havant college prospectus 2009

Post on 03-Mar-2016






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FULL TIME COURSES FULL TIME COURSES HAVANT COLLEGE PROSPECTUS 2009 HAVANT COLLEGE PROSPECTUS 2009 Havant College is the best performing A Level College in this part of Hampshire, based on A Level points scores published by the Department for Education and Skills [2007]. we offer a choice of over 50 subjects at A Level complemented by a range of BTEC Diploma courses for those wishing to study applied subjects. Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details






Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Havant College is the best performing A Level College in this part of Hampshire, based on A Level points scores published by the Department for Education and Skills [2007]. we offer a choice of over 50 subjects at A Level complemented by a range of BTEC Diploma courses for those wishing to study applied subjects.

For September 2009 the College will be introducing the International Baccalaureate, a prestigious pre-university qualifi cation recognised throughout the world. The college also provides an extensive enrichment programme of additional short courses and all students are encouraged to take part in educational trips, which last year ranged from New York to Iceland!

The college takes achievement seriously, which is refl ected in our results and the value we add to our students’ potential. We set ambitious targets in order to stretch students to achieve beyond their expectations. This accounts for Havant College consistently recording the highest average point scores for A Level programmes, in this part of Hampshire.

One of the reasons why Havant College is so successful is the individual support we give to students, both tutoring and pastoral support: it is here that we make a difference. The College’s Careers Service is also second to none and enjoys a national reputation. This is particularly important given that the vast majority of our students progress to university. Preparation for university entrance is our specialism, with 40 of our students applying to Oxbridge last year with expert one-to-one coaching, with 12 students receiving offers to study at Oxford and Cambridge.

However, college life is not all about preparing for exams; it’s also about enjoying yourself and having fun and, to this end, the college offers a range of extra-curricular activities, some of which you can read about in this prospectus. Team and individual games are big at Havant College, with students competing at regional, national and international level through our Sports Academy.

Students come to Havant because of our reputation; the college provides a friendly environment with an active Student Union, a great social life and the best exam results.

I hope that you will fi nd this prospectus informative but it’s always best to come in for a chat about the college and to talk to our staff about your options.

John McDougallPrincipal and Chief Executive

Welcome to Havant College


02 Welcome

04–05 Outstanding academic results

06–07 College facilities

08–10 Inspirational careers

11 Out and about around Havant

12–13 Student trips and travels

14–15 Our Sport Academy

16–19 A full student life

20–21 Students’ reasons for choosing Havant

22–23 Student support

24 Course entry requirements

25 Course pathways

26–65 Our A to Z of courses

66 How to apply



ntsIsn’t Havant College only

for straight A students?No – there is a real mix of all ability levels studying on a wide range of courses from A Levels, International Baccalaureate Diploma, BTEC’s and GCSEs. We treat all students as individuals and as unique. We believe all students are to be valued whatever their GCSE profile on entry and we will advise you on an appropriate course of study to fit your aspirations. Yes, we have students whom we prepare for Oxbridge, and, yes, many of our students do go onto higher education but we also have many students whom we support into employment. Our BTEC options provide exciting opportunities in this regard. We are committed to maximising the potential of all of our students and encourage them to work towards challenging but obtainable goals.


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Sustained student success at Havant College


A 97% pass rate was recorded with the majority of students achieving the tougher A to C grades at A Level. 48% of students achieved A – B grades. 50% of subjects had a 100% pass rate.


This year our students achieved a record 798 Average Points Score, compared to 762 in 2007 which placed Havant College in top place of the local league table of state schools and colleges. This is obviously good news for our students who are applying to University as they are offering extremely strong profiles.


A pass rate of 87% has been achieved among students who sit AS exams in their first year. Over 54% of these students achieved grades A-C and well over a third were awarded the top grades A-B. Having secured these splendid results, students can confidently progress to the second year of their advanced programme.


100% pass rate. Students consistently achieve excellent pass results in their GCSEs and National Diplomas.


In addition to achieving outstanding pass rates at both AS and A2 level, Havant College is proud that almost 700 A grade passes were recorded with approximately 100 Havant students achieving 3 or more passes at grade A. Yet again, this set of results places the Sixth Form College as one of the most successful in the region.

There are so many inspiring stories of students achieving far more than they imagined possible. On average 80% of Havant College students progress to higher education each year, a high proportion secure places at the top universities in Britain and a substantial number secure exciting job offers in a wide variety of careers.


Havant College is proud to announce that ten students achieved the grades stipulated in their course offers from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

We were particularly delighted that students have been accepted to the very competitive fields of Aeronautical Engineering and Architecture. The other successful candidates will study History, Law, Chemistry, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Politics, Philosophy and Economics.

One of these candidates scored one of the top five marks nationally in Biology A Level. This summer 9181 students took this examination nationally.

John McDougall, College Principal said “I would like to congratulate all of our students. We are delighted that they have achieved so highly and that our excellent record of exceptional pass rates has been maintained. There are so many inspiring stories of students achieving far more than they imagined possible. I would like to thank all staff who worked so hard to ensure our students achieved this fantastic set of results.

Achieving exam success in this way will enable our students to fulfil their own ambitions – whether that is securing their place at a top university or taking up an exciting job offer in their chosen career.”

The College takes achievement seriously and that means more than just academic success. Havant College believes all students should be supported individually in choosing the university course that is right for them and should have a lot of fun along the way.

Results published in August 2008 indicate that yet again students from Havant College have achieved outstanding A Level results. With pass rates pushing 100% for the last five years, this latest set of results reinforce Ofsted’s evaluation of the College as one of the most successful in the region.






havant College is proud that almost 700 A grade passes were recorded with approximately 100 havant students achieving 3 or more passes at grade A


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

College facilities


The Library & Information Centre has a wide range of resources and facilities to support teaching and learning at Havant College.

As well as a comprehensive range of online resources, subject texts, reference books, periodicals and foreign language resources, the Library also provides for wider reading.

The mezzanine floor is an open-access computer facility where students can search online databases, the internet and use a range of word processing applications. There is a silent study area, which allows staff and students to study undisturbed.

The Library is open throughout the year and has professionally qualified and experienced staff, to answer questions and help students develop their information skills.


The Studio Theatre is utilised throughout the year, primarily for the teaching of drama, dance and music, but also for talks & presentations, productions & concerts and for Student Union events. The Studio provides a blacked–out and intimate atmosphere for plays, theatre and performing arts work, whether for lessons, extracurricular activities or visiting productions.


This modern facility offers a wide range of indoor sporting facilities including badminton, netball, volleyball, basketball and cricket nets. It is also used to host nonsporting college events such as presentations from guest speakers.


Open regularly throughout term time, the shop is a small but well stocked resource which supplies a wide range of stationery, course texts and equipment at competitive prices. Art and design materials are also available for purchase.


Students can access a wide selection of information, ranging from finance, travel and part-time employment to lifestyle, health and welfare issues.

Our Student Welfare Officer is available to help with personal problems of any kind and we also host a range of visiting organisations offering many different services and advice for our students.


The college offers you an exciting range of services. The Gallery Restaurant and food court has a welcoming, relaxed and friendly atmosphere. A wide variety of dishes are available, from breakfast and freshly cooked lunches to fast food. Other features include the Pasta Bar, Salad Bar and Yoghurt & Cereal Bar. Frequent “speciality days” offer dishes from around the world and weekly “meal deals” and promotions ensure good value for money.

The Café Coffee Bar offers a variety of freshly baked baguettes filled to order, hot snacks, cakes, fruit smoothies and other beverages in an attractive and relaxed environment. After you’ve eaten you can watch Sky TV, play on one of the college’s game consoles, pool and foosball tables or chill out in the student lounge area.

The Terrace Bar is open at peak times to offer a selection of freshly made sandwiches, baguettes, snacks and beverages with a difference.





Gallery Restaurant and food court 8.00 am – 2.30 pm and 6.00 pm – 8.30 pmCafé Coffee Bar 10.00 am – 1.45 pmTerrace Bar 8.00 am – 4.00 pm


There is a student specifi c intranet site for campus news, course information and social life activities.COmPuTING SERvICES AND


At Havant College we are continually investing in our computer services and have developed a very stable computer network.

There are currently over 650 networked computers available for students’ use. Every student has free internet access and also email. There is a student specifi c intranet site for campus news, course information and social life activities. Multimedia projectors are available in most teaching rooms.

We have also introduced a wireless network within the Terrace Bar area which allows students to access the internet and College intranet site whilst enjoying a snack or drink in their break. Students can either use one of the computers in the area or their own laptop.

whether you are a computer whiz or a beginner, the fLC areas offer all day access to:

• 70 high-spec computers.

• Scanning and digital photographic equipment.

• Colour and mono printing.

• All leading software packages.

• Experienced staff available to assist with the diverse range of software.

use the fLC to:

• Research and compile projects and assignments.

• Create charts and graphs.

• Design posters and newsletters.

• Create your CV.

• Learn new software packages.

• Use the multimedia CD-ROMs.

• Explore the internet and use email.

Great feed- back!

At Havant College we have gained an outstanding reputation for the quality of Careers and Guidance. The best possible advert for this are the students who use our service. We receive lots of compliments and positive feedback: you will find a selection on the opposite page.

Careers – an outstanding reputation



We have our own team of very friendly and highly experienced Careers staff in Alan Bullock, Kelly Biggs, Trisha Thorn and Linda Taylor, supported by Personal Advisers from Connexions. This enables us to provide expert guidance all year round. We can also help you to arrange work placements, part-time jobs, visits, trips or enrichment activities to help you get the information, insights or experience you need. We hold our own big events in college featuring most of the country’s leading universities, as well as employers and gap year companies.


We are proud of our spacious and welcoming Careers Centre, where you can relax in comfort while researching your ideas, discussing them with friends or talking to our advisers. Nobody can match our extensive resources, which are tailor-made for the needs of our students. Whatever your question, we will help you find the answer.


99% of our students are successful in finding a job, university place or gap year opportunity after they leave college. 80% go on to higher education, either directly or after a year or two out, and we have a long tradition of providing expert guidance on university entrance. We also place a lot of emphasis on helping students who are seeking gap year opportunities or permanent jobs. Our gap year students can be found working or travelling throughout the world and our job-seeking students compete successfully in a very wide range of careers and professions.

Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


When they arrive at college many of our students are uncertain about what they want to do in the future. If you are one of these, don’t worry. With our knowledge of the local and national labour market and our links with employers, colleges, universities and gap year providers, we take pride in helping students to choose their next step in an informed way. As long as you make good use of our Careers facilities, then we are confident that we can help you to focus your plans.


Many students continue using our Careers Centre after they have completed their college studies because they value the helpful, friendly and professional service we offer. Whether it’s advice after A Level results, help with job applications or emailing us for assistance with your university application while you’re on a gap year anywhere in the world, you can call on us for help.


If you are planning to come and study at Havant College, you can e-mail us for advice about subject choice or come in and use the resources in our Careers Centre. Just get in touch with us by e-mailing careers@havant.ac.uk and we will be pleased to help.

Great feed- back!



“The team at Havant College provides, in my opinion, the

most comprehensive guidance and support service at any

school or college, state or independent, that I have had the

opportunity to work with over the last fourteen years.”



“Students describe the college

careers service as ‘excellent’ and

the help they received in preparing

their UCAS personal statements

as ‘brilliant’. Whilst most students

progress to higher education,

careers guidance of the same

quality is provided to those who

wish to progress to employment.”


“I’d just like to say a massive thank you for all the

work that you do. Throughout my two years at Havant

you’ve all been really helpful from enrolment day

to uni applications, gap year options, career path

choices and work experience, right up to A Level results

day. The resources within the department are excellent

and as a student I’m always made to feel welcome.”



“Brilliant advice

and guidance.”

“We have been

amazed by the

level of resources

available in


“Many thanks for

going out of your

way to help me.”

“Support throughout the university application process was fantastic.”

“The resources available and the dedication

of the staff helped me find the perfect course

and university.”

“Talking to Careers helped

me to find my confidence.”

“Excellent careers

advice – very helpful

and supportive.”

“You made me

believe in myself.”


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Some we heard about recently were:Touring with Robbie Williams as a Sound Engineer, Production Co-ordinator at ITV, Private Secretary to a Cabinet Minister, Scientist with the British Antarctic Expedition, Wardrobe Mistress at a West End Theatre, Trainee Weather Forecaster at the Met Office, Britain’s second-youngest County Councillor, Theatre Director at the Edinburgh Festival, Officer Cadet on a Cruise Liner, Director of a Mural Design Studio in London, Television Presenter for CBBC and MTV and a Parasitologist for Pfizer in Michigan USA. Many more have become successful managers, lawyers, doctors, therapists, journalists, musicians, vets, architects, surveyors, engineers, psychologists, teachers, accountants, media executives and so on


Every year we carry out a destinations survey to find out what all our students go on to do next. These are some of the results:

Top 30 degree subjects in 2007Business & Management, History, English, Law, Mathematics, Psychology, Teaching, Politics & International Relations, Economics, Modern Languages, Geography, Media & Communications, Computing & IT, Sport & PE, Accountancy & Finance, Art & Design, Engineering, Marketing & Advertising, Journalism & Creative Writing, Archaeology, Philosophy, Biology, Criminology, Art History, Film & Television, Anthropology, Biomedical Sciences, Hospitality, Medicine, Pharmacy.

These were followed by: Chemistry, Event Management, Physiotherapy, Veterinary Science, Adventure & Outdoor Education, Childhood Studies, Drama & Dance, Forensics, Oceanography, Physiology, Property & Surveying, Social Work, Technology, Architecture, Biochemistry, Construction, General Science, Midwifery, Pharmacology, Physics, Public Relations, Sociology, Animal Behaviour, Dental Hygiene & Therapy, Environmental Science, Logistics, Music, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Publishing, Theology, Town Planning and Wildlife Conservation.

Top 50 universities in the last 5 yearsPortsmouth, Southampton, Chichester, Bournemouth, Reading, Southampton Solent, Cardiff, Surrey, Brighton, Plymouth, Winchester, Bristol West of England, Oxford Brookes, Sussex, Exeter, Bath, Warwick, Royal Holloway, Nottingham, Essex, Kent, Bristol, Swansea, Kingston, University for the Creative Arts, Hertfordshire, Loughborough, Oxford, Birmingham, King’s, UCL, Leicester, East Anglia, Manchester, Sheffield, Brunel, Cambridge, Queen Mary, Bath Spa, De Montfort, Durham, Roehampton, UWIC, Royal Veterinary College, University of the Arts, Bangor, LSE, Staffordshire, Aston, Leeds.

Careers entered by those going straight into employment in 2007Unusual ones: Professional Singer/Songwriter, Sound Engineer, Deck Officer Cadet [cruise liner], Weapon Systems Operator [RAF], Conservation Assistant [National Trust], Apprentice Estates Surveyor, Trainee Estimator, Junior Buyer, Trainee Financial Adviser, Party Supervisor, Architects’ Assistant, Trainee Project Manager and Assistant Manager in a bookmakers.

Less unusual ones: Retail Management, Accountancy, Sales, Banking, Insurance, Administration, Customer Services, Hotel Reservations, Receptionists, Telesales, Call Centres, Leisure Centres, Laboratory and Pharmacy Assistants, Nursery Assistant, Care Assistants, Apprentice Hairdresser, Apprentice Mechanic, Apprentice Electrician, Apprentice Carpenter and various other jobs in the retail and hospitality industries both locally as well as in places like the French Alps and Australia.

Gap Year schemes20% of our students take a gap year before going to university, doing a wide range of amazing things worldwide from a year in industry schemes to gorilla safaris. Last year one of our female students was a rugby coach in Ghana.

Future careers – Inspirational career pathsIt’s inspiring to hear about the range of jobs some of our past students have been doing while still in their early-20s.


Havant and the surrounding area…The town is modern and well developed and can provide for all your day to day needs within a few minutes’ walk of the College.

Many major retailers are located in the indoor shopping centre, attractive pedestrian precinct and new retail park. This also includes the most popular fast-food chains.

A wide range of leisure activities can be enjoyed at the local leisure centre and close to the town you will fi nd Havant Park which provides facilities for the local cricket and hockey clubs. An exciting and varied arts programme is provided by the Havant and Bedhampton Arts Centres.


Havant Railway Station, which is only fi ve minutes’ walk from the college, is a main junction between London and the south coast routes. It is served by regular services from London [Waterloo and Victoria], Petersfi eld, Emsworth, Chichester, Fareham, Portsmouth and Southampton.

The bus station, which is ten minutes’ walk from the college, is serviced by major bus companies on routes between Havant and London, Brighton, Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth. Local operators run regular services between Havant and all the smaller surrounding towns. You can buy your Stagecoach bus pass in college.



Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Student Life: Trips & travelAll students have the opportunity to get involved in the social side of things as much or as little as they want – but with so much going on it is hard not to fi nd something to get involved in! Many courses run annual trips which complement classroom learning.These range from half-day activities to week long trips!

“Paris was fascinating. It was great weather and Sylvia set out a fantastic itinerary for us to follow. I would never have seen so much of the city if I had just visited it by myself. I thought it was a really special thing to do before we got on with the hard work of preparing for exams!”

Tristan Barclay, Paris Trip


“fantastic… totally awesome, enjoyed every second, active all the time, seeing sights that we didn’t know existed. A real education, defi nitely the best trip the college offers.”

“The chance to explore a city which, as a teenager, I would not have been able to do”.

“terrifi c insight into a new culture and government”.

“a thoroughly enjoyable trip which has broadened my perspective on the world due to the chance to experience another culture, way of life and history of a people at the other side of the world”.

Lawrence Thorpe, Helen Moyle and Tom Moncrieff. Beijing Trip

“Bustling, shopping, busy road, designer bag, pancakes, galleries, walking lots, boat trip, hotels, Empire State Building, lights fl ash, laughing lots, hoodies, jet lag, sunset over the city, lights out.”

Terese Virk, New York Trip










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Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Student Life: The Sports Academy

We believe young people should enjoy being involved in sport at whatever level is appropriate to their experience and talent. The competitive sports offered at Havant College endeavour to be inclusive, to provide students with an enjoyable and rewarding learning experience which complements the excellence of the College’s academic programs.

Through The Sports Academies you will:• Play high level competitions with elite coaching staff at hand.

• Participate in the recreational aspects of college team games and developing in-house intramural sports leagues.

• Excellent opportunities to progress in your chosen sport through professional club links.

• Gain coaching qualifi cations.

• Extra skills to add to your CV or UCAS application.

• Receive a Havant College Sports Academy tracksuit, hooded sweatshirt and Polo t-shirt.


Facilities are as good as it gets at the College:

• Two excellent grass soccer pitches.

• An international-standard, fl oodlit, water-based, plastic hockey pitch.

• A four court badminton-sized sports hall.

• Rugby is played at the local Havant R.F.C. ground.

• Cricket and tennis are available in the summer.

• Developing onsite netball facilities.

Encouraging students to participate in sports, irrespective of age, ability and experience is the central theme of sport and recreation at Havant College.


TrampoliningRecreational or to improve your AS or A2 PE grades, was very popular with all students. There is the opportunity to compete both regionally and nationally, last year one of our students competed in the British colleges fi nals at Loughborough and despite falling off came 10th.

Mini Basketball courseLicensed trainer course – Free of charge.

Level 1 basketball coaching courseLed by excellent and highly qualifi ed tutor.

Lunch Time ActivitiesDuring Lunch times you can take part in the following:

• Circuits.

• Yoga.

• Aerobics.

• Body pump sessions.

Havant Leisure CentreWe also have close links with Havant Leisure Centre and there is the opportunity to train in their gym facilities.

International Overseas Residential Trips It is the intention of the sports co-ordinator to run an international overseas residential trip in Europe to compete in a variety of sports tournaments, places will be limited and individuals will be selected to represent the college.


“…the coaching is top class, along with the training session… we have an excellent team spirit, we work hard, it’s enjoyable and are very driven to be successful as a team.”ROBERT wATSON RuGBY ACADEmY PLAYER

BadmintonSuccess: This year badminton has expanded. The team has had great success and some excellent talent. The college team competes in the Hampshire league as well as a variety of mixed plate competitions across Hampshire.

Basketball [Men and Women Teams]Success: The college presently plays in the Hampshire and Portsmouth leagues, however from September 2008 the teams will compete additionally in the British College and the Sussex leagues. Both the men’s and women’s teams have had a lot of success, last season the men won the league and this season the women came second after their fi rst season of competing in the leagues.

CricketSuccess: Our Cricket team are currently undefeated and will be playing in an international tournament against Australia.

CheerleadingSuccess: This has been new to the college sports programme, and has been highly successful.

footballSuccess: The First, Second and Third Elevens compete in the largest and longest established County Colleges League in the country. A County Cup and 6-a-side competition are also run for students. The boys have competed in a vast range of competitions and next season will be entering the British Colleges League. One of the students has been selected to play football at University in the USA and other students on the team were selected for regional trials.

Hockey Success: Both men’s and women’s hockey teams have a deserved high reputation at Havant. With home matches on their international standard, fl oodlit, water-based, all-weather pitch, the College men’s team won the Hampshire Colleges plate 2007- 08. Additionally they also won the Sixth Form & Tertiary College cup. The women’s team also enjoyed a successful season and a mixed side won the County 7-a-side tournament. Due to the success of the hockey the College has entered the British Colleges’ Leagues from September 2008. A great place to come for Hockey!

NetballSuccess: Two teams play in the Colleges League and County Tournaments.

RugbySuccess: The College play in the County Cup and the Merit League, the team also have had an amazing season. The team won for the fi rst time since the 1960’s the Hampshire 7’s cup.

womens’ footballSuccess: The team has been entered into the Futsal League, with the introduction of a new member of the PE team, it is hoped that women’s football will progress into the Hampshire College’s League.

Depending on interest we may additionally offer golf, athletics and table tennis.



Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


Twice a year for 6 weeks we run a series of enrichments courses open to all students. There are no exams or coursework. They are purely run for students’ enjoyment.

We will be revising the programme each year and are always open to students’ suggestions for new courses.

Student Life

DukE Of EDINBuRGH’S AwARDThe Duke of Edinburgh's Award is running with great success at the College with students working towards their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. Students learn new skills, undertake voluntary work, participate in physical activities and take part in challenging but fun expeditions.


Could you be the next Alan Sugar? Do you have creative flair? Would you like to develop your selling or financial skills? Do you enjoy working as a team and having fun at the same time? Then this could be the opportunity for you.

Young Enterprise is a two-term programme that involves a team of students setting up and running their own business. Students run a real business and produce, develop and market a product or service. The scheme ends with an optional exam and competition.

Young Enterprise is a nationally recognised programme which is valued by both universities and employers. It is excellent for your CV or personal statement and provides you with a wide range of vital transferable skills whatever career you pursue in the future.

The scheme is run by a member of the Careers team in the college with support from experienced voluntary business advisers from Eaton Aerospace and HSBC in the local area.

The 2007/8 company ‘Shack’ has been working on a college student magazine and jewellery. In 2006/7 we had two Young Enterprise companies ‘GoFish’ and ‘Virtue’. Both teams worked very well together and had fun running their companies. ‘GoFish’ went forward for the local competition held at IBM. They narrowly missed out on an award but were highly commended for their presentation and their creativity in the production of stamp earrings and luxury greeting cards.

If you feel like you have what it takes to be part of a successful company then we need you this year!

At Havant College we believe enrichment opportunities are an important aspect of your college experience. We want to hear your views so we can respond to your requests.

In the past we have also run:

• Photography

• Belly Dancing

• Self Defence

• Debate Club

• Holistic Therapies

• Latin

This year these included:

• Driving theory sessions

• Beginner’s guitar

• First Aid

• Student cooking

• Kung Fu

• Turkish



At least one theatre trip is arranged each term, which students from across the college are invited to sign up for. These visits offer a wide range of opportunities to enjoy different types of performance. Previous trips have included visits to Shakespeare’s Globe, the National Theatre, Sadler’s Wells, The Royal Opera House and the West End, taking in musicals, Shakespeare, modern comedy, drama and ballet. The Performing Arts department also enjoys strong links with the nearby Havant Arts Centre, which means that entertaining and challenging performances can be enjoyed by all without the expense of a trip to London.


The annual Art & Design exhibition takes place in May each year and includes original works of art from students on all courses. The exhibition and evening ‘private view’, sponsored by Fasset, is the fl agship event for the Art Department and attracts a large number of visitors from local businesses, galleries and members of the public.

Fasset [Langstone Technology Park] and Havant Borough Council are keen to host displays of Havant College students’ work, acknowledging the high standards produced. Students also get the opportunity to display their work around the college campus throughout the year and be involved in competitions for national and local projects.

performance. Previous trips have included visits to Shakespeare’s

House and the West End, taking in musicals, Shakespeare, modern comedy, drama and ballet. The Performing Arts department also

means that entertaining and challenging performances can be

The annual Art & Design exhibition takes place in May each year and includes original works of art from students on all courses. The exhibition and evening ‘private view’, sponsored by Fasset, is the fl agship event for the Art Department and attracts a large number


All students on performing arts courses take part in a variety of performances throughout the year in Havant College’s very own Studio Theatre, a versatile performance space that allows for all types of performance and audience experience. These shows are open to all students at the college and the general public.

In addition, all students have the opportunity to take part in the annual College Production which happens in the spring term. Past productions have seen large numbers of performers, dancers, musicians and designers mount successful staging of Guys and Dolls and The Beggar’s Opera. The recording studio, which is technician supported, also provides opportunities for students to produce high quality recordings of their bands and ensembles.

Student Life: The Arts



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Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


As a student of Havant College you are entitled to apply for an NUS Extra card which can be swiped through the tills of local retailers to obtain discounts, and a NUS discount booklet full of vouchers. Use the cards to get savings on CDs, clothes, money off driving lessons and half price travel. The NUS Extra card can be applied for at college at enrolment. The NUS Extra has combined with The International Student Identity Card [ISIC], the only internationally accepted student ID card. This means that you have two cards for the price of one. This gives you:

• Internationally recognised proof of student status.

• Discounts on flights, buses, trains and ferries.

• Discounts on entrance to the world's leading museums and cultural sites.

• Discounts on entertainment and attractions.

• Discounts on youth hostels and hotels.

• Discounts worldwide on bars, restaurants and shopping!

• Access to a free 24-hour, multilingual ISIC Emergency Help Line.

• ISIConnect an all-in-one discount communications package including phone, SMS, email and voicemail.

• Access to a global network of 5000 travel organisations that specialise in the needs of student and youth travellers in 106 countries.

• Access to a personalised trip planner and travel guide – save all the useful travel advice and destination information you find on this website on your personal web page to check out while you're travelling or to email to a friend.


The Christmas Ball took place at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard – Boathouse No7. It was a brilliant occasion for both first and second years and provided them with a chance to get to know each other in a more informal setting. After a mouth watering meal, a DJ catered for everyone’s taste in music and got the students boogie-ing the night away. This event always proves a winner and we are always open to new ideas about venues and entertainment.


After the pressure of exams, the annual Summer Ball is a great way for second years to dress up, share some memories and say goodbye. Last year’s Ball was held at Portsmouth University Student Union nightclubs CO2 and Lux. A tasty meal was served, and students had the opportunity to text photos and messages which were displayed on a huge screen. There was also the opportunity to have a professional photo taken with their

Student Life: Student Union W




STuDENT uNION?The Student union has a double role; it serves the student body

by continuing the havant College cycle of social/charity events and it acts as a channel of communication to represent

your opinions and put the students’

views to the Principal and the Corporation. It is run for students

by students, and at havant College, it is a very active organisation.


friends before partying into the night on the dance floor with the latest tunes and special requests being pumped out by a DJ.


A chance for the new students to get to know each other and let their hair down. This event runs in October and the tickets will be on sale at the beginning of term in September.


The college celebrates this romantic day in style by providing a service available to all where you can send tokens of love such as red roses and cute little cards to confess your undying love for that special someone. College staff and students were extremely flattered and somewhat embarrassed to have roses delivered to them in the middle of lessons. Anonymous notes from those bashful students are also an option and so everyone ends up happy.


The Student Union organise a series of fundraising events that run in the last week of September, to raise vital funds for charities. In previous years we have included a fancy dress competition, a Spelling Bee for both teachers and students, balloon raffles, football matches and the selling of sweets, cakes and lollipops, hair spraying and a bouncy castle.


Already in a band and want to promote it? Want to join a college band?

Battle of the Bands provides students with a chance to meet others with similar tastes in music and also gives you a chance to perform. Who knows, you may even end up as the next musical sensation!

Battle of the Bands 2008 was lively, loud and full of college talent. Music genres included Nu Metal, Punk, Rock and Ska.

Huge congratulations to the Student Union for another successful event this year at The Wedgewood Rooms in Southsea.

The old and new Student Union representatives worked together to sell over 180 tickets.

Total money collected was over £700. Havant College students and other local colleges and sixth forms also came together to support the five bands that played. Well done and thank you to the bands who played this year: Becky Anderson, Every Ocean’s Tide , The Escape, The Garden and Bigtopp.

The judges selected The Garden, [a Havant College and PGS Band] in the top two along with last year’s winners Bigtopp.

Although very close between the final two, the crowd chose Bigtopp as the winners again this year – a well deserved result.

They walked away with the prize of £150 of Nevada Music vouchers.


• Battle of the Bands

• Christmas Ball

• Hullaballooza/Fresher’s Party

• Charity Fundraising Week

• Leavers Hoodies

• Summer Leavers’ Ball

• Theatre Trips

• Valentine’s Delivery of Messages and Red Roses

• Blue Day

Nominations are received for all posts, and elections are held. Any student is eligible to stand for a post. 751 students voted in this year’s elections. This year’s Committee are: President – Hattie Goodhead, vice President – Elizabeth Jeffery, Treasurer – Amber Mitchell, Secretary – Emily Hazzard, Publicity Officer – Kit Hanson, Entertainment Officer – Araminta Bartlett, Student Corporation Board members – Freya Yoward and Dominic Wood, Website Officer – Musaddiq Gangji, Communications Officer – Ysemay Hackett-Evans, Student Support Officers – Richard Hedges and Matt Watson.



Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details



I knew it could get me grades

for Uni and I wanted to meet

new people.




It’s a small college with the

courses I wanted and my

friends were going here.



Brilliant pass rates and to get

off the Isle of Wight!


RYDE SCHOOL, IOWIt is close and easily accessible, plus I heard it had a good reputation.


DITCHAM PARKI wanted to get away from my home town Chichester and Havant offered me the courses I wanted to study.


ST EDMUNDS CATHOLIC SCHOOLI heard it was a good college with a high pass rate.



Close by and good pass rates.


new people.

WARBLINGTON SCHOOLIt was small and social.




It is the best in the area.



HORNDEAN TECHNOLOGY COLLEGEThe friendly atmosphere and working environment.


MAYVILLE HIGH SCHOOLIt had a good reputation for A Levels and many of my friends were going.




It was a nice place to study,

and it was a place where

I could be my own person.






It has the best choice of

courses, nice buildings/

facilities and is local.



NEVILLE LOVETTIt was fairly easy to get to and they did the courses I wanted.


Why students choose Havant College…

CITY OF PORTSMOUTH BOYS SCHOOLIt’s a small college with the courses I wanted and my friends were going here.



BOHUNT SCHOOLIt’s a good, friendly and relaxed place.



The good art department and

transport links.


THE PETERSFIELD SCHOOLIt refl ected high grades and students who’ve been here in the past recommended it.





I wanted to go to a smaller

college that felt more personal,

welcoming and was good.

Havant is just that.



CITY OF PORTSMOUTH GIRLS SCHOOLIts excellent previous year results.



It’s the best college in the area!



THE HAYLING COLLEGEIt was closer to home.



It had a really nice atmosphere

and good travel links.





Location was not too far to

travel; the open days were fun

and informative; small and

personal college to belong to.



CAMS HILLThe relaxed friendly environment.


SPRINGFIELDIt had a good reputation, and was close to my home.


MAYFIELDI wanted to go to a more academic college, and it had good pass rates.



Its a very friendly laid-back

happy atmosphere.


MEON CROSS SCHOOLMy friends went there and it’s near to the train station.



It’s the best college in the area.

jIm NEWmANIt was closer to home.

and good travel links.

ADMIRAL LORD NELSON SCHOOLI heard it had great grades and a great hockey team which I thoroughly enjoyed playing in.




It was small and seemed more

personal. I really enjoyed the

induction day and BBQ.




Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


Life in college can be quite different from your school days. You will be treated much more independently and will be responsible for the success of your own programme. We do, however, understand that the transition from school to college can be a difficult one and that sometimes you are also faced with personal challenges.

At Havant we have a strong system of support in place to help you find your way around and meet those deadlines which are necessary for success. Some of these are outlined below:


We have a very strong tutorial system. You will have the opportunity to meet your tutor regularly throughout the week. These sessions are positive and can support students both academically and personally. Your tutor is always there to talk to you about personal or study queries and at regular intervals your tutor, as well as your subject teachers, reviews your progress. Reports are issued and parents’ evenings feature throughout the year.


The timetable for all students is very flexible. The day may start with a lesson at 8.45am, and ends no later than 4pm. Students are able to come and go between lessons, study in the Library or one of the study areas, use one of the two Flexi-Learning Centres, meet friends in the refectory or even go home. However, punctuality and full attendance are expected in all lessons.


It is important for student success that absences are kept to an absolute minimum, so it is our practice at Havant to follow up with a telephone call any unauthorised absences. We find that this helps to ensure regular attendance at all classes.


The Learning Support Centre at Havant College works to promote the college-wide aims of inclusivity and support for all. We aim to help every student achieve his or her unique potential.

There is a wide range of help available from Learning Support staff and we are happy to work on your essential skills, from structuring basic organisation and time management to honing revision and memory techniques. We work with students in all areas: with A Level students aiming to raise C grades to B’s; with retake GCSE students determined to ‘pass’ this time; with BTEC National and First Diploma students, specialising in a vocational area for the first time; and with adults across a broad spectrum from Basic Skills to Teacher Training.

More information is available on leaflets in the Centre, via the College Intranet, tapes or through discussions with the Centre staff. We are open daily and on some evenings.

Visitors are always welcome!


Our service offers confidential, friendly and impartial advice in informal but private surroundings, for students who experience personal problems and need help.

We can support you by offering advice, simply listening or by making referrals to other supporting agencies with your consent. Students need not struggle alone. Contact Welfare by dropping into the Student Information Centre [next to the Library]. Requests will be dealt with as soon as possible.


Whoever you are, Whatever you are, the Gay/Straight Alliance is a newly formed student group where everyone is welcome.

Havant College is committed to every aspect of the Every Child Matters Agenda.

Student Support



The College Chaplain is available at a regular time each week to offer encouragement and support to students and staff (of any faith or none), and willing to speak individually or in small groups.

He is also available to chat about wider issues of concern to all, whether personal, spiritual or of wider national or global signifi cance. He attempts to contribute as widely as possible to the life and well-being of the College. We have a prayer room available for our students of all faiths.


The College has an Equal Opportunities Policy, which is regularly monitored. We recognise that all people are of equal value, regardless of any perceived difference and are entitled to be treated equally and with respect in every aspect of college life. The College also has a Student Charter which forms part of the Student Handbook.


We welcome students with disabilities and undertake to make reasonable adjustments, wherever possible, to enable them to participate fully in the life of the College. We publish a Disability Statement: more information can be obtained from the Learning Support Centre.


We are able to support students whose families are on a low income or in receipt of benefi ts with assistance from our Access Funds. Help may be given with the costs of course materials, trips and travel.


If you live far away from the College you may be entitled to a subsidy.


If your household income falls below a certain threshold you may be eligible for weekly payments of up to £30. Payments are, however, subject to satisfactory attendance. There are also bonus payments of £100 for students who meet their academic targets. Application forms are available from schools in Year 11.

GIfTED AND TALENTED PROGRAMMEHavant College is committed to helping every student achieve the best results they can in everything they do. Those of you who have got a particular academic gift or a talent in music or the arts will receive as much help as we can give you to develop your abilities. This might involve adjusting your time-table or advising you about a suitable subject combination. You will receive a great deal of advice about becoming, for instance, a medic or applying to the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge. Havant College also offers additional courses run, for instance, by the Open University.

Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Whilst entrance to a 4 AS or BTEC National programme of study would normally require a minimum of 4/5 GCSE grades A*-C in appropriate subjects, it is possible to combine AS with GCSEs and other Level 2 courses.

Intermediate GNVQ and BTEC First qualifi cations are considered alongside GCSE qualifi cations when assessing a student’s suitability for a course. Students who come to us with an AS grade may want to progress straight to the second year course in that subject.


Entry RequirementsAt Havant College our staff strive to assist each student in selecting an appropriate programme for their specifi c interests and strengths. Individual programmes of study are discussed at interview; then, at the time of enrolment, the most suitable course of study for the individual student is fi nalised.

With GCSE grades D to G you can enrol on any of our Level 2 GCSE and BTEC First programmes of study.

Specifi c requirements for individual courses are set out in the subject curriculum sheets and these requirements will be discussed at interview. Your success is our success.

suitability for a course. Students who come to us with an AS grade may want to progress straight to the second year course in that subject.


Course PathwaysAt Havant College we offer a wide range of Level 2 and Level 3 courses. Your individual programme will depend on the results and the subject areas which interest you. You are free to choose your programme, but here are some basic guidelines for putting courses together.


ROuTE 1 A Level 4/5 GCSEs at 3 Degree, HND, NVQ4 grades C or above & employment

ROuTE 2 International 4/5 GCSEs at grades 3 Degree, HND, NVQ4 Baccalaureate C or above ideally with & employment Diploma Grade B’s in English, Maths and Science

ROuTE 3 Advanced 4/5 GCSEs at 3 Degree, HND, NVQ4 Vocational grades C or above & employment Pathway

ROuTE 4 Advanced Foundation A number of GCSEs 2 Advanced Vocational Pathway Grade D or above courses or AS/A2 Levels or employment


Joining us with 4/5 or more A*–C [or equivalent] GCSE grades.

YEAR 1 OPTIONS: A combination of AS subjects.

YEAR 2 OPTIONS: A combination of A2 and AS subjects.

On successful completion most students progress to Higher Education or you can go straight into employment, training or take a gap year.

There are many different combinations of courses that you can take at Havant College. Please be assured that you will be given the maximum support and guidance in choosing subjects that are right for you.


Joining us with 4/5 or more A*–C [or equivalent] GCSE grades. Ideally with grade B in English, Maths and Science.

YEAR 1 OPTIONS: A combination of Higher and Standard level options including inner core.

YEAR 2 OPTIONS: Progression to Year 2 combination of Higher and Standard level options including inner core.

On successful completion most students progress to Higher Education or you can go straight into employment, training or take a gap year.

Universities and employers also value skills in IT. At Havant College, students attend one lesson a week of key skills and IT in their first year.


You have 2 choices of vocational courses:

OPTION 1: Level 3 BTEC Nationals, or

OPTION 2: Level 3 New 14–19 Advanced Diploma

Joining us with 4/5 A*-C [or equivalent] GCSE grades. Some vocational courses can be combined with an A Level course.


YEAR 1 OPTIONS: A BTEC National Diploma Year 1 units.

YEAR 2 OPTIONS: A BTEC National Diploma Year 2 units.


YEAR 1 OPTIONS: 14-19 Diploma Year 1 units.

YEAR 2 OPTIONS: 14-19 Diploma Year 2 units.

On successful completion most students progress to Higher Education or you can go straight into employment, training or take a gap year.


Joining us with a number of GCSEs at grade D or above.

One Year Pathway.

OPTION 1: You can study on a BTEC First Diploma programme.

OPTION 2: You can study 4 GCSEs to increase the number of GCSEs that you have.

OPTION 3: You can study a Level 2 new 14–19 Higher Diploma.

On successful completion you may progress to Routes 1, 2 or 3.

POST A LEVEL COURSE You can study the Pre-Degree Foundation Diploma in Art & Design at Havant College. See page 29 for further information.

All students are expected to study four subjects both in their first and second years.


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

AccountingA level

in Accounting you will learn how a business constructs a set of accounts and many of the underlying principles involved. you will also learn how accounting information can be used to manage a business effectively and to maintain it in profi t with good cash fl ow. if you enjoy manipulating numbers and problem-solving, you will enjoy AS and A level Accounting.

AS MoDuleS AvAilAble Are:Accounting principles

The double entry system to trial balance.•Adjustments for doubtful debts, depreciation and •accruals and prepayments.

Financial accountingAccounting for debtors, creditors and preparing •accounts from incomplete records.Producing year end accounts for sole traders, •partnerships, clubs and societies.

Management accountingBasic analysis of business performance using •accounting ratios. Producing simple cash budgets.•

A2 MoDuleS AvAilAble Are:Company accounting

Producing fi nal accounts for companies in legal •formats including cash-fl ow statements.More complex analysis of business performance •using accounting ratios.

Management accountingUsing accounting skills and techniques to •manage a business and plan ahead. Topics include: product costing, budgeting, breakeven analysis and capital expenditure appraisal.

Accounting A Level is an excellent basis for a career in fi nance, for Accounting or Business degrees or prior to studying for a professional accountancy qualifi cation.

entry requireMentSIdeally GCSE Maths Grade C or above.

ASSeSSMentAll modules are exam-based.

AS: There is a 1 hour exam in January (2 questions) and a 2 hour exam in June (4 questions). Questions require the calculation of accounting values, preparation of accounting statements and short narrative answers to demonstrate skills of analysis and evaluation.

A2: There is a 1½ hour exam in January (3 questions) and a 2 hour exam in June (4 questions). Questions require the calculation of fi nancial and management accounting information but with a greater emphasis on narrative answers to demonstrate skills of analysis and evaluation than at AS Level.


Sam Corfi eldEx Horndean Technology College

Currently studying: Human Biology, Art, Roman History and Classics: Classical Civilisation.

I chose Havant College because I found that the lessons I wanted to learn had a better atmosphere here.

I most enjoy the way I can talk to the teachers with familiarity.

My best experience has been meeting new friends.

When I leave I want to go to Uni to study Forensic Biology.

level 3


Art & DesignGCSe

Do you want to study art at GCSe level? if so, here is the perfect opportunity to study Fine Art, Graphics or Art and Design in a dynamic and outstanding department!

GCSe CourSeS AvAilAble Are:Fine Art

You will explore Art and Design through drawing •and through critical study of other artists’ works.You will develop your visual and practical skills •and research through sustained observation drawing, working with a range of materials and processes. You will also research practically the work of other artists, as part of the process of producing your own fi nal pieces of work.

GraphicsThis course offers you a basic grounding in •typographic and image manipulations. You will research a wide range of approaches to lettering and drawing.You will develop your practical skills in drawing, •lettering and graphic design, material exploration and composition/layout. You will have to complete three coursework components and an exam, with preparation work for all projects.

Art and DesignYou will produce a range of work across different •specialisms e.g. a fi ne art project and a graphics project. You could use GCSE Art as a stepping stone to AS Art or as a one-off course of study.You will be expected to complete one supported •homework session per week.

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to take part in gallery visits and studio drop-in sessions.

ASSeSSMentThere will be two coursework pieces (60%) and one practical exam (40%).

ArchaeologyA level

Archaeology allows you to combine your interest in the arts and science. in the fi rst year you will learn about what archaeologists do and why. For instance, you will look at the different types of surveying such as aerial photographs and geophysical surveys – no detailed scientifi c knowledge is needed. you will also learn how to interpret archaeological data such as assessing the signifi cance of beetle remains.

You will visit places such as Stonehenge and the nearby Durrington Walls and try to explain who built them and why and how they fi t into the landscape. You will also have to think about ethical issues such as whether it is ‘right’ to excavate and put human remains on display.

In the second year you will produce a personal study (with a lot of help from your teachers) and also study how we can use the few surviving remains to explain how people lived and worked together in the past. You will also look at issues such as whether the Elgin Marbles should be returned to Greece and the origins of human beings.

Archaeology is accepted by all universities as an AS Level or A Level.

enriCHMentWe will visit a number of sites such as the English Heritage Archaeological Research Laboratories in Portsmouth, attend Archaeology Days at Chichester Cathedral, go to Stonehenge and visit other sites.

entry requireMentSIdeally GCSE grade C or above in English Language and Science.

ASSeSSMentThere are two AS Level examinations at the end of the fi rst year, one is dealing with what happens before, during and post excavations and the other is on religion and ritual in prehistoric Britain. There is no coursework.

In the second year you will take one A2 examination at the end of the year: this covers human settlement and contemporary issues in archaeology. There is also a 4,000 word personal study to complete: you will get a huge amount of individual help with your project.

Accounting > Art & Design

level 3

level 2


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Art and Design at Havant College offers diverse and exciting opportunities. Students explore visual language through the investigation of drawing, experimenting with different materials and research into other artists’ work.

AS CourSeS AvAilAble Are:Fine Art

This includes mixed media, printmaking, painting •and sculpture.

GraphicsCombining the use of typography with illustration •and layout.

3D DesignThis requires functional or decorative responses •in three dimensions. It can include ceramics, theatre design, jewellery, product design and environmental design.

Mixed AreasThis requires students to produce two practical •pieces of coursework covering two of the above areas.

Double ArtStudents already committed to an Art and Design •based career may wish to apply for ‘Double Art’ courses – taking separate A Levels in two of the above areas. (See page 29 for a full-time BTEC National Diploma in Art & Design)

All these courses involve practical study, sustained observational and visual recording, critical study and a wide range of techniques and processes. Students also produce a research project on an artist or movement. The course culminates in a practical exam.

During the A2 course, students continue to build on the skills of AS, working towards more specialist outcomes. Students may also take a new Art & Design AS course alongside an existing Art & Design A2 course.

Successful completion of the A Level can be a stepping stone to Higher Education or to our Pre-Degree Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, page 29. Full support and portfolio building is given to potential Higher Education and Pre-Degree Foundation students.

enriCHMentDuring each year, there are opportunities to take part in gallery visits, workshops, studio drop-in sessions and life drawing. The Art Department also stages a large scale summer exhibition of work, which is open to the public.

entry requireMentSIdeally an Art GCSE grade C or above, or a BTEC First in Art & Design. Alternatively, in special circumstances, students may be admitted through a portfolio submission at interview with an Art Teacher. Double Art students must also bring a portfolio to interview.

ASSeSSMentAS: Students produce a portfolio of work from starting points, topics or themes determined by their centre (60%).

Students also produce a piece in response to an exam starting point (40%).

The focus is on including work that shows exploration, research, acquisition of techniques and skills.

A2: Students submit one major project that has a personal significance.

The investigation includes a related personal study that must be between 1000 and 3000 words (60%).

Students also produce a piece in response to an exam starting point (40%).

Art & DesignA level

Art & DesignbteC FirSt DiploMA

6 unitS/equivAlent to 4 GCSe GrADeS A*–CAre you keen on art? Do you want to learn more about Art and Design in relation to the world of work? if so, then this approach to studying art could be what you’re looking for! this practical and work-related course will give you a useful introduction to art in today’s workplaces. you will have the opportunity to work with real artists and learn industry skills first hand.

The BTEC First Diploma is a one year full time course that is equivalent to 4 GCSEs. On successful completion you can progress to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

WHAt DoeS tHe CourSe ConSiSt oF?you will study four core units:

2D & 3D Visual Communication.•Contextual References in Art & Design.•Explore and Develop Art & Design Ideas.•Produce an Art & Design Outcome.•

you will also need to complete two of the following specialist units:

Working with Graphic Design briefs.•Working with 3D Design briefs.•Working with Visual Arts briefs.•Working with 3D Design Crafts briefs.•

ASSeSSMentThere are no formal exams in a BTEC course. You will complete a range of assignments and be assessed as you progress through the course.

entry requireMentSNone – entry to this course will be through discussion with staff.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

level 3

level 2

29Art & Design

Art & DesignbteC nAtionAl DiploMA

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelSthe bteC national Diploma is an exciting practical two year course ideal for students aiming to progress towards Higher education or a careers in Art and Design. you can progress to our pre-Degree Foundation Diploma at Havant College or for the strong student the bteC national Diploma course could fast-track you to degree level study.

In your first year you will explore a range of diverse projects within the Art and Design pathways e.g. Graphic Design, Fine Art, Fashion, Textile and Surface Design, 3D Design and Photography. In the second year you will have the opportunity to specialise in one of these disciplines.

The course concludes with a final major project where you have the opportunity to explore your own creative interests in depth.

Throughout the two years there are opportunities to visit galleries and exhibitions and take a cultural trip abroad; most recently we visited New York.

ASSeSSMentThe course is continuously assessed through the development of a portfolio including project-based study, workshop sessions.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and higher education (universities and colleges). If you want to get a job straight away you could work in a range of careers with Art and Design. A BTEC National Diploma prepares you for employment and provides a good grounding to proceed to a more advanced course such as a BTEC HNC/D in: 3D Design, Fashion and Textiles, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Photography.

Art & Designpre-DeGree FounDAtion DiploMA

poSt A level CourSe

Are you interested in pursuing an advanced course in Art and Design? then this pre-Degree Foundation Diploma in Art & Design could be for you. you will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of disciplines in a programme that gives a transition between your A level and Degree Course. this one year course will develop your portfolio through a broad range of practical, creative and technical workshops. A strength of the course is your individual development whilst working with specialised, practising artists/teachers who actively seek to promote excellence and quality in Art and Design. this programme will prepare you for entry into the country’s top Art and Design higher education institutions.

ASSeSSMentThe course comprises three stages: exploratory, pathway and confirmatory. You will be able to specialise in your chosen area of Art and Design through a final major project and end of course exhibition. You will explore a wide range of areas such as fine art, design studies, cultural studies and technical studies – to include photography, image anipulation, 3D and print.

entry requireMentSThis course is primarily aimed at students aged 17 and over who hold a minimum of four/five GCSEs at Grade C or above, and/or 2 A Levels, AVCE or GNVQ Advanced with a Distinction or Merit in an art related subject, or a BTEC National Diploma in Art & Design with three units at a merit grade.

Entry is awarded upon portfolio interview, which demonstrates commitment and ability. Mature students can be considered on the quality of the portfolio alone and are encouraged to apply.

level 3 level 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


Do you want to study places where no man has been before? is there life on Mars? Did life on this planet start from out there? What about X Files? Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences and yet still at the forefront of discovery.

in this fun and stimulating course you will explore five units covering the following areas:

Planet Earth – the Earth, days and seasons.•The Moon and the Sun – the Moon, the Sun and •eclipses.The Solar System – planets and asteroids, meteors •and comets.Stars and Galaxies – constellations, stars and •galaxies.Observing techniques and space exploration – •observing and exploring the Universe.

ASSeSSMentThere is one external exam and you will produce two pieces of coursework. Practical coursework will give you an opportunity to explore themes such as designing and making a simple telescope, creating a spreadsheet to plot an H-R diagram or observing three celestial objects using binoculars or a telescope.


not achieved the science grade you needed to achieve your goal?

If you believe you could do a lot better in Biology as a separate science, without Chemistry and Physics holding you back, this GCSE course could be for you. It could complement any of the full range of BTECs or be part of a GCSE programme.

A science GCSE would be a useful qualification to have for any job application.

This enjoyable course has been tailored to give you a different scientific experience to the one you may have had at school.

WHAt DoeS tHe CourSe ConSiSt oF?Six modules and some coursework:

The three module tests taken in November and •March are worth 30% of the marks.The June written paper is worth 50% of the marks.•Coursework – with assessments in four skill areas •of planning, obtaining evidence, analysing and evaluation – is worth 20%.

Your ambition must be to obtain the minimum of a grade C.

Sophie AndrewsEx Priory School

Currently studying: Biology, English Literature, History and Government & Politics

I chose Havant College because I heard of the excellent academic results, and when I arrived found the atmosphere friendly.

What I enjoy most is the range if teaching methods and free periods that allow me to get my work done.

When I leave I want to go to university and a bit of travelling. Not sure where and what, but life’s limitless right now!

The careers department is particularly excellent.



How do people recognise a face? How do athletes improve their performance? How do we use Forensic biology to solve a murder? How could biology help unravel an archaeological site?

The study of A Level Biology will help to give you the insight to these and many other questions, and begin to make sense of the living world around us.

AS includes the following four topics:Lifestyle, Health and Risk: What is cardiovascular •disease and how can we reduce the risk.Genes and Health: Cystic fibrosis: what is it, •how is it caused and how can we treat it.The Voice of the Genome: Bacteria and Cells, •division, control of development and the environment. Biodiversity and natural resources: Species, •evolution, adaptation, biodiversity and extinction.

ASSeSSMentA Report: Students write a report on a visit to a place of biological interest; these will include:

Downe HouseDarwin’s House in Kent. 2009 sees the 150th •anniversary of the publication of The Origin of Species.

Kew gardens:A behind the scenes look at the research and •conservation that goes on at Kew London.

the national oceanography Centre:A morning on one of their boats sampling •plankton, dredging and trawling. An exciting afternoon looking around the oceanography centre, world leaders in this area of research.

BiologyA level

level 2

level 3

level 2


Students may choose to write their report on an area of biology that interests them.

A2 includes the following four topics:On the wild side: Photosynthesis, ecology and •climate change.Infection, immunity and forensics: Forensic •pathology, identity and measuring the time and cause of death. Infection, evolution and the struggle between a virus and its host.Run for your life: Muscles, respiration and sport. •Exercise, medical technology and enhancing an athletes performance.Grey matter: Brains, eyes and vision, Parkinson’s •disease and drugs and the Human Genome Project.

enriCHMentOpportunities for Field work include: Chalk Downland, Heath, Mire, Estuary, Salt marsh and Shingle.

A week’s residential Coastal Ecology field trip to Dale Fort Pembrokeshire.

entry requireMentSIdeally you must have GCSE Maths, English and Double Science at grade C or above in your 4/5 or more A*–C grades. If you have alternative qualifications, we will be very pleased to consider them.

ASSeSSMentAS: Two written exams, a visit report and a short written practical assessment.

A2: Two written exams and one individual project.

Astronomy > Business Studies

BiologyA level

Business StudiesA level

As most of us end up working for a ‘business’ of some kind, you can discover how businesses function and what they try to achieve. business Studies combines academic study with an understanding of the business world around you. the course will enable you to see business from the point of view of different ‘stakeholder’ groups such as customers, owners, managers, and employees. if you are interested in how businesses are created and grow and how they are organised and managed, you should find the subject both interesting and stimulating.

You will develop skills to analyse the problems and decisions facing large and small businesses and gain practical skills and understanding in making a success of business. You will study a range of topics including finance, marketing, operations management, human resources, external influences and objectives and strategy.

By studying Business Studies you will be able to develop the necessary skills and knowledge which will be valuable in Higher Education. Many of our students go on to study Business Studies or related subjects, such as Marketing or Management at university. Studying Business Studies AS/A2 is also a useful starting point for a career in business, accounting, insurance and banking.

It will provide you with a good grounding in how to run your own business.

ASSeSSMentThere is no coursework requirement for AS or A2. This course is modular and is examined in January and May/June.

AS: MoDuleSCase study with questions 1¼ hours and multi-part data response questions 1½ hours.

A2: MoDuleSCase study with questions 1¾ hours, a choice of essays and questions based on previous research 1¾ hours.

level 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Business StudiesbteC nAtionAl DiploMA

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelSthis course gives you an introduction to, and understanding of, business activity, management of resources, marketing and communication – which are fundamental to the success of businesses. you also explore a range of specialist units that will help you focus on your career aspirations. you will also explore realistic business situations and activities through your assignment work. the college runs a successful enterprise scheme and would encourage you to take part in this exciting activity as part of your studies.

you will explore units which include: Introduction to marketing.•Investigating business resources.•Employment law.•Managing events. •Business finance.•E-marketing.•

ASSeSSMentThe course is continuously assessed by a range of methods which include case studies, simulations e.g. board meetings and written assignments.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and higher education (universities and colleges). If you want to get a job straight away you could work in the world of business.

BusinessbteC FirSt DiploMA

there are an ever increasing number of successful businesses operating today. these businesses influence and affect our lives in many ways and as a student on a bteC First in business you will be in an ideal position to develop a very good understanding of business in general.

Every successful business person has had to start somewhere. On a BTEC First in Business you can learn how to set up, run and operate a successful business.

This subject is practical and work-related and will interest you if you want to develop an overall understanding of how businesses work, develop and make a profit.

The BTEC First Diploma is a one year full time course that is equivalent to four GCSEs. On successful completion you can progress onto a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

First Diploma(six units/equivalent to four GCSE grades A*-C)

What does the course consist of?you will study three core units:

Exploring Business Purposes.•Developing Customer Relations.•Investigating Financial Control.•

you will also need to complete the three following specialist units:

Business Communication.•People in Organisations.•Business & Administration Support.•

The college runs a successful enterprise scheme and would encourage you to take part in this exciting activity as part of your studies.

ASSeSSMentThere are no formal exams in a BTEC course. You will complete a range of assignments and be assessed as you progress through the course.

entry requireMentSNone – entry to this course will be through discussion with staff.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

level 2 level 3

33Business Studies > Chemistry

Business, Administration and Finance14 – 19 DiploMA

The Higher Diploma is a level 2 qualification and equivalent to 7 GCSEs A*-C.

The Advanced Diploma is a level 3 qualification and equivalent to 3.5 A Levels.

the Diploma in business, Administration and Finance and is a new and innovative learning opportunity for young people. the Diploma will encourage understanding and experience of business in general.

It will enable learners to develop and use a range of administrative skills, explore a range of business roles that require administrative skills and the commonly used administrative processes as well as gaining an appreciation of why efficient administration is critical to business success. Through undertaking a variety of activities supporting business functions, learners will grow to appreciate the importance of being organised and will develop and apply a range of effective administrative, project and event management skills.

Areas that you may study include:Business Enterprise.•Business Communication.•Business Administration.•Personal Finance and Financial Services.•Business Finance and Accounting.•Marketing and Sales.•Teams in Business.•Customer Service.•Corporate Social Responsibility.•Responding to Change in Business.•Success/People at Work.•

ASSeSSMentThe Diplomas are both internally and externally assessed.

level 3

level 2 & 3

Marianne Crowder

Marianne Crowder came to Havant from Chichester High School for Girls. She achieved A grades in English Literature, History, French and Spanish and went on to Cambridge, where she has just graduated with First Class Honours in Law. She is about to start work as a Research Assistant at the Law Commission. ”The careers team at Havant have been a fantastic help, both while I was a student at the college and after I left.”

ex StudentS:

Where are they noW?

ChemistryA level

Chemistry is about doing – making things from raw materials, finding out what they are composed of and why they behave the way they do – so be prepared for plenty of practical work in a supportive environment!

With the impact of chemistry on society and the environment as important considerations in modern life, you will look at chemistry in action and in a range of contexts.

The course is divided into chemical topics, each containing different key concepts which build on knowledge obtained at GCSE. Once these concepts have been developed the modern day applications are then considered.

Themes, including medicines, materials and the environment are used as the basis to learn about chemical principles and to study practical and industrial applications. Ideas and concepts build on what you have met before in GCSE Science and will be further developed as the course progresses.

Chemistry is an important requirement for many university courses and professions, especially in the Medical and Health Care areas.

enriCHMentThe subject area organises visits to a local swimming pool and a brewery to show students real-life applications of the subject and there is an opportunity for second years to visit Iceland to see at first hand an emerging economy based on renewable energy. We also have an online project about drug design in association with the Chemistry Department at the University of Southampton, as well as good links with Portsmouth, Surrey and Sussex Universities.

entry requireMentSIdeally you will need to have achieved GCSE passes at grade C or better in Chemistry or Applied Science, and in Mathematics (at Higher Tier). Grade C in English Language is also required.

If you have alternative qualifications we would be pleased to consider them.

ASSeSSMentAS: Assessment is by two written examinations: ‘Unit 1 Atoms and Bonds’ in January and ‘Unit 2 Energy and Resources’ in June; ‘Unit 3 Practical skills’ is an Internal Assessment of general and specific practical skills at AS Level.

A2: Two further written examinations are taken: ‘Unit 4 Rings and Polymers’ in January and ‘Unit 5 Energetics and Elements’ in June; ‘Unit 6 Practical Skills 2’ which consists of three tasks set by the board.

In the examinations all the questions are set in context and there is an advanced notice passage included in Unit 2.


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Classics: Ancient HistoryA level

this new Ancient History course looks at the worlds of Ancient Greece and Ancient rome.

At AS Level you will study two units: one on the Ancient Greeks and one on the Ancient Romans. In the Greek half of the year you will investigate the city state of Athens and her relationship with her neighbours the traders of Corinth and the war-like city Sparta. You will also see how the Athenians obtained an empire and then used their power and influence to become very wealthy. Alongside this, you will study the lives of the Athenians and look at how art, culture and religion affected them. You will then move on to study one aspect of Ancient Rome: Roman Britain. This includes you trying to work out why the Romans wanted to come here in the first place and then looking at the work they did here, such as building Hadrian’s Wall and creating towns, as well as producing highly sophisticated works of art.

At A2 you will follow the same pattern as you did at AS: two units, one Greek and one Roman. For the Greek half of the year students will study the wars that occurred between the Greek city states and the mighty Persian Empire (including the 300 Spartans who held off the Persians). For the Roman half of the year you will investigate the first hundred years of Imperial rule in Rome and spend time looking at the Emperors of the period, including crazy Caligula who tried to make his horse a senator and the murderous Nero who tried to kill his mum thirteen times!

Classical Civilisation is best described as a literature course set in the past.

At AS you will study two units. First you will look at the epic story of the wanderings of Odysseus and find out more about the author Homer as well as Greek culture generally. Then you will study a selection of Greek Tragedies. These include the stories of Oedipus, the king who killed his father and married his mother and Agamemnon, who came home from a ten year war to find his wife had been cheating on him.

In the A2 year students will again study two units. Unit one looks at the way the Romans saw the Greek epic stories such as the Odyssey and attempted to write their own versions. You will concentrate on reading The Aeneid. In the second unit you will look at a series of Greek comedy plays and explore how the ancient world saw the role of comedy in their lives and how much of the plays were satires, how much was slapstick and how much was just rude jokes.

Classics: Classical CivilisationA level

level 3

level 3enriCHMent For botH ClASSiCS CourSeSEnrichment activities are a key part of the Ancient History course and throughout the year students will be given the opportunity to go on several trips both here in the UK and abroad. In recent years pupils have been able to visit the British Museum in London, the Roman Baths in Bath and of course the local Fishbourne Roman Palace. As for trips further afield, we have recently run trips to Rome and Istanbul and have a full tour of Greece planned for the future. We hope that Classical Civilisation students will be able to act out some of the plays.

entry requireMentS For botH ClASSiCS CourSeSYou do not need to have taken GCSE History, but if you have done

so ideally you will be expected to have got a grade C or higher. Ideally you will be expected to have got a grade C or higher in English. There are no classical language requirements for this course as everything is studied in translation. Note: you are not allowed to take both Classics courses.

ASSeSSMent For botH ClASSiCS CourSeSThere are two AS Level exams at the end of the first year, followed by a further two at the end of the second year. The Ancient History course will have one Greek and one Roman paper in each year and the Classical Civilisation course will have one paper each year about Greek epic stories and one about Greek plays. There is no coursework in Ancient History at AS or A2 Level.

35Classics: Ancient History > Computing

Communication & CultureA level

this course is all about becoming a better communicator! it combines practical skills, like understanding body language, with theoretical knowledge based on cultural studies. We will study the different ways in which we communicate, how we make sense of the world around us and what outside influences affect the ways we communicate with each other.

AS MoDuleS: the two modules involve the study of personal communication and personal culture:

Module 1: Understanding Communication and •Culture.Module 2: Individual and Contemporary Culture •Portfolio.

A2 MoDuleS: these two further modules develop understanding of the relationship between communication and culture:

Module 3: Communicating Culture.•Module 4: Communication and Culture in •Practice Portfolio.

You will need to do some public speaking as part of the course. Communication and Culture is based on a well recognised qualification for university. Many of our past students have said how much it has helped them to secure employment in a wide range of creative, professional and business occupations.

enriCHMentAS portfolio includes developing skills in giving presentations and working in groups. The A2 year includes an opportunity to visit New York to develop understanding of the cultural influences on contemporary communication.

ASSeSSMentAS: 50% is the Coursework Portfolio and 50% is one exam.

A2: 50% is the Coursework Portfolio and 50% is one exam.

Computing A level

Computing is an exciting and challenging course that looks at the underlying principles on which all computing is based. you will gain a solid foundation in computing theory, using industry standard packages in word-processing, spreadsheets and databases on powerful, modern machines. you will study a variety of themes. these range from writing structured high-level language programmes and producing and documenting a project, to data communications and networking.

Computing is well resourced with both hardware and software. The course is taught in specialist rooms, with each student having their own computer. Due to its broad nature, Computing combines very well with a whole range of other subjects, from the sciences to the arts. Results have been excellent for many years, with pass rates usually over 90%.

Many students go on to study Computing at university, whilst others use this course to improve their career opportunities generally.

entry requireMentSNo previous knowledge of Computing is necessary but a minimum grade C in GCSE Maths and English Language is required.

ASSeSSMentThis subject is offered at AS and A2 Level. The course is modular and theory exams are taken in January and June of each year. The AS practical exam is in June of the first year.

Success in the first year gains you an AS.

I enjoy the freedom and high teaching standards.

Hannah Clarke Ex Priory School

level 3

level 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

DanceA level

this is an exciting course for anyone with a keen interest in dance. previous experience of the subject is advantageous, e.g. GCSe performing Arts, Dance, ballet or Modern graded work.

Both AS and A2 Levels embrace an integrated approach to dance, introducing theoretical knowledge of the subject alongside development of choreography, dance technique and performance skills.

AS: The AS Level focuses upon the development and performance of your own choreography and performing in a duo or trio. Your studies will involve technical training and health and safety considerations. You will develop critical skills for the analysis of choreography and performance within your own work and within professional repertoire.

A2: At A2 Level, you will develop skills and extend and apply knowledge gained at AS Level. Group dance will become the focus of choreography. You will develop knowledge and understanding of a specific area of study related to the development of one of the following: modern dance, ballet and jazz dance. Performance skills will be developed in relation to one of the specific areas of study. In addition, you will make an analytical study of one set dance work and its cultural and artistic context.

The course will provide you with an ideal basis for any aspect of the entertainment industry or for higher education courses. It is also a good grounding for any profession where interacting with others is paramount.

enriCHMentEnrichment opportunities may include: visits to local dance performances, professional in-house dance workshops, performance projects in local schools, visits to London theatres and trips to University Dance Open Days. In addition, students have the opportunity to work backstage and learn how to use sound and lighting equipment for the college shows.

entry requireMentSIdeally a Grade C or above in English Language.

please note: Previous experience of the subject is preferable: Dance, Ballet or Modern Dance grades or a GCSE in Performing Arts.

ASSeSSMentAS: unit 1: Understanding Dance: written paper (40% of total AS marks).

unit 2: Choreography and Performance: practical coursework (60% of total AS marks).

A2: unit 3: Appreciation: Content and Context: written paper (25% of total A Level marks).

unit 4: Group Choreography and Solo Performance (25% of total A Level marks).

Critical ThinkingA level

this is a lively course involving debates, thinking skills and quizzes to help you argue your viewpoint in an effective and articulate way, as well as dissect and judge the arguments of others.

the topics you will study are:AS:• Introduction to Critical Thinking skills and techniques as well as Assessing and Developing Argument. These form the foundation skills for the A Level, and texts may be drawn from science, the arts to current affairs. A2:• Ethical Reasoning and Decision-Making and Critical Reasoning. The skills established in the AS units are developed and applied to topics with an ethical and international dimension. Supporting evidence and arguments are scrutinised, judged and counter-argued.

The skills developed on the course are valued by universities. A Level Critical Thinking is also preferred by some universities to the LNAT qualification in applicants for Law degrees .

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to participate in the Great Debate at Winchester University involving other Critical Thinking college students.

entry requireMentSIdeally a GCSE grade B or above in English Language for the AS course.

Proven success at AS for the A Level course which combines AS and A Level in one year.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: Two exams taken for AS. A further two exams are taken for the A Level.

level 3

level 3level 2 & 3

Creative & Media Diploma14 – 19 DiploMA

The Higher Diploma is a Level 2 qualification and equivalent to 7 GCSEs A*-C. The Advanced Diploma is a Level 3 qualification and equivalent to 3.5 A Levels.

The Diploma in Creative & Media is an exciting opportunity to learn about this dynamic industry through a wide range of disciplines such as 2D and 3D visual art, graphics, film, television, animation, photo imaging, dance, drama, fashion, textiles, music and creative writing. You will learn how to think, question, explore, create and communicate your ideas through making, performing and doing.

You will also have the opportunity to specialise in an area of your choice. Diploma students will also develop a good standard of English, Maths and ICT and vital skills like teamwork and self-management.

CoMpulSory eleMentSThe Creative & Media diploma course teaches you how to be aware of your surroundings and how this can affect what you create. The course encourages you to think and work creatively, giving you the practical skills to bring their ideas to life.

The themes in both the Higher and Advanced Diplomas include:

Creativity in context.•Thinking and working creatively.•Process and practice.•Creative business & enterprise.•

ASSeSSMentThe Diplomas are both internally and externally assessed.

37Critical Thinking > Drama & Theatre Studies

Design & TechnologyA level

Drama & Theatre StudiesA level

if you like to develop solutions to real-life technological and design problems, then Design & technology will allow you to learn about the processes involved in product design. you will develop skills in communicating ideas graphically. An emphasis on practical applications will help expand the range of skills you need to turn your ideas into reality.

The course involves using computers in design and manufacture. You will study issues about ‘good design’. You will learn about the role played by ergonomics when products are manufactured.

Through practical and project work, you will be able to develop ideas of your own. Lessons will be balanced between practical activities, research and theoretical ideas about design and production.

enriCHMentHavant College is a registered Arkwright Trust College. The department also has extensive links with a local university.

entry requireMentSIdeally you should have achieved a grade C in GCSE Mathematics and English Language. Whilst it is not essential to have taken Design & Technology at GCSE, we would look for evidence of design capability. However, if you have taken Design & Technology GCSE, we would expect you to have gained a grade C. A background in Art or Science could also be relevant.

ASSeSSMentAS: Assessment units are based on coursework, and on a written examination module.

A2: A further written module and coursework.

Drama & theatre Studies is one of the most varied, exciting and challenging subjects at A level. Students study a wide range of different plays and theatrical styles, learning about how theatre works through a balanced mix of theory and practical exploration.

Over the full two year course, you will be given the opportunity to develop skills that are related to careers in the performing arts, but are also useful attributes for many other careers, especially where working and communicating with other people is important.

Acting, directing, devising, lighting, costume and set design all feature at various points in the course, and you will have the option of which areas you would particularly like to try, and which skills you would prefer to develop, so that you can benefit from the work in a way that suits you, your interests and ambitions.

AS:exploration of Drama and theatre: This unit is a mixture of practical exploration and written coursework. You will study two contrasting play texts and explore their potential in performance, learning about the journey a play makes from the page to the stage and experiencing the techniques of theatre practitioners. You will also see and evaluate a live theatre performance.

theatre text in performance: Step into the spotlight as you are given the chance to rehearse a play and perform in front of an audience, or be responsible for making the actors look great with your design skills. Dedication and

stamina are essential for this heavily practical unit, in which you will take part in a group production and also perform either a monologue or duologue of your choice.

A2: exploration of Dramatic performance: Taking inspiration from a range of stimuli, you will work as part of a group to devise, rehearse and perform a brand new play entirely from scratch. You will need to draw on all of your skills from the first year to produce the goods, in a Unit that is assessed both through performance and written coursework.

theatre text in Context: Think like a director as you consider how you would stage a classical text, and show your knowledge of performance history by comparing contemporary productions with their originals in this written examination.

enriCHMentSeeing live theatre work is an essential part of A Level Drama & Theatre Studies. We aim to provide at least one theatre trip each term, and recent excursions have seen work that is culturally diverse, internationally renowned and always intended to broaden your horizons.

Strong links with nearby Havant Arts Active means that opportunity for extra-curricular involvement in shows, work experience and shadowing often arise.

ASSeSSMentAS: 40% coursework (practical and written) and 60% practical work.

A2: 40% coursework (practical and written) and 60% written examination.

level 3

level 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


Do you need an introduction to the way electronics is increasingly being used in modern society? if you are looking for a practical subject that will allow you to develop scientific and technological skills, then GCSe electronics provides a good basis for further study in engineering, Computing and it-related courses.

GCSE Electronics is a one year course which will give you a broad introduction to the way that electronic systems are produced. You will learn about digital electronics and the way that components work in circuits. The course has an emphasis on learning about electronics through practical work. You will design and test alarm circuits, amplifiers, counting systems and control circuits.

entry requireMentSYou do not need to have studied Electronics before.

ASSeSSMentYou will take one written exam at the end of the course (60% of total marks), and the rest of the assessment is through coursework and project work, where you will have the opportunity to choose what to design and to make.

Join one of the largest economics departments in Hampshire for this topical and exciting course. economics will help you to develop a greater understanding of the economic system in which we live and to answer questions such as: What affects the job prospects of young people? Should we have a single european currency? Why do wages vary? Why do we pay tax? Should immigration be reduced? Should imports be limited? How does economic activity affect the environment? Should the gap between the rich and poor be closed?

This course provides you with a very good basis for degree level study of central or local government, banking and finance, law, accountancy and management. It is also suitable for any career that requires numeracy, communication skills and clear logical thinking.

entry requireMentSIdeally a minimum of grade C is preferred in GCSE Maths and English Language.

enriCHMentAdvanced Extension Awards are offered, coaching for Oxbridge entry (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) and potential for a joint Politics/Economics visit to Washington, D.C. USA.

ASSeSSMentThis course is modular, which means you sit exams as you complete each of the four modules.

AS MoDuleS:you take two modules accounting for 50% each of the AS level:

Markets in Action – 1.5 hour exam.•The National & International Economy – 1.5 hour •exam.

A2 MoDuleS: you take two modules accounting for 25% each of the A level:

Economics of Work & Leisure – 2 hour exam.•The Global Economy – 2 hour exam.•

There is no coursework in this course.

EconomicsA level

electronics is one of the major technologies to impact on 21st Century living. From mobile phone networks to monitoring equipment used in hospitals, from televisions to computers, a course in electronics could help you find out more about the engineering principles on which we all depend.

In the AS Electronics ‘Foundations of Electronics’ module you will learn how to design and build timers, sensor circuits, power supplies, microprocessors and amplifiers. You will learn how digital electronics is used to model and solve real-life problems. You will be working in a specialist laboratory to develop practical skills as well as knowledge and understanding of how processing systems are designed.

Topics studied in A2 include radio and television, communication systems, control systems and further work with microprocessors.

Electronics is popular in combination with subjects such as Computing, Mathematics, Physics or Music Technology.

entry requireMentSYou do not need to have studied Electronics as a separate subject for GCSE. However, we would usually expect GCSE passes at grade C (or an equivalent qualification) in Mathematics and in a related science or technology-based subject.

ASSeSSMentthe course is modular.

AS: Two written exams and coursework, consisting of three basic subsystem •analyses. A2: Two further written examinations and a project. •

The project work is based on practical work in class.

Written examinations take place in June.

ElectronicsA level

level 3

level 3level 2

39Economics > English Language


this one-year revision course is an opportunity to improve on the grade you achieved at school. it is a fast-paced and stretching course; however, with determination students can expect to improve on their school result.

You will improve both your creative and practical •writing skills. You will develop your reading comprehension •skills through the study of poetry, Shakespeare and a variety of media and non-fiction texts. You will develop your abilities and self-confidence •at speaking and listening, taking part in a variety of activities including a drama task, group discussions and a presentation.

Students on this course are well supported so you will get the help to master the specific things that prevented you from getting the grade C first time round.

enriCHMent:There is, where possible, a theatre trip to see a live performance of the Shakespeare play being studied.

Alongside your GCSE you will also gain a useful Functional Skills qualification in English at a level that suits you.

If English is your second language, consider the ESOL course we offer to get additional support with grammar.

ASSeSSMent:You will produce four pieces of written coursework, for 20% of the total marks. Your Speaking & Listening coursework will be worth a further 20%.You will take two exams at the end of the course, worth 60% of the total marks.

The Functional Skills qualification is assessed by a two hour reading and writing exam. The Speaking & Listening coursework for GCSE will also count towards this qualification.

English LanguageA level

How do children learn to talk? What dialect do i speak? What is ‘bad’ language? Why does our language keep on changing? if you’ve ever wondered about questions such as these, or if you’re looking for an arts or social science subject to balance your other choices, then this could be the subject for you.

You will develop your writing skills; you will learn more about the structures of language; you will develop your analytical abilities.

AS MoDuleS:the two modules involve the study of how we use language in everyday communication:

Using Language.•Developing journalistic and other writing skills.•Seeing through Language.•You will study how very young children acquire •language and also the impact of campaigns for ‘politically correct’ language.

A2 MoDuleS:the two modules involve the study of language in use in the ‘real world’.language explorations

You will explore current developments and •debates about accents & dialects and the ever-changing English language.

language investigationIn this coursework unit you will be analysing ‘real-•life’ language use. This course is helpful for a wide range of degree courses, including linguistics, speech therapy, education and journalism.

enriCHMentYour studies will help to develop your debating and ‘public speaking’ skills: you could develop these skills further by representing the college in a debating competition such as English Speaking Union ”Mace”.

entry requireMentSUsually you must have at least a grade C in English Language GCSE and you should realise that this subject involves some study of grammar.

‘e’ is special case: don’t move down

this is a lively and interactive course designed especially to meet the needs of students who have not yet ahieved a grade C or higher for GCSe english, and whose first language is not english. We aim to provide a solid grounding in english skills to enable you to make the best possible progress in your other subjects.

The course focuses on using English in ‘real-life’ contexts, such as writing accurate reports and persuasive letters, giving interesting presentations and extracting relevant information from written and spoken texts. Whatever your starting point might be, all your reading, writing, speaking & listening skills will develop over the length of the course.

English for speakers of other Languages eSol

ASSeSSMentYou will take three short exams (reading/writing/speaking & listening) at the end of the year at a level appropriate to you, up to and including Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE English).You will gain a recognised qualification called ‘ESOL Skills for Life’ from the University of Cambridge.

level 2 level 3

level 1


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Do you enjoy reading and discussing literature? Do you want to further develop the range of your writing skills? Are you perhaps looking for an ‘arts’ subject to balance your other choices? then this is the subject for you: it will enable you to build upon what you learn at GCSe level, while introducing new topics such as the study of ‘everyday’ spoken language.

AS MoDuleS:the two modules involve the study of topics relating to language in everyday use as well as three literary texts, covering a mixture of novels and drama:introducing Analysis and production

You will apply linguistic & literary analytical •concepts to your study of two texts – novel & drama. You will also produce your own ‘mini-text’, based on the ideas in one of these texts.

Analysing Speech and its representation •You will learn about spoken language in everyday

interaction, as well as studying how writers present dialogue in fiction or drama.

A2 MoDuleS:the two modules develop your understanding of language themes and literary texts:exploring Comparison and production

Analysing a range of different kinds of texts – •literary and non-literary, and writing your own text based on your study of non-fiction prose.

Developing ComparisonThis coursework unit will enable you to explore •two literary texts, one of which must be poetry.

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to take part in theatre visits to see professional productions of plays, to write ‘real’ texts for ‘real’ audiences, and to visit museums and other places of interest.

entry requireMentSUsually you must have at least a grade C in English Language GCSE.

ASSeSSMentAS: Both modules will be assessed by exams, usually taken at the end of the course.

A2: Module 3 will be assessed by an exam, and Module 4 by coursework.

Do you always have your head in a book? Do you love reading and discussing literature?

Then this subject will greatly expand your understanding and enjoyment of literature. We study drama, poetry and novels through analysing the ‘classics’ of English Literature from the past 600 years right up to the present day.

The course encourages independent reading and development of ideas supported by class discussions and activities to reflect upon the subtleties and ambiguities of texts, different interpretations and writers’ techniques. Research into the historical periods in which texts were written will significantly enrich your understanding, as will the study of connections between texts.

New to the course is the re-introduction of original writing. In the first year you will have the opportunity to develop skills as a literary critic or theatre reviewer (compulsory) and in the second year you can apply the writers’ techniques you’ve learnt to compose your own piece of literature (optional).

AS unitS: unit 1 – explorations in poetry and prose:

You will acquire the skills needed to analyse any •poem or extract from a novel/short story.You will study a broad selection of poets writing •on a specific theme.You will study two novels that are related by •theme.

unit 2 – explorations in Drama (coursework):You will study one Shakespeare play and •compare it with another piece of drama written between 1300 and 1800.

You will write a creative critical response to •a piece of drama you have read and seen performed.

A2 unitS: unit 3 – interpretations of poetry and prose:

You will further develop the skills needed to •analyse any poem or extract from a novel/short story.You will compare three texts, including prose and •poetry, on a related theme. One of these texts will have been written post-1990.

unit 4 – reflections in literary Studies (coursework):You will study two texts of any genre in the •light of a specific critical perspective or literary theory. There is the option of producing your own creative writing too.

English Literature is a highly regarded academic subject, valued by universities and employers.

enriCHMentThere is the opportunity to take part in theatre visits to see professional productions. There may be special lecture days on your set texts and themes. We aim to organise at least one three-day ‘trip’ each year, focusing on an author or a theme, such as visiting the battlefields of World War One.

entry requireMentSUsually you must have at least a grade C in English GCSE and a real enthusiasm for reading and discussing literature.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: 40% coursework and 60% examination.

English Language & LiteratureA level

English LiteratureA level

level 3

level 3

41English Language & Literature > Environmental Studies

Environmental ScienceGCSe

not achieved the science grade you needed to achieve your goal?

Environmental Science is a very relevant, practically based science course combining studies of the environment and our interaction with it. It provides an opportunity to study a range of issues of environmental importance and the scientifi c principles which underpin them.

This enjoyable course has been chosen to give you the choice of a totally different science course to the ones you may have studied at school.

It consists of fi ve themes selected from: the greenhouse effect, mineral extraction, conservation of wildlife and landscape, world population and food supplies, genetically modifi ed organisms, animal welfare and pollution.

ASSeSSMent:There is one written exam and one piece of coursework worth 20%.

Your ambition must be to obtain at least a grade C.

Environmental StudiesA level

environmental Studies explores a range of issues of environmental importance and the related scientifi c principles and concepts. this will enable you to gain a deep and well informed insight into the environment, and the scientifi c processes that control and affect it, through key areas of study, such as Wildlife Conservation, pollution, Global Climate Change and Sustainability.

AS MoDuleS: two modules:

‘The Living Environment’ investigates the inter-•relationship of species with each other and conservation.‘The Physical Environment’ looks at human •exploitation of resources and unsustainable natural resources.

A2 MoDuleS: two modules:

‘Energy Resources and Environmental Pollution’ – •future problems of energy supply and how these may be resolved; ‘Biological Resources and Sustainability’ – study of the sustainability of human lifestyles.

It is a worthwhile course for students wishing to pursue a wide range of careers concerning the environment, such as business and industry. Students will gain an understanding of study, management, sustainability and enjoyment of the environment.

enriCHMentA range of one-day fi eld work trips are organised, for example to Marwell Zoo, Alice Holt and Goodwood Farm. Students should develop and sustain their interest in the environment.

entry requireMentSNo prior knowledge of Environmental Studies is necessary, although the subject builds upon the programme for GCSE Science and usually requires a minimum of a grade C (single or double) at GCSE as well as English and Mathematics.

ASSeSSMentThere is no coursework in this specifi cation.

‘e’ is special case: don’t move down


level 2 level 3

William PerinsEx Bishop Luffa School

Currently studying: Drama and Theatre Studies, RS, English

Language & Literature and Politics

I chose Havant College because of the wide range of subjects made available through the college as well as the friendly environment and the ideal location.

I most enjoy the enthusiasm and the energy of my teachers making the subjects I study all the more interesting.

My best experience has been the opportunity to play a lead role in the college production of ”Guysand Dolls”.

When I leave I want to go on to study Politics and International Relations at University.

Before I came to Havant, I heard a rumour that all the friendliest and most intelligent people had left. This was not true.

I would recommend Havant College to anyone interested in moving into Higher Education, with a wide variety of optional subjects and further enlightenment schemes. Havant is the ideal college.


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Film StudiesA level

this course explores the pleasure of film viewing. We analyse films from Hollywood, britain and alternative sources, so you must be a film addict, keen to watch a wide variety of films and find interesting things in them! We will look at how meaning is created by a film and how spectators view it. you will also have the opportunity to write screenplays and storyboards. After AS level you can develop your understanding of film by doing a research project on your choice of film/film maker. you will also study an aspect of World Cinema and explore issues such as censorship, documentary, experimental filmmaking and ‘shocking’ cinema! there are also opportunities for practical work.

AS MoDuleS:Module 1:

Coursework: You will produce a file of essays and •practical work (storyboard, screenplay – writing or film making).

Module 2:British and American Cinema. You will study the •institutions behind the films and how we view them. You will study what British films have to say about being ‘British’.

A2 MoDuleS:Module 3:

Coursework: You can research your own choice •of film-making practice. You can develop your own writing or film-making skills.

Module 4: World Cinema. You will study film from other •countries and other historical eras.

enriCHMentYou will develop your appreciation of film by viewing as many as possible. Visits to alternative venues in the area and London will be encouraged.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: 40% coursework and 60% examination.

Film Studies GCSe

A chance for students to explore popular mainstream films from Hollywood as well as films outside the mainstream.

enriCHMentOpportunities to plan and make film sequences as well as create a range of other film-related material like web pages and film posters.

ASSeSSMentAssessment through two short examinations (50% external assessment) and three main pieces of internally assessed work (50% internal assessment).

General StudiesA level

General Studies is excellent preparation for students who wish to progress to degree level study of any subject. there are three routes to success in General Studies.

Firstly, the AS course runs from January, giving first year students with space on their timetables the opportunity to gain an additional qualification.

Secondly, students who take AS modules in their first year can complete A2 modules in year 2.

Thirdly, Year 2 students can take General Studies as a compressed full A Level course which combines both AS and A2 modules. You would normally sit the AS exams in January and the A2 exams in the Summer term.

AS MoDuleS: General Studies complements all other A Level courses and is designed to produce a more rounded, balanced world view for all students.Module 1:

Cultural and Social Domains.•Module 2:

Scientific Domains.•A2 MoDuleS: These two further units develop and encourage learners to think more broadly about world events and their place within them.Module 3:

Exploration of Cultural, Social and Scientific •Domains.

Module 4:Culture, Science and Society.•

enriCHMentOn this course, you will be actively encouraged to read newspapers, watch news and current affairs programmes, go to the cinema whenever you can and develop a healthy scepticism.

ASSeSSMentAS: Module 1 is assessed in a 2 hour exam. Module 2 is a 1 hour exam.

A2: Modules 3 and 4 are both assessed in 90 minute exams.

My best experience has been the whole Havant College experience!

Celise Galloway Ex Springfield Technology College

level 2

level 3

level 3

43Film Studies > Geology

GeographyA level

Geography examines the relationship between people and their different environments. Geography offers students the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills, including it, research, analysis, evaluation and decision-making, all of them vital preparation for higher education and the world of work. Students often comment that, at university interviews, Geography is highly regarded by other subject disciplines.

At AS and A2 Level, students explore a wide variety of topical issues such as the impact of extreme weather events and other hazards, bridging the development gap and population policies. Research and field work are integral to the course.

enriCHMentField work is an integral part of the subject. Opportunities for field work will be given for both physical and human geography issues. A residential field trip to the Cévennes, Southern France, is offered in June following the AS exams. In the second year a field trip to China is organised.

entry requireMentSGCSE Mathematics and English at grade C or above. You do not need to have studied Geography at GCSE.

GeologyA level

Geology is a very practical subject which covers a wide range of topics from the study of the earth’s structure, through the cycles of the earth and our resources, to how the earth was moulded, how fossils are formed and what can be learnt from fossil evidence.

AS MoDuleS:unit 1:

Global Tectonics – this gives students a broad •background of geological concepts and terminology, examined in January.

unit 2: The Rocks – a broad treatment of the processes •of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, examined in June.

unit 3: Practical Skills in Geology – based on field work •and set by the board.

A2 MoDuleS:unit 4:

Environmental Geology – the study of resources, •water supply and how Geology can affect engineering projects.

unit 5: Evolution of Life, Earth and Climate – Fossil •formation, dating methods and changing climate.

unit 6: Practical Skills and Evaluation – field work •undertaken in July with laboratory follow-up and practical exams.

enriCHMentField work skills and laboratory techniques dominate in this course. There is a large variety of approaches. Students will experience not only traditional classroom situations but also teamwork, research and other essential skills in preparation for higher education and the world of employment.

entry requireMentSStudents will normally start this subject from scratch. Ideally if taken at GCSE a C pass or above should have been achieved. Minimum grade C in double science and a strong interest in the application of science to real situations. Minimum grade C in both Maths and English required.

ASSeSSMentAS: Unit 1 – January; Unit 2 and Unit 3 in June.

A2: Unit 4 – January; Unit 5 and Unit 6 in June of the following year.

What I enjoy the most is the greater independence in the learning process and the opportunity to discuss texts in depth. You’re not just ‘taught’ a subject.

Leanne Curran Ex Priory School

level 3

level 3

Government & PoliticsA level

this is a course designed to provide learners with a balanced education in politics. At AS level you will look at representative democracy and participation, key governmental processes and institutions of the united Kingdom. At A2 you will study the representative processes and the institutional framework of the united States of America.

AS:unit 1:

People and Politics Key Topics: Democracy and •political participation, party policies and ideas, elections and pressure groups.

unit 2:Governing the UK Key Topics: The UK Constitution, •Parliament, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Judges and civil liberties.

A2:unit 3:

Key Themes in Political Analysis: Representative •processes in the USA. Key topics: Elections and voting, race and ethnicity, pressure group politics – gun control, abortion and political parties.

unit 4:Extended Themes in Political Analysis: Governing •the USA. Key Topics: The US Constitution, Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court.

enriCHMentThere is an annual trip to Parliament in the autumn, a question and answer session with the local MP; visits to Washington, D.C. and Virginia, USA and Beijing, China; conferences and guest speakers. Our students have won the University of Surrey’s ”Politics for Schools” Competition for the past three years.

entry requireMentSIdeally a GCSE grade C or above in English Language.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: Two exams at the end of each year and no coursework.

Lucinda BaldwinEx Ryde School IOW

Currently studying: Law, Government & Politics,

Geography and PE.

I chose Havant College because it had a great reputation and the teaching standard is very good. It also has a great Sports Academy.

I most enjoy the social side of the college, which is great. There are various things you can do throughout the year.

My best experience has been meeting new people. It has been a highlight of the college.

When I leave I want to go to University to study Law to achieve a dream of becoming a Criminal Law Barrister.

Havant College is an awesome place to go. It has a great balance of academics as well as the more social side to college. I would definitely recommend it to others and is a good step to take before University.


and is a good step to take before University.

Currently studying:Government & Politics,

Geography and PE.

various things you can do throughout

I most enjoy the social side of the college, which is great. There are various things you can do throughout

Ex Ryde School IOW

Currently studying:Government & Politics,

I chose Havant College because it had a great reputation and the teaching standard is very good. It also has a great Sports Academy.

I most enjoy the social side of the

teaching standard is very good. It also has a great Sports Academy.

I most enjoy the social side of the college, which is great. There are

Lucinda BaldwinLucinda BaldwinEx Ryde School IOW

Currently studying:

various things you can do throughout various things you can do throughout

also has a great Sports Academy.

I most enjoy the social side of the

Lucinda Baldwin

Currently studying:Government & Politics,

Geography and PE.Government & Politics,

Geography and PE.

I chose Havant College because it had a great reputation and the teaching standard is very good. It

Ex Ryde School IOW

Currently studying:Government & Politics,


Health & Social CareA level

Health & Social Care is a new applied A level. it will develop your understanding and interest in health, early years care and education, social care and issues affecting the care sector. you will develop skills that will enable you to make an effective contribution to the care sector, including skills of research, evaluation and problem solving in a work related context. it is ideal if you wish to undertake assessment using both coursework and external examination.

AS: This course focuses on the needs of clients and the professional services which aim to meet those needs.

There are three areas of study: Promoting Quality Care, Communication in Care Settings and Promoting Good Health.

A2: The A2 course develops AS areas of study through issues involved in Care Practice and Provision, Anatomy and Physiology in Practice and Research Methods in Health and Social Care.

A Level Health and Social Care is designed to provide progression to higher education and further training for employment in a Health Science Profession, Early Years Care & Education and Social Care.

enriCHMentAll areas of study are work-related. Students will gain experience of this by accessing voluntary work in health, early years/education and social care settings and from visiting guest speakers.

entry requireMentSIdeally students must have GCSE Maths and English Language grade C or above, among their 4/5 or more A*-C grades.

Students must be willing to gain work experience in a care setting.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: Internal portfolio assessment 67%, external examination assessment 33%.

level 3 level 3

Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

45Government & Politics > History of Art

Havant College offers a greater variety of History courses than anyone else in the area. Do not worry if you have not taken GCSe History, as long as your english language skills are good you will have no problems with the subject. Although we would encourage students to take a broad range of AS levels, it will be possible to take AS Classics and one of the other History AS levels as well.

At AS Level Early Modern historians will look at why England was at war with itself (the Wars of the Roses) from the 1450s onwards and how Henry VII managed to establish the Tudor dynasty. You will also have to find out whether Richard III murdered the Princes in the Tower of London.

Modern historians have to study both British and overseas history for their AS Level. You will have a choice of areas to study. You would have to choose one of the following three British history options: Poverty and Public Health in nineteenth century Britain; British Political History 1945–90 and Mass Media, Popular Culture and Social change in Britain Since 1945. For your second AS Level unit you would have to choose one of the following three non-British options: German and Italian History from 1918–1945; twentieth century China; Equality in the USA after 1945 and the Korean and Vietnam wars. If you want to, you can take one unit of early modern history and one unit of modern history.

At A2 Level Early Modern historians will examine the reigns of Edward VI and Mary in detail, using sources to help them. They will also look closely at Elizabeth I and study some themes from the Tudor period as a whole.

At A2 Level Modern historians have to take one written examination which might look at American History from 1917 to 1954 or Superpower relations

after the Second World War up to 1990. Both Early Modern and Modern historians will also have to produce two pieces of History coursework (each about 2,000 words long). You will have a choice of topic area, ranging from the Golden Age of Spain in the sixteenth century, through twentieth century Russian or German or Chinese History, to international relations in the last hundred years, or the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Early Modern historians can take up Modern history for A2 if they wish, just as Modern historians can take Early Modern history for A2.

enriCHMentHistorians like to go and see the subject they are studying. There will be a variety of day trips to conferences as well as sites such as The Tower of London, The Mary Rose, Hampton Court Palace and The British Empire and Commonwealth Museum, Bristol. In recent years historians have also gone on study tours of Madrid (for Early Modern historians) and China (for Chinese historians).

entry requireMentSYou do not need to have taken GCSE History, but if you have done so ideally you will be expected to have got a grade C or higher. Ideally you will be expected to have got a grade C or higher in English.

ASSeSSMentThere are two AS Level exams at the end of the first year. There is no coursework in history at AS Level. In the second year you will write one examination paper and you will produce two pieces of coursework which between them must not add up to more than 4,000 words. You will get a great deal of help from your teachers with the coursework.

HistoryA level

Would you like to study a course that combines a range of disciplines such as art, architecture, history, religion, sociology, philosophy, mythology and literature? Are you looking for a subject that will help you to develop a critical appreciation of a wider cultural context? if you are, then this exciting course is for you!

Art History is the study of visual images: paintings, sculpture and architecture. On this course you will learn how to ‘read’ images and how to analyse and interpret them against the backdrop of the social conditions in which they were created.

The study of Art History can lead to a range of careers related to the arts, including museum and gallery work, teaching, journalism, television, publishing, theatre, art therapy, advertising and design.

No previous knowledge or experience of the history of art is required.

AS has two units:Unit 1 Visual Analysis & interpretation.•Unit 2 Themes in History of Art.•

A2 has two units:Unit 3 Investigation & interpretation (1).•Unit 4 Investigation & interpretation (2).•

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to visit museums and galleries.

entry requireMentNo additional requirements.

ASSeSSMentAS: Two units assessed by a short exam usually taken at the end of the course.

A2: Two units assessed by a short exam usually taken at the end of the course.

History of Art (Art of the Western World) A level

level 3

level 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Human BiologyA level

using modern methods like the Human Genome project, mankind is now standing on the brink of another revolution in the field of health. the study of A level Human biology is an integral part of understanding the world surrounding us. this new specification places an emphasis on ‘health’ and ‘how humans are interacting with and impacting on their environment’ through a uK and urban perspective by reflecting up-to-the minute issues and concerns.

AS:Consists of two written modules: ‘The body and its diseases’ and a genetics module ‘Why people are like they are’.

A2:Two further modules: ‘Bodies and Cells In and Out of Control’ and ‘The Air We Breathe, The Water We Drink, The Food We Eat’, a module about how health is affected by the environment.

Human Biology A Level is a good subject for a range of university courses, especially in the healthcare vocations.

enriCHMentEnrichment could include a field trip, Marwell Zoological Park, a hospital visit and a visit to a microbiological lab.

entry requireMentSIdeally you must have GCSE Maths, English and Double Science at grade C or above in your four/five or more A*-C grades. If you have alternative qualifications, we will be very pleased to consider them.

ASSeSSMentAS: Two written exams alongside a practical skills module.

A2: Two written exams alongside another practical skills module.

Information & Communication Technology A level

this course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the advanced use of various industry-standard software packages, such as Word and Access. you will also acquire a knowledge of all the it skills required for business.

This highly practical course has a great relevance to the world of business and commerce. The emphasis of the course is on using computers for advanced problem-solving. It does not include programming!

Many ICT students go on to study IT at university, whilst others use the expertise gained on the course in a variety of different professions, from management and journalism to computing and marketing.

entry requireMentSNo previous knowledge of ICT is necessary but the minimum of a grade C in GCSE English Language is required.

ASSeSSMentInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is offered at AS and A2 Level. The course is modular and you will normally take AS at the end of the first year, and A2 at the end of the second year.

There are two theory papers in June in year one. In the second year there is one theory paper and one project. Success in the first year gains you an AS.



Danielle CriddleEx The Hayling College

Currently studying: Philosophy, English Literature and Economics

I chose Havant College because of the good pass grades and success rate and also because of the courses offered.

I most enjoy being close to home, having the freedom and availability to be treated like an adult, and a good social life.

My best experience has been the trips that have been offered, and winning the politics competition.

When I leave I want to take a gap year in order to decide what I would

like to do in the future.

level 3

level 3


Information Technology14–19 DiploMA

The Higher Diploma is a Level 2 qualification and equivalent to 7 GCSEs A*-C.

The Advanced Diploma is a Level 3 qualification and equivalent to 3.5 A Levels.

the Diploma in information technology is designed to provide learners with the skills required in the modern it and telecoms professional environment. it is built around three integrated themes of business, people and technology.

the topics at level 2 include:The potential of technology. •Enterprise. •Technology systems. •Multimedia. •Effective communications •Managing projects – including designing and •developing a creative multimedia product using techniques such as video, audio, music and animation.

At level 3 the topics are further developed to include:

Understanding of organisations.•Creating technology solutions.•Managing technology systems.•Professional development. •Making projects successful including using an •industry standard language for programming web-based and non web-based environments.

ASSeSSMentThe Diplomas are •both internally and externally assessed.

Human Biology > Information Technology

I enjoy seeing friends in a nice environment and being able to hang out in a relaxed place.

Natasha Hall Ex Springfield Technology College

level 2 & 3

IT PractitionersbteC FirSt DiploMA

this course is already established in the college and has excellent results.

It is highly relevant and is a practical, work related course which will enable you to progress into the ‘fast moving’ world of IT or you could use this qualification as an excellent grounding for BTEC National or A Level ICT, both of which are offered at the college.

Do you enjoy working with IT or want to know more about how your computer works? Do you want to know how to build your own computer?

This BTEC is a practical, work-related vocational course. It would suit those who wish to take an initial qualification and then progress to further study or employment in the ‘fast-moving’ world of IT.

The course consists of six units, two of which are compulsory and a further four cover different aspects of ICT.

The BTEC First Diploma is a one year full time course that is equivalent to 4 GCSEs. On successful completion you can progress onto a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

The four specialist units will include computer hardware and software, graphics and website development.

The course is independent of other subjects, does not depend on you being good at mathematics and does not assume any previous knowledge of computing or programming.

HoW Will i be ASSeSSeD?There are no formal exams in a BTEC course. You will complete a range of assignments and be assessed as you progress through the course.

Are tHere pArtiCulAr entry requireMentS?None – entry to this course will be through discussion with staff.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

level 2


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

IT PractitionersbteC nAtionAl AWArD

this is a practical one year, work-related course and is studied alongside two other A levels. you learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. you focus on a particular subject area and develop a range of specialist skills and knowledge.

The practical nature of the course means that your time will be divided between using computers to gain expertise in software use and covering the theory. Throughout, you will be using industry standard software on the college–wide network and you will be taught in a room where you will have your own computer.

If you want to specialise in IT at university or in industry, then this course, with a combination of two other A Levels, would provide the necessary qualification.

The course is divided into six units, two of which are compulsory and the others are chosen from topics such as Information Systems; Mathematics for IT Practitioners; Digital Graphics and Computers and Computer Animation.

entry requireMentSThe course is independent of other subjects and it does not assume any previous knowledge of computing.

ASSeSSMentYou will be assessed on each unit separately. If you are successful in these you gain an individual grade for each unit. An overall grade is awarded for the qualification.

All Units are graded at either Pass, Merit or Distinction.

level 3

Information TechnologybteC nAtionAl DiploMA

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelSthis course focuses on education and practical training using industry standard hardware and software to enable you to learn about and gain the skills to work in Computing and it.

You will have the opportunity to achieve a nationally recognised Level 3 vocational qualification in a variety of types of technical work, such as systems support, analysis and design, software testing, network administration, education and training. Your experience on this course will enable you to enter employment either as an IT practitioner or progress to higher education to achieve academic or vocational qualifications.

you Will eXplore unitS WHiCH inCluDe:Computer Systems, Information Systems, Digital Graphics and Computer Animation available in the first year. If you progress to the second year you can specialise in software which includes units such as Principles of Software Design, Development, Object Oriented and Event Driven Programming and programming Computer Games.

HoW iS tHe CourSe ASSeSSeD?The course is continuously assessed by a range of methods which include practical demonstrations, presentations, program writing and program testing, website construction, blogs and reports.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and higher education (universities and colleges).

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in the IT industry as an IT Practitioner in areas such as systems support or on a help desk. If you decide to go to university or college you could take a degree or a BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing or IT Practitioners.

level 3

Stephanie Taylor-BrownEx Cams Hill School

Currently studying: Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Perspectives on Science.

I started skating when I was 9 at Gosport Ice Rink, in 2005 I moved to Basingstoke to fulfil my ambition to skate in the British Championships. I get up at 3:30am three or four times a week to train for 3 to 4 hours with my coaches. I then travel to Havant College, where I am a full time student.

This year, I have fulfilled one of my ambitions by qualifying for the British Championships, which take place on 1st, 2nd and 3rd July at Sheffield Ice


I hope to compete in an international competition later this year and travel to Germany to skate with some of the best skaters and coaches in the world.



It was the most academic college in the area and had a great teaching reputation. Also the Maths Department was top-notch!

Joanna Holden Ex Springfield Technology College

49IT Practitioners > International Baccalaureate

The International BaccalaureateIB DIploma

The IB Diploma is a prestigious, international, pre-university qualification and is recognised by universities and governments throughout the world. The IB says that it ”aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”.

Students have to take six subjects: English Literature. •Mathematics.•A Science. •A Modern Foreign Language.•A Humanities subject. •

you can choose a sixth subject. it can be:Visual arts. •A second Language. •A second Science.•A second Humanities subject. •

In addition you will be taught the Theory of Knowledge (how do we know that something is true?), write an extended essay on a subject of your own choice and you will also take part in some form of Creativity, Action, Service.

entry requireMentSYou should have at least five grade A*–C, including English, Mathematics, Science and a modern foreign language. We would expect you to have grade B or higher in English, Mathematics and Science. However, all students are interviewed and decisions will be made on an individual basis.

level 3

Veronica Meacham

Veronica Meacham came to Havant from Oakland School. She achieved AAB grades in Art & Design, Geography and Biology and went on to Sheffield and Chicago USA to qualify as a Landscape Architect, working on projects in Romania, the rainforests of Trinidad, Twickenham rugby stadium and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. ”I never thought I would find a career that combines both Science and Arts, and I am so grateful to the Careers team for helping me find it.”

ex StudentS:

Where are they noW?


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details


An exciting chance for you to start an important, very different and yet not as difficult a language as you might imagine!

This course is for complete beginners, who enjoy learning a language or are interested in Japanese culture.

You will develop your abilities in the four practical language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

entry requireMentSNo previous knowledge of Japanese is expected. This subject is popular with a wide range of A Level students.

ASSeSSMentYou will have internal and external assessments covering the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Japanese A level

Have you studied GCSe Japanese and achieved A*-b? A level Japanese will further develop your knowledge and skills.

ASYou will be expected to recognise and use Japanese in a variety of contexts by studying the following topics:

Youth culture and concerns.•Lifestyle: health and fitness.•The world around us: travel, tourism, •environmental issues and the Japanese speaking world.Education and employment.•

This course will draw upon and apply your knowledge of Japanese language, grammar and lexis to produce a short translation from Japanese into English, as well as demonstrate an ability to manipulate Japanese language in continuous writing.

A2Develop research and a greater knowledge and understanding of Japanese culture and/or society, students must produce two Japanese-language essays in response to questions related to their chosen topic(s) and/or text(s).

In addition to the topics studied at AS Level you will also study:

Customs, traditions, beliefs and religions.•National and international events: past, present •and future.Literature and the arts.•

ASSeSSMentAS level: A reading and writing paper 2 hour 45 minute paper in three sections.

Section A: Reading Section b: Translation Section C: Essay

A2 level: A reading and writing paper 3 hour paper in three sections.

Section A: Reading Section b: Translation Section C: Essays on chosen topic(s) and/or text(s).

Japanese GCSe

this is the course for the students who can write and read Japanese syllables freely (Hiragana, Katakana) and know a little bit of grammar. it is also a course for those who enjoy language learning and would like to add another language at GCSe level in one year to their qualifications.

the course covers grammar and vocabulary in the following areas:For listening and reading skills:

Out and about.•Customer service and transactions.•Personal information.•Future plans, education and work.•For speaking and writing skills:•Media and culture.•Sport and leisure.•Travel and tourism.•Business, work and employment.•

ASSeSSMentWriting, listening, reading assessment take place at the end of the year in June.

Speaking assessment takes place between March and May.

Writing: A 1 hour writing paper.

Speaking: Two 2 – 4 minute speaking exam.

listening: A 45 minutes and 5 minutes reading time CD ROM.

reading: A 55 minutes reading paper.

level 2

level 3level 1

enriCHMent For All levelS oF JApAneSeVisits to Japanese institutions take place such as the Embassy in London, to enhance your awareness of the cultural history of the country. Amongst other activities, you will be able to practise calligraphy, eat traditional food and wear a kimono!

Amy MellowAmy came to us from The Hayling College and studied Travel & Tourism (Double Award) and Business Studies. After a gap year she graduated in Tourism Management at the University of Greenwich, worked as PA for Chris Evans and Billie Piper and then joined ITV Productions Entertainment Department in London, working with celebs such as Ant & Dec, Take That and Westlife. Amy has just come back from filming a second series in the USA as the Production Co-ordinator on ‘Dirty Dancing: The Time of Your Life.’

ex StudentS:

Where are they noW?

51Japanese > Leisure Studies

LawA level

this lively course looks at criminal law, the work of barristers, solicitors and judges, how law is made and whether it achieves 'justice'. So, if you are interested in any aspect of the law, like taking part in discussions and enjoy a challenge, then this is the course for you.

the topics you will study are:AS:

How legal disputes are resolved. The people who •work in the legal system. Where law comes from and how it is made.

A2: Principles of criminal law. Offences against the •person. Defences and property offences.

A qualification in Law provides an excellent foundation for those wishing to enter the legal profession. It is also acceptable for all university courses. Those interested in a business career, such as personnel or finance, will also find Law helpful.

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to participate in a number of visits, including Portsmouth Law Courts, the Houses of Parliament and the European Union.

entry requireMentSIdeally a GCSE grade C or above in English Language.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: Two exams taken during each year.

Leisure StudiesA level

this course will give you a broad introduction to the leisure, sport and recreation industries. employment opportunities in these areas are growing rapidly, and include working in sports centres, health clubs, cinemas, football clubs and leisure management. this course is classroom-based and includes the study of leisure facilities and organisations. there will be some day visits organised to local facilities to enable students to apply their knowledge to specific case studies.

in your first year you will study for the AS qualification which includes the following three units:

The Leisure Industry Today (portfolio). •A People Business (external exam).•Getting it Right in the Leisure Industry (portfolio).•

in your second year you will study for A2 which includes the following three units:

Leisure in Action (portfolio/as a group you •will plan and execute a leisure event).Working in the People Business (external •exam dealing primarily with HRM issues). Current Issues (portfolio/you will study a •current leisure issue of your choice in depth).

Previous students have found employment in a range of areas, from event management and outdoor activities centres to helping to organise the Sydney Olympic games and in gyms and fitness suites. Many students first study a leisure related course at university.

enriCHMentStudents will take part in a number of visits to local leisure facilities, such as leisure centres and sports facilities. You will also have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit abroad: previous destinations have included Paris, Barcelona, New York and Florida.

entry requireMentSIdeally a grade C in English Language GCSE.

ASSeSSMent33% exam and 67% coursework, which may include projects, case studies, presentations and assignments.

level 3 level 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Free standing Mathematics (Qualifications)CertiFiCAte

interested in doing some Maths but not quite ready for a full GCSe course then this course is for you.

the course is designed to build your confidence in using Mathematics in every day situations. two topics areas are covered:

Making Sense of Data•Managing Money. •

You will also get a chance to develop your ICT skills.

entry requireMentS This course is designed for anyone who either has not studied Mathematics at GCSE level or who obtained an F grade or below at their previous school.

ASSeSSMent FSMQ Making Sense of Data is assessed by an exam and portfolio work in January. FSMQ Managing Money is assessed by an exam and portfolio work in May. You will therefore achieve two separate qualifications.


Missed grade C by a grade or two? then this course will give you the opportunity to obtain the qualification which can be vital for many careers or other courses.

The course will help reinforce those areas in Maths which you have already covered, but more importantly will help you understand those areas which you found less straightforward, for example Algebra or Statistics.

entry requireMentSThis course is intended for students who have

previously gained a grade D or E in GCSE Mathematics.

ASSeSSMentThere are short, written modules covering this subject which are taken at different times of the year.

MathematicsA level

Why study Maths? there are plenty of good reasons. if you are looking for a subject that can lead to a wide variety of further courses and combines well with just about any other subject, then Maths could be for you. the academic challenge it offers makes Mathematics a subject discipline that is held in high regard by many employers.

the college offers two options:

MAtHeMAtiCS (SinGle SubJeCt)This is the course followed by the majority of our students.

MAtHeMAtiCS & FurtHer MAtHeMAtiCS (tAKen toGetHer AS A ‘Double’ SubJeCt)This course explores ideas in greater depth and is aimed at students who have a particular focus on Mathematics and who are academically strong. In order to study ‘double’ Mathematics you will spend the time equivalent to two subjects. You can take AS Further Maths alongside either AS Maths or A2 Maths (i.e. in the first or second years).

In both options you will study a mixture of Pure Mathematics, Statistics, and Mechanics. In Further Maths you will also study Decision Maths. You will be encouraged to use modern technology in your work, including specialist software packages, to help you learn and develop ideas. The course aims to help you develop problem-solving and analytical skills and is an important subject to keep progression options open in many areas of Science and Engineering. It is also well-regarded in medicine and in business.

The ”double” Mathematics course is a valuable preparation for degree courses, such as Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. It is a recommended option for a student considering Oxbridge as a possibility for these or similar subjects.

enriCHMentA visit to a theme park to see how Mathematics applies to roller coaster rides (in theory & practice!) is one of the opportunities to explore principles beyond the classroom. The department has joined the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Further Maths Centre which organises events such as ‘Maths Inspiration’ and Revision Days.

entry requireMentSFor ‘single’ Maths, a grade C at higher level GCSE Mathematics is required; although a B or higher is recommended.

For ‘double’ Maths, you will need strong GCSE results across all subjects taken, together with an A or A* in GCSE Mathematics.

ASSeSSMentThe results achieved for AS and for A2 will be based on your performance in modular examinations. There is no coursework component.

level 1

level 3

level 2

53Mandarin Chinese > Media Studies

Media StudiesGCSe

Why are tv 'soaps' so popular? Why are there different types of newspaper? Why is 'reality tv' so successful?

You will learn about how the mass media – television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the music industry – influence our daily lives. You will study examples of these media to explore how they communicate their messages to their audiences. You will develop your own media 'product' as part of your assessment work.

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to gain 'hands on' practical experience in our Media Suite. You will also visit local media institutions.

ASSeSSMentCoursework is worth 50% of the total marks: three written assignments and a practical production.

A 'controlled test' makes up the other 50% of the marks.

MediaA level

you will learn how to take apart the products of mass media: film, magazines, television, newspapers, radio and video and analyse them to see how they work. you will then change them and produce your own! reading texts, newspapers and watching films, as well as designing title sequences for a new soap, filming a sequence for a suspense series and producing the front pages of newspapers, are all part of this course.

AS:Module 1:

Representation and Responses. You will use your •skills to analyse an ‘unseen’ piece of print or audio-visual piece.

Module 2: Practical coursework. You will research, plan and •produce a print or video based piece of work.

A2:Module 3:

Media Investigations. You will explore media •concepts and apply them to your own production.

Module 4: Media – Text, Industry and Audience. You will •explore the social, economical and political backgrounds to the media.

enriCHMentYou will develop the skills of critical analysis by widening your understanding of the media. You can also develop your skills in ICT courses. You will be encouraged to visit media institutions and to be actively involved in their work.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: 40% coursework and 60% examination.

Media FirSt DiploMA

bteC FirSt DiploMA

A practical introduction to the media industry specialising in computer game and interactive software design.

Are you interested in computer games? Do you want to learn more about computer graphics? If so, then this new and exciting approach to Media could be what you’re looking for! This practical and work-related course will give you a useful introduction to today’s media industry, with a focus on computer graphics and games.

The BTEC First Diploma is a one year full time course that is equivalent to four GCSEs. On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

FirSt DiploMA(Six units/equivalent to 3 GCSE grades A*-C)

WHAt DoeS tHe CourSe ConSiSt oF?you will study three core units:

Introduction to Media Industries.•Research for Media Production.•Media Audience & Products.•

you will also need to complete four of the following specialist units:

Interactive Media Production.•Animation Techniques.•Web Authoring.•Reviewing Computer Games.•2D Computer Games.•Digital Graphics.•Media Production Project.•

HoW Will i be ASSeSSeD?There are no formal exams in a BTEC course. You will complete a range of assignments and be assessed as you progress through the course.

Are tHere pArtiCulAr entry requireMentS?None – entry to this course will be through discussion with staff.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

Jack NaylorEx Cams Hill School

Currently studying: Maths, History and English Literature

I chose Havant College because it was small and close-knit. On the open days I felt a really good atmosphere and the course layouts appealed to me.

I most enjoy the social life. I have met so many new people here that have made my first year so enjoyable.

When I leave I want to apply to Oxford to do a Maths degree.

The college is very casual and laid back and there is a good mix of social groups- something which has shaped the way I act around people and made me more confident as a person.



level 2 level 3

level 2


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

MediabteC nAtionAl DiploMA

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelSDo you enjoy the media, want to understand how the industry works and develop your own creative skills?

This course will give you the opportunity to explore a wide range of media production aspects such as advertising, marketing, scriptwriting, digital graphics and computer games development.

You will explore units which include: research, pre-production and production as well as twelve specialist units which give you the skills and understanding across a range of media related activities.

HoW iS tHe CourSe ASSeSSeD?The course is continuously assessed through various practical and written media assignments.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and higher education (universities and colleges).

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in a range of media related careers including: print companies such as newspapers/magazines and researching; writing and editing for production companies such as radio and TV.

Modern Foreign LanguagesGCSe

Would you like the opportunity to improve your ability to communicate with the locals in their own language when on holiday? perhaps this could be the gateway to an exciting job in the sun?

We offer two modern foreign languages at GCSE: Spanish and Japanese. Whichever you study, you will be able to develop your practical language skills, focusing on themes such as my work, holiday time and travel, work and lifestyle. Sometimes you will work in small groups or pairs; you will have the opportunity to use the language laboratory.

you Will leArn to:Listen – to announcements, news items and •telephone messages.Speak – in role-play, presentation and •conversation.Read – signs, articles and letters.•Write – messages, letters and reports.•

enriCHMentYou will have the opportunity to take part in trips or visits which will develop your awareness of life in Japanese and Spanish–speaking countries.

entry requireMentSThe Spanish course can be studied if you want to add a new language to your GCSEs or if you want to improve your existing grade.

It is essential to have done a Japanese Certifi cate before enrolling for the GCSE course.

Students of A Level are most welcome to study either language at GCSE.

ASSeSSMentYou will have an exam paper in each of the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It may be possible to do some written coursework, worth 25% of the total marks.

Modern Foreign LanguagesA level

We offer four Modern Foreign languages at A level: French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

Whichever you study, you will have the opportunity to develop your language skills

both in your lessons and with the help of a ‘native-speaker’ in weekly conversation classes. you will also be able to develop your listening and speaking skills in our modern foreign languages laboratory. you will not only learn the language: you will learn a great deal about the people who speak it, the countries they live in and their culture.

In both the AS and A2 courses you will develop your abilities in the four practical

language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. There will be short exams which

will assess your competence at these skills.

In the A2 year, you will do two pieces of written coursework which will contribute to your fi nal grade.

With an A Level in a modern language you can study the same language or a new one at university. A good knowledge of any language is a useful asset in any career.

enriCHMentFor each language there may be an opportunity to take part in subject conferences and other visits. Students are encouraged to undertake work experience abroad and Spanish students may be able to enjoy an exchange visit with a school in Seville.

entry requireMentSIdeally you must have at least a GCSE grade C in the appropriate language.

ASSeSSMentAS: All the skills are assessed by short exams, usually taken near the end of the course.

A2: All the skills are assessed by short exams, usually taken near the end of the course.

level 3 level 2

level 3

55Media Studies > Music

you will study Music in four areas. in the fi rst year you will study; ‘infl uences on Music’, ‘Creating Musical ideas’ and ‘interpreting Musical ideas’. the second year builds on this – extending ‘Creating Musical ideas’ and ‘interpreting Musical ideas’ and introduces ‘Music in Context’. it is a course that’s suited to those who can read music (at least treble clef) and have an interest in understanding music from a wide range of genres (classical, popular, contemporary etc.). there are considerable opportunities, for those with an interest in the computer aspect of music making, to be creative with music technology as well as for those who are performing ‘acoustic’ musicians. it must be stressed that not being able to perform on an instrument (or sing) does not exclude you (though not being able to read music does).

In ‘Infl uences on Music’ you will study aspects of classical music (form, harmony, tonality, instrumentation, rhythm etc.) using a Mozart symphony as a focal point (Mahler in year two) and you’ll study ‘British Popular Music from 1960 to Present Day’ (in year one) and ‘Four Decades of Jazz and Blues’ (in year two) as areas of study. This is examined through a written examination in which you’ll also demonstrate your ability to understand, analyse and read notated music.

‘Creating Musical Ideas’ is coursework (under timed, supervised sessions) and involves creating music for either voices, ensemble, keyboards and electronic music (using computers). The work

produced is assessed on its use of cadences, form, tonality,

expressive effect and realisation (recording

and ‘score’). It is noteworthy that in both years ‘pop’ & electronic music styles are equally

valid – it is not restricted to more classical styles.

‘Interpreting Musical Ideas’ is an opportunity to show your performing ability. This is not just limited however to those who play instruments or use their singing voice – performances can be created by using computer software and by using recording equipment (demonstrating your ability to produce effective recorded performances). Those who opt to perform on an instrument or voice will need to perform a programme of pieces with as high a diffi culty level as is comfortable (you will be provided with a series of individual lessons).

Some music students go on to Higher Education and Music Colleges (leading to careers in performance, teaching and promotional aspects) whilst others simply use it as an entry qualifi cation to university.

enriCHMentThe college music area is available to students for extra-curricular music-making outside of normal college hours. It is expected that music students will participate in an ensemble or group in the Autumn and Spring terms. Trips and visits are organised periodically.

entry requireMentSThose with GCSE Music will be sought and those with grades in music theory will certainly be well placed for entry. None of these however are compulsory but standard college entry requirements are.

Students who intend to offer live ‘acoustic’ performances (rather than technology based ones) will be assessed briefl y at the start to ensure that they are suitably qualifi ed.

ASSeSSMentAS: ‘Infl uences on Music’ (30%), ‘Creating Musical Ideas’ (30%) and ‘Interpreting Musical Ideas’ (40%).

A2: ‘Music in Context’ (20%), ‘Creating Musical Ideas’ (15%) and ‘Musical Performance’ (15%).

MusicA level level 3


potential students should think of this course as the study of music with the aid of technology – the technology serves the music! if you enjoy music and want to learn how to use technology creatively then this is the course for you. you will need to attend ”Coursework Sessions” outside normal college hours on a regular basis (these are technician supported).

The AS year (fi rst year) will involve the submission of a portfolio of coursework (70%) and a written examination (30%). The portfolio will involve sequencing, recording and arranging tasks.

The written paper will cover two Areas of Study: ‘Popular Music Styles since 1910’ and ‘The Principles and Practice of Music Technology’.

In the A2 year (second year) another portfolio of coursework (60%) will be submitted that extends your understanding and skills in sequencing and recording and it will introduce composing in a third area of study: ‘The Development of Technology-Based Music’. A practical/written paper, in which candidates analyse and manipulate provided music tracks, completes the course.

Many students go on to courses in Music Technology at Higher Education on their way to varied careers in music that might include sound engineers, record producers, teaching and IT and Internet related careers. Others use this course as a general entry qualifi cation to any degree course.

enriCHMentThe facilities are available to students at certain times so that they can make music that is not necessarily course-related. Trips and visits are organised periodically.

entry requireMentSGCSE C grades or above in IT subjects and Music are an advantage but by no means essential. The ability to play a musical instrument is an advantage (especially piano) but it is not essential. Talk to the music staff if you are not sure.

ASSeSSMentAS: Externally assessed coursework 70%. Written paper 30%.

A2: Externally assessed coursework 60%. Written/Practical paper 40%.

Music TechnologyA level

Charlotte CarrEx Oaklands Catholic School

Currently studying: English Literature, English Language, Religious Studies and Tudor History

I chose Havant College because of its excellent results, the sociable but close atmosphere and the fact that it offered what I wanted.

I think the teachers are great, always willing to help, whatever. The subjects I chose I also enjoy thoroughly due to the various teaching methods used.

Time with friends is also nice when I’m not working.

Havant College has changed me for the better. I have regained my confidence and I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone.


I chose Havant College because of its excellent results, the sociable but close atmosphere and the fact that it offered what I wanted.

English Literature, English Language, Religious Studies and

Havant College has changed me for the better. I have regained my confidence and I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone.

Currently studying:Tudor History

I chose Havant College because of its excellent results, the sociable but close

I think the teachers are great, always willing to help, whatever. The subjects I chose I also enjoy thoroughly due to the various teaching methods used.

Time with friends is also nice when I’m not working.

Havant College has changed me for the better. I have regained my

Time with friends is also nice when I’m not working.

Havant College has changed me for the better. I have regained my Havant College has changed me for the better. I have regained my confidence and I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone.

Ex Oaklands Catholic SchoolEx Oaklands Catholic School

Currently studying:

Time with friends is also nice when I’m not working.

Havant College has changed me for the better. I have regained my confidence and I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone.

Ex Oaklands Catholic School

I chose Havant College because of its excellent results, the sociable but close atmosphere and the fact that it offered what I wanted. I chose Havant College because of its excellent results, the sociable but close atmosphere and the fact that it offered what I wanted.

I think the teachers are great, always willing to help, whatever. The subjects I chose I also enjoy thoroughly due to the various teaching methods used.

Time with friends is also nice when I’m not working.

Currently studying: English Literature, English Language, Religious Studies and

level 3

Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

57Music > Performing Arts

performance Studies is for students who want to integrate drama, music and dance in one dynamic course. it develops qualities of imagination, sensitivity and artistic knowledge and understanding. you will acquire skills, analyse repertoire in each of the discrete art forms and study approaches to performance that unite them. you will devise original pieces of work and perform existing repertoire. through the study of practitioners and genres, you will be introduced to the cultural, social and historical contexts in which the performing arts operate and you will evaluate your own performance work in this wider context. you will gain understanding of performance theory and develop the ability to discuss your practical work using appropriate technical and expressive language.

AS: At AS Level you will take part in a variety of skills-based workshops in each of the discrete art forms. You will then perform a short piece in each individual art form and a longer piece that combines elements of all three art forms at a community venue. You will produce a written commentary on the practical work (excluding the skills workshops) including analysis of the final performance piece. In addition, you will study the work of two practitioners, e.g. one drama practitioner and one dance practitioner, or one music practitioner and one drama practitioner.

A2: At A2 level you will study a number of extracts of works from one of the following topics:

Post-modern approaches to the Performing Arts •since 1960.Politics and Performance since 1914.•The Twentieth Century American Musical. •Approaches to Performance in the Far East. •

In addition, you will undertake two performance assessments. These consist of a performance realisation of one set work (this may be in a single art form or a combination of art forms) and a student devised performance produced in response to a commission chosen from a selection set by the examination board.

The course will provide you with the ideal basis for any aspect of the entertainment industry or for university courses. It is also a good grounding for any profession where interacting with others is paramount.

enriCHMentDuring the course you will get the opportunity to attend a variety of theatre trips and participate in professional in-house workshops. You will also participate in a number of College Showcases. In addition, you will have the opportunity to work backstage and learn how to use sound and lighting equipment for the college shows.

entry requireMentSIdeally a Grade C or above in English Language. A keen interest in the performing arts is essential. This course requires no previous experience but a GCSE in Drama, Dance, Music or Expressive Arts would be advantageous.


unit G401:• Creating Performance: internally assessed coursework (70% of the total AS marks).unit G402:• Performance Contexts 1: externally assessed (30% of the total AS marks).

These two units form 50% of the corresponding four unit Advanced GCE.

A2: unit G403:• Performance Contexts 2: externally assessed (15% of the total A2 marks).unit G404:• Performance Project: externally assessed practical unit (35% of the total A2 marks).

Performance StudiesA level

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelS Do you want to work in the performing arts industry as a performer, director or arts administrator? then this exciting performing arts course is for you. We will help you develop as a performer as well as learn new skills in performance technology and arts administration.

Throughout the two years you will have opportunities to perform and visit


You will explore units which include: performance workshop, rehearsing, devising plays, acting, script writing, classical and contemporary theatre.

HoW iS tHe CourSe ASSeSSeD?The course is continuously assessed by a range of methods which include performances, written assignments, research and presentations.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and Higher Education (universities and colleges).

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in: performance support, workshop leadership and administration for performance.

Performing ArtsbteC nAtionAl DiploMA

level 3

level 3

If you decide to go to university or college you could take a degree or a BTEC Higher National in subjects such as: performing arts, performance design and management and media performance.


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Physical EducationA level

PhilosophyA level

philosophy seeks to answer the questions which other subjects fi nd too diffi cult: questions such as ‘Does the world exist?’ and ‘Do human beings have free will?’ in the AS and A2 courses, students fi rst of all get to grips with what the questions mean and then move on to assess whether philosophers have been successful in their attempts at providing answers.

the AS course will explore issues in the following areas:

What do we know and how do we know it?•How do we acquire knowledge? •

Is it only through our senses or can we gain knowledge through intuition or by some other means? Some philosophers believe that the world we experience is a virtual reality and that there is no world of matter. Are they right?

What do we mean by ‘God’ and is there something that exists which corresponds to our defi nition?

God has been described as all powerful, all knowing, transcendent and imminent, but do these characteristics fi t together? If they do, can we move from the idea of God to establishing God’s existence? If God does exist how, if at all, does He interact with the world?

What is a person and do they have free will? If a person is defi ned as a rational and self-conscious being, could computers and some animals be described as persons?

Do persons make choices or are they just complicated pieces of matter following the laws of physics?

The A2 course builds on the topic areas covered in the fi rst year, developing a greater appreciation of: Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Mind.

In addition, students will be required to study a philosophical text, Descartes’ ‘Meditations’, which allows them to see at fi rst hand how a philosophical argument is put together, and how even the greatest minds make mistakes.

enriCHMentOpportunities in Philosophy AS and A2 courses could include visiting speakers and revision workshops.

Philosophy helps to develop skills of analysis that are useful in many areas of the academic and business worlds. Philosophical issues appear in all academic disciplines at a higher level, and so Philosophy AS and A2 are welcomed by university departments. In a business environment, an individual with the ability to think through a problem from an unusual perspective is a valuable asset – ”Philosophy is, in commercial jargon, the ultimate transferable work skill.” (The Times).

entry requireMentSIdeally GCSE grade C or above in English Language.

this is an academic and practical study of physical education, opening the door to a vast array of university sports courses.

Where did football start? Do you know your gastrocnemius from your illiopsoas? Why is playing badminton no good for tennis players? Study this course and fi nd out.

AS: Modules include:

Anatomy & Physiology.•The Acquisition of Skill.•Socio-cultural Studies. •

There will be one practical lesson per week which will allow the students to be assessed in performance skills within a chosen sport and coaching or offi ciating.

A2: Modules include:

Exercise Physiology.•Sports Psychology.•History of Sport.•

Students will also have one practical session in which they will be assessed in one chosen activity, this can be either performance, coaching or offi ciating; they will also be assessed through the synoptic evaluation of another student’s performance.

entry requireMentSIdeally a grade C or above in double or single science at GCSE.

ASSeSSMentAS and A2: Theory 60% and Practical 40%.

level 3

level 3


Jamie MarriottEx Bourne Community College

Currently studying: Media, Communication and Culture, Psychology and History

I chose Havant College because it is quality, and local. I most enjoy the banter, and the library is top notch.

When I leave I want to go to London Metropolitan University to study Media and Public Relations.

I think people reading this prospectus should attend the greatest college in the world!

59Performance Studies > Physical Education

PhysicsA level

you do not have to look far to see that physics is a rapidly changing subject. research into light, lasers and electronics has brought us plasma screens and the DvD. in medicine, physics enables us to ‘see’ inside the body and to invent new materials to improve diagnosis and the treatment of patients. in our homes, fibre-optic cables and satellite links bring us instant news from around the world.

Physics also seeks to answer questions about the universe. If you are interested in questions like ‘Where does the sun get its energy?’, ‘What is electricity?’, ‘What is anti-matter?’… then Physics could be for you!

With an emphasis on a practical approach, you will study areas which will include:

Car Safety.•Electrons, Waves and Photons.•Medical Imaging.•Modelling the Universe.•

Studying physics allows you to:Appreciate how society makes decisions about •scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society.Demonstrate a deeper appreciation of the skills, •knowledge and understanding of how science works.Develop essential knowledge and understanding •of different areas of Physics and how they relate to each other.Apply scientific ideas to problems in everyday life.•

enriCHMentThe subject area has organised several visits to local universities and companies to look at the way scientific and technological ideas are applied. Links with universities allow students to attend talks to broaden their knowledge of the subject.

entry requireMentSIdeally you will need a grade C in GCSE Maths and in Double Science or Physics. We recommend that you should also have a grade C in GCSE English. If you have alternative qualifications, such as an Intermediate GNVQ in Science, we would be pleased to consider them.

ASSeSSMentAS: There are two written examinations in the first year, one to be taken in January and the other in June, plus one internally marked unit Practical Skills in Physics 1.

A2: There are two further written exams in Year 2 along with a further internal assessment of Practical Skills.


Are you fascinated by the human mind and how it works?

Then welcome to the fascinating world of Psychology. This course promises to hold the attention of anyone who finds human behaviour interesting! It combines theoretical study and practical activities which will help you understand how our mind works, in such areas as, Behaviour, Social Psychology, Bio-psychology and what makes people different.

Each area provides contrasting approaches to the study of human behaviour illustrating the diverse and sometimes unusual nature of the subject! Trips and guest speakers are a feature of this course.

Students may then progress onto the AS course in Psychology where related topics are studied to a greater depth.

entry requireMentSYou do need to be enthusiastic, organised and hard working, with a good grasp of GCSE English Language and Mathematics to succeed on this course.

ASSeSSMentYou will sit two one hour written examinations and submit one piece of coursework.

The Christmas Ball and Leavers Ball were both wonderful evenings and a chance to dress up and let your hair down.

Emma Thomas Ex Warblington School

level 3 level 2


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Religious StudiesA level

Do you ever leave a room without turning out the light? How many pairs of shoes do you really need? the religious Studies course allows you to look at the world and your place in it from a particular point of view. you will try to answer questions such as ”Should a young person be given medical treatment in preference to an old person?”; ”is happiness all that people desire?”; ”Are there such things as miracles?” and ”Does the beauty and intricate design of the world we live in prove that God exists?” these issues, and many more, will be dealt with at AS level both from the point of view of the major world faiths and from a scientific point of view. you will be prepared very thoroughly for the two exams which you take at the end of the course.

During the second year (the A2 part of the course) you will discuss what happens after death (if anything) and study what religions have said about what should be the link between religion and moral behaviour. You will also have to study the use of ‘myth’ in religion and how religious symbols are used. Once again, you will be fully prepared for the exams which take place at the end of the course. Religious Studies is accepted by all universities as an AS Level or A Level.

enriCHMentYou will be able to attend Sixth Form Conferences at places such as Chichester Cathedral and there will be a number of visiting speakers. There will be opportunities to attend conferences.

entry requireMentSIdeally GCSE grade C or above in English Language. If you have taken the full GCSE in Religious Studies you are usually expected to have gained a grade C or above. This course welcomes people who have never studied the subject at school.

ASSeSSMentAS: Two written examinations at the end of the first year.

A2: Two written examinations at the end of the second year.

PsychologyA level

psychology applies the methods of the natural sciences to the study of human behaviour and thinking. it has been introduced as the new science of the 21st century. it combines skills in research methods, literacy, statistical analysis and critical evaluation in a unique way. Students will study classic and contemporary psychological research reports in year one. year two considers the application of psychological concepts and advanced research methods.

AS: Fifteen studies drawn from the core areas of Cognitive, Social, Developmental, Physiological and Individual Differences provide the focus for comparison of the different approaches and methods involved in the subject. Advanced psychological concepts are introduced and developed throughout the course providing an important springboard for in-depth consideration of the application of Psychology in the second year.

A2: In year two, students study two from three specialist options: Health and Clinical Psychology, Psychology of Education and Forensic Psychology. The options are delivered in a linear way with examinations in June. Opportunities are provided for students to attend national workshops on varied aspects of the syllabus which are very popular with students and staff. Students recently attended a two day residential conference at Warwick University which focused on Forensic Psychology and its application to Crime. Students also visit Marwell Zoo in the first year to conduct a data collection exercise observing various animals, including primates. A number of guest speakers are arranged, where appropriate, in both years.

Psychology is a fascinating and lively subject studying both human and animal behaviour. It is a very popular subject in which students learn scientifically related research skills. Psychology is one of the best performing subjects in the college with outstanding results!

entry requireMentSIdeally at least a grade C in GCSE Maths, English Language and a single or double Science among the 4/5 or more GCSEs.

ASSeSSMentAS: One exam on the Core Studies, one on Research Methods.

A2: Two exams (one for each chosen option) and one on Research Methods.

level 3 level 3

61Psychology > Society Health & Development

Special cases: don’t move down

Perspective on Science (Extended Project)aS level

History, philosophy and ethics of Science. this is an exciting AS level, supported by the royal Society: it is aimed at year 2 students looking for a fourth AS in their second year. the course will be particularly useful to students of science at university e.g. Medicine, veterinary Science, natural Sciences etc. it should help in entrance interviews for these courses. unusually, there is no set syllabus for this AS, or external exam. in the first term students study aspects of history, philosophy and ethics as these relate to science. in the second term the students research and write their project, as part of the new ”extended project scheme”.

ASSeSSMentThe course is assessed by a written research project on a title of the student’s own choice, followed by a presentation of their findings to a group of their peers and staff.

the title of the project will fall into one of the following categories:

The Origins of the Universe.•The Human Mind.•The Beginning and Ending of Life.•Genetics.•Scientific Revolutions.•The Mechanistic Universe.•


not achieved the science grade you need to go onto the next step?

ever puzzled about any of the following questions or issues:

Why do some species become extinct, and does •it matter?Is organic food better for us?•Do we need nuclear power?•Is it safe to sunbathe?•Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?•What is cloning, and should it be allowed?•

If so, then this would be a good science option. It could complement any of the full range of BTECs or be part of a GCSE programme. A science GCSE would also be a useful qualification to have for any job application.

this enjoyable course has been chosen to give you a scientific experience which will help you:

Recognise the impact of Science and •technology on everyday life.Make informed personal decisions about issues •and questions that involve science.Understand and reflect on the information •included in (or omitted from) media reports and other sources of information.

It consists of five units which can be taken in January and June.

Obtaining at least a grade C must be your goal.

The Higher Diploma is a Level 2 qualification and equivalent to 7 GCSEs A*-C.

The Advanced Diploma is a Level 3 qualification and equivalent to 3.5 A Levels.

the Diploma in Society Health & Development (SHD) is for 14-19 year old learners who seek to acquire knowledge and develop skills in the broad context of health, social care, justice and the children and young people’s sectors.

Areas that you may study include: Patient Health. •Human Growth & Development. •Supporting Children. •Preventing anti-social behaviour.•Disability care.•

The SHD Diploma will provide a programme that emphasises the values, attitudes, knowledge, understanding and skills common across the diverse nature and breadth of the sectors but also provides the relevant specialisations for young people with a diversity of aspirations.

the teaching and learning across the range of sector topics is undertaken by staff who are experts in their field, and is intrinsically linked to employers and the practice settings including:

Practical visits to •hospitals and nurseries. Real life case studies.•Student conferences. •First aid training. •Access to virtual •learning environments. Advice on career •progression in health, society and development.

ASSeSSMentThe Diplomas are both internally and externally assessed.

Society Health & Development (SHD)14 – 19 DiploMA

level 3

level 2

level 2 & 3


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Community Sports Leaders AwardCSla

SociologyA level

Why are you thinking of staying on in education? you might believe that this is your own free choice but are you just being moulded by the social structure that surrounds you? the social class of your parents, your gender and ethnic group can all determine how you behave as an individual. Sociologists study many aspects of social life using a wide variety of theories and research methods to examine the relationship between the individual and society.

the AS course consists of two modules:‘Exploring Socialisation, Culture and Identity’ and ‘Topics in Socialisation, Culture and Identity.’ Within these modules subjects include youth culture, masculinity, femininity and social class. Second year modules are ‘Power and Control’ and ‘Social Inequality and Difference’. Within these modules we study crime and deviance, poverty and inequalities in the workplace. At both levels and in each module, research methods are integrated, allowing them to be studied in context.

enriCHMentIncludes a talk by our local police, a visit from Portsmouth University’s Criminology Department and a visit to the Offi ce of National Statistics to learn how and why the Census is produced. Whether you are hoping to continue studying at university or to pursue a career, Sociology can help to provide you with the appropriate skill of analysis and is particularly appropriate for students interested in journalism, law, teaching, personnel, advertising, marketing, politics, the police or nursing.

entry requireMentS:Ideally at least a GCSE grade C in English Language.

ASSeSSMent:AS: One exam in January, one exam in May.

A2: One exam in January, one exam in June.

Callum WilsonEx Chichester High School for Boys

Currently studying: PE, Psychology and English Literature

I chose Havant College because I needed a change and it offered a good academic prospect.

I most enjoy the fact that it’s far more independent, and that you are able to both relax and work.

When I leave I want to take a year out travelling, and then go to Uni.

the Community Sports leaders Award (CSlA) is a nationally recognised qualifi cation awarded through the Sports leaders uK. it is taught over

a period of two terms in three sessions per week. the lessons are mainly practical and require the students to demonstrate a positive attitude, sound organisation, communication and commitment. Students should be enthusiastic, reliable and able to use their initiative.

the course covers seven taught units: Organisational Skills. •Know your Friends. •Fitness for Sport. •Events and Competitions.•Improvisation of Activities.•Games and Activity Experience. •Safety in Sport.•

Unit 8 calls for the students to carry out a minimum of 10 hours voluntary leadership in their own time.

All the taught units are practical and the students are expected to develop theie leadership skills through physical experiences. There may be the opportunity to gain coaching qualifi cations as part of this course.

Community Sports Leaders AwardCSla

the Community Sports leaders Award (CSlA) is a nationally recognised qualifi cation awarded through the Sports leaders uK. it is taught over

a period of two terms in three sessions per week. the lessons are mainly practical and require the students to demonstrate a positive attitude, sound organisation, communication and commitment. Students should be enthusiastic, reliable and able to use their initiative.


GCSe Sociology will introduce you to the basic ideas, terms and concepts required to look at the society around you. this is a one year,

higher tier qualifi cation. the course combines theoretical study and practical activities and will increase understanding of the social world. Students may progress onto the AS course where similar topics are studied in more depth.

After being introduced to the basic terms and concepts, students will focus on studying various social institutions and processes including the family, crime and deviance, population, poverty and social class. Students will also study sociological research methods and produce a piece of coursework.

Assessment consists of one written exam (Higher tier) andone coursework project.

Students will also be expected to submit various pieces of set work during the academic year, in order for their progress to be monitored.

ASSeSSMent:Sociology develops students’ knowledge, understanding, skills of analysis and evaluation. To study Sociology you are expected to be enthusiastic, organised and hard working with a good level of English Language and Mathematics.A2: One exam in January, one exam in June.


level 2 level 3

level 2


Higher Sports Leaders AwardHSla

this course follows on from the Community Sports leaders qualifi cation which must be completed fi rst. it extends many of the skills identifi ed in the CSlA course. you do not need to be a high-level sports performer; you do need to develop leadership qualities in a variety of situations. Successful completion of this course will attract 30 uCAS points.

the course is made up of eight units:Introduction.•Sports Leadership in the Community.•Introducing Children to Sport.•Disabled People and Sport.•Fitness and Health.•First Aid.•A National Governing Body Award.•Organising and Running a Sports Event.•

The Higher Sports Leaders course is suitable as a fourth subject for anyone looking at people-management careers, not necessarily in the sporting fi eld.

enriCHMentThe opportunity to develop your skills for the benefi t of the local community. There is close liaison with the local sports council and special schools.

entry requireMentSStudents must have The Community Sports Leaders Award. This course is ideal for a second year student. (Students to be aged 18 at the conclusion of the course).

ASSeSSMentContinuous assessment which will include maintaining an up to date diary, there may also be external moderation.

It will also be necessary for candidates to complete a minimum of 30 hours voluntary work in the local community and they will also need to obtain a national governing body award.

SportbteC FirSt DiploMA

the uK will be running the 2012 olympics.

There will be thousands of job opportunities in sport – player, coaching, recreation assistant, sports manager and sports administration.

This course has a large element of practical work.

The BTEC First Diploma is a one year full time course that is equivalent to 4 GCSEs. On successful completion you can progress onto a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

First Diploma(Six units/equivalent to four GCSE grades A*-C)

WHAt DoeS tHe CourSe ConSiSt oF?you will study three core units:

The Sports Industry.•Health, Safety and Injury.•Preparation for Sport.•

And three specialist units:The Body in Sport.•Sports Leadership skills.•Work-based Project.•

HoW Will i be ASSeSSeD?There are no formal exams in a BTEC course. You will complete a range of assignments and be assessed as you progress through the course.

Are tHere pArtiCulAr entry requireMentS?None – entry to this course will be through discussion with staff.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

Sociology > Sport

Community Sports Leaders AwardCSla

This is a good basic qualifi cation for any student interested in Camp America or getting involved in any leisure or recreational careers.

entry requireMentSEnthusiasm and the willingness to participate in physical activities. (Students must be a minimum age 16 at the start of the course).

ASSeSSMentit will be necessary for students to keep an accurate log of their lessons and their participation. Continual visual assessment will take place, a minimum of 90% attendance at lessons is required and external moderation may also be necessary.

I enjoy socialising and playing in the college sports teams.

Sam TreagusEx Springfi eld Technology College

level 3 level 2


Full time courses 2009 // Call 023 9248 3856 for course details

Travel & TourismA level

this course will give you a broad introduction to the travel and tourism industries. employment opportunities in these areas are growing rapidly and are many and varied: from working in travel agencies and hotels to working for tour operators and conference organisers. this course is classroom-based and includes the study of a number of travel and tourism organisations and facilities.

in your fi rst year you will study the following three units:

Introducing Travel and Tourism (external exam/ •focuses on key areas that make up the Travel & Tourism Industry). Customer Services (portfolio exploring customer •service provision in a chosen company).Travel Destinations (portfolio which allows you to •investigate a short and long haul destination of your choice).

in your second year you will study the following three units;

Event Management (portfolio/as a small team •you will plan, execute and evaluate a Travel & Tourism based project of your choice). Tourism Development (external exam •investigating how and why tourism is developed). A Guided Tour (portfolio in which you will plan, •carry out and evaluate your own guided tour).

Previous students have found employment in a variety of areas, from working in a travel agency or as a holiday representative, to careers in the hotel and catering industries. Many students fi rst study a related course at university, such as Tourism Management or International Hospitality.

enriCHMentStudents will take part in a number of day visits to local travel and tourism facilities, such as hotels and visitor attractions. They will also have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit abroad: previous destinations have included Paris, Barcelona, New York and Florida.

entry requireMentSIdeally a grade C in English Language GCSE.

ASSeSSMent33% written exam and 67% coursework, which may include projects, case studies, presentations and assignments.

Sport and PerformancebteC nAtionAl DiploMA

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelSthe bteC national Diploma course is a practical sports course run over two years. you learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

As well as learning about the employment area you have chosen, you develop the skills you need to start a career in the sports industry.

the eight core units of work are:The Body in Action.•Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise.•Health and Safety.••TrainingandFitness.•SportsNutrition.•PsychologyofSportsPerformance.•TechnicalandTacticalSkillsinSport.

•TheAthletes’Lifestyle.Specialist units•Sports Coaching.


•AnalysisofSportsPerformance.•SportandExerciseMassage.•Rules,regulationsandofficiatinginSport. •Workbasedexperienceinsport.

HoW iS tHe CourSe ASSeSSeD?Continual internal assessment completing units of work matched to each unit with External Moderation in each year.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and Higher Education (universities and colleges).

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in a range of careers including: Sport and Leisure industry, instructors, teachers, coaching, sports administration and sports development.

Sport. •Workbasedexperienceinsport.

HoW iS tHe CourSe ASSeSSeD?Continual internal assessment completing units of work matched to each unit with External Moderation in each year.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and Higher Education (universities and colleges).

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in a range of careers including: Sport and Leisure industry, instructors, teachers, coaching, sports administration and sports development.

level 3 level 3

65Sport > Travel & Tourism

Travel & TourismbteC FirSt DiploMA

by 2010 travel and tourism will be the world’s biggest industry.

The variety of jobs within Travel and Tourism is tremendous: and includes air cabin crew, overseas representative, travel consultant, leisure manager.

This course is portfolio based and offers you good opportunities for progression.

The BTEC First Diploma is a one year full time course that is equivalent to 4 GCSEs. On successful completion you can progress onto a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

WHAt DoeS tHe CourSe ConSiSt oF?you will study three core units:

The UK Travel & Tourism Industry.•Exploring Customer Service.•UK Travel & Tourism Destinations.•

you will also need to complete three of the following five specialist units:

Exploring Marketing in Travel & Tourism.•European Holiday Destinations.•Business Skills for Travel & Tourism.•Development Employability Skills for Travel & •Tourism.Planning a visit for Travel & Tourism.•

HoW Will i be ASSeSSeD?There are no formal exams in a BTEC course. You will complete a range of assignments and be assessed as you progress through the course.

Are tHere pArtiCulAr entry requireMentS?None – entry to this course will be through discussion with staff.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?On successful completion you can progress on to a BTEC National Diploma or into the world of work.

Travel & TourismbteC nAtionAl DiploMA

nAtionAl DiploMA iS equivAlent to 3 A levelSthis course enables you to learn about and seek work in the ever-expanding travel and tourism industry.

You will have the opportunity to study areas such as marketing in travel & tourism, customer services, European and long haul destinations etc. Your experiences on this course will enable you to follow specific career pathways including holiday representatives, travel agents, work in theme parks, conference centres, tourist information centres, airports or holiday companies.

you will explore units which include: Customer services.•Marketing. •Visitor attractions.•

HoW iS tHe CourSe ASSeSSeD?The course is continuously assessed by a range of methods which include role play, workplace or simulated environments, written assignments, research and presentations.

WHAt CAn i Do At tHe enD oF tHe CourSe?BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and higher education (universities and colleges).

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in the Travel and Tourism industry in careers such as Tour Operators or Travel Agents.

If you decide to go to university or college you could take a degree or a BTEC Higher National in Travel and Tourism Management.

level 2 level 3


Accounting A Level 26Archaeology A Level 27Art & Design GCSE 27Art & Design A Level 28Art & Design BTEC First Diploma 28Art & Design BTEC National Diploma 29Art & Design Pre-Degree Foundation Diploma 29Astronomy GCSE 30Biology GCSE 30Biology A Level 30Business Studies A Level 31Business BTEC First Diploma 32Business Studies BTEC National Diploma 32Business, Administration and Finance 14-19 Diploma 33Chemistry A Level 33Classics: Ancient History A Level 34Classics: Classical Civilisation A Level 34Communication & Culture A Level 35Computing A Level 35Creative & Media 14-19 Diploma 36Critical Thinking A Level 36Dance A Level 36Design & Technology A Level 37Drama & Theatre Studies A Level 37Economics A Level 38Electronics GCSE 38Electronics A Level 38English GCSE 39English Language A Level 39English for speakers of other Languages ESOL 39English Language & Literature A Level 40English Literature A Level 40Environmental Science GCSE 41Environmental Studies A Level 41Film Studies GCSE 42Film Studies A Level 42General Studies A Level 42Geography A Level 43Geology A Level 43Government & Politics A Level 44Health & Social Care A Level 44History A Level 45History of Art (Art of the Western World) A Level 45Human Biology A Level 46Information & Communication Technology A Level 46Information Technology 14-19 Diploma 47IT Practitioners First Diploma 47Information Technology BTEC National Diploma 48IT Practitioners National Award 48The International Baccalaureate IB Diploma 49Japanese Certificate 50Japanese GCSE 50Japanese A Level 50Law A Level 51Leisure Studies A Level 51Free Standing Mathematics (Qualifications) Certificate 52Mathematics GCSE 52Mathematics A Level 52Media studies GCSE 53Media A Level 53Media BTEC First Diploma 53Media BTEC National Diploma 54Modern Foreign Languages GCSE 54Modern Foreign Languages A Level 54Music A Level 55Music Technology A Level 56Performance Studies A Level 57Performing Arts BTEC National Diploma 57Philosophy A Level 58Physical Education A Level 58Physics A Level 59Psychology GCSE 59Psychology A Level 60Religious Studies A Level 60Science GCSE 61Perspective on Science (Extended Project) AS Level 61Society Health & Development (SHD) 14-19 Diploma 61Sociology GCSE 62Sociology A Level 62Community Sports Leaders Award CSLA 62Higher Sports Leaders Award HSLA 63Sport BTEC First Diploma 63Sport BTEC National Diploma 64Travel & Tourism A Level 64Travel & Tourism First Diploma 65Travel & Tourism BTEC National Diploma 65

HoW Do i Apply?Complete the application form in this prospectus and send it to the Admissions Officer at the College or, if you attend one of our local partner schools, hand it to the Careers Co-ordinator at your school. You can also apply online using our website www.havant.ac.uk.

Havant College has a policy of interviewing all applicants and individual interviews will be arranged on receipt of an application form. You can attend the interview on your own or with your parents. This interview is informal and gives the applicant the opportunity to find out more about the college. You are asked to bring some evidence of your prior levels of academic achievement to your interview. This may consist of academic reports and your predicted grades profile if available. Records of Achievement will be considered if you have completed such documentation.

WHen SHoulD i Apply?Applications are accepted at any time throughout the year but it is always advisable to return your application as soon as possible in the autumn term. Interviews for students wishing to enrol in the following August commence in the previous October. There are no tuition or examination fees for home students aged 16-19, students whose parents have the right of abode in the United Kingdom or students from countries in the European area. Overseas students are welcomed and should contact the college for details of tuition fees and enrolment processes. Where a student wishes to re-take an examination which has previously been part of his or her college course, the student is responsible for the fees involved.

CourSe inDeX

New RoadHavantHampshirePO9 1QL

Telephone: 023 9248 3856Fax: 023 9247 0621Email: enquiries@havant.ac.ukweb: www.havant.ac.uk

Editor: Jenni AndrewsProof reading: Havant College staff

Photography: Grant Lynch, Jenni Andrews, Kelly Biggs, Kit Hanson and the staff and students of Havant College.

Designed by: oysterdesign.co.ukPrinted by: PPG Portsmouth

Child protection policy Havant College acknowledges that:

• Youngpeoplefrom16to18haverightstoconfidentiality which must be respected.

• Youngpeopleundertheageof16havesimilarrights, qualifi ed by their age, understanding and vulnerability.

• Youngpeopleover18whomightreasonablybeclassed as ‘vulnerable adults’ have the same rights.

Students should be aware that the college is obliged to have procedures and guidelines in place to inform all staff that they are legally obliged to inform the Child protection offi cer in the college if any student under the age of 18, or any ‘vulnerable adult’ should disclose to them that they, or another young person, are being abused in some way. the abuse might be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect.


S 2606 / 08_08

HoW to FinD uS… by CArFrom A3 (A3M) – Take the exit to Havant, Emsworth and Hayling Island. Turn left and follow the signs to Bedhampton. Take the third exit on the roundabout.Keep to the main road through traffi c lights and bear left.

After about 1.5 miles on your right you will see a Kwik Fit Garage. 90 yards past this turn left onto Barncroft Way, then almost immediately into the College car park on the right.

From M27/A27 – Take the Havant/Hayling Island exit. Head north (Havant) for 0.5 miles until fi rst roundabout, take your fi rst exit (left) and then right into Barncroft Way. The College car park is your fi rst turning on the right.

HoW to FinD uS… by trAinFrom Havant Railway Station – Leave by the main exit and turn right to take the footbridge over the railway line, then left until you reach the roundabout (330 yards). Cross the roundabout into New Road, turn right into Barncroft Way and the College entrance is the fi rst turning on your right.

HoW to FinD uS… by buSHavant is located on all the main bus routes from Portsmouth, Chichester and Fareham.

We care what you think!You will have endless opportunities to tell us what you think about every aspect of your experience of Havant College.

We will make changes in response to your needs.

Our Learner Involvement Strategy is available from reception.

The information in this prospectus is correct at the time of printing.

The college reserves the right to withdraw or change the specification of courses; l imit recruitment to courses; and withdraw progression to the second year of Advanced courses in the event of low progression to those courses.

Ref: ED / 00033387



New Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1QL

Telephone: 023 9248 3856 Fax: 023 9247 0621 Email: enquiries@havant.ac.uk


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