harvest tec automatic preservative application equipment ... · bale preservative harvest tec...

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Bale preservative



be strong be KUHN


Page 8Moisture Monitor

Page 9Bale Marker

Page 10Harvest Tec Applicator

Page 11RFID Tagger

Contents.3 Harvest Tec History4 Harvest Tec for all Balers5 Being the Best6 Complet ing the Baler Package7 Baler’s Choice Preservat ive

600 Series Large Square ISOBUSAutomatic Modules and Applicator8 Moisture Monitor9 Bale Marker10 Harvest Tec Applicators11 Crop Traceability12 ISOBUS Screens13 Choosing an applicator

600 & 400 Series Automatic balerapplicators for round balers14 High output package for round

balers15 600 & 400 Series features for round


600 & 400 Series Automatic balerapplicators for small square balers14 Small square baler systems15 600 & 400 Series features for small square


Electronic Manual applicator for round andsmall square balers 18 Manual operat ion

Page 12Control terminals

Page 14 & 16Round and Small Convent ionalBaler Systems

Following the introduct ion of the first Harvest Tec Automat ic applicator in1996, this has revolut ionised hay and straw baling, and brought it into the21st century.

Harvest Tec has become a leading name for precision equipment for the balermarket and in 2002, Harvest Tec was launched on the UK and Ireland market.

Harvest Tec gives the hay producer a highly accurate and flexible systemut ilising the latest in precision applicat ion technology and Baler’s Choicepreservat ive. It is also commonly used by straw baling operators to clear fieldsmore quickly allowing t ight rotat ional t imings to be followed.

The latest Harvest Tec development is ull integrat ion ut ilising ISOBUStechnology, ready for fitt ing onto new balers and also retro-fitt ing to pre-ownedbalers with suitable ISOBUS compat ibility. All non-ISOBUS balers can ut ilisethe Harvest Tec touch screen.


Harvest Tec applicators and Baler’s Choicehay preservative.

Technology for all farmers producing hay and straw.

The latest Harvest Tec equipment is based around a highly accurate moisturemeter, and now offers ISOBUS compat ibility along with extra high outputsystems for the highest capacity balers.

Depending on the operator’s requirements Baler’s Choice preservat ive will allowhay and straw to be baled at higher than normal moisture whilst st illmaintaining quality.

The marking of high moisture bales and full traceability of the bales is possiblewith Harvest Tec. GPS yield mapping compliments the opt ions for the growerswho ut ilise combine yield mapping and variable rate fert iliser applicat ion.

Harvest Tec Automat ic Applicators have been developed to withstand all thedemands of modern agriculture whilst delivering increased baler output andproducing the highest quality hay and straw with the use of Baler’s Choicepreservat ive.


If you want consistent quality of your hay and straw then ut ilising theright equipment is essent ial.

Harvest Tec Automat ic Applicators are suitable for all sizes of baler anda market leader for moisture accuracy and moisture range applicat ionequipment and traceability.

Harvest Tec with Baler’s Choicepreservative offers you the best.


Being the best means using thebest product.

Completing the baler package.

● Designed and built by engineers with real field experience in Wisconsin, USA

● Leading edge technology

● Consistent moisture accuracy from 8% to 72% on largesquare balers, 8% to 60% on roud balers ans 8% to 32% on small convent ional balers

● Quality bales from Baler’s Choice Preservat ive

● High moisture marking

● Bale traceability on large square balers from field to end user

● GPS yield mapping

● ISOBUS compat ibility linking direct ly through the baler’s integrated ISOBUS system into the tractor ISO VT screen


Baler’s Choice will keep your baler in good condit ion.

Maximise your baler output with up to30% more work a day.

Baler’s Choice Preservat ive is non-corrosive with a pH of 6.0, so that the machinery is kept corrosion free and theoperator handles a much safer product.

Using Baler’s Choice will allow the operator to gain on average 30% more output per day, due to start ing earlier andfinishing later. In a good year or dry climate approximately 20% of the hay is st ill spoilt or sub standard due to moisturefluctuat ions in the crop. Most of the crop may be dry (below 16% moisture) but there will inevitably be some that is notand it is the damp crop which must be treated to prevent spoilage of not only the wet bale, but those bales around it.

Harvest Tec applicators will cont inually monitor moisture and apply Baler’s Choice correct ly, as moistures will fluctuate by up to 5% along a 100m swath.

● Baler’s Choice is between 2—3 t imes stronger than other comparable hay preservat ive products on the market

The main reasons why costs are higher when using substandard products:● If the operator bales at a maximum of 100t/hr

with a large square baler (4.7l/t of Baler’s Choice), with a weaker product at three t imes the applicat ion rate per tonne, the output will be significant ly reduced to 33t/hr

● Increased down t ime due to refilling tank more t imes per day

● Substandard acids and poor buffered acid will corrode the baler and increase cost on wearing parts, such as bearings and pickup cams

There is no substitute for the highest quality and lowoperating cost that Harvest Tec offers every baleroperator and end user!

Moisture% Applicat ion rateBig square up to 19% 1.9 Litres/Tonnebaler 20%-23% 2.8 Litres/Tonne 24%-27% 4.7 Litres/Tonne Convent ional up to 22% 1.9 Litres/Tonneand round balers 23%-26% 3.8 Litres/Tonne 27%-30% 7.4 Litres/Tonne

Application rates


Once the perfect bale has been made, make sure it stays that way.

Module 1Moisture Monitor is the base building block for the Harvest Tec 600 Series system. The Moisture Monitor system is a read only system that links direct ly through a compat ible baler’s ISOBUS system, ut ilising the baler’s powersupply. The moisture meters are accurate to within one percentage point and are unrivalled in the field with arange from 8-72%. The moisture meter ut ilises two star wheels that penetrate the bale each side of the chamber. All Kuhn balers can have Harvest Tec components that you want from new or retrofitted at a later date. If you wishto add other Harvest Tec components at a later point a companion kit will need to be installed to provide addit ional power to upgrade the Moisture Monitor system.

Please contact us to confirm your baler’s compat ibility with this module.

Module 2Moisture Pro is a ‘plugin and play’ moisture readingsystem that is able to accept any of the other Harvest Tecmodules, in any combinat ion, depending on your individual requirements without the need for a companion kit. Jobrecords are fully downloadable with Moisture Pro.

The star wheel is located behind the knotter. It takes areading nine t imes per second and averages every threeseconds for supreme accuracy.


600 Series Large Square ISOBUS Automatic Modules and Applicator

Knowing your accurate moisture isimportant - what next?

Module 3The Bale Marker is the easy and cost effect ive method to mark the bales that have high moisture spots. The Bale Markeris linked direct ly into the Moisture Pro system, if you are using Module 1 Moisture Monitor, remember to ask for thecompanion kit.

Once the alarm point has been set by the operator, the Bale Marker will spray a red food grade dye onto the baleflakes that have moisture readings above the alarm point. Marking high moisture bales allows the operator to store onlybales within their preferred moisture range. All the red marked bales can then be stored separately, as the quality ofthese high moisture untreated bales will be reduced and so they will dry out and not damage surrounding bales.

If high moisture bales are stored with the preferred moisture bales this will cause the preferred moisture bales to spoil aswell, due to moistures equalising in the stack. The Bale Marker is a sure way to keep unwanted moisture from the stackhelping the operator to maximise returns from good quality forage and straw bales.

Straw bale marked when the alarm was set to27% clearly showing the operator that this baleis to wet too be stacked with the rest of theBaler’s Choice treated straw from this field.

Bale Marker tank. There are two spray t ips that can be mounted either on theside or the top of the baler depending on the operatorschoice.

A hay bale marked when the alarm was set to27%, showing the middle sect ion is within thepreferred moisture range, while the end flakeswere above 27% moisture.


600 Series Large Square ISOBUS Automatic Modules and Applicator

Filling and drain point.

Ut ilising two spray t ips per pump, with theopt ion of three spray t ips for baling up to 100tonnes per hour.420 litre tank with three pumps.

Crop Detect ion.

The DCP is the heartof the Baler’sChoice system.

Easy and efficient way to treat high moisturecrops with Harvest Tec applicators applyingBaler’s Choice Preservative.

Module 4The Harvest Tec Automat ic Applicator can be ordered as a complete unit with moisture meter included. Adding the applicator module to yourmoisture meter allows you to automat ically apply the correct amount of Baler’s Choice preservat ive on those higher moisture bales. The systemwill not only keep track of the moisture levels of the bales, but will also display and record the amount of preservat ive being applied and alsohow much was used per individual bale. Harvest Tec is automat ically paused, using sensors on the pickup, when no crop is entering the baler.

The Harvest Tec system needs bale weight and length to calculate baling speed in order to accurately adjust to changes in crop condit ionsthroughout the day.

Controlled by the ECU, the system includes a 420 litre tank that mounts on top of the bale chamber, a 3-pump system, a spray shield locatedin the baler’s pick up, and all the pipe work and cables required to apply Baler’s Choice.

Taking the moisture readings from the star wheels nine t imes a second, the automat ic system adjusts the applicat ion rate every three secondsto match the condit ion of the hay or straw. This precision gives the operator the exact amount of product required to keep the crop in greatcondit ion without wast ing Baler’s Choice.

When Harvest Tec is fitted to non-ISOBUS integrated balers, then the operator uses bale length sensors on the moisture star wheel and alsoest imates bale weight.


600 Series Large Square ISOBUS Automatic Modules and Applicator

Traceability for better feedutilisation and inventory control.

Module 5The Tagger can be added to the Harvest Tec Moisture Pro system or the complete Harvest Tec Automat icapplicator, taking hay and straw producers and their operat ions to the next level.

This system allows operators to take thespecific bale informat ion gathered by theECU and transfers that informat ion direct ly toa RFID tag which is attached to the twine.

The valuable informat ion on the tag is readwith a scanning device, and displayed onthe scanner’s display. The tag does not haveto be in visual contact with the scanner, asthe system works via RFID frequency.

The scanner can be hand-held, mounted on atractor or loader, or even set up as a portalscanner.

The bale informat ion is written to the tag as it leaves thebale chamber.

A permanent vinyl tag is wrapped around the twine, andeach tag holds a radio frequency ident ificat ion chip thatstores the valuable individual bale informat ion (coverremoved).

GPS yield mapping for accurate fert iliser ut ilisat ion.GPS locat ion is also assigned to the tag for balelocat ion when traceability is required for straw biomassplants or the hay needs to a traced back to producer.

Tags can be read in threedifferent ways. When thetags are scanned they arepowered up by the RFIDsignal from the scanner sothe data can be read.

Loader Mounted

Portal frame. Hand held.


600 Series Large Square ISOBUS Automatic Modules and Applicator

Keeping complete control in your hands.

The Harvest Tec touch screen terminal for non-ISOBUS balers.

NEW Harvest Tec 600 Series haypreservat ive applicat ion system plugs direct ly into the Kuhn CCI 200 terminal.

NEW Harvest Tec 600 Series haypreservat ive applicat ion system also plugsinto other ISOBUS terminals.

Other ISOBUS Monitors (11783 Specification)


600 Series Large Square ISOBUS Automatic Modules and Applicator

Choosing an applicator selection guide

Tagger Bale Marker GPS ISOBUS Screen

Complete Applicator Unit

Moisture Monitor

Companion Kit

Moisture Pro


600 Series Large Square ISOBUS Automatic Modules and Applicator




600 & 400 Series Automatic applicators for round balers

Moisture discs accurate to one percentagepoint.

100-220 litre tanks available dependingon baler model.

High output in a professional package for round balers.

The Harvest Tec 600 Series Automat ic applicator is built and designed with the highest output roundbalers in mind. It will accurately apply Baler’s Choice crop preservat ive to both hay and straw withmoisture contents up to 30%, to prevent heat ing and mould growth. The Harvest Tec applicator willcope with the high output and demand of the professional large scale farmer, specialist hay producerand farm contractor using modern round balers with baling speeds of up to 64 tonnes per hour.

The Harvest Tec 400 Series Automat ic applicator is suitable for lower output variable round balers witha maximum baling speed of 36 tonnes per hour.


600 & 400 Series Automatic applicators for round balers

The benefits of the precision Harvest Tec 600 SeriesAutomatic applicators for round balers.● ISOBUS compat ible. Will plug into a tractor’s ISOBUS socket and display all applicator informat ion and sett ings on the tractor’s

terminal but is also supplied with a Harvest Tec Touch Screen ● Suitable for high output fixed chamber and variable belt balers● High output baling ranging between 30 to 64 tonne per hour, precisely apply up to 7.4 litres per tonne of Baler’s Choice ● Accurate moisture reading from 8% to 60% within 1 percentage point of accuracy ● More precise applicat ion due to bale rate monitoring● Moisture is read through the bale from one side to the other nine t imes a second and averaged every three seconds ● Automat ically adjusts preservat ive applicat ion rate to speed of baling, measured by the tail gate sensor in conjunct ion with the

hay indicator crop eyes ● Calibrat ion through bale weight and the seconds taken to form a bale which is set as a default. After the first bale is ejected

automat ic bale rate sensors then adjust all applicator parameters on the go without operator intervent ion● Job records are down-loadable via a USB port, detailed printable records can be viewed on a MS Excel spreadsheet for the

customer, showing all field info and all individual bale records

Entry level Harvest Tec 400 Series Automatic applicatorsfor round balers.● Our entry level system which is designed for the smaller farmer and lower output baler● Suitable for lower output variable belt balers only● Accurate moisture reading from 8% to 32% within 1 percentage point of accuracy ● Moisture is read through the bale from one side to the other nine t imes a second and averaged every three seconds ● Suitable for balers with baling speeds from 15 to 36 tonnes per hour● 63 Job records stored internally within the processor before over-writ ing job 1. Only viewable job records with field record only● Fixed speed baling calibrated via bale weight and the seconds taken to form a bale. Applicat ion rate set via

the Touch Screen, with applicat ion rate changing as moisture changes along the swath● Hay indicator crop eyes for auto on/off


600 & 400 Series Automatic applicators for small square balers

Harvest Tec 600 Series & 400 SeriesAutomatic applicators for small squarebalers.

The Harvest Tec 600 Series and 400 Series Automat ic applicators are built and designed for the professional farmer, contractoror specialist hay producer and will accurately apply Baler’s Choice onto hay and straw with moisture contents up to 30% andprevent heat ing and mould growth. The Harvest Tec applicator will cope with the high output and demand of the professionallarge scale farmer, specialist hay producer and farm contractor using a convent ional small square baler with baling speeds upto36 tonnes per hour.

The Harvest Tec 600 Series and 400 Series use an accurate star wheel system, combined with a baling rate sensor to measurehow fast the star wheel revolves. Based on the bale weight and length, the Harvest Tec applicator measures the baling speedand cont inually adjusts pump output to meet the required Baler’s Choice applicat ion rate.

Automat ic bale rate sensors measure the baling speed,which cont inually alters as crop density changes.Applicat ion of Baler’s Choice is cont inually monitored tomatch baling speed changes and moisture fluctuat ions.

600 and 400 Series ut ilises the three pump system.Each pump is turned on individually as required and

each pump’s output is automat ically altered. The pumpselect ion and output is determined by baling speed,

bale weight and moisture readings.


600 & 400 Series Automatic applicators for small square balers

The benefits of the precision Harvest Tec 600 SeriesAutomatic applicators for conventional small squarebalers.● ISOBUS compat ible. Will plug into a tractor’s ISOBUS socket and display all applicator informat ion and sett ings on the tractor’s

terminal but is also supplied with a Harvest Tec Touch Screen● High output baling ranging between 8 to 36 tonnes per hour, precisely apply between 1.9 and 7.4 litres per tonne of Baler’s Choice ● Accurate moisture reading from 8% to 72% within 1 percentage point of accuracy ● More precise applicat ion due to bale rate monitoring● Moisture is read through the bale from one side to the other nine t imes a second and averaged every three seconds ● Automat ically adjusts preservat ive applicat ion rate to speed of baling and moisture variat ion over each individual bale ● Calibrat ion through bale weight, and the seconds taken to form a bale and is set as a default. Proximity sensors measure baling

speed and cont inuously change applicat ion parameters on the go without operator intervent ion● Stroke plunger counter to enable operator to form consistent, uniform bales● End bale sensor to automat ically reset the default ● Job records are down-loadable via a USB port, detailed printable records can be viewed on a MS Excel spreadsheet for the

customer, showing all field info and all individual bale records ● Optional Bale Marker Module for marking wet bales

Harvest Tec 400 Series Automatic applicators forconventional small square balers.● Our entry level system designed for the smaller farmer or hay producer ● Accurate moisture reading from 8% to 72% within 1 percentage point of accuracy ● Moisture is read through the bale from one side to the other nine t imes a second and averaged every three seconds ● Suitable for balers with baling speeds of 8 to 36 tonnes per hour● 63 Job records stored internally within the processor before over-writ ing job 1. Non downloadable job records, with only the

field average recorded, which can only be viewed on the screen● Calibrat ion through bale weight, and the seconds taken to make a bale and is set as a default. Proximity sensors measure

baling speed and cont inuously change applicat ion to baling speed parameters on the go without operator intervent ion.● No end bale sensor, no automat ic default change● Hay indicator crop eyes for auto on/off

When quality is important for thesmaller producer.

The Harvest Tec electronic manual applicator is available for all makes and model of baler. It is asingle variable output pump which is controlled in the cab. The operator uses the operat ing manual todetermine the tonnes per hour baling speed of the baler.

Based on the highest readings from the moisture meter the operator will then select t ips and pressure toapply Baler’s Choice preservat ive. The applicator requires less init ial capital expenditure but will useon average 25% more preservat ive because hay and straw needs to be treated for the highest moisturereadings that are being baled, whereas in contrast the automat ic system follows the moisture up anddown during the baling process.

The control box for the manual applicatorhas an on/off switch and a dial to controlpump output.

Crop eyes can be added as an opt ion toautomat ically pause the Harvest Tec unit when nocrop is passing over the pickup.

Moisture readings for the manual system are providedfrom the FX2000. This unit will give a cont inuouschamber reading when connected to a 12volt supply.When the operator wishes to test a swath or bale theunit can run from a battery for hand test ing.

FX2000 provides a good guide for small square balerswhen fitted close to the plunger on the cut side of thebale to pick up stem moisture. For round balersplacing the pad 15-25mm off the bottom roller willgenerate a good reading due to the act ion of therotat ing bale against the pad.

For large square balers, using Moisture Monitor is themost accurate and advanced way to monitor themoisture in the bale, with the flexibility to add the fullyautomat ic applicator to maximise the balers capacity.


Electronic Manual applicator for round and small square balers

Our material is produced in accordance with the European Machinery Direct ive in the member states of the European Union. In countries outside the E.U., our machinery complies with the safetyregulat ions set by the country concerned. Some safety devices may have been removed from our leaflets in order to clarify the illustrat ion. Under no circumstances should the machine be operatedwithout the necessary safety devices in place (as specified by the assembly instruct ions and operators manual). We reserve the right to change any designs, specificat ions or materials listedwithout further not ice. Our models and trademarks are patented in more than one country. Machines and equipment in this document can be covered by at least one patent and/or registereddesign. Trademarks cited in this document may be registered in one or several countries.


www.kuhn.comYour KUHN dealer:

Profitable Farming Company LtdMiddle Barlington, Roborough, Winkleigh, Devon, EX19 8AG, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1805 603363 Email: info@pfc-eu.com PFC-06UK151www.pfc-eu.com

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