head and neck-7 part 1

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Head and Neck-7 part 1


    Muscles and root of the neck

    The muscles of cervical region are classified into 3 groups:

    1-Superficial muscles

    Platysma , SCM , Trapezius

    2-Hyoid related muscles

    Supra Hyoid Muscle , Infra Hyoid Muscle

    3-Cervical vertebral muscles

    Ant,Lat,Post.vertebral muscle

    Superficial muscles

    The Platysma Muscle-Platysma means flat

    -Its the muscle of facial expression

    -Its Located in the fatty layer

    -the origin of platysma is classified inferiorly

    All the muscles in the face that are that are related to facial

    expression are innervated by the 7th cranial nerve (facial nerve) this

    nerve provide motor innervations to all the muscles of facial


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    The platysma is located in the neck ,but it considered part from

    muscles of facial expression ,so its innervated by the branch of facial

    nerve which called cervical branch

    Its Attachment :

    Sup. Attachment Inferior border of body of the mandible and the

    angle of the mouth

    Inf.Attachment Delto pectoral deep fascia

    Its Action :

    Draws mouth corner inferiorly and draws skin of the neck superiorly

    SCM musclehas a sterna and calvicle head and it descend all the way

    to lateral surface of mastoid process and o the

    lateral part of the superior nuchal lines

    Its origin :

    Manubrium (sternal head)

    Med.1/3 of clavicle (clavicle head)

    - The SCM separates the antero-lateral aspect of theneck inti anterior and posterior triangle and it

    separate the neck into superficial and deep part . so

    (anything outside the SCM is in the superficial andanything deep to the muscle is in the deep part in the

    neck )

    - The jugular vein outside the SCM is the EJV while theone is deep to SCM is the IJV

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    Its insertion :

    mastoid processes of temporal bone and lateral part of

    the superior nuchal line

    Note: the occipital bone posteriorly has two lines , one

    sup. And one inf. Nuchal line , these lines arise because

    of the muscular attachment . (the sup.nuchal line is

    made by the attachment os SCM laterally and the

    attachment of trapezius medially )

    Its innervations :

    Spinal part of 11- The reference muscles (SCM and trapezius) are

    innervated by cranial nerve number 11

    - For the SCM the innervations is particularly from thespinal branch of accessory nerve

    Its Action:

    Single turns head super laterally to opposite side

    Both flex the neck

    Trapezius muscle-its a reference muscle because its located in the

    posterior part of the neck ( anything overlyed by this

    muscle is part of the trapezius aspect of the neck )

    - The trapezius muscle is divided into 3 parts :

    1-The middle part : is at the level of scapula when itcontracts it reflects the scapula ,bringing both

    scapula together

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    2-The superior part : above the scapula and itsfunction to elevates the scapula

    3-The inferior part : below the scapula and its functionto depresses the scapula

    Its origin :

    Med.1/3 of sup.nuchal line

    EOP (the prominence of the back of your head)

    Nuchal ligament (its in middle of the neck


    Spinous processes (C7-T12)Its insertion :

    Lat.1/3 of clavicle


    Spine of scapula

    Its innervation:

    Cranial nerve number 11 (accessory nerve)

    Hyoid Related Muscles

    Suprahyoid muscles1-Geniohyoid muscle : arise from mandible anteriorly

    -the mandible in the middle has two genoid

    tubercles or also called mental spins (sup. And inf.

    Mental spines) from the inferior mental spine there

    is a muscle that goes all the way down to the hyoid

    bone called geniohyoid muscle

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    -from sup.mental spine to the tongue there is a

    muscle called genioglusus muscle

    -geniohyoid muscle is more in the oral cavity than

    in the neck so its not considered a part of muscles

    in the neck .

    -under the geniohyoid muscle there is a flat muscle

    sheat which called mylohyoid muscle .

    2- Mylohyoid muscle : floor of the mouth .anything

    above the the mylohyiod you are in the oral cavity

    and anything below the mylohyoid you are in theneck region .

    -mylo refers to the molars teeth

    -the mylohyiod extend from the molars on both

    sides all the way to the middle where it meets with

    the body of the hyoid bone

    - inside the mandible there is a linear elevation

    called the mylohyiod line which demarcates the

    attachment of the mylohyiod muscle

    -innervation to the mylohyiod is from the nerve to

    mylohyiod and it comes from the inferior dental

    nerve (inferior alveolar nerve) before it goes into the

    mandible through the mandibular foramen it sends

    a small branch to thr mylohyiod muscle so its called

    nerve to mylohyiod

    3-stylohyiod :is from the styloid process of the

    temporal bone all the way down into the hyoid bone

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    4-Digastric muscles (2 bellies):the two bellies are

    attached to each other by tendon called

    intermediate tendon

    -the posterior belly is attached to the medial surface

    of the mastoid process (on the medial surface of

    mastoid process there is the SCM attached)

    -the anterior belly arise from the mandible

    -the digestive fossa is on the mandible (where the

    anterior belly arise from) this is below the mylohyiod

    line anteriorly-the intermediate tendon is above the hyoid bone

    but not attached to it ,the tendon is attached to the

    hyoid bone through a facial sling (part of deep

    fascia) this facial sling goes from the body and

    greater horn of hyoid bone all the way around the

    intermediate tendon and turns back to the hyoid

    bone ,by this the tendon is fixed close to the hyoid

    bone but not attached to it directly

    -when the anterior belly contracts the tendon

    moves anteriorly ,when the posterior belly contracts

    the tendon moves posteriorly

    -depending on the muscle closer to the belly ,this

    will determine from where its innervations will be

    -when the 4 suprahyiod muscles contracts they help

    in in elevating the hyoid bone

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    -stylohyiod and post.belly of the digastrics are

    innervated by the cervical branch of 7th cranial

    nerve (facial nerve) which also innervates the


    -the hyoid bone is attached inferiorly to the larynx

    so these 4 muscles also help in elevating the larynx.

    Infrahyiod muscles1-sternohyiod 2-sternothyroid 3-omohyiod 4-thyrohyiod

    -Infrahyiod muscles are called strap muscles because therun is a strap fasion these 4 muscles are in two layers ,2

    superficial and 2 deep .the two anterior ones (the

    superficial) are the sternohyiod arising from the

    manubrium of the sternum and medial end of the clavicle

    all the way up to the body of hyoid bone and the


    omohyiod :omo means shoulder

    Omohyiod goes to the sup.border of the scapula posteriorly

    ,it has 2 bodies ,the superior belly which descend down

    from the body of the hyoid bone all the way to the

    intermediate tendon .another facial loop will come from

    the clavicle and cover the tendon and fixes the tendon to

    the clavicle through a facial sling .

    -the inferior belly arise and goes inferiorly and posteriorly

    from the clavicle (to where the facial sling attaches the

    intermediate tendon)to the scapula .

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    -the omohyiod is lateral to sternohyiod

    -the two deep muscles are the sternothyroid ,going from

    the sternum all the way to the thyroid cartilage(adams


    -thyroid means shield like

    -the thyroid gland is inferior to the thyroid cartilage

    -the thyroid cartilage is shielding behind it the larynx and

    the thyrohyiod muscle

    -when the sternothyriod contracts it pulls the thyroid

    cartilage wgich pulls the thyrohyiod muscle and thereforepull thr hyoid muscle inferiorly so these two muscles works

    together indirectly

    -behind the sternohyiod there is the sternothyriod and

    the thyrohyiod muscles .

    -the thyrohyiod muscle is the shoretest muscle of all the

    these 4 muscles and innervated by C1 via hypoglusal


    -Ansa means loop

    -ansa cervical is a loop of nervous fibers formed by

    c1,c2,c3 (in the neck) C1 gives a branch that goes and

    descend anteriorly this is called anterior branch of ansa

    cervical ,c2 and c3 each of them give a branch both join

    together to form the posterior part of ansa cervical

    -these two parts (anterior and posterior )of ansa cervical

    unite together inferiorly forming a loop ,this loop is ansa

    cervical .

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    -the thyrohyiod muscle innervations comes from c1

    directly without getting into the loop

    -the ansa cervical innervates the infrahyiod muscles

    except thyrohyiod muscle

    -Cervical vertebral muscles

    The vertebral muscles just you have to know the names of

    these vertebral muscles .

    Cervical vertebral muscles is classified into 3 groups

    around V.C :Anterior , Lateral , Posterior

    Anterior cervical vertebral muscles1-Longus Capitis (Capitis means head)

    2-Longus Cervicis (Cervicis means attaches to the cervical

    vertebrae) , its also called longus colli

    It has (longus colli) sup.and inf.oblique and vertical

    Lateral Group (Scalene muscles)Scalene means unequal triangle

    Scalenous anterior is attached to first rib

    Scalenous medius ia attached to first rib

    Scalene posterior descends more into the second rib

    -when the scalene contracts they bend the neck to the

    same side that they contracy (left to the left and rt to the


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    -when scalene anterior attaches to the first rib it forms a

    tubercle on the first rib (internal border) which is one of

    the reasons why the first rib is a typical

    -there is a space located between scalenous anterior and

    medius which is called scalene hiatus(hiatus means passage

    way) and its inferiorly to the first rib

    -the scalene hiatus allow the main blood supply to the

    upper limb .subclavian artery from the thoracic to the

    upper limb and allows the brachial plexus from the neck

    to the upper limb-scalene hiatus boundaries : Ant scalene anterior

    Post scalene medius Inf first rib

    -anterior structures of scalene anterior are exposed

    -relations to Sc.Ant : anterior subclavian vein and phrenic


    Inennervation:cervical spinal nerve

    Action : elevatation of ribs , bending cervical spine(neck)

    The contents of scalene hiatus : trunks of brachial plexus

    and subclavian artery

    Posterior cervical vertebral muscles1-levator scapulae (posterolat.corner)

    2-splenius capitis and cervicis (splenius means bandage)

    3-semispinalis capitis (capitis means attaches to the skull)

    (semispinalis passing along the spine )

    4-rectus capitis pos.major and minor

    5-sup. And inf. Obliques of the head

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    - If you cut the semispinalis (the deepest muscle)you willreach into a fossa below the occipital bone forming

    triangular area

    - Supoccipital region below the occipital bone- The trapezius muscle covers all the posterior group- The rectus capitis posterior minor is from posterior

    tubercle of atlas to inferior nuchal line

    - The rectus capitis posterior major is from the spineprocess of axis to the inferior nuchal line

    - The space between the two nuchal lines there is thespleneous and semispinalis

    - The inferior oblique is from the spinous process of axisto the transeverse process of atlas

    - The superior oblique from the transverse process of theatlas to the area on occipital bone between sup. And

    inf. Nuchal lines

    Suboccipital triangle:

    Its boundaries :

    Medially rectus capitis posterior major

    Inf. Inferior oblique

    Laterally superior oblique

    Its contents :

    The vertebral artery ,which passes in the transverse

    foramen of the cervical vertebrae then passes through

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    foramen magnum to enter the skull ,and the occipital

    nerve which innervates the 4 muscles in the occipital


    -the supoccipital nerve is the posterior branch of c1

    -the anterior branch of c1 goes to the thyrohyiod and

    the geniohyiod muscles (motor innervations)

    The root of the neck :

    The area of the neck that lies immediately above the

    superior thoracic opening (its the junction between thethorax and the neck)

    -the boundaries of the thoracic opening are

    manubrium , first rib,andT1

    -contents of the root of the neck

    1-lower portions of scalene muscles(3 muscles)

    2-subclavian artery and vein

    3-thoracic duct (lymph vessels extends from thorax to

    drain into left brachiocephalis vein)

    4-roots and trunks of brachial plexus

    5-phrenic nerve (passes anterior to scalene anterior)

    from roots of c3,c4,c5 spinal nerves

    -thoracic duct is the largest lymph vessel in your body .



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  • 7/29/2019 Head and Neck-7 part 1


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