healing with reiki - aingeal rose · pdf filereiki reiki is a japanese word for universal life...

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Healing with Reiki Easiest Guide to

Reiki Hands-on Healing

Reiki Attunements

Reiki Treatments

Reiki Symbols

Reiki Healing

AHONU and his wife Aingeal Rose have combined metaphysical teaching experience spanning

50 years. They are also Indigos and Ascension Twins. They have explored all manners of

metaphysical healing and energy work over the years and are both Reiki Master Teachers. This

gives them firsthand experience and qualifies them to speak with some authority on the subject

of Reiki. The topics they cover in this short guide are…

Table of Contents Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Reiki ................................................................................................................................................. 6

History of Reiki ................................................................................................................................ 7

The Benefits of Reiki ....................................................................................................................... 9

How Does Reiki Work? .................................................................................................................. 10

What Can Be Treated? .................................................................................................................. 11

What is a Session Like? ................................................................................................................. 11

Is it Hands-On Healing? ................................................................................................................. 12

What Happens During a Reiki Treatment? ................................................................................... 13

What Hand Positions are Used? ................................................................................................... 14

Hand Positions for the Chest and Abdomen ................................................................................ 16

Is Reiki Effective? .......................................................................................................................... 19

Can Reiki Cause Harm? ................................................................................................................. 19

Is Reiki Energy Ever Depleted? ..................................................................................................... 19

Summary of Benefits of Reiki ........................................................................................................ 20

Learning Reiki ................................................................................................................................ 21

Reiki Level 1 ............................................................................................................................... 21

Reiki Level 2 ............................................................................................................................... 21

Reiki Level 2 Practitioner ........................................................................................................... 22

Reiki Level 3 ............................................................................................................................... 22

Advanced Reiki Training (ART) .................................................................................................. 22

Advanced Reiki Training Weekend ............................................................................................ 22

Reiki Master Level ..................................................................................................................... 23

Can Anyone Learn Reiki? .............................................................................................................. 24

How Much Does it Cost? ............................................................................................................... 24

Origin of the $10,000 Fee ............................................................................................................. 24

The Attunements .......................................................................................................................... 25

What is a Reiki Initiation or Attunement? ................................................................................ 25

Preparing For An Attunement ...................................................................................................... 27

Choosing a Teacher ....................................................................................................................... 28

Questions About Reiki Training ................................................................................................. 28

Want to Get Started Now? ........................................................................................................... 29

The Reiki Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 30

The Reiki Power Symbol Choku Rei ........................................................................................... 31

The Mental /Emotional Symbol – Sei He Ki .............................................................................. 33

The Reiki Distance Healing Symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen ....................................................... 34

Reiki and the Chakras .................................................................................................................... 36

Chakras – Seven Centers of Energy ........................................................................................... 36

Chakras and the Endocrine System ........................................................................................... 37

Reiki with Other Holistic Therapies............................................................................................... 38

Reiki with Aromatherapy .......................................................................................................... 39

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 40

ABOUT THE AUTHORS ............................................................................................................... 41

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 42

DISCLAIMER................................................................................................................................... 43

Please read the Disclaimer first. If you disagree with anything in the disclaimer please do not

continue. Thank you.


The purpose of this Reiki Guide eBook is to provide the fundamentals of Reiki in a useful,

informative and easily understood way. We hope too that this eBook will provide you with

more awareness of energy and spiritual healing and that it provides more information on the

many alternative and complementary approaches to health care.

This eBook, developed and written by Aingeal Rose & AHONU, has been delivered in many

formats to live as well as internet audiences worldwide in answer to the almost overwhelming

desire in people to find out alternative, complementary and energy healing, and especially

about Reiki, what it is, how to do it, can anyone learn it etc.

You will find the answers here.


Reiki is a Japanese word for universal life force or spiritually guided energy. Thought to have

originated in Tibet thousands of years ago, Reiki was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a

Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan in the 1800’s. It was his purpose to find how

Buddha and Jesus healed the sick. During his ten-year quest, he meditated and studied the

teachings of Christ, the sacred literature of Japan, China, India and Tibet.

Finally, the complete system of Reiki came to him during a mystical experience on the holy

mountain of Koriyama.

Reiki (pronounced RAY-KEY) is a Japanese word representing universal life energy, the energy

which is all around us. It is derived from REI, meaning “free passage” or “transcendental spirit”

and KI, meaning “vital life force energy” or “universal life energy”. Reiki has become popular


What makes Reiki unique is that it incorporates elements of just about every other alternative

healing practice, such as spiritual healing, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, meditation,

aromatherapy, naturopathy, and homoeopathy. Reiki involves the transfer of energy from

practitioner to patient to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself through the balancing

of energy. Reiki utilizes specific techniques for restoring and balancing the natural life force

energy within the body. It is a holistic natural hands-on healing system that touches on all

levels: mind, body and spirit.

History of Reiki

Reiki is believed to have begun in Tibet several thousand years ago. Seers in the Orient studied

energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for universal, healing energies. Various

healing systems, which crossed many different cultures, emerged from this single root system.

Unfortunately, the original source itself was forgotten. Dr. Usui rediscovered the root system in

the mid to late 1800s.

He began an extensive 21 year study of the healing phenomena of history's greatest spiritual

leaders. He also studied ancient sutras (Buddhist teachings, written in Sanskrit). He discovered

ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system,

which activate the universal life energy for healing.

Usui then underwent a metaphysical experience and became empowered to use these sounds

and symbols to heal. He called this form of healing ‘Reiki’, and taught it throughout Japan until

his death around 1893. The tradition was passed through several grandmasters of Reiki, such as

Doctor Chujiro Hyashi, Hayawo Takata and Phyllis Lei Furomoto.

There are many forms of Reiki being practiced now. The two principal ones are “The Usui

System of Natural Healing” and the “Radiance Technique”. The Usui System of Natural Healing

balances and strengthens the body's energy, promoting its ability to heal itself. Reiki was

introduced to the Western world in the mid-1970s. Since then, its use has spread dramatically


The Benefits of Reiki

Reiki energy is regarded as life energy at its maximum vibration. It is considered to have an

almost divine quality, and as such include everything in a world where problems and disorders

are deemed to be due to the feeling of detachment from the world. There is no division of Reiki

energy into positive and negative forms. When a person undergoes a session of therapy, they

allow the energy to be taken into themselves with beneficial effects.

Essentially, those receiving Reiki energy decided subconsciously just how much of the life

energy is taken in. Those who use Reiki regularly, often find they are more joyful, lively and

their own in-built energy is enhanced, almost as if their batteries had been fully charged!

Existing conflicts within the person are broken down. There is greater vitality, leading to

relaxation and stimulation of the body. As these improvements develop, the natural processes

of renewal and removal of toxins are enhanced and rendered more effective, ultimately

opening up more of the body to the life energy.

Body organs such as the skin and protective systems such as the immune system are improved,

providing the individual is prepared regularly to undertake Reiki, and in the first place to

undergo an attunement or initiation into Reiki energy. The initiation is merely a means whereby

the universal life energy is bestowed through the Reiki Master. The Master acts as a channel

and a link with God to release the healing power.

And initiation is not absolutely essential, but it allows the individual access to the universal life

energy rather than using their own. Also, an initiation conveys a greater capacity for using Reiki

energy, with no associated tiredness and further, it provides a protective mechanism against

any negative manifestations.

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki is an amazing energy that comes from the highest spiritual source and addresses body,

mind and spirit. It accelerates the body's natural ability to heal physical ailments and opens the

mind to the causes of disease and pain. Reiki is not based on a belief system - it works whether

you believe it or not! It has an intelligence of its own and goes to wherever it is needed. Reiki

energy has several benefits: it brings about deep relaxation, destroys energy blockages,

detoxifies the system, provides new vitality in the form of healing universal life energy, and

increases the vibrational frequency of the body.

What Can Be Treated?

Reiki is a gentle loving energy, but very powerful. In its long history Reiki has aided in healing

almost every known illness. It enables you to be empowered within yourself, connecting you

with your true spirit. It relieves stress and helps you to achieve your heart’s desire. Reiki is

useful in treating serious illnesses, as well as sports injuries, cuts, burns, internal diseases,

emotional disorders and stress-related illnesses.

What is a Session Like?

Reiki is a hands-on healing technique. The practitioner places their hands on or above the body

in different positions. A session creates a wonderful radiance that is deeply relaxing. Both the

client and practitioner benefit. You can also do Reiki on yourself. This is what makes Reiki so

unique. Self healing is an amazing gift to oneself and helps us to realize our life's purpose.

Is it Hands-On Healing?

Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and harmonize. Unlike other

healing therapies based on the premise of a human energy field, Reiki seeks to restore order to

the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced. The laying on of hands is used in Reiki

therapy as in spiritual healing.

There is a difference though. In spiritual healing, a person with a strong energy field places his

or her hands above a particular part of the recipient’s body in order to release energy into it.

So, here it is the healer who is sending out the energy. In Reiki, the healer places the hands

above or on the recipient; however, it is the recipient that draws the energy as needed.

Thus, the individual being healed takes an active part in the healing process as opposed to

having a passive part in spiritual healing. The individual takes responsibility for his or her own

healing. The recipient identifies the needs and caters to them by drawing energy as needed.

Although there are a few positions in which the practitioner is in contact with the patient (such

as cradling the head), Reiki treatments do not always have to involve actual touching. Some

practitioners hold their hands a few inches away from the patient’s body and manipulate the

energy from there.

What Happens During a Reiki Treatment?

The implementation of Reiki is highly ritualized and ceremonious. Many practitioners undertake

a particular routine before commencing a regime of whole-body treatment. Since the disease

or disorder in one area will inevitably affect the whole body, the use of Reiki is best applied to

the whole body, to cleanse and revitalize the complete system. The Reiki Master will ask you to

remove jewelry, and then they will wash their hands, say a prayer, and even out the aura by

asking the person to lie down.

The master will then:

* Sit beside the person and put the left hand on your sacrum.

* With the right hand held about 15-25 cm above the body and palms facing down, move a

hand along the length of your body from head to toe.

* Return the hands to the starting point, using a circular motion along the side of your body.

* Repeat this three or four times.

This process can be repeated after the Reiki therapy when the left hand can be placed on the

sacrum of the recipient. When each Reiki therapy session is complete, the whole body may be

energized via the root chakra. The hand is held vertically above the body, and then quickly

moved from the pelvis to the head.

What Hand Positions are Used?

The hands are clearly the instruments of healing in Reiki. The position in which the hands are

placed on the recipient is important. However it may vary depending on the circumstances. Just

placing ones hands on the appropriate part of the body is sufficient. Reiki can be affected

through clothing, as the energy flows through the clothing. However, some people prefer to

have no material obstacles to the therapy.

Further ahead, their hands are placed either side of the nose, with the palms covering the eyes,

the palms rest by the bridge of the nose and the fingertips cover the cheeks and reach the

upper lip. This arrangement covers the sinuses, eyes, pituitary gland and the teeth. It is useful

for dealing with colds, sinusitis, eye complaints, allergies, fatigue and general discontent.

Another position is to place the hands over the years, with the fingertips extending down the

jaw line to the neck, encompassing the ears including the semicircular canals, responsible for

balance. The effect also extends to the pharyngeal area. Diseases and problems of these organs

such as colds, trouble with balance, hearing loss etc are dealt with in this position.

For relieving conditions such as headaches, colds, asthma and circuitry problems, placed a

hands on the back of the head. This hand position also promotes relaxation.

Hand Positions for the Chest and Abdomen

There are many variations of hand positions in the chest, abdomen and back. We will only

discuss a few of them here. For the thymus, heart and lungs: one hand is laid across the thymus

and the other at 90°, starting just below and between the breasts. This hand position reinforces

the immune system and helps the lymphatic glands, the heart and lungs and counters any

general debility.

For the stomach and digestive organs, placed a hands on either side of the navel is likely to one

side. This combats nausea, heartburn and, gastrointestinal diseases, and indigestion. Because

the presence of such conditions often results in tension and worry, the relief of symptoms will

similarly help relieve anxiety and depression.

For diseases and conditions of the gall bladder and the liver, approach the body from the right

side of the recipient and place your left hand around the base of the rib cage. For the bowels,

spleens, and some of the pancreas, arrange the hands on the left side of the body by intention

to encompass these areas. Indigestion and healthy blood are also dealt with in this position.

To focus on the appendix, intestines, and urino-genital organs, placed the hands on (or over)

the pelvic bone, where it meets over the pubic area. It is also useful for the treatment of

allergies, general debility, problems of a sexual nature and issues relating to weight. It's also

believed to reinforce the immune system.

For the back, the hands are placed across the shoulder blades at mid to upper point, to

influence the intestines, lung, heart and various muscles in the neck and shoulder region. This

will help long and heart diseases, muscular tension, headaches and related conditions. If the

hands are placed lower down the back, around the midriff (on the lower ribs), this position will

accommodate the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Is Reiki Effective?

The vast majority of reports on the effectiveness of Reiki appear in popular rather than

scientific literature. Proponents of Reiki cite the growing body of research in the field of

therapeutic touch as evidence of the therapeutic transfer of energy through touch.

One California study showed that Reiki can increase hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels. The

study compared 47 people participating in Reiki training and a small control group of nine

healthy medical professionals. The study found a significant increase in hemoglobin and

hematocrit levels among the Reiki group and no significant change in the control group.

Can Reiki Cause Harm?

Because Reiki is guided by the God consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what

that person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them. One

never needs to worry about whether to give Reiki or not - it is always helpful. In addition,

because the practitioner does not direct the healing and does not decide what to work on, or

what to heal, the practitioner is not in danger of taking on the karma of the client. Because the

practitioner is not doing the healing, it is also much easier for the ego to stay out of the way

and allow the presence of God to clearly shine through.

Is Reiki Energy Ever Depleted?

Because it is channeled healing, the Reiki practitioners energies are never depleted. In fact, the

Reiki consciousness considers both practitioner and clients to be in need of healing, so both

receive treatment. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases one's energy and leaves

one surrounded with loving feelings of well-being.

Summary of Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is used to treat the whole body. This achieves relaxation, facilitates the removal of

blockages in energy flow, disperses toxins, restores the general condition of the body, opens

the energy channels to allow the body to deal naturally with stress and toxins, and helps you

cope with anxiety and depression.

Reiki is also useful when you are recovering from an illness. Reiki will provide the additional

energy required to recover from the illness. It also reinforces the effects of any other method of

natural healing. It can be used as a supplementary therapy, as it is a truly complimentary

system of treatment.

Reiki therapy can help reduce some of the side effects of drug therapy. Reiki helps the body

recover after drug therapy, surgery, and after chemotherapy. In these cases, Reiki therapy

supplies the body with extra life energy, enabling the body to bounce back more quickly from

the burdens of surgery and chemicals. In some cases, use of Reiki therapy after an operation

will lessen pain and accelerate the natural healing processes. The key is regularity.

Learning Reiki

The ability to use Reiki is transferred to the student by the Reiki teacher through an attunement

process. The Crown, Palm and Heart chakras are opened through the sacred process and the

student is then connected directly to the source. This connection lasts a lifetime and the

intention to channel Reiki is all that is needed. The student places his/her hands on the body

and the Reiki energy will flow. Any training course you take should include a detailed manual,

handouts and a Certificate of Completion.

Here is a breakdown of what is included in the levels.

Reiki Level 1

This is usually a two-day class and one evening. It includes:

A history of Reiki

What it is and how it works

The Aura and what it is

Information on the main chakras

Energy block removal

Reiki hand positions for self-treatment

How to do a long and short treatment

Practice time and more

Reiki Level 2

This is usually a two-day workshop. Topics include:

Scanning and beaming Long-distance healing Mental and emotional healing Effects of healing on the body Symbols and their use Practice time

Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

This is usually a 1-day workshop for those who wish to practice Reiki in a professional capacity.

Topics include:

How to work with clients, Emotional support skills. Role-playing and practice time

Students are required to complete the required number of practice sessions out of class prior to

completion of this course. 25 case histories are required to be handed in for review/discussion,

so that they will be a confident practitioner.

Reiki Level 3

This is usually a 1-day workshop. Topics include:

Attunement to the Reiki Master Symbol codes The new Symbols and their use Ongoing mental and emotional healing Practice time

Advanced Reiki Training (ART)

This is usually an emotional support day (more days optional). This day is an opportunity for the

student to work on feeling emotions that come up in a group situation and experience other

people in a similar state. This is a very safe day where you learn how to listen, share and be

open with each other. Here you will learn how to clear emotions quickly, using special


Advanced Reiki Training Weekend

This is usually a two-day workshop where the student will learn about people skills. Topics can

include aura-surgery, emotional support skills, working with visualization, etc. At this stage the

workshops are usually geared towards the individual’s needs in the group. More symbols are

given at this level, with one attunement.

Reiki Master Level

This is an apprentice-type program that will vary according to the student’s needs and goals.

Students usually receive two Master Level attunements - Usui & Tera-Mai. Topics can include:

The complete Reiki attunements How to give an attunement How to attune symbols How to teach all levels of Reiki Group dynamics etc.

The length of time will vary. For those who wish to teach, training will include sitting in on

workshops and open-house evenings. This is an invaluable experience and will enable students

to be confident and successful in the use of this divine love energy. It is suggested that a time

lapse be allowed between each level so that the student can get used to the Reiki energy and

work on their own healing. Generally three months between Level I and 2, and at least six

months between Level 2 and the Advanced Reiki Training (ART). Also at least one year working

with this level before commencing the Master Level. This however is just a guideline. Those

who do not wish to become practitioners may take all levels and adjustments will usually be

made in the program to suit your specific needs. Each Reiki teacher would bring to it their own

special skills and experiences.

Please check what you will be taught at each level, especially if you're moving from one teacher

to another. Teachers tend to put together their own programs, which will continue to change

and grow as they continue to move on their own spiritual journey. Training involves continued

support and the student must complete the required hours of practice, and show an ongoing

commitment to personal growth if he/she wishes to become a Reiki Master.

Many who have taken Reiki training in just a few days report feelings of having missed out on

its spiritual application! Reiki can be used in every aspect of your life, and we are honored to be

able to share it with you now.

Can Anyone Learn Reiki?

The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able

to meditate. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from the teacher to

student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned

by anyone. Reiki is a pure form of healing, not dependent on individual talent or acquired

ability. Because of this, the personality of the healer is less likely to cloud the significance of the

experience. The feeling of being connected directly to God's healing love and protection is

clearly apparent. Reiki is not taught in a way other healing techniques are taught. It is

transferred to the student by the Reiki Master, during an attunement process. This process

opens the Crown, Heart and Palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and

the Reiki source.

How Much Does it Cost?

The cost of an hour-long introductory session is around $80.00. The cost for Reiki 1 or Reiki 2 is

approx $120.00 per day. Reiki 3 and Reiki Master costs vary widely. The cost to learn varies

from Centre to Centre and from Teacher to Teacher. You don’t have to pay the $10,000 fee!

Origin of the $10,000 Fee

As time went by, Mrs. Takata contemplated the need to train other Reiki Master teachers. She

realized that the Japanese concept of respect might be difficult to instill in the Western mind.

Because Reiki Mastership is so easily learned, being passed on during the Reiki Master

attunement, she felt that Westerners might not value it. So she devised a plan of charging a

large sum of money for those wanting to become Reiki Masters. She felt that money was

something that Westerners understood and respected and this would help create the

appreciation and gratitude for Reiki that was needed.

She decided that $10,000 would be a large enough sum to instill the respect needed for the

Reiki Master attunement. She also set the fees for Reiki 1 at $175 and Reiki 2 at $500. These

high fees have continued to be charged by some Reiki Masters, but many are now considering a

lower fee structure that makes it possible for anyone who feels guided to do so, to become a

Reiki Master. Most centers and teachers of Reiki now offer classes for reasonable fees.

The Attunements

What is a Reiki Initiation or Attunement?

The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are

channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God

consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student.

The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement

the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings,

visions, and past life experiences.

A Reiki Master employs the ancient sounds and symbols which attunes an individual’s nervous

system to a higher level and energy. Through these attunements, the student can experience

more energy flowing through their hands, giving them the power to heal themselves and


Reiki is taught in three levels or degrees. In Level I or 1st Degree, the participant receives

attunement or initiation into the Reiki energy by a Reiki Master. This permanently guides the

person to greater healing power. The student learns how to do full body treatments on self and


In Level II or 2nd Degree, the participant receives attunements which increase the strength of

the practitioner's Reiki energy. This primarily involves learning the sounds and symbols which

are used in advanced Reiki bodywork and absentee healing.

In Level III or 3rd Degree, the participant receives third-level empowerment, and the final

symbol. It is taught mainly for personal growth. A person who has completed the 3rd Level is

able to give the Level 1Reiki Attunement.

The attunement can increase psychic sensitivity. Students often report experiences involving:

opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness, and other psychic abilities after

receiving a Reiki attunement.

Once you have received a Reiki Attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It

does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need for each level

to be attuned to those levels, additional attunements bring benefit. Experimentation has found

that additional attunements of the same level add to the value of that level. These benefits

include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the energy,

healing of personal problems, and clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity and a raised

level of consciousness.

The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the

mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with

feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification

prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives.

The next page has information on preparing for an attunement.

Preparing for an Attunement

In order to improve the results you receive during the attunement, a process of purification is

recommended. This will allow the attunement energies to work more efficiently and create

greater benefits for you. The following steps are optional. Follow them if you feel guided so.

1. Refrain from eating meat, fowl our fish for three days prior to the attunement. These foods

often contain drugs in the form of penicillin and female hormones and toxins in the form of

pesticides and heavy-metals that make your system sluggish and thrown out of balance.

2. Consider a water/juice fast for 1-3 days, especially if you have experience with fasting.

3. Minimize your use of coffee and caffeine drinks or stop completely. They create imbalances

in the nervous and endocrine systems. Use no caffeine drinks on the day of the attunement.

4. Use no alcohol for at least three days prior to the attunement.

5. Minimize or stop using sweets or chocolate.

6. If you smoke, cut back and smoke as little as possible on the day of the attunement.

7. Meditate an hour a day for at least a week using a style you are familiar with or simply spend

this time in silence.

8. Reduce or eliminate time watching TV, listening to the radio and reading newspapers.

9. Go for quiet walks, spend time with nature, and get moderate exercise.

10. Give more attention to the subtle impressions and sensations within and around you;

contemplate their meaning.

11. Release all anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry etc and let it go up to the light. Create a sacred

space within and around you.

12. By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki

to heal themselves and others and who are working together to heal the earth. You will also

receive help from Reiki Guides and other spiritual beings who are also working towards these

goals. While Reiki is not a religion you may prepare your mind with the intention to work and

pray in a religious mode comfortable for you to prepare to open to higher spiritual energies and


Choosing a Teacher

If a practitioner is not available, you may wish to go ahead and start a class. If money is a

problem, remember some teachers offer scholarships. If Reiki is right for you, you will find a

way. Do see the Appendix for possible connections. Once you have found a teacher, the

simplest and best advice is to follow your heart. Listen to your inner voice…

Is this connection right for me?

If your approach is analytical, see the references below to guide you. Or simply start asking

questions. When you decide that you wish to study Reiki, we recommend you consider the

following questions in choosing a Teacher.

Questions about Reiki Training

Questions for Yourself…

Should I study Reiki at this time? Do I feel in my heart that I should study with this person? Is this person a good learning partner for me? Am I willing to commit regular practice so that this method (indeed any method) may yield results?

Questions for a Reiki Teacher…

What do you cover in your classes? How many hours of class time? How much time is instructional and how much hands-on practice? Will this training initiate me into, or progress me within you’re the Usui Reiki lineage? Ask them to explain their lineage. What should I expect from the attunement? What are your fees and why do some masters charge large amounts of money? How long should I wait between levels of Reiki training? What is the availability for support from you or other Masters after I take this training? Is there a Reiki support group in my area, or can you help me establish one? Does the teacher respond in a loving manner that is supportive and empowering for me?

Want to Get Started Now?

This is a very simplified primer on basic Reiki. It is intended as a basic lesson, to help someone

get started channeling the energy and should not be considered a Reiki course in itself - the

Reiki attunements are absolutely necessary.

To give you some idea and to help prepare you get some idea of what to expect, simply sit or lie

down in a comfortable position. Put on the music of your choice and relax. Place your hands

over your face with your palms over your eyes. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth

with the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth. As you inhale, just open up and feel

the energy flow down through the top of your head down to your heart chakra, then feel it flow

out along your arms and out through your hands and into your face.

At the simplest level, that is all you have to do. The energy will go wherever it is needed, and do

whatever is required of it. You don't have to send it anywhere in particular, or try to control it.

Reiki flows through you simply by ‘intent’. You just have to intend to open up to it and you'll

find it readily available. You may feel many different things while giving yourself a Reiki

treatment. Your hands or the part of your body covered by your hands may get hot, cold or

tingly. Some people feel it very easily, and others take a while to open up to it. The simplest

explanation we've found is to think of what the emotion of ‘love’ feels like, and then just relax

and let it flow.

We hope this simple exercise helps those of you who’ve been interested in Reiki, but just

haven’t made the leap into studying it yet or getting the attunements.

The Reiki Symbols

Many Reiki Masters consider the Reiki symbols holy and persist in the old Reiki tradition that

they must be kept secret. The symbols should only be available to those who have been

initiated at the Reiki 2 level. Many people today feel that this approach is no longer relevant as

the symbols have been described in many books and freely available on the Internet.

However, it is also believed the Reiki symbols and the information that can be read about them

are of little value on their own. In different tests it has been proven that the symbols have little

or no use before a Reiki initiation. Students with no Reiki experience (but with psychic abilities)

have been asked to memorize the symbols and then use them. The results differ from a control

group will had the Reiki 2 initiation. The conclusion has been that it is the Reiki initiation as such

that gives the Reiki symbols their power.

The Reiki symbols are like keys which open doors to a higher mind. You can also see them as

buttons, when you press the button, you automatically get a result. The symbols trigger a belief

or intention built into the symbols to help the user to get the results intended. The different

symbols also quickly connect the user to the universal life force. When a Reiki Master does an

attunement and shows the symbols to the student, the form of the symbol is impressed in the

mind and merges with the metaphysical energies it represents. When a Reiki practitioner

draws, thinks about or visualizes a symbol, it instantly connects to the energies it represents.

Today, there are many different forms of Reiki, and some have incorporated their own symbols

in the initiations. In “traditional” Reiki, there are three Reiki symbols given during the Reiki 2

attunement. They are:

The Power Symbol (Choku Rei) The Mental/Emotional Symbol (Sei He Ki) The Distance Symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen).

The Reiki symbols are partly based on the Japanese writing system, Kanji. The symbols should

be drawn or visualized as they have been taught during a Reiki 2 attunement. As more and

more people get attuned to Reiki, this means that there can be a great number of variations

between symbols taught by different Masters. This is not really a problem as there is not 100%

right or wrong way to draw them. The Reiki symbols given to a student will work however they

look, as they incorporate the intention and the connection to the metaphysical energies they

represent. Having said that, it is our belief that it is essential to keep as much as is physically

possible to the original symbols as distortions over time are symptomatic of our need for

healing in the first place.

The Reiki Power Symbol Choku Rei

The general meaning of Choku Rei (pronounced Cho-Koo-Ray) is “place the power of the

universe here”. The Power Symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki, or it can be used

for protection. See it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to

channel Reiki. Draw or visualize the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to

more healing energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power when they are used


The symbol can be used at any time during a treatment, but it is especially effective if it is used

at the beginning of a session or when used at the end of a session to close and seal off the Reiki

energies. Remember it is always your intention that governs what happens. If you want to add

new functions to the Power Symbol, then just have a clear statement and intention of what you

want the symbol to do and it will do it for you.

Here are some examples uses of the Choku Rei Symbol:

* Increase the power of your healing abilities; use it as a light switch. (Draw or visualize Choku

Rei in front of you or draw it in your hands if you want).

* You can focus the Reiki energies (like a looking glass) on a specific point of the body. (Draw

the symbol directly on the spot being treated).

* Increase the power of the other symbols. (Draw it before drawing the other symbols).

* One can use the Power Symbol to close the space around the recipient. (Draw it above the

body with the intention of sealing the process).

* The Power Symbol can be used to spiritually clean a room from negative energies. (Draw or

visualize the Symbol on all the walls, ceiling and floor with the intention to protect and energize

the room).

* You can clean crystals and other objects from negative energies. (Draw the Power Symbol

above or on the Crystal/object with the intention of cleansing it and restoring it to its original

state. Hold the object in your hands and give it Reiki (or send it Reiki from a distance if the

object is far away or too big to hold).

* Protect yourself from negative energies (from people you treat or from people you meet).

Draw or visualize the Reiki Power Symbol in front of you with the intention of being totally


* Protect yourself, your children, your spouse, your house and other things you value. (Draw

Choku Rei directly on the objects/person you want to protect with the intention to protect

him/her from harm. Since Reiki works on all different levels of existence, it will naturally also

given protection on all levels of existence.

There are no limits to what you can do. The power is all in your mind - let your clear intention

guide the function of the symbols.

The Mental /Emotional Symbol – Sei He Ki

Sei He Ki (pronounced Say-Hay-Key) has a general meaning of “God and Man become one”. The

Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the “brain and the body”. It helps people to bring to

the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems. Many people (even

doctors) are starting to realize that many of our ailments are based on mental and emotional


The symbol works to focus and harmonize the subconscious with the physical side. It can be

used to help with emotional and mental healing. It balances the left and right side of the brain

and gives peace and harmony. It is also very effective at relationship problems. The symbol can

also be used on diverse problems like nervousness, fear, depression, anger, sadness etc.

Here are some example uses:

* The symbols can be used to help overcome misuse of drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc.

* Sei He Ki can be used to lose weight.

* The symbol can be used to find things that you have misplaced. (Draw the symbol in front of

you and ask for help in finding the object. Let go of trying, the answer will soon pop up).

* Sei He Ki can be used to improve your memory when reading or studying. (Draw the symbol

on each page as you read it with the intention of remembering the important parts).

* Add the symbol with doing healing (normal or distance) as this can help the healing process.

Many physical problems have mental/emotional roots.

The Mental/Emotional Symbol, Sei He Ki, has to do with Yin and Yang and the balance between

the two sides of the brain. The left part of the symbol represents Yang and our left side of the

brain (logic, structure and linear thinking etc). The right side of this symbol represents Yin and

our right side of the brain (fantasy, feelings, intuition, etc).

The Reiki Distance Healing Symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen) has the general meaning of “No

Past, No Present, No Future” or it could have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the

Buddha in you”. This symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance.

Many practitioners consider Hon sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. The

use of this symbol gives access to the Akashic Records, the life records of each soul and can

therefore be used in Karmic Healing. Trauma and other experiences from this life, previous or

parallel lives that affect and mirror peoples’ behaviors can be brought to light and released with

this symbol.

In doing distance healing – be open! Do not focus your efforts on healing a specific problem like

a headache. Send the Reiki energies without limitation, as they will go where they are best

needed. When doing distance healing the energies will work at the receiver's subtle body, the

chakras and the aura, and not as much of the physical level (i.e. It can take some time before

the energies seep down to the body and ease the pain). The person you are sending Reiki to, is

likely to feel it happening. If he/she has an open mind, he/she can usually tell what you have

done and when you have done it.

Distance healing does not take nearly as long as a hands-on treatment. Only a few minutes are

needed to send distance healing. You can even set up a Reiki distance healing to automatically

repeat sending energies to a person. If you want to do this, we recommend that you put a time

limit on the repeat (as it otherwise might continue forever), and also to review and empower

the distance healing every other day. Remember, it is your intention that guides what happens!

Here are some example uses:

* Send Reiki healing to people far away.

* “Beam” Reiki to people across the room.

* Send Reiki energies to the future to help with a specific task, or be there as a support.

* Send Reiki to the past to lift up, to understand and release trauma.

Absentee healing is basically a process of visualization i.e. imagine or “see” the person you want

to send healing to and just do it. You can use a photo if you have one, if not don’t worry about

it, just send it. Sometimes, we send to people we don't really know (like a name we have

received in an e-mail request), we only have their name and city. No problem - it is the

intention of sending Reiki to this unknown person that makes it work. Our advice is to let go of

all your doubts. Use the Reiki symbols and send the energies!

Reiki and the Chakras

To understand Reiki and the hand positions used, one has to have some knowledge of the

chakras. The Reiki hand positions cover and treat all the major chakras. The chakras are both

connected to the physical organs in our body and the different layers in the aura.

Chakras – Seven Centers of Energy

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. A wheel will spin in relation to the energy level of

the system. In the same way that we have a physical body, we also have a subtle body. Our

chakras are a part of a large network of subtle energies.

Kirlian photography shows us that living cells from humans, animals and plants give off invisible

energies. Specialized groups of cells that make up physical organs, create more organized

energy patterns. The human body's system consists of sensory, breathing, circulation, digestion,

reproduction and secretion. There are six corresponding chakras for these bodily functions.

The brain and the whole being also have one chakra, making a total of seven major chakras.

These chakras are situated at the top of the head, forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, and the

naval and at the bottom of the pelvis. Keylontic Science tells us that we have 15 chakras, 12 in

the body and 3 outside of the body. Every chakra has a corresponding organ in our physical


* The Root Chakra belongs together with the large intestine and the rectum. It also has a

certain influence on the function of the kidneys.

* The Naval Chakra belongs to the reproductive system, the testicles and ovaries and also the

urinary bladder and kidneys.

* The Solar Plexus Chakra is in relation to the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen and the small


* The Heart Chakra belongs to the heart and the arms.

* The Throat Chakra relates to the lungs and the throat.

* The Third Eye Chakra (forehead) belongs to the brain, face, nose, eyes etc.

* The Crown Chakra does not have a corresponding organ but is related to the whole being.

There is a clear connection between the condition of a chakra and the condition of its

corresponding organ. A chakra can be over active, under active or in balance. Using Reiki can

give chakras balance and health to the organs.

Chakras and the Endocrine System

The chakras change energy from one level to another by distributing Chi (also called Chi, Prana,

Mana and others depending on belief system) to the physical body. This is partly done through

the Endocrine system that regulates other systems in the body. According to tradition, each

chakra also corresponds to one of the major glands in the body. The Reiki hand positions not

only cover the Chakras but also the major organs and glands.

* The Root Chakra is in relation to the Adrenal Gland.

* The Naval Chakra is connected to the Ovaries or Testicles.

* The Solar Plexus Chakra is related to the Pancreas.

* The Heart Chakra belongs together with the Thymus.

* The Throat Chakra corresponds to the Thyroid Gland.

* The Third Eye Chakra has a connection to the Pituitary Gland.

* The Crown Chakra is usually connected to the Pineal Gland.

The endocrine system plays a major role in the body’s daily health. The glands release

hormones directly into the blood stream and control all aspects of growth, development and

daily activities. Physical problems are often the result of a blockage in the energy flow in the

system made up of meridians and chakras causing the organs or glands to function improperly.

Reiki with Other Holistic Therapies Reiki works very well in combination with every other holistic therapy. Let's look at Reiki and

the use of crystals. Crystal therapy believes the stores store positive energy, and they act as a

conduit for healing from the practitioner to the recipient. They are also believed to generate a

healing vibration that acts upon the body. In some cases, the stone is placed on the body where

treatment is focused, in others it may be positioned on the appropriate acupuncture point.

Most therapists use quartz for a physical healing, amethyst for spiritual healing and rose quartz

to heal emotions. Fluorite may be used to develop awareness and knowledge of a spiritual


In Reiki, three varieties of quartz are commonly used - amethyst, rose quartz and ordinary

quartz (or rock crystal). The crystal structure of quartz is often taken to be related to the six

chakras, and the tip of the crystal to the seventh chakra. Practitioners recommend using rock

crystal, to avoid feeling overpowered by changes, mounting pressures and the stress of

everyday life. Carrying the crystal or wearing it, is meant to bring light into your daily routine.

Rock crystal can also be used in conjunction with Reiki meditation. The energy emanating from

the crystal is thought to go into the palms and then the rest of the body via the reflex zones. It

is recommended by some in a variety of applications such as relaxation, wound-healing with

other therapy and treating particular organs.

Rose quartz, with its soft pink coloration, is used for mending emotional problems. Examples

are the shutting out certain desires or facing trauma and stress brought about by a separation.

The use of amethyst with Reiki is varied. It is said to help promote the proper function of an

organ that has been under treatment. Placed on the third eye (centre of the forehead), it

facilitates clear vision in one's path through life. It can also reduce tension and fear.

Reiki with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy oils, when used in conjunction with Reiki, can be applied directly on particular

areas of the body, or their aroma can be made to fill the room using an aroma lamp.

Lavender - associated primarily with those who are sensitive and easily hurt. In long sessions of

Reiki, Lavender helps to promote the calm and confidence necessary for a period of building

and strengthening of the life force energy.

Sandalwood - produces an ambiance conducive to the Reiki therapy because the oil is said to

elicit trust and confidence between practitioner and recipient.

Clary Sage – it is a tonic, antispasmodic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and

more. It is also used to treat colds, menstrual problems, and it’s very low toxicity renders it

suitable for general use. In a Reiki session, Clary Sage is used to open blocked channels and to

enhance sensitivity.

Patchouli - has some aphrodisiac qualities. It is also used to treat skin disorders and minor

burns because of its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. It is also used in Reiki therapy

for allergies and impurities of the skin; but the fundamental use and aim is to enhance the

sensual qualities and aspects of life.

Search Amazon under the name AHONU to find our Kindle book on Aromatherapy.

Conclusion While some people believe the frequencies associated with the flow of Reiki energy have been

superseded by higher frequencies becoming more and more available on the planet. Even so,

Reiki continues to remain a very popular and effective form of energy healing. It is safe and well

documented and for a lot of people, forms their first introduction to the vast field of Alternative

and Complementary healing.


Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and it's

a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal healing energies in general. Reiki

complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules

about how to approach starting Reiki and Spiritual Healing. Again, listen to your heart, and you

will be guided in choosing the right experiences and the right teacher for you.

Once you have learned a healing technique, to work and fun begins. To develop your

understanding of, and sensitivity to Reiki, it is a good idea to devote time to regular practice.

Find a supportive teacher and practice group and pursue your continuing study. Make sure that

you arrange circumstances so that you can be nurtured in your healing and growth.

Keep your eyes on your goals, your mind in your heart and take things one step at a time. Love,

light and healing to you on your journey.


Aingeal Rose and AHONU have combined metaphysical teaching experience spanning 50 years.

They are Ascension Twins. Aingeal Rose’s class list can be found on her website at


AHONU is a Visionary Artist that has written many eBooks on holistic subjects. He is particularly

known for the profound transformations that people have experienced from his Visionary and

Self-Realization Artwork, his Soul Portraits and his positive Family Crests (which promote

ancestral healing by tuning into the unblemished vibrations of a client's family name). His art

portfolio is available on Amazon.com and FineArtAmerica.com.

Along with his world-renowned Akashic Records Reader wife Aingeal Rose, AHONU's talents are

used to fulfill his planetary contract encouraging awareness and spiritual growth in everyone he


In 2011 they created the 'Spirit of Love Project' - http://ahonu.com/spiritoflove

The Spirit of Love Project is a practical re-focus away from the pain, distortion and chaos in

the world to the positive beauty and wonder inside everyone and our planet.

Its purpose is to expose the SPIRIT OF LOVE or the SPARK OF GOD inside each person and

collate that high frequency into a virtual shield of love around the Earth. You can see the Spirit

of Love shield rotating round the Earth here - http://ahonu.com/spiritoflove.

For further information, private commissions, to arrange an interview or a Spirit of Love

painting with AHONU (or an Akashic Records reading with AINGEAL ROSE) from anywhere in

the world, please contact us via our websites below.




©2012 AHONU


We are grateful for some text excerpted from Reiki, the Healing Touch by William Lee Rand.

(Rand, William, Reiki, the Healing Touch, Southfield, MI: Vision Publications, 1991)

We wish to thank our own Indigo children for being such a wonderful source of inspiration in

our lives. Their encouragement, love and support have been unending throughout the

publication of this, and all our books.

Thank you for reading our work. Please see our other Kindle eBooks by searching for AHONU or

Aingeal Rose on Amazon Kindle or on our websites at http://ahonu.com and










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