henrik pedersen forskningsdata - deff · the internet of fair data and services the european open...

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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DEFF-Konferencen 2017

Henrik Pedersen10. maj 2017



Det bliver dyrere og dyrere �Følgegruppen i UFMCost-Benefit Analyse



The Internet of FAIR Data and Services

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) should be a ‘federated,

globally accessible environment where researchers, innovators,

companies and citizens can publish, find and re-use each other's data

and tools for research, innovation and educational purposes’.

The EOSC is branded by the HLEG as The Internet of FAIR Data and Services

Britiske Tier-2 landskab

2016: EPSRC vedligeholder og fornyr britisk Tier-2 landskab fra 2011 (opslag)

1. Solid Science Case, Business Case og Financial Case

2. Datalagring indlejret i lokale Tier-3 eller i de nationale Tier-2 installationer

Og vinderen blev…

• Kun ét af de tidligere seks konsortier bliver videreført

• De fleste nye konsortier har oftest karakter af anpartsselskaber, der på overbevisende vis har magtet at løsrive HPC ejerskab og leverance fra geografisk location.

• Lokalt fokus på e-science er oftest bedre tænkt ind i de nye konsortiemodeller

• Konsortier, hvor forskergrupper går sammen om at foreslå særlig risikabel arkitektur

• Andre har etableret partnerskaber med sektorforskning eller private virksomheder

• Fokus på kosteffektiv, serviceorienteret og kompetent HPC Tier-2 installation

• Cambridgemodellen


The Open Science and Research initiative

• Substantial resources into policy-making, implementation and monitoring

• To be widely utilised in Finnish society.

In 2014, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland released The Open Science and Research Roadmap 2014–2017

• Open Science Handbook and a Data Management Guide directed at Finnish researchers

• Services for data storage and data publishing

• Facilities for digital preservation of research materials and more elaborate tools for data management




Trondheim Tromsø

Interesting Features:• Ownership• Management• E-Science competencies• Possible Rotation

Europe - On the way to the EOSC- an Example

DFG and Generic Research Data Infrastructure

Stop the excessive niche focus!

Establish a NRDI network, A single point of access to dataThe DFG contribution to EOSC3 pilot projects and then roll it out over Germany…to obtain the Generic Research Data Infrastructure

The National RDM Forum

Institutions and Persons

� 8 universities

� Researchers

� Librarians

� Support Office Folks

� Vice-Chancellor’s Office

� System administrators

� The Royal Library, Aarhus

� The Royal Library, København

� The National Archive

(≈ 30 persons)

Working since August 2015

On a given strategy



Libraries and Archives





Common Ground - Vision for juni 2018

Danmark har et nationalt sammenhængende sæt af DM-politikker hos universiteterne, som:

• bakkes op af forskningsråd, ministerier, bevaringsinstitutioner og er åben for andre forskningsinstitutioner• sikrer at forskeren får hjælp med at planlægge og effektuere data management for hele datas livscyklus• er forankret såvel lokalt som internationalt• sikrer modeller for finansiering og fordeling af udgifterne til DM mellem interessenterne

Der er et velforstået, velfungerende og let tilgængeligt landskab af infrastrukturer til datas hele livscyklus, som:

• skelner mellem og skaber sammenhæng mellem lokalt, nationalt og internationalt niveau.• Lever op til aftalte kriterier, herunder navnlig åbne adgangskriterier og transparente forretningsmodeller• har support-funktion• tager afsæt i lokale udviklings- og driftsmiljøer• håndterer såvel fortrolige som åbne data

Der er etableret samarbejde på tværs af interessenter om:

• kompetenceudvikling• ekspertnetværk• incitaments- og meriteringsstrukturer

RDM Forum Meetings

� August 2015 kick-off

– Common Ground – Brainstorm on possible DM Forum activities

� October 2015

– Agreement on procedure and of reimbursement – Formation of a DM Forum collaborative activity portfolio– RDM infrastructure pilot project call wording, objectives and criteria

� January 2016

– RDM infrastructure pilot project Q&A session + pitches

� March 2016

– Review of RDM infrastructure pilot project proposals, recommendations for DM CAB– Revised DM Forum type 2 activities portfolio

� June 2016

- Planning of TtT;- “Go” to Collaborative activities

� October 2016

- DM Policy of CPH University (Health Sciences)- Establish Law Expert Group- Feed back from DM Technology Expert Group

� February 2017



DM Forum TtT Activities

� August 2015 kick-off

– Future Search – RDM experiences & challenges – talks by Elixir, 3TU.Datacentrum and OPEN

� January 2016

– Data Management Planning - talk by Kevin Ashley, Digital Curation Centre, UK

� March 2016

– The making of a domain specific RDM policy – talk by Nicole Schmitt, KU Health– Legal aspects of RDM – talks by Experts from CPH University

� April 2016

– Essentials 4 Data Support - a course series adapted for a Danish contexthttp://datasupport.researchdata.nl

� October 2016

– RDM as a wicked problem – course by Andrew Cox, Sheffield– RDM for Grant Office People

� November 2016

– EOSC – workshop with Barend Mons, Chair HLEG

� February 2017

– High-level implementation of Research Data Management policies

� April 2017

– Research Data and Meta Data for Experts

� April-May 2017

– Legal aspects of Open Data, 3 workshops

Infrastructure Pilot

Video Life Cycle DM

Adds DM capabilities to the existing edumedia video platform.


Develops a national infrastructure for collecting, sharing and processing of both historical and near real time smart city energy data

National Science App Store

Construct a cloud with data processing, analysis, publishing and archivingcapabilities in the form of ‘apps’

ActionableBiomarkerDK - Actionable Biomarkers in Human Disease

Addresses the problem of turning a genome into a small set of actionable biomarkers useful for diagnostics and drug development


DM Forum Collaborative Activities (1:2)

� RDM Policy implementation (phase I) AU + SB + KU + AAU + DTU + Royal


� RDM - Needs and Infrastructure (phase I) AAU + DTU + KU

� Digital DM guide (phase I) All Institutions

� E-Lab-Book AU + KU + DTU

� Ph.D. courses in RDM SDU + AAU + KU + National Archive (+ maybe also


� International collaboration DTU + SDU (KE, EUDAT-CDI, RDA, NeIC, Prace?

� Template for Institutional RDM Policy (completed) SDU + AAU + AU


� Reports from the Local Anchoring of RDM


Manglende datamanagement

1. Ingen ekstern finansiering2. Ingen publikationer


Lad os komme i gang:

1. Vi skal have en datamanagement politik

2. Den skal implementeres på institutterne

3. Både en politik og en implementeringsplan kræver

en grundig medvirken af alle forskere på SDU

Forslag fra SDU DM Forum


SDU DM Forum

Vi har et udkast

til Politik klar -


en plan for


Råd, nævn og

enheder på SDU


DM Advisory Group


RIO laver en plan for

høring, inklusion og

feed back




SDU acknowledges the importance of ensuring that

all research data are managed so that they are

secure, accessible, and, where appropriate, reusable,

and so that any ethical, confidentiality and privacy

requirements and concerns are respected. The

responsibility is shared between


Principal investigators (PI):

Supervise Research Data Management: PIs must

ensure that researchers under their management are

instructed to conduct research in accordance with

the policy and are made aware of their

responsibilities as mentioned in this policy


Research Data Management: Researchers must

ensure that research data are managed in line with

best practice in their field; this includes planning the

management of their primary materials and data.


Storing research data: Researchers must ensure that

primary materials and data are retained, stored and

managed in a clear and accurate form that allows results

to be assessed, the procedures to be retraced and, when

relevant and applicable, the research to be reproduced.

What to store and for how long: Researchers are, unless

otherwise regulated, responsible for deciding the extent

to and duration for which primary materials and data

are to be retained. When deciding this, researchers

should consider the value of the primary materials for

assessing the results of the research and the physical

and technical possibility of storage at the institution.


Disposal: Researchers should plan for the appropriate

disposal of primary materials and data.

Access and sharing: Researchers are responsible for

managing the access to their research data and are

encouraged to make their research data freely

accessible, except when this is in conflict with

contractual legal obligations or current regulations on

for example ethical, confidentiality or privacy matters

or intellectual property rights.



Data storage: SDU must provide a storage system that

allows researchers to manage their data responsibly. Such

a storage system includes: storage space, access control,

and back-up.

Research Data Catalogue: SDU must provide a research

data catalogue that enables data to be findable, accessible

and citable.

Research Data Management Support: SDU should 1)

provide education and training opportunities; 2) provide

advice on practice, legal issues and infrastructures; and 3)

develop and maintain common systems and

infrastructures for research data management.


COST - Dette Kræver Ressourcer

Eksempler: DTU 3 FTE, Göttingen 5 FTE, …

Træningskurser: Til forskere, støttepersonale og


Metadatering: Faglige traditioner, international

forankring, maskinlæsbarhed, standarder

Jura: Persondataforordning, ejerskab af data, IPR og

data, fortrolighed og etik

SDU-GO: Opmærksomme på krav fra fonde til (FAIR)


Infrastruktur: Lagring og deling af aktive data, til

arkivering af resultatdata, til beregninger og andre


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DMP online


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