high street journal

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An official publication of the County of Maui.


The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


TheHigh Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of MauiMarch 2013


Building a Sustainable Future forMaui County

POwEring uP, SAving $$$

HOw grEEn ArE yOu?

COunTy KiTCHEnA Sweet Treat

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


From the Publisher’s Desk

Aloha! Welcome to the second issue of the redesigned High Street Journal. We would like to share with you some of the feedback we received, along with some suggestions for improvement that we are working to address with this current issue. Here are some of the verbatim comments we got on the new format:

“I love the new, professional and sleek look of the High Street Journal. Great job!” – MW

“It’s so beautiful! You folks did a simply awesome job.” – DA

“The new look is awesome! So easy to read, and don’t have to scroll! Photos are beautiful. All I can say is WOW!” – TR

“Great format and layout for the High Street Journal.” – SH

“I love the new newsletter – it’s gorgeous! What program are you folks using to format?” – EW (The online publishing format is called “issuu.”)

“The High Street Journal is amazing!” – DF

One of the areas where improvement is needed is the ability to print the newsletter, which some County divisions, sections and programs need to do to provide a copy for employees who don’t use a computer at work. We learned that while a large number of folks (about 15,000 per month!) enjoy reading the HSJ online, many others only have access to printed copies that get circulated. Some administrative personnel also print a copy for personnel files when an employee is recognized for their contributions at work.

One reader wrote, “Can you help me print a copy of it please? I tried to fill out the form but don’t know what to put for Profile name, I keep getting rejected.” To address this problem, we will post both the online “issuu” format and a PDF version in the Document Center, where past issues can also be accessed.

Online viewing proved challenging for a few users who were not familiar with reading large layouts on a computer, but with a little help they began to adjust to the new format. “My co-worker showed me how to view it larger and in a single page at a time so I could scroll down.” – NC We appreciate everyone’s willingness to try something new, which is always an adventure!

Mahalo for all of your feedback! We truly appreciate your taking the time to let us know what worked for you and what didn’t. I sincerely hope to hear from you about this current edition, as well as your ideas on what you’d like to see covered in future issues.

Herman Andaya, Jr.

PUBLISHERHerman Andaya, Jr.


EDITORIAL COORDINATORSTiffany IidaKit ZuluetaMichelle Makii



CONTRIBUTORS rob ParsonsJohn BuckJock yamaguchiZeke Kaluarandy PiltzMike MolinaSearay BeltranCharnan CarrollAnna Foustrobynne FukunagaKyle ginozanadine gomesruth grithAgnes HayashiDee Dee Thyssenwayne ibarraTracy A. JonesSue KiangTanya Lopesgeri OnagaSarah Freistat PajimolaKarin PhaneufTeena rasmussenKeith reganJan robersonDavid SakodaSarah ShimDianne Shimizuwendy Stebbinsron StebenCheryl SterlingJacky TakakuraJo-Anne TanakaJamie wakamatsuSharon Zalsos


High Street Journal

Cover photo: Lois whitney

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


POwEring uP, SAving $$$6


SAFETy BEginS wiTH yOu!18

wHAT ArE THOSE THingS, AnywAy?12



Happenings at the County................................................

Powering up Saving$$.......................................................

Q&A - what will it take for Maui County to be Sustainable?....

The road to Sustainability.................................................

“what are those things, anyway?”...................................

Kupaianaha (“Blessings of Life”)......................................

County Kitchen....................................................................

Building Maui County.........................................................

“Safety Begins with you!”...................................................

Fitness Profile: geri Onaga...............................................

Kulia i Ka nu`u (“Strive to reach the Summit”)............

Calendar of Events..............................................................

Photo gallery........................................................................














The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui



It was my 7th time delivering a Mayoral State of the County

Address, which is the localized version of the President’s State of the Union and the Governor’s State of the State. Many things in our County had changed since I first gave the address 10 years ago in 2003: the “smartness” of our cell phones, gas prices, the use of the wind and sun to generate power, even our ability to do business

online. But as I gazed out from the podium into the audience filling the Baldwin High School auditorium, I saw that at least one thing remained the same: our community’s willingness to do good, to work hard, and to strive to make a difference together.

I saw the faces of our kupuna, whose lives are a testament to the benefits of staying mentally

and physically active. I saw young couples, just starting out, wanting to build a family and make a home. And I saw a host of business, agency and government leaders whose presence reminded me of the possibilities that are made reality through participation, the progress achieved through partnerships.

It was a memorable experience for me. The address I was about to deliver would be broadcast live on television, re-broadcast in perpetuity and published online and in news media, but I was caught up in the moment as I saw the beauty and diversity that comprises our community.

We will face many challenges over the coming months, but as long as we face them together, we’ll be all right. That’s the other thing that hasn’t changed, and never will.

With all my aloha,

Mayor Alan Arakawa

Mayor Arakawa prior to delivering the State of the County

The Great Aloha Run… much more than just a run! Imagine

sharing the race course with more than 21,000 other runners, walkers, and strollers, along an 8.15-mile, relatively flat course. Lynn and I made our way from Aloha Tower along historic Honolulu Harbor, down Nimitz Highway, along Kamehameha Highway and into the Aloha Stadium.

While we enjoyed the obvious rewards of exercise (along with a few post-event aches and pains, of course!), what we learned about the Great Aloha Run (GAR) itself was truly inspirational.

We were honored to meet the legendary Carole Kai, whose efforts over the years have helped raise more than $9.6 million, awarded to over 150 non-profit health and human service organizations and community groups throughout Hawaii. Last year’s event netted $460,000 and this year’s amount is soon to be announced.

What’s more, the acronym for ALOHA, as described by GAR organizers, serves as a wonderful reminder for us as County employees who are dedicated to public service. Here is an abbreviated version of the GAR definition of aloha ~ may it be as meaningful to you, as it has been for me!

Me Ke Aloha Pumehana,

Keith reganManaging Director

Managing Director Keith Regan attempting to keep pace with wife, Lynn Araki-Regan at the Great Aloha Run.


A is for the Aloha Spirit; the giving and sharing which we offer to all …

L is for “Lima Kokua” or helping hands- the spirit of cooperation and working together.

O is for “‘Ohana” or sense of family. The event brings together families, friends, businesses, and church groups…local corporations, government agencies, media, and the military… this represents the sense of ‘ohana.

H is for Hawaii, the Health State; gAr promotes health and wellness throughout the year (as does the County of Maui!)

A is for Alliance. The camaraderie and friendship we share in Hawaii is a source of great pride.


Happenings at


New Parks, Finance Deputies Appointed

Incoming deputy directors for the Dept. of Finance and the Dept. of Parks and Recreation took the oath of office on Feb. 7, 2013. Mark Walker, new Finance deputy, gained extensive private sector financial experience working in the local banking industry for 18 years, and in the real estate development business for over 10 years. Brianne Savage, new Parks deputy, has a degree in Sports Management and has assisted the St. Louis Cardinals and numerous professional and collegiate sports organizations such as the, PGA tour stops, NCAA Women’s Final Four, NCAA Wrestling

Championships, and the MLB All-Star Game. A warm welcome to both new deputies, and many thanks for your service.

Mayor Presents Small Business Awards

Congratulations to all 2013 Mayor’s Small Business Award Nominees and Winners! The awards were presented on Thursday, Feb. 21st at the King Kamehameha Golf Club in Waikapu. The annual awards program is held by the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, in conjunction with the Maui Chamber of Commerce. Sponsors included Bank of Hawaii, First Hawaiian Bank, Central Pacific Bank and Muneyiko & Hiraga, INC., SCORE and VIP Food Service.

Young Small Business Person of the Year: David “Boze” Kapoi (Pride Ink)

Exceptional Small Business (10 or fewer employees): Paris Nabavi (Cilantro Mexican Grill)

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui

page5Continued on Page 26

Mark Walker and Brianne Savage

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


stimulus funding (The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or ARRA) for energy efficiency projects, and to avoid losing the grid capacity to private developers. MECO was already limiting solar PV installations and the County had not yet put in any solar PV.

The innovative Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) forged between private solar PV installers and the County have brought needed jobs,

and helped reduce long-term risks. “Think of the solar panel as a computer,” McLeod says. “We can buy the best available technological

Powering Up, Saving $$

Energy Commissioner Doug McLeod leads the way as Maui County goes

full throttle with PPA solarphotovoltaic projects

By rob ParsonsMaui County Environmental Coordinator

Maui’s first windmills on the slopes of Maalaea.

Doug McLeod

Since his hiring in January 2011, County Energy Commissioner Doug McLeod has led the charge

to add renewable energy generation at numerous County sites, resulting in dramatic cost-savings.

Recognizing that the County of Maui’s numerous facilities and operations had gained the dubious distinction of being Maui Electric Company’s (MECO’s) largest customer, McLeod seized the opportunity to issue and oversee long-term solar photovoltaic (PV) contracts that are expected to save the County an average of $500,000 annually over the next 20 years.

McLeod has worked in close collaboration with long-time Energy Coordinator Kal Kobayashi. Both realized the need to move quickly— to utilize timely federal

today, but do we really want to own it ten years down the road, when better systems may be available?”

By structuring contracts that allowed contractors to own the systems and sell the electricity to the County at a reduced rate (from MECO), everybody wins. “We have 15 solar PV sites completed, and should have the installation work complete this year on the remaining sites under that contract,” McLeod states. That amounts to 20 of 24 County sites in the original proposal, with the remaining few set aside for now due to grid interconnection issues.

The County Energy Commissioner expects a second Request for Proposals (RFP) to be issued this year for more complicated sites, some of which may provide off-grid power to the site locations without

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


Powering Up, Saving $$

Energy Commissioner Doug McLeod leads the way as Maui County goes

full throttle with PPA solarphotovoltaic projects

By rob ParsonsMaui County Environmental Coordinator

connecting to MECO’s grid.

Though has not practiced law in Hawaii, McLeod’s background as an environmental and energy lawyer has been an obvious asset in sifting through contracts and complicated permitting issues. After growing up in the Boston area and doing his undergraduate studies at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, he moved to the Midwest and attended law school at the University of Kansas. He considers himself among the first generation of “private sector environmental lawyers.”

While his work at the Kansas Attorney General’s office as a law clerk was his only prior government experience, McLeod has done a lot of environmental and energy work. He put together teams of consultants and engineers to assist the cleanup of manufactured gas plants, was involved in the construction of new utility plants and in California helped a one-time paint plant site transition into a housing project.

McLeod moved to Maui in 2002. His wife Kay teaches English at Seabury Hall, while their twin daughters Lucy and Lily attend Montessori school.

McLeod has run an art gallery, served on the Maui Redevelopment Agency board, and been involved in green development, building two commercial buildings. One of them, in Kihei, was the first site in Hawaii to participate in the solar Feed-in-Tariff program. He notes that no fewer than 24 permits were required from start to completion, not to mention financing. “That was good practice for the County PV projects,” he says with a smile.

McLeod describes one recent project, the Kihei Aquatic Center solar PV carport, as having already received a

Solar photovotaic panels make sense, and save cents.

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


Maui Fire Department - Kahului Station’s recent installation of solar photovotaic panels.

lot of positive feedback. “People park in the shade, even though it’s further from the pool, and the PV supplies the power for the pool pump. To be most effective, we want places with heavy demand during the day,” he says, noting that most residences have higher night-time electrical demand.

Additionally, County energy program funding was allocated to install a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to the pool’s pump, which paid back initial costs with reduced electrical usage and ongoing cost savings in a short nine months. The project was combined with the efforts of solar panel maker Bosch, and local contractors GEN-X and Haleakala Solar.

Across the Piilani Highway, the recently completed 900-kilowatt output solar array at the Kihei Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WWRF) is the largest anywhere on Maui to date.

McLeod says solar power is also being considered for the Kahului WWRF.

“There is sufficient room there, but as it is located in a tsunami inundation zone, we might have to mount panels 20 feet tall for a 600-kw system,” he notes. “Or, we might go off-grid for a larger array, up to 1.5 megawatts.”

McLeod and Kobayashi are deliberating the viability of installing wind power to offset pumping and electrical costs at the Kamole Weir Treatment Facility operated by the Department of Water Supply. “Solar is 50 times easier [to permit] than wind,” McLeod exclaims. “We are considering

two wind turbines with an output of 50 kw each. That’s about equivalent to about 200 solar panels. But there are requirements for height variances, bird studies, and lots more.”

With an admirable track record of accomplishments in his short two-year stint as County Energy Commissioner, Doug McLeod will undoubtedly continue to position Maui County on the cutting edge of renewable energy integration in the near future and years to come.

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


Q&Awhat will it Take for Maui County to be Sustainable?An interview with the County of Maui’s Environmental Coordinator Rob Parsons

High Street Journal (HSJ): Throughout the State of Hawaii and beyond, Maui County is recognized as a leader in environmental protection. But have our efforts hit a plateau, or can more be done to preserve, protect and restore our precious natural resources and unique native eco-systems, providing a sustainable outlook for generations to come?

Rob Parsons (RP): That’s a fundamental question that touches upon many areas of government, as budgetary constraints limit our ability to address current problems effectively. It is true that Maui is seen as a leader in environmental protection. We formed the first watershed partnership 20 years ago—East Maui Watershed Partnership—and 5 of the 11 such groups in the state are in Maui County. Maui Invasive Species Committee receives more resources than any other County, and continues with effective invasive plant and animal control and educational outreach. We have many more successful collaborative efforts with conservation groups and agencies. Yet from my perspective, we still face gaps in how well we are able to address some key environmental issues and initiatives.

HSJ: On last November’s ballot, a Charter Commission proposal originating from the Mayor’s Office, asked to add language for environmental protection and sustainability to the duties of the Department of Environmental Management. The voters supported this by a wide margin. How will the administration implement this mandate?

RP: Great question. Mayor Arakawa

intends to consolidate existing County efforts in a new Division of Environmental Protection and Sustainability. It is likely that better efficiency may be achieved by housing sustainability-related personnel and resources (recycling, energy, agriculture, environment, green jobs) in one office. These coordinated efforts could help address all elements of sustainability, from natural resource conservation to local food production, and from renewable energy to green jobs.

HSJ: So, is it safe to say that help is on the way?

RP: I wish it were that easy. This is just one of hundreds of items to be considered when the County Council Budget Committee begins their review of the Mayor’s Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2014. But I am optimistic that a majority of Councilmembers will see that increasing our environmental and sustainability efforts will be a relatively small investment that will pay big dividends. As the Mayor told the Charter Commission, everything comes with a price tag, and if we don’t make the investment now, it’s likely to cost us much more in the future.

HSJ: Back to the Charter Amendment- are you saying that even though it passed, there is no

guarantee it will be implemented?

RP: The specific wording asked voters to approve adding responsibilities to: “Guide efforts to optimize opportunities for environmental, natural resource protection, sustainability, conservation, and restoration,” to the Powers, Duties and Functions of the Director of The Department of Environmental Management. An overwhelming 66.3% of voters said yes, and those 32,392 tallies actually were more votes cast than for any of our nine County Council members. The Mayor believes the best way to optimize those efforts is by establishing a new division in DEM, and I agree. But, no, that is not guaranteed, because it will need some support in the budget. Still, I’m hopeful that the community has spoken, and that we have this opportunity.

HSJ: How are we doing with our sustainability efforts?

RP: In some respects, very well. Look at the achievements over the past two years in energy savings on County facilities, with solar PV installations on 15 sites and projected savings of half a million dollars annually. But in overall sustainability, I believe we have some catching up to do. Kauai, Big Island, and Honolulu, all of which have Sustainability Coordinators or Managers, a position we have yet to create. A number of very active sustainability groups have emerged in the community. The Sustainable Living Institute of Maui, or SLIM, has been in place at the college for seven years. The Sustainable Science Management program at UHMC is growing by

Continued on Page 23

Rob Parsons

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


The road to SustainabilityKeeping land in Ag is key to Maui County’s future

By Kenneth Yamamura Agriculture Specialist, Mayor’s Office of Economic Development

Deer Damage - The overpopulation of deer has had an adverse affect on the agricultural industry by causing millions of dollars in damage to crops.

The road to sustainable agriculture in Maui County is fraught with many

challenges. A decrease in available farmlands, issues with cost and water delivery to crops, age demographics of Maui’s farmers and even environmental pests are all threats to our island’s sustainability. Here is a brief update on the progress being made by the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (OED):

Farmlands- A Valuable Commodity

First of all, we are faced with the potential loss of many parcels zoned agricultural, parcels that are

being bought for future residential developments. Take a close look at the recently passed Maui Island Plan and one can see where urban growth boundaries will eventually incorporate formerly cropped acres.

I have been tasked with taking a close look at those agricultural parcels that are still largely intact with water infrastructure in place and making a list of the most promising parcels to consider purchasing. The funding of land purchase does not mean that this will simply fall to the County to bear the entire cost.

On O‘ahu, the recent purchase of the Galbraith Estate was negotiated

with four parties funding the cost of the land purchase. Of the 1,750 acres being purchased, 1,200 acres will be permanently farmed.

I have been actively involved with Dale Bonar, who heads the Hawaiian Island Land Trust and John Anderson of Na Hale O Maui to seek ways of purchasing a parcel

with potable water that could allow farm families to obtain a long-term lease on a farm lot. The farming activity may be part-time or Kenneth Yamamura

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


full-time depending on the size of the farm lot.

Under the Land Trust concept, the lands would be farmed into perpetuity. We all believe that if farm lots were made available for long term leases, there would be families willing to taken on the challenge of farming and be willing to put in long term investments in farm infrastructure and housing too.

Water, Water, Water

Addressing the shortfall of water is possibly the most difficult issues to resolve, as the long-term outlook for our weather calls for less rainfall than in the past. There was a time when there was actually a water cycle where droughts occurred in some years but it was followed by wetter years. In the last two decades, this water cycle is no longer in place. We have had 21 consecutive dry years and it does not matter if it is an El Niño or La Niña weather pattern.

Three years ago, Maui County received a $1 million grant from the State’s Commission on Water Resource Management - Hawaii Hazard Mitigation Project. From this grant, two projects were initiated. For the first, $800,000 was spent to replace the aging liners of the two reservoirs in the Kula Agricultural Park irrigation system. I was glad to assist with the project as the liaison between the contractor and the tenant farmers. $186,000 is still available and I am working with the Dept. of Water Supply to determine how best to make other irrigation system improvements.

The second grant-funded project was the Kula Stormwater Reclamation Study. Three separate alternatives were studied on how to capture rainwater that the existing Upcountry Water system cannot

currently utilize. Douglas MacCluer, Chairman of the Central Maui Soil and Water Conservation District, recently convened a meeting to discuss how to move this project further. There are several funding sources that have been identified and the group needs to hire a grant writer. There are also other private water systems that exist in West Maui, especially on former pineapple lands owned by Maui Land and Pineapple Company.

Oh, Deer…

Maui County is also feeling the impacts of a growing ungulate population. Farmers and ranchers must deal with large herds of axis deer, wild goats and wild hogs on many agricultural parcels. With dry conditions on some Leeward ranches, pasture forage is decimated by large herds of axis deer, forcing some ranches to send parts of their cattle stock to the mainland.

One of the most problematic ungulates is the axis deer. OED is working to set up an advanced bow training facility that will upgrade the skill levels of all novice bow hunters. Since the majority of Maui’s axis deer population resides on private properties, it is imperative that hunts be conducted safely. Currently, a new bow hunters club is being established. Last year a Mouflon sheep hunt on Lanai attracted 500 Maui applicants who vied for a chance to bowhunt the sheep under the State Department of Land and Natural Resources lottery system.

OED is funding a grant to do a project to take out some of the axis deer population through a USDA inspected hunt whereby the venison can be stamped and sold to the public. The Maui Axis Deer Hunting Cooperative is now

in operation, with National Rifle Association (NRA) Advanced Rifle Training being required of all members. Members train at the County of Maui’s Ukumehame Firing Range. One of the main goals of the Cooperative is to conduct a USDA hunt with humane killing methods. The cooperative is currently seeking animal control permits for private properties that would allow the cooperative members to take out deer; however, not all parcels of land can allow for rifle use.

Wanted: Young Farmers

Possibly the most challenging aspect of Maui County’s sustainability is the task of

nurturing a new crop of farmers who are interested in actively farming the land. The Maui County Data Book, published annually by the Hawai‘i Business Research Library, states that the average age of a farm operator in 1997 was 53 years. By 2007, the average age increased to 57.7 years. If the trend continues, our farm operators’ average age will soon be 61-61 years. Currently, few young adults are choosing to farm for a living.

To remedy this, OED works closely

Continued on Page 17

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


“what are those things, anyway?”Electric charging stations at the County Building provide “juice” for electric cars

Rob Parsons demonstrating use of the County’s electric vehicle charging station.

The charging stations fronting the County building were installed by the Mayor’s

Office and the Public Works Dept. using a mix of state and County funds. A key “fob,” or charging unit key, is required to operate the charging stations. The key fobs can be obtained for a $20 cash deposit from the Maui County Business Resource Center in Maui Mall in Kahului; identification is required.

There are actually two different chargers mounted side by side: one is a Level 2 charger that can be used by almost all current models of fully electric vehicles and plug in hybrids; the other is a Quick Charger. It is the only one currently on Maui. The quick chargers allow Nissan Leafs and other fully electric vehicles equipped with “Chademo” ports to charge in as little as 20 minutes.

At this time there is no cost to charge your electric vehicle at the County building, but it is anticipated that a charge will be imposed once the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) issues a new MECO tariff for quick chargers and the Council approves the fee.

Parking spots in front of the chargers are still subject to the two-hour limit, and one of the stalls is dedicated for electric vehicle use. The chargers are available for public use even when County offices are closed.

Any questions may be directed to Maui County Energy Commissioner Doug McLeod at ph. 270-7710 or visit the County website at HYPERLINK “http://www.mauicounty.gov/energy” www.mauicounty.gov/energy.

Nissan Leaf owner Liam Ball relaxes while his car juices up. Inset - Mayor tries his hand at charging an electric vehicle.

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui



Kurt and Mona-Lisa Castardo welcomed their firstborn, a son named Justice Kaimana Castardo, who was born on December 24, 2012 weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz., and 20 inches in length. Justice will always born on Christmas Eve-- no one will forget his birthday, that’s for sure. Kurt, who works at the Public Works Makawao Highways Baseyard as a Laborer II is so proud about becoming a dad, and he can’t stop beaming with pride when talking about his newborn son. Justice‘s Grandpa is John Prito, District Supervisor II, of the Makawao Highways Baseyard, and this is his fourth grandson he has been blessed with.

Erin Wade, husband Ian Wade were blessed with a second son, Kees Wailoa Wade, who was born on November 7, 2012. At the time of birth, Kees weighed in at a very healthy, 9 lbs and 8 oz. Kees, which is pronounced “case”, is named after Erin’s great uncle in the Netherlands. Erin is a Planner

V with the Department of Planning, Current Planning Division, Small Town Planner. Erin stated, “Kees has brought joy and a feeling

of completeness

to our family. Big brother Kazuo “Kaz” (4 ½ yrs. old) is “over the moon.” Thankfully Kees was another big baby and plenty sturdy to handle all the hugs and kisses showered on him by his big brother. Friend, Wendy Kobayashi of the Department of Public Works calls Kees the little Michelin Man. Congratulations to Erin, Ian and Kaz on the wonderful edition to your family. Photo was taken at the hospital after Erin’s c-section, with big brother Kaz holding Kees, and husband Ian Wade.

Friends and family members gathered at Kahului Community Center on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2013, for a baby shower to honor the upcoming birth of a child to Sheryl Sumera and David Cordeiro, both employees with the Department of Parks and Recreation. When the minister went onstage to bless the food, he announced that before the blessing of the food, he would be performing a wedding ceremony for David and Sheryl. This came as a complete surprise to all those who were in attendance for the baby shower. Their families and some of their closest friends commented with a smile, “About time!” After the initial shock and surprise wore off, David and Sheryl were united in holy matrimony and became Mr. and Mrs. David Cordeiro. David is the son of John L. Buck III, Executive Assistant to Mayor Alan M. Arakawa. We would like to congratulate David and Sheryl on

their recent wedding and the wish them the best of luck. The next question to Sheryl: Is it a girl or a boy?

Emme Cabacungan, Clerk III with the Dept. of Parks & Recreation, and boyfriend Andrew Dacanay, are the proud new parents of a beautiful baby boy, Maohinui Kamaleikaupono ‘o Nu‘uhiwa Dacanay. Baby was born Tuesday, Feb. 19th, at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20½ in. Emme’s dad, David Cabacungan, also works for Parks in the Maintenance Division. Emme’s supervisor, Aquatics Chief Marian Feenstra, said “We are so happy for Emme and Andrew, and while we miss Emme madly here at Aquatics, we’re glad that baby and parents are all happy and healthy!”

Todd Richter, Recreational Assistant, South District, Dept. of Parks and Recreation stated that “living on Maui for 38 years (so far) is a

Kupaianaha “Blessings of Life”We are each so fortunate to have wonderful people in our lives, friends, co-workers, loved ones who are important to us. The High Street Journal wishes to share our employees’ good news, offer a chance to get to know each other better and offer the precious joys that add spark to our lives. These are special moments and stories as written and provided by employees of the County of Maui. This column is your chance to express gratitude, praise and the simple and abundant joy these experiences have brought you- The blessings of life! Please send submissions to HYPERLINK “mailto:tiffany.iida@mauicounty.gov” tiffany.iida@mauicounty.gov for inclusion in future issues of the High Street Journal.

Justice Castardo

Kees Wade

Cordeiro and Sumera (far right)

Maohinui Dacanay

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


blessing, but the greatest blessings of life are my daughter Cassie, and my 5-year-old grandson Kamaha’o, or as I call him, Hurricane Ha’o. This coming June, I will be blessed with a 2nd grandson.” The due date is June 5th, which is his great-grandma’s birthday. Congratulations Todd and family. We are looking forward to the arrival of your grandson!


Todd Rickard, Senior Equipment Operator IV of the Dept. of Public Works - Highways Lahaina was named Lahaina News’ Sportsman of the Year 2012. According to the article in the Lahaina News, written by Walter Chihara, Coach Todd has been a coach/mentor with the Lahainaluna Girls Basketball Team for 20 years. Also stated in the article, is that over the last decade, Lahainaluna High School girls basketball has sent 10 players on to higher education through their sterling effort with the rising tide of Lady Luna Basketball. Walter Chihara commented that the dream weaver for these families is Lady

Luna coach Todd Rickard, the mentor of the Lahaianaluna team for the last 20 years, who has taken the program to not only the top of the MIL but

also to the top ranks at the state level. The mantra at Lady Luna practice is, “Nobody works harder than we do!” and it is obvious that Todd Rickard is a living example of it. Congratulations to Todd and his family on your accomplishment. Your hard work, dedication and mentoring has provided so many with hope, dreams fulfilled and life-long lessons.

Paradise Speedway Maui recently held its award ceremonies for the champions of the stock car races

for the 2012 season. Clinton Mullen, husband of Marita Mullen, Office Operations Assistant, Victim/Witness Division, Dept. of the Prosecuting Attorney, received the award for 2012 Super Street Champion. Pictured with Clinton is his number 1 fan, son Jeremiah. Congratulations Clinton!


The employees of the Makawao Highways Baseyard did a remarkable job hosting the annual DPW picnic which was held on November 3, 2012 at Keokea Park. The Makawao crew went completely overboard to make sure all who attended enjoyed the best food, entertainment, games and a spectacular live presentation of the Dave Goode Comedy Hour. There was nothing that was forgotten; they implemented their magical meteorology powers to provide the most perfect picnic weather. There was a Keiki Amusement Park to keep kids occupied throughout the day that included a jumping castle, marshmallow guns, petting zoo and horse back riding. The Picnic Committee, consisting of John Prito, Patrick Medeiros, Laureen Perreira, Kaila Mafatini, Ben Manzano, Karin Phaneuf and Jo-Anne Tanaka, were so pleased to see an unbelievably huge turnout, and said that watching everyone having a ball was worth all the effort to coordinate and plan this annual event. The Makawao Crew earned the best picnic award of 2012! Much appreciation and gratitude for prize donations

goes to: Mayor Alan Arakawa who generously donated 20 bags of rice, Council Member Mike White, for the grand prize donations (a night’s stay and brunch tickets for four at the Kaanapali Beach

Hotel), Council Member Robert Carroll, for the assortment of beautiful Orchid plants, Council Member Elle Cochran, a cool surf t-shirt, Fukumoto Engineering Inc. for the assorted gift cards, Bobbie Pagay of Maui County FCU for the abundant supply of reusable shopping bags,

and the countless others who donated items so that

the majority of participants went home with broad smiling faces and prizes in-hand. The picnic turned into an awesome event because of all who gave their assistance, time, effort and a multitude of donations of prizes, pupus, novelty foods and picnic and BBQ supplies. Mahalo to all of you, and most of all, to those who came to participate in the fun, good times and laughs displayed by DPW employees and their families. The official verdict: The picnic was a blast!

On December 21, 2012 the Wastewater Division of the Dept. of Environmental Management got together for their Pau Hana Christmas Party event at Tiffany’s Bar & Grill in Wailuku. There were 23 employees and spouses that attended. While at the gathering,

Clinton Mullen

Todd Rickard

Public Works employees enjoy their annual picnic

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


they enjoyed playing games, Secret Santa and most importantly, having fun and enjoying each other’s company. They are all looking forward to next their next celebration.

Other announcements:

Shirley Falcon of the Planning Dept. would like to recognize her 15-year-old son, Christian Lee Falcon, who is a sophomore at Baldwin High School. He is such an easy going, mild tempered, humble, conservative teenager with a great sense of humor! What’s even more amazing is that he is such an awesome big brother to his 3½-year-old baby brother, Brendan Sky Falcon. Yep,

they are 12 years apart! Both boys have completely different

personalities! While Christian is mellow, Brendan is all-boy, loud and strong-willed. Brendan loves Spiderman and Iron Man and will jump on/off the couch and act out at his brother punching or jumping on him, while Christian rarely gets upset at Brendan. Christian is not your typical teenager who yells or has no desire to hang out w/ his baby brother. In fact, he allows his brother to get into his collection of model cars, Lego creations, Bionicles, etc. and allows him to play on his Play Station. He’ll even scratch his brother’s back when asked and has even kept track of time (without being asked) whenever Brendan was on time-out. “We are sooo lucky that Christian loves Brendan!” Shirley says. “I am so thankful and blessed to have Christian as a wonderful son and big brother! Thank you, Christian, for being such a great

role model to your brother and your peers.” And congratulations to Shirley and husband Brad for raising an amazing young man.

Shirley also would like to acknowledge her amazing mom, Eleanor “Ellie” Bacalso. She is 71 years old and retired from Lanai Resorts Partners. She worked as a housekeeper at the Lodge at Koele and previously worked as a field laborer working for Dole Company’s pineapple plantation. Ellie currently resides on Lanai but could be considered a part-time Maui resident. She has been making weekly trips to Maui (via Expeditions) and staying with Shirley and her family for at least 4-5 days out of the week to care for Shirley’s son (her 23rd grandchild!), Brendan Sky. She’s been doing this since August 2009 since Brendan was 3 months old. He is now 3 years old! Ellie offered to care for Brendan, when Shirley’s maternity leave was coming to an end and she couldn’t handle the thought of Brendan, as an infant, being in the care of as many as 4-5 other toddlers Shirley’s response was, “Really, Mom? Are you serious? Wow!” So it has been 3 years for her mom going back and forth to Maui! Isn’t she a wonderful mother and grandmother? Shirley stated, “I am ever so grateful to my mom for sacrificing her time and truly blessing me and my family with her love and dedication! (Not to mention all the money she’s saving us!) We can never repay her for all that she’s done! Thank you, thank you! I Love you, mom!” What a true testament to the sacrifice and love that a mother has for her child, no matter what age.


grASSHOPPEriCE CrEAM PiEingredients

1 pkg. oreo cookies, scrape off filling

1 block butter, melted

1 cup chopped macadamia nuts

2 half gallons of mint chocolate ice cream


Crush oreo cookies in food processor. Pour crushed oreos and chopped nuts in 9 x 13 pan. Pour melted butter into mixture of oreo cookies and nuts. Keep ½ cup of mixture on the side for topping. Press remaining mixture in 9 x 13 pan. Bake crust and ½ cup of oreo/nut mixture in 250 degrees oven for 10 minutes. Slice ice cream and place on baked crust. Sprinkle remaining oreo/nut mixture on top. Freeze. Enjoy!!

Submitted by Jill-Anne Ono Dept. of Public works

Elle BacalsoFalcon brothers

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


BuiLDing MAui COunTy

The County of Maui Dept. of Public Works, Engineering Division, has been working tirelessly to find affordable, efficient ways to help keep our roadways and bridges safe for Maui County residents. Engineering also works closely with the Wastewater Reclamation Division (WWRD) and the Dept. of Water Supply (DWS) to achieve industry-quality results at a significant cost-savings, within project deadlines.

Projects currently under construction, January – July 2013:

Resurfacing Projects

Upcountry Resurfacing (FY >12) - $606,500Contractor: Maui Kupono BuildersNotice to Proceed (NTP) was 10/29/12List of roads resurfaced in Kula:Ka Drive (Mano Dr to Mano Dr)Lower half of Hapapa RoadHolopuni RoadThese roads were recently resurfaced in November with permanent striping work to follow. All work to be completed by end of February 2013 if not sooner.

South Kihei Road Resurfacing (FY >12) - $216,800(Walaka St to Alanui Ke Alii)Contractor: Maui Kupono BuildersNTP was 11/28/12Cold planing of the existing pavement and resurfacing work was done in one day to minimize disruption of this important collector road; all work is expected to be

completed by the end of January 2013.

WWRD Force Main project in Kahului (Inter-Departmental County project)This Wastewater Reclamation Division (WWRD) project required the resurfacing of half the width of Amala Road. WWRD coordinated with the Public Works Engineering Division to resurface the entire width of Amala Road from Hobron Avenue to the Kahului Wastewater Treatment Plant. To alleviate a persistent flooding problem in this area, Engineering will also be installing a drainage force main to allow the Public Works Highways Division to pump stormwater out of the roadway as needed.

DWS Waterline project on Kanoa/Wells/Pikale/Oihana Streets (Inter-departmental County project)The Public Works Engineering Division coordinated with the Dept. of Water Supply (DWS) to eliminate resurfacing work on Wells Street between Kinipopo Street and Waiale Drive, ahead of Engineering’s

upcoming Wells Street Pavement Rehabilitation Federal aid project. This project will involve constructing a new pavement section for the entire length of Wells Street. Engineering will provide funding and inspection services to DWS to resurface the other half of Kanoa Street, Pikale Street, and Oihana Street; areas that were not required to be done by DWS as part of its project.

Bridge Projects

Waiohonu Bridge Replacement - $2.539 millionFederal Aid projectContractor: Global Specialty Contractors, Inc.NTP was 3/12/12Construction management by AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

The temporary steel bridge was installed last year as a detour to divert traffic off of the deteriorated existing bridge. The existing bridge was demolished early this year and the new bridge is currently under construction. The abutments and piers (vertical supports in the streambed) have been completed and the concrete bridge deck was just poured. The contractor is on schedule and expected to finish in March 2013. Once the new bridge is completed, the temporary steel bridge will be disassembled and traffic will be routed back onto the new bridge.

Kaholopo‘o Bridge Replacement - $1.356 millionFederal Aid projectContractor: Global Specialty Contractors, Inc.

Engineering Division paves roads, builds bridges and lays waterlines

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


NTP is 4/16/12Construction Management: Bowers + Kubota Consulting, Inc.

Construction of the new bridge was set back due to two issues pertaining to the detouring of traffic onto Haneo`o Road. The first issue required the installation of a concrete slab over a deteriorated culvert on Haneo`o Road to provide adequate load capacity for emergency vehicles.

The second issue stemmed from the community’s concerns regarding Haneo`o Road being too narrow to accommodate both a higher volume of vehicular traffic and beach goers walking across as well as parking along the road. DPW has since worked out a lease agreement with Hana Ranch to use a portion of their property near Hamoa Beach as a temporary parking lot for the beach goers. Once the temporary parking lot is set up, Haneo`o Road will be used as a detour road without on-street parking and work on the new bridge is expected to start in early 2013.

The following projects are expected to begin construction in the next six months:

Lower Main Street Reconstruction - $568,200(Mill Street to Hala Place)Contractor: Maui Paving, LLC

Haiku District Resurfacing (FY ‘12) - $985,800List of roads resurfaced:Haiku Road (Hana Highway to Kokomo Road)West Kuiaha Road (Haiku Road to Apalapani Lane)Contractor: Maui Kupono Builders, Inc.

Wailuku/Kahului District Resurfacing (FY ‘12) - $584,484List of roads resurfaced:Iao Valley Road (Ua Place to end)Church Street (Wells Street to Vineyard Street)Kinipopo StreetContractor: Maui Kupono Builders, Inc.

Lower Honoapiilani Road Slurry Seal - $493,100(Honoapiilani Highway to Hoohui Road)Contractor: Tom’s Backhoe & Excavation Co., Inc.

Haliimaile Road Improvements Phase 2 - $1.17 million(Mile Post 1.3 to Baldwin Avenue)Contractor: Maui Paving, LLC

2nd and 5th graders about seeds and other aspects of farming. This hands-on program is brought to Maui schools with the help of members of our farming communities, including conventional and organic farmers and ranchers. The Farm Bureau also works with the Maui School Garden Network, which helps cultivate school gardens at more than 40 elementary schools in Maui.

However, it’s possible that the weakest link in getting students interested in agriculture careers may involve local high schools. There are fewer agricultural teachers coming out of college, which means fewer qualified and tenured agriculture instructors. Someone with an agricultural background who lacks teaching credentials can only serve as a part-time instructor for two years.

On the bright side, the University of Hawai’i Maui College has started a new farmer network. Besides learning the basics of soil, pests, and disease, students intern at existing farms, depending on their farming interest. To help new farmers who are just starting out, OED assisted with researching the ag resources available and found that there are various Federal and State “new farmer” lending programs available.

The college also is embarking on setting up a new Food Innovation Center where value-added products can be developed. And through the Maui County Workforce Investment Board, led by Executive Director Roland Prieto, federal funds can be obtained to help train employees and employers of agricultural operations. Such programs help improve the skill levels of our County’s workforce and support our ag industries in effective, tangible ways.

Though the challenges are many, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development is working diligently to sustain our islands’ agricultural industries by assisting the farming community and by addressing many of the bottlenecks. It’s a long row to hoe, but with the help and determination of many, we’ll continue to see a productive harvest.

The road of SustainabilityContinued from Page 11

Temporary bridge at Waiohonu

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


“Safety Begins with you!” Andrew FigeroaMotor vehicle Control inspector, DMvLby Lois whitney

It all began in April 1994, when Andrew Figeroa accepted a position with the County of Maui as an

Automotive Service Attendant at the Wailuku Garage. He serviced County vehicles of all sizes, makes and models, from cars to refuse trucks and heavy equipment. The pool of vehicles he oversaw numbered about 300, and he made sure every one of them was safe to drive and well-maintained.

Fast-forward 16 years, when Andrew accepted a job at DMVL as a Motor Vehicle Control Inspector. Who could possible be more qualified for the position than he? Andrew now trains and certifies all of the vehicle safety inspectors in Maui County and enforces laws, rules and regulations regarding the safety check program- officially called the “Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection Program.”

In other words, every year when you get a new safety sticker for your vehicle, Andrew made sure that the business giving you the sticker is certified and up to par on the latest rules and regs.

Andrew’s favorite part of job is talking with the inspectors, and educating them on why their services are so important: It’s about protecting the public.

Safety is also a key part of the County’s new Motor Vehicle Policy, which was implemented late last year. Employees using County vehicles were asked to view a training

video on how to conduct the now-required vehicle inspections.

However, after watching the video, some of Andrew’s co-workers still didn’t feel confident doing the vehicle checks. When one of the

DMVL employees asked Andrew’s supervisor about a class, Jaime Santiago supported the idea. Andrew voluntarily conducted 10 separate training sessions for about 60 DMVL employees, everyone from drivers license examiners, to supervisors and clerks.

Andrew’s supervisor, Jaime Santiago, said that Andrew’s extensive experience servicing County vehicles and heavy equipment allowed him to go into detail on the importance of preventive maintenance. “Andrew took each class out for a hands-on demonstration with an actual County vehicle, yet he volunteered to do all this because he feels very strongly that safety is very important,” Santiago said. “As Andrew always says, safety begins with you!”

“Andrew is a very humble person,” Santiago continued, “and I feel he is an example for other County workers who can use their knowledge to help others.”

At home, Andrew enjoys cooking and BBQing for his family- we hear his home-made kalbi and teri chicken marinades are the bomb! Andrew’s wife, Joycelyn, is a licensed child care provider for infants and toddlers. His daughter Meaghen, 21, is a college student and reportedly a very good driver (Guess who she had as a teacher?!?). Younger daughter Tiffani, 15, is looking forward to learning how to drive very soon. Andrew is also a part-time Maui Bus driver after work, and he serves as vice president of his Waiehu Terrace Community Association.

Mahalo, Andrew, for going above and beyond your normal work duties to assist your co-workers, and for helping keep Maui County safe!

Andrew Figeroa conducts vehicle inspection training for DMVL employees


The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


FiTnESS PrOFiLE: geri OnagaBy David Yamashita

What’s your workout schedule?

I try to run 3-4 miles twice a week, weight train twice a week and I’m in the pool doing aqua jogging once a week. I also try to stretch often. I weight train at Wailuku Gym with three other women, all County employees, along with a coach who designed a 45-minute workout for us. On those days, I scarf my lunch at my desk.

What keeps you motivated?

Not wanting to see my surgeon so much! Here’s my chance to advocate for annual mammograms. Having been recently diagnosed as being high-risk for breast cancer, my surgeon told me he wants me sweating 4-5 days a week. Because I’m over half Portuguese, my first response

to that was, “But that leaves me only 2-3 days a week to clean my house!” On a more serious note, my surgeon explained to me that exercise, diet and taking your meds carry equal importance. Up until last year, I never took meds; my blood pressure and cholesterol were fantastic. I only took vitamins and something over-the-counter once in a while when I had pain or a headache. When he told me I had to take Tamoxifen, I freaked out. As I understood it, that drug was what women take when they’re done with their radiation/chemotherapy and I thought, “I gotta go from taking nothing to taking THAT?!” I learned that Tamoxifen is currently used for the treatment of both early and advanced ER+ (estrogen receptor positive) breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausa l women and is also approved by the FDA for

the prevention of breast cancer in women at high risk of developing the disease. Additionally, it is the most common hormone treatment for male breast cancer.

What are your good foods and bad foods? How do you deal with the “bad” food temptation?

That’s easy - ice cream, dark chocolate, salty potato chips and a good rib eye steak. How do I deal with it? I only buy really good, expensive ice cream when it’s on sale, and really dark, good-quality chocolate. I do eat those on occasion, but I mostly try to take in lean protein, complex carbs and veggies. I need to do better with the veggies. I also eat small meals throughout the day. I used to be the lunch champ in my department: I ate bigger lunches than the men- they use to admire

Geri Onaga is a well-known County employee in the Dept. of Personnel Services, and many of us have seen her keeping an eye on things during training classes. But there’s another side to Geri – she works hard to take care of herself and exercise is a vital part of her program. As you’ll see, Geri has a very compelling reason to do this and it’s a lesson that many of us should heed.

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


FiTnESS (cont.)

me for that. Not anymore. Once I got used to grazing, eating smaller meals throughout the day, I find I have more energy to last and I don’t get that late afternoon let-down.

What challenges do you have in keeping to your routine?

Finding the time. But you can always find 30 minutes a couple of days a week. Once it becomes a habit, your body will crave it, your body will ask for it, and you know how good you’ll feel afterwards.

Why did you start working out?

My boyfriend is very fit. He motivated me to start running again; not that I’m able to keep up with him, but it’s something we can do together. We do the Hana Relay every year and that’s something I work toward and look forward to. Also, being told you’re at high-risk for a disease is a great motivator!

How long have you been working out and how has your workout/approach changed?

I was pretty active in high school in terms of running. We were the first girls class at Kamehameha Kapalama required to complete a 10-mile run for P.E. class. We ran from Hawaii Kai to Kapiolani Park and it was great fun. Also, my dad was a high school football coach for many years and he used to make me run laps around the field during the entire time he coached. I think he wanted to keep me on the too-thin side on purpose! After I had my daughters and while raising them, I cut way back on exercise due to different priorities. Now when I exercise, I tell myself over and over that I’m doing this to avoid getting breast cancer. So far, I’ve been fortunate, but I must say it’s kind of junk to

have this diagnosis hanging over your head, like a dark cloud. I’ve endured a number of procedures this past year; I’ve had so many I lost count, and I now have friends at the radiology and surgical departments at the clinic. But you can look at this like you can look at any of life’s many challenges: you gonna sit around and cry about it, (okay I admit, I do once in a while) or are you going to do everything you can to tilt the scales in your favor and take responsibility for your own health? I’ll give you an example. I had an especially bad year health-wise years ago when it was discovered that I have a birth defect in my lungs. My lungs collapsed several times and I had major surgery. I now have clips in my left lung to keep them from collapsing. That experience kind of put me into a funk, I felt depressed so I told myself I’m going to do something out of the ordinary to pick myself up. Within months of my surgery, I enrolled in a kayaking class and I don’t swim. Our “final exam” was to kayak from Makena Landing to Molokini and back and although I was the last to reach Molokini, I wasn’t the last back to Maui. It was either try hang gliding or kayaking class so that’s what I ended up doing!

Any advice for those who want to be healthier?

Yes, just start moving. I love it when I see folks of all shapes and sizes walking. I sometimes hear people commenting, “Oh look at them - they’re just walking.” But I take my hat off to them, THEY’RE MOVING and they’re not at home on the couch, eating potato chips. When I started running again a few years back, I could only run for 10 minutes before becoming winded. Gradually, I worked my way up. I certainly don’t consider myself an athlete, but I think exercise should

become something normal like brushing your teeth. Get yourself to the point where your mind thinks, “Hey, I didn’t exercise today, better get off my butt and do something.” There are some days when I’m at work and I think I’m just going home and not exercise. But I find I ALWAYS feel better if I exercise.

I also think of fitness not just in terms of exercise and diet - it also means developing a mindset to be good to yourself. Assume responsibility for your own health and do whatever you need to do to stay on top of it. In the case of women, that means getting your annual check-ups, especially your mammogram.

More info online:



The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


Please help congratulate these dedicated employees as they continue to serve our community and in doing so, “strive to reach the summit.”

Kūlia i ka nu‘uStrive to reach the summit



Maui Fire Department Fire Chief Jeffrey Murray recently announced the promotions of three members within the department. The following were

promoted to the rank of FF III, Fire Apparatus Operator.

Aaron Boswell - He has been with the

department for 11 years.

Peter Vanderpoel - He has been with the department for 13 years.

Tim O’Connor - He has been with the department for 8 years.

The Department would like to congratulate each of these newly promoted FF IIIs.


New Hire:

Sharilynn Papagayo, Control Accounts Clerk/Accounts Department, started on Jan.

2, 2013. Sharilynn previously worked in the Fiscal Department for the Dept. of Motor Vehicles & Licensing. We welcome her to the Accounts Dept.!


Adrienne Kawano, Finance Department/Payroll; Payroll Processing & System Support Tech. Retired on Dec. 30, 2012. Years of Service: 32 yrs.

What her co-workers said: “Adrienne Kawano was a super-woman. She was employed with the County of Maui for 32 years, and she was funny, caring, full of

life, helpful, knowledgeable and always willing to help others. These are only a few of the many qualities Adrienne

possesses. She is loved and missed by many. We wish her many relaxing, fun days in her journey during retirement.”

Dale Yanagi, Finance Department/Accounts, Control Accounts Clerk. Retired Dec. 28, 2012. Years of Service: 11 yrs.

What her co-workers said: “Dale was an energetic, fun person to work with. She always knew what to say to bring life to any situation. She will be missed and we wish her lots of fun days during her retirement.”

Loretta (Joy) Makua; Finance Department/Real Property,

Real Property Appraiser V. Retired December 30, 2012. Years of Service: 23 yrs. 10 months.

What her co-workers said:

“We wish Joy the best during her retirement. During her retirement she plans to travel. She will be missed by the staff at Real Property.”

Department Transfers:

The Dept. of Planning is pleased to announce that Shirley Falcon has joined us as an Account Clerk III. She transferred to Planning on Dec. 1, 2012 from the Dept. of

Water Supply. Shirley was born and raised on Lanai and began her career with the County in 1994 as a Clerk Typist with the Police

Dept. – Lanai District. She moved to Maui in 2000 and transferred to the Water Department where she handled a broad variety of duties. Shirley has been married to her husband Brad since 1994 and has two adult daughters, two younger sons and two grandchildren. She loves music and dancing, and spends her spare time playing the ukulele, hiking, playing board games, making paper crafts and just hanging out with family. Her motto: “We can’t change

Boswell vanderpoel







The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


the winds but we can adjust our sails.”

Justin Kushi recently started work for the Dept. of Public Works, Engineering Division as an Engineering Aid II. He has been working for Kula Country Farms after he moved back to Maui from Vegas where he worked as a carpenter. In his new position, Justin will be working with our survey crew to map roads and check boundaries for land acquisition and County right-of-ways. He is the proud father of two sons and a daughter. On

weekends, he likes to spend time with his kids at the beach, taking them to sporting activities and spending time with family and friends. Justin graduated from UNLV with a degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies. We hope that Parks will not steal him from us – he’s a great catch!

Other News:

Jamie Wakamatsu reports that the Maui County Business Resource Center (MCBRC) is now stocked with HATS! There are three styles to choose from: MPD

($18.00), MPD Badge and Maui Fire Dept. Badge ($21.00 each). Other items are also available – they make great gifts! Choose from Maui’s Finest, MFD & Lifeguard t-shirts, tanks, long sleeve shirts and hoodies. Check out all the cool selections at the MCBRC, located at Maui Mall across from IHOP. For more info, call 873-8247.

County of MauiCALEnDAr OF EvEnTS

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui



Saturday, March 23; 9 a.m. - sunsetMaui Nui Botanical GardensHawaiian artisans and crafters, Keiki Zone, ‘ono food, live and silent auctions, Hale ‘Awa, awesome local entertainment including a few County Fire Fighers!

23Ho`omau 2013 - Annual Punana Leo o Maui Fundraiser

The Smoke Alarm Maui (SAM) program offers free installation of smoke alarms in homes and apartments, and is sponsored by the Maui County Dept. of Fire & Public Safety, Fire Prevention Bureau in partnership with licensed electricians and local businesses and agencies. Preference is given to senior citizens and financially challenged families with young children, but all home/apartment owners are welcome to apply. Free fire education materials also provided. Info and applications: HYPERLINK “http://www.mauicounty.gov/fireprevention” www.mauicounty.gov/fireprevention

Free Smoke Detector installation

Saturdays, 11-NoonKahului PoolEquipment provided, all fitness levels welcome.

Free Aqua Jogging Classes

Mondays, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.Kamaole I Beach ParkThe beach access mat program is run by the Dept. of Parks & Recreation and helps anyone with mobility devices, strollers, or walking support to access the sandy area of the beach park. Info: Maui County Inclusion Specialist Tara Sabado, 270-7979.

Beach Mat Access Program

with nearly 100 students enrolled this year. The SSM program now offers a four-year degree, one of the first such programs in the country. These trained sustainability experts will soon be entering the work force, and we want to coordinate County efforts to meet what they can bring to the community.

HSJ: That’s an exciting outlook. What do you expect these students can offer, and how do you think it will impact our economy in the future?

RP: (laughs) Well, remember I’m an environmentalist, not an economist. But I do serve as vice-chair of the Sustainable Science Management Advisory Group, which is a consortium of business, government, and academia seeking to help guide their emerging curriculum in ways that it will have positive outcomes and applications once students graduate from the program. One component of the program is a semester-long internship. I just began working with a SSM student last week, and he’ll work with me through this May. Last year students interned at three County wastewater reclamation facilitie— at Maui Electric, Pacific Biodiesel, and Grand Wailea Hotel. In my view, it’s a huge win-win to bring students out of the classroom and apply sustainability ideas and ethics in the workplace.

HSJ: Do you have a take-home message about the outlook for the County of Maui’s ability to address sustainability and protecting our environment?

RP: I would say that in six years of service in Mayor Arakawa’s administration as Environmental Coordinator, one thing I’ve learned is that nothing happens very quickly in government. Even when there is visionary leadership, we seem to take little baby steps at best towards what we want to see, when sometimes I feel like we should be sprinting to get there as quickly as possible. But I feel it is an honor to serve Maui County by addressing the fragility of our natural resources, and by working closely with many of the unsung heroes in our community who are on the front lines of conservation and restoration efforts. Their dedicated efforts continue to inspire me to do my best to educate the public about what’s at risk, how much we stand to lose. Hawaii’s unique eco-systems have endured a lot, and indeed we’ve lost a lot. But perhaps the answer is as simple as encouraging people to spend time enjoying the outdoors. When Canadian ecologist David Suzuki spoke on Maui in 2007, he said that “In nature, everything is connected. When people live in urban settings, they tend to forget this.” I feel Maui is somewhere in-between, becoming more urbanized and developed each year, but still with so many natural resources and places to enrich and sustain us on a deep level. It will take a lot more awareness, and a lot more hard work to effectively protect these resources, but I know that we’re up for the task. Our future depends on it.

Q&AContinued from Page 9

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


Photo gallery

Kung hee fat choy! - Kung Fu Master Ben Seng Au and his very athletic troupe of martial artist performers wowed the crowd at the County’s Chinese New Year Celebration on Friday, Feb. 15. Firecrackers started off the event with a bang, and Mayor Arakawa took great delight in feeding the hungry “lions” the traditional head of lettuce. Scores of preschool children and teachers, parents and the public enjoyed the cultural festivities, and fed the lions red li-shi envelopes for good luck. In the Council Chambers, Councilmembers Mike White and Don Guzman joined other members in feeding the friendly and very agile lions.

A moment in time… - A Betsill Brothers Construction work crew contracted to tear down the old Wailuku Post Office/Federal Building got a big surprise when they removed the cornerstone of the building: they found a time capsule that had been untouched since 1959. The rectangular metal box, carefully removed by Managing Director Keith Regan, contained a 1959 copy of The Maui News, a letter from the contractor and blueprints for the building. By coincidence, the time capsule was discovered exactly 52 years and one day from the official dedication of the building in 1961. Even more thought-provoking: The building cost approximately the same to build as it cost the demolish it. The area will serve as a temporary employee parking lot until plans can be finalized for a new County office facility that may save the County about $1 million in rent/year.

Honoring Police heroes - An awards ceremony was held at the Wailuku Police Station on Friday, Feb. 22 in honor of nine Maui Police Department personnel for their outstanding performance while on duty. The officers received certificates and three medals of valor for helping to rescue the occupants in burning homes on two separate occasions. Officers Jun Hattori and Erik Losvar were awarded the Silver Medal of Valor, and Officer Gershom Slonim was awarded the Bronze Medal of Valor. Other officers receiving Certificates of Merit were: Sergeant Kimberly Masse; Officer Clement Antonio; Officer Mathew Brown; Officer Robert Corpuz; Officer Randy Takayama and Officer Darryl Honda.

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


A whale of a day - Grand Marshall Mayor Alan Arakawa was joined by Mrs. Arakawa in the Parade of Whales on Saturday, Feb. 16. The parade route ran along South Kihei Road and was attended by hundreds of residents and visitors.

Students in Baldwin High School’s Chorus pose for a photo with Mayor and Mrs. Arakawa, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. The Chorus performed the National Anthem, Hawai‘i Pono‘i and Hawai‘i Aloha during the event.

Mayor Alan Arakawa presented the 2013 State of the County Address on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at the H.P. Baldwin High School Auditorium. Sign language interpreter Alysse Hetzel assisted during the speech, which was broadcast live on Akaku.

Mayor Arakawa speaks with senior citizens before the event.

The 2013 State of the County Report, distributed at the event, is now available online at HYPERLINK “http://www.mauicounty.gov/mayor” www.mauicounty.gov/mayor

WANTED: Your best shots for the County Gallery

Want to submit a photo of a County event or employee at work? Email your photo for consideration to HYPERLINK “mailto:lois.whitney@mauicounty.gov” lois.whitney@mauicounty.gov. Caption info must include name and title of each person whose face appears in the photo. Photos must be at least 300 DPI (min. 1.0 MB file size); low-quality photos cannot be used. Please obtain the permission of all individuals shown in the photo before sending. Due to space and other restrictions, not all photos may be used. Questions? Call 270-8238.

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


Exceptional Small Business (11-25 employees): David & Ululani Yamashiro (Ululani’s Hawaiian Shave Ice LLC)

Exceptional Small Business (26-50 employees): Daniel Boren (Skyline Eco-Adventures, LLC)

Outstanding Non-Profit Business: Habitat for Humanity Maui

Lifetime Achievement Award: The Late Douglas Wayne “Butch” Akina & Sandra Akina (Akina Aloha Tours)

New Terms Begin for Board & Commission Members

The new term for Maui County board, commission and committee members begins April 1st, 2013. “To the 65 members whose terms are expiring at the end of March, please accept my sincere gratitude for your time, effort and dedication to serving the public in this important way,” Mayor Alan Arakawa said. “I welcome the incoming members, and wish them the best as their participation in local government helps keep Maui County one of the best communities in the world. Your volunteer service is an example that is inspiring and greatly appreciated.”

Water Bills Now Available for Viewing Online

Thanks to many late evenings and even weekends hours put in by DWS Fiscal/Customer Service

Division staff led by team leader Brenda Lee, the Dept. of Water Supply has made the transition to monthly billings for water and wastewater charges. The monthly billing allows customers to align their payment with other monthly utility expenses, and can help customers detect leaks sooner, which will save water AND money! The new customer-based system also allows multiple meters to be included on the same bill.

In conjunction with the new billing system, DWS is providing customers with more self-service and online customer service options, such as online bill viewing, through its website at HYPERLINK “http://www.mauiwater.org” www.mauiwater.org. The online system is a Windows-based program called Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) that is used by many utilities. Maui implemented CC&B together with Honolulu Board of Water Supply and Kauai Department of Water.

For questions or to learn more about monthly billing or the new system, visit HYPERLINK “http://www.mauiwater.org” www.mauiwater.org or call 270-7730 between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.,

Karen Higa, Accountant III (sitting) and Linda Tokuoka, Accountant II (standing), were part of the DWS Fiscal team that worked diligently on the transition to monthly billing.

SMALL BUSINESS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - (L TO R) Pamela Tumpap, Mayor Alan Arakawa, Sandra Akina of Akina Aloha Tours and Council Chair Gladys Baisa.

Happenings at the CountyContinued from Page 5

The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


The High Street JournalAn Official Publication of the County of Maui


To subscribe, please send your request to:Mayors.Office@mauicounty.gov200 S. High Street, Wailuku, HI 96793Tel: 808.270.7855Web: www.mauicounty.gov/highstreet

The High Street Journal

World Whale Day 2013 was celebrated on Saturday, Feb. 16 in Kihei, with an estimated 23,000 people coming to watch the parade and participate in the day-long event. World Whale Day, first held on Maui in 1980, honors the humpback whales that come to Maui each winter. This year’s free festivities included costumed sea characters and parade floats, live entertainment by local music legends, culinary delights from a plethora of restaurants, a children’s carnival, educational displays and Made-on-Maui handcrafts. The event was co-sponsored by the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, the County of Maui Dept. of Parks and Recreation, the Hawaii Tourism Authority and many local businesses and supporters.

Our island HomeSnapshots of life on Maui, Molokai and Lanai

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