harbor’s beacon · 5/4/2020  · if you missed some of the women’s bible studies we have done...

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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Pastor’s Notes!

“The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is

not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:5-6

The angel said, “Do not be afraid.” Jesus told his disciples, “Peace be with you!” We need to hear both of these

words today. Do you realize that we haven’t met together since Sunday, March 15th? I am writing this article on

Tax Day in April, which has been moved to the 15th of July. Only one month but it seems like one year! Little did

we know back then what we know now! Our lives have dramatically changed overnight because of the coronavirus

pandemic. I feel like the Israelites did, as you must too, when they were inside their homes waiting for the death

angel to pass over them in Egypt. We can be thankful that we are under the blood of the Lamb too.

In my last newsletter, we were on the beginning side of the coronavirus pandemic. We could worship together as

long as there were less than 50 people. Within 24 hours, it went to less than 10 people. Then everyone was to stay

home for two weeks. We were told that all colleges, schools, restaurants, motels, dentists, hair salons, gyms, casinos,

sports events, bars, churches, etc …. Were to be closed until further notice. Only grocery, gas, liquor stores,

pharmacies, etc ...could be open. People with essential jobs like hospitals, healthcare centers, takeout food only,

construction businesses, etc… are exempt. After 15 days, another 30 days was added which was the whole month of

April. Social distancing, washing of hands, avoiding crowds and only going out for essential food and medical

reasons was encouraged. Now there is debate to re-open the Country so people can go back to work. The official

word on when this will happen has not been decided. Harbor of Joy will continue to Zoom their Sunday morning

worship service until further notice. Just go on the harborofjoy.com website and click “Join Us Virtually”, click “

Open in Zoom Meetings,” then click the blue “join with Video” button, last but not least, click “ join with Computer

Audio” button. Mute your device as you will still hear pastor speak and the service. We are all learning how to do


Whoever would have thought that it would come to this? The women who went to the tomb never thought that they

would see and angel that morning or hear an angel speak to them. The disciples never expected Jesus Christ to show

up in the room that they were in or hear Him speak to them. “Do not be afraid” and “peace be with you” are good

words for us today. This too shall pass and someday soon we will meet together like we used to (hopefully). There

are many silver-linings that are happening as we all go and grow through this together. God is using this virus to

speak to people’s hearts and lives. There is nothing new under the sun. Let’s keep praying for our Country, leaders,

church and community during this time of many unknowns and uncertainty. We can be certain that God is still in



Pastor Tim V.

May 2020

Church Council Communications

Harbor of Joy Lutheran church council

April 14, 2020

The Council Meeting of harbor of Joy Lutheran Church was held on April 14, 2020. it was a “first” for

having a council meeting at our individual homes with technology hosting our meeting with Zoom due to

Corona Virus. President Denny Struck called the meeting to order at 7 pm. The following members were

present: President, Denny Struck; Vice President, Dean Ramsey; Secretary, Linda Johnson; Treasurer,

Karen Sunde; Financial Secretary, Kristi Peck; and council members Angie Lickhart, Scott Berry, Dale

Gehrels, Barb Rohlf, Steve Moore, and Pastor Tim Voth. Devotions and prayer by Denny Struck.

The Secretary’s minutes of the previous meeting approved.

Treasurer’s report and Financial report were approved as read.

Pastor’s Report

Pastor requested a week of vacation May 15-22nd to attend a wedding in ND and spend time with his

mother. Request granted by council. Rick Porter will give sermon on May 17th.

Future Confirmation date will be delayed until fall.

Pastor discussed Wys of telling people we are here for them through this pandemic. As a church, we

can call and just tell people we miss them and listen to any concerns. We can all pray with the people

and direct them to Pastor Tim if they so desire. We will get through this together in these uncertain


The musical has been canceled and Bob Floss hopes to use the same program next year.

All worship services will be via Zoom until further notice.

Property Committee

Dale reported there are two estimates for roofing. We still need a third estimate. We need to do this

spring or early summer. Dale will report at next council meeting.

Landscaping will begin after snow melts. Jason Sargent will be grinding stumps.

Memorial Team

Memorial team will contribute to the LED sign fund.

$500.00 approved for wall decorating in the narthex They will work with building committee.

Missions/Benevolence Team

Jeff Kyle has safely returned. YES!

Promotion/ Media

Zoom on website has been posted in paper and media.

Parish Education for Youth

All activities are currently on hold due to virus guidelines.

It’s great if teachers and volunteers correspond with youth during this virus but be sure to get parental

permission first. Thanks for all you are doing to stay connected and show your love.

Adult Discipleship/small groups

All activities on hold.

Prayer Team

Pray for an end to the virus and disruption it has caused.

Community Outreach and Fellowship Team

Discussion on possible fellowship via Facet time or Zoom.

Old Business

Discussion of LED Sign. Congregation will be updated at annual meeting. Steve brought us up to date and

told us pros and cons of different installers. After decision at annual meeting, we will go ahead with fund


Harbor of Joy float for Pioneer days July 24-26 was discussed. Barb will look into getting a flatbed. She

was given permission to rent what is needed in order to proceed with plans.

10th Anniversary of HOJ is being planned for July hopefully. We are looking into a possible date of July 12th

at Florence Park if we can rent this date. Charly is looking into this for us.

New Business

Annual meeting is delayed until later date pending on virus guidelines.

The meeting closed with Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be May 12, 2020 with devotions and prayer by Barb.

Linda Johnson, Secretary

Landscaping has begun on the North side of the church

Harbor of Joy Library

Well, here we are….another month of self-quarantine. No movie theaters open, no public libraries open, no

Bible Studies at church. I guess that is why our church library has been having more traffic than usual. Ladies,

if you missed some of the Women’s Bible Studies we have done at HOJ, you are in luck! Many of the DVD

studies we have completed are in Charly’s office, ready to be checked out. Also, everyone, be sure to look over

our shelf of movies, and of course, our many books.

Thanks again to all who donated materials this month. Here is a list of the new books.

Teens (upstairs)

When Heaven Invades Earth (for teens) by Bill Johnson

Anyone Can Be Cool...But Awesome Takes Practice by Lorraine Peterson

Chocolate for a Teen’s Spirit by Kay Allenbaugh

On the Run by Bill Myers

Youth (Upstairs)

His Little Princess by Sheri Rose Shepherd

His Mighty Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd


The Ishbane Conspiracy by Randy Alcorn

Crime Scene Jerusalem by Alton Gansky

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving


Battle Cry for a Generation (The Fight to Save America’s Youth) by Ron Luce

Current Events

Islam and Christianity– A Revealing Contrast by james Fauss

Teen’s (Downstairs)

Right From Wrong by Josh McDowell

*****Be praying for a return to our beloved church services and activities!*****

Everyone please keep safe and well.

KIDS R # 1

Kids are # 1

As with every other program at Harbor of Joy, the Joy Kids program has been unique this school year! But “we

know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his

purpose.” (Romans 8:28) We do know that we have been called to this ministry of young people who would not

hear the truth of Jesus Christ if it were not for Harbor of Joy, the Joy Kids program and the wonderful team of

saints that show up on Wednesdays to show and speak the love of Jesus.

This past Fall our lessons were about the Ten Commandments. They were geared to a level our students could

understand and with practical applications to the world we live. They were even good lessons for the teachers to

learn from.

Our Spring session was “Stepping Up – Stepping Out”. Ironically, the last week we met, our story was “The Best in

Hard Times”. It was a comparison of how Gideon trusted God but 10 of the 12 spies who were sent to check out

the promised land of Canaan, didn’t trust God. God worked this timing out so He could be glorified today! He

showed, not only the students, but also the leaders, that He can be trusted through this strange and

unprecedented time.

Since school is cancelled through April, Joy Kids will not meet again this school year. We have been keeping in

touch with the kids through their parents. This has given us an opportunity to minister to their parents also since

they have to read the texts we send. Hopefully, when we have an opportunity to meet in large groups again, we

can have a huge praise celebration with all our church family including “our” kids.

God have mercy on us all,

Patti Griffiths

Prayers Requests:


Monday—Pastor Tim’s day off.

Sunday—Worship service at 9:30 am. On ZOOM

Be sure to sign in a little bit early.

Charly is in the office daily

Prayer Requests:

Roger Gealow, Terry Dirks dad.

Ellen Kay Dirks, Ross’s mom, healing from surgery

Lisa Floss’ brother and sister-in-law, healing from motor vehicle accident.

All face-to-face meetings are cancelled unless you do phone

or zoom meetings.

Please Notify church office of any shut-ins or anyone ill who would appreciate a visit.

1st Saturday of the month is men’s breakfast at Perkins at 7:30 am. (pick up your food and stay

in your cars for your Bible study or chat.)

All communications for June newsletter are due on May 22nd .

Annual Congregational Meeting will be rescheduled when all this virus stuff is done. Have your

reports to the office as soon as you can so I can get things started on the booklet.

Landscaping has been happening on the north side of the church. Tue, Wed, & Thurs, weather permitting

the crew will be there. Anyone wishing to help, come about 9 am. Everyone welcome!


May 2020

Charly’s 2 Cents

“You didn’t choose me! I chose you!” When church members were asked to make prayer shawls for the opening worship

at our annual conference, the response was overwhelming. There were nearly five hundred shawls—loose-knit pastels,

frothy wisps of net, fringed paisley silks and even shawls featuring cowboy scenes. I quickly saw the one I wanted: a black

lace mantilla that would look great with my black dress.

Only I didn’t get to choose. After I took Holy Communion, a youth delegate selected a colorful patchwork of orange,

green, brown and lilac diamonds, cable-stitched and fringed in black. As she draped it around my shoulders, the word that

came to mind was “sturdy.”

At home, I draped the shawl over a chair in my bedroom, thinking I might give it away. Instead, I’ve found myself

reaching for it each time I have a special worry or concern. I prayed for my grandson Ryan when he celebrated his

eighteenth birthday by going skydiving, I wiped tears with the shawl when a tragic accident took the life of a friend, I

appreciated its warmth when an attack of bursitis made moving painful.

The shawl, I realized, was the best possible choice for me! It was strong, sturdy and comforting—a colorful reminder of

God’s everlasting mercy and overflowing grace.

Thank you, Jesus, for the times someone else choses exactly what I need. ~Penny Schwab~

How very blessed we all are to know Jesus chose us on the cross the day He died. His love never ends.

He chose us long before our births or this crazy corona virus pandemic. Praise Him daily.


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