health food and nutrition mai schroder ben cheong alex drummond

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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HealthFood and Nutrition

Mai Schroder

Ben Cheong

Alex Drummond

Learning Outcome

Students will identify their nutritional daily requirements and will therefore be able to make smarter choices about the food they eat.

Today we will…

Discover what we know about nutrition using a Mix and Match game.

Describe the NZ food pyramid and how it relates to our recommended daily intake.

Learn about some healthy and unhealthy foods in the form of a quiz.

Mix N Match table

Nutrient: RDV(recommended

daily value):

Function: Selected Food Sources:

Total Fat:      

Saturated Fat:



Dietary Fiber:      




Complete the table with the correct Recommended Daily Value (RDV), function, and selected food source for each nutrient.

Note: These RDV’s are based on someone eating 2000 calories/day and will vary depending on the individual

Correct Mix N Match tableNutrient: RDV

(recommended daily value):

Function: Selected Food Sources:

Total Fat: 70g A source of energy. Increases absorption of fat. Helps to protect organs such as your heart, liver and kidneys.

Butter, margarine, vegetable oils, whole milk, visible fat on meat and poultry products, seeds and nuts, and bakery products

Saturated Fat: 24g No required role other than energy. It is not needed. Does damage such as increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.

These can be found in animal fats, desserts, coconut and palm kernel oils, butter, whole-fat dairy products. 

Carbohydrate: 310g Primary source of energy for the central nervous system and muscular system. Can supply dietary fiber.

Commonly found in starches. Starches are grains and vegetables (corn, pasta, rice, potatoes, and breads).Note that this nutrient is also found in sugars.

Dietary Fiber: 30g Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and assists in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Maintains a healthy digestive system preventing constipation.

This is naturally present in grains (oats and wheat). Other forms can be found in vegetables and animal products.

Protein: 50g (variable) Your muscles, your organs and some of your hormones are made up mostly of this. It is one of the main building blocks crucial for overall health. This nutrient builds up, keeps up and replaces the tissues in your body. Also good for keeping nails, skin and hair healthy.

Meat, fish, dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs), grains, beans, nuts, seeds, vegetables.

Sugar: 90g Provides energy however in excess, it is changed into fatty acids and stored in the body as excess fat.

Found naturally in fruits, and also in artificially sweetened products such as sweets, chocolate, drinks, cereals.

Sodium: 2300mg Used to regulate water in the body, blood volume and blood pressure. Excess salt causes the body to dehydrate.

Salt, preservatives and additives.

Put the words onto the layers of the pyramid…

Then stay and stray…

NZ Food Pyramid


What were the foods that you ate yesterday from each layer of the pyramid?

How much did you eat?

How much do you think you should have eaten?

Recommended Portion Sizes

At least 3 servings of vegetables AND 2 servings of fruits (inc. fresh, frozen, canned or dried) p/day.

At least 6 servings of wholegrain (inc. bread, cereal, pasta, rice) p/day.

Not more than 3 servings of milk and milk products (inc. cheese, yoghurt, ice cream) p/day.

Not more than two servings of meat (inc. lean meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and seeds) p/day.

Veges 3 a day

Fruit2 a day

'Meat'1 a day

Cereal6 a day

Dairy2 a day

• ½ cup (75g) cooked vegetables or green leafy vegetables

•½ cup salad or mixed vegetables

•1 (135g) medium potato, kumara

•1 (80g) tomato

•1 apple, banana, orange or pear

•2 small plums (100g)

•½ cup fruit salad, stewed or canned fruit

•1 cup dried fruit

•4 dried apricots

•1 medium sized fillet fish

•1 small lamb chop

•1 medium sized steak (120g)

•2 slices roast meat (100g)

•½ cup mince or casserole (150g)

•2 chicken drumsticks (110g)

•small handful nuts

•1-2 Tbsp seeds

•1 Tbsp peanut butter

•1 egg (50g)

•2 Tbsp tuna

•45g tinned fish

•2 fish fingers

•½ cup cooked dried beans, lentils, chickpeas (135g)

•1 soy sausage

•1 slice bread (26g)

•1 cup breakfast cereal

•½ cup muesli or porridge

•1 medium bread roll (50g)

•1 muffin (80g)

•2 plain sweet biscuits

•1 cup cooked pasta, rice or noodles

•1 large glass milk (250ml)

•1 pottle yoghurt (150g)

•2 slices cheese

•2 scoops ice cream

Quiz time!

Multi-choice quiz

3 groups

10 questions

Question 1

What has almost twice the amount of Vitamin C as an orange?

A: Apples B: Broccoli C: Celery D: Dates

Question 2

What fruit has the most antioxidants?

A: Watermelon B: Lemons C: Strawberries D: Blueberries

Question 3

Dissolved fish (bones and all) is the key ingredient in which popular sauce?

A: Worcestershire sauce B: Tomato sauce C: Sweet N Sour sauce D: Aeoli

Question 4

Which vegetable has almost as much calcium as whole milk?

A: Broccoli B: Parsnip C: Mushrooms D: Yams

Question 5

The phosphoric acid found in this drink is so acidic it can dissolve a fingernail in 4 days!

A: Vodka B: Cola C: Flavoured Milk D: Pineapple Juice

Question 6

One fast food hamburger may contain meat from how many different cows?

A: 1 B: 10 C: 50 D: 100

Question 7

An average can of soda contains how many teaspoons of sugar?

A: 4 B: 7 C: 10 D: 13

Question 8

How much salt is in a standard cup of soup?

A: 1000mg B: 500mg C: 800mg D: 350mg

Question 9

What can Honey do?

A: Has antiseptic cleansing properties B: Help correct diarrhoea C: Can treat minor acne D: All of the above

Question 10

A McDonald’s Big Mac contains what percentage of your recommended daily salt intake?

A: 22% B: 33% C: 44% D: 55%

Question 1

What has almost twice the amount of Vitamin C as an orange?

A: Apples B: Broccoli C: Celery D: Dates

Question 2

What fruit has the most antioxidants?

A: Watermelon B: Lemons C: Strawberries D: Blueberries

Question 3

Dissolved fish (bones and all) is the key ingredient in which popular sauce?

A: Worcestershire sauce B: Tomato sauce C: Sweet N Sour sauce D: Aeoli

Question 4

Which vegetable has almost as much calcium as whole milk?

A: Broccoli B: Parsnip C: Mushrooms D: Yams

Question 5

The phosphoric acid found in this drink is so acidic it can dissolve a fingernail in 4 days!

A: Vodka B: Cola C: Flavoured Milk D: Pineapple Juice

Question 6

One fast food hamburger may contain meat from how many different cows?

A: 1 B: 10 C: 50 D: 100

Question 7

An average can of soda contains how many teaspoons of sugar?

A: 4 B: 7 C: 10 D: 13

Question 8

How much salt is in a standard cup of soup?

A: 1000mg B: 500mg C: 800mg D: 350mg

Question 9

What can Honey do?

A: Has antiseptic cleansing properties B: Help correct diarrhoea C: Can treat minor acne D: All of the above

Question 10

A McDonald’s Big Mac contains what percentage of your recommended daily salt intake?

A: 22% B: 33% C: 44% D: 55%

Making Healthy Choices Cadbury Moro Bar

Calories: 266.7Fat: 9.5g

Pams Muesli Bar Choc Honey CrunchCalories: 134Fat: 4.9g

Making Healthy Choices

Hubbards Simply Toasted MuesliCalories: 212Fat: 6.7g

Weet Bix (2 biscuits)Calories: 107Fat: 0.4g

Making Healthy Choices

Big Ben Mince and Cheese PieCalories: 391Fat: 14.5g

Average blueberry muffinCalories: 47Fat: 1.1g

Making Health Choices

Tip Top Sunblest White Bread sliceCalories: 102Fat: 1g

Tip Top Sunblest Wholemeal Bread sliceCalories: 74Fat: 1g


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