locations of cross section points around the lake. The location points

around the lake are helpful in positioning the cross section on the map for

bathymetric survey. Mapping of the lake surface area has been carried out on basis

of Top map having scale 1:25000. The perimeter of the existing lake has been

verified in the field.

ii) Depth measurement

The simplest way of measuring the water depth is to use a sounding weight or rope

to obtain it directly. The other method is use of ultrasonic sounding equipments.

Sounding weight can be fabricated of iron plate or angels. To determine the

sedimentation rate on the basis of bathymetric survey, the shape and weight of

sounding weight should be in record for future survey. Ultra sonic equipments for

measurement of depth is preferred on most of lakes/reservoirs. The scientific depth

sounding equipment (NINGLU DS2008) have been used to provide a continuous

bottom profile. The Ecosounder NINGLU DS2008 with a signal frequency of 200 kHz

have been used. Basically, greater than 60 KHz signal frequency is acceptable for

the detection of the water bottom interface, when the bottom interface is composed

of sand and gravel. For a very soft muddy bottom however, it might indicate the

interface is 10-15 cm deeper than the true value (Jobson and Payne, 1983).

Ultrasonic devices with about 120 KHz frequency can solve this problem and give

some information about the underlying strata, however the interpretation of the result

is often difficult due to the poor degree of resolution.

The principle of ecosounder is simple. An acoustic signal is sent from the tranducer

and is received back as an echo from the bottom. The time is measured and depth

is calculated. Using the data of different cross sections a contour map of .1 m

interval for the Ranipokhari has been prepared.

iii) Identify reference marks and locate them in the Map

iv) Carry out water depth survey.

v) Assess the lake volume,

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vi) Prepare Bathymetric Map

vii) Determines seasonal variation of water level

2.2.2 Water Quality Survey

Sampling is very important factor that determines the accuracy of the results. For the

study of water quality analysis, 500 ml of sample water were collected from the

depth 5-10 cm from each site. Composite sample was collected from different points

of pond. Sample was collected during pre-monsoon (May) 2012. The parameters

such as Temperature and pH was analyzed at the spots and other parameters were

analyzed in the laboratory of Environmental Science Department, Tri-Chandra

college, by following standard methods as described in APHA (1998). The following

methods were used during the analysis of water quality.

Table 2.1: Methods used during the analysis of water quality

SN Parameter Methods

1 Temperature Thermometer

2 pH pH meter

3 Conductivity Conductivity meter

4 Chloride Argentometric Titration

5 Total Hardness EDTA Titration

6 Calcium EDTA Titration

7 Magnesium EDTA Titration

8 Dissolved Oxygen(DO) Winkler’s Iodometric method

9 Phosphate Spectrophotometric (Stannous chloride method)

10 Total alkalinity Titrimetric method

2.2.3 Limnolog ical Study

Floral samples were collected from research area. Voucher specimens were

collected by using standard methods. Aquatic floras were collected from the ponds

from four corners in all faces in 26 Jestha 2069 in standard vessels. During

collection of aquatic samples, plankton nets were used. With the help of small boat,

8 samples from ponds were collected. Temporary slides were made from all

samples. They were studied under light microscope. The collected samples were

identified with the help of standard literatures.

The plant materials from land area of 7m perimeter of the pond were collected on

18th June 201. During sample collection, diggers and plant cutters were used. All

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samples were collected in polythene bags and proceed for dehydration. The dry

voucher materials are identified with the help of standard literatures and sample

materials preserved in National Herbarium and Plant Laboratory (KATH), Godawari.

2.2.4 Zoological Diversit y

To study the present zoological diversity investigation in Rani Pokhari, eight

sampling sites were selected by using raft. The water samples were collected in

sampling bottles from different sampling sites, by using plankton net. The samples

were then preserved by using preservatives, and then taken to laboratory for

observation. The animal diversity present in the pond as well as periphery of the

pond was also focused, but they were surveyed only by unaided eyes.

2.2.5 Microbiologi cal Study

The study was carried out from 8 different site of Ranipokhari and 2 from the well

connected with the pond. The sample s were collected with in the sterile e sampling

bottle and it was immediately transported and processed to the microbiology lab of

micro biology department of Tri-Chandra college.

Physical examination

 All the 10 samples were initially analyzed with the physical parameters. The pH and

the temperature of water was noted down. pH is the negative log10 of H+

concentration, which measures the intensity of acidity or alkalinity. Similarly,

temperature is recorded at 11:30 AM directly at the sampling site.

Bacteriological examination

For the conduction of the bacteriological analysis, different types of media and

reagents were used for the enumeration and to determine the coliform and faecal

coliform present in the water sample of Ranipokhari. During the study, the used

media were supplied by Hi –media.

The total plate count was done by pour plate technique on plate count agar .The

serial dilution was done prior to start with the pour plate and colonies developed

after incubation at 37°C for 24 hrs were counted (APHA,1998) with the help of

colony counter.

The most common group of indicator organism used in water quality monitoring is

coliform .Coliform organism examination of water samples were done by MPN

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method (APHA, 1998) the multiple tube fermentation test. In this test three steps are

performed; the presumptive, confirmed, and completed tests. A moderately selective

lactose broth medium (Lactose Lauryl Tryptose Broth), containing a Durham tube, is

first used in the presumptive test to encourage the recovery and growth of potentially

stressed coliforms in the sample. If harsher selective conditions are used, adeceptively low count may result. A tube containing both growth and gas is recorded

as a positive result. It is possible for non-coliforms (Clostridium or Bacillus) to cause

false positives in this medium and therefore all positive tubes are then inoculated

into a more selective medium (Brilliant Green Lactose Broth or EC Broth) to begin

the confirmed test.

The confirmed test medium effectively eliminates all organisms except true coliforms

or fecal coliforms, depending upon the medium and incubation conditions. If a

positive result is recorded in these tubes the completed test is begun by first

streaking a loopful of the highest dilution tube which gave a positive result onto

highly selective Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar. After incubation, subsequent

colonies are evaluated for typical coliform reactions.

Detection of Salmonella sps were done by the enrichment of sample on Selenite F

broth followed by isolation of the typical organism on Xylose Lysine Deoxicholate

agar (Collee et.al.1996) Enteric bacteria isolated on respective selective of

differential media were identified on the basis of their colonial, morphological and

biochemical properties following Berg’s manual of Determinative Bacteriology (Holt

et.al ,1994).Data entry and analysis was done .

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3.1.1 Water Surface Elevation

Bathymetric data for Begnas Lake were collected during June 8, 2012. The recorded

daily mean water-surface elevation was 1293.04 m above mean sea level (error ± 8 m)

during the bathymetric survey. More than 101 data points (track points) of latitude,

longitude, and depth were recorded to accurately and comprehensively describe the

bathymetry. Ranipokhari water surface elevation during study is given below;

Survey Date Water Surface Elevation (m)

June 8, 2012 1293.04

It is noted here that the location of the reference point with respect to water surface;

Demarcation Slab at the near to eastern gate of Ranipokhari is given below.

Long itude (E) Latitude (N) Elevation (m) Remarks

85o 19' 07" 27o 42' 28" 1293.57

3.1.2 Depth Measurement of the Pond

The depth survey route was fixed by the Hydrologist. An eco-sounder (NINGLU DS

2008) along with a GPS and a tag reel of 50 m marked at 25 cm intervals were used.

The boat was sailed across both the length and breadth of the Pond. Points were

selected along these lines at random positions. Apart from the boatman, experts were

accommodated in the boat. The hydrologist’s role was to select the points for depth

measurement and to instruct the assistant to hold staff and operate the eco- sounding

machine. Due to the lower depth as assumed the eco-sounder was not able to measure

the depth. It is noted here that the basic range of ecosounder is (3-800m). So the depth

was measured by using tag reel and again verified by the direct measurement using the


3.1.3 Preparation of Bathymetric Map

The data of the horizontal distances and the corresponding depths were plotted on the

topographic map of scale 1:1650. The depth measured by the tag reel, were chosen to

prepare the Bathymetric survey of the pond. The depths observed by the Bathymetric

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survey were plotted on the topographic map of the ponds. Contour lines were drawn

using interpolation and extrapolation techniques. The contour lines are drawn at an

interval of 0.1 meters. Figure 3.2 and 3.3  shows the Bathymetric Maps of the

Ranipokhari. is attached in ANNEX-1.

Figure 3.2: Tracking Points for Bathymetric and Environmental surveyof Ranipokhari

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Figure 3.3: Bathymetr ic Map of Ranipokhari

3.1.4 Area and Volume Calculation

The area of the lake and the areas between two consecutive contour lines were

determined from the GIS database of the bathymetric map of the pond. The area

between two consecutive contour lines was measured and GIS database is prepared

using R2V, Arc Info and Arc View GIS Software. The volumes of the pond were then

calculated by multiplying the measured area with the average depth. Table 3.1 below

shows the area and volume between two consecutive contour lines. Likewise, depth

area and volume of the Ranipokhari is depicted in the Table 3.2  below. The area

volume relationship of the lake is given in Figure 3.4.

Table 3.1 Area and Volume between Two Consecutive Contour Lines

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Figure 3.5: Cross Sectional Profile along AA’

Figure 3.6: Cross Sectional Profile along BB’

Figure 3.7: Cross Sectional Profile along CA’









0 50 100 150 200 250

    D   e   p    t    h    (   m    )

Distance  (m)

Cross Section Profile of  Ranipokhari atAA'










0 50 100 150 200

     D    e    p     t     h      (    m      )

Distance (m)

Cross Section Profile of  Ranipokhari at BB'








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

    D   e   p    t

     h     (   m     )

Distance  (m)

Cross Section Profile of  Ranipokhari at CA'

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Figure 3.8: Cross Sectional Prof ile along DB’

Figure 3.9: Cross Sectional Profi le along EE’









0 50 100 150 200

      D     e     p      t      h       (     m


Distance  (m)

Cross Section Profile of  Ranipokhari at DB'









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

      D    e    p     t      h      (    m      )

Distance (m)

Cross Section Profile of  Ranipokhari at EE'

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Figure 3.10 Path of the Cross Sectional Profile


Some major parameters were computed from Arc GIS database of the Lake prepared

on the basis of data captured from the field. Lake area surveyed (scale, 1:1650) using

 Arc GIS. It is noted here that, the pond level during survey (May 8, 2012) was 0.54

meter below from the maximum water level. So the maximum depth comes to be 1.24

m. The maximum length and width of the pond is 165.24 m (Southern part) and 125.67

m (East part) respectively.

The volume of water is 7.4 million liters. The ratio of maximum depth and mean depth is

1.92. This higher ratio reveals that the lake basin is U shaped with steep sided and flat

bottom. Table 3.3 shows the major morphometric parameter of the Lake.

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  Table 3.3 Morphometr ic Parameters of Ranipokhari Lake

SN Parameter Unit Value

1 Pond Area Hectare 2.03

2 Pond Volume M3  7447.90

3 Maximum Length m 165.24

4 Maximum Width m 125.67

5 Maximum Depth During Survey m 0.70

6 Maximum Depth at Full Lake Level m 1.24

7 Mean Depth m 0.36

8 Ratio of Mean Depth to Maximum Depth Dimension Less 1.94


The results of the water quality assessments carried out on Ranipohari are presented in

the Table 3.4.

3.3.1 pH

The biological activity has a pronounce effect on pH of the aquatic bodies. The pH of

Ranipokhari of all samples was recorded as alkaline, ranging from 7.1 (S7) to 10.2(S1)

as shown in Table 2. Recently, similar result was reported by Maharjan, (2012) in same

pond, at both pre and post monsoon season. The alkaline nature of pH could be due to

photosynthetic activity of green algae which abstracts free carbon-dioxide from the

water. The pH of feeding (source water) was recorded as 7. The target water quality

range for aquatic life is 6.5 to 9.0 according to Nepal water quality guidelines for

aquaculture (CBS, 2008). Outside this range the health of fish is adversely affected.

3.3.2 Conductivity

Conductivity is a measure of the ability of a body of water to carry an electrical current.

This ability is dependent on the presence of dissolved ions, their total concentration,

mobility, valence, and relative concentrations in the water temperature. In general, as

the pollutant load to natural water increases, the concentration of dissolved ions

increases. High conductivity values generally indicate high levels of pollution. The

conductivity in samples S7 (674 µS) and S8 (759 µS) is very much higher as compared

with other samples. The average value of conductivity was recorded as 349 µS.

Water Transparency

Light is an essential factor for photosynthesis and growth of all the aquatic plants.

Sustenance of the biotic organisms in a water- body depends upon the illumination of

light. Especially phytoplankton, algae and macrophytes entirely depends on the light for

their photosynthesis. But amount of the available light depends upon transparency of

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water. The transparency of water in Ranipokhari ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 cm (Table 2). It

is measured by Sechhi disc. The transparency of the Ranipokhari was found to be very

low due to presence of massive growth of algae.

3.3.3 Chloride:

Chloride ion is among the commonest anions found in most of the fresh water which is

beneficial to most organisms. All samples recorded more than 20 mg/L except two

samples (S7 and S8).

3.3.4 Total Hardness:

Hardness is mainly contributed by calcium and magnesium salts. Hardness is usually

not regarded as pollution parameter because it does not harm the health of aquatic life

in major way. However, greater than 175 mg/L creates the problem of osmoregulation in


In the present study, the total hardness ranged from 42 to 63 mg/L. However, at mixing

point (S7) and at source (S8) were recorded as 120 and 152 mg/L respectively.

3.3.5 Calcium:

Calcium is an essential element for plants and animals. It is quite abundantly found

dissolved in water because of calcareous rocks throughout the world. The mean value

of calcium was recorded as 29.1 mg/L and 80 and 76 mg/L were in S7 and S8


3.3.6 Magnesium:

Magnesium is also important nutrient for aquatic plants, which is generally found in least

amount as compared to Calcium. The maximum value of Magnesium was found upto

18.5 mg/L in sample no. S8. The mean value for Magnesium was 5.7 mg/L.

3.3.7 Disso lved Oxygen (DO):

Dissolved oxygen is a fundamental requirement of the maintenance of life of all living

organisms in water. A water body is said to be polluted when dissolved oxygen level

falls below a certain minimal concentration necessary for sustaining a normal biota for

that water. Generally the minimum requirement of DO for the most of aquatic life is

around 4 mg/L. The dissolved oxygen in all water samples ranged from 4.1 to 5.6 mg/L

which meets minimal requirement except S8.

3.3.8 Phosphate:

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Phosphorus in natural waters is usually found in the form of phosphates (PO4-3).

Biological productivity is mostly limited by the amount of phosphate in water and soil.

The mean value of phosphate in sample was observed as 0.24 mg/L. Phosphate in

Sample no. S7 and S8 were recorded as 0.10 and 0.11 mg/L respectively.

3.3.9 Total Alkalini ty

Total alkalinity is the presence of carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxyl ions present in

the water. Hard waters with alkalinity give good phytoplankton growth in comparison

with soft waters. The total alkalinity varied from 120 to 190 mg/L (Table 3.4).

Table 3.4: Water Quality Analysis of Ranipokhari

NoteS7=Mixing point with sourceS8=Source (recharge from ground water)


The very carefully collected sample were visibly quite turbid and with the heavy growth

of algae that has make the sample green in color, except in the boring water and the

water from two different wells .

Table 3.5: Temperature and pH table of d ifferent samples

S.N. Sample Temperature(oC) pH

1 S1 26 9.6

2 S2 25 7.2

3 S3 26 9.34 S4 26 9.0

5 S5 27 9.1

6 S6  26 8.1

7 S7 26 9.1

8 S8 28 9.4

9 S9 20 6.1

10 S10 21 6.4

SN Temp.


pH Conduct iv ity











DO (mg/L) Phosphate(



 Alkalinity (


S1 10.2 366 30.6 59 30 7.1 5.4 0.22 190

S2 9.7 344 27 46 31 3.7 5.6 0.24 127

S3 9.6 355 25.6 55 36 4.6 5.4 0.23 132

S4 9.6 355 27 42 22.4 4.8 4.9 0.23 123

S5 9.5 346 26.2 63 30.4 7.9 5.2 0.24 153

S6 9.2 328 25 49 24.6 5.9 5 0.25 165

Mean   9.6 349 26.9 52.3 29.1 5.7 5.3   0.24   148.3

Maximum   10.2 366 30.6 63 36 7.9 5.6   0.25   190

Minimum   9.2 328 25 42 22.4 3.7 4.9   0.22   123

S7   7.1 674 17.04 120 80 9.8 4.1   0.1 120

S8   7 759 14.2 152 76 18.5 3.2   0.11 130

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The physical parameters like temperature and pH has been tabulated as in table 1.

From the study, it has been found that the pH of the water of Ranipokhari was found in

alkaline range t in different sampling sites, however, it was found in the range of 6 in

both wells.

The temperature has been found to be suitable range for the growth of most of the


Table 3.6: Number of organism isolated from total plate count

S.N. Sample No. of organisms at different dilution

1 1× 2× 3× 4× 5× 6×

2 S1  160 105 92 46 30 20

3 S2  TMTC TMTC 75 36 8 1

4 S3  88 59 36 26 15 9

5 S4  TMTC* TMTC 65 40 30 10

6 S5  277 196 153 35 18 9

7 S6  153 136 33 32 28 128 S7  98 49 42 30 21 7

9 S8  117 100 71 34 18 5

10 S9  TMTC TMTC TMTC 1 1 1

11 S10  TMTC 108 105 10/tm Tm/200 tm

*TMTC-Too Many to Count 

 Among the 10 analyzed samples the load of organisms were found to be highest in

S10,S9 and S2 of Ranipokhari and other samples also contains high load of organisms

as well. This result indicates that Ranipokhari and well water samples are highly polluted

with bacteria.

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Table 3.6: An MPN table for determining cell number from three tube fermentation

Source: Guidelines for D/W Quality 1998, vol 1 WHO.

Table 3.7: Pattern of different coli form sps isolated

S.N Sample Presence of Faecal col iform

1 S1  -ve

2 S2  +ve

3 S3  -ve

4 S4  -ve

5 S5  +ve

6 S6  -ve

7 S7  +ve

8 S8  +ve9 S9  -ve

10 S10  +ve

The present study gives information about the bacteriological quality of different sites of

Ranipokhari which was found to be heterogeneous type. All the samples have been

contaminated with high number of Coliform organisms which make the sample highly

polluted. From the above table it is clear that the most polluted water is S2 and S7 sites

of Ranipokhari and S9 and S10 which were of well sample. Among the 10 samples the

lowest number of Coliform is obtained from sample 1containgin 4 number of organisms

.Other sampling site such S3  has 9 coliform S4  has 93, S5 has 460, S6  has 460, and

again S7 has the most probable number of coliform of 1100.

Regarding the faecal contamination, S2,  S4  , S7,S8  , S10 samples have been found

contaminated with faecal coliforms where as rest of the samples were free of faecal


Sample No of positive

tubes 3 of 10 ml


No of positive

tubes 3 of 1ml


No of positive

tubes 3 of 0.1ml


MPN index Per


S1   1 0 0 4

S2   3 3 3 >1100

S3   2 0 0 9

S4   3 2 0 93

S5   3 3 1 460

S6   3 3 1 460

S7   3 3 3 1100

S8   3 3 2 1100

S9   3 3 3 1100

S10   3 3 3 >1100

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Table 3.8: Pattern of b iochemical result o f iso lated coliform organisms

Org I MR VP C Mot TSI H2S Urease O/F Gm’s stain

E.coli + + - - +  A/A,gas+ - - F -ve rod 

Citrobacter + + - + +  A/A,gas+  + - F -ve rod Klebsiella - - + + -  A/A,gas+ - + F -ve rod

 Where;I- Indole MR-Methyl Red VP-Voges proskaur C-Citrate

Mot-Motility O/F-Oxidative /Fermentative A-Acid Alk-Alkali Table 3.9: Pattern of b iochemical result o f iso lated organism other than coli formorganisms

Org MR VPC Mot TSI H2S Urease O/F Gm’s stain

Proteus + + - - + Alk/A,+gas + + F -ve rod

Salmonella - + - + + Alk/A,+gas + - F -ve rod  

During the identification and isolation of the bacteria, the coliform organisms including

E.coli ,Citrobacter,  and Klebsiella  have been isolated having the biochemical

characteristic as tabulated as in Table 5.The biochemical properties of some other

isolated enterobacteria (Coliform) have been recorded in Table 3.9.

The pH is the negative log 10 of hydrogen ion concentration which measures the

intensity of acidity or alkalinity. In our study, The pH of the water at different sampling

sites varies from 6.1 to 9.3.The average pH of the water was found to be in alkalinerange .Generally bacterial function better at neutral and higher pH range. Most

pathogenic bacteria grow best around pH 7.3 i.e.at slightly alkaline reaction. Most of the

commensal and saprophytic bacteria often have a wider pH range (Mackie and Mac

Cartney 1989)

Similarly temperature is one of the important parameter which determines the various

other parameters as pH, conductivity, alkalinity, etc. It is basically important for its

effects of the chemistry and biological reaction of the organisms.

The present study gives and information about the bacteriological quality of different

sties of Ranipokhari which was found to be heterogeneous type. The most common

group of indicator organism used in water quality monitoring is coliform. These

organisms are representative of bacteria normally present in the intestinal tract of

human and animals, so their presence is considered as a reliable indicator of

inadequate treatment of bacterial pathogen which also proves the faecal contamination

of water .Because of the high population of the microorganism in the pond, the oxygen

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demand in the pond elevates and due to the depletion of O2  the environment may

convert into anaerobic condition which may lead to eutrophication condition where all

flora and fauna may be destroyed .

In the study the bacterial isolates were identified on the basis of morphological cultural

and biochemical characteristic. Presence of Coliform and faecal coliform  indicate a

great risk of outbreak of different types of disease and can affect the other aquatic life

and environment as well . Besides E.coli the other Coliform isolated were, Klebsoiella

and Citrobacter. The coliform organism causes a variety of extra intestinal infection,

Urinary tract infection, respiratory infection, wound infection, severe diarrhea,

pneumonia (Mackie and Mac Cartney, 1989)The non lactose fermenter organism

Salmonella and proteus have also been isolated from the selected samples during the



During survey period, 79 samples of flora are collected form land and pond area. Eight

water samples and 71 dry samples of plants were collected. Among the collections, 8

species of algae, 2 bryophytes, 5 pteridophytes and 63 species of angiosperms were

reported. Majority of land area were dominated by grasses species and few dicot

species. Among angiospermic species, most dominated families were Asteraceae (15

species), and Cyperaceae (5 species), Amaranthaceae (4 species) and Polygonaceae

(4species). Most common flora of perimeter was Frittilaria, Cyanodon,  Alternathera,

Polygonum species.

The common species collected during surveyed were depicted in the Annex-3:


The observation for zoological diversity are mainly done in two ways.

i. Direct sensing method

ii. Remote sensing method.

Direct sensing was done by unaided eyes whereas remote sensing was done by

microscope.In the first method, the observation done was on the fish diversity, present

in the pond water and on the animal diversity, present on the periphery of the pond.

Fishes observed in the pond water was found mainly to be Clarias batrachus (walking

catfish, “Mungri” in Nepali.) and the animal diversity on the periphery was found to be

mainly arthropods such as beetles, ants, dragon fly, butterflies, etc.

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In the second method, water samples were brought to laboratory and for the

identification of aquatic fauna some temporary slides were prepared and observed

under microscope. Following organisms were observed. 

1. Paramecium

2. Brachionus3. Larvae of helminthes

4. Chironomidae larvae

5. Cypris

6. Larvae of insects, etc.

Presence of these organisms was more or less similar in all sampling bottles collected

from different sampling sites.

3.6.1 Paramecium spp.

They are unicellular organisms belonging to the phylum Protozoa, occuring in fresh

water ponds, pools, ditches, streams, rivers, etc rich in decaying organic matter. They

can reach about 0.3 mm. in length and are covered with minute hair like projections

called cilia. The cilia are used in locomotion and feeding. They are often called Slipper

 Animalcules  because of their slipper-like shape. They feed on bacteria by driving

them into the biospheric presser valve with cilia. They take in water from the hypotonic

environment via osmosis and use bladder-like contractile vacuoles to accumulate

excess water from radial canals and periodically expel it through plasma membrane by

contractions of the surrounding cytoplasm.

3.6.2 Brachionus spp.

Brachinous is a genus of planktonic rotifers occurring in fresh water, alkaline and

brackish water. About 30 species are recorded. They can reproduce by asexual and

sexual methods. Sexual reproduction is usually induced when population density


These rotifers are used as test animals in aquatic toxicology because of their sensitivity

to most toxicant. They are also used as model organisms in various other biological

fields e.g. due to their interesting reproductive mode in evolutionary ecology. They are

easily reared in large numbers and because of this are used to substitute for wild

zooplankton for feeding hatchery reared larval fish.

3.6.3 Chironomidae larvae

These are the larval stages of Chironomidae (informally known as chironomids or non-

biting midges) of phylum Arthropoda. They are found in almost any aquatic or semi

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aquatic habitat including treeholes, bromelids, rotting vegetation, soil and in sewage

and artificial containers.

They are elongated and bright red in colour due to a haemoglobin analog. These are

often known as “blood worms”.They form an important fraction of the macro

zoobenthos of most fresh water ecosystems. They are often associated with degradedor low biodiversity ecosystems because some species have adapted to virtually anoxic

conditions and are dominant in polluted waters. Their ability to capture oxygen is

further increased by making undulating movements.

The adult can be pests when they emerge in large numbers. They can damage paint,

brick and other surfaces with their droppings. When large numbers of adults die they

can build up into malodorous piles. They can provoke allergic reaction in sensitised


Larvae and pupae are the important food item for fish such as trout and for culture

aquatic organisms. Some amphibians eat them as the food e.g. rough-skinned newt.

Many aquatic insects such as various predatory Hemiptera of the family Notonectidae

and Corixidae eat Chironomidae in their aquatic phases.

Chironomidae are important as indicator organisms, i.e, the presence or absence or

qualities of various species in a body of water can indicate whether pollutants are

present. Also their fossils are widely used by paleolimnologists as indicator of past

environmental changes, including past climatic variability.

3.6.4 Cypris spp.

They are sometimes known as the seed shrimp because of their appearance. They

occur in fresh water stagnant ponds.They are small crustaceans, typically around 1

millimetre (0.04 inch) in size, but varying from 0.2 millimetres (0.008 inch) to 30 mm

(1.2 inch) in the case of large species. Their bodies are flattened from side to side and

protected by a bivalve-like, chitinous or calcareous valve or "shell". The hinge of the

two valves is in the upper (dorsal) region of the body. They are grouped together based

on gross morphology, but the group may not be monophyletic; their molecular

phylogeny remains ambiguous. They have a wide range of diets, and the group

includes carnivores, herbivores, scavengers, etc.

 A variety of fauna prey upon them in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.

Predation from higher animals also occurs; for example, amphibians such as

the rough-skinned newt prey upon certain species. They also form the food of fishes.

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3.6.5 Clarias batrachus

It commonly known as walking catfish, Mungri in Nepali, is a species of fresh water air

breathing catfish. It so named for its ability to "walk" across dry land, to find food or

suitable environments. While it does not truly walk as most bipeds or quadrupeds do. It

has the ability to use its pectoral fins to keep it upright as it makes a sort of wigglingmotion with snake-like movements. It can survive using this form of locomotion as long

as it stays moist. This fish normally lives in slow-moving and often stagnant waters in

ponds, swamps, streams and rivers.

The maximum size of the body is about 175 mm in length with an elongated and

laterally compressed body. The body is mainly colored a brownish black or grayish

brown. This catfish has long-based dorsal and anal fins and presence of four pairs of

barbells. The skin is scale less but covered with mucus, which protects the fish when it

is out of water.

In the wild, the natural diet of this creature is omnivorous; it feeds on

smaller fish, molluscs and other invertebrates as well as detritus and aquatic weeds. It

is a voracious eater which consumes food rapidly and in this habit it is a particularly

harmful invasive species. It is a common inexpensive food item.


On the basis of the previous drill-core data, exposed outcrop around Ranipokhari ,

construction site near the Ranipokhari, It is mainly situated on the fluviolacustrine

geological formation of the Kathmandu Basin. This stratigraphic unit within the

Ranipokhari consists of massive to very fine laminated black and gray silt and mud,

parallel laminated very fine sand and diatomaceous mud. Mud beds contain plant leaf,

mollusca shell, and opercula. These sandy and muddy sequences are horizontal in the

center while in the south they are gently inclined toward the north.. The same

lithological sequence is found in the center part of the basin. Dhoundial first described

this unit in 1966 as the Kalimati Formation. Dongol (1985 and 1987) considered as the

Kalimati clay, Patan Formation by Yoshida and Igarashi (1984). Sha et al (1994) in

their geological map showed Kalimati Formation, is narrowly distributed within the

central part of the basin.

Sakai 2001 mentioned the thick bed of Kalimati Formation under the central part of the

Kathmandu Basin and extended thinly toward the southern part of the basin. It is a

central part of the older Kathmandu lake. When southern part of the lake was

completely disappear during this time central part of the lake was still existed.

Geologically, central part of the basin-fill sediments is divided into Muddy part of the

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open lacustrine facies of the Kalimati Fm and sandy, silty part of the fluviolacustrine

facies of the Gokarna-Thimi Fm. Ranipokhari was constructed on the fluviolacustrine

sandy and silty formation which was deposited by the river and fluvio-lacustrine delta.

Sand is very coarse to fine with rich mica, feldspar and quartz. Some tourmaline

minerals are also found within the sand.

Coarse to very fine sand, silt, mud and very fine wind dust sediments are the main

types of sediments within the Ranipokhari. Ranipokhari was built with the the fluvial

coarse micaceous sand beds of the basinfill sediments. In the present time around 45

to 50 cm thick wind dust sediments are deposited above the original sand bed within

the Ranipokhari Wind dust sediments are very fine grain. These sediemts are mainly

deposited during the wind strom period, except the wind dust there are some very fine

sand which are deposited from the periphery of the Ranipokhari. The characteristic

sedimentary structures within this formation are parallel and very small climbing ripple

lamination. Laminations of this formation are very thick to thin.

Southern, eastern and western mountain of the Kathmandu basin is mainly covered by

metasediments while northern part is composed by crystalline granitic Gnessic. The

composition of the detritus of the southern part indicate the provenance of the

sediments was changed at the time of deposition of these stratigraphic units. From the

observation of the sediments of the Ranipokhari and surrounding area sediments

mainly composed of mica, both biotite and muscovite, quartz, feldspar and some

tourmaline. This types of mineral composition is found within the Granitic gneiss rocks.

It indicates that these sediments were transported from the northern Shivapuri

mountain of the Kathmandu Basin.

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The bathymetric survey of the Rani Pokhari has been carried out along the 16 cross

sections. Pond surface area of the Rani Pokhari is 2.03 Hectare measured using plane

table method. The maximum length and width of the pond are 165.24 m and 125.67 m

respectively. The maximum and mean depth of the pond is 0.70  m and 0.36  m

respectively. So the maximum depth comes to be 1.24 m during the monsoon season

when the lake is full. The total volume of pond is 18.21 million liters.

 As the overall survey was done for only one day, the faunal diversity was found to be

not so high. Due to heavily disturbances, several plant samples were to be found as

cultivated species. There was no even single record, which was native flora. All flora

samples denote the presence of invasive species or cultivated species. The perimeter

of pond was made nearly naked due to recent harvesting of foliages. There were

human interferences, direct disposal of strom water, sewages and rainwater, which

directly alters the distribution of flora and fauna of Pokhari and associated areas.

Bacteriological quality of Ranipokhari water at a different station was found to be highlycontaminated with enteric bacteria and algae. The isolated organisms are E.coli,

Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus  and Salmonella sps. The presence of bacteria

appeared to be attributed to source contamination, no treatment of water and high

biological oxygen demand. This study shows that there is a need of regular cleaning

of the pond so as to protect the aquatic life of the historical ornamental pond.


On the basis of the present study, it is recommended that a detailed hydrological study

should be carried out to study the water balance, identification of recharge zone,

leakage zone and sedimentation rate of the lpond. Hydrodynamic and water quality

study are also essential to understand the movement of pollutants into the pond. On the

basis of this study, a strategy may be developed for the environment management and

development of the pond.

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 As Chhath festival has been granted to be performed in the pond and due to the waste

during Chhath the cultural importance of pond is now seriously in danger. If Chhath

festival in the pond could be stopped it would be clean and pure and add beauty in it.

The temple in the middle of the pond is opened once a year during Bhaitika, the fifth and

final day of Tihar.•  Improvement in the environmental hygiene particularly in the system of sanitation

and water supply has seen tightly considered as most important factor.

•  The quality of water should be checked from time to time at a regular interval.

•  The water quality and quantity should be monitored regualrly.

•  The water source should be protected from any type of contamination

•  The core zone of Ranipokhari and surrounding area should be cleaned regularly.

To conserve flora, fauna and pond itself, the nature of pond and land area should be

changed. Human activities should be limited inside core area. The disposal of sewages,

pullulated rainwater, garbage, etc. should be controlled.

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SN  Longitude  Latitude  Depth (m)  Waypoints  Remarks 

1 630022 3066147 0.3 1 sample 1

2 630017 3066150 0.4 2

3 630010 3066159 0.5 3 sample 2

4 630007 3066166 0.4 4

5 630004 3066172 -5 sample 36 629999 3066174 0.5 6

7 629993 3066181 0.5 7

8 629994 3066185 0.5 8 sample 4

9 629997 3066190 0.5 -9

10 629983 3066198 0.5 10 sample 5

11 629976 3066205 0.5 11 sample 6

12 629968 3066208 0.48 12

13 629965 3066209 0.3 13white pillar (nearzoology)

14 629968 3066202 0.52 14

15 629965 3066195 0.5 1516 629965 3066181 0.5 16

17 629965 3066182 0.55 17

18 629963 3066173 0.5 18 9851007458

19 629960 3066166 0.55 19 sample 7

20 629953 3066157 0.7 20temple (northeastcornor )

21 629946 3066167 0.5 21

22 629940 3066169 0.5 22

23 629934 3066173 0.52 23

24 629930 3066176 0.5 24

25 629922 3066183 0.55 2526 629909 3066191 0.5 26

27 629902 3066195 0.5 27

28 629898 3066200 0.48 28

29 629889 3066202 0.48 29

30 629880 3066204 0.5 30

31 629871 3066207 0.45 31 ( base df l;8l ) samele-8

32 629865 3066211 0.2 32 ( N--W corner )

33 629866 3066205 0.35 33

34 629880 3066187 0.5 34

35 629889 3066173 0.5 35

36 629894 3066160 0.5 36

37 629897 3066151 0.2 37

38 629896 3066154 0.5 38

39 629875 3066164 0.5 39

40 629861 3066169 0.45 40

41 629862 3066165 0.45 41

42 629861 3066153 0.2 42

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SN  Longitude  Latitude  Depth (m)  Waypoints  Remarks 

43 629862 3066154 0.5 43

44 629883 3066160 0.48 44

45 629903 3066167 0.5 45

46 629930 3066173 0.52 46

47 629958 3066168 0.5 4748 630010 3066188 0.5 48

49 630018 3066197 0.5 49

50 630025 3066206 0.2 50

51 630020 3066190 0.5 51

52 630014 3066156 0.48 52

53 630014 3066140 0.5 53

54 630014 3066138 0.5 54

55 630012 3066132 0.5 55

56 630002 3066124 0.5 56

57 629997 3066114 0.5 57

58 629985 3066105 0.5 58

59 629977 3066097 0.5 59

60 629968 3066089 0.5 60

61 629963 3066085 0.48 61

62 629960 3066085 0.5 62

63 629952 3066095 0.52 63

64 629953 3066112 0.5 64

65 629947 3066131 0.55 65

66 629932 3066121 0.55 66

67 629910 3066117 0.55 67

68 629911 3066116 0.5 6869 629903 3066112 0.6 69

70 629897 3066108 0.6 70

71 629883 3066103 0.6 71

72 629870 3066100 0.55 72

73 629855 3066090 0.3 73

74 629859 3066089 0.2 74

75 629875 3066103 0.55 75

76 629891 3066122 0.55 76

77 629896 3066133 0.55 77

78 629898 3066145 0.2 78

79 629883 3066138 0.5 79

80 629876 3066185 0.5 80

81 629862 3066130 0.45 81

82 629880 3066124 0.52 82

83 629906 3066110 0.5 83

84 629919 3066105 0.5 84

85 629938 3066108 0.45 85

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SN  Longitude  Latitude  Depth (m)  Waypoints  Remarks 

86 629958 3066096 0.48 86

87 629965 3066095 0.48 87

88 629986 3066091 0.48 88

89 620003 3066089 0.4 89

90 620018 3066085 0.2 9091 630018 3066085 0.3 91

92 630011 3066095 0.5 92

93 630008 3066104 0.5 93

94 629998 3066116 0.5 94

95 629995 3066125 0.52 95

96 629979 3066131 0.6 96

97 629970 3066137 0.6 97

98 629959 3066140 0.55 98

99 629951 3066141 0.2 99

100 629988 3066143 0.6 100

101 630022 3066147 0.2 101

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 loral distribution of Pond and perimeter area

SN Plant Name Family Remarks


1  Acer sp.   Aceraceae

2  Achyranthus aspera  Amaranthaceae

3  Ageratum conyzoids  Asteraceae

4  Alternanthera sessilis  Amaranthaceae5  Amaranthus hybridus  Amaranthaceae

6  Amaranthus spinosus  Amaranthaceae

7  Anaphalis bosuwa  Asteraceae

8  Anthemis nobilis  Asteraceae

9  Arabdiopsis thaliana Brassicaceae

10  Artemissia vulgaris  Asteraceae

11  Artimissia verlortorum  Asteraceae

12  Avena sativa Poaceae

13 Barleria cristata  Acanthaceae

14 Bidens pilosa  Asteraceae

15 Buddleja asiatica Loganiaceae

16 Cartharanthus roseus  Apocyanaceae

17 Celtis australis Ulmaceae

18 Cestrum nocturnum Solanaceae

19 Chenopodium alba Chenopodiaceae20 Clemathodium sp  Asteraceae

21 Conyza sp.   Asteraceae

22 Cycanodon dactylon Poaceae

23 Cyperus involucratus Cyperaceae

24 Cyperus majitho Cyperaceae

25 Cyperus rotundus Cyperaceae

26 Drymaria diandra Caryophyllaceae

27 Duranta repens Verbinaceae

28 Euphorbia heterophylla Euphorbiaceae

29 Euphorbia hirta Euphorbiaceae

30 Ficus religiosa Moraceae

31 Fimbristylis sp.  Cyperaceae

32 Fragaria indica Rosaceae

33 Galinsoga parviflora  Asteraceae

34 Jacaranda mimosifolia Begnoniaceae35 Juncus sp.  Cyperaceae

36 Justicia sp.   Acanthaceae

37 Lantena camara Verbinaceae

38 Leonotis sp.  Labiatae

39 Lepidium sp.  Brassicaceae

40 Mentha arvensis Labiatae

41 Morus serrata Moraceae

42 Oenothera roseus Onagraceae

43 Oxalis corniculata Oxalidaceae

44 Oxalis latifolia Oxalidaceae

45 Parhtenium hysterophorum  Asteraceae

46 Plectranthus mollis Menispermaceae

47 Polygonum hydropiper Polygonaceae

48 Polygonum sp.  Polygonaceae

49 Portulaca hybridus Portulacaceae50 Rubia cordifolia Rubiaceae

51 Rumex hastate Polygonaceae

52 Salvia splendens Labiatae

53 Sedum sermentosum Crassulaceae

54 Senecio sp.   Asteraceae

55 Solanum sp. Solanaceae

56 Sonchus sp   Asteraceae

57 Stellaria media Caryophyllaceae

58 Taraxacum sp.  Asteraceae

59 Tegeus erecta  Asteraceae

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60 Trifolium repens Leguminosae

61 Tropeolum majus Menispermaceae

62 Urtica dioca Urticaceae

63 Vernonia auriculifera  Asteraceae


1 Lichen crustose  Lichen

Bryophytes 1  Anthocerus sp.  Bryophytes

2 Sphagnum sp.  Bryophytes


1  Adiantum sp.  Pteridophytes

2 Dryopteris sp.  Pteridophytes

3 Equisetum arvensis Pteridophytes

4 Lycopodium sp.  Pteridophytes

5 Pteridium sp.  Pteridophytes


1 Characecium gracilipis  Algae

2 Chlamydomonas sp.   Algae

3 Desmidium sp.   Algae

4 Navicola sp.   Algae5 Ophiocytium sp.   Algae

6 Pseudoteraspora marina  Algae

7 Scendumus quadricauda  Algae

8 Volvox sp.   Algae

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