hearthstone tutorial

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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This is a tutorial to heartstone for beginners who want to learn the game better





Last Update: Dec 2013

Video section added at bottom.

I'm Ben#1806, currently Grandmaster rank in The Arena. I've saved screenshots of my journey

from 0 gold to 1000 gold (Currently at 7000+ gold). The album can be viewed here:


Current stats: http://puu.sh/5vYpz.jpg

With this guide, I aim to point out the less obvious facets of The Arena. This is the information you

need to know to start going infinite. This is a guide to winning games.

Hero Selection

Like every game with different classes, some are more powerful in the current patch balance. The

Arena is also unique in that you're less likely to get class-specific cards. This means a class like

Hunter which relies heavily on synergy and/or rushing will not do as well as in Ranked.

8/21/2013Highly Rated

Login to rate

Following a tier-list isn't absolute, but it is the easiest way to start if you're new to a game.

My Personal Tier-List:

Note that this list is based on my personal experience of the ability of the class to get at least 7

wins (going infinite).

Tier 1

Mage - Flamestrike, Fireball, Blizzard, and Polymorph. The more of those you draft, the more

likely you'll win the game. Very strong AoE abilities in a minion-spam heavy meta. Mirror Entity is

a great common that can lock down a properly mana curved deck.

Paladin - Good hero ability and class-specific minions, but relies heavily on Consecration and

Truesilver Champion. Tough to get 7 wins without those cards. Keeping an Acidic Swamp Ooze in

hand and not overplaying <2HP units can make it difficult for a Paladin.

Shaman - Good class cards and easy synergies with hero ability (+attack aura minions,

flametongue totem, Dark Iron Dwarf, Abusive Sergent, etc.). Remember to pickup some spells

(Forked Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter Weapon, etc.) or a Stormforged Axe to clear the field

and give you time to buildup a totem army.

Tier 2

Warrior - Spam weapons, upgrade, charge minions. Gorehowl is generally auto-win (remember to

pickup some Shield Block if you have a lot of weapons). Fallen out of meta slightly due to

increased prevalence of Swamp Ooze being drafted by opponents.

Rogue - Nerfed hard, but still playable only because she can equip weapons. Starting coin ->

Defias Ringleader into Assassin's Blade / Deadly Poison is your best bet to win. Weak to minion

spam and aggro (due to loss of HP from attacking with hero often).

Warlock - Predictable hyper aggro class. Spam cards blindly until you run out of cards, then spam

your hero ability until you run low on HP. Relies heavily on Blood Imp and gets countered by AoE


Tier 3

Priest - Mind Control costs what now?

Druid - My favorite class, has the best class-specific minions for The Arena. The cards are great

stand alone, generally have taunt, and spamming them is usually enough to win you the game as

your opponent runs out of resources to deal with it. Relies on Swipe a lot however, and a draft

without it could go bad.

Hunter - Great aggro class against new players, however due to the inflexable nature of his hero

ability, their next turn play is easily predicted. Knowledge of attack order and how to test for

traps like Snipe / Explosive Trap / etc., wariness of turn 3 Animal Companion / Eaglehorn Bow and

turn 4 Multi-Shot will allow you to beat a Hunter.

Card Selection

Work In Progress Tier-List



Any card that can increase a minions stats instantly is very good. Cards like Dire Wolf Alpha,

Shattered Sun Cleric, Defender of Argus, and Dark Iron Dwarf are very strong cards which can

ruin your opponent's plans.

Any card that draw cards is very playable. Novice Engineer, Loot Hoarder, Gnomish Inventor, etc.

Any cards that have / give divine shield are also strong in general.

Some key cards to look for:

Warrior: All weapons, Upgrade, Arathi Weaponsmith, Execute(1~2), Warsong Commander(1),

Frothing Berserker, Cleave, Slam

Druid: Ancient of Lore/War, Keeper of the Grove, Starfall, Swipe, Druid of the Claw, Ironbark

Protector, Starfire

Warlock: Blood Imp, Demonfire, Flame Imp, Succubus, Soulfire, Doomguard

Rogue: SI:7 Agent, Defias Ringleader, Deadly Poison, Assassin's Blade

Mage: Blizzard, Kirin Tor Mage, Mirror Entity, Flamestrike, Polymorph, Fireball, Water Elemental

Shaman: Earth Elemental, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Flametongue Totem, Hex, Stormforged

Axe, Bloodlust (1), Fire Elemental

Priest: Injured Blademaster, Holy Nova, Lightspawn, Thoughtsteal, Shadow Word: Pain, Temple


Paladin: Sword of Justice, Aldor Peacekeeper, Divine Favor, Truesilver Champion, Consecration,

Noble Sacrifice, Hammer of Wrath, Hand of Protection, Argent Protector

Hunter: Snake Trap, Eaglehorn Bow, Animal Companion, Kill Command, Unleash the Hounds,

Tracking, Explosive Shot, Houndmaster

Example; choosing between: Azure Drake | Defender of Argus | Demolisher

Always choose the card with an immediate effect (ie. not Demolisher). Choose Drake if you need

the Spell Power or you are lacking in Card Draw, otherwise choose the Defender of Argus. Taunt

and sudden stat boosts are extremely strong in The Arena.


A good Arena curve for most classes is something like:

1mana: 1~3

2mana: 7~10

3mana: 7~10

4mana: 5~7

5mana: 3~5

6+mana: 2~3

Paladin and Shaman can shift the curve up a bit (centering around 4) due to their hero abilities,

and can get away with running more 1 mana buffs/nukes.

Gameplay Tips

As odd as it may seem, the key to winning your match, is to understand The Art of War.


"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable;

when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy

believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

The takeaway here is the baiting of key cards (as listed above). If you deceive your opponent into

using one of the above cards on something trivial, even if it's 1 for 1 trade, you have gained.

To illustrate:

Your Opponent: Warlock, 20HP, 5 mana, 4 cards in hand | Field: 1/2 Novice Engineer

You: Paladin, 20HP, 6 mana, 5 cards in hand | Field: 2/2 Argent Protector, 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit

Your turn. Your Hand: Murloc Warleader, Elven Archer, Murloc Tidehunter, Aldor Peacekeeper,

Truesilver Champion

The simple play: Elven Archer and crash Silver Hand Recruit to remove Novice Engineer, attack

enemy hero with 2/2, and play Murloc Warleader + Murloc Tidehunter.

Response: Hellfire and now you're behind.

You need to check for Hellfire and try to bait it out if they have it.

Correct play: Attack the 1/2 Novice Engineer with your 2/2, play Elven Archer and use the ability

on the Warlock, attack with your 1/1, use your Hero Ability, end turn.

Now your field consists of 2/1, 1/1, 1/1, 1/1. Very tempting for the Warlock to Hellfire, and yet if

he does, your play next turn is still very strong and has good options.

2nd Example:

Your Opponent: Shaman, 20HP, 10 mana, 4 cards in hand | Field: 5/5 Stranglethorn Tiger (stealth)

You: Paladin, 20HP, 10 mana, 4 cards in hand | Field: 4/5 Chillwind Yeti, 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit

Your turn. Your Hand: Truesilver Champion, Tirion Fordring, Dread Corsair, Consecration

The simple play: Tirion + Hero Ability. You're setup to block the Tiger from trading favorably with

your Yeti.

Response: Silence on Tirion (Earth Shock or a Silence Minion)

Now you've lost Tirion's effects (Divine Shield + Battlecry) and your Yeti in exchange for nothing!

That is not good.

Correct play: Play the Dread Corsair + Use Hero Ability.

Dread Corsair silenced? Play Tirion next turn and make your opponent regret wasting it. Why not

play Truesilver Champion since it makes Dread Corsair free? Because your opponent is at 20HP

with nothing for you to attack with it. If they play an Acidic Swamp Ooze next turn, you played

into a bad trade.


"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred

battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if

you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."

This is a key concept, and will be expanded upon further down. But to illustrate:

Your Opponent: Mage, 15HP, 6 mana, 2 cards in hand | Field: 1/1, 3/2 Knife Juggler

You: Rogue, 9HP, 6 mana, 5 cards in hand | Field: 3/3 SI:7 Agent

Your turn. Hand: Azure Drake, Murloc Tidehunter, Defias Ringleader, Backstab, and Deadly


The simple play: Backstab Knife Juggler, Use Hero Ability on the 1/1, Attack with 3/3, play Azure

Drake or Tide Hunter + Ringleader.

Response: 1. Flame Strike and you lose. 2. Fireball at your face, you lose next turn to her hero


At 7 mana next turn, you must know that a Mage will very likely use Flame Strike.

Correct play: Backstab Knife Juggler, Use Hero Ability and save it for next turn, Attack the 1/1 with

your 3/3, play Tide Hunter, End Turn.

Now her responses, 1: Flame Strike and your Hand is still full of options. 2: Fireball and you still

have 2 turns to live from her Hero Ability, allowing you to topdeck a healer or an Assassin's Blade.


"The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is

fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand."

In card game terms, this means you should have a vision for how your deck wins. Don't just

blindly choose a bunch of cards and enter a match.

Ask yourself questions such as:

What is the mana curve on your cards? 

For example, Warlocks would have a low cost-curve, which dictates that you must play everything

you can from your hand every turn.

Do you need field control? 

For example, Mages would likely let your opponent slowly build up and take the field until Flame

Strike is played. This means playing only enough cards to stay alive, even if you have the mana

to play more.

What card should I always start my hand with (else mulligan entire hand)?

For example, a Warlock would almost always want to play a first turn Flame Imp. Dump your

entire hand if you don't have one.

What is your win condition?

For example, a Paladin's win condition is generally to generate card advantage through Divine

Shield and a properly timed Consecration. This means make sure to kill things with more than

2HP, and leave things with 2 or less HP alone if you can.

The more you envision before the actual match, about how you deal with every situation using

your deck, the better off you will be. This doesn't mean you should afk after building an Arena

deck and simulate duels in your head for 2 hours. But you should have a general idea of all these

things, and keep it in mind when you play. This comes with experience.

Class Specific Tips

Expanding on know yourself, know your enemy, you have to play differently depending on what

class you're playing against. To know your enemy comes with experience, but below are some

tips to follow against each class that should hold true most of the time.

Do note however, that the metagame can change at any point, and you must eventually come to

your own conclusions of what certain classes and decks do.

Versus Warrior

The Warrior is a mid-game class. It tends to lack Taunt minions but uses weapons to defend early

game rushes. The best way to beat a Warrior is to stall until late game and spam cards that are

out of range for the Warrior's weapon damage.

The key card that you need to watch out for against a Warrior is the Arathi Weaponsmith. If the

Warrior will have 4 mana next turn, you must expect 2 damage instantly along with a 3/3. So

playing a 3/2 the turn before is not a good idea. Play a crappy minion instead like Loot Hoarder or

Novice Engineer to waste durability stacks on his weapon.

Versus Druid

Swipe - Never overextend with a field with one minion at 3/4 HP and the rest at 1HP.

Starfall - Never overextend with a field with minions all below 2HP.

Also, with Swipe and Starfall, keep in mind the Druid's hero ability, which means one minion can

have 1HP extra and still result in a field wipe.

Basically if you have 10 mana and the only cards you can play are in Swipe/Starfall range, try to

bait it out and never play out all that you can.

Also, the 8/8 Taunt tree is very common, so try to keep cards like Execute and Polymorph for the

late game instead of using it early unless you're going for the early win.

Versus Warlock

If you leave a Warlock alone, his Hero Ability will win him the game. You must start doing damage

ASAP, making him scared to use it. Remember to select a card that can deal with Blood Imps

during the draft (ie. Whirlwind, Multishot, etc.), or it'll be a tough early game.

The Key card to watch out for is Hellfire, never overextend with an entire field of minions 3HP or

below. Bait it out first.

Versus Rogue

The key to easily beating a Rogue is to play as many Taunt and high HP minions as you can.

Cards like Shiv, Backstab, and Eviscerate will then lose their value. Most Rogue decks have 0-1

Assassinate only, so take advantage of that. With the recent nerfs, out-aggroing the Rogue so

that she doesn't have enough HP to attack minions is another option.

The key card to look out for is the Defias Ringleader. Rogues going 2nd will Coin -> Ringleader

combo on their first turn. Make sure to dump your entire hand to fish for a card to defend against


1HP minions are also generally useless against a Rogue, and should be discarded from your

opening hand to be spammed in multiples late game. Unlike a Mage or Druid, the weapon from

the hero ability persists another turn. This means forcing the Rogue to use her dagger ability by

playing a x/1 minion is not going to slow the Rogue down a lot.

Versus Mage

Beating a Mage requires you to hold back. One way or another, your field WILL be wiped at some

point. Only play enough cards to maintain field control. If you have 2 minions and she has none,

and it's your turn, play nothing unless your hand is 7+ cards. Don't try to force the win.

The key card to watch for is Flame Strike. Keep in your mind that once the Mage has 7 mana, a

Flame Strike can come down at any time. Play 5HP + / Divine Shield minions and hold back cards.

Keep in mind that at 9 mana the Mage can also kill one 5HP minion with Flame Strike + Hero


Unit positioning can also play a role here. Playing a stealth minion or Faerie Dragon in the center

of 3 units can save you from a cone of cold.

Versus Shaman

Totems, totems, totems. To beat a Shaman you must keep the totem count as low as possible on

the field. A Shaman deck should mostly consist of Overload cards, cards which buff totems, and

the random 5+ cost neutral cards.

The key cards to watch out for are Lightning Storm and Flametongue Totem. Make sure your

losses are minimal when Lightning Storm is played. For Flametongue Totem, if the Shaman has 2

creatures ready to attack, you can usually expect this totem to come down between them. Either

make sure the Shaman never has 2 creatures on the board when your turn ends, or make sure

that there's nothing worthwhile for you to lose when they attack with the buff.

Versus Priest

Priests will try to heal their minions whenever possible to increase card efficiency. Always try to

do perfect kill damage. Cards like Hex and Polymorph will ruin a Priest. If you can't do perfect

damage, sometimes damaging the minions is still a good idea to force them to use 2mana on

healing, slowing down their field control.

Make sure to play around Holy Nova by keeping your minions above 2HP at the 5 mana mark. No

longer need to worry about Mind Control after the nerf from 8 to 10 mana.

Versus Paladin

Relies heavily on Consecration, Divine Shield, and various buffs. Bait out consecration, use hero

abilities or 1/1's to remove Divine Shield if possible, and save Silence cards for major threats.

For example, a Scarlet Crusader is not a good target for Silence. Try to hold on to the Silence and

destroy the Scarlet Crusader through other means. This will pay off later when you silence a

Sunwalker or a minion with Blessing of Kings.

Always keep Acidic Swamp Ooze in your hand if you draw into it. Truesilver Champion is a major

4-mana threat.

Versus Hunter

Prepare an early defense and gain field control as soon as possible. Watch out for Eaglehorn Bow

turn 3 and Multi-Shot turn 4. 

A card to make note of is Explosive Trap, always attack with a minion first before playing new

ones when a Secret has been set (unless the new minion buffs the old ones past 2HP). If the

Secret does not trigger on attack, expect Snipe. If Snipe does not trigger, it's Snake Trap.

Unit positioning for Explosive Shot is also important. Place units such that the center of 3 is the

least desirable target for a 2-5-2 damage spread.

Noob Mistakes

Not really an intention of this guide, but I see two mistakes being made very often.

1. Putting bad Arena cards in your deck. For example, Sinister Strike is a terrible card that

basically says "Pay 1 mana; dump this card on the ground and do nothing". 95% of the time when

you draw it, it's worthless. I have seen so many 1-3 win Rogues play this card, I laugh and win

every time.

2. Do not play into a bad trade. For example, Mage plays 1/3 Mana Wyrm on turn 1. You were

planning to play a Leper Gnome. DON'T. The mage can simply attack it with the Wyrm, and it

lives. Now you need to spend extra resources to finish off the wyrm, meaning the trade was not 1

for 1. Save the card for later.

Note that the Mage ability is NOT the same as having the Wyrm on the field. She has to spend 2

mana (resources) to kill your 1 mana Leper Gnome, which means she's not spending that 2 mana

playing a River Crocolisk or something which limits what you can play next turn to something with

3+ attack or 3+ hp to trade or survive an attack.


Warrior (New):


Warrior (Old):












Shaman (New):


Shaman (Old):



Hunter (New):


Hunter (Old):






Warlock Pt. 1:



Warlock Pt. 2:






Post-Nerf Mage Videos:




Misc. Videos

Shaman Draft and Play:


Shaman Draft and Play 2:


Warrior Draft and Play:


Warrior 12-win attempt:


Rogue 12-win attempt:


Druid 12-win attempt:


Hunter Angry Chicken Arena Run:



Short Video Series - Draft - Rogue



Deck Play / Result:



Short Video Series - 9th Win - Rogue



Short Video Series - Draft - Paladin



Short Video Series - 9th Win - Paladin



Short Video Series - 9th Win - Shaman



Short Video Series - Warrior Draft:



Short Video Series - Warrior Draft Result:



Bad Draft Highlight Video:



Mage Draft:



Mage Deck Result:




If you understand everything written here, then you should be well on your way to getting

consistent 7+ win streaks. Thanks for reading! Feedback is welcome, and see you in Hearthstone.

-Ben#1806Edited by Ben on 2/1/2014 7:53 PM PST



Excellent little guide Ben. I applaud you for sharing this information with the

community. As a complete newbie to TCG's I have taken some of this advice and used

with success outside of the Arena. Can't wait to try it out in the arena now. :)




This is a great guide, I wholeheartedly agree with all the advice. Especially the simple

play vs. correct play breakdowns.8/21/2013


Nice guide

A fair bit of effort went into that



I enyoed reading, thank's a lot8/22/2013


Nice Ben! Well put together and I am sure the players will definitely appreciate this as

much as I did.8/22/2013


Just a slight modification to your flamestrike tip: a mage with 9 mana can do better

than kill a 5 hp minion, it can kill ALL 5 hp minions. That's what you get for taking his

candle.Edited by Seanner on 8/22/2013 9:04 PM PDT



Excellent article; this should be stickied. It's a very interesting read. Thank you!8/22/2013


I'd actually pick Druid/Rogue/Paladin as the top arena classes.

Followed by Hunter/Mage


Then Warrior

and Shaman and Warlock Last


I've gone 9 kill sometimes with hunter just because tracking is probably one of the

very best cards in the arena format. Taking a card and throwing 2 out knowing you

won't get that *crap* in the next 2 turns helps a lot to get things set up for aggressive

decks. And late game it helps you throw out stuff which missed your timing window.

Personally not a fan of direct damage as hunter either, but I guess that may come

down to playstyle. I think my lowest with hunter was a 7 kill so far.

Druid is easy to set up massive burst damage. I feel that a lot of players underrate the

class, so I'm glad you have it rated up there. I'd probably say my favorite class to play,

though my rogue and hunter games are probably statistically better.

I only rate paladin high because if there was a statistics chart, I'd guess 30-40% of my

losses are against paladins. So if out of 9 classes over a third of my losses are from

Paladin, they're definitely good against certain playstyles.

As for warrior, I only tried it once, and I didn't even get a single option for a weapon.

Maybe that's why I consider the class so poorly. IMO if the chance of getting weapons

is so low, it's hard to consider it a top pick. The only class i seem to reliably get

options to take weapons is rogue. I've gotten a weapon once as a hunter as well, but

that's about it. I see a lot of paladins get weapons out as well, though I never played

the class myself.


Your picks list is definitely interesting though, since it's pretty different from mine. I

guess that goes to show that this game allows a variety of playstyles to do well. Then

again of the other games I've kept top 2% finishes in (WoW, SC2, and other less

known games) I've generally kept a different playstyle from most players. Even in

both MTG and Pokemon TCG I've played semi-competitively on custom non-

mainstream decks :P


I got my first 9 win run today with hunter. I'd hardly call it the worst. The beasts all

synergize really well and can get really efficient if you play them right. Scavenging

Buzzard and Animal Companion are particularly awesome.



This is an interesting guide. I always felt that warriors were the weakest but I'll give it

a shot if I get the chance. I just started playing a few days ago. I feel kinda proud that

I've beaten Ben and Beakyboo^ already :D

At the end of the day this is still a casual luck-based game moreso than skill like in


MTG. It's just about having fun more than hardcore competition and I like that about

the game.


Thanks for all the hard work put into this guide :)8/25/2013



Thanks for the post and tips!



Nice quick guide. Thx for posting.8/26/2013


Nice guide. I was wondering if someone could go a bit more into depth about the

Druid. It's my favorite class, and yet I've literally never won a single game (arena) with

it. I thought maybe the class just sucks for arena, but looking here it's obvious I'm

playing it wrong. I usually do fine early game, even get a significant advantage, but

then later the opponent puts down some massive Taunt creature or something and I

lose everything. I've had 30health+5armor vs. a priest with 8health and he turned the

game around and won. Kept healing his taunt creature, and mind-controlled some of

my bigger stuff.

Specifically, the questions you ask about knowing yourself, I can't answer properly.

- What is the mana curve on your cards? 


I usually go for fewer low-cost cards and more higher-cost cards. Ironbark Protector

and such. I seem to always have lots of mana late-game.

- Do you need field control?

Not sure about this. It seems to be more direct damage.

- What card should I always start my hand with (else mulligan entire hand)?

This is something I'd really love to hear opinions on. I have no clue which ones. I'm

usually fine with my opening hand unless it has nothing that I can play on turn1.

- What is your win condition?

Again, no clue. Build up a bunch of creatures and hope to overwhelm the other guy.


Your class ranking is overly simplistic to the point where it is wrong. My best class is,

by far, the shaman, and the worst I have done with him so far is 8 wins out of like 8

runs with shaman. The shaman cards offer a good balance of control and damage

potential that synergizes with the relatively hearty totems which also offer great

utility. If you aren't winning all the time with shaman in Arena, I think you are just

doing it wrong. If you want to make your ranking accurate, you are going to need

more than just a blurb about each class.


Sar- Hearthstone

From personal experience, I'd put Rogue as #1. I don't mean that as a personal

opinion, though that much is true as well, but I mean statistically, I'm pretty sure I see

Rogues win Arena games more often than any other class. If I had to guess, Paladin is


probably #2, but I'm not sure on that; it would be nice to get some statistics on it to

validate if that's true or not.

Other than that, while I don't agree necessarily with your exact ordering, I think you

have the jist more or less right. Hunters are relatively low in my experience mainly

because in Arena they have to generally really on beast-synnergy cards, and almost

all beasts are low-cost minions, meaning you either need to rush the opponent down

or you probably will lose in the end-game.


I found the warrior being ranked #1 extremely surprising. I don't have beta access, so

I can only speak as a 3rd party witness, but it seems people generally view the warrior

as the least playable class. Especially in arena.



I really disagree with your class ranking. I'd personally rate them:



Shaman, Rogue

Warrior, Druid, Warlock



Which isn't to say any particular class can't do well in Arena, but you're definitely

gambling on pulling more exotics with the lower tier ones.Edited by tangmcgame on 9/2/2013 8:46 AM PDT



Some great tips overall. I have to agree with some of the others that your rankings

seem out of whack. Through my experiences, I would have to rank them like this:

Tier 1 - Rogue, Shaman, Mage, Warlock

Tier 2 - Warrior, Druid, Paladin, Priest

Tier 3 - Hunter

Hunter tends to be popular with the newer players because of the clear synergies and

aggressive style, but it's also one of the most easily stopped. The biggest problem

with the class is that it's so difficult to generate card advantage. The longer the game

goes, the worse it is for the hunter. The only exception to the rule is that they can give

rogues a run for their money if the rogue has been using weapons to control the


One very important tip I'd add is to remember the cost of the best common spells and

minions for your class, especially the ones with high mana costs (4+). Do your best to

avoid taking other common cards early in your draft that share that cost. For example:

You're drafting a shaman deck. Three picks into the draft, you're presented with a

choice of Lord of the Arena, Harvest Golem, and Shattered Sun Cleric. While the Lord

of the Arena is arguably the stronger card of the bunch, the other two are very solid

minions that I wouldn't mind having in my deck. More importantly, one of the most


powerful common minions for shaman is the Fire Elemental. I'll take a Fire Elemental

over any other common in almost every situation imaginable, and I'll take as many as

I can get. Drafting other 6+ cost minions puts your deck in jeopardy of being

extremely slow and ultimately unsuccessful. If it's late in your draft and you haven't

had the opportunity to take any Fire Elementals, the Lord of the Arena gains much

more value.

On top of that, many minions are excellent with some classes yet mediocre (or poor)

in others. Gurubashi Berserker is a perfect example. The Berserker is a wrecking ball

for Mages and Priests, solid for Warrior, but mediocre or sub-optimal for the remaining


Here are the common cards you want to draft high while avoiding too many other

cards of the same cost:

Druid - Swipe, Druid of the Claw, Ironbark Protector

Hunter - None

Mage - Water Elemental, Flamestrike, Gurubashi Berserker

Paladin - Truesilver Champion, Consecration, Frostwolf Warlord

Priest - Holy Nova, Mind Control, Gurubashi Berserker

Rogue - Assassin's Blade

Shaman - Fire Elemental, Frostwolf Warlord

Warlock - Hellfire

Warrior - Arathi Weaponsmith, Arcanite Reaper

All - Spellbreaker

Hope this helps some of you to reach the 9 win club. Happy drafting!Edited by Weeble on 9/2/2013 3:55 PM PDT

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