hardware & software

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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The Physical parts of the computer are called hardware. The user can see and touch the hardware.

Different types of hardware components are as follows:

Input devices such as Keyboard, mouse, joystick etc.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU).

Output devices such as printer, monitor etc.

Storage devices such as disk drive, hard drive -

Components of Hardware:

Different components of computer system are as follows:

Input Devices:

The data and instructions given to the computer are called input. A hardware component used to

enter data and instructions into a computer is called input device. Input devices take data and

instructions from the user and convert it in a form that is understandable by the computer. Most

commonly used input devices are as follows:


Keyboard is the most commonly used input device. Data is mostly entered using a keyboard. The

buttons on the keyboard are called keys. A typical keyboard contains 101 to 105 keys. The

arrangement of keys on keyboard is called keyboard layout. The most popular keyboard layout is


Keyboard is used to type following:

Alphabets(A to Z and a ton z),


Input devices

Output devices

System unit

Storage devices

Communication devices

Numbers (0 to 9),


Symbols like %, $, and # etc.


Mouse is the most widely used pointing device on desktop computers. It is used to input instructions

with a pointer on the screen. Mouse is moved on a flat surface to control the movement of cursor or

pointer on the screen. The mouse is attached to the computer by a cable or wireless connection. A

mouse is mostly used in graphic applications. A mouse usually has two or three buttons. These

buttons are used to selecting an object or operating a program.


A microphone is an input device. It is used to digitally record audio data like such as human voice.

It can be plugged in to a computer or recorder. Many software applications can accept data with

microphone. It enables a user to input text and issue commands orally. The software in the computer

converts the sound waves into digital form. It is then stored in memory and used according to the


Digital Scanner :

Digital scanner is an input device. It is used to read the pictures and other printed materials placed

on its glass. It reads the picture, translates it in digital form and stores it in the computer. Digital

scanner uses laser technology to read images.

Digital camera:

Digital camera is an input device. It stores images digitally in its memory rather than recording on

film. The pictures taken with a digital camera can be transferred to a computer system. Many digital

cameras allow the user to edit images. Digital camera makes photos inexpensive and fast. Most

digital cameras store images in internal flash memory.

PC Camera:

PC camera is used to create movie and take photos on the computer. It is also used to make a video

phone call.

Output Devices:

The data has been processed into useful information is called output. Hardware components are

used to receive information from the computer is called output devices. Output devices take

information from the computer and convert it in a form that is understandable by the users. Soma

important output devices are as follows:



Monitor is the most common output device. The output displayed by monitor is called soft copy. A

monitor looks like a television and displays text and graphics. A monitor is also known as display

screen or simply screen.


A printer is an output device that prints characters, symbols and graphics on paper. Printers are used

in business to print the documents on paper. The printed output is called hard copy. Print resolution

is commonly measured in dots per inch (dpi).Printers with high dpi procedure higher quality output.


A plotter is an output device that is used to produce high quality graphics in a variety of colors.

Plotters are used to create maps, architectural drawings, graphs and charts. A plotter works by

drawing lines on paper using pens held in a mechanical arm.


A type of output produced in the form of sound, voice or music is known as audio output. Speaker

is commonly used audio output device. Many personal computers have internal speaker. The quality

of internal computer is not very high. Some monitors also contain speaker on their sides.

Data Projectors:

Data projector is an output device that projects the output of computer screen into a large screen.

The output projected by data projector can be viewed by a large number of people very clearly. Data

projectors are used in classes to deliver lectures to many students.

Difference between Input and Output devices:

Input Devices Output Devices

1. Input devices give data and instructions

to the computer.

1. Output devices take information from

the computer.

2. Input devices take data and instructions

from the user and convert it in a form that

is understandable by the computer.

2. Output devices take information from

the computer and convert it in a form that

is understandable by the users.

3. Examples of input devices are keyboard

and mouse.

3. Examples of input devices are monitor

and printer.


System Unit:

System unit is a box that contains different electronic components of computer used to process data.

All computer systems have a system unit. The electronic components in system unit are connected

to the motherboard. The motherboard is the communication medium for the entire computer system.

Two main components in system unit are as follow:


CPU stands for central processing unit. It is also called processor. It is the brain of the computer. It

is the most important component of a computer. It interprets and executes the instructions in

computer. A computer cannot work without CPU.


The hardware component that stores data and instructions temporarily is called memory. It consists

of electronic chips that connected to the motherboard. The main memory is also called volatile

memory because its contents are lost when the computer is turned off.

(Frinza Azhar 13023901-030)

Storage Devices:

The devices used to store data and programs permanently are called storage devices. Storage

usually refers to the secondary storage. The main memory stores data and programs

temporarily. The secondary storage is required to store data, information and programs

temporarily. The most common storage devices are floppy disk, hard disk drive, CD-ROM

and USB etc.

Some storage devices are:

Floppy Disk or Disk kittle:

Floppy disk is also called diskette. It consists of a thin disk plastic disk coated with magnetic

material. The disk is enclosed in a plastic jacket. It is a portable storage medium and can be

removed from one computer and inserted into another computer easily.


Hard disk is a type of magnetic disk. It is also called fixed disk because it is fixed in the

system unit. The container contains a motor to rotate to disk. The platter is used to store

data. A platter in a hard disk is coated with a magnetic material.


CD-ROM stands for Compact DISK read-ONLY memory. It can store about 700 MB of

data. CD ROM drive is used to read data from CD_ROM.



USB flash drive is a memory storage device that is connected to a USB port in computer be

mobile device. It is also called thumb drive, key drives, or jump drives. USB flash drive is

very easy to use because it is light in weight and small in size. It can easily be placed in

pocket or attached to a keychain. It is available in different shapes, sizes and capacities. The

storage capacity of USB drive is from 512 MB to 100 GB.


The hardware components used to communicate and exchange data, instructions and

information with other computers are called communication devices, and an important

communication device is called modem. It enables them to communication with other

computer via a telephone line or cable.

(Sidra shabbir 13023901-003)


A set of instruction given to the computer to solve a problem is called software. Software is also

called a program. Different software is used to solve different problems. A computer works

according to the instructions written in software.

Types of Software

System Software Application software

System Software:

System software is set of program required to implement certain functions in a computer system. It

controls the operation of a computer system. It also controls the usage and allocation of difference

hardware component. It enables application programs to execute properly.

Examples of System Software

Examples of system software are as follows:


Operating System

Utility Programs

Device drivers

Type of System Software

Operating System:

An Operating system is a set of programs that manage all computers and operations. A computer

cannot do anything without operating system. Operating system must be installed on every

computer. Users interact with the computer through the operating system. Microsoft Windows and

Linux are examples of operating system software.

Utility Programs:

A utility program is a type of system software that is used for effective management of computer

system. The user can use a utility program to perform maintenance tasks related to different devices

and programs. The utility programs keep the computer system running smoothly. Antivirus and file

compression software are examples of utility programs.

(Maryam Sultana 13023901-016)

Application Software:

Application software is used to perform various applications on the computer. It helps a

computer user to perform specific tasks. People use application software according to their needs.

For example, it provides audio, video and multimedia entertainment to the users. It is also known as

application package.

Categories of application software

The main categories of application software are as follows:

a) Customized Software:

Customized software is a type of application software that is designed for a particular customer or

organization. It is developed to meet the exact requirements of a particular customer or

organization. The cost of customized software is more than packaged software.

Software that is developed for a particular university is an example of customized software.

The software can be developed by single programmer or a team of programmers.


b) Package Software:

Package software is a type of application software that is developed for sale to the general

public. It is also known as off-the-shelf software. It facilitates the people to perform day-to-day

activities. Package software is normally developed by expert programmers.

Examples of package software are as follows:

Word processors




Communication software etc.

Differentiate between system software and application software

The difference between system and application software is as follow:

System Software Application Software

1) It is general-purpose software 1) It is specific purpose software.

2) It is used manage computer resources 2) It is used to solve particular


3) It executes all the time in computer. 3) It executes as and when required

4) The number of system software is less than

application software.

4) The number of application

software is much more than system


5) System software is essential for a computer

to work

5) Application software is not

essential for a computer to work


Difference between software and hardware


The difference between software and hardware is as follows:

Software Hardware

1. Software is a set of instructions

that tell a computer exactly what to do.

1. Hardware is physical parts of

computer that cause processing of data.

2. Software cannot be executed

without hardware.

2. Hardware cannot perform any task

without software

3. Software cannot be touched 3. Hardware can be seen and touched

4. Software is debugged in case of


4. Hardware is repaired in case of


5. Software is reinstalled if the

problem is not saved.

5. Hardware is replaced if the

problem is not solved

(Rida Ijaz 13023901-041)


Book name/computer applications in business

(Written by) Tasleem Mustafa, Tariq mahmood…


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